Card index of role-playing games for children of the second junior group. Card index of role-playing games for the second junior group 2 junior with role-playing games

Target: To develop in children the ability to play the role-playing game “Hospital”.


To develop the ability to consistently perform two sequential actions of a plot (listens to patients, prescribes treatment, gives an injection, puts a thermometer, etc.);

Develop the ability to take on a role (doctor, nurse, patient);

Encourage children to creatively perform roles related to the implementation of actions;

Learn to act with substitute objects;

Develop the ability to accompany your actions with verbal notations.

Equipment and materials:

- easel;

Illustration for A. Barto’s poem “Bunny”;

Toy Hare with a tied throat;

Role-playing corner “Hospital”;

Chairs for patients;

Robes for doctors and nurses;

Attributes for the role-playing game “Hospital”: thermometer, syringe, phonendoscope, medicines, etc.;

Role-playing corner “Family”;

Attributes for the role-playing game “Family”: different types of ice cream, cups, teapot, teapot, sugar bowl, spoons.

Preliminary work with children:

Examination of illustrations;

Reading fiction;

Didactic games;

Creating and playing game and problem situations;

Teaching gaming techniques.

Forms of organization joint activities

Progress of the game:

The teacher draws the children’s attention to an illustration to A. Barto’s poem “Bunny” located on the easel.


Who is shown in the illustration?

Who knows this poem about Bunny?

(The child reads the poem by heart.

A toy Bunny appears with a bandaged neck. The bunny is crying.)


Why do you think Bunny is crying?

What hurts Bunny?

Can you and I help Bunny?

What do I need to do?

(Children's answers.)


Let's help Bunny and take him to the hospital. In order for us to play the “Hospital” game, what do we need to prepare, what might we need?

If there is difficulty, the teacher asks guiding questions:

What is the doctor wearing?

What does a doctor need to work?

(Creating a playing space.)


Now I will be a doctor. To cure Bunny faster, a nurse will help the doctor see patients. Who will be the nurse?

Doctor (educator):

The hospital is open to everyone, come get treatment as soon as possible. Come see your doctor. In order not to jostle and disturb each other, patients can sit on chairs and wait for their turn.

Who will go to the reception with Bunny?

Doctor (educator):

Hello, let's see what's wrong with your Bunny's neck? What a red throat! Now I’ll sprinkle calendula tincture into your neck, like this. Please go to the nurse, she will give an injection to Bunny (the nurse gives an injection with a syringe). Get well soon, goodbye.

Patient (child):

- Hello!

Doctor (educator):

Hello, come in, sit down. Tell me what happened?

Patient (child):

I have a stomach ache.

Doctor (educator):

Let's take a look and listen to the patient with a phonendoscope: “Breathe, don't breathe” (the doctor examines the patient). Go to the nurse, take pain pills (tablets are substitutes for drink caps). Get well soon, goodbye.

Patient (child):


Doctor (educator):

- Hello, tell me, girl, what happened to you?

Patient (child):

- My throat hurts.

Doctor (educator):

Go to the nurse, she will give you a thermometer and you will take your temperature. No temperature. Let's see the throat, oh! The throat is red. To cure your throat, go to the nurse, and she will spray calendula tincture into your throat (spray with a round stick).

To maintain and develop the game, the teacher uses the following techniques:

Introduction of a new game situation: “Moms bring their doll daughters to the hospital”,

Introduction of new attributes ( different types ice cream) into the game “Family” and the introduction of a new game situation: “At home after the hospital.”

To form relationships in the game, the teacher uses techniques: reminders of a friendly attitude towards each other, encouragement of politeness.

The adult leads the game, pushing for interactions.


- Well done guys, we have an interesting game. An attentive nurse, she greeted everyone, was kind, attentive, gave injections well, and took the temperature. The patients were polite, patient, and not capricious.

And for this, I will treat you with vitamins. Thank you!

Organization options educational activities in regime moments:

  1. Playing by children in independent activity role-playing game "Hospital".

Interaction with parents:

  1. Design and sewing of clothes for the role-playing game “Hospital” (robes and caps for doctors and nurses).
  2. Selection of attributes for the role-playing game “Hospital”.
  3. Selection and printing of illustrations for A. Barto’s poem “Bunny”.

Used Books:

  1. Krasnoshchekova N.V. Role-playing games for children preschool age. Ed. 2nd. – Rostovn/D: Phoenix. 2007. – 251 p.
  2. Visual and didactic set “Plot-role-playing game “Hospital”, author-compiler T.V. Berezenkova
  3. Poems by Agnia Barto - Astrel Publishing House LLC, 2009. – 112s.
Role-playing game "Treat"

Target. Developing children's ability to implement game plans.

Game material. Substitute items, play utensils, toy dogs, furry collar.

Preparing for the game. Reading and discussion of N. Kalinina’s story “Helpers.”

Game roles. Cook.

Progress of the game. The teacher can use different variants games depending on what they are aimed at

game actions.

1st option. The teacher’s actions are aimed at children.

The teacher asks the children: “Who wants to play with me? I invite everyone to play: Sasha, Pavlik, Alena and Vitalik. Does Irochka want to play with us? Now I will bake you some buns. I'll bake buns and feed you. You see, I have a lot of dough in the pan.” Shows a large children's pan filled with parts of building material - yellow or red hemispheres). “There will be a lot of buns, enough for everyone. Sit here on the carpet, relax, and I’ll cook.” The teacher seats the children so that they can see his actions. “I’ll take a large sheet (the lid of a box from a printed board game). I'll put buns on it. I make this bun in Valyuta (takes one piece from the box, produces circular movements, reminiscent of rolling a ball, and places it on the “sheet”). I'll roll, roll the dough, the bun is ready for Valyusha. And I’ll make this bun for Kiryusha (by calling the children’s names, the teacher keeps their attention on himself). That's all. I haven't forgotten anyone. I made buns for everyone. Now you can bake them in the oven.” Places the “leaf in the oven” and immediately takes it out. “All the buns are already baked” (puts the sheet on the table, sniffs the buns). “They smell so delicious. Now I’ll pretend to try one.” The teacher shows how to do this in the game, says that they are tasty and sweet. Then he gives each child a treat. Asks the children if they liked the buns. He complains that the buns turned out too big and... You can’t eat it all at once. After this, the teacher invites those who have eaten enough to put the remaining pieces on a sheet to finish eating later.

Then the teacher says: “Now let's play hide and seek. You will be cunning guys. Some will hide behind a chair, some behind a closet, and some will even hide under the table. You hide, and I will look for you. Do you want to play like this? Now I will cover my eyes with my hands and count, and you hide. One-two-three-four-d-five, I’m going to look.”

The teacher is looking for the children, while rejoicing when someone is found. The game can be repeated two or three times.

Then the teacher invites the children to eat buns again, otherwise everyone has played enough and already wants to eat again. “Would you like to eat some buns?” - hands out buns to the children and says: “Now, when you finish eating the buns, I’ll give you some milk to drink.” If you've eaten enough, put the rest here on the sheet and come to me. I’ll pour you some milk.” The teacher gives each person a cup and pours imaginary milk. You can offer children supplements - a second cup of milk.

In conclusion, the teacher switches the children to independent play: “You’ve eaten and drunk, now go play with toys.”

2nd option. Children's play actions are directed at the teacher.

The teacher suggests to the children: “Let’s play, guys. I really want to play with Romochka, with Vitalik...” The number of children participating in the game can be any. You can play with all the children or only those who approach the teacher. “It was like I came home from work. Tired. And my head hurts. I can not. even cook your own food. And I really want to eat. Who, guys, will cook something for me to eat?” The children respond to the teacher's request. “Look how many products I have, a whole box. What will you cook for me? Here in the box there are cabbage and carrots (shows a green ball and a red cone). You can cook a delicious soup. I know Masha can cook soup. Mashenka, can you make me some soup? Here are your vegetables: cabbage and carrots. Here is a slab (large cube, upside down box). You’ll find the saucepan yourself, okay? Sasha, can you cook some potatoes for me? Who else will cook my potatoes? How many berries are there?! It will make a good compote! Who will cook me compote?

After this, the teacher helps everyone individually prepare “food” and shows the children no more than one or two playful cooking activities.

Then the teacher continues: “Whoever has food ready can feed me. I’ve already washed my hands and sat down at the table.” “What have you prepared for me, Verochka? Soup? Probably very tasty. Can I try? Pour me a bowl of soup, please. Oh, how delicious. Soup with carrots and cabbage. Consolidation! I still want to eat one bowl of soup. Can? Thank you, Verochka, very, very much. You made a very tasty soup.” It doesn’t matter if this procedure is delayed and the rest of the children wait for their turn to feed the teacher. Observing the actions of the teacher and the actions of the children, playful communication is very interesting for them. It will undoubtedly enrich their experience.

After feeding, the teacher expresses gratitude to all the children: “What great guys - they fed me. I rested and ate. And my head stopped hurting. Well, now you can have some fun. Do you want to dance? (children and the teacher dance to the music).

The teacher encourages children to independently accept the game goal: “Oh! I danced for a while and got hungry again. Who else will feed me? What are you going to feed me, Sasha?” The procedure of feeding and expressing gratitude is repeated again.

Then the teacher finishes the game: “I’m already so full that I can’t eat all the porridge you cooked, Alyosha. There is still half of the pan left. Feed the bunny porridge. He’s already come running to me to find out who was cooking the porridge.” The teacher can invite children to engage in another activity, gives them, for example, pencils and paper, etc.

3rd option. Children's play actions are aimed at toys.

The teacher includes the children in the game: “Guys, come here quickly, everyone. Look who came running there." Shows the dogs and offers to get to know them and pet them. “You can hear them whining. Let's ask the dogs, maybe they're hungry." It turns out that they are really hungry.

After this, the teacher “calms” the dogs. Tells them what delicious soups, porridges, etc. our children can cook. “Don't worry, doggies. You see how many children we have in our group, and they all know how to cook very well. Some people make soup, some porridge, some make potatoes and even compote... and they know how to make scrambled eggs. Don't worry, we'll feed you now. Guys, do you want to cook food for the dogs?”

Then the teacher encourages each child to accept the game goal: “This dog chose you, Kiryusha. What will you cook for her? If the child cannot cope with the task assigned to him, the teacher offers him some of his own options: “I guessed that your dog loves soup with bones most of all.” The dog barks in agreement.

So, in turn, the teacher gives each child a dog and encourages them to accept an individual play goal.

When all the dogs have found their owners, the teacher invites the children to take the necessary “products” from the boxes with substitute items. While the children are preparing food, the teacher asks the children: “How is the puppy behaving. Does he listen to you, Nina, doesn’t it interfere with your cooking? What are you cooking for him? He likes his porridge to be sweet. Will you put sugar in the porridge?” “Sharik, are you glad that Vitya cooks meat for you? Sit here and don’t get into the pan, otherwise you’ll get burned - the stove is hot.” “You know, Vitya, your dog is so clean. When she eats, she runs to wash her face and paws. Will you help her wash up later?

Completing the feeding procedure, the teacher says: “Guys, listen to what the dogs want to tell you. They thank you for feeding them delicious food.” “The dogs say that now they want to sleep, that they like to sleep on rugs in a quiet corner behind a closet or under a chair. Here are the rugs for you." Children put the dogs to bed.

After this, the teacher can introduce the children to a new game goal - playing the circus. In a whisper he calls the children to him and tells them to go slowly, otherwise the dogs will wake up. He reports that the “mother” of the dogs has come running to the group. She wants to show the children a dog circus. He asks the children if they saw dogs performing in the circus on TV. She tells how well the “mother” of dogs can perform. The teacher invites the children to sit on the carpet and watch a dog circus. The teacher shows two or three play actions with a circus dog. The dog can jump over a stick, climb a tower of blocks, somersault, count children, etc. Children clap for the dog. In order for the dog to become a circus dog, put a beautiful “fluffy” collar around its neck.

After the performance, the “mother” asks the dogs to wake up her puppies and bring them. The teacher puts the puppies in a box. Takes her away. The dog “says goodbye” to the children and “leaves.” The teacher invites her to visit the children more often.

05.04.2017 12326 728 Kliputa Nina Vitalievna


Card No. 1 “Toys at the doctor”
Goal: to teach children how to care for the sick and use medical instruments, to cultivate attentiveness and sensitivity in children, to expand their vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “hospital”, “patient”, “treatment”, “medicines”, “temperature”, “hospital”.
Equipment: dolls, toy animals, medical instruments: thermometer, syringe, pills, spoon, phonendoscope, cotton wool, jars of medicine, bandage, robe and doctor’s cap.
Progress of the game:
The teacher offers to play, a Doctor and a Nurse are selected, the rest of the children pick up toy animals and dolls and come to the clinic for an appointment. Patients with various diseases turn to the doctor: the bear has toothache because he ate a lot of sweets, the doll Masha pinched her finger in the door, etc. We clarify the actions: The doctor examines the patient, prescribes treatment for him, and the Nurse follows his instructions. Some patients require inpatient treatment and are admitted to the hospital. Children of older preschool age can choose several different specialists - a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a surgeon and other doctors known to children. When they get to the appointment, the toys tell them why they came to the doctor, the teacher discusses with the children whether this could have been avoided, and says that they need to take more care of their health. During the game, children watch how the doctor treats the sick - makes bandages, measures the temperature. The teacher evaluates how children communicate with each other and reminds that recovered toys do not forget to thank the doctor for the help provided.

Card No. 2 “Building a house”
Goal: to introduce children to construction professions, to pay attention to the role of technology that facilitates the work of builders, to teach children how to build a simple structure, to cultivate friendly relationships in a team, to expand children’s knowledge about the peculiarities of the work of builders, to expand children’s vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “construction”, “bricklayer”, “crane”, “builder”, “crane operator”, “carpenter”, “welder”, “building material”.
Equipment: large building materials, machines, a crane, toys for playing with the building, pictures depicting people in the construction profession: mason, carpenter, crane operator, driver, etc.
Progress of the game:
The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle: “What kind of turret is there, and is there a light in the window? We live in this tower, and it's called...? (house)". The teacher invites the children to build a large, spacious house where toys can live. Children remember what construction professions there are, what people do at a construction site. They look at pictures of construction workers and talk about their responsibilities. Then the children agree to build a house. Roles are distributed among the children: some are Builders, they build a house; others are Drivers, they transport building materials to a construction site, one of the children is a Crane Operator. During construction, attention should be paid to the relationships between children. The house is ready and new residents can move in. Children play independently.

