Summary of a thematic conversation for Mother's Day in the senior group. Thematic week “Mother’s Day” Lexical topic: mother’s holiday in the middle group

Abstract frontal training V senior group compensatory orientation for children with speech disorders

Lexical topic: "Mothers Day.Conversation».

Target: Formation of coherent speech.


Develop dialogical and monologue speech skills.

Form coherent speech.

Strengthen your understanding of family relationships.

Cultivate respect and love for mother.

Develop attention, speech hearing, memory, thinking.

Equipment: mnemonic tables of proverbs, object pictures, ball, laptop, microphone, audio recording of the song “Mother’s Heart” by Kim Aleksandrovich Breitburg, Emilia Melnik, magnetic board.

Progress of the lesson

Organizational stage.

Today we will talk to you about mothers. You all know that Mother's Day is approaching.

Mothers Day - important holiday, it appeared not so long ago, but is gradually and confidently entering our homes. And this is wonderful: no matter how many good, kind words we say to our mothers, no matter how many reasons we come up with for this, they will not be superfluous.

Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give their children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

Listen to how simple and affectionate this word sounds. It is not surprising that every child remembers and pronounces it first. Mom is affection, Mom is peace, comfort, care, love that surrounds us from birth. You can’t say it’s better than what’s sung in the song. ( The song “Mom’s Heart” is played by K. Breitburg, E. Melnik).

1.Development of small, articulatory motor skills, facial muscles.

1.1.General relaxation.

1.2.Development of fine motor skills

1.3.Facial massage.

Performed along massage lines.

1.4.Development of facial muscles.

Task 4. Exercise for coordinating speech with movements (The child performs the appropriate movements.

Task 5. Draw a portrait of your grandmother or mother.

“Mom’s holiday. Women's professions"

Tell your child about the holiday March 8th - who is congratulated on this day, why it is called “Mother’s Day”;

Teach the child words of congratulations so that he can say them on this day to his mother, sister, grandmother, teacher in kindergarten;

Talk with your child about women's professions: cook, seller, teacher, educator, doctor;

Explain to the child who does what at work, what benefits they bring, who needs what for work.

Task 2. Didactic game “Who is doing what?” (selection of actions for nouns): cook - cooks,

teacher - _________________________________________

doctor - ___________________________________________...,

Salesman -______________________________________ ...,

teacher -________________________________________ ....

Task 3. Didactic game “Name it kindly”:

mom - mommy, mommy, mother

grandmother ___________________________________________________, sister ___________________________________________________, aunt ___________________________________________________.

Natalia Shulepova
Assignment for individual work with a child on the topic “Mother’s Day”

Lexical topic « Mother's day» . Sounds "AND" And "Z".

1. Exercise “Name words that are relatives” - we learn to select words with the same root.

Mom - mommy, mother, mummy, etc.

Grandmother -.

2. Exercise “Choose a sign” to agree adjectives with nouns.

Mother (which)- kind, caring, loving, affectionate, tender, beautiful, etc.

Grandmother (which) -.

Sister (which) -.

Aunt (which) -.

3. Exercise “Count” to coordinate numerals with nouns.

One grandmother, two, five...

One sister

One aunt

One mom

4. Exercise “Say the opposite” to select antonyms.

Grandma is old, and mother is old.

Mom is tall, and you are...

The sister is the eldest, and the brother is...

5. Exercise “Helper” on the ability to change verbs by tense.

I wash the floor today - tomorrow I clean the floor. (I'll wash it)- yesterday I was floor. (washed).

I'm washing clothes now - tomorrow I'll do laundry. - Yesterday I washed underwear.

6. Tell your child about where and by whom his mom works than she

is engaged. Have your child answer the questions in complete sentences and then write a story about their mom:

How is your mother's name? Where your mom works? What is she doing? Why do you love your mom?

For example: My mother's name is (Maria Vasilievna). My mom works in a clinic. She pediatrician. Mom treats children. I love my mother because she is kind and caring.

