Summary of the health holiday in the preparatory group. Health day in preparatory group doe

Main goals:

- form the habit of a healthy lifestyle;

— satisfy children’s need for physical activity;

Game character: soccer ball from Sportlandia.


A ball rolls in from a nearby area (eyes and a mouth are drawn on it, you can attach arms and legs from ropes to it, and attach a cap).

The ball's story about Sportlandia Goals: to arouse interest in the coming day, set the mood for sports, clarify children's ideas about sports and its meaning.

Morning exercises at the “Journey to Sportlandia” site

The exercises are performed to a poetic text.

1. Walking with arms raised up and down, clapping.

We all just entered the forest,

Mosquitoes appeared.

Hands up above your head

Hands down, clap or two.

2. Walking on the outside of the foot with swaying to the right, left.

And we meet a bear.

We put our hands behind our heads

And we go to the wrecking ball.

3. Jumping from foot to foot “Over the pebbles.”

We are walking along the path -

There is a pond in front of us.

We will jump more boldly

And faster over the pebbles.

One-two, one-two,

The water is already behind us.

4. Running (“stream”) between objects laid out on the floor (“pebbles”).

A stream runs in the forest,

And he is in a hurry somewhere.

Faster and faster

Glug-glug-glug - the water is gurgling.

5. Walking with arms raised.

And now we're walking again,

We raise our arms higher.

We breathe evenly, deeply,

We walk straight and easy.

6. Bend forward, touch the floor with your hands, straighten up, raise your arms up.

Suddenly we see by the bush -

The chick fell out of the nest.

Quietly we take the chick

And we put it back in the nest.

7. Turn the body to the left, to the right with the arm abducted.

Strawberries are ripening on the right,

On the left are sweet blueberries.

On the right - red lingonberries,

Blackberries are ripening on the left.

We'll pick all the berries

And then we'll go home.

8. Squats.

But first we will sit down,

Let's pet the bunny gently.

We'll find a hedgehog in the grass,

But we won’t take it with us.

We'll find a mushroom under the aspen tree

And we'll take it with us.

9. Jumping on two legs.

Someone scared the bunny

The bunny quickly galloped away.

Let's gallop quickly after him

And we hurry home quickly.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

A very happy day.

10. Calming walking.

The country is visible ahead.

She's very strange.

We go to her like athletes,

There is no substitute for us in sports.

We love to play sports

We will try very hard.

We are led by a soccer ball.

Wish us luck.


Lesson “What is health and how to preserve and increase it”

Goals: consolidate the concept of “health”; expand children's knowledge about preventive measures to prevent diseases and injuries; teach you to make judgments based on your own personal experience and the experience of other children and adults; develop dialogical speech.

The ball tells the children that only healthy people live in Sportlandia. Asks what children know about health. He remembers that he has a letter from one boy with a strange request.

Physical education “On the sports ground”

Goals: create a positive emotional mood, increase children’s motor activity; develop a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance; bring joy from joint activities; to form an interest in physical education and sports, a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: on the topic of the script.

The ball thanks children for their knowledge about health and ways to preserve it.

Invites them to a sports festival.

Ball game “What sports do you know?”

Goals: consolidate children's knowledge about sports; develop dexterity when catching the ball; activate the dictionary.

The ball invites you to play a game with yourself to see who knows the most sports.

Story-based didactic game “Healthy Food Store”

Goals: consolidate children's knowledge about healthy foods; develop role interaction, dialogic speech.

The ball says that he is already hungry, but is afraid to eat everything in order not to get sick. Offers to open a store with healthy products.


Looking at books and albums about sports

Goals: to clarify children’s ideas about different sports, the very concept of “sport”, about why people engage in physical education and sports; develop speech.

The ball brought albums and books about sports as a gift to the children.


Goals: balance children’s emotions, maintain a positive emotional mood in the afternoon; harmonize work internal organs, brain, state of mind.

The ball draws children's attention to the fact that they have been talking a lot about physical health, but there is also a mental one, which is associated with our mood, feelings, emotions.

health day in preparatory group kindergarten.

Form the habit of a healthy lifestyle; satisfy children’s need for physical activity; consolidate children's knowledge of how to maintain and improve health; develop the ability to take care of their health.



Health Day.

Tasks: form the habit of a healthy lifestyle; satisfy children's need for physical activity; consolidate children's knowledge of how to maintain and improve health; to form motivation for health in children; develop the need to take care of your health.

Guys, today we have an unusual day, it’s dedicated to health. Probably, each of you guys wants to be healthy and strong: to be able to run fast, jump, swim. We also often hear: “Be healthy!”, “Don’t get sick,” “I wish you health.” Let's talk about what we know about our health.

How does a healthy person feel? What does he look like? What's his mood? How does a sick person feel? Which is better: healthy or sick? Why? What should you do to be healthy? (harden up, play sports, eat fruits and vegetables, drink juices, walk in the fresh air)

Reviewing books about sports in order to clarify children’s ideas about different sports, the very concept of “sport,” and why people engage in physical education and sports.

