Healing hand cream. Hand cream for cracks and dryness: review of the best products

Hand cream for cracks and dryness contains intense moisturizing components, nutrients, and anti-inflammatory compounds. Each cosmetic brand's line includes a moisturizing hand cream with a therapeutic effect. Effective safe drugs prepare them yourself according to folk recipes.

A slowdown in metabolic processes and a decrease in the level of humidity in cells occurs after 25 years. The skin loses its protective shell, reacts sharply to external irritants, redness, peeling, cracks, and wrinkles appear. However, painful manifestations and deterioration in the appearance of the epidermis can occur much earlier for other reasons.

  • Pathological processes associated with hormonal disorders and chronic diseases contribute to thinning and dehydration of the skin. Dry epidermis with painful cracks appears at any age, even in children.
  • Constant contact with detergents leads to dehydration, washing powders, other household chemicals. Men's skin suffers after interacting with building materials, technical oils, solvents, and other aggressive agents.
  • The water balance in the cells is affected by the abuse of shower gels, low-quality, inappropriate hand washing products. Constant contact with soap without applying a special cream causes excessive dryness, wrinkles, and microcracks.
  • Weather conditions negatively affect the amount of moisture in cells. In summer - ultra-violet rays, high temperature, cold wind in autumn, frost in winter.
  • Changes in the structure of the skin occur in women with the onset of menopause. At this time, it is worth starting to pay maximum attention to the epidermis.
  • Dry skin in winter and spring for no apparent reason occurs in most women and men due to a lack of useful microelements and vitamins in the body. A common cause is banal vitamin deficiency. Dryness and cracks are expressed in varying degrees of manifestation.

Whatever the cause of dryness, therapeutic measures include the use of a product for external use - a cream for dryness and cracks, changing the diet, normalizing sleep and rest. It should also be taken into account that the epidermis on the hands contains 5 times less moisture than on other parts of the body. Problems with dehydration primarily appear in the hands of the upper extremities.

Composition of intensive moisturizing cream

The modern cosmetics industry offers a wide selection of different hand creams. Kit active ingredients, their combination may differ significantly. Oils, plant extracts, natural and synthetic compounds have a moisturizing effect. Most often they are taken as a basis and supplemented with vitamins and nutritional components.

The approximate composition of a moisturizer is as follows:

  • Water more than 80%. This feature distinguishes the moisturizer from the rest.
  • The main role is played by vegetable and animal fats - lanolin, glycerin. And also Vaseline, beeswax, oils.
  • Urea and hyaluronic acid have a strong moisturizing effect. Products with these components are currently in great demand.
  • Silicone cream represents a separate group of preparations for excessively dry skin. Creates a thin protective film on the surface, resists the negative effects of environmental factors, and retains moisture inside the cells.

An ideal cream should be suitable for your skin type, age, and not contain harmful components. It is worth paying attention to the presence of mineral oils - petroleum products. Over time, such substances cause cell aging, metabolic disorders, and contribute to the development of cancer processes.

Cream with glycerin

The most common moisturizing ingredient is glycerin. A colorless, odorless substance that does not cause an allergic reaction, suitable for all types of epidermis. It acts in several directions at once - it creates a protective film, prevents moisture evaporation, attracts water molecules from the external environment, and creates favorable conditions for the rapid restoration of damaged areas.

There are 2 types of substances - natural, synthetic origin. The first option is obtained from animal fat; in foreign cosmetics it is referred to as “glycerol”. A synthetic substance, glycerin, is extracted from chemical compounds. The differences between these substances are insignificant, but significant. Natural glycerol creates a breathable film on the surface of the skin and does not block oxygen access to cells. Synthetic glycerin does not release moisture from cells and does not allow oxygen to pass through, which disrupts metabolism. If the amount of moisture in the air is insufficient - less than 65%, it begins to draw moisture from the deep layers of the epidermis.

The problem is that domestic cosmetics manufacturers do not share these concepts. Both substances are called in one word - glycerin. To avoid troubles, it is better to use the cream in the warm season with a high percentage of humidity in the air; avoid applying it on a frosty winter day.

Winter moisturizer

The action of a moisturizer should be based on replenishing the moisture balance by activating natural processes and replenishing missing components.