7. Teach baby words of congratulations plan:

Appeal; (Dear Granny, dear mother, beloved sister)

Congratulations on the holiday;


8. Help to kid understand the meaning of proverbs and sayings, learn a few of them choice:







9. Draw a portrait of your mother.

Publications on the topic:

Organization of individual work with children with disabilities (from work experience) At first school year when checking musical abilities It is noted that some children cope poorly with singing this sound.

Homework for parents in the senior speech therapy group on the lexical topic “Wintering birds.” Sounds [Z, Z’]" Lexical topic “Wintering birds” sounds [З, З’]. Tasks 1. Select a sign (at least three signs): tit (which) - ... pigeon (which).

Homework for the lexical topic “Autumn walks along the paths. Vegetables" Topic: “Autumn is walking along the paths. Vegetables". I advise you at home 1. Read a poem to your child: Leaves are falling, falling, Leaves are falling in our garden, Yellow,.

Homework for the topic “Mushrooms” Topic: "Mushrooms". The concept of more or less, equally. I recommend at home: 1. Train your child in pronouncing the names of mushrooms: edible mushrooms:.


Homework on the lexical topic “Domestic animals and their young. Sound [and]" Topic: Domestic animals and their young. Sound I 1. Acquaintance with the letter and sound I Copy the letter I in a notebook 2. Teach: Letter I diagonally.

Lapbook “Animals” Purpose: generalization and systematization of English vocabulary on the topic “Animals”. Objectives: 1. Increase cognitive interest. 2.

Thematic project for

"Mother's Day" in the preparatory group.

With final presentation

parents' crafts.

“Skillful hands know no boredom”


The holiday “Mother's Day” is approaching, the holiday of the closest and dearest person to us, who gave us life. Unfortunately, the attitude of children towards their loved ones has been changing lately, and the attitude of parents towards their children may be changing. And what the reason is, alas, is not yet completely clear to me. Maybe in our modern world, parents are very busy with their careers, household chores, and their children lack attention and affection? And the children get angry at their parents for this, offended...? It is very common to see rude treatment between children and parents on the street and in shops. But family is sacred, it is a little world that should be full of love, understanding and kindness. And we, as educators, raising children 12 hours a day, must instill in our children a respectful attitude towards their families, strive to protect themselves and loved ones, and help each other. Read fiction to students that depicts positive moments from family life; play up the plot role-playing games about family...

And looking at my students with love, I wanted to create for them and their parents a wonderful holiday where the closest and dearest would gather. For this holiday, the project “Dear Mommy, Angel from Heaven” was created.

Objective of the project – the formation of an in-depth understanding of the family as the most sacred and reliable thing in a person’s life. Know and keep your family traditions, betray them from generation to generation.

Project objectives:

Creating a favorable atmosphere at the matinee;
- Teach children to convey their positive emotions to loved ones through reading a poem;
- Develop Creative skills children;
- Create a desire to give gifts to your loved ones;

Project participantsare children, teachers and parents.

Date and place of implementation- November 2015. MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 11" in Nizhneudinsk.

Expected results:

- Children should know their address, the city in which they live; Know the last name, first name and patronymic of both your own and your parents;
- Know your historical roots;
- Understand that good family- this is an example to follow.

Project participants:

    Children of the preparatory group;

    Group teachers;

    Music worker;


Project implementation plan:

Implementation date: November
Responsible: group teachers

The content of the work:

Preparatory stage:selection methodological literature; learning a poem about loved ones; learning songs, consultation with parents.

Target: preparation for the holiday “Dear Mommy, Angel from Heaven”; cooperation with parents in preparation for the final entertainment.

Main stage of the project:

Conversations: “My family”, “My mother”, listen to M. Zoshchenko’s story “An Indicative Child”.

Target - Know the last name, first name, patronymic of your parents, where they work, common interests in the family. During the conversation, give children an idea about the family, about the special role of the mother in the family. Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give their children love, tenderness and affection. Since 2009, the “Talk to Me Mom” campaign has been taking place. An innovative project was developed on a current topic..

