How to have fun celebrating the New Year at home? How to celebrate the New Year at home with your family Where to celebrate ng.

For some reason, many people have hopes, dreams, and grandiose plans for the whole year with the New Year. It’s as if you are stepping over some old milestone and starting a new one, full of pleasant surprises and surprises. And this proverb: “The way you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it” - has sunk firmly into your consciousness and, indeed, you believe in it. Perhaps that is why many people want New Year's Eve to be fun and joyful, they want to celebrate the New Year in an unusual way. To do this, first of all, you need to meet her... rested! How can you have fun until the morning? Set up a beauty salon in your own apartment on New Year's Eve. You will need some advice from the article “Spa salon at home” on the “Sunny Hands” website .

As a rule, in Russia and Ukraine the New Year is celebrated in family circle or a group of friends. At most, after the feast, some go to the square to admire the lights on the city Christmas tree. Traditionally, there is an “Olivier” salad or a “Winter” salad on the table, see the link for the salad recipe, after the chimes everyone runs out to the balcony to watch the festive fireworks, and then everyone begins watching good old comedies on TV.

Personally, I have never had to celebrate the New Year in an unusual way. I will share my impressions and advice.

On the square.

It's really fun and exciting if you have good company. I remember how the girls and I prepared a lot of delicious things, the table was bursting with delicacies. We started celebrating at nine o'clock in the evening. And at midnight they were already standing like a bayonet near the city Christmas tree, prudently taking champagne with them. Lights, garlands, everything glows, music plays, chimes strike, after the last strike, cries are heard from everywhere: “Happy New Year!” Everyone congratulates each other, clinks plastic glasses with champagne, dances slow and fast dances. You raise your head, and snow flakes are falling from the sky. And at home the banquet is expected to continue!

Don't forget about gifts for your friends! Not enough imagination? We will help you! Interesting ideas you will find gifts in article by the author of the website “Sunny Hands” Oksana Chistyakova which she shared in THIS ARTICLE .

At the disco.

To be honest, I can’t answer unequivocally whether I liked celebrating the New Year this way or not. There is no need to do it once at a time here. A lot depends on the DJ, repertoire and, of course, the company.

Once I really enjoyed celebrating the New Year on the dance floor to fiery rhythms. Then there was funny company of girls and boys.

Other times it was a bit boring. The music was loud enough to make it impossible to communicate. And the hits themselves were not an acquired taste. The promised holiday program was also not observed. In general, the New Year at a disco can go with a bang, or it can disappoint. Therefore, choose a nightclub more carefully to be sure that the DJ will not let you down with the music and so that you don’t have to get bored during the New Year’s program and wait for it to end. In this case, of course, you cannot do without beautiful dress. It will help you choose a model that fits you perfectly article “How to choose an evening dress?” on our website .

In a hotel.

An excellent option when you want to celebrate the New Year in an original and unusual way, you want a holiday, but you don’t want to get exhausted while preparing it. Now large hotels offer all kinds of New Year's entertainment programs. It has become very fashionable to organize themed parties. For example, New Year's Eve in gangster style, when all guests must dress in costumes of the 30s: ladies in boas, men in classic striped suits, hats and suspenders. Competitions and games are respectively held on the theme of “Cosa Nostra”. Or a Texas party in the style of the Wild West: fiery country music, cowboy costumes, horseback riding! There are actually a lot of variations. It can be a Hawaiian party or a star party, when hotel guests in luxurious dresses and suits can walk along the red carpet. Choose the option that suits you best.

What are the advantages of celebrating the New Year at a hotel: you just need to think about your outfit and take it with you great mood! Festive table with goodies, entertainment, dancing - all this will be prepared for you. As a rule, the next day the New Year celebration continues in hotels, which is called the “hangover party.” Light snacks in the morning, invigorating drinks, sightseeing tours or wellness treatments at the SPA center.
Take yourself a short 2-3 day vacation and relax with your soul, why not? Great start to the New Year! I especially recommend this option for couples. Unfortunately, nowadays we are all always in a hurry, there are so few opportunities to be alone, talk, enjoy each other. And such a vacation in a hotel is just what you need. Editor-in-Chief of the Sunny Hands website Anastasia Gai spoke in great detail about why it is so important to spend time together for a relationship, in the article “How to keep love? Know how to relax and be just the two of you" .

In the castle.