  • Powerful natural moisturizers: hyaluronic, lactic acid or urea.
  • Chitosan, arbitol, lanolin are ideal ingredients for a winter cream against dryness and cracks.
  • Linoleic acids, collagen, ceramides are the main components that increase the elasticity of the skin.
  • Natural ingredients – extracts, oils. Chamomile, aloe vera, calendula, green tea, seaweed, jojoba oil, olive, etc.

Cream for men

The skin of representatives of the stronger half of society is also susceptible to dryness, peeling, dehydration, and cracks. The composition of men's moisturizing cosmetics is no different from women's. Most medicinal creams are universal. Only the smell may differ, which makes the cosmetic product masculine.

Pharmacy products

Hand cream can be bought at any cosmetics store or pharmacy. Products of different price ranges differ in smell and active composition.

Healing cream Healer with aloe vera

The active ingredients are urea and aloin. The product is suitable for all skin types and can be used all year round. A universal preparation for women's, men's and children's skin. It has restorative and wound-healing properties. The effect is complemented by aloe vera extract. Made according to recipes of past generations, using the latest technologies.


The drug, which heals cracks, restores the skin, restores elasticity, contains a complex of vitamins - A, E, D. Instantly softens the epidermis, eliminates inflammation, and soothes. The dermatological product eliminates the problems of atopic skin and helps cope with the manifestations of psoriasis. Effectively restores after sun or thermal burn, chapping, frostbite.


The effects of this cream are legendary. The drug is completely natural. Includes a patented medicinal complex. The basis is lanolin - fat from sheep's wool. The drug brings the skin to normal condition in almost a day. The action of the cream is aimed at accelerating the regeneration process and increasing the protective functions of the skin. Can be used all year round for skin of any type and age. Heals even the deepest cracks. Copes with pathological painful dryness.

Bark with marine extracts

The moisturizing effect is provided by grape, olive, hyaluronic acid, thermal water, seaweed extracts. The product gives the skin complete care during the cold season, eliminates dryness, peeling, irritation, and stimulates cell renewal. Soft, smooth skin after the first use.

Homemade cream - the best recipes

You can prepare your hand medicine yourself. Use as needed or continuously.

Oil cream

  • Aloe juice – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Vitamin E liquid – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Jojoba oil – 6 tbsp. spoon;
  • Beeswax – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Rose water – 20 ml;
  • Sandalwood, rose essential oil – 4 drops each.

Melt solid ingredients in a water bath. Cool, add the rest. Beat with a blender.


  • Beeswax – 1 teaspoon;
  • Cucumber;
  • Chamomile decoction – 30 ml;
  • Almond oil – 3 tbsp. spoons.

Melt solid butters. Grate the cucumber. Combine the ingredients and keep on the stove for 5 minutes, stirring so that it does not boil.

If you don’t have enough time or ingredients to prepare the cream, you can use emergency help - process skin covering olive oil. Soothes, softens, relieves inflammation, promotes recovery, increases elasticity.

It all started when my child and I played snowballs and sculpted snow woman. The weather was not very cold, about -20C and I was without gloves. But I couldn’t even imagine that it could turn into such a problem. It was the end of November, and only by the new year I could say with confidence that I had finally returned my hands to normal. That was not easy.

Dry hands - what did the doctor tell me?

A couple of days after the walk, the skin on my hands became very dry. Although I always use hand moisturizer at night. But dry skin is not the worst thing. I noticed that redness and small cracks appeared between the ring and middle fingers on both hands . The most unpleasant thing is that they reacted to almost everything: hot water, dishwashing detergent, hand soap. I looked for information on the Internet and, fearing that it might be a fungus, ran to the doctor. I have a small child and I didn’t want to take any risks.

The doctor looked at my hands and sent me for a test, having previously questioned neurodermatitis and... The analysis, fortunately, showed nothing.

But the doctor said that I still need to use antifungal ointments for several days and prescribed Prednisolone. There were no other prescriptions, other than recommendations: visit a neurologist, wear gloves when outside, wash dishes with mittens, and use hand moisturizers.

I listened to all this and went home. To my great happiness, my godmother called me that day, and I told her about my problem and about the visit to the doctor. She laughed and said that last winter she had the same problem. And this is not a fungus, much less neurodermatitis, but a consequence of my playing with snow without gloves. Well, she shared her recipe for recovery, but warned that it would not be quick .