Parent gatherings to get acquainted with the results of the survey and discuss ideas for implementing the project.

Preparation of visual information for the “Parental commandments” memo, posters “You won’t find a better friend than a mother”, “Not the mother who gives birth, but the one who rewards with her heart.”

Preparation and design, with the help of parents, of the photo exhibition “Our Beloved Mothers”, stand design: “Skillful hands know no boredom! "

Integration directly educational program areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard during the implementation of the “Mother’s Day” project:

Educational area


Tasks for preparatory children preschool educational institutions groups


role-playing games “Mom at home”, “Family”, “Mom in the store”, “Mom in the hospital”, “Mom at work” (mom-hairdresser, mom-seller, mom-doctor, mom-nurse, mom-painter );

viewing the photo vernissage “She is dearer to me than anyone else... This is my mother”;

didactic games“Choose an outfit for the holiday”, “Set the table”, “Decorate the hat”, “Mom - babies”;

looking at family photo albums

Continue to develop play activity children, improve the ability to independently choose a theme for the game, develop a plot based on the knowledge gained from the perception of the environment.

Form gender and family affiliation


conversation on the topic

“How I help my mother at home”, “Mom’s favorite hobby»

Develop a desire together with an adult and with their help to carry out passive work assignments


conversation on the topics “Different mothers are needed, different mothers are important”, “How to help your mother prepare a salad”

Expand ideas about adult work


learning poems by heart by E. Blaginin “Let’s sit in silence”,

M.Rodina “Mom’s Hands”

word game"Mommy"

thematic educational activity "Mother's Day"

Continue to learn how to expressively retell and narrate a literary text

Reading fiction

reading stories: Emelyanov B. MOTHER’S HANDS, E. Permyak “How Misha wanted to outwit his mother”, “Mother’s grief”, fairy tales “Cuckoo” (Nenets) arr. K. Sharova, “Ayoga” (Nanaisk), “Tales of a Stupid Mouse” by S. Marshak, poems: S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”, A. Barto “Separation”, “Conversation with Mom”, “Mom” goes to work”, M. Plyatskovsky “Mom’s song”,

E. Blaginina “Mother’s Day”

To develop a desire to talk about your attitude to a specific act of a literary character, to help children understand the hidden motives of the heroes of the work, to introduce them to the art of words

Artistic creativity

making “Apple” magnets as gifts for mothers on Mother’s Day;

drawing portraits of mothers, on the theme “My Mommy” “Outfit for Mom”;

modeling “Sweets for Mom”, “Flowers for Mom”;

coloring coloring books on the theme “Family”;

exhibition of children's works “I give it to my mom, I thank her for everything”

Improve visual skills and abilities, develop artistic and creative abilities. Develop a sense of shape, color, proportions; artistic taste

At the end of the thematic week a celebration was held:

"Mothers Day"

A photo exhibition was made:

"Our beloved mothers"

An exhibition of my mother's works was made:

“Skillful hands know no boredom”


    Veraksa N.E., Komarova T.S. , M.A. Vasilyeva.Psample basic general education program for preschool education« From birth to school." M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2010.

    Gerbova V.V. Classes on speech development in the senior group of kindergarten. - M.: Education.

    Krasnoshchekova N.V. Plot-role-playing Games for children preschool age.- Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2012.

    Sakhipova Z.G. We read to children. - Leningrad: Education, 1987.

    About mom. Poems and stories. - M.: Children's literature, 1988.

GBOU secondary school village. Komsomolsk SPDS "Kolosok"

District competition practical materials For speech therapists at preschool educational institutions

Lexical topic: “Mom’s holiday”

Compiled by: teacher - speech therapist Atamanova L.G.

teacher - psychologist Kanukhina N.A.

year 2012

Atamanova Lyudmila Gennadievna

Kanuhina Natalia Alexandrovna

Place of work (name of the educational institution in accordance with the Charter)

Structural unit - general developmental kindergarten "Kolosok" of the state budgetary educational institution of the Samara region secondary school in the village. Komsomolsky municipal district Kinelsky Samara region.

