Corporate congratulations on February 23 to teachers. Which means hard rock

The most masculine holiday is approaching, or has already approached very closely - February 23rd. And you would like to congratulate your male teachers on this holiday. Then you have come to the right site.

Here, in this section of our website, congratulatory poems for teachers on February 23 are collected. The poems are original, written by our authors, so you are unlikely to find them anywhere else. Poems can be used absolutely freely by anyone.

It is also possible to sort short poems on February 23 for teachers - for SMS. Perhaps you don’t want to congratulate your teacher on Defender of the Fatherland Day “live”, then send him a message.

Why congratulate teachers on this holiday? To make it nice. While teaching you, they give a part of themselves, they are completely exhausted working with their teachers. And in order to somehow compensate for their “losses,” sometimes it’s enough just to pay at least a little attention. You will not suffer from this, and the teachers will be pleased.

Don’t be lazy to congratulate teachers on Defender of the Fatherland Day, give them 5 minutes of your time!

  • Postcard from the category "hand made"Let's agree right away that ready-made cards with congratulations are for the lazy and indifferent. If you want to express your sincere gratitude, then it is better to make a card yourself. You can draw something from the “manly” category: military equipment, a barbell, a cool car or a funny animal. You don’t have the talent of Surikov and Manet? It doesn’t matter - you can decorate a postcard with appliqué or make a collage of bright pictures pulled from magazines.
  • Congratulations poster a good option, if you want to congratulate all male colleagues or students in your class on February 23rd. The poster can also be decorated with congratulatory words, pictures, drawings. Or you can prepare a photo collage of photographs depicting the heroes of the holiday. It’s even more interesting if you complete the cut-out silhouettes, coming up with your own drawing plot for each.
  • Presentation. Why not, if now every school has a projector. This good way congratulate all male colleagues, boss or boys in the class on February 23rd. The content of the presentation may be different - photos of the heroes of the day, wishes, parting words, advice. The main thing is that every man in the team is mentioned.
  • Bouquet of balloons . And in each one you can put a note with wishes and parting words.

What to give a teacher on February 23

Gifts are appreciated when they are made from the heart and chosen with taste. All men are probably tired of the usual socks, cognacs, razors and lotions. What original idea can you come up with for your colleagues on February 23, what to give to the director, or how to organize a congratulation from parents for a male teacher?

  • Nowadays the so-called gifts-emotions. Essentially, these are gift certificates that offer a variety of entertainment for every taste. The program may include karting, zorbing, diving, flying in a wind tunnel, horseback riding, Segway racing, various quests, etc. It’s good if the certificate includes a choice so that the man can decide for himself what kind of entertainment he wants to have. If you know for sure that your colleague has long dreamed of conquering the sky, then you can give him a certificate for a parachute jump.
  • Gift Baskets tea, coffee or stationery, decorated in the spirit of the holiday. Look through the catalogs of online stores: they have a lot original gifts that will please men. Moreover, they are decorated in an unusual way with humor, but at the same time very festive.
  • Sweets. It is known that men have a sweet tooth. Therefore, you can organize a sweet table for fellow teachers or students in the class: order a cake in the shape of a tank or a cool car, a huge gingerbread, candy in a box or in a festive bag, fortune cookies. Of course, it depends on the budget, but such a congratulation will remain a sweet memory.
  • Pleasant trifles: umbrellas, key holders, stylish key rings, personalized notepads or diaries - these are the little things that are most often lost, so this choice is justified. This is an option for a gift to a teacher by February 23 from the class, from parents and students.

How to congratulate teachers on February 23

Which congratulatory words choose? In verse or prose? It all depends on your desire and imagination. But the main thing is that if you are giving a greeting card, read the greeting or recite it by heart.


Poem about the holiday

For example,

Comrade teacher! Be equal! Attention! And - at ease! Don't be afraid of us:
To persuade you to negotiate peacefully,
Our class came to you before the lesson!..

To become a man, it is not enough for them to be born.
To become iron, it is not enough to be ore.
Need to melt down, break
And, like ore, sacrifice yourself.

The boss is like a commander,
Strategist and tactician, two in one!
Mentor and pioneer,
Under whose leadership we go!
We are on Defender of the Fatherland Day
We wish you happiness and bright days!
And let life be picturesque,
Like the French kings!

Congratulations in prose

This could be some kind of symbolic parable, interesting story. Or maybe just a few lines dedicated to this particular teacher, this man, this boy.

For example,

“We wish you nerves of steel, reinforced concrete health, titanium strength, a pearly smile and a rubber salary.”