An alternative to a hotel could be… a castle! I know for sure that in Western Ukraine tour operators offer such options. After all, in many cities there are medieval buildings in which nobles, knights, kings and other nobility have not lived for a long time. But entry is open for tourists. IN New Year's Eve the castle seems to come to life again: the room is illuminated with the help of candelabra, in the center there is a huge table laden with all kinds of dishes, live music is playing, and the lackeys are trying to please you. Only under one condition - you must also be in an outfit appropriate to that era. Fortunately, now you can find anything at the box office, and transforming into Madame Pompadour will not be difficult.

A friend of mine celebrated the New Year in one of the ancient castles near Lviv and was very pleased. It is both unusual and creative, and the atmosphere is such that you feel the magic of something new approaching.

Under the palm tree.

Alternatively, you can go to some warm countries on New Year’s Eve and celebrate the holiday not traditionally next to a Christmas tree, but under a palm tree, for example, in Tunisia. What to see in this country, read in the article “Tunisia is a mystery country” . On the seashore, when you hear the splash of waves, a set table stands at the edge of the water and hot air envelops your body like a soft, warm blanket. Original! I had the opportunity to celebrate New Year in Thailand. Of course, all hotels offer holiday program, but to be honest, that’s not it. Not for our mentality - too decorous and boring. Therefore, our company chose the option of celebrating the New Year on the city beach. Moreover, there are quite a few people like us who want to do it. A whole international community: Germans, Americans, Thais, British. Sitting on the slippers, drinking local champagne, we admired the magnificent fireworks. It was unusual: heat, sea, beach, we summer dresses, and next to it there is a huge artificial decorated Christmas tree.

Of course, in European countries, especially ski resorts, winter holiday feels more real. When there is a sea of ​​snow all around, frost that pricks your cheeks, snow-white mountains - someone might like this, perhaps this is an option. But it’s still worth celebrating the New Year in a tropical country at least once in your life; unusual sensations are guaranteed.

In a cave.

Let me make a reservation right away - in a cave equipped specifically for tourists! A very unusual and memorable version of the celebration. Just imagine: twilight, figures of stalactites and stalagmites, creating unimaginable rock images. The feeling of a magical world, as if you are descending into a mysterious kingdom, where something exciting and exciting awaits you. And now you go out into the spacious hall of the cave, and here... a decorated Christmas tree, an organized place for a picnic, glasses of sparkling champagne. As a rule, the organizers offer tourists to stay in houses located close to the cave, and to go down to the cave just before the New Year for a few minutes, no more than half an hour. This is enough to enjoy the atmosphere of the cave kingdom, make a wish near the Christmas tree, drink a glass of champagne and not freeze, because it’s quite cool inside. Coming out of the cave, the fireworks are just starting to go off. After which everyone is invited to warm up back in the houses. Lots of impressions!

In the mountains.

And if you want to not only celebrate the New Year in an unusual way, but also want something romantic, to celebrate the New Year with your significant other, but not at home, then you should book a cozy house somewhere in the mountains. No fuss, no Blue Light on TV, no screaming crowd. Just you, nature, live spruce trees growing right next to the house, a fireplace (ideally) and wishes for each other’s happiness together. It’s so great to go out into the fresh air, where everything is white, the city spreads out below, framed by lights, the starry sky overhead, so close that it seems you can touch it with your hand. And it’s so great to sit near the fireplace, watch how the fire plays with tongues of flame, how the logs crack. Enjoy snacks, sparkling champagne and each other's company. And in the morning, frolic in nature, skiing, sledding, feeling like children, playing snowballs. Joyful, fun and romantic - this is how the whole year will pass...
By the way, women usually, long before the New Year, rack their brains over what to give to their loved one. Take advantage advice Rashida Kirranova from the article “What to give a man? Of course, a flashlight!”

In the bath.

Yes, yes, familiar: “Every year on December 31, my friends and I go to the bathhouse...”. But it’s not worth flying to Leningrad after such a bathhouse. Let's make do with our own option. Namely, how about renting a bath complex for a few hours, where there is a steam room, a swimming pool, a billiard room, a room with a table where you can serve holiday treats, and a TV so you don’t miss the chimes? Time flies by unnoticed and entertaining.
We celebrated the New Year as a group - very cool! There is also a table with goodies, but at the same time you are not sitting in one place. Please: take a steam bath, swim in the pool, play billiards, socialize. We didn’t even want to leave, 4 hours just flew by. But it’s better not to overdo it with alcohol; after all, drinking and steaming is a strain on the heart. Better take homemade scrubs and masks with you and take care of yourself with other girls. And the recipes home cosmetics you will find on the website "Sunny Hands" .