Teacher speech therapist,

teacher - psychologist.

Contact Information:


89272969608 – Atamanova L.G.

[email protected]

Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ........................... 3

Complex - thematic planning educational work with children of different age groups.................................................... ........................................................ ............4

Interaction with the teacher................................................................... ...............................................12

Lesson notes in middle group.......................................................................................15

Summary of a lesson in a preparatory speech therapy group in cognitive development“My mother is the best”................................................ ................................................20

Lesson notes for the senior group................................................................... ...........................................24

Lesson notes on gender education in the older group........................................26

Short-term project for children of senior preschool age....................................................36

Lesson summary for the senior group topic: “Mom”............................................ ........................48

Lesson summary for middle group children on the topic “Me and my family”..................................................52

Application................................................. ........................................................ ........................52

To the modern mother. Educational games in the kitchen.................................................... ...................58

Speech therapy exercises on the topic: “March 8th”................................................. ...........................................62

Making a card with flowers.................................................... ........................................................ 63

Picture plan on the theme “Mom’s holiday”.................................................... ................................66

Didactic games and exercises.................................................. ...........................................67

Finger gymnastics.................................................................................................................71

Outdoor games …............................................... ........................................................ ........................72

Leisure................................................. ........................................................ ...............................75

Tips for parents for children 4-5 years old.................................................... ........................................................ ..76

Advice for parents for children aged 5-7 years.................................................... ........................................................ ..78

Riddles, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, poems about mother.................................................... ....................80

Scenario for a group lesson with parents of a junior group.................................................... ....94


We present to your attention materials on the lexical topic “Mom’s Holiday”. This topic is part of a joint educational activities thematic week dedicated to International Women's Day.

Preschool age is the age when children learn the world, make new discoveries for themselves every day. I noticed that the information that we give to children during the learning process is absorbed by children more successfully if it is given not only in verbal form, but is also supported by the opportunity to practically act.

A Chinese proverb says: “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, give me a try and I will understand.” Therefore in joint activities With children, I try to give the children the opportunity to act on their own.

My task is to support children’s interest in close relatives - mother, grandmother, to create a desire to please them, take care of them, and rejoice in the fact that they can make holiday gifts for them themselves.

The goal of the joint activity is to summarize children’s knowledge about mother, grandmother, and their importance in children’s lives.

1. Educational: to form children’s ideas about mother and grandmother as significant and beloved people in the child’s environment, about the holiday of March 8, to enrich children’s vocabulary (dear, dear, loving, only, caring).

2. Developmental: develop fine motor skills fingers, coordination of actions in the “eye-hand” system through the manufacture of crafts.

3. Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards mothers and grandmothers through the desire to thank them for their love, through the desire to make gifts with their own hands.

Expected result: generalization of knowledge about loved ones who are significant in the child’s life, about women’s holiday, making gifts.

Interaction with the teacher

Goals of interaction

Type of activity

Pinned dictionary

Corrective work outside of class

Development of mental processes

1 half day

2 half day

  • Activate the dictionary on the topic.

  • Distinguish between feminine and masculine nouns (“my”, “mine”)

  • Agreement of adjectives with masculine and feminine nouns.

  • Development of speech and familiarization with the environment and nature: differentiation of prepositions “under”, “for” (where?); instrumental case(s) of masculine singular nouns without stress; differentiation of the instrumental case of masculine and feminine nouns (om, -ey) under stress in a phrase, nursery rhymes, short stories.

  • Mathematics: secure the square shape; the idea of ​​the independence of the number of objects from the intervals between them; consolidate orientation in space: name the right and left hand (leg) - the game “Guess which hand, cheek, ear.”

  • Drawing“Let’s decorate a scarf for mom”: learn to build a pattern on a square, starting from the center, draw vertical and horizontal equal stripes without turning the sheet of paper; consolidate the studied (primary) colors; cultivate aesthetic taste.