If you want to congratulate male teachers from the whole class, then you can prepare 1-2 ditties about each teacher, about their hard work in the school field.


To emphasize the individuality of the congratulation, you can make an anagram for each teacher by his name.

For example,

"We cordially congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day. We wish

B - excellent students

And - interesting life adventures

K - creative friends

T - only sunny smiles

O - the adoration of colleagues and a huge salary

R - joy and entertainment."

Whatever option you choose, it is advisable that any gift and congratulations be sincere and from the heart. Happy upcoming holiday, Dear Colleagues- men. And may God protect you from adversity and misfortune, and may your students delight you with successes and achievements.

The script is a congratulation to male teachers on Defender of the Fatherland Day. The script contains poems and songs dedicated to this holiday. Materials used in the script were taken from the Internet. Used by the primary trade union organization of our school



MBOU "Secondary school No. 3" Kogalym


The script uses materials from various Internet sites.

SONG “A soldier has a day off...”

February is the harshest month of the year! Maybe that's why the biggest and most severe men's holiday appeared in February

If you think that February 23 is a holiday for military personnel, then you are deeply mistaken! February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day.

And every man, whether he is a naval officer or a programmer, a businessman or a policeman, a scientist or a teacher, is a Protector.

February 23 is the Day of the Defender of his Fatherland, his family, and the honor of his work collective. February 23 is the Day of a Real Man.
We are surrounded every day and hour by real men - men whom we love, with whom we are friends, who help us solve production and everyday problems. So the most my sincere congratulations on February 23.

There is a common rank - soldier.
Both general and private
It is solemnly kept
They are always ready to fight.
Forever imprinted in granite
Heroes names.
He who is ready for battle keeps peace
We don't need war!

Don't renounce your sense of proportion,
Don’t rush to catch up with someone who has left,
Don't desecrate your creed
On other days, other times.
And, maintaining the honor of the uniform,
Directing life to the shores,
Do not make yourself an idol,
Don't make an enemy!

No, not for titles and awards
In battle, the hero was the soldier.
He defended his country
Children, mother and wife,
Spring through canopy
Birch trees and linden trees…
We congratulate you on this day
Your defenders!

SONG about WAR performed by future defenders of the Fatherland, 10th grade students. (There may be a song with a guitar here)

A woman's gaze is not looking for beauty,
But - strength, strength, faith, kindness.
And with a gentle but weak hand
Sometimes a woman looks for support.
A man is a monolith of life,
He is the salt of the Earth, he is a warrior, he is a magnet.
We love you, worthy sons,
And we will not forget how to love - neither we nor you.

Who would give us tender names?
And he protected us, whenever they were not there?
Who would sing? Who would kindle the flame in us,
In which we burn with love?
Who would shield you with strong shoulders?
Who paid in battles with his blood,
So that our lullabies sound
To the sound of the rain, to the whispering of the branches?!
The hearth is warmer with them,
There are countless dishes at the pre-Starkhans!
They are a joy to us and our children!
It’s so good, men, that you exist!!!

SONG “I will name the planet after you” performed by a 10th grade student.


Three girls drinking tea
The conversation went like this:

They say they live in the world
several heroes - wonderful people.
Every working day by eight
They are getting ready.
And the work began to boil -
They love their job very much.

Yes, those heroes
Always a lot of ideas
They make plans
The whole class is being controlled.
And with a computer they
For many years already

Among the heroes there is one
That he knows all the laws
Reads the history of the country
This man is no matter where
The lesson is prepared with a bang. B. (to history teacher)

There is such a hero there,
That everyone watches their figure,
He brings everyone to the gym
And he holds any competitions. G. (physical education teacher)

You know, nowadays
Everyone needs security.

Don't worry, safety
The hero will provide.
So you can be calm
Our entire female team M. (physics teacher)

Processors, hard drives, modems,
Operating systems, Internet -
Can't live without high technology
Today this man gets by. E. (computer science teacher)

He's a union worker
Has been running successfully for many years.

Yes, they keep pace with progress,
Even if the path is not easy sometimes,

Still has miracles
Men from the labor office G (labor)

That glorious squad
It is not headed by Chernomor,
And the general director
He is the most important one there. M. (to director)

And the guard there is simply an ace.
The heroes are all top class. Ch (To the life safety teacher)

And after work they relax:
They watch football and read books,
Hunting, fishing, poetry writing.
It’s impossible to list all my hobbies.

And you won’t find a better squad,
At least go to the thirtieth kingdom.