Therapeutic hand baths

A very effective remedy that really helps quickly: 2 tbsp. l. starch and 2 tbsp. l. dilute milk in 0.5 liter of boiled water room temperature. Dip your hands into this solution and hold for 10 minutes. Then wipe and grease with sunflower or olive oil.

It is best to do this procedure before bed, every day. The result will be noticeable on the third or fourth day.

There is another good and affordable way to treat your hands: grate 1/4 of a piece of tar or laundry soap on a coarse grater or cut with a knife, pour into a pan, pour in a little water and heat until the soap is completely dissolved, stirring constantly. Pour the resulting mass into a small bowl of hot water (at the maximum temperature you can withstand) and steam your hands for 30-40 minutes. As the water cools, constantly add hot water. Half an hour after the procedure, wipe your hands well with apple cider vinegar, and immediately before going to bed with a rich and moisturizing cream. The duration of the course of treatment is 10 days.

The result will please you . Unfortunately, this method of treatment did not suit me, since I have high acidity and cannot stand the smell of vinegar.

But my friend highly recommended this particular treatment recipe.

What really helped me with cracks on my hands or how to restore the skin of my hands

In addition to baths with starch, I personally also used this recipe: brew 2 tablespoons of oak bark (according to the instructions) and cool to room temperature. Before going to bed, soak cotton pads in this infusion, apply to the wounds between your fingers, cover with polyethylene and secure with a bandage. Leave overnight.

This is a very good tool. I took a bath with starch about two hours before bedtime, and applied oak bark lotions immediately before bedtime.

There is also one miracle ointment called “Panthenolone” . It is an ointment, not a cream or milk. It is important! I applied this ointment to the cracks between my fingers several times a day. The result is impressive!

The thing is, I can't stand it when my hands are dry. This irritates me very much, so I decided to restore the skin of my hands using the express method and use several products and methods at once.

The result of my suffering

I healed the cracks between my fingers quite quickly. Although the redness still remained for some time.

I did the right amount of all procedures, but in addition to baths and lotions, I additionally helped my body:

Almost a month later my hands were completely restored . The skin became soft and tender. And now I know how important it is to monitor her condition and what happens if you treat it negligently.

I got rid of dry hands - here are my favorite products

After all of the above, wise from my own experience, I now know exactly what cosmetic and medicinal products should definitely be at home (especially in the autumn-winter period):

  • Ointment "Panthenolone".
  • Oak bark.
  • Protective cream for hands from cold and wind.
  • Petrolatum (they need to lubricate their hands periodically during the cold season, even if everything is fine with them).
  • Nourishing and moisturizing cream for hands (preferably these are two different creams).

With such an arsenal, you can easily cope with the first signs of dry skin. But the disease, as we know, is easier and better to prevent than to treat. Therefore, watch your hands, take care of them in a timely manner, and then problems such as cracks between your fingers and dry skin will not be known to you.

Dry skin is very delicate. She requires careful care. It is especially important to monitor the condition of dry skin on your hands, because it is constantly in contact with irritants, and, therefore, suffers more than the skin located on other parts of the body.

I like well-moisturized matte skin without shine or flaking. She looks beautiful. In addition, the woman herself is pleased to have such hands, since working with them does not bring discomfort.

For dry skin, special attention should be paid to moisturizing. Many different means have been created for it. True, hand cream for very dry skin is still in first place. There is also a men's hand cream for dry skin, because even representatives of the stronger sex feel discomfort with cracks and peeling of their hands.

How to decide on the right tool? You can do it by trial and error, or you can use our advice. In this article, we will help you decide which hand cream for dry skin you could use for yourself. To do this, we will post a rating of funds. It was compiled taking into account the opinions of cosmetologists, as well as reviews of ordinary users.

If your hands are not moisturized enough, they can become very dry. Without proper care, the skin will crack, which will lead to subsequent inflammation and pain.

Photo from website: looktips.org

Hand cream for cracks and dryness: rating

All hand creams for very dry skin are moisturizing. But some of them have won the most positive reviews.