Card No. 3 “Stepashka’s Birthday”
Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the methods and sequence of table setting for a festive dinner; consolidate knowledge about cutlery, cultivate attentiveness, caring, responsibility, desire to help; expand your vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “celebratory dinner”, “name day”, “serving”, “dishes”, “service”.
Equipment: toys that can come to visit Stepashka, tableware - plates, forks, spoons, knives, cups, saucers, napkins, tablecloth, table, chairs.
Progress of the game:
The teacher informs the children that today is Stepashka’s birthday and offers to go visit him and congratulate him. The children take their toys, go to visit Stepashka and congratulate him. Stepashka offers everyone tea and cake and asks them to help him set the table. Children actively participate in this and, with the help of the teacher, set the table. process of the game.

Card No. 4 “Getting ready for a walk”
Goal: to develop in children the ability to select clothes for different seasons, teach them to correctly name items of clothing, consolidate the general concepts of “clothing”, “shoes”, and cultivate a caring attitude towards others.
Equipment: dolls, clothes for all seasons (summer, winter, spring and autumn, a small wardrobe and a chair.
Progress of the game:
A new doll comes to visit the children. She meets them and wants to play. But the guys are going for a walk and invite the doll to go with them. The doll complains that she can’t get dressed, and then the guys offer her their help. Children take out doll clothes from the locker, name them, choose what they need to wear now depending on the weather. With the help of the teacher in correct sequence they dress the doll. Then the children dress themselves and go out for a walk with the doll. Upon returning from a walk, the children undress themselves and undress the doll in the required sequence, commenting on their actions.

Card No. 8 “Travel with Doctor Aibolit”

V-l: Children, you and I are going on an interesting journey. Do you want to travel with me? (Yes).

V-l: Oh, who came to us? (Children's answers). That's right, this is the good doctor Aibolit. Let's say hello to him and smile at him. (Addresses Aibolit). Doctor Aibolit, what happened?
D.A.: The doll Masha got sick,
I didn’t eat semolina porridge,
We need to treat Masha
Put him to bed in bed.
Vs.: Oh, I’m sorry for Masha, she’s sick.
D.A.: And to cure Masha, you need my magic suitcase, and I left it somewhere.
Vs: We need to help D.A. to cure Masha, let's go to kindergarten and look for him there. (We overcome obstacles like a stream, pebbles, etc.) And here is your magic suitcase.

Card No. 9 “Travel with Doctor Aibolit”
Goals: continue to work on developing and enriching the plots of games; introduce children to the medical profession; teach children play actions, their implementation in a certain sequence: examination, listening with a tube (phonendoscope) to the chest, back, measuring temperature with a thermometer, treatment with tablets;
develop auditory attention, perception, memory by naming objects for treating the doll, remembering the sequence of treatment; teach to give in and exchange toys and roles; to cultivate a caring attitude towards a sick doll, interest and respect for the medical profession; strengthen the ability to perform game actions.
Part II
(Children sit on chairs)
Vs: Doctor Aibolit, you’re tired, sit down and rest. Now I will be a doctor, and you sit with the children and see how I treat Masha. (Puts on a cap and robe).
V-l: Hello, doll Masha. (I encourage the children to say hello). We were informed that you were sick. Masha, we will cure you. What do we have in our magic suitcase? Let's get a look.
V-l: Now I will measure the temperature with a thermometer. How do I measure temperature? (Thermometer). I'll check the neck with a spatula. Polina, how can I check the neck? (With a spatula). I'll listen to my heart beat with a tube. Ilya, why do I listen to Masha? (With a tube). Masha, you need to breathe loudly (breathe, don’t breathe), and the children help you.
V-l: You need to give the doll Masha a pill and some water to wash down the pill. Albina, what did I give Masha? (Tablet and water). Let's put her in the crib and let her sleep.
V-l: Children, do you want to become doctors and treat dolls? (Children's answers).
Vs: Spin around once, twice, turn into doctors

Card No. 10 “Travel with Doctor Aibolit”
Goals: continue to work on developing and enriching the plots of games; introduce children to the medical profession; teach children play actions, their implementation in a certain sequence: examination, listening with a tube (phonendoscope) to the chest, back, measuring temperature with a thermometer, treatment with tablets;
understanding, perception, memory by naming objects for treating the doll, remembering the sequence of treatment; teach to give in and exchange toys and roles; to cultivate a caring attitude towards a sick doll, interest and respect for the medical profession; strengthen the ability to perform game actions.
Part III
V-l: Now you are doctors too. Let's go, let's treat the dolls who are sick. (Children reflect the actions of the adult, and the teacher reminds them of their sequence).
V-l: Well done! You were good doctors!
V-l: The doll Masha is no longer sick and neither are the dolls.
V-l: Children, one, two, spin around and turn into guys.
V-l: What is this? (Draws attention to the medals). Yes, this is Doctor Aibolit who gives you his photographs so that you remember what wonderful doctors you were.

Card No. 11 “Bake pies”
Goal: to introduce children to the process of making pies and safety rules in the kitchen; teach to set game goals, perform appropriate game actions, find objects necessary for the game in the environment, lead children to independently create game ideas; develop gaming skills and abilities, enrich vocabulary; cultivate respect for other people's work; consolidate the ability to unite into groups in the game, perform game actions.
Equipment: kitchen utensils, dolls, building kit parts (small balls cut in half), substitute items
Progress of the game:
Voss: -Children, do you want to play with me? I will bake pies. Look what I have (takes the lid off the box and puts it next to it).
-I will knead the dough for pies. That's it, that's it! (Mixes parts from the builder in the box.)
What do you like pies with? With jam? This pie is for you, it’s with jam (shows how to make a pie).
-Oh, where should I put the pies? What are we going to bake them on? (It’s good if one of the children guesses that you can use the lid of a box lying on the table for this.) Indeed, you can put pies here! Let it be a baking sheet, like in mom's kitchen.
-Sonya’s pie with jam will be here. What does Serezha like with his pie? Do you want it with cabbage or apples? Here it is, a pie with apples and Elya is making a pie, and Albina.
-We still have room, let's make another pie. Who will help me?
-Polina, knead the dough. That's how you get good at it!
-Now make a pie like I do. Place it on a baking sheet. (Offers to other children.) There were a lot of pies. There is not a single free space left. You have to put it in the oven and let it bake. Where will we have the oven?
-Olya, where are we going to bake pies? Here? (You can use any substitute.) Is this a stovetop? Turn it on quickly! They put out the pies.
- How are our pies?
-Smell how delicious it smells.
-Olya, look, are the pies already browned?
-Of course they are ready. I'll take them out of the oven now. Be careful, it's hot!
-Help yourself. Whose pie is this? Tasty?
(I distribute pies to everyone. If the children put the “pie” in their mouth, stop them.)
These pies turned out delicious.
We ate, but the dolls remained hungry. They want pies too

Card No. 12 “Doll’s birthday”
Goals: to introduce children to the rules of table setting, table manners, and tableware; teach how to correctly find and select utensils for tea drinking;
continue to enrich the content of games; promote the unification of children for joint games; enrich vocabulary; cultivate a desire to observe norms of behavior at the table, respectful attitude towards each other.
Equipment: teaware, tablecloth, doll in an elegant dress, figurative toys (bear, hare, barrel of honey, carrot. You can use substitute items.
Progress of the game:
The teacher says that today is Katya’s doll’s birthday and she invites you to visit. Advises the children to think about what they will give Katya, how they will please her. He suggests that they can come to visit with a bear and bring a barrel of honey or with a bunny who will give Katya a delicious sweet carrot.
Then the teacher invites the children to help Katya beautifully set the table for the guests and prepare tea.
Children are going to a birthday party.
When repeating the game, you can celebrate the birthday of a bear, bunny, cat, etc.

Card No. 13 “Dolls for a walk”
Goals: continue to develop interest in playing with dolls and building materials; learn to use acquired skills in the construction of simple buildings; consolidate the ability to play together, share game material; develop children’s desire to establish relationships in play and enrich their vocabulary; cultivate interest and respect for each other, the desire to comply with norms of behavior; consolidate the ability to distribute roles; encourage children's independence.
Equipment: a set of large building materials: bricks, cubes, prisms, plates, dolls of different sizes, cars of different sizes,
The teacher says that the dolls want to go for a walk.
-Let's put them on for a walk. And we will ask our boys to build paths, a train, a car, a slide for our daughters, so that everyone has fun and interesting during their walk.
Children dress dolls.
The teacher asks who will build what for the dolls and what. During construction, he assigns the names of construction parts, their size, color, and encourages children’s independence and friendly play. If necessary, helps dress dolls for walks.
When the dolls are dressed and the buildings are ready, you can invite the children to walk along the paths with the dolls.
When the game is repeated, the construction of one or two new, more complex buildings is introduced. The teacher gives an example of playing with them not only with dolls, but also with other figurative toys (if you put a skirt and scarf on the pin, you get a matryoshka doll).
During such games, the teacher gradually leads children to joint play activities.

Card No. 6 “Bathing a doll”
Goals: to teach how to combine games with a single plot: first, the doll must be undressed, bathed, dressed, put to bed, correctly named objects and their purpose; consolidate a variety of game actions; develop gaming skills; enrich vocabulary; foster respect for each other and careful handling of toys
Equipment: bath, soap (brick), soap dish, towel, ladle (all items in 2-3 copies); Katya doll (her hands are “dirty”).
Progress of the game:
The teacher, turning to the doll, asks:
Oh you dirty girl
Where did you get your hands so dirty?
Then he speaks to the children.
-The Katya doll got dirty. We need to buy it. What do we need for this?
When washing the doll is finished, the teacher invites Elya to dry it with a towel.
-The doll has become clean.
Then the doll is dressed and put to bed.
The game can be repeated 2-3 times with the involvement of children who have a low level of gaming skills.

Card No. 14 “Let's take the dolls for a ride in the car”
Objectives: to introduce children to the profession of a driver and the rules of safe travel on transport; teach children to unite 2-3 children for independent games, lead children to independently conceive game plots; continue to develop the ability to transfer familiar actions with building materials to new game situations, perform actions in accordance with the role (driver, passenger); to cultivate interest and respect for the driver’s profession, the desire to comply with the norms of behavior in public transport.
Equipment: a set of building materials (cubes, plates, bricks), steering wheels (2-3 pieces), dolls, shaped toys (bear, hare, fox), in the construction corner the teacher has built a car in advance.
Progress of the game:
The teacher places the Katya doll on a car (made in advance from large building material). Speaks:
-the doll wants to ride in a car. Who will be the driver?
-Thank you, Sasha, you were a good driver. Look, more guys have come to see you. They also want to play their toys. How do you ask Sasha about this? (Sasha, please give my Sveta a ride.)
-And so that you don’t have to wait long, let’s ask Vanya to be the driver too. Let's help him build a car. You bring us cubes and bricks, and Vanya and I will build. Invite passengers.

Card No. 16 “Zoo”
Goals: to ensure children’s interest in role-playing games, to help create a play environment; teach children to distinguish the characteristic features of the appearance of wild animals; develop speech, enrich vocabulary, consolidate sound pronunciation; introduce the behavioral characteristics of these animals; contribute to the expansion of knowledge about animals, their appearance, characterize them from memory; fostering a kind attitude towards animals, love for them, care for them, friendly relationships in the game.
Equipment: building material (large, small Lego, a set of animals, white robe for the doctor, thermometer, phonendoscope, first aid kit, cash desk, tickets.
Progress of the game:
Today the zoo came to us. At the zoo you can see different wild animals! Hurry, hurry!
There are funny animals at the zoo.
Part 2: I give children tickets to the “zoo”.
Part 3:
- Guys, which of you was in the “zoo”?
- Tell me, what is a zoo?
ZOO – a zoological park, a place where you can see different animals. They were brought from different countries.
-Who takes care of the animals in the zoo?
- What else is he doing at the zoo? (protects, protects).
- What is our mini-zoo made of? Does this mean which one? (small).
- And so that the animals do not run away, what was done for the animals (enclosures).
- What are the enclosures made of? (from Lego) .
- A very beautiful zoo. Large and spacious.
- Let's see what animals live in our zoo? (children list)
- Our animals came to us from hot countries where it is warm in winter, and they will be cold here.
- What do you think needs to be done so that they can survive our cold winter? (build houses for them).
- I suggest you build houses from wooden building material.
We built houses for animals. Now they are not afraid of our harsh and cold winter.
- Did you like the zoo game?
- Which animals piqued your interest?
- What animals would you not like to meet in the forest?
- Do you think wild animals need our help, like domestic animals?
- Why can’t you have wild animals in your apartment?
Our tour of the zoo is over, but we will come here again.

Card No. 15 “Professions”
Goals: to develop children’s interest in role-playing games, to help create a play environment; enrich vocabulary, consolidate sound pronunciation; to develop in children the ability to use building floor materials and act with them in a variety of ways; consolidate previously acquired knowledge about the work of a doctor, seller, hairdresser; cultivate friendly relationships in the game.
Progress of the game:
We build cribs, a chair, a tap for washing hands, and set the table. We carry the cubes one at a time, without disturbing anyone. The doctor, hairdresser and salesman go to their work. And the rest of the kids take care of their children. (I help develop the game, establish relationships between those who have chosen certain roles, and help implement into the game the impressions the children received earlier.)
A certain amount of game time passes.
Evening has come in our town, the working day is over, the hospital, hairdresser, and store are closing. We put everything back in place.
All the kids did well, tell me, who were you today, Vanya? How did you take care of your son? Where did you go with him? Dasha, what did you feed your daughter? Julia, which bed did you put your daughter to sleep on? What kind of doctor was Kirill? Hairdresser? Salesman?