  • Modeling(as planned) “A holiday treat for mom”: consolidate the skills of rolling plasticine straight and in a circular motion(gingerbread cookies, bagels, sweets).

  • Application“Gift for Mom”: learn to cut out round shapes, cutting and rounding the corners of a square, and make a flower from the cut-out parts.

game “Come on, guess” (recognize songs by melody); learning the song “We sang a song”; “Dance in pairs” (learn to dance in pairs, put your feet on your toes and spin).

  • Physical training: walking in a circle, holding hands, changing directions; running in all directions; learn to walk and run on an inclined path and board, maintain balance; cultivate courage and determination, practice jumping over cords using arm swings; outdoor game "Find where it is hidden" (orientation in space).

  • Rhythmics: perform rhythmic movements in accordance with the music using objects (rattles) and the words: “I love my mom.”

Mom, dad, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather;

Old, young, small, younger, big, kind, affectionate;

Resting, cooking

  • Finger gymnastics "My family".

  • Game "I love my mom."

  • Reading poems and stories about mom.

  • Manufacturing greeting card mom.

  • Game "Remember, repeat" (3-4 items).

  • Game "Find out who it is" (use a set of words - actions to guess the object).

  • Game "Help Olya" (differentiation of objects by shape: circle, square, rectangle).

Summary of a lesson in a preparatory speech therapy group on cognitive development: “My mother is the best”
Program content:

to cultivate in children a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards their mother, a desire to help her, to please her;

learn to answer questions, construct sentences correctly in a story about mom;

introduce children to the new public holiday “Mother’s Day”;

develop children's aesthetic perception, teach them to see the beauty of flowers, and convey it in applications.
Preliminary work:

drawing portraits of mother;

reading fiction;

memorizing poems and proverbs about mother;

preliminary conversation with the family (child and mother) about her work.
Materials and equipment: toy microphone, ball, children’s drawings with portraits of mothers (photos of mothers), creative works of mothers; equipment for application.
Speech therapist: Guys, let's imagine that we were invited to a television studio for the children's program “My Mom is the Best.” Do you want to be part of this program? And who will I be?
Children: TV presenter.
Speech therapist: And those who are in the hall?
Children: TV viewers.
Speech therapist: Participants of the program, please take your seats. Are you ready? Let's start!

  • Good afternoon, dear TV viewers! Today in our studio preparatory children speech therapy group. They came to the program to talk about their mothers, the most best mothers in the world. In our country, at the end of November, the public holiday “Mother's Day” is celebrated. Therefore, the topic of the TV show is very important. Children like
What do you think is the best word in the world? (Children’s answers are listened to, words such as “peace”, “Motherland” are positively assessed)
The best word in the world is “MOM”. The words “mother” and “mother” are among the most ancient on Earth and sound almost the same in the languages ​​of different nations. This suggests that all people honor and love mothers. Mother teaches us to be wise, gives advice, cares and protects us.
How affectionately can you call your mother?
Children: Mommy, mommy, mummy, mommy….
Speech therapist: I suggest you play a game: “Mom-moch-ka.” I will ask questions, and you will answer in unison: “mo-moch-ka,” only amicably and loudly!
Who came to me this morning? - Mommy!

Who said: “It’s time to get up!”? - Mommy!

Who managed to cook the porridge? - Mommy!

Who poured tea into the cup? - Mommy!

Who braided my hair? - Mommy!

Sweeped the whole house alone? - Mommy!

Who kissed me? - Mommy!

Who as a child loves laughter? - Mommy!

Who is the best in the world? - Mommy!
Speech therapist: Children, tell me who is the best for you dear person in the world?
Children: None dearer than mother not in the whole world!
Speech therapist: I suggest speaking into the microphone beautiful words about mom. What is she like?
Children: Sweet, beloved, kind, beautiful, gentle, smart, beloved, charming, attentive, hardworking, friendly, wonderful, pretty, ...
Speech therapist: Well done children, you said a lot of wonderful words about your mothers. Let's tell you more about our mothers: what is her name? Where does she work? Does he love his job? Does he get tired? Is her work important? (Three to four stories are heard)
Listen to E. Blaginina’s poem “Let’s Sit in Silence.”