Hand Repair Cream for dry hands

This is a good hand cream for dry skin, which, in addition to being moisturizing, is also restorative. This double effect improves the condition of the skin of the hands, as well as protecting it for some time.

The label of this cream states that the product perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin. At the same time, it can even cope with eczema. After using this cream, the skin begins to recover and even perform its functions better. This is noted not only by the manufacturer of the product. Reviews confirm that the cream works well for very dry skin of hands.

The main active ingredient in this cream is oatmeal. This ingredient is hypoallergenic. It does not cause allergic reactions or irritation, which sometimes occurs even after using the cream. Oatmeal is good for eliminating dry skin. It removes peeling and accompanying itching.

Oatmeal is often included in moisturizing masks. Sometimes it is replaced with bran.

The cream for dry hands also contains allantoin, extracts of beneficial plants, and glycerin. All these ingredients give softening effect. This cream also contains antioxidants. They are useful because they help the skin repair itself.

The product does not smell. This is a plus.

Photo from website: 2016.life

Effective cream for dry hands from Avon – Anew Clinical Absolute Even Spot Correcting Hand Cream

This is an anti-dry hand cream from Avon. It has a composition that provides comprehensive protection for the skin of the hands. In particular, it is a cream that prevents tanning. Thanks to its avobenzone content, it protects against ultraviolet rays that negatively affect the skin. That is, the product not only moisturizes the skin, but also protects it from drying out in the sun.

This product also contains glycolic acid. How does it work? Glycolic acid improves skin exfoliation. At the same time, this process is very gentle.

Exfoliation and sun protection prevent breakouts on hands. age spots and freckles.

An additional advantage of this cream is its mild odor.

Photo from website: 2016.life

Argan Infinity Cream Intensive Creamy Oil

This cream contains oils. It is quite rich and even looks buttery. This consistency is due to natural vegetable oils. The product has a light, very subtle smell.

A very large number of different oils have a moisturizing effect on the skin of the hands and at the same time restore the structure of the skin tissue.

Photo from website: 2016.life

Non-greasy moisturizer Deep Comfort Hand and Cuticle Cream

This is a product that moisturizes well and is not very greasy. That is, when using this cream you will not clog your pores.

This cream has a very rich texture. It is due to this that a versatile effect on the skin of the hands is ensured. This moisturizer is suitable not only for dry skin, but for all types.

This cream is not sunscreen. That is why it makes no sense to apply it before going outside. It simply won't protect your hands. It is better to use it in the evening before going to bed. This way the product will fully perform its moisturizing functions.

The label of the cosmetic product states that the moisturizing effect lasts 12 hours. This is true if you put it on your hands and, without doing anything else, went to bed. If after that you did something, did some work or washed your hands, then, consequently, the cream could be rubbed off and washed off. In this case, it must be reapplied.

Photo from website: 2016.life

Therapeutic Hand Cream

This cream for dry hand skin can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is therapeutic. It contains niacinamide, as well as some other components that quickly and effectively restore the skin of your hands. This cream is also unscented.

This product contains silicone, which is water-repellent. That is why it should be smeared on wet hands. All moisture that remains under the cream will be absorbed into the skin of your hands.

Photo from website: 2016.life

The best cream for dry hand skin that treats very damaged skin DULGON REGENERIERENDE HAND CREME

This product is suitable for skin that is flaky and covered with microcracks. The cream is quickly absorbed and moisturizes well. All this thanks to the oily base. To get the effect, it is enough to use a small amount of the product. The cream will eliminate flaking and make the skin of your hands soft and pleasant to the touch. It also includes regenerative processes.

Reviews of this cream are mostly positive. Users note the rapid absorption of the product. They also write about the absence of a filmy feeling on their hands after using the cream. Elimination of peeling was noticed after about a week.

Photo from website: Peopletalk

Intensively moisturizing TOPICREM - ultra-light and moisturizing

This cream contains a lot of urea, various oils and glycerin. This provides fairly strong moisturizing properties of the product. That is why the manufacturer himself stated that the cream is ultra-moisturizing.

The product stimulates skin regeneration. The cream also nourishes tissues well, moisturizes them, and heals microcracks.

It is worth noting that this cream can also be found in the pharmacy. Even children can use it. It has a pleasant texture and no smell. This ensures the absence of irritation and allergic reactions after use.