Ved: And on this day we congratulate all men,
And we dedicate our fairy tale to you all.

SONG performed by a teacher of Russian language and literature. OK.

Let there be new achievements
Victory, true friends,
And the course is on achievements!
Happy February 23rd!

Always be proud of your work
And surround your loved ones with care,
Strive to achieve your goal
And be the first in what you love!

We always want to be on top,
And winning in everything is easy, impromptu!
At every latitude and longitude -
Only new plans! New horizons!

I wish you success, we wish you good luck,
It is easy to rest and work with dedication.
So that joy is in fate
I met yours more often,
So that everything comes out and everything works out.


Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day!
On my own behalf I would like to wish YOU:
Be calm and self-possessed
To protect the motherland and women.
May courage always ring in your hearts,
Let a bold sparkle shine in your eyes,
Let the song help YOU in your soul,
I wish YOU MEN

SONG “Don’t cry girl...” Traditional song of our school

May the Twenty-third bring
You have a lot of vigor and strength!
We want to move forward
May every day be successful!

We want to stay in shape,
Let the muscles grow
We want to achieve easily
May you achieve all sorts of heights in life!

We wish you to be in great shape
And set an example for us all!
May your health be normal
So that you don’t have any problems with him!

Bright sports results
We wish you with all our hearts!
May your salary always be
It will be worthy and big!

From February 23rd, wonderful physical education teachers. Take a wider step towards your dream, run quickly towards every goal. I wish you good health, tireless strength, invincible perseverance and true courage! Remain a strong and confident man, a noble and happy person!

We are happy February 23rd
We congratulate you for good reason,
After all, this day is for those who dare,
Who has managed to go through a lot!

Dear you are our physical teacher,
You are our first friend at school,
You will always understand us
And you will come to the rescue!

We congratulate you together
And with all our hearts we wish
So that your spirit does not weaken
And he had character!

We wish you to always stay in shape
And surprise everyone with the width of your shoulders,
It’s easy to achieve cherished goals,
Take care of your good health!

Let there be cool muscles,
After all, muscle size is very important!
Let us always have physical education,
May the boys follow your example!

He will teach us ingenuity
And physical hardening,
How to run a hundred meters
Repel attacks.

Happy Defender's Day, physical education teacher,
Don't lose success out of your hands
Be brave and athletic
Cheerful, strong, positive!

Happy holiday, beloved physical teacher,
You are the best teacher
Good friend, wise adviser,
But in a couple you are a tormentor.

On Men's Day, we congratulate you,
We wish you strength and victories,
Sorvantsov around the stadium
You've been racing for decades.

Today I congratulate the physical teacher
Happy Men's Day February 23rd.
I wish that the boys would be tomboys
You raised future fighters.

So that they can be taught to fight in life,
In themselves, so that they feel the strength.
So that everyone stands firmly on the ground,
To become the native protector of the earth.

Happy Defender's Day
Congratulations, our physical education teacher.
To all problems and adversity
Show off a clever hook.

We wish you prosperity,
Raise champions
Never lose heart
In life, only win.

Happy Men's Day, physical education teacher, congratulations
A friendly class has gathered for you,
The strongest, the most dexterous,
Undoubtedly, you are with us.

We wish you to stay
For the guys in everything, an example,
In life, hobbies and work
Always be the first.

I wish you creativity and inspiration,
So that the lesson turns into just one moment,
Which is filled with joy, knowledge, laughter,
Your personal, huge, wonderful success!

And may your children come in years to come
With the most valuable gift in the whole wide world:
With gratitude, joy and kindness
Filling your life with happiness and beauty!

Similar material, we recommend

You can't count the different men in the world,
But the best one is you!
I don’t know anyone else so beautiful
Such noble men I am!

There is goodness and strength in your eyes,
Intelligence, charm, fire!
I admire you, darling
There is nothing better in the world for me!

Therefore, on your men's holiday,
On February 23rd,
I will not hide all my affection,
And I will only congratulate you on it!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Congratulations to you today.
And don’t become a gray kid,
From all the booze, I wish.

Don't lose your mind
Celebrate the holiday soberly.
With bread and salt, outside the doors,
Welcome him kindly!

Your Royal Highness,
I would like to congratulate you today
Happy Defender's Day. be healthy
And for the ladies we are ready for crazy things!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and on this wonderful holiday of courage I would like to wish you to remain a fair and respected person in any life situation, to prove yourself a brave and courageous man in any battle, to see your prospects and inevitable success in any business, to find your happiness every day and receive pleasure.