Morning exercises "Journey to Sportlandia".

1.Walking with arms raised up and down, clapping:

We all just entered the forest,

Mosquitoes appeared.

Hands up above your head

Hands down - clap or two.

2. Walking on the outside of the foot with swaying left and right:

And we meet a bear.

We put our hands behind our heads

And we waddle.

3. Jumping from foot to foot “on pebbles”:

We are walking along the path -

There is a pond in front of us.

We will jump more boldly

And bolder over the stones.

One-two, one-two

The water is already behind us.

4. Running in a “stream” between objects “pebbles” located on the floor:

A stream runs in the forest

And he is in a hurry somewhere.

Faster and faster.

Glug-glug-glug - the water is gurgling.

5. Walking with arms raised:

And now we're walking again,

We raise our hands higher,

We breathe evenly, deeply,

Walk straight and easy.

6. Bend forward, touch the floor with your hands, straighten up, raise your hands up:

Suddenly we see by the bush -

The chick fell out of the nest.

Quietly we take the chick

And we put it back in the nest.

7. Torso turns to the left, to the right with a certain hand:

Strawberries are ripening on the right,

On the left are sweet blueberries,

On the right - red lingonberries,

Blackberries are ripening on the left.

We'll pick all the berries

And then we'll go home.

8. Squats:

But first we will sit down,

Let's pet the bunny gently.

We'll find a hedgehog in the grass,

But we won’t take it with us.

We'll find a mushroom under the aspen tree

And we'll take it with us.

9. Jumping on two legs:

Someone scared the bunny

The bunny quickly galloped away.

Let's gallop quickly after him

And we hurry home quickly.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

A very happy day.

10. Calm walking:

The country is visible ahead:

She's very strange.

We go to it as athletes.

There is no substitute for us in sports.

We love to play sports

We will try very hard.


Porridge doesn't get boring

Porridge adds strength!

(We pay attention to the correct posture of children at the table).

GCD - educational areas "Health", "Safety" - "Save your health!"

The goals are to give children a general idea of ​​health as a value and that it must be constantly taken care of; cultivate a desire to constantly take care of your health; expand children's knowledge about preventive measures to prevent diseases and injuries.

(Children answer what health is. They guess riddles about health. A wellness minute is held " Ladybug", the imitation game "Clean", the didactic game "Helpful - Harmful".)

GCD - educational field "Artistic creativity" (modeling) - "Vitamins are pills that grow on a branch!"

The goal is to expand children’s knowledge about healthy products, to introduce them to vitamins and products containing vitamins; teach children to sculpt different fruits and vegetables.

Conversation about vitamins, healthy foods, which foods contain vitamins; reading poems about vitamins, looking at illustrations; physical education session “Glutton”; guessing riddles about vegetables and fruits; modeling

Walk . Observations “What’s in our garden” (we remember what grew, what benefits vegetables bring, what vitamins live in them).

Didactic game "Who needs these things?"

The goal is to consolidate children's knowledge about different sports, athletes, and sports attributes.

Labor - cleaning the site.

Physical exercises "We are athletes!"

1.I.P. – legs hip-width apart, arms along the body.
Pull your arms to your shoulders, bending your elbows, lower your arms, and... p. 5 r.

2.I.P. – standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt.
Lean forward, place your palms on your knees, return to the i.p. 5 rub.

3.I.P. – legs hip-width apart, arms along the body.
Sit down, clap your hands in front of you, stand up, i.p. 5 rub.

4.I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.
Turn the body to the right (left), in the i.p. 4 rub.

5.I.P. – legs together, hands on the belt.
Putting your foot forward on your heel. 4 rub.

Outdoor game "Find your color."

One group of children stands around a red pin, another around a yellow one, and a third around a blue one. At the signal “Go for a walk!” children scatter around the site in different directions. At the signal “Find your color!”, children run to their places, trying to find a pin of their color. Repeat the game. Complication - swap the pins.

Hygiene after a walk. Dinner. Dream.

Gymnastics after sleep "Friendly guys"

Eyes open,
Eyelashes rise
Children wake up
They smile at each other.

Kids, kids, doing exercises.
They raised their hands up, stretched,
They smiled and stretched again.
One, two, one, two – we raise our legs:
Raise, lower,
Raise, lower,
Slowly we get up -
We're going to toughen up.
Kids, kids, friendly guys,
Kids, kids, let's do some exercises.

Breathing exercises “Clock” (Swing your arms back and forth and say “Tick-tock”), "Pump" ( Hands along the body, inhale - tilt to the side, exhale to the other “Ssss”).

Play activity

Plot-didactic game “Healthy Products Store”.

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about healthy foods; develop role interaction, dialogic speech.

Role-playing game "Hospital".