The cream is absorbed in a few seconds. The hydration it brings lasts a long time.

Photo from website: NeBolet

Bad weather remedy FABERLIC ZIMA

This is the best hand cream for dry hands during the cold season. It is oily and protects the skin well during bad weather, preventing irritation and peeling. This cream is good for people who are allergic to cold. After its use, red spots do not appear on the skin under such conditions.

This cream is best applied before going outside. This way it will protect your hands from external influences. It’s also worth smearing yourself with it after coming in from the cold.

It is noteworthy that this cream is not completely removed from the skin even after washing your hands. He continues to hold on and protect them.

This cream for dry hand skin has only positive reviews. Many women only buy it in winter.

Photo from website: mansfaberlic.lv

How to make a good cream for dry skin with your own hands?

You can make the perfect moisturizer yourself. It will be natural, you will definitely be sure of its composition.

How to do it? For homemade cream you will need vitamins and oils. Some will nourish the skin, which is important for restoring its functionality, while others will soften and moisturize.

To prepare, take:

  • wax (natural);
  • vitamin E;
  • aloe juice;
  • rose water;
  • jojoba oil and moisturizing essential oils.

Prepare a steam bath. On it you should heat six tablespoons of jojoba oil, one spoon of vitamin E in liquid form, and two tablespoons of wax. All ingredients need to be heated enough to mix. After this, remove the mixture from the steam bath and cool until completely thickened.

(Stir the mixture constantly as it heats so that it eventually has an even texture.)

In a blender, mix a spoonful of aloe juice and two spoons rose water. After this, pour a few drops of the existing essential oils into the mixture and mix well again. Add the wax mixture and puree everything in a blender. Homemade cream is ready. This cream must be stored in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

Every day, the skin of your hands is exposed to various factors: hard water, household chemicals, frost and wind. As a result, it ages quickly, becomes dry, and microcracks appear on it. Hand creams come to the rescue.

Types of creams for dry skin of hands

There are several types of creams for dry skin of hands, each of them has its own purpose:

  • Moisturizing– saturates the skin with moisture, has a light texture, and is quickly absorbed. The cream can be applied several times during the day.
  • Nutritious– a thick, fatty cream, usually used at night. It intensively nourishes the skin of the hands, restores the firmness and elasticity of the skin, and heals minor damage.
  • Protective– creates a film on the surface of the skin that prevents the negative effects of various factors. Several varieties of such creams have been developed: to protect against water, chemicals, cold and frost.
  • Anti-aging– actively fights skin aging after 40 years, when age-related changes (spots, wrinkles) combined with dry epidermis significantly worsen the appearance of the hands.
  • Medicinal– contains medicinal components (urea, dexpanthenol, extracts of medicinal herbs).

To achieve maximum effect, creams must be combined using different kinds depending on the time of day and situation.

Choosing a cream for very dry skin

When choosing a cream, you need to focus on its composition; for dry skin will be useful:

  • glycerol– moisturizing component;
  • allantoin– stimulates cell regeneration, softens, produces a tightening effect;
  • vegetable oils (shea butter, jojoba, avocado, cocoa)– natural moisturizers, provide tissue nutrition, restore the lipid barrier of the epidermis;
  • dexpanthenol (panthenol)– has a wound healing effect;
  • dimethicone– a substance from the group of silicones, moisturizes the skin and makes it smooth;
  • vitamins A, E, B5– nourish the skin, take part in cellular metabolic processes;
  • plant extracts (aloe, grape seed, green tea)– saturate the skin with biologically active substances;
  • beeswax– has strong bactericidal, wound-healing properties, softens and nourishes the skin, creates a protective barrier on it;
  • UV filters– protect from UV radiation;
  • hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin– give elasticity and firmness to the skin.

A good cream should be quickly absorbed and not leave marks on clothes, while at the same time the skin should remain soft and moisturized for a long time after its use. You can use body creams to care for your hands: they are universal and suitable for use on any area. Examples include Nivea soft - intensive moisturizing cream with jojoba oil and vitamin E; Uriage Suppleance Corps – cream-milk for the body.