On the train.

Some of my creative friends came up with this option for celebrating the New Year: they bought a round-trip ticket to another city in advance. In such a way that departure would be in the evening and arrival in the morning. Moreover, it is desirable that no one has been to this city before. And these four had real fun in the reserved seat. Taking with me a guitar, snacks, salads, champagne, sparklers they lit up the audience so much that many sang along and joined in with congratulations. Overall it was a lot of fun. Of course, not everyone has the talent of a mass entertainer, but, nevertheless, a psychological wave is triggered: when someone is happy and happy next to you, this is passed on to your neighbor and willy-nilly you want to join the celebrants.

In the morning, friends arrived in an unfamiliar city and took themselves on a tour, getting to know the local attractions. After spending the night and resting at the hotel, the next day they returned to their native land. Why not? AND new town We saw it, and what a non-standard place to celebrate the New Year - a train!

On a trolleybus.

Here’s another way to have a fun celebration of the holiday, even if it’s not clear to many at first. There is a point here: the trolleybus is not an ordinary one, but rented personally for you and your friends. Rented for a specific time. There is a service where you can order public transport and travel around the city. If you want, decorate the salon with garlands and confetti, take a player with you to organize dances in the trolleybus, think about what treats to prepare so that they are convenient to eat in moving vehicles and so as not to leave a mess behind. Outside the window, the lights of the night city, decorated with festive garlands and lanterns, flicker, and in the salon you have your own fun - great!

Believe me, there are quite a few who want to celebrate the New Year this way. Therefore, it is better to think about renting in advance.

Anyone can celebrate the New Year in an unusual way if they wish. And it doesn’t matter whether you have large financial resources or not. After all, even a budget option can turn out to be so creative and fun that it will outshine the huge investment with foie gras on the table. The main thing is not to be afraid to be misunderstood, non-standard and to use your imagination.

One of my friends decided to celebrate the New Year this way: he walked through the streets and congratulated everyone who came across his path, and gave small souvenirs and trinkets, but how nice it was for strangers to receive them! And what do you think? All year, some incredibly pleasant things happened to him, as if the universe had gifted him with a boomerang in return for his kindness and positivity in the form of joyful events.

We can create miracles with our own hands. About it on the website "Sunny Hands" a lot of articles. Their authors share their experience; sometimes you read these materials and think: “What miracles!” For example, I really love article “Let's believe in miracles! Wonderful dating stories" . We ourselves can be magicians in our own lives. And it depends only on us what this New Year will be like! Wherever you decide to celebrate this holiday, if you have faith in the good, a positive attitude and confidence that there is harmony and happiness in your life, they will indeed become regular guests in your home.

Sincerely, Mila Alexandrova.

Most often we celebrate the New Year at home, less often visiting friends or in a restaurant. But sometimes you really want something unusual and exciting, because in each of us there lives a belief in a fairy tale and the expectation of New Year’s miracles. website They advise how to create an unforgettable atmosphere on New Year's Eve and become a magician for yourself and your loved ones.

Chicken run

Red Fire Rooster, symbol of 2017 eastern calendar, will officially come into force only on January 28. But you don’t have to wait a minute and now go straight to visit the owner of the year himself.

Flickering candles, a fire in the fireplace, no neighbors and winter's tale outside the window - what could be more beautiful and romantic? Spend New Year's Eve alone with each other, and in the morning go for a walk through the snowy forest.

Fabulous night on the roof

You can find unusual places to celebrate the New Year without leaving your neighborhood, yard, or even home. You can spend a festive night on the roof. This could be the roof of a private house or a high-rise building - the main thing is that you manage to get there. You may have to use your charm or diplomatic skills to negotiate with the right person and gain access to the top.

In addition, you will need to first clear the area of ​​snow and ice and bring a folding table and chairs. In addition to champagne and light snacks, thermoses with hot tea or coffee will not be superfluous.

Don't forget about blankets or blankets. Sit back and admire the starry sky before the New Year's fireworks illuminate it.