Card No. 17 “Hospital”
Goals: continue to introduce children to the professions of doctor and nurse; arouse interest in the professions of medical workers; develop children's speech and enrich their vocabulary; help children establish interactions in joint play; cultivate a sensitive and attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.
Equipment: medical cards according to the number of children, a toy phonendoscope, a spatula, an ENT mirror, a thermometer, brilliant green, a table, 2 white coats for a doctor and a nurse, 2 white caps, cotton wool, a bandage, a syringe.
Progress of the game:
A teacher-doctor acts out a dialogue with a bunny-patient (child)
Doctor. The hospital opens. I am a doctor. Who came to my appointment?
Bunny patient (complaining). I am a doctor.
At the doctor's office, sit down, patient. Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated?
Patient. I have a cough and my ears hurt.
Doctor. Let me listen to you. Breathe deeply. (Listen to the patient with a tube.) You are coughing a lot. Show your ears. My ears are inflamed. Now we need to measure the temperature. Take a thermometer. High temperature. You need to take medicine. This. (gives a bottle.) Pour into a spoon and drink every day. Did you understand?
Patient. Yes. I will take the medicine as you ordered. Thank you Doctor. Goodbye.

Card No. 18 “Katya got sick”
Goals: to diversify children’s role-playing participation in playing with a doll; contribute to enriching the plot of children's games; develop children's speech and enrich their vocabulary; help children establish interactions in joint play; cultivate friendly relationships in the game.
Materials and equipment: spatula, phonendoscope, thermometer, medicines (substitute items are used); doctor's bag, gown, cap (2-3 copies).
Progress of the game:
The teacher tells the children that her daughter is sick.
- We need to put Katya to bed and call the doctor. I will be a doctor myself. I have a robe, a cap and tools.
-Vova, do you want to be a doctor?
-Here’s your robe, cap and tools too. Let's treat dolls together, let's start with my daughter Katya. Let's listen to her. What is needed for this? (a tube.)
-Can you hear Katya’s heart beating: “Knock-knock-knock”?
-Breathe, Katya. Now you, Vova, ask Katya to breathe deeply.
-Now let’s put a thermometer on Katya. Like this. Now let's see her throat. Where's the spoon?
-Katya, say: “Ah-ah.”
-You see, Vova, Katya’s throat is red and her temperature is high. Let's give her some medicine.
-Now let Katya sleep.

Card No. 21 “Washing doll clothes”
Goals: to learn to unite in groups of two or three for independent games; contribute to the development of story-based games with dolls, enrich the content of such games.
Materials and equipment: bath, soap dish, soap (substitute item), washboard, iron; doll clothes; rack for hanging laundry; ironing board.
Progress of the game:
The teacher addresses the children:
-You and I bathed the dolls and forgot to wash their dirty laundry. What do we need for this?
(The teacher arranges the items so that it is convenient for two (three of them) to wash. You can wash everything together in one large basin or separately in small basins - the main thing is that the children are nearby).
When everything necessary for washing is ready, the teacher asks:
-Can I wash my clothes?

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Card index

plot- role playing games in the second younger group.

"Let's go for a walk"

Target: develop in children the ability to select clothes for different seasons, teach them to correctly name items of clothing, consolidate the general concepts of “clothing”, “shoes”, and cultivate a caring attitude towards others.

Equipment: dolls, clothes for all seasons (summer, winter, spring and autumn, a small wardrobe and a chair.

Progress of the game: a new doll comes to visit the children. She meets them and wants to play. But the guys are going for a walk and invite the doll to go with them. The doll complains that she can’t get dressed, and then the guys offer her their help. Children take out doll clothes from the locker, name them, choose what they need to wear now depending on the weather. With the help of the teacher, they dress the doll in the correct sequence. Then the children dress themselves and go out for a walk with the doll. Upon returning from a walk, the children undress themselves and undress the doll in the required sequence, commenting on their actions.


Target: teach children to classify objects by common features, cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, expand children’s vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “toys”, “furniture”, “food”, “dishes”.

Equipment: all toys depicting goods that can be bought in a store, located on the display window, are money.

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to place a huge supermarket in a convenient place with departments such as vegetable, grocery, dairy, bakery and others where customers will go. Children independently distribute the roles of sellers, cashiers, sales workers in departments, sort goods into departments - groceries, fish, bakery products, meat, milk, household chemicals, etc. They come to the supermarket for shopping with their friends, choose a product, consult with sellers, pay at the cash register. During the game, the teacher needs to pay attention to the relationship between sellers and buyers. The older the children, the more departments and products there may be in the supermarket.

"Toys at the Doctor"

Target: teach children how to care for the sick and use medical instruments, cultivate attentiveness and sensitivity in children, expand their vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “hospital”, “patient”, “treatment”, “medicines”, “temperature”, “hospital”.

Equipment: dolls, toy animals, medical instruments: thermometer, syringe, pills, spoon, phonendoscope, cotton wool, jars of medicine, bandage, robe and doctor’s cap.

Progress of the game: The teacher offers to play, a Doctor and a Nurse are selected, the rest of the children pick up toy animals and dolls and come to the clinic for an appointment. Patients with various diseases turn to the doctor: the bear has toothache because he ate a lot of sweets, the doll Masha pinched her finger in the door, etc. We clarify the actions: The doctor examines the patient, prescribes treatment for him, and the Nurse follows his instructions. Some patients require inpatient treatment and are admitted to the hospital. Children of older preschool age can choose several different specialists - a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a surgeon and other doctors known to children. When they get to the appointment, the toys tell them why they came to the doctor, the teacher discusses with the children whether this could have been avoided, and says that they need to take more care of their health. During the game, children watch how the doctor treats the sick - makes bandages, measures the temperature. The teacher evaluates how children communicate with each other and reminds that recovered toys do not forget to thank the doctor for the help provided.

"Stepashka's birthday."

Target: expand children’s knowledge about the methods and sequence of setting the table for a festive dinner, consolidate knowledge about tableware, cultivate attentiveness, caring, responsibility, desire to help, expand vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “celebratory dinner”, “name day”, “serving”, “ dishes", "service".

Equipment: toys that can come to visit Stepashka, tableware - plates, forks, spoons, knives, cups, saucers, napkins, tablecloth, table, chairs.

Progress of the game: The teacher informs the children that today is Stepashka’s birthday, offers to go visit him and congratulate him. The children take their toys, go to visit Stepashka and congratulate him. Stepashka offers everyone tea and cake and asks them to help him set the table. Children actively participate in this and, with the help of the teacher, set the table. It is necessary to pay attention to the relationships between children during the game.

"We're building a house."

Target: introduce children to construction professions, pay attention to the role of equipment that facilitates the work of builders, teach children how to build a simple structure, cultivate friendly relationships in a team, expand children’s knowledge about the peculiarities of the work of builders, expand children’s vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “construction”, “bricklayer” ", "crane", "builder", "crane operator", "carpenter", "welder", "building material".

Equipment: large building material, cars, a crane, toys for playing with the building, pictures depicting people in the construction profession: mason, carpenter, crane operator, driver, etc.

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle: “What kind of turret is there, and is there a light in the window? We live in this tower, and it's called? (house) ". The teacher invites the children to build a large, spacious house where toys can live. Children remember what construction professions there are, what people do at a construction site. They look at pictures of construction workers and talk about their responsibilities. Then the children agree to build a house. Roles are distributed among the children: some are Builders, they build a house; others are Drivers, they transport building materials to a construction site, one of the children is a Crane Operator. During construction, attention should be paid to the relationships between children. The house is ready and new residents can move in. Children play independently.

"It's time to eat."

Target: To form ideas about cooking and eating, about various dishes, food products, and utensils used in cooking.

Equipment: dishes ( plates, spoons, knives, pots, frying pans, cups, etc.), candy wrappers, sticks, cubes, rings, buttons, designer parts, dolls, etc.

Progress of the game: Invite children to do the following:

Set the table and arrange the cutlery.

Cook soup, porridge on the stove (in an empty saucepan or by putting buttons, balls, beads, sticks, etc. in it) and feed the doll from a spoon, a stick, or your palm. You can use a cube or other flat object as a tile.

Boil an egg (ball), blow on it, break it with a spoon (stick), feed the doll, teddy bear.

Bake pies (you can use balls, rings, buttons, cubes, figures cut out of colored paper, you can mold them from plasticine, dough), treat dolls and animals.

Feed the doll soup, porridge, bread from a plate, cut a sausage or sausage with a knife (stick) (a ball, cube, stick, parts from a construction set or mosaic, a candy wrapper, a ball can be used for this purpose).

Boil milk, pour juice, give the dolls a drink, give them cookies, candy (plastic construction or mosaic parts, a candy wrapper, a ball are used) with drawings without detail indicating only the color, for example, a green oval is a cucumber, an orange is a carrot, a red circle is an apple or tomato, striped green circle - watermelon)

Wash the dishes, dry them with a towel. You can wash the dishes with your palm or a piece of sponge; instead of a towel, use a piece of cloth.

We should not forget that game actions can be performed without the use of objects, with the help of fingers, palms, gestures (for example, “take” an imaginary candy or nut with your fingers, hold out an empty palm to the bear and offer him an apple).

Within the framework of this plot, you can organize a play on various children's poems, for example, “Pancakes” by A. Kravchenko:

Grandma, grandma,

Bake pancakes! –

Yes, I’ll bake something,

But where can you get flour?

What a pain! Grandma, grandma,

Bake pancakes!

I would bake pancakes

Only there is no milk.

Here's milk!

Grandma, grandma,

Bake pancakes!

I would have baked it already

The trouble is, there is no yeast.

Here's the yeast! Grandma, grandma,

Bake pancakes!

Yes, I’ll bake something,

Just need some sugar.

Here's sugar! Grandma, grandma,

Bake pancakes!

Baking pancakes is a skill,

But where is the frying pan?

Here's a frying pan! Grandma, grandma,

Bake pancakes!

Well, now I’ll bake it,

I’ll bake it for my sweet granddaughter

And my beloved granddaughter.

I'll bake the whole mountain!

Oily, rosy,

With honey, With sour cream.

First, you read a poem to the child, intonating the speech of the grandmother and grandson (granddaughter) differently and illustrating it with appropriate play actions (for example, showing an empty handful instead of flour, an empty cup of “milk,” a cube instead of yeast, a frying pan in the form of a toy or drawing, and etc.). After the child gets acquainted with the poem, you can act it out together, offering him the role of granddaughter, suggesting the appropriate words and helping, if necessary, to perform this or that action. This poem is good because in it the child repeats the same lines, and his play actions are quite varied. In addition, they can be varied each time (for example, instead of a plate, use a cube, a flat part of a construction set or a pyramid, a chair, etc.), and with older children you can exchange roles.

"Baiushki bye"

Target: expand ideas about caring for children, develop imagination, cultivate a caring attitude, responsibility.

Equipment: dolls, cribs .

Progress of the game: offer children actions:

Swaddle the doll.

Pet her, hug her.

Cradling in your arms.

Place in the crib, cover with a blanket, rock the crib.

Here's a soft feather bed for your back.

On top of the feather bed

A clean sheet.

Here's to your ears

White pillows.

Down duvet

And a handkerchief at the top.

"We must, we must wash ourselves"

Target: form ideas about hygienic procedures, develop imagination, cultivate a love of cleanliness and neatness.

Equipment: dolls, baths, jars, combs, etc.

Progress of the game: offer children actions:

Bathe the doll in the bath (instead of soap and a sponge, you can use a cube, a ball, or a piece of foam rubber).

Wash the doll's head with shampoo (from a plastic jar) and dry with a napkin.

Comb the doll's hair (with a comb or a stick), and let her look in the mirror.

Wash the doll from the basin.

Brush the dolls' teeth (you can use a children's toothbrush or stick)

Place on a pot (for small toys you can use a bottle cap or the bottom of a plastic jar).

The game can be accompanied short rhymes, for example, such as:

Water, water,

Wash my face

To make your cheeks blush,

To make your mouth laugh,

So that the tooth bites

Who's good with us:

Who is our prettiest?

Katya is good!

Katya is beautiful!

"We are going to walk"

Preparing for a walk (swaddling or dressing the doll). Rocking her in your arms or in a stroller. Walking by car (in a stroller). Downhill skiing by car or on a board. The doll can be carried in your arms. If the child already uses active speech, invite him to tell the doll what it can see.

You can play out a walk with a doll using design elements. This can be done as follows. You put a small doll and cubes (bricks) on the table, and says to the child: “Our Lyalechka is bored alone and wants to go for a walk. Let’s build a path for her?” Take one brick, place another one next to it, then invite the child to continue the path. After the path is built, you and your child walk along it with a doll, saying: “Top-top, the baby is stomping” or: “Little legs are walking along the path. Top-top-top.” Subsequently, the game can be complicated by introducing another doll into it, which also walks and goes towards the first one. They meet, hug, talk to each other.

"The doll is sick"

Target: to develop children’s ability to care for the sick and use medical instruments, to cultivate attentiveness and sensitivity in children, to expand their vocabulary, to introduce the concepts of “hospital”, “patient”, “treatment”, “medicines”, “temperature”, “hospital”.

Equipment: Doll, medical instruments, buttons, bottle caps, bandage.

Progress of the game: The doll’s complaint, questions about what hurts, how it hurts, comforting her. Take the doll by car to the hospital. Listen to the heart (with a tube; pasta; a button strung on a string; with the ear) Measure the temperature (with a toy thermometer, stick, pencil) Give an injection (with a toy or real plastic syringe, stick, finger). Give a tablet (a bead, button, pea or bean, piece of paper, empty palm are suitable for this purpose). Place mustard plasters (using a piece of paper, a piece of fabric, a leaf). Place the jars (you can use small bottle caps or simply bend your palm). Treat your throat (rinse it from a cup, lubricate it with a stick of ointment).

Treat the ear (drop the medicine with a pipette or two folded fingers, lubricate it with a stick of ointment). Make a bandage with a piece of bandage. Give vitamins (peas, buttons) Give him hot tea with honey (with raspberries) Put him to bed. Sing a song, calm the doll.