Goal: to continue to teach children to develop multi-character plots, to encourage improvisation, changing and combining roles, to encourage children to use substitute objects, and to cultivate friendly relationships.

Didactic game “If you want to be healthy.”

Goal: to clarify and expand children’s knowledge of what needs to be done to be healthy, to develop attention and intelligence, and to cultivate a desire to be healthy.

Reading fiction - K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”. Learning proverbs and sayings about health.

Artistic and creative activities- coloring pictures of vegetables and fruits.

Working with parents- conversation: “The physical preparation of a child necessary for studying at school.”

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

This material will be useful to kindergarten teachers, physical education instructors, and primary school teachers.

Project participants – teachers, children preschool groups, parents;

Duration of the project: short-term (1 day);

Type of project: physical education and recreation;


The problem of health and its preservation in modern society is more than acute. The phrases “health-saving technologies” and “formation healthy image life" took a strong place in conversations with parents and children, in plans educational work teachers of preschool institutions. The first ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle are formed already in preschool age. It is during this period that intensive development of organs takes place, the formation of functional systems of the body, the basic personality traits are laid, character and attitude towards oneself and others are formed. Currently, the task of preserving and strengthening the health of children, both physical and mental, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle and mastering modern health-saving technologies in our kindergarten is one of the most significant and priority. But the problem still remains relevant. How should you raise a child so that he understands the importance of health and knows how to treat it with care? Adults (teachers and parents) need to begin solving this problem from the earliest years of a child’s life, solving it systematically and together.

Janusz Korczak wrote in his observations: “It seems to adults that children do not care about their health... No. Children, just like adults, want to be healthy and strong, but children do not know what to do for this. Explain to them and they will be careful."

All of us, parents, doctors, teachers, want our children to study well, become stronger year after year, grow up and enter a big life as people who are not only knowledgeable, but also healthy. After all, health is a priceless gift. And it is important to understand that caring for the health of our children today is the full-fledged labor potential of our country in the near future.

Objective of the project: developing interest in a healthy lifestyle, one’s health, movements and sports;

Project objectives:

  • To consolidate children’s knowledge about the concept of “health”;
  • Clarify the rules for maintaining health;
  • To develop an interest in one’s own body, well-being, and mood related to health;
  • Strengthen the rules of the hostel related to preserving the health of other people;
  • Satisfy children's natural need for movement;
  • To instill in children a conscious attitude towards the need to toughen up and play sports.

Action plan for 04/07/2016 “Health Day”


event title


"Morning of joyful meetings"

General morning exercises on the playground of the kindergarten “Health is fine. Thanks to the charger"

Lyashova E.S.

"Breakfast of the Champion"

Thematic conversation“Lessons from Moidodyr” (1st junior group)

Thematic conversation “To be healthy” (middle/high school)

Thematic conversation “A healthy mind in a healthy body” competition games (preparatory group)

Teacher Kiriyak V.N.

Event “We will say “YES” to health”

Instructor physical culture
Lyashova E.S.

Outdoor games “Hit the target”, “Ball in a circle”, “Find your house”
(1st junior group)

Teacher Abdulaeva N.A. Grechishkina L.M.

Outdoor games “Visiting the Hedgehog”, “Squirrels - Burners” ( middle group)

Teacher Prudnikova T.G. Grechishkina L.M.

Outdoor games “Sly Fox”, “Owl”, “Bug and Hares” (preparatory group)

Teacher Kiriyak V.N.

"Olympian's Lunch"

Gymnastics of awakening “Who sleeps sweetly in bed? It's high time to get up. Hurry up to exercise, we won’t wait for you!”
(all groups)

Group teachers

Review of the album “Summer Sports” (middle group)

Teacher Prudnikova T.G. Grechishkina L.M.

Evening of riddles and games “We are friends with physical education” (preparatory group)

Teacher Kiriyak V.N.

Dance marathon “Towards each other”

Physical education instructor
Lyashova E.S.

During the day

Photo report for parents “We are friends with physical education”

Group teachers

1. Preparatory stage

  • arrange groups according to the theme of the day
  • prepare information for parents in parent corners: “Health is the head of everything”;
  • develop symbolism for the day.
  • for parents thematic leaflets “Living healthy is great!”
  • for groups, come up with entertainment, games, relay races.
  • develop thematic plan work with children during the day (content of the valeological hour, activities in the physical education corner, formation of the KGN, productive activity and etc.);
  • reading fiction about sports, physical education, a healthy lifestyle, etc.;
  • learning riddles and sports-themed songs;
  • looking at illustrations with images different types sports
  • conversations and activities with children about a healthy lifestyle, maintaining health, healthy food and vitamins;

2. Main stage (practical implementation of the project)

Health Day at MBDOU No. 5 “Smile” under the motto “We will say “YES” to health».

Health Day in kindergarten is not just part of educational work, it is also a holiday for children, their parents and employees.