"Enjoy your bath" without irony

“Every year on December 31, my friends and I go to the bathhouse...” We all almost know by heart every line from the famous New Year’s comedy by Eldar Ryazanov. Why not follow in the footsteps of the film's heroes and celebrate the holiday in the bathhouse? The ideal option is if it is a bathhouse or sauna in a country guest house or country house.

By choosing this holiday format, you won’t have to rack your brains about what to wear to celebrate the New Year. There is no dress code in the bathhouse, and the only correct outfit there will be a sheet and a bath cap. You also don’t have to worry about complex snacks - salads with mayonnaise and sophisticated delicacies will be superfluous in the bathhouse.

And be careful with strong drinks - doctors are categorically against the combination high temperature in the steam room and strong alcohol. Dry white wine or champagne will be sufficient.

New Year's masquerade

On New Year's Eve, many clubs and bars offer their guests to take part in themed parties. Choose your favorite and go to a medieval ball, a pirate ship or an anime-style party.

Of course, you will have to take care of a suitable suit. But you are guaranteed an unusual atmosphere and festive mood!

Forest holiday

If you have a large and Friendly family, and also have friends who are lovers of active recreation, then the best option for your large company there will be a New Year's Eve in the winter forest.

Approach the organization of this holiday responsibly. Improvisation here will be unnecessary; it is better to stick to a pre-planned route and schedule.

Only by taking care of everything down to the smallest detail can you take the smallest family members with you out of town. But for your kids, dancing around the fire, cooking barbecue on the grill, playing snowballs in forest glades and a competition for the best snowman will leave unforgettable impressions for a lifetime.

So that the fun far from civilization is not overshadowed by all sorts of surprises, take care of a navigator and a supply of gasoline for the car in advance. Be sure to wear thermal underwear. For younger family members, bring extra shoes and plenty of warm clothing.

Decorate the trees in the meadow with balls, tinsel and colorful lights. This is where garlands and flashlights connected to a car battery will come in handy.

For kids, you can put up a tent by first laying spruce branches on top of the snow and insulating the bottom with additional blankets, a mattress and plastic film. When the children are tired, you can send them to the tent to watch cartoons on the tablet and continue to celebrate.

Transformation into Father Frost and Snow Maiden

If you are celebrating the New Year with your significant other, then on this fabulous night you can turn into the main characters of the winter holiday - Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Take care of costumes and props in advance - they can be rented. And go to christmas tree or visiting friends.

For a family with small children, the unexpected appearance of an unexpected and absolutely free Father Frost and Snow Maiden on the doorstep will be real winter magic. Yes and adult company will probably be happy with this surprise. And your appearance under the city New Year tree will cause a storm of positive emotions in everyone who happens to be nearby.

City fun

To celebrate the New Year with fun and without breaking the bank, take your family or friends and go to city ​​Christmas tree. Concerts and competitions, a festive crowd and high spirits - all this creates an unforgettable atmosphere of a magical night.

In addition, you have a unique chance to return to childhood by sliding down a slide or skating. And tired of the city noise, find a cozy bench in a park or square and open the champagne.

New Year's taxi

If you are alone and are not in the mood to join a noisy group of friends, then on a festive evening get behind the wheel of your car and hit the road. Decorate the car with tinsel and snowflakes, stock up on tangerines and sweets.

Take with you the traditional symbols of the New Year - sparklers, a bottle of champagne, a glowing Christmas tree, even if it is very small. Turn on your favorite music.

Take a ride through the night New Year's streets. And in order not to get bored alone, try on the role of a taxi driver, especially since there are so few taxis on New Year's Eve.

You can take it as a fare new year wishes, a song or poem, or maybe the phone number of the passenger you like. And don’t forget to treat your companions with sweets from the bag - you are Santa Claus!

Brought by networks

Of course, these are not all possible options for an unusual New Year's Eve. Internet users share their experiences.

"We can organize themed party, with sweepstakes and competitions, interesting and unforgettable."

“Our mayor proposes to organize a New Year’s Eve celebration on the territory of the zoo. Mobile points selling snacks and drinks will be opened there. All proceeds will go to the income for the care of animals. Very original and useful.”

"New Year's Eve in the mountains, in Crimea - an experience for a lifetime, it was very original and fun... New Year's Eve passed in a mystical place - in a cave city, among enfilades of rooms carved into the rocks, by candlelight, around a primitive fire, where walls of a cave house - ancient streets and temples, real romance of a wild night at the edge of the Universe!"