Children read a poem by E. Blaginina.
Speech therapist: And now there is a commercial break in our program. I ask you to come to the carpet and play with me the game “Whose Children?” (Ball game)
The kitten has a cat.

The kid has a goat.

The chicken has chicken.

The calf has a cow.

The foal has a horse.

A lamb has a sheep.

The tiger cub has a tigress.

The lion cub has a lioness.
Yes, children, everyone needs their mother: a child, a kitten, and a chick.
And now I will ask the participants of the program to return to their places in the “TV studio”. We continue our stories about mothers.
Speech therapist: Moms have kind, golden hands! What do your mothers do at home? What does your mother especially like to do? Are you helping her? (Three to four stories from children are heard)
Speech therapist: Let's remember the proverbs about mom.
Children tell proverbs.

It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence.

There is no better friend than your own mother.

The bird is happy about spring, and the baby is happy about the mother.

Mother's affection knows no end.

Annushka is a good daughter if her mother and grandmother praise her.
Speech therapist: Well done, children, you know a lot of proverbs about mom.
You need to please your mothers more often with attention, care, and gifts that you can make with your own hands. Let's think about what we can give mom on this cloudy autumn day? (Children express their guesses)
Speech therapist: I suggest you make cards with flowers for our mothers. And then the mother will be sure that an attentive, kind, sensitive person is growing in the family. And mother’s eyes will light up with joy. You will give these cards to your mothers on Mother's Day. (Children make cards)
At the end of the lesson, all work is exhibited and reviewed. Children admire the cards they will give to their mothers.
Speech therapist: The time for our transfer is over. I thank you, children, for participating in the TV show “My Mom is the Best!” See you again!

Topic “Mom’s holiday” (1 year of study, OHP levels 2-3)
- expanding the vocabulary of adjectives;

Making a simple sentence;

Memorizing a poem: developing memory, attention;

Development of coherent speech: retelling a story.
Equipment: subject pictures, balls, story by A.V. Mityaev “Why I love my mother” (Chrestomathy of children's literature, p. 311).
1. Organizational moment. “Say the nicest word about your mother. “My mother is the most... kind, beautiful, smart, affectionate, caring, gentle, hardworking, beloved...”
2. Development of fine motor skills.
Mom mom? Palms together, two little fingers tapping each other.

What, what, what? Two thumbs tap each other.

The guests are coming. Also little fingers.

So what? Also thumbs up.

Hello! The little fingers are pressed together, the thumbs too,

the rest, intertwined, move.
3. Making a simple sentence. “The guests have arrived for the holiday. Which one? - March 8, mom... - The guests arrived with gifts. You probably also prepared a gift for your mother.” Next, the children are asked to choose pictures on the board and say what you would like to give as a gift. The pictures on the board are not all suitable for gifts. There are also such as “factory”, “box”, “fence”, “brick”. “I will give my mother a beautiful vase (bright tulips, delicious candies, cake, roses, hair clip...).”
4. Development of memory. “When they give a gift, they say good things, good words" Children are invited to learn a short poem. My dear, kind mother. Like you... (name) That's how I want to be.
5. Physical education minute,
I help my mother at home, they stand in a circle

I sweep the floor, wash my socks, imitate the movements

I’m not wasting time, they take the ball and hit it on the floor with one hand

I'll take the dog for a walk (it's a dog)

I'll wash all the dishes, they imitate the movement

I will rest later. sat down
6. Development of coherent speech. Reading the story by A.V. Mityaeva “Why I love my mother.”
The kindergarten teacher asked: “Why do you love your mother?” Petya's mother is a builder. He wanted to say: “For the fact that mother builds houses.” But he said nothing. Wouldn't he love her if she were a doctor? Zina wanted to say: “Because my mother cooks delicious dishes.” And she also remained silent. Mom was leaving one day, dad cooked delicious food, but the girl didn’t stop loving her mom even then. Then Galya stood up from her chair: “When I was in pain, my mother felt sorry for me, and I immediately felt better. I love my mom for this. - And I’m for it! - And I". It turned out that all children love their mothers for this.
“What did the children’s teacher ask? What did Petya want to tell you? What was Zina thinking? What did Galya say? What did the children decide? Why do you love your mothers?” Let's read the story again. We listen to the retelling of 2-3 children.