Early in the morning, fairy-tale characters greeted everyone with wishes of health, the cat Matroskin and the nurse Neboleyka offered vitamins to children and parents, and distributed to parents thematic leaflets “It’s great to live healthy!” and invited everyone to a musical game and sports exercises. A fun warm-up was accompanied by music and artistic expression.

Before breakfast, children, parents and staff went out for sports exercises on the playground of the “Health is OK” kindergarten. Thanks to the charger"

Especially for the holiday, the medical staff of the preschool educational institution developed a “Fabulously healthy menu.”

After a delicious and healthy breakfast preschoolers had thematic conversations:

“Lessons from Moidodyr” (1st junior group)

“To be healthy” (medium.)

“A healthy mind in a healthy body” competition games (preparatory group)

In each group, teachers organized interesting and exciting competitions.

After interesting and exciting conversations, the children went to the event “We will say “YES” to health”

At the beginning of the event, the children visited the country " Correct speech", where they recited poems, solved riddles, played communicative games and performed exercises to develop speech breathing.

Here the children remembered the rules of personal hygiene that they must observe during the day.

Aibolit talked with the children about what health is, how to maintain, strengthen, and preserve it.

With Aibolit we sang songs and danced the dance “Zverobika”. Cheerful Aibolit entertained the children; they tested their strength, dexterity, and speed.

While the children were playing, an unhealthy Carlson appeared, HeHe held his heart, his lower back, and groaned. The children found out why Carlson got sick and helped him recover. They told him the rules of personal hygiene, showed him personal items, played games with him about healthy eating, sang songs.

After noon holiday events took place in groups. The teachers conducted role-playing and outdoor games, looked at albums “Summer Sports”, held an evening of riddles and games “We are friends with physical education”, created problem-based game and practical situations aimed at developing ideas about a healthy lifestyle, preserving and strengthening physical , mental, somatic health.
In the evening, parents, children and staff participated in the dance marathon “Towards each other”, where they danced ………………… to a cheerful, rhythmic melody.

The teachers, together with the children, took a responsible approach to completing the task given the day before; the children shared their impressions with their parents about the past day.

This event ended with a photo report for parents “We are friends with physical education,” where teachers showed their best moments about the health day.

The children were delighted with Health Day, parents and staff also received a charge of vivacity and good mood, then they remembered the holiday for a long time and with warmth and wished each other health!

3. Final stage

Collect children's comments and statements about Health Day.

Organize an exhibition of photographs,

Provide information to the preschool educational institution website.

Expected results:

  • Improving the pedagogical skills of teachers in matters physical development and valeological education, development of greater attention to the organization of health-improving work in groups of preschool educational institutions
  • Increasing the stock of valeological ideas, cognitive and communication skills preschoolers on the topic of the project.
  • Increasing the interest of parents in maintaining a healthy lifestyle for themselves and their child.

The project implements throughout the day various shapes education, health improvement of children, taking into account age individual characteristics, interests, existing knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, skills and abilities.

Joint activity under the guidance of a teacher forms in children the most valuable moral and volitional qualities: feelings of collectivism, friendship, mutual assistance, develops endurance, attention, courage, perseverance, discipline.

This project showed that physical education and health work in a variety of activities and regime processes preschool work provide sufficient physical activity simultaneously for all children, increases the endurance of the child’s body. Movement improves the child’s health and helps relieve stress.

Tue, 04/18/2017 - 13:20 | administrator

MADOU No. 240 “Combined kindergarten”

Holiday "We want to be healthy!"

Bakalchuk Yulia Borisovna

Konkova Natalia Alexandrovna



We present to your attention the holiday script for Health Day “We want to be healthy!” This event is dedicated to a healthy lifestyle and is aimed at developing in children a sustainable interest in preserving and maintaining their health. The fairy-tale characters Aibolit and Carlson come to the children for the holiday. They show and tell why it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle and what will happen if you don’t. The appearance of fairy-tale characters and frequent changes in activities (games, relay races, songs, poems, riddles) help create a positive emotional mood in children during the holiday.

“We want to be healthy!”

(Holiday scenario for children of the preparatory group)

Compiled by:

Target: Formation of children's ideas about a healthy lifestyle.


  1. Strengthen children's understanding of ways to maintain health (performing hygiene procedures, proper nutrition, physical activity).
  2. Instill in children a desire to engage in physical education and sports.
  3. Strengthen children's knowledge about harmful and healthy foods.
  4. Cultivate a desire to consciously take care of your health.

Material and equipment: pictures depicting sports, attributes for relay races (small and large balls, cones, spoons, hoops, massage mats), animal and bird costumes, models of fruits and vegetables, hygiene items (soap, comb, toothpaste, washcloth, towel, etc.)

Celebration progress:

Children enter the hall to the music

Leading. Hello guys. Today in our kindergarten there is a holiday “Health Day” and the motto of this holiday is: “We will say yes to health! " And this means that today we will learn together to protect and improve our health. Because good health is a person’s wealth. And it accumulates since childhood.