When purchasing funds, pay attention to:

  • Smell and appearance. A spoiled product will smell unpleasant and separate into two phases. If the tube is sealed and does not allow you to examine the contents, you need to pay attention to the expiration date: you should not buy the cream 2-3 months before its expiration.
  • Storage conditions. The quality of cosmetics is affected by the temperature of its storage: if the cream is on a display case illuminated by the sun, its beneficial properties are unlikely to be preserved.
  • Packaging. It is more profitable to buy a large package, but you need to take into account that many products, after opening, are recommended to be used within six months. It is better to purchase cream in a tube - squeezing it out is much more convenient and hygienic than scooping it out of a jar with your fingers (there is a possibility of the cream becoming contaminated with bacteria). Also, the product in cans deteriorates faster due to the large area of ​​contact with air.
  • Preservatives. Without them, the cream will not be stored for long, so all industrial products contain a certain amount of preservatives approved for use. Among them: benzyl alcohol, methylparaben, ethylparaben, benzoic acid. The presence in the list of components such as methylisothiazolinone, bronopol, methylchloroisothiazolinone is undesirable due to the risk of allergies.
  • Fragrances. It is better if there are none at all, as they can cause allergies and skin irritation.

Rules of application

To get the best effect after using the cream, you need to know some rules:

  • In the evening before applying it, make a hand bath. To do this, add starch, sea salt, and decoctions of medicinal herbs to warm water; keep your hands in water for about 15 minutes, then rinse, wipe dry and lubricate with nourishing cream.

The procedure helps open pores and make the skin permeable to nutritional components.

  • Moisturizer It should not be applied in winter immediately before going outside; at least an hour must pass after applying the cream. If you break this rule, the moisture contained in the cream will turn into ice crystals in the cold and injure the skin.
  • Protective creams Apply to hands 20-30 minutes before going out into the cold or expected to work with aggressive substances to allow the product to be well absorbed.
  • Creams are applied with massage movements, starting from the fingertips. Massage improves blood circulation, absorption of cream and its distribution in tissues.
  • After applying the night cream to your hands, you can put on thin cotton gloves: this technique will help keep your hands moisturized all night and create a mask effect.

The following review will help make choosing a product for dry hands easier.

Every day, representatives of the fairer sex carefully take care of their faces, applying special moisturizing creams, gels, and masks. However, quite often the skin of the hands is left without attention and care. Not every woman can boast of well-groomed and gentle hands. After all, they are the ones who can reveal a woman’s real age.

Few people know that the skin on the hands is thinner and drier than on the face. It needs regular moisturizing. It almost completely lacks sebaceous glands. In addition, hands are subject to negative environmental influences every day. Hard water, aggressive detergents, windy or sunny weather - all this affects the skin, making it dry, wrinkled, rough. That is why every woman needs to know how to preserve the beauty and youth of her hands for as long as possible.

1 What causes dryness?

There are several main factors that contribute:

  • Weather conditions. Windy and cold weather contributes to roughness, thickening, redness, and cracking. If the sun shines brightly, this can cause the skin to lose its natural moisture and the aging process will begin to occur faster.
  • Injuries and damage in the form of scratches, bruises.
  • Household chemicals are an aggressive factor that can destroy the epidermis, causing the skin to stop performing its protective function. Detergents are also the cause of allergies, eczema, and dermatitis.
  • Incorrect care.
  • Hereditary factor.
  • Vitamin deficiency in the spring-winter period.

2 How to care for the skin of your hands?

Dry skin needs special care and attention. Despite the abundance of special moisturizing cosmetics, you can improve the condition of your hands yourself if you follow certain recommendations:

  • The main condition for healthy skin is its regular cleansing. Hands must be washed using a special liquid soap or gel, preferably with a moisturizing effect. After washing your hands, you need to wipe them dry, Special attention focusing on areas between the fingers. Then you need to apply a moisturizer with glycerin, lactic acid, sorbitol;
  • Contact with cleaning agents or disinfectants should be reduced to a minimum. This can significantly damage the epidermis and make it drier. When performing work involving the use of household chemicals and prolonged contact with water, be sure to use rubber gloves. Before putting them on, you should lubricate the skin with cream, butter or vegetable oil;
  • Hands should be protected from adverse weather conditions. In winter, you need to wear soft gloves or mittens, and before going outside, lubricate with nourishing cream. In summer, ultraviolet rays contribute to the appearance of new cracks and wrinkles, so you should use a cream with a sun protection factor of at least 15;
  • Regular removal of dead skin particles will give it unique smoothness and silkiness. Peeling should be done once every 7 days;
  • In order to improve skin tone and make it more elastic, it is necessary to regularly perform massage and hand exercises.