  • Summary of the lesson.

Summary of a lesson on gender education in the senior group


Development of the cognitive sphere:

  • auditory, visual and tactile perception;

  • purposeful attention (concentration) and observation;

  • auditory and visual memory, short-term and long-term;

  • clearly- figurative, schematic, logical thinking and mental operations - analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, generalization;

  • spatial orientation.
Development of the emotional and volitional sphere:

  • activation of voluntary expression, mechanisms of perception and identification of emotional states;

  • development of basic nonverbal communication skills.
Speech development- activation and enrichment of vocabulary, improvement grammatical structure and coherent speech skills.

Development of general and fine motor skills.

Moral education- improving communication skills. Cultivating a friendly attitude towards the opposite sex.


Demo material: ball, laptop; two dolls - a boy and a girl; three palms - red, yellow and blue colors; poster for the task "Labyrinth"; a bag, items for it - lipstick, comb, mirror, tie, hairpin, gun; demo set of 6 pictograms; 6 plot pictures for the game "Recognize the Face".

Handout: individual cards with people made from geometric shapes for the task “Labyrinth”; forms for the assignment “Labyrinth” for independent work; cards for the “Give Out Toys” exercise, markers; a set of 6 pictograms for each child.

Progress of the lesson


Snowball game

Hello guys! (hello, Elena Anatolyevna and guests)

Friend on the left, friend on the right
The result is an even circle.

Let's play the snowball game. Now we will call your names. How? (Everyone repeats the previous names and says their name)

Now, remember and name what your mother affectionately calls you. And we remember.

Does your mother call you affectionately when she is in a mood?

"The ABCs of Mood"

(using a laptop and a presentation slide - see below)Annex 1)

And in the poem “The ABC of Mood” we find out what mood generally is like.

Please come to me. (children approach the laptop)

Listen to the poem "The ABC of Mood"

Animals have feelings
In fish, birds and people.
Affects everyone without a doubt
We're in the mood.
Who's having fun!
Who's sad?
Who's scared?
Who's angry?
Dispels all doubts
ABC of mood.

Look at the photo. What do you think the girl's mood is?

Now let’s remember which pictogram suits this mood.


Make the same facial expression.

This way all slides are viewed.

The last slides are joy and surprise.

Main part.

Two dolls appear - a boy and a girl.

So, with the same mood, two dolls came to visit us - a boy and a girl.

The girl's name is Vasilisa, the boy's name is Ruslan. Say hello to them.

Dolls Vasilisa and Ruslan greet the children.

Where did we end up? - says the doll Ruslan (to a kindergarten)

How nice and beautiful you are here. You probably love this place? - says the doll Vasilisa. (Yes)

Let's tell Vasilisa and Ruslan a poem about our kindergarten.

Dynamic pause"Girls and boys"

(using reference symbols: “shouts” - red palm, “whispers” - yellow, “silents” - blue)

The reading of the poem is accompanied by appropriate movements. Before pronouncing each child’s answer and the last two lines, the psychologist demonstrates a red, yellow or blue palm (Fig. 1), children’s answers sound in accordance with the shown palm - loudly, quietly, or shown with a gesture, silently. Then the game continues. At the end of the game, the psychologist shows a blue palm.

Exercise "Find similarities and differences"

So, do boys and girls live here? - the dolls ask.

We don’t know which one of us is a boy and which one is a girl, but can you help us figure it out? Why?

(children take turns explaining how boys differ from girls)

Game "Labyrinth"

- Oh, guys, it looks like someone is crying. We have lost little people. They can't find their way home. Let's help them. We will be their friends. The game is called "Labyrinth".