Child. The holiday of sports and health begins with us. Sun, sun, shine brighter, The holiday will be more fun!

Communicative game “Heel and toe”

Leading. Guys, surprises await you today, There will be games, there will be laughter, And fun activities are prepared for everyone.

The song “Fizkult-Hurray!” plays.

Children walk in a circle, then sit on chairs.

Leading. Guys, what helps us be healthy? (Children's answers) That's right, physical education and sports. Playing sports is very important, as people become healthier and stronger. Does anyone know any poems about sports?

Child 1 The kids really need sports, we are strong friends with sports, Sports is an assistant, sports is health, sports is a game, Fizkult-Hurray!

Child 2 There is no better recipe in the world - Be inseparable from sports. You will live 100 years. That's the whole secret.

Leading: Well done! Guys, do you know any sports? (Children's answers)

There are many types of sports, you can’t even count them all. Let's play now, name sports.

Game "Sports"

The presenter shows pictures of various sports, and the children name them and show the corresponding movements.

There's a knock on the door.

Leading. What kind of guest is in a hurry to celebrate? What is his name, do you know? And to do this, quickly guess the riddle: Come to him for treatment. Any animal, any bird. He will rush to help everyone, Good Doctor...

Children. Aibolit!

Aibolit comes in to the music and dances.

Aibolit. Hello guys. I was running past and heard some noise. What happened to you? Is someone really sick?

Leading. No, no one got sick among us. Just a kindergarten celebrating Health Day.

Aibolit.“Garden” - of course, this is the place where the trees all grow. Why is the garden suddenly “children’s”? Why are the guys here?

Leading. To make it more interesting, we will answer the question with a song. We will sing Aibolit, Just like we live in kindergarten.

The song “Kindergarten” is performed (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).


Now everything is clear to me.

I'm happy for you from the bottom of my heart,

Are you familiar with charging?

Dear kids?


Well done, question two

It will be more difficult:

Who will be able to show animal exercises?


Our guys can do everything

Look at “Zverobika”

Children dressed as animals and birds run into the hall, singing and dancing.

The song “Zverobika” (lyrics by A. Khait and K. Levenchuk, music by B. Savelyev) is performed.

Aibolit. Guys, do you know what you need to do to be healthy?

Children. Yes!

Aibolit. Then solve the riddles. I'll start and you finish. Answer in unison.

To be healthy and clean, you need your hands... (wash with soap)

Health is fine, thank you... (charging)

Temper yourself every day with cold water... (douse yourself)

Help us protect ourselves from sore throat... (vitamins)

Only those who are healthy and love ... (sports) do not get sick.

Well done! Do you guys like to play sports? (Children's answers). It means you are strong and dexterous. Let's see how dexterous and brave you are - let's hold a sports competition.

Relay races

1. Relay race “Don’t drop the ball!”

Children are divided into teams. It is necessary to transfer a small ball in a spoon, running between the cones, then along massage mats and back in a straight line.

2. Relay race “Jumpers”

Children are divided into teams; they need to hold the ball between their knees and jump to a landmark, then run back to the start in a straight line.

3. Relay “We are fast!”

Children are divided into teams, at the teacher’s signal they take the ball in their hands, run between the pins, put the ball in the hoop, and return back in a straight line. The next one runs, takes the ball, etc.

Aibolit. Guys, do you like cleanliness, order, washing, brushing your teeth, doing exercises? And you also have to love cold water - it strengthens your body and your spirit.

Carlson runs in, sings a song and dances.

Suddenly he grabs his heart, his lower back, and groans.

Aibolit. Carlson, what’s wrong with you, are you sick? Get up, the guys have a holiday today.


I was in a hurry to visit you!

I was in such a hurry that... I got sick.

Of course I'm a bit fat

And a little modest

But trust me guys

This is not my fault.


Yes, Carlson, you are undoubtedly overweight! And this can make you sick.

Tell me, Carlson,

What do you do in the morning?


Guys, I sleep for a long time,

I snore until noon.


Tell us in order,

Do you exercise often?

Do you play sports?

Are you dousing yourself with water?


No! Charge up, guys!

I never did!

Temper yourself?

It's scary, brothers:

It's cold water!

Leading. I think I know how to cure Carlson. We need to give him some jam.

Carlson. And more!

Carlson(eats jam with a spoon). Oh! It got easier!

Leading. Well, shall we continue the treatment?

Carlson. I would like something else sweet!

The presenter takes out a large candy. Carlson jumps up, tries to take it.

Leading. Carlson, how well you jump! But you don’t want to drink it, because it’s all sweet.

Carlson. Yes (takes a Coca-Cola out of his pocket and drinks). I love Coca-Cola and mostly drink it.

Carlson suddenly clutches his stomach and groans.

Carlson. Now my stomach hurts. Well, it’s okay, it’ll pass now.