"Good Doctor Aibolit"

"In the shop"

Target: expand ideas about the work of a seller, about buying products, develop speech and imagination.

Equipment: vegetables, fruits, substitute items.

Progress of the game: Place vegetables, fruits, and substitute items on the table (on the counter). Have an adult or child take on the role of a salesperson. Ask the seller what products are in the store. Select the necessary products and put them in a basket (using substitute items). Pay the seller money (pieces of paper, buttons, flat mosaic pieces) Take the basket home, lay out the food on the table. Wash vegetables or fruits. Ask the dolls what they want to eat. Offer them a carrot, an apple, a banana, etc. (use realistic toys or drawings). Boil soup in a saucepan. After completing this game, you can invite your child to invite guests (family members or dolls) and treat them with products purchased at the store. The game can be accompanied by reading a poem by Y. Tuvim:

The hostess came from the market one day,

The hostess brought home from the market:

Here the vegetables started a dispute on the table

– Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth:

Cabbage? Carrot? Peas, Parsley or beets? Oh!..

Meanwhile, the hostess took the knife

And with this knife she began to chop:

Potatoes, Cabbage, Carrots, Peas, Parsley and beets. Oh!..

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot

Boiled, boiled in boiling water:

Potatoes, Cabbage, Carrots, Peas, Parsley and beets. Oh!..

And the vegetable soup turned out to be not bad!

"Come visit us"

Target: expand the idea of ​​​​receiving guests, develop speech and imagination.

Equipment: dolls, dishes, substitute items.

Progress of the game: Invite toys to a holiday dinner (walk around the room with your child and invite several dolls and animals to come visit, encouraging the child to talk with toys). Cover festive table, arrange dishes according to the number of invited guests, treats (fruits, vegetables, candies, etc.). Seat guests at the table. Offer them a treat, ask what each of the guests wants to eat. Place the food on plates and feed the guests. At the end of lunch, thank the guests and take them home. Guests can be not only toys, but also family members and peers.

"Home routines"

Target: expand your understanding of clothing and linen care, washing, and ironing. Cultivate neatness and careful attitude towards things.

Equipment: doll clothes, basin, iron, wardrobe.

Progress of the game: Wash the dolls' clothes (in a basin, in a bathtub). Wash a blanket, a sheet (a piece of fabric, a napkin, a handkerchief) Iron the linen (with a toy iron or a cube) Put the linen in a locker, in a dresser drawer (in a box)

"At the hairdresser"

Target: expand your understanding of the work of a hairdresser, cultivate accuracy.

Equipment: dolls, mirror, substitute objects.

Progress of the game: Place the doll on a chair, tie an apron. Wash the doll's head (you can use a shampoo bottle or a cube instead of soap). Dry your hair with a hairdryer (you can move the cube over your head and buzz). Comb the doll's hair (with a comb or a stick). Attach a hairpin and a bow. Spray your hair with hairspray. Look in the mirror (you can use a jar lid).

"My phone rang"

Target: develop speech and imagination.

Equipment: telephone.

Progress of the game: Conversation on the phone: With mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather (talk about what toys he plays with, ask what his family is doing, etc.) With a doctor (call a doctor to see a sick child or to yourself, tell him what hurts). After this, you can play out the “Hospital” plot.

With the seller (ask if the store has apples, candies, toys, etc.). After this, you can play the “Shop” story.

With a hairdresser (find out if the hairdresser is open, if you can come and get your hair done, etc.). Act out the "Barbershop" plot.

Use K. Chukovsky’s poem “My phone rang” when talking on the phone.


Target: form an idea of ​​the circus, broaden your horizons.

Equipment: dolls, animals, masks, etc.

Progress of the game: Invite your child to take dolls and animals to the circus. Sit them down on the sofa. Set up a circus “arena” on the rug in front of the sofa, and place “artists” on it. They can be soft and winding toys (for example, a tumbling monkey, “Thumbelina”, etc.), as well as folk toys, which are driven by ropes or sticks and imitate the actions of adults (for example, a bear chops wood, a hare plays a drum, etc.).

You say: “Now the monkey will perform. Look how he can somersault.” Then get a monkey and show how it tumbles. - “And now the bear is performing. He knows how to chop wood.” A cockerel can sing and flap its wings beautifully, a hare can beat a drum, etc. In this game you can use masks or half masks of different animals, mitten dolls, etc. After each performance, clap your hands with your child.

"Putting Toys to Bed"

Target: help put toys back in their places, develop imagination.

Equipment: toys.

Progress of the game: This game is good to play before bed. Kids are not always willing to put their toys back in their place. Try to play up this moment by helping the child and talking with toys. For example: “Ball, you’re tired of rolling around, lie down in the box, rest. And you, little cubes, run and run to the shelf. That’s how beautiful, you stand straight! And for you, Mishenka, it’s time to sleep too, let’s put you on a bench and cover you with a blanket ", and the dog - under the bench, let it protect you. Cups, stand on your saucers, otherwise they will miss you." So, by talking with toys, you will make a boring activity interesting for your baby and play out a new story.

"I am the driver!" (games with cars)

Target: expand ideas about cars, their meaning, develop imagination.

Equipment: cars, cubes, sticks, etc.

Progress of the game: Transportation of products to the store using trucks. Transportation of building materials to the construction site. Car racing. Car repair. Car washing, etc.

Variants of this game can be games of pilots, captains of sea ships, etc. It is good to include design elements in these games.

"Matryoshka dolls come to visit"

Target: expand ideas about the size of objects, develop imagination and thinking.

Equipment: nesting dolls, cubes, cars.

Progress of the game: First, you and your child look at a two- or three-piece nesting doll, offer to take it apart, and then say that each nesting doll wants to live in its own house. Address the baby on behalf of the big nesting doll: “Vanya, please build me a house. But it must be big so that I can fit in it.” Then speak for the little nesting doll: “And I also want to live in a house. Only my house should be smaller.” If the child accepts the game, you and your child build two houses at a distance from each other from cubes and a triangular prism (roof), and plant nesting dolls near them. The adult says: “Here our nesting dolls are sitting looking at each other. The big matryoshka says to the little one: “I’m bored without you, come visit me.” And the little one replies: “I would come to you, but I’m afraid to get my feet wet.” If only Vanechka would build a path for me. Will you build it?" (addressing Vanya). You invite the child to fulfill the request of the matryoshka. Then a path is built from small blocks (bricks), and the small matryoshka goes along it to visit the big one.

If it is not difficult for a child to distinguish between nesting dolls of two sizes, and if the game is interesting to him, you can introduce a third matryoshka or another character into it (build a doghouse for a dog, a den for a bear cub, etc.)

You can also include a small car in the game and ride the matryoshka doll along the path on it if, for example, its leg hurts.

"The cockerel is singing"

Target: develop imagination and vocabulary.

Equipment: toy cockerel, cubes.

Progress of the game: Show your child the cockerel: “Look, the cockerel has woken up, started singing his song “kook-ka-re-ku”, he wants to wake everyone up. He wants to flap his wings, fly high so that everyone can see how beautiful he is and hear him sing. He loves to sit on the fence and sing. Let's build him a fence? Where are our blocks?" Discuss which cubes are best used to build a fence. To begin with, it can be built from several cubes placed next to each other. Let the cockerel fly up onto the fence and jump on it.

Then address the child on behalf of the cockerel: “I want a higher fence” and comment: “Do you hear, the cockerel wants to fly higher? Let’s build a high fence? What cubes will we take?” Discuss with your child how you can build a higher fence. This can be done by placing a cube on top of a cube, or you can place tall cylinders or bars. When giving your child the opportunity to build the fence himself, help him if necessary. After the fence is ready, turn to the cockerel: “Peter the cockerel, this is the high fence Andryusha built for you. Are you satisfied now? Fly high!” End the game with this song:

Early in the morning in the yard

I wake up at dawn, I scream ka-ka-re-ku

I want to wake up the guys.

Or: Our cockerel is loud,

In the morning he shouts: “Hello!”

On his feet are boots,

Earrings hang on the ears.

There is a comb on the head,

That's what he is, a cockerel! (G. Boyko)

"Travelling by car"

Target: expand your horizons, vocabulary, develop imagination and thinking.

Equipment: cars, cubes.

Progress of the game: Take a small car and invite your child to drive it towards each other. After playing with it a little, say: “Now the car needs to be sent to the garage so that it can rest. Come on, as if you and I are builders and are building a garage for the car? A garage is built from bricks. Where are our bricks?” Help your child build a garage, a gate, and praise him. After your child builds a gate, offer to drive through it into the garage. Give your child the opportunity to act on his own, ask him questions, encouraging him to dialogue with the machine. The kid rolls the car as much as he wants.

If he plays such a game well and with interest, it can be complicated. For example, invite him to go by car to the forest. To do this you will need to mark the forest. This can be done by placing tall cylinders (trees) on the far edge of the table.

If desired, the toy car can be replaced with a cube or a stick. You can also build a bridge for a car or build a slide from cubes and bars. It is advisable to leave such buildings untouched for some time. A child may lose interest in the game, but after a while, seeing the building, return to it again.


Target: Developing in children the ability to take on the role of birds.

Equipment: Substitute items, toys.

Progress of the game: The teacher can start the game by observing a sparrow on the street: “Look, a sparrow is sitting on the roof of the neighboring house. It is small. He sat, sat and began to jump. Has stopped. He flapped his wings, chirped and flew.” After this, the teacher offers to play a game. The teacher in the role of a sparrow says: “I have wings. Here they are, look. I flap my wings and fly high, I can even fly higher than houses. And here is my beak. I peck grains with it and drink water. I really like to eat bread crumbs and worms. I live in a tree with other sparrows. Do you know what I love to do most? Swim in a puddle and chirp: chik-tweet, chik-tweet, chik-tweet. I fly and tweet all day, looking for my kids. I want my little sparrows to come to me. Chick-tweet, chick-tweet, little sparrows, where are you? Respond, tweet. I'm waiting". (If the children do not respond to the teacher’s proposal, then we can say that the sparrows do not hear the mother sparrow; they have flown far away). Then the teacher asks who wants to be a sparrow. After this, the game continues in the same way as the Fox game.

"Wind and Leaves"

Target: Development in children of the ability to take on the role of an inanimate object. Cultivating a love for nature.

Equipment: Leaves.

Progress of the game. The teacher starts the game on a walk and gives the children tasks to watch how a boat leaf floats in the water (in a puddle), look for what or who is hiding on the ground under the leaves, decorate the area, the troupe, their cabinet, themselves with leaves, carry and rearrange the leaves with place to place, carry a leaf through a puddle by a string.

After this, the teacher suggests hanging the leaves in the through openings. Suspended in this way, they instantly react to the slightest breath of wind and begin to spin and sway in different directions. The teacher draws the children’s attention to this: “Look! Our leaves are spinning and spinning, they flew and flew and calmed down. They flew and spun again and... calmed down.”

Then the teacher talks to the kids about the wind. “Who is this blowing on our leaves? – the teacher is surprised. - You, Mishenka, didn’t blow on the leaves? And you, Tanechka? And I didn't blow on the leaves. Who lifts them into the air? The teacher waits for an answer; if the guys are silent, he continues: “I know who picks up the leaves, who blows on them. It's the wind. He, like us, loves to play with leaves. It will fly apart, and as soon as it blows - fu-fu-fu! The light leaves will rejoice and swirl and swirl, fly and fly and calm down.”

After such a story, the teacher offers to play. “Shall we play with the wind and leaves? I am the cheerful wind, and you are beautiful leaves" Children can be asked to take a leaf in their hand; you can decorate children’s clothes with leaves. “What beautiful leaves!” - the teacher says, decorating the children autumn leaves. Everyone is “dressed up”, you can play.”

During the game, the teacher accompanies all his words with a demonstration. Children are guided by his words and actions. “Small leaves sit quietly on their branches (children and teacher squat).” “Suddenly a cheerful wind flew in. When it blows - fu-fu-fu! The leaves woke up, opened their eyes, and flew away (the children are moving around the playground, some are spinning, some are running, some are just walking).” “The wind flew away, the leaves calmed down and fell down (the children and the teacher stop and sit down).”

The teacher can repeat the game several times at the request of the children.



Game material. Substitute objects, toys, illustrations.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to play and takes on the role of a hedgehog: “I will be a hedgehog. I have prickly needles and a long nose with a black tip at the end. Although my paws are small, I run fast. I live in a hole. I know how to hide from a fox. I curl up into a ball - neither my head nor my legs are visible and I lie on the forest path. (You can show an illustration where a fox is trying to touch a hedgehog curled up with its paw). She walks and walks around me and can’t grab me. The ball is covered in sharp needles. The fox is afraid to even touch me with his paw. The only bad thing is that I live alone. No, I'm hesitant. I'm bored. Who wants to be my hedgehog? Next, the game is played in the same way as the Fox game.


Target: Consolidating knowledge about different types of utensils, developing the ability to use utensils for their intended purpose. Fostering a culture of behavior while eating. Consolidating knowledge about the names of clothes. Strengthening in children the skill of undressing and folding their clothes correctly in a certain sequence.

Equipment: Dolls, toy dishes, pictures depicting elements of the painting “Playing with a Doll.”

Progress of the game: Preparing for the game begins by looking at the painting “Playing with a Doll.” Children sit at two or three tables arranged in a line, facing the teacher. They look at the picture, name what they see (“They are bathing a doll”, “The girl is bathing”, “Washes the soap off the doll”, “The boy is holding a towel to dry the doll”).

After this, the teacher turns to the children: “The pictures in front of you (lie face down), turn them over. Look at your pictures and tell me who has a bathtub and who has soap? who has tights?...” The child, who has found the desired picture, places it near the large picture.

So we helped the girl in the white apron. Everything has been prepared in order to redeem the doll.” The teacher offers the children a story based on this picture: “The children decided to buy the doll. They brought a stool, placed a bath on it, and poured warm water into the bath. Nearby, on a red bench, they placed a green sponge and soap. Separate the doll.