What do you think, are these boys or girls? (there are both boys and girls)

I will now give everyone a card with a picture of a man. You, in turn, first find the same geometric figure, like your little man’s head, then walk the little man along the path, finding a geometric figure the same as his torso. Then place your little man in the house where the path led you.

The first two children, who have already “placed” their little people in the house, receive an individual task - a form on which a similar labyrinth is depicted.

The child needs to house all the little people by drawing them in the house with a marker.

Game "Magic bag"

Various items are hidden in the bag - lipstick, hairpin, comb, tie, gun, mirror. Children, in turn, feel for an object, guess it, pull it out and give it to either a boy or a girl. There are two items - a comb and a mirror - that will suit both.

Oh, look what's hanging here? You have little men, and I have a bag! And there is something in it. Now we will find out what is there.

Everyone, in turn, puts their hand into the bag, finds something there, recognizes it, and names what it is. And only then does he pull it out of the bag.

The first child pulls out an object.

Who do you think this item can be given to: a boy or a girl?

The child places his object on one of the dolls. Game continues.

The psychologist is the last to take out an orange.

Finger gymnastics "Orange"

What is this? (orange)

Does everyone know the poem about an orange?

Peeling an orange (depict)
He's alone on the plate ("plate")
I'll break the orange (depict)
I will give to all my friends: (movement of the hands from the chest forward)
This slice for Vanya, this slice for Tanya, (we bend our fingers, starting with thumb, on both hands at the same time)
This slice of Tolya, this slice of Kolya,
Well, what remains, only I will get (movement of the hands forward, towards the chest)

Exercise "Give away toys"

The exercise is performed while sitting at tables, individually.

Guys, do you share candies and toys?

Look, on these cards the guys can’t divide the toys among themselves. We need to help them. Guess how to distribute toys correctly. Boys will help boys, and girls will help girls. You need to use a marker to draw a line from the owner to his toy. Look carefully.

Vadim, who will you give the first boat to?

Is everyone clear?

The cards depict boys and boats, girls and dolls.

Each toy matches the color and pattern on the clothes with its owner (Fig. 3, 4).

Rice. 3

Rice. 4

Dynamic pause “How are you?”

Both boys and girls received their gifts. They are grateful to you for your help.

Everyone loves gifts, not only to receive, but also to give, right?

We live happily! What's your mood? (funny)

As in the game "How are you living?"

How are you? - Like this!

Are you swimming?

Are you running?

You look into the distance:

Waiting for lunch:

You wave after:

In the morning you sleep:

Are you being naughty?

(children respond with any gestures to the psychologist’s questions)

And mom came into the room and looked how? (children use facial expressions)

Like this. What did she do? (surprised or angry. Pictograms of surprise and anger are displayed)

Go to the table, there are still pictograms there.

Game "Recognize the face"

In front of each child is a set of 6 pictograms:

joy, fear, anger, surprise, resentment, sadness (Fig. 6).

The psychologist invites each child, in turn, to pull out story picture, which depicts some kind of emotional state (Fig. 5), without showing it, depict this state with facial expressions. Children must silently show the pictogram that corresponds to this facial expression. Then the child shows the story card. Game continues.

Rice. 5

Rice. 6

Now everyone, one by one, will pull out a picture of the story and depict to us with their face, facial expressions, the mood of the child who is drawn on it. And all the other guys, silently, will guess and show the pictogram that matches this facial expression.

Bottom line.

How interesting and fun we played. Let's help our dolls remember what games we played.

Children recall the progress of the lesson, talk about the work done, share their impressions, and give each other compliments. They tell you what games they liked.

All this happens while sitting on the carpet, passing the ball in a circle.

Remember, at the beginning of the lesson, everyone said what his mother affectionately calls him. Let's say goodbye and call each other affectionately.

Each child says goodbye to the other children, calling them affectionately by name.

And then the children say goodbye to the psychologist, dolls and guests.


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