Aibolit. Carlson, I understand why you are overweight and in such poor health. Because you eat wrong and drink unhealthy drinks! Eating a lot of sweets is harmful. And if you drink cola, look, you will dissolve from the inside.

Carlson(takes out a sandwich).

I also love hot dogs!

He helped me become healthy.

Aibolit. No, Carlson!

Hot dogs are unhealthy food.

You can only eat them sometimes!

Carlson(takes out a Snickers candy bar)

Know, ladies, gentlemen:

Snickers is the best food!


You will eat sweet Snickers,

Your teeth will be out of order.

If anyone doesn't believe -

Check it out for yourself.

Carlson. Yes, my tooth hurt yesterday. When I ate Snickers for breakfast.

Aibolit. Guys, do you know what you need to do to prevent your teeth from hurting? (Children's answers) That's right, you need to eat less sweets, and brush them with a toothbrush twice every day - morning and evening. Do you remember, Carlson?

Carlson. Yes, I remember everything.

Aibolit. Now, let's tell Carlson what you need to eat to be healthy and strong! (Children list healthy foods)

Aibolit: This is what you need to eat, Carlson. These are healthy foods, and you only eat harmful ones. What other harmful foods do you guys know? (Children's answers.)

Carlson. Yes, I love kirieshki and chips.

Aibolit. That's why you're sick.

Aibolit plays with the children the game “Cook borscht”, “Cook compote”.

Aibolit. Well done boys! Do you know what you need for compote and borscht? Eat vegetables and fruits as much as possible, because these are living vitamins! Just don’t forget that you need to wash them with water and your hands with soap before eating.

From plain water and soap

Microbes are losing their power!


No, no need before meals

Wash fruits and vegetables with water.

They need to be eaten, washed down with water,

Then wash the tummy.

Leading. No, Carlson, you are wrong again. All the guys know:


To protect yourself from germs,

You need to wash with water and soap.

And every day before meals

Wash fruits and vegetables with water.

Aibolit. Do you know, Carlson, who “germs” are and why you need to protect yourself from them?

Carlson. No.

Aibolit. These are very small creatures invisible to us that can cause illness. And also, Carlson, it’s good to harden yourself with water. It is very useful to douse yourself with cold water, but this can only be done with adults.

Carlson. Now I understand why I am sick. I will definitely improve and become healthy! Oh, I forgot to comb my hair this morning!

Carlson takes out a comb, first combs his hair himself, then leans over to the children and tries to comb their hair with his comb. Then he takes out a handkerchief and tries to wipe the children’s noses.

Aibolit. Horrible! Carlson, what are you doing? After all, these are items for personal use, each person should have their own, and not give them to anyone, even the one you love most. Guys, do you know what you can and cannot give to each other?

A game of "Do's and Don'ts" is played.

(Children are divided into teams and separate personal items from common items (you cannot use: a toothbrush, comb, towel, slippers, handkerchief, etc.))

Carlson. I understood and remembered everything. Now I will have my own Toothbrush and a comb. I will also definitely do exercises, eat only healthy foods and begin to harden myself with cold water.

Aibolit. Well done! Have you guys remembered what you need to do to be healthy?

Children: Yes.

Aibolit. Everyone must know how to maintain health.

Child 1. You need to eat right.

Child 2. Do physical exercise.

Child 3. Wash your hands before eating,

Child 4. Brush your teeth, harden your teeth

Child 5. And always be friends with water!

Carlson. And also,

To grow and harden,

We need to play sports.

Toughen up, kids,

IN good hour: Physical training!

Children. Hooray!

Musical warm-up “Radiant Sun” is being held


1. Voloshina, L. N. Organization of health-preserving space [Text]/L. N. Voloshina // Preschool education. - 2004. - No. 1. - P.114-117.

2. Zmanovsky, Yu. F. Raising children healthy [Text] / Yu. F. Zmanovsky. - M.: Medicine, 1989. - 128 p.

3. Zmanovsky, Yu. F. Educational and health work in preschool institutions[Text]/ Yu. F. Zmanovsky // Preschool education. – 1993. - No. 9. - P. 23-25.

4. Zmanovsky, Yu. F. Healthy preschooler[Text]/ Yu. F. Zmanovsky // Preschool education. - 1995. - No. 6. - P. 11-17.

5. Kopylova, T. G. Scenarios for holidays in kindergarten [Text] / T. G. Kopylova. - M.: Aquarium, 2001. – 398 p.

6. Shushakova, E. Yu. Holiday scenarios for kindergarten [Text]/ E. Yu. Shushakova. - M.:Iris - press, 2008. - 105 p.

Health day in preparatory group No. 2


Guselnikova O.A.

Target: promoting children’s emotional perception of information about a healthy lifestyle.


    Shape conscious attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.

    Children's knowledge about the impact of physical activity, hardening, nutrition, fresh air, and mood on health.