Her clothes were neatly laid out on a large chair, and her tiny blue shoes were placed under the chair. “Now, now, be patient a little longer,” the girl in the white apron persuades the doll. - I’ll wash the soap off you, and then wipe you dry. You see, Ilyusha is standing nearby, holding a large white towel in his hands...” The teacher can use various options games with dolls.

1st option. Katya doll is having lunch.

There is tea, dining and kitchen utensils on the table. Katya doll is sitting at the table. The teacher says: “Children, Katya needs to be fed lunch. There are different dishes here. We will put on the table in front of Katya only what is needed for lunch.” Children take turns finding the items they need. The teacher asks what it is and why. At the request of the teacher, the children find all the objects: plates, fork, spoon, bread box, name them correctly and arrange them beautifully on the table, not forgetting to lay out the tablecloth and place the napkin holder. They wish Katya bon appetit and clear the dishes after dinner.

2nd option. Choose dishes for dolls.

The teacher places three dolls on the table: a cook stands at the stove, a nanny doll in a dressing gown prepares dishes for dinner, and a girl doll sits at the table. The teacher looks at the dolls with the children, talks about what they do, what kind of utensils they need. There are different dishes on the table near the teacher. When showing an object, the teacher says what it is called. Then he asks the children about this subject. To maintain interest, you can ask like this:

“Probably no one needs these dishes?” Both the cook and the nanny need a ladle, a teapot, and a spoon. After this, the teacher asks each of the children who he would like to be now: a cook, a nanny or a girl going to dinner. Invite children to play on their own.

3rd option. The doll wants to sleep.

The teacher brings the doll and says that the doll is very tired and wants to sleep, asks the children to help her undress. Children, one by one, at the teacher’s direction, remove the doll’s clothes and, carefully folding them, place them on the doll’s chair. So, one child takes off his apron, the other takes off his dress, etc. The teacher guides their actions, helping to correctly fold this or that part of the doll’s toilet, showing how to do it correctly. When the doll is completely undressed (only a shirt remains), they put slippers on her and lead her to the bed. Having put the doll to bed, the teacher turns her on her side, puts her hands under her cheeks, carefully covers her, gently strokes her head and says: “Sleep!” Having shown the children that the doll has fallen asleep, the teacher asks them to be quiet and, putting a finger to their lips, on tiptoe, leaves the group room with the children where the doll is sleeping.

4th option. The dolls woke up.

There are 2 dolls sleeping on the beds: a large one and a small one. There are clothes on the shelves of the closet. Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. Educator: “Children, look who sleeps in this crib. Did you recognize her? Yes, this is a Katya doll. Who sleeps on this one? This is a Tanya doll." The teacher turns to one doll: “Katya, are you awake yet? Will you get up? Guys, she says she wants to get up, but first we need to find her clothes. What do you need to dress Katya? “Look carefully at the shelf. Do you see the clothes? Bring a dress. We try on the dress, if it’s small, we fold it next to Tanya’s crib. Should we put on the dress right away or should we put on other things first? We are looking for underwear in size and other things for the dolls.” Children take turns putting clothes on the Katya doll, then dressing Tanya.

At the end of this game, the doll, dressed with the help of the children, greets each of the children, thanks each of them for their help, affectionately strokes the head, dances merrily for the children, who clap their hands and then thank the doll for dancing.

When this game is played subsequently, the teacher encourages the children to play independently.

The teacher must treat dolls as if they were living beings. So, if a doll is dropped, the teacher takes pity on it, calms it down so that it doesn’t cry, asks the children to caress, calm and feel sorry for the doll.

During the walk, the teacher makes sure that the doll is not cold, that she does not freeze: he carefully adjusts her hat or scarf, and carefully checks to see if there is a breeze under the blanket with which the doll is wrapped. During feeding, make sure not to burn her: she cools the food.

The teacher includes dolls in the lives of children, making them participants in children's lives. So, the doll, sitting on a chair, watches how children study or eat, praises who eats quickly and carefully, who is attentive in class. In the morning, the doll greets the children and watches how the children dress and wash themselves, and in the evening, before the children are taken away, the doll is undressed and put into bed, they say goodbye to it, turn off the lights and tiptoe away.

"Bear Cubs"

Target: Developing in children the ability to take on the role of an animal.

Equipment: Sweets, fruits, pies.

Progress of the game: Offering children toys, candies, fruits, pies, etc., the teacher says: “Look, guys, what a big delicious pie the bear baked and sent to our group. She thought that in our group there were cubs with a sweet tooth who loved delicious pies, and decided to treat them. Who is our little bear? Who did the bear bake a sweet pie for? Are you a bear cub, Sasha? Where are your paws, little bear? Do you have fur, little bear? How many cubs we have in our group. Nice cubs! It's time to give them the pie!

Then the teacher invites the cubs to stand around a large table (made of pushed tables) and watch as she solemnly cuts the pie into equal parts so that everyone gets an equal share. A regular afternoon snack can be served this way. While handing out the pie, the teacher says: “This little bear has a piece of pie and this one. I share the bear's pie equally with all the cubs. Did all the cubs have enough pie? Eat to your health!”


Target: Developing children's ability to implement game plans.

Equipment: Substitute items, play utensils, toy dogs, furry collar.

Progress of the game: The teacher can use different options for the game depending on what the goal is

game actions.

1st option. The teacher’s actions are aimed at children.

The teacher asks the children: “Who wants to play with me? I invite everyone to play: Sasha, Pavlik, Alena and Vitalik. Does Irochka want to play with us? Now I will bake you some buns. I'll bake buns and feed you. You see, I have a lot of dough in the pan.” Shows a large children's pan filled with parts of building material - yellow or red hemispheres). “There will be a lot of buns, enough for everyone. Sit here on the carpet, relax, and I’ll cook.” The teacher seats the children so that they can see his actions. “I’ll take a large sheet (the lid of a box from a printed board game). I'll put buns on it. I make this bun with Valute (takes one piece from the box, makes circular movements reminiscent of rolling a ball, and places it on the “sheet”). I'll roll, roll the dough, the bun is ready for Valyusha. And I’ll make this bun for Kiryusha (by calling the children’s names, the teacher keeps their attention on himself). That's all. I haven't forgotten anyone. I made buns for everyone. Now you can bake them in the oven.” Places the “leaf in the oven” and immediately takes it out. “All the buns are already baked” (puts the sheet on the table, sniffs the buns). “They smell so delicious. Now I’ll pretend to try one.” The teacher shows how to do this in the game, says that they are tasty and sweet. Then he gives each child a treat. Asks the children if they liked the buns. He complains that the buns turned out too big and... You can’t eat it all at once. After this, the teacher invites those who have eaten enough to put the remaining pieces on a sheet to finish eating later.

Then the teacher says: “Now let's play hide and seek. You will be cunning guys. Some will hide behind a chair, some behind a closet, and some will even hide under the table. You hide, and I will look for you. Do you want to play like this? Now I will cover my eyes with my hands and count, and you hide. One-two-three-four-d-five, I’m going to look.”

The teacher is looking for the children, while rejoicing when someone is found. The game can be repeated two or three times.

Then the teacher invites the children to eat buns again, otherwise everyone has played enough and already wants to eat again. “Would you like to eat some buns?” - hands out buns to the children and says: “Now, when you finish eating the buns, I’ll give you some milk to drink.” If you've eaten enough, put the rest here on the sheet and come to me. I’ll pour you some milk.” The teacher gives each person a cup and pours imaginary milk. You can offer children supplements - a second cup

In conclusion, the teacher switches the children to independent play: “You’ve eaten and drunk, now go play with toys.”

2nd option. Children's play actions are directed at the teacher.

The teacher suggests to the children: “Let’s play, guys. I really want to play with Romochka, with Vitalik...” The number of children participating in the game can be any. You can play with all the children or only those who approach the teacher. “It was like I came home from work. Tired. And my head hurts. I can not. even cook your own food. And I really want to eat. Who, guys, will cook something for me to eat?” The children respond to the teacher's request. “Look how many products I have, a whole box. What will you cook for me? Here in the box there are cabbage and carrots (shows a green ball and a red cone). You can cook a delicious soup. I know Masha can cook soup. Mashenka, can you make me some soup? Here are your vegetables: cabbage and carrots. Here is a slab (large cube, upside down box). You’ll find the saucepan yourself, okay? Sasha, can you cook some potatoes for me? Who else will cook my potatoes? How many berries are there?! It will make a good compote! Who will cook me compote?

After this, the teacher helps everyone individually prepare “food” and shows the children no more than one or two playful cooking activities.

Then the teacher continues: “Whoever has food ready can feed me. I’ve already washed my hands and sat down at the table.” “What have you prepared for me, Verochka? Soup? Probably very tasty. Can I try? Pour me a bowl of soup, please. Oh, how delicious. Soup with carrots and cabbage. Consolidation! I still want to eat one bowl of soup. Can? Thank you, Verochka, very, very much. You made a very tasty soup.” It doesn’t matter if this procedure is delayed and the rest of the children wait for their turn to feed the teacher. Observing the actions of the teacher and the actions of the children, playful communication is very interesting for them. It will undoubtedly enrich their experience.

After feeding, the teacher expresses gratitude to all the children: “What great guys - they fed me. I rested and ate. And my head stopped hurting. Well, now you can have some fun. Do you want to dance? (children and the teacher dance to the music).

The teacher encourages children to independently accept the game goal: “Oh! I danced for a while and got hungry again. Who else will feed me? What are you going to feed me, Sasha?” The procedure of feeding and expressing gratitude is repeated again.

Then the teacher finishes the game: “I’m already so full that I can’t eat all the porridge you cooked, Alyosha. There is still half of the pan left. Feed the bunny porridge. He’s already come running to me to find out who was cooking the porridge.” The teacher can invite children to engage in another activity, gives them, for example, pencils and paper, etc.

3rd option. Children's play actions are aimed at toys.

The teacher includes the children in the game: “Guys, come here quickly, everyone. Look who came running there." Shows the dogs and offers to get to know them and pet them. “You can hear them whining. Let's ask the dogs, maybe they're hungry."

It turns out that they are really hungry.

After this, the teacher “calms” the dogs. Tells them what delicious soups, porridges, etc. our children can cook. “Don't worry, doggies. You see how many children we have in our group, and they all know how to cook very well. Some people make soup, some porridge, some make potatoes and even compote... and they know how to make scrambled eggs. Don't worry, we'll feed you now. Guys, do you want to cook food for the dogs?”

Then the teacher encourages each child to accept the game goal: “This dog chose you, Kiryusha. What will you cook for her? If the child cannot cope with the task assigned to him, the teacher offers him some of his own options: “I guessed that your dog loves soup with bones most of all.” The dog barks in agreement.

So, in turn, the teacher gives each child a dog and encourages them to accept an individual play goal.

When all the dogs have found their owners, the teacher invites the children to take the necessary “products” from the boxes with substitute items. While the children are preparing food, the teacher asks the children: “How is the puppy behaving. Does he listen to you, Nina, doesn’t it interfere with your cooking? What are you cooking for him? He likes his porridge to be sweet. Will you put sugar in the porridge?” “Sharik, are you glad that Vitya cooks meat for you? Sit here and don’t get into the pan, otherwise you’ll get burned - the stove is hot.” “You know, Vitya, your dog is so clean. When she eats, she runs to wash her face and paws. Will you help her wash up later?

Completing the feeding procedure, the teacher says: “Guys, listen to what the dogs want to tell you. They thank you for feeding them delicious food.” “The dogs say that now they want to sleep, that they like to sleep on rugs in a quiet corner behind a closet or under a chair. Here are the rugs for you." Children put the dogs to bed.

After this, the teacher can introduce the children to a new game goal - playing the circus. In a whisper he calls the children to him and tells them to go slowly, otherwise the dogs will wake up. He reports that the “mother” of the dogs has come running to the group. She wants to show the children a dog circus. He asks the children if they saw dogs performing in the circus on TV. She tells how well the “mother” of dogs can perform. The teacher invites the children to sit on the carpet and watch a dog circus. The teacher shows two or three play actions with a circus dog. The dog can jump over a stick, climb a tower of blocks, somersault, count children, etc. Children clap for the dog. In order for the dog to become a circus dog, put a beautiful “fluffy” collar around its neck.

After the performance, the “mother” asks the dogs to wake up her puppies and bring them. The teacher puts the puppies in a box. Takes her away. The dog “says goodbye” to the children and “leaves.” The teacher invites her to visit the children more often.

Role-playing games with dice.

Children love to play with blocks. This interest can be used by incorporating construction elements into almost any plot.

Here are some of these stories. Making furniture from cubes for dolls and animals (chair, crib, bench, etc.). Making large and small houses, turrets, paths, etc. Construction of a dog house. Construction of a turret for a cockerel, etc. Construction of a zoo. Construction of garages for large and small cars (including hangars for aircraft). Construction of berths for boats and ships.

In accordance with the chosen plot, toys are placed in certain buildings (for example, dolls can leave their houses and go to visit each other, cars can go to their garages, etc.). Here are some examples of story-based games that include building elements.

Maljanova Gulnaz Enver kyzy, teacher
Tyumen region Nizhnevartovsk district Vakhovsk village

Expand knowledge about the stages of development of children's play activity. To promote the development of play as an activity, to enrich its development as an independent creative type of children's activity. Create an object-based gaming environment (Game Center) that meets modern requirements and promotes the development of independent gaming activities;

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Project “Plot-role-playing games in the second junior group”

teacher of the second junior group G.E. Maldzhanova

Project duration: long-term (September-May)

Project goal: To expand knowledge about the stages of development of children's play activity. To promote the development of play as an activity, to enrich its development as an independent creative type of children's activity. Form positive relationships between children (mutual assistance, friendliness). To develop organization, the ability to follow the rules of the game, select objects and attributes for the game, and build from building materials. Develop active speech communication in children, expand and enrich their vocabulary.