The cave is warm and clean, there are many candles, festive table, a Christmas tree with toys, sweets and tangerines, glowing garlands, a fire and songs accompanied by a guitar from the famous Simferopol bard. came real Grandfather Frost gave gifts, introduced all participants of the festival to interesting traditions and the ancient customs of the peoples who inhabited this cave city.

The New Year is already very close, it's time to think about where and with whom to celebrate it. The main winter holiday, familiar to everyone since childhood, is an excellent reason to take a break from everyday routine and spend time with loved ones. A family dinner, a romantic trip or an unusual adventure - you can celebrate the New Year in different ways, the main thing is that it is truly enjoyable!

We have collected several original ideas on how to celebrate the New Year 2018 in an unusual way, perhaps you will find among them one that is close to you.

How to celebrate New Year 2018 at home in an unusual way

Celebrating the New Year with a home feast is the most traditional decision. However, it can be made not boring at all if you use a little imagination. Let's look at a few ideas.

Theme party

Who said that New Year's table Should there be Olivier and champagne? What if it's sushi and sake? Replace the traditional party with a themed one! This could be the cuisine and culture of a certain country, your favorite movie or book, or anything else that you and your guests like. There should be themed dishes on the table, and guests should be warned to get creative with their costumes. Entertainment also needs to be matched to the theme: room for imagination and bright photos from the holiday are guaranteed.

Board games

If you think that Board games- an activity for children, this means... that you simply have not tried to play them in the company of your friends (or even relatives!). Even skeptics are quickly drawn into the general fun, and time flies. Select the game according to the composition of the participants:

  • traditional (lotto, card games) - for a group of relatives of different ages;
  • gambling (poker, roulette) - for friends who are not afraid to take risks;
  • funny (“Crocodile”, “Alias”, “Mafia”, etc.) - for almost any company.

Fun photo shoot

These days, at any party, half the time is spent on creating impressive photos for the social networks. So why not get creative with this issue? Collect unusual accessories (for example, wigs, signs with “replicas”, colored glasses, etc.), hang a poster on the wall with an unusual background, stock up on a camera or at least phones and arrange a photo shoot for you and your friends.

pajama party

Another format that both adults and children will appreciate. Instead of a decorous feast - scattered pillows, instead of uncomfortable suits and dresses - cozy pajamas, instead of heavy food - light snacks and drinks.

How to celebrate the New Year outside the home in an original way

If you are tired of celebrating at home, and the most obvious alternative - restaurants and clubs - are scared away by holiday prices, then you can try to find more original places to celebrate the New Year in your city.

New Year in the bathhouse

“Every year on December 31, my friends and I…” - everyone has seen the legendary film about visiting a bathhouse on New Year’s Eve, but in fact, few have tried to bring it to life. You can rent a sauna for a group of friends and combine a festive feast with a steam room and a swimming pool.

New Year on the roof

Another one original idea- Climb onto the roof of a tall building with friends, snacks and drinks. You can grab a small Christmas tree to create a festive mood, and, of course, admire the festive fireworks from the most advantageous point.

Active New Year

Why is it necessary to sit at the table at 12 at night? Instead, you can go ice skating, skiing, or going on a winter hike. If you prefer an active lifestyle, perhaps this is the New Year you will remember for a long time!

New Year's skating rink - The best way combine the useful with the romantic

New Year with good deeds

If the idea of ​​charity is not alien to you, then you can spend New Year's Eve helping those who need it. For example, you can participate in New Year's performance in a hospital or orphanage or to give out gifts. Helping your neighbors is a great start to the new year.

How to celebrate the New Year while traveling

New Year's holidays are a great period for travel. By the way, you can also watch the chimes right on the plane: many airlines offer big discounts to those who agree to fly directly on New Year's Eve.

New Year under the palm trees

Some people do not accept the idea of ​​a New Year without snow, while others fly to Thailand or India every year for the holidays. In any case, at least once in your life you should try to escape from the cold into the heat and replace the Christmas tree with a palm tree.

New Year's Eve in a hotel made of snow and ice

The opposite alternative is to celebrate the New Year in a hotel made entirely of snow and ice. For several years now, similar hotels have continued to open in Sweden, Finland, Canada and other northern countries. They are built entirely of snow and ice, the temperature inside is maintained below zero, and people are supposed to sleep in special Arctic sleeping bags. Without a doubt, such an adventure for the New Year will definitely be remembered!