    Develop , mental activity.

    Bring up take care of their own health.

During the week for parents to post a notice:

Dear parents!

(Date) “Health Day” will be held in kindergarten. On this day, at a time convenient for you, you can get advice on issues that interest you from teachers - Oksana Antonovna and Tatyana Vasilievna, nurse - Galina Vasilievna, physical education teacher - Elena Pavlovna.

Attend morning exercises, classes, walks, hardening.

The teacher asks the children to come to kindergarten in sportswear on this day.

Progress of the event:

Morning . Children come to kindergarten and see that the group is decorated with balls, physical education equipment is laid out on the carpets (hoops, ring throws, leg massagers, a “health” circle, jump ropes, mats for the prevention of flat feet and much more). On the tables didactic games on valeology from the series “Kids are strong”, “Dress an athlete”, “Guess the sport”, “Beneficial - harmful”, an album about sports for viewing, the library has a selection of books on this topic (K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, “ Moidodyr", an encyclopedia from the series "Know Yourself"). In the arts and crafts corner, offer “Athletes” coloring pages.

Educator: “Hello, guys, today our day will be held under the motto “We want to be healthy.” Invites children to choose what they would like to do (free activity).

Individual work:

1. Practice the ability to twist a hoop on your belt.

2. “Catch the ball” - practice hitting the ball on the floor and catching it with both hands from the side.

3. Finger gymnastics"Fingers" - develop fine motor skills hands

One two three four five
The fingers went out for a walk.
One two three four five -
They hid in the house again.

Fingers clenched into a fist. Extend all fingers one by one, starting with the little finger and then bend them in the same order.

After the games, the teacher reminds the rules: “Every thing has its place”, “Order is needed not only for beauty, but also for safety” (cleaning a group room).

The teacher invites the children to sit on the carpet.

Educator: Guys, have you ever wondered why we say hello to you every morning? The amazing word "hello". Do you know what it means? The word "hello" is very ancient. In the old days, when meeting, Russian people took off their hats, bowed from the waist, and wished each other good health (the teacher shows). The word "hello" means "be healthy." Let's once again wish each other good health.

Communication game "Hello!" Children stand in a circle and sing a phrase one by one, calling the name of the child to whom they pass the ball: “Hello, Katya!” etc.

Educator: I’ll tell you an old legend: “Once upon a time, the gods lived on Mount Olympus. They became bored, and they decided to create a man and populate the planet Earth. They began to decide what a man should be like.

One of the gods said: “A person must be strong,” another said: “A person must be healthy,” the third said: “A person must be smart.” But one of the gods said this: “If a person has all this, he will be like us.” And they decided to hide the main thing a person has - his health. They began to think and decide - where to hide it? Some suggested hiding health deep in the blue sea, others - behind high mountains. And one of the gods said: “Health must be hidden in the person himself.” This is how people have lived since ancient times, trying to find their health. But not everyone can find and preserve the priceless gift of the gods.

Guys, I suggest we go on a search for “health” today. “Health” has many helpers. Who can tell what they are called? What helps us be healthy? ( physical education lesson, exercise, hardening, walks in the fresh air, sleep, proper nutrition, etc.).

How do we start the morning in kindergarten? (from charging). This will be our first assistant in the search for “health”.

Do exercises in the morning
You will be strong
You will be brave.
Get ready to exercise!

Morning exercises (according to the plan of the physical education teacher).

After morning exercises children remove clothing for extensive washing.

Extensive washing.

Once, wash your hand,
Two - repeat with the other.
Three - wet to the elbow,
Four - repeated with the other.
Five - passed along the neck,
Six - bolder across the chest,
Seven - I’ll wash my face,
Eight - we’ll wash away the fatigue from our hands.
Nine - squeeze out the water,
Ten - wipe dry.

Breakfast: continue to teach children to chew food thoroughly, take small portions into their mouths, and not talk while eating, because You can choke or chew with your mouth closed.

Early morning is very important
Eat oatmeal at breakfast.
Porridge is our strength.

After breakfast :

1. Lesson . Acquaintance with the surrounding world "Country Sportlandia"

Target: Introduce children to various types sports Improve children's ability to navigate the plane of a sheet. Enrich children's vocabulary with words: coach, stadium, athlete, punching bag. Exercise children in forming words (names of athletes). Develop fine motor skills of the hands. To instill in children a desire to play sports.

2. Lesson. Manual labor"Vitamin shashlik"

Target: Teach children to use a knife, cut fruit into pieces, and string them on a stick. Reinforce knowledge of the rules of safe work with a knife. Expand knowledge about the importance of vitamins for growth and health. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Cultivate the desire to prepare healthy desserts yourself.

Walk - Observation.

Target: Give to children elementary representations about the sources of air pollution, about the importance of clean air for human health.

Educator: Riddle: “It passes through the nose into the chest and goes back. It is invisible, and yet we cannot live without it” (Air).