Problem: Currently, there is a slight decline in the level of role-playing play in preschoolers. Nowadays, parents spend little time with their children and do not teach them to play or communicate with each other. It is easier for parents to turn on the TV to their children or give them a tablet: the children are left to their own devices. But play is the leading activity in preschool age; it has a significant impact on the development of the child’s personality. Children learn to fully communicate with each other, for the first time recognize themselves as a single team, unite and gain the opportunity to express themselves and their best personality traits. Working with preschool children, I came to the conclusion that plot-role-playing the game plays a leading role in the formation of positive relationships among children and the formation of positive moral qualities in the personality of preschool children.

Relevance of the project: developing interest in role-playing games is a long and complex process, but if we want our children to form ideas about the adult world, relationships with peers, develop thinking, feelings, will, it is simply necessary to do this. Play is of great importance for personal development.

Create an object-based gaming environment (Game Center) that meets modern requirements and promotes the development of independent gaming activities;

Promote collaboration between teacher and parents to create a play center.

Introduce children to the work activities of adults;

4. Teach children to unite in pairs, groups in a joint game, distribute roles, perform game actions, the ability to interact and get along in a joint game;

5. Develop forward planning and conducting role-playing games in the second junior group.

Interaction with parents

Consultation for parents on the topic: “Game in a child’s life.”

Help in creating a play area.

Creation of attributes for role-playing games.

Questioning parents

The following methods and techniques were used:

Organization of life and play development situations that provide children with the opportunity to learn the experience of moral behavior and friendly attitude towards peers and loved ones.

Communication and joint activities with the teacher are a means of establishing trust, enriching social ideas and interaction experience.

Observing the actions and relationships of adults in kindergarten (cook, nanny, nurse, janitor, salesperson, teacher

Imaginative simulation games, round dancing, movement, didactic, construction - for the development of emotional responsiveness and the joy of communicating with peers:

Reading poems and fairy tales on the themes of kindness, love for parents, caring for animals

Excursions to the medical office, kitchen.

The final stage:

Results of the work carried out:

Enriched the group’s developmental environment;

Increased children's cognitive interest;

Parents' knowledge of children's play has increased,

We have prepared a photo exhibition “By playing we learn, by playing we learn”

Expected Result.

Children will be happy to take part in play activities, learn to play both individually and in pairs, and independently create conditions for the development of the game. At the end of the year: Children took part in a photo shoot during play activities. The level of development of skills to play role-playing games has significantly increased compared to the beginning of the school year. Children were taught to play in a team, take on a role, distribute roles, and help their playmates. Their vocabulary expanded and their speech developed over the course of the year. The children played with pleasure, asked for a continuation, and learned to develop the plot further.

Working with parents.

We conducted a consultation on “Game in Children’s Lives” so that parents received as much as possible more information about the importance of play in child development.

We prepared a memo for parents: “What games can be played at home” - We held “evenings” on the topic: “How to play with children.”

Parents, together with their children, were actively involved in creating attributes for role-playing games. Parents, together with their children, brought various boxes, jars, bottles from home for games in the “Hospital”, “Barbershop”, “Shop”, sewed clothing attributes for games. Thus, we have added the following games: “Hairdressing”: various combs, scissors, bottles, etc.; “Hospital”: thermometers, various boxes, jars, “Shop”, etc.

Project implementation:

To conduct role-playing games in the group, the following was created:

subject-development environment.

Role-playing game "Hospital"

Always attentive. with love

Our doctor is treating you guys

When your health improves -

He is the happiest

We read K.I. Chukovsky’s “Doctor Aibolit.” We looked at the illustrations “The doll got sick.” We went on an excursion to the nurse kindergarten. We talked about “How a doctor treats children.” We read E. Krylov’s “How a rooster was treated.” In the d/i ​​“Who needs what for work” they taught how to select items for their intended purpose. In d and “Whose Subject” they were taught to name a profession based on the subject of work (listening tube, thermometer). In the kindergarten “Treating a doll” (listen, put a thermometer, give tea with raspberries, milk with honey) children were taught play actions. In the classroom “What's Extra” they taught how to notice mistakes and correct them. We prepared a “Doctor” kit (thermometer, bandage, medicine bottles, spatula). Parents sewed hats for the doctor. Introducing substitute items (cotton wool - a piece of foam rubber, tablets - a drawing on cardboard). They created a game situation: the doll was lying in the crib, did not get up, and had a sore throat. Children are included in a role-playing conversation with an adult, the child independently performs actions with the doll, repeating after the teacher. Questions: what does the doctor do? How many of you want to become a doctor?

Role-playing game "Family"

I have a family-

Mom, dad, brother and me.

We live the best

We sing songs loudly

We looked at the illustrations and read “Masha is having lunch” by S. Kaputikyan. We talked on the topic “My mother”. Played didactic games: “Let’s give the doll some tea”, “Let’s feed the doll lunch” Purpose: clarify the name of the dishes, their purpose, teach them to perform actions sequentially. D/i “Let’s dress the doll for a walk” Purpose: to exercise the ability to reproduce a sequence of actions. We created a play environment in a doll corner: dishes, an iron, baths, a stroller, a crib with bed linen. Introducing substitute items into the game. We used demonstrations of game actions and joint play (teacher - daughter, child - mother). Questions about the game (“What’s your daughter’s name?”, “What did you cook for her?”, “When are you going for a walk?”).

Role-playing game "Builders"

Autumn, summer, winter

Know or it's snowing -

Can build houses

Our guys are here all year round

Story-based role-playing game "Shop"

Hey people come in

Take a different product

Open your wallet

Get your heels out

When walking with their parents to the store, the children's knowledge about the work of a seller expanded. We talked on the topic “How we go to the store,” and expanded children’s knowledge about the relationship between the seller and customers. We read “In the Toy Store” by Ch. Yangarsky. We played the game “What products are sold in the store.” In the game “Let’s help the doll choose a purchase,” we expanded children’s ideas about the products that are sold in different stores. We talked about “What kind of stores are there?” They suggested that parents sew aprons and hats for the seller, decorate display windows, bring handbags, substitute toys (cookies - bricks), candy - colored sticks, money - multi-colored pieces of paper). We created a game situation: we ran out of food at home. Game situation “A vegetable store has opened”, “Let’s teach a bunny to go to the store”

Role-playing game "Fairy Beauty Salon"

Angelina likes to work

Hairdresser in the salon

Comb, trim, curl

Spray with hairspray

Role-playing game "Hairdresser", "Fairy Beauty Salon". Reading the nursery rhyme “Grow your braid to your waist.” Examination of illustrations depicting the work of a hairdresser. Holiday for dolls “Let's put the dolls in order” Goal: to continue acquaintance with the tools of the hairdresser. We played d/games “Who needs a comb”, “What is extra”. Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the names of hairdresser’s tools. D/game “Show the doll how a hairdresser works” Purpose: Continue to teach how to select objects for their intended purpose. Replenishment of the play corner: hair dryer, scissors, curlers, beads, various bottles. Adding costume details (a beautiful apron) Creating a problematic situation: the Tanya doll is going to visit her for her birthday. Questions about the game (What does a hairdresser need to take to cut hair? What is a hair dryer for? Joint game (child - hairdresser, teacher - client)

Role-playing game "Procedure room"

DIY attributes for role-playing games

Our children and parents actively took part in the production of attributes for the games

A final photo exhibition was organized for parents

“By playing we learn, by playing we learn”

Information for parents on the topic

"Playing with a child in the life of your family."

We want to attract the attention of parents to children's play as an activity that, in a family environment, most fully satisfies the child's needs for business, cognitive and emotional communication with adults. Show parents the importance of playing together in the family for the development of the child; introduce the traditions and forms of gaming leisure in the family, with different types of games. Dear parents, each of you dreams that your child will grow up smart, independent, and in the future be able to take a worthy place in the life of society. Children are brought up in games and other activities. By performing this or that role, they seem to prepare themselves for the future, for the serious life of adults. We can say that a game for a child is a time machine: it gives him the opportunity to live the life that he will have in many years. The great teacher Anton Semenovich Makarenko said: “What a child is at play, so in many ways he will be at work when he grows up.” The child does not show as much interest in any activity as in play. He is interested, which means that learning and development occur easily and with pleasure. This is the secret of the educational possibilities of the game. Games develop cognitive processes personality – attention, memory, thinking, imagination; train observation and intelligence; develop Creative skills children; form the emotional and sensory sphere of the child’s personality; contribute to the child’s self-knowledge and encourage him to self-improvement; They teach self-discipline, perseverance, endurance - all those strong-willed qualities without which it is difficult to live and achieve your goals and objectives. Our children love to play. We take this feature into account when preparing and conducting classes with children. Games and game situations in the classroom are an integral part of the developmental methods of teaching preschoolers. And it is very important that in the family, parents strive to develop their children through play. Let's look at ourselves from the outside: what are we? Do we like to play with children? Do we find time for this? What do we know about our child’s games and his preferences?

All games are divided into:

1. Role-playing



4.Musical and theatrical

5.Construction: as with natural material, and with a building designer. Each game involves some kind of result, learning something, developing something.

Use folklore in games with children: nursery rhymes, jokes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles, proverbs, fairy tales. This is a treasury of Russian folk speech and wisdom.

Don't forget about moving and sports games. They develop not only strength, dexterity and other physical qualities, but also attention, thinking, and imagination.

Mothers spend a significant part of their time in the kitchen. Try to use this time to communicate with your child. For example, while cooking at the same time, offer to play games: “Big - small”, “What color”, “Come up with a word”; compose a fairy tale with you, count objects in the kitchen, come up with a problem, compete in tongue twisters, etc.

Learn to play checkers (chess). These games develop logical thinking, spatial imagination, attention, memory, the ability to predict one’s actions and check the correctness of their choice. Instill in children a love of gaming entertainment - crosswords, puzzles, charades, puzzles. They broaden their horizons, develop resourcefulness, ingenuity, and train their minds.

Enrich your walks together in nature or walks around the city with educational playful moments. Explore the world together with the children. Solve mysteries together, come up with quizzes, riddles, and learn to be observant.

Together with your children, study the history of your family and your surname. Turn it into exciting game creating your ancestry. Come up with a funny story about a toy that you can tell the children, and you can say only one sentence about the advanced toy to each other. This is how you can play with your child, for example, in line at the doctor.

Teacher A. Gavrilava. “Loving a child does not mean possessing him or living next to him, but rather feeling, guessing what he needs, and trusting him.

Trust comes with risk. But education based on trust will bring disproportionately more positive results and joy to both children and parents.”

Who are our children?

These are children standing on their heads.

To look decent

After all, from this position you can clearly see

That adults aren't that big

And they grow upside down

They walk with serious heads,

And they watch what the children do.

“Come on, come on,” the adults look closely,

They turn around and realize

That children open up the world of games to them.

The wonderful world of the game is simple!

Let's try this world on ourselves.

Development creative activity children in play: encouraging children to play fantasy games (inventing fairy tales, etc.).

Encouraging the use of substitute items in the game, assistance in their selection, and in the use of gaming equipment.

Stimulating different types of games (moving, board-printing, creative, dramatization games, etc.).

"Envelope of Friendly Questions."

What is your child's favorite toy? What to do if your child asks you to play while you are watching TV? What if any failure in the game causes a depressed state or tears in the child? Should a child give in to the game? When? Why?

Conditions for the development of children's play activities in the family

Creating situations that stimulate the emergence and development of the game. Enriching children's impressions that can be used in the game: reading books, listening to audio recordings, discussing events in children's lives, telling adults about themselves and other people, conducting excursions, walks, visiting museums, theaters, attracting children's attention to the content of people's activities, their relationships, to phenomena in living and inanimate nature etc.

Making time to play with your child.

Development of children's creative activity in play: encouraging children to play fantasy games (inventing fairy tales, etc.)

Encouraging the use of substitute items in the game, assistance in their selection, and in the use of gaming equipment.

An attentive and tactful attitude towards children’s free play, inclusion in it as necessary as an equal partner.

Stimulating different types of games (moving, tabletop, creative, dramatization games, etc.)

Memo for parents

Start playing the simplest games, gradually complicate the game tasks and, slowly, move on to more difficult ones.

Do not learn too many games at once, because the baby must “play enough”; a child of primary preschool age loves to repeat.

Praise your child for success in the game. The focus on winning appears only at 4 or 5 years of age, so rewarding with grades, points, points, and distribution of prizes is possible a little later.

Teach your child to store toys and play items carefully, in a place specially designated for them.

Consultation for parents.

The importance of role-playing games in preschool age.

Prepared by: Maldzhanova G.E.

Play is an activity in its own right for a preschooler, providing him with a sense of freedom, control over things, actions, relationships, allowing him to realize himself most fully “here and now”, achieve a state of emotional comfort, and become involved in children's creativity, built on free communication between equals. And the combination of the subjective value of play for a child and its objective developmental value makes play the most suitable form of organizing children’s lives, especially in social conditions. preschool education.

At all times, play has been a leading activity for preschool children. Psychologists and teachers (L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin, A.P. Usova, T.E. Konnikova, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, R.M. Rimburg, R.I. Zhukovskaya, T.A. Markova, N.Ya. Mikhailenko, R.A. Ivanova and others) called preschool age the age of play. Almost everything that children do when left to their own devices for some time is called play. Researchers note the value of the game, point out its importance in the formation of social behavior, a person’s self-affirmation, and the ability to predict his behavior in a communication situation.

It is impossible to imagine the development of a child without play; role-playing games are the main activity of a preschooler. They allow the child, in an imaginary situation, to carry out any role-playing actions and functions that attract him, and to be involved in a variety of events. Role-playing game is the initial, conscious interaction of a small person with the world, in which the child plays the leading role of the creative subject, this is a way of his self-realization and self-expression. In it, the child is what he wants to be, in the game the child is where he wants to be, he is a participant in interesting and attractive events.

Through role-playing play, the child masters spiritual values, assimilates the previous social experience. In it, the child gains collective thinking skills. Role-playing game is the most accessible type of activity for children, a way of processing impressions and knowledge received from the surrounding world, because Here the peculiarities of the child’s thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, and developing need for communication are clearly manifested. Role-playing games can become a form of organizing the life activity of a preschooler, in which the teacher, using various methods, shapes the child’s personality, its spiritual and social orientation.