New Year in a new city

You've probably already tried walking around your city on New Year's Eve, why not try it in a new place? You can choose another city in Russia or one of the European capitals, for example, Budapest or Prague. Go for a walk around the city center, congratulate strangers and recharge yourself with that unique atmosphere that always arises in places of mass celebrations.

New Year on the train

Finally, you can celebrate the New Year not at the final point of the route, but directly during the journey. If you find yourself on a train during the chiming clock, you will be amazed at how quickly all your fellow travelers get to know each other and start celebrating together. Many say that this is the New Year that turns out to be the most memorable!


When planning your New Year's celebration, don't limit your imagination! A boring feast can be turned into unforgettable party, the main thing is to approach the organization creatively and, of course, take into account the tastes of the other guests (and also do not forget about common sense and safety rules, of course). Have a great holiday! With coming!

1. Set an unusual New Year's table

If you can't give up gatherings at home, at least diversify the table with treats that you've never tried. Let there not be a single familiar dish or drink on your table. Try the cuisine of another country, ask your friends for delicious recipes and make your own cocktails - alcoholic or not.

There is still a lot of time before the New Year, so you will have time to create an unusual menu.

By the way, if you decide to cook traditional dishes of other peoples, why not celebrate the holiday in the style of the country whose cuisine you chose?

2. Join the traditions of another country

This is another way to celebrate the New Year with relatives and friends, but make it unusual and memorable. Decorate your home in the style of another country. For example, Japanese kadomatsu or Chinese lanterns and pictures with wishes.

Give each other special gifts, such as homemade candles in Sweden, dogwood sticks in Bulgaria, or matching items like cups or candles in China.

10. Celebrate the New Year on a plane

As a rule, plane tickets become more expensive on the eve of the holidays, as people tend to celebrate the New Year on the spot. On the contrary, on the dates of the holidays themselves, tickets become much cheaper.

If you take tickets for December 31, you will kill two birds with one stone: you will save on travel and get an unusual experience of celebrating the New Year a few kilometers above the ground.

The more interesting you spend this day, the greater your chances of a New Year's miracle.

How did you celebrate your brightest and most memorable New Year? Share your experience in the comments.

If you are going to celebrate the New Year with your significant other, we recommend choosing a romantic option. There is no need to stand at the stove from morning to evening; some meat and a couple of salads are enough. Prepare a playlist with your favorite relaxing or lyrical music. Place candles around the room and light the aroma lamp (the best scents for the New Year's atmosphere are cinnamon, ylang-ylang, bergamot, orange oil). An hour before the exciting chiming clock, take a relaxing bath together. After dinner, you can give each other a massage with a smooth transition to an even more enjoyable activity.

Are you expecting guests? Then have a costume themed party. Just don’t forget to warn your friends in advance about preparing masks or costumes. For example, you can throw a fantasy party by dressing up as elves and fairies. It will be very interesting to dress up and see your friends in the attire of ancient Greek gentlemen. In general, use your imagination.

It will be great for kids to buy several different gifts, hide them in the most unexpected places and make a colorful search map. A couple of days before the holiday, tell them that Santa Claus left you a map, but if you need a hint, the kid will have to recite a holiday rhyme. Prepare several competitions for children, they will definitely like it!

You can spend an unusual holiday even alone: ​​read how to celebrate the New Year alone so that it is memorable.

How to celebrate the New Year in an unusual way: other options

Of course, the most pleasant and unusual New Year's Eve is golden sand and warm sea. If you want to spend your holiday this way, start saving. Don’t worry about the trip, because at the height of the New Year’s weekend, tour operators offer a lot various options recreation.

A much more budget option, but no less exotic, is a sauna. If you are going to celebrate together with your loved one, then a couple of hours will be enough; if you are with a group, rent for the whole night. For dinner, order ready-made meals at a restaurant or buy them at a supermarket.

A very cool and daring idea is to celebrate the coming year in a crowded place dressed as the Snow Maiden and Father Frost or a cartoon character. It will be even more fun if you get together with a whole company of these animals. Don't forget a bottle of champagne. If you wish, first buy a pack of inexpensive postcards or a bag of tangerines and congratulate passers-by with them - everyone will be very pleased. There will be a lot of impressions!

As you can see, there are many options for how to celebrate the New Year in an unusual way. We hope that from the proposed ideas you will find exactly the one you like. Let this one New Year's celebration You will remember the bright and cheerful impressions!