Who needs air? Is it possible to live without air? They say that a person can live for several days without food, but without air he cannot live even for a few minutes. Let's try? Children take a breath, hold their breath and try to hold out as long as possible. What kind of air is pleasant, easy and healthy to breathe? What pollutes the air? (smoke from boiler pipes, car exhaust gases). Why is air pollution dangerous? What can we do to ensure there is more fresh air in the city? (plant seedlings, do not break trees, do not litter). Trees are a source of oxygen. They clean and refresh the air. To be healthy you need to walk more and breathe fresh air. People who spend a lot of time in the fresh air have a cheerful appearance, they have a blush on their cheeks, they are pleasant to look at, they have a good appetite, sleep, and rarely get sick.

Breathing exercises "Balloon".

Slowly raising your arms to the sides, take a deep breath through your nose. As you exhale through your mouth, lowering your hands, say shhh sound. Repeat 4 times. Draw children's attention to how the chest expands when inhaling (putting a palm to the chest).

Work: Clearing the area of ​​snow.

Educator: Guys, why did we take the shovels outside? (children's answers).

Educator: Now we will work together and clear the area of ​​snow. Do you think physical labor is useful? How? (children's answers).

Educator: Physical labor strengthens the body, makes our bones stronger, and develops muscles. A healthy, strong person can easily cope with any job. Memorize the proverb with the children: “He who is strong in the shoulder does not care about the burden.” Do you feel how your strength has increased? We've worked hard, and now we can play.

Free activities of children during which the teacher conducts individual work:

1. “Sharp shooter” - practice throwing into the distance, practice throwing power, develop your eye.

3. “Jump and blow” - improving breathing function, increasing tone, adapting breathing and the body as a whole to physical activity.

4. Word game for all children “Name the sport” - consolidate the names of sports; instill in children a desire to play sports.

Educator: Guys, do you like to play sports? Then we’ll go to the stadium (sports ground) and train.

Physical activity

Target: Creating conditions for increasing physical activity in children


1. Train children in the ability to perform a circular swing with one hand when throwing cones into the distance. Strengthen the correct grip of small objects when throwing.

2. Develop in children the ability to quickly start running from and. p. standing with your back to the direction of movement and accelerate.

3. In the “Mousetrap” p/i, train children in the ability to choose the desired method of climbing, taking into account the height of the gate and their height.

Returning from a walk: Draw children's attention to their appearance, their eyes are shining, there is a blush on their cheeks, they are cheerful, contented, happy. Why? (children's answers).

Remind that wet clothes should be placed on the radiator. Why are wet clothes dangerous? (you can catch a cold or get sick).

Dinner: consolidate the ability to use cutlery (knife, fork) correctly and safely.

After lunch: The game "Magic Drink" is played.

Preparation for sleep : Muscle relaxation is carried out while lying on the beds.

1. Exercise to relax the arm muscles.

We can dance
Run, jump, draw,
But we don’t know everything yet
Relax, rest.
We have a game like this -
Very light, simple.
Movement slows down
The tension disappears:
And it becomes clear -
Relaxation is nice!
We straighten our arms with force -(Raise your arms, straighten them behind your head, stretch.)
It's like we're growing up.
(Deep breath, pause.)
Now let's relax them.
Smoothly, gently lower.
(As you exhale, lower your arms along your body, relax your muscles.)

2. Exercises to relax the leg muscles.

What are these strange springs?
Have our backs straightened?(Pull your toes towards you.)
Pull up your socks
And be careful, don’t let go!
Legs relax
(Relax your leg muscles.)
They are trying to rest.

Ascent to the musical accompaniment of "Voices of the Forest".

Gymnastics after sleep

Target: Improve children's mood, increase muscle tone, help prevent poor posture and flat feet.

Extensive washing (with words).

Rubbing your arms, legs, chest, back with a terry mitten.

Afternoon snack

Target: Give children basic knowledge of how and why milk is good for children. Instill a love for dairy products.

Repeat the game "Magic Drink".

Walk: Sports entertainment"Happy Starts"

Target: Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Return to the group. The children sit at the tables.

Educator: Guys, tell us what we were looking for today?(Health).

Educator: Who hid the “health” and where?(The gods hid health in humans).

Educator: Guys, do you consider yourself healthy people? What do you need to do to be a healthy person?(Do exercises every day, play sports, walk more in the fresh air, toughen up, eat healthy food, dress for the weather, wash your hands with soap, sleep, be kind, etc.).

Educator: Guys, you just named the helpers who helped us find health today. And every day in kindergarten they help you stay healthy and grow healthy. And I would really like these helpers to live in your home. Will you take them home? And if moms and dads forget about health aides, you remind them. Agreed? Guys, did you like how our day went? What do you remember most?(children's answers) .

Educator: "I'm very glad you liked it."

I wish you to smile more often,
Don't get upset over trifles.
Always look cheerful
Never know where it hurts!