Particularly relevant is the problem of role-playing games and their organization in the family. Teachers and psychologists note that gaming activity is undergoing significant changes: it takes up less and less time in the life activity of a preschooler, is being replaced by other types of activities - watching TV, computer games, preparing for school, etc., which is reflected in the general development of the preschooler, his communication with adults and peers.

Games that are created by children themselves are called creative or role-playing games, as A.K. points out. Bondarenko, A.I. Matusik. This is the main type of activity for preschool children, during which the child’s spiritual and physical strengths develop: his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity, etc. In addition, play is a unique way of learning social experience, characteristic of preschool age.

The basis of the role-playing game is an imaginary or imaginary situation, which consists in the fact that the child takes on the role of an adult and performs it in a play environment created by him. For example, when playing school, it depicts a teacher teaching a lesson to students in the classroom.

In role-playing play, all aspects of the child’s personality are formed, significant changes occur in his psyche, preparing the transition to a new, higher stage of development. This explains the enormous educational potential of play, which psychologists consider the leading activity of a preschooler.

L.S. Vygotsky emphasized the unique specificity preschool game. It lies in the fact that the freedom and independence of the players is combined with strict, unconditional obedience to the rules of the game. Such voluntary submission to the rules occurs when they are not imposed from the outside, but arise from the content of the game, its tasks, when their implementation is its main charm.

Thus, in connection with all of the above, dear parents, play role-playing games with your children.

The importance of role-playing games in the life of preschool children

Play occupies a very important, if not central, place in the life of a preschooler, being the predominant type of his independent activity. In Russian psychology and pedagogy, play is considered an activity that is very important for the development of a preschool child; it develops actions in representation, orientation in relationships between people, and initial skills of cooperation.

Free story play is the most attractive activity for preschool children. Its attractiveness is explained by the fact that in the game the child experiences an internally subjective feeling of freedom, the subordination of things, actions, relationships - everything that in practical productive activity shows resistance and is difficult. This state of internal freedom is associated with the specifics of the plot game - action in an imaginary, conditional situation. A story-based game does not require a real, tangible product from the child; everything in it is conditional, everything is “as if,” “for fun.”

All these “possibilities” of story-based play expand the practical world of the preschooler and provide him with internal emotional comfort. This happens due to the fact that in the game the child recreates the areas of life that interest him with the help of conditional actions. First, these are actions with toys that replace real things, and then - visual, verbal and imaginary actions (performed internally, in the “mind”).

The game is important not only for the mental development of the child, but also for the development of his personality: by taking on various roles in the game, recreating the actions of people, the child is imbued with their feelings and goals,

empathizes with them, begins to navigate between people.

The game also has a great influence on the development of children’s ability to interact with other people: firstly, by recreating the interaction of adults in the game, the child masters the rules of this interaction, and secondly, in playing together with peers, he gains the experience of mutual understanding, learns to explain his actions and intentions, coordinate them with other people.

However, the game fully fulfills its developmental functions if it becomes more and more complex with age, and not only in its thematic content.

Consultation for parents.

The role of role-playing games in the education of preschool children

Prepared by Maldzhanova G.E.

The role of public preschool education is increasing from year to year. Today it performs a number of social functions of national importance. By the time they enter school, our students achieve a high level of physical, mental, moral, labor, and aesthetic development. The personal qualities of a child are formed in active activities, and above all in those that are age stage is the leader, determines his interests, attitude to reality, features of relationships with people around him. In preschool age, the leading activity of children is play. Already at early and junior age levels, it is in play that children have the greatest opportunity to be independent, communicate with peers at will, realize and deepen their knowledge and skills. The older children become, the higher the level of their general development and education, the more significant is the pedagogical focus of the game on shaping the behavior, relationships of children, and nurturing an active position. Through the game, the child enters the world of adults, masters spiritual values, and assimilates previous social experience. We can assume that in play the child receives for the first time a lesson in collective thinking. When we talk about play as the leading activity of a preschooler, we mean mainly joint role-playing play. Role-playing play in its typical form is a free type of joint activity for children. Children unite among themselves on their own initiative, determine the plot of the game themselves, take on appropriate roles, distribute game material, outline and develop the content of the game, performing certain game actions. It is important that they take the plot and content of the game from the surrounding life, reflect those moments of it that attracted attention, aroused interest, and made a special impression. What does such a game give to the child participating in it? What mental properties and abilities does it develop? The developmental significance of the game is diverse. In play, a child learns about the world around him, his thinking, feelings, and will develop, relationships with peers are formed, and self-esteem and self-awareness are formed. In play, children become acquainted with such aspects of reality as the actions and relationships of adults. Evidence of this is the plots and content of the games. In order to display in the game any aspects of the lives of adults, children must first get to know them, of course, with the help of their elders. What does the game add to this acquaintance? Of course, when organizing the game and during it, additional information can be obtained from adults and peers. However, the main thing here is not the quantity of information the child receives, but the quality of its assimilation. Children perceive what is passed through the game differently from what they only heard about from adults or even observed themselves. And this happens because the game does not just display, but simulates social situations. During the game, children take on various roles, as if replacing people who are in certain social relationships with each other, and their actions. They comprehend the essence of relationships between people. How should a teacher carry out the functions of leading a game, what pedagogical means to use? The plot in a game is the basis on which an adult builds his targeted influences. But since the formation of the game occurs gradually, the plot is used differently, depending on the stages of the game and the age characteristics of the children. In the formation of the game, three main stages can be distinguished: 1) mastering conventional actions with toys and substitute objects; 2) mastering role behavior (role relationships and interactions); 3) mastering the methods of constructing a plot. Conventionally, these stages can be attributed to certain ages: the first 1-2 years; second 2-4 years; the third is 4-7 years old. At the first stage, the adult, directing the game, places special emphasis on the play action, highlights it and through it includes the child in joint activities. At the second stage, the main task is to convey to children the methods of role-playing behavior. Using the situation of playing together with children or staging a certain game plot, the teacher gradually develops in them the ability to correlate the name of the role with a certain set of actions and attributes, different types relationships between different role positions (management, subordination, equality). At the third stage, the main pedagogical task is to develop in children the ability to build a game plot. To solve this problem, the adult organizes this type of joint game with the children, the main content of which is the process of inventing various plot situations. At all stages of the development of play, the teacher is faced with the task of using independent play in order to comprehensive development children

Consultation for parents

"Role-playing games in children's lives"

Prepared by Maldzhanova G.E.


Play has always had, has and will have great importance in a child’s life. And if you think that the game is just entertainment and an empty pastime, you are deeply mistaken. During the game, the child learns to analyze, develops his imagination, thinking, and many other useful things happen in the development of the child.

There are several types of play activities. This is an individual subject matter that arises in early age from six months to two years, substantively imitative, which manifests itself in the second year of life, and plot-role-playing. We'll talk about role-playing games below.

What are role-playing games?

Role-playing games are games in which children “put on” a role, conveying its character, and act according to a certain given plot or create it themselves. That is, it is in some way a theatrical performance. Children get used to their role and behave as they see their character from the outside.

Role-playing games take their place in a child’s life when he learns to use objects not only for their intended purpose, but also in accordance with the plot of the game. In the process, the child will have a desire to copy the actions of adults, he will learn to interact with other children in the game, or adults. Initially, role-playing play manifests itself in the usual imitation of an adult by a child. The baby vacuums on his own, cooks soup, puts toys to bed, and repairs something. After some time, the child begins to play out familiar life situations: “visiting the hospital,” “going to the store,” etc.

At this stage, dialogue between the characters is added to the role-playing game. The help of a parent will be very helpful here. If you help your child in the game, then by the age of two and a half, the child will independently play role-playing games along with his toys.

Next comes the complication of the game due to the appearance of a plot - the combination of several situations. For example, the plot could be a trip to nature - first the child will collect the necessary things, then get into the transport, unpack his bags on the spot, maybe take a fishing rod and go fishing, or something else like that. Children begin to agree on the rules of the game - business communication develops. At 4-5 years old, children not only play out everyday situations, but also add stories from fairy tales, cartoons, and books to the game.

Older children are easily involved in role-playing games, but even this does not mean that an adult can remain in the background and let everything take its course. If the parent does not provide the child with new situations for play, the child may stop developing and stop showing independence. The manifestation of creativity and independence in role-playing games shows the level of development of the child’s thinking.

The significance of toys for promoting independent play by children of senior preschool age is also specific. If in the play of children the subject situation determines the plot, then older preschoolers themselves construct the subject-game situation depending on the chosen topic and the intended course of the game, subordinating it to the game plan.

The play of younger preschoolers requires significant reliance on toys and objects that replace them. The main requirement for a substitute toy is convenience in performing play actions, proportionality in size with other play material. It is very important that such a toy resembles the depicted object with its general contours. So, a doll can be made from a towel, if you roll it up and put on an apron or bow, instead of a plate you can offer a circle of cardboard, etc. With proper guidance of the game, three-year-old children not only enthusiastically use the substitute objects offered by adults, but also themselves they choose and agree in advance what they will mean (“This is a doll”, “This is a plate”). Sometimes a substitute toy is assigned a role (“Let this be dad, and this is daughter”). Children 4-5 years old also carry out play actions most often with the help of toys, but they are already beginning to use gestures, words, and a certain position of an object or the child himself. At this age, attribute items acquire special importance: all kinds of hats, aprons, robes, handbags. During this period, toys are needed that reflect the specifics of instrumental actions in a particular profession. The doctor needs a robe, a table for receiving, a stick indicating a thermometer or syringe, and he certainly needs patients who patiently endure the care of the doctor and nurse. These patients may be large dolls with easily removable clothes or naked babies wrapped in a blanket. Sick children should have their own fathers and mothers.

For a 6-7 year old child, the main thing is no longer in performing role-playing actions with the help of toys and objects, but in communicating with those who have taken on other roles related to his role, with the meaning of the plot of the game. This significantly changes the requirements for a toy and forces us to look for an answer to the question of what it should be like, not so much in the game itself, but in real life today. These are not only games of family, school, hospital, but also space exploration, harvesting, gas pipeline construction, etc.

Thus, role-playing games teach the child to coordinate his actions with other participants in the game, try on various personal qualities, and also find ways out of various situations. By playing these games, the child grows up to be a creative and independent person, ready to solve life situations.


Role-playing games are a mandatory program for any kindergarten and an important stage in the development of a preschooler. The positive influence of role-playing games on personality formation has long been proven. After all, many children are raised at home, outside of kindergarten. In such cases, it is the parents who must make up for the problems of upbringing - organize a role-playing game in a family setting. Otherwise, the child will not receive much that is important to him. With the help of role-playing play, a child learns the world of human relationships and how he learns them depends on his parents. And a special role is played in this by the father, who knows how to convey everyday experience and cultivate morality in a simple form. We must not stand aside and mother and grandmother. There is nothing difficult in mastering role-playing games. The child should play as much as he needs. In order to properly organize the game, you need to remember three rules: 1) Game is a creative process, you should not force the child into some kind of framework. 2) The game should not be based on coercion, it is a free manifestation of the child’s will. 3) The game must change and have its own development. Don’t be afraid of repetitions: if a child “who has become a chef” fries pancakes for the second day, it’s not scary, he just remembers and practices the skill he has learned. Encourage him. If the game becomes cruel and evil, you need to intervene in such a situation carefully. Remember, did you explain to him the concepts of good and evil, good and bad? Take a closer look, maybe it’s just a “monster”, and it’s not evil at all. If a child deliberately plays an evil game, let him speak out, maybe this is aggression and it needs a way out. Try to interest your child in a new game. Love your children! Play with them! After all, in preschool age a child has only one opportunity to be an adult - in a role-playing game

Playing role-playing games with children

"Let's go for a walk"

Goal: to develop in children the ability to select clothes for different seasons, teach them to correctly name items of clothing, consolidate the general concepts of “clothing”, “shoes”, and cultivate a caring attitude towards others.

Equipment: dolls, clothes for all seasons (summer, winter, spring and autumn, a small wardrobe and a chair.

Age: 3–4 years.

Progress of the game: a new doll comes to visit the children. She meets them and wants to play. But the guys are going for a walk and invite the doll to go with them. The doll complains that she can’t get dressed, and then the guys offer her their help. Children take out doll clothes from the locker, name them, choose what they need to wear now depending on the weather. With the help of the teacher, they dress the doll in the correct sequence. Then the children dress themselves and go out for a walk with the doll. Upon returning from a walk, the children undress themselves and undress the doll in the required sequence, commenting on their actions.


Goal: to teach children to classify objects according to general characteristics, to cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, to expand children’s vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “toys”, “furniture”, “food”, “dishes”.

Equipment: all toys depicting goods that can be bought in a store, located on the display window, money.

Age: 3–7 years.

Progress of the game: the teacher invites the children to place a huge supermarket in a convenient place with departments such as vegetable, grocery, dairy, bakery and others where customers will go. Children independently distribute the roles of sellers, cashiers, sales workers in departments, sort goods into departments - groceries, fish, bakery products, meat, milk, household chemicals, etc. They come to the supermarket for shopping with their friends, choose a product, consult with sellers, pay at the cash register. During the game, the teacher needs to pay attention to the relationship between sellers and buyers. The older the children, the more departments and products there may be in the supermarket.

"Toys at the Doctor"

Goal: to teach children how to care for the sick and use medical instruments, to cultivate attentiveness and sensitivity in children, to expand their vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “hospital”, “patient”, “treatment”, “medicines”, “temperature”, “hospital”.

Equipment: dolls, toy animals, medical instruments: thermometer, syringe, pills, spoon, phonendoscope, cotton wool, jars of medicine, bandage, robe and doctor’s cap.

Age: 3–7 years.

Progress of the game: the teacher offers to play, a Doctor and a Nurse are selected, the rest of the children pick up toy animals and dolls, and come to the clinic for an appointment. Patients with various diseases turn to the doctor: the bear has toothache because he ate a lot of sweets, the doll Masha pinched her finger in the door, etc. We clarify the actions: The doctor examines the patient, prescribes treatment for him, and the Nurse follows his instructions. Some patients require inpatient treatment and are admitted to the hospital. Children of older preschool age can choose several different specialists - a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a surgeon and other doctors known to children. When they get to the appointment, the toys tell them why they came to the doctor, the teacher discusses with the children whether this could have been avoided, and says that they need to take more care of their health. During the game, children watch how the doctor treats the sick - makes bandages, measures the temperature. The teacher evaluates how children communicate with each other and reminds that recovered toys do not forget to thank the doctor for the help provided.

"Stepashka's birthday."

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the methods and sequence of setting the table for a festive dinner, to consolidate knowledge about tableware, to cultivate attentiveness, caring, responsibility, a desire to help, to expand their vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “celebratory dinner”, “name day”, “serving”, "dishes", "service".

Equipment: toys that can come to visit Stepashka, tableware - plates, forks, spoons, knives, cups, saucers, napkins, tablecloth, table, chairs.

Age: 3–4 years.

Progress of the game: the teacher informs the children that today is Stepashka’s birthday, offers to go visit him and congratulate him. The children take their toys, go to visit Stepashka and congratulate him. Stepashka offers everyone tea and cake and asks them to help him set the table. Children actively participate in this and, with the help of the teacher, set the table. It is necessary to pay attention to the relationships between children during the game.

We are building a house.

Goal: to introduce children to construction professions, to pay attention to the role of technology that facilitates the work of builders, to teach children how to build a simple structure, to cultivate friendly relationships in a team, to expand children’s knowledge about the peculiarities of the work of builders, to expand children’s vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “construction”, “bricklayer”, “crane”, “builder”, “crane operator”, “carpenter”, “welder”, “building material”.

Equipment: large building materials, machines, a crane, toys for playing with the building, pictures depicting people in the construction profession: mason, carpenter, crane operator, driver, etc.

Age: 3–7 years.

Progress of the game: the teacher invites the children to guess the riddle: “What kind of turret is there, and is there a light in the window? We live in this tower, and it's called? (house) ". The teacher invites the children to build a large, spacious house where toys can live. Children remember what construction professions there are, what people do at a construction site. They look at pictures of construction workers and talk about their responsibilities. Then the children agree to build a house. Roles are distributed among the children: some are Builders, they build a house; others are Drivers, they transport building materials to a construction site, one of the children is a Crane Operator. During construction, attention should be paid to the relationships between children. The house is ready and new residents can move in. Children play independently.


Goal ¬ To tell that there are special hairdressing salons for animals (washing, hair cutting). Draw children's attention to the problem of garbage (empty bottles, jars, cut wool, etc. are left in the hairdresser). How to solve the problem of waste disposal with the least damage to nature?

CREATING A PROBLEM SITUATION¬ A shaggy, dirty dog ​​comes to the hairdresser, which no one wants to take home because of its unkempt appearance. (The hairdresser offers to wash her and cut her hair.) Opening of the hairdressing salon “U Artemon” (decoration of the premises, selection of magazines, photographs). The environmental police come to the hairdresser and talk about the need to dispose of garbage. (Children offer solutions to this problem: plastic jars are thrown into some containers, glass jars into others, etc. Then all this is taken to the factory and recycled.)

"It's time to eat."

Set the table and arrange the cutlery.

Cook soup, porridge on the stove (in an empty saucepan or by putting buttons, balls, beads, sticks, etc. in it) and feed the doll from a spoon, a stick, or your palm. You can use a cube or other flat object as a tile.

Boil an egg (ball), blow on it, break it with a spoon (stick), feed the doll, teddy bear.

Bake pies (you can use balls, rings, buttons, cubes, figures cut out of colored paper, you can mold them from plasticine, dough), treat dolls and animals.

Feed the doll soup, porridge, bread from a plate, cut a sausage or sausage with a knife (stick) (a ball, cube, stick, parts from a construction set or mosaic, a candy wrapper, a ball can be used for this purpose).

Boil milk, pour juice, give the dolls a drink, give them cookies, candy (plastic construction or mosaic parts, a candy wrapper, a ball are used) with drawings without detail indicating only the color, for example, a green oval is a cucumber, an orange is a carrot, a red circle is an apple or tomato, striped green circle - watermelon)

Wash the dishes, dry them with a towel. You can wash the dishes with your palm or a piece of sponge; instead of a towel, use a piece of cloth.

We should not forget that game actions can be performed without the use of objects, with the help of fingers, palms, gestures (for example, “take” an imaginary candy or nut with your fingers, hold out an empty palm to the bear and offer him an apple).

Within the framework of this plot, you can organize a play on various children's poems, for example, “Pancakes” by A. Kravchenko:

Grandma, grandma,

Bake pancakes! –

Yes, I’ll bake something,

But where can you get flour?

What a pain! Grandma, grandma,

Bake pancakes!

I would bake pancakes

Only there is no milk.

Here's milk!

Grandma, grandma,

Bake pancakes!

I would have baked it already

The trouble is, there is no yeast.

Here's the yeast! Grandma, grandma,

Bake pancakes!

Yes, I’ll bake something,

Just need some sugar.

Here's sugar! Grandma, grandma,

Bake pancakes!

Baking pancakes is a skill,

But where is the frying pan?

Here's a frying pan! Grandma, grandma,

Bake pancakes!

Well, now I’ll bake it,

I’ll bake it for my sweet granddaughter

And my beloved granddaughter.

I'll bake the whole mountain!

Oily, rosy,

With honey, With sour cream

"Baiushki bye"

Swaddle the doll.

Pet her, hug her.

Cradling in your arms.

Place in the crib, cover with a blanket, rock the crib.

Here's a soft feather bed for your back.

On top of the feather bed

A clean sheet.

Here's to your ears

White pillows.

Down duvet

And a handkerchief at the top.

"We must, we must wash ourselves"

Bathe the doll in the bath (instead of soap and a sponge, you can use a cube, a ball, or a piece of foam rubber).

Wash the doll's head with shampoo (from a plastic jar) and dry with a napkin.

Comb the doll's hair (with a comb or a stick), and let her look in the mirror.

Wash the doll from the basin.

Brush the dolls' teeth (you can use a children's toothbrush or stick)

Place on a pot (for small toys you can use a bottle cap or the bottom of a plastic jar).

The game can be accompanied by short poems, for example, such as:

Water, water,

Wash my face

To make your cheeks blush,

To make your mouth laugh,

So that the tooth bites

Who's good with us:

Who is our prettiest?

Katya is good!

Katya is beautiful!

"We are going to walk"

Preparing for a walk (swaddling or dressing the doll). Rocking her in your arms or in a stroller. Walking by car (in a stroller). Downhill skiing by car or on a board. The doll can be carried in your arms. If the child already uses active speech, invite him to tell the doll what it can see.

You can play out a walk with a doll using design elements. This can be done as follows.

You put a small doll and cubes (bricks) on the table, and says to the child: “Our Lyalechka is bored alone and wants to go for a walk. Let’s build a path for her?” Take one brick, place another one next to it, then invite the child to continue the path. After the path is built, you and your child walk along it with a doll, saying: “Top-top, the baby is stomping” or: “Little legs are walking along the path. Top-top-top.” Subsequently, the game can be complicated by introducing another doll into it, which also walks and goes towards the first one. They meet, hug, talk to each other.

"The doll is sick"

The doll's complaint, questions about what hurts, how it hurts, comforting her. Take the doll by car to the hospital. Listen to the heart (with a tube; pasta; a button strung on a string; with the ear) Measure the temperature (with a toy thermometer, stick, pencil) Give an injection (with a toy or real plastic syringe, stick, finger). Give a tablet (a bead, button, pea or bean, piece of paper, empty palm are suitable for this purpose). Place mustard plasters (using a piece of paper, a piece of fabric, a leaf). Place the jars (you can use small bottle caps or simply bend your palm). Treat your throat (rinse it from a cup, lubricate it with a stick of ointment).

Treat the ear (drop the medicine with a pipette or two folded fingers, lubricate it with a stick of ointment). Make a bandage with a piece of bandage. Give vitamins (peas, buttons) Give him hot tea with honey (with raspberries) Put him to bed. Sing a song, calm the doll.

"Good Doctor Aibolit"

"In the shop"

Place vegetables, fruits, and substitute items on the table (on the counter). Have an adult or child take on the role of a salesperson. Ask the seller what products are in the store. Select the necessary products and put them in a basket (using substitute items). Pay the seller money (pieces of paper, buttons, flat mosaic pieces) Take the basket home, lay out the food on the table. Wash vegetables or fruits. Ask the dolls what they want to eat. Offer them a carrot, an apple, a banana, etc. (use realistic toys or drawings). Boil soup in a saucepan. After completing this game, you can invite your child to invite guests (family members or dolls) and treat them with products purchased at the store. The game can be accompanied by reading a poem by Y. Tuvim:

The hostess came from the market one day,

The hostess brought home from the market:

Here the vegetables started a dispute on the table

– Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth:

Cabbage? Carrot? Peas, Parsley or beets? Oh!..

Meanwhile, the hostess took the knife

And with this knife she began to chop:

Potatoes, Cabbage, Carrots, Peas, Parsley and beets. Oh!..

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot

Boiled, boiled in boiling water:

Potatoes, Cabbage, Carrots, Peas, Parsley and beets. Oh!..

And the vegetable soup turned out to be not bad!

"At the hairdresser"

Place the doll on a chair, tie an apron. Wash the doll's head (you can use a shampoo bottle or a cube instead of soap). Dry your hair with a hairdryer (you can move the cube over your head and buzz). Comb the doll's hair (with a comb or a stick). Attach a hairpin and a bow. Spray your hair with hairspray. Look in the mirror (you can use a jar lid).

"My phone rang"

Conversation on the phone: With mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather (talk about what toys he plays with, ask what his family is doing, etc.) With a doctor (call a doctor to see a sick child or to yourself, tell him what hurts). After this, you can play out the “Hospital” plot.

With the seller (ask if the store has apples, candies, toys, etc.). After this, you can play the “Shop” story.

With a hairdresser (find out if the hairdresser is open, if you can come and get your hair done, etc.). Act out the "Barbershop" plot.

Use K. Chukovsky’s poem “My phone rang” when talking on the phone.

"I am the driver!" (games with cars)

Transportation of products to the store using trucks. Transportation of building materials to the construction site. Car racing. Car repair. Car washing, etc.

Variants of this game can be games of pilots, captains of sea ships, etc. It is good to include the design elements proposed below in these games.

Acting out stories with design elements.

Role-playing games with dice.

Children love to play with blocks. This interest can be used by incorporating construction elements into almost any plot.

Here are some of these stories. Making furniture from cubes for dolls and animals (chair, crib, bench, etc.). Making large and small houses, turrets, paths, etc. Construction of a dog house. Construction of a turret for a cockerel, etc. Construction of a zoo. Construction of garages for large and small cars (including hangars for aircraft). Construction of berths for boats and ships.

In accordance with the chosen plot, toys are placed in certain buildings (for example, dolls can leave their houses and go to visit each other, cars can go to their garages, etc.). Here are some examples of story-based games that include building elements.


Goals: to develop children’s interest in role-playing games, to help create a play environment; enrich vocabulary, consolidate sound pronunciation; to develop in children the ability to use building floor materials and act with them in a variety of ways; consolidate previously acquired knowledge about the work of a doctor, seller, hairdresser; cultivate friendly relationships in the game. Progress of the game: Educator: We build cribs, a chair, a tap for washing hands, and set the table. We carry the cubes one at a time, without disturbing anyone. The doctor, hairdresser and salesman go to their work. And the rest of the kids take care of their children. (I help develop the game, establish relationships between those who have chosen certain roles, I help realize in the game the impressions the children received earlier.) A certain amount of time passes. Educator: Evening has come in our town, the working day is over, the hospital, hairdresser, and store are closing. We put everything back in place. All the kids did well, tell me, who were you today, Vanya? How did you take care of your son? Where did you go with him? Dasha, what did you feed your daughter? Julia, which bed did you put your daughter to sleep on? What kind of doctor was Kirill? Hairdresser? Salesman

Store "Children's World"

Goals: to introduce children to the work of a salesperson, to instill elements of social communication skills. Equipment: various toys, candy wrappers. Progress of the game: The teacher says: “All children love to play with toys. Do you have a lot of toys at home? The children answer - yes, a lot. The teacher asks where did they come from? The children answer - they gave it, they bought it. The teacher asks if the children were in the children's toy store, invites the children to tell how it happened, who they went to the store with, what toy they bought. After this, the teacher offers to play in the toy store. Children place toys on a “showcase” (rack, table, cabinet) and are divided into sellers and buyers. Since the store was created by children, candy wrappers act as money. The buyer comes to the store, chooses the toy he likes. The seller shows the toy, tells how to play it, how much it costs. The buyer pays with candy wrappers and leaves. The next pair of sellers and buyers plays. Next, the children change roles. During the game, the teacher corrects the players’ behavior, if necessary, and reminds them at what moments to say the words “thank you” and “please.”

Thus, role-playing games can become the basis for the development of positive communication skills of a child with peers. The work that has been carried out throughout the year will continue in the future.

Diagnostics of gaming activity

Study of integrative quality “having mastered the necessary skills and abilities in educational field"Socialization"

* Level rating:

“high” level - all components of integrative quality are marked with a “+” sign;

“medium” level - most components are marked with a “+” sign;

“low” level - most components are marked with a “-”.

Second junior group

Components of Integrative Quality

F.I. children

Development of gaming activities

knows how to combine several game actions into a single storyline; reflect in the game actions with objects and relationships between people

able to adhere to game rules in educational games

at the request of an adult and independently acts out small excerpts from familiar fairy tales

imitates movements, facial expressions, intonation of the characters being portrayed, takes part in conversations about the theater

can take on a role and briefly interact with peers in the game on behalf of the hero

«+» - __; «-» - __

«+» - __; «-» - __

«+» - _; «-» - __