3 Recipes for dry skin

In order to significantly improve the condition of your skin, you don’t have to go to expensive beauty salons. A hand mask can be made at home if you have absolutely accessible ingredients.

Apply the product at home once a week. Keep the mask on for about 20 minutes. It’s even better to apply it overnight, wearing cotton gloves first. You can also perform the procedure while watching your favorite television program.

The mask can even be combined with performing homework wearing rubber gloves. Rinse it off with warm water, and then wipe your hands dry with a soft towel. After the procedure, a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied.

  • This mask is best used before bedtime. Mix vegetable oil and honey in a ratio of 3:1. It is preferable to choose olive oil. Before use, it must be slightly heated to 40 degrees in a water bath. Then soak gauze with the mixture, cover with wax paper and put on cotton gloves.
  • To make your hands look well-groomed and moisturized, you can prepare the following remedy. Melt equal amounts of pork and lamb lard in a water bath. Store the product in a small glass jar in a cool, dark place. The resulting product should be rubbed into dry skin before bed.
  • The following hand mask for dryness consists of the following components: ammonia(5 drops), glycerin (40 g), water (60 g). All components are thoroughly mixed and rubbed into clean, slightly moisturized skin. Then wipe the mask dry with a soft towel.
  • Mix glycerin (1 tbsp) and water (100 g) with lemon juice obtained from half the fruit. The product is thoroughly mixed and rubbed into the skin.
  • To prepare the product, squeeze the juice of one lemon, separate one yolk from the white, and add to the juice. Also, add 20 g of honey and the same amount to the resulting mixture. linseed oil. Apply a thick layer to the skin and leave for one hour.
  • Dilute oatmeal (50 g) with water (20 g). Add 20 g of olive oil and 10 g of glycerin and lemon juice to the resulting slurry. The mask has excellent nourishing and moisturizing properties.
  • The following remedy is effective in the fight against age spots. To prepare it, you need to prepare fresh melon puree (100 g), juice from half of one lemon, add 10 g of starch.
  • Boil two potatoes in their jackets, crush them, add 10 g of lemon juice.
  • This hand mask against dry skin and cracking is applied before bed. To prepare it, you need to cook oatmeal (200 g), add 20 g of olive oil. Keep your hands in the resulting mask for about 15 minutes.
  • Copes perfectly with the problem of dry coltsfoot. To prepare a medicinal mask, carefully wash the leaves of the plant and chop them. 40 g of the resulting gruel should be mixed with milk (200 g). Apply to skin and keep for 25 minutes. The mask is washed off with warm water. After the procedure, you should apply a nourishing cream.
  • A moisturizing hand mask made from rolled oats and fresh grape puree has proven itself to be excellent. It is necessary to mix the components in equal quantities and massage the skin with soft circular movements for 10 minutes. Then rinse off the product with warm water, dry your hands, and apply a nourishing cream.
  • Mix one large carrot with sour cream (30 g) and olive oil (5 g). Rub the resulting product into the skin before going to bed.

4 What to do if cracks appear?

Sometimes dry skin is complicated by such an unpleasant phenomenon as cracks. This is not only unsightly, but sometimes quite painful, since blood may appear in places where cracks form. In addition, such skin is more susceptible to allergic reactions and bacterial infections. The reasons for this phenomenon can be a variety of factors:

  • lack or improper care of chapped skin;
  • lack of vitamins A, E in the body;
  • Women's work associated with constant contact with water and detergents or antiseptics: hairdressers, doctors, cleaners;
  • skin diseases.

To exclude the presence of diseases such as eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, and allergies, you must consult a dermatologist.

If cracks appear on the skin, this indicates that it is deprived of moisture and fat, its natural protective barrier is destroyed, so it must be monitored very carefully:

  • Particular attention should be paid to removing dead skin particles. You can use hand scrubs for this. This procedure is best done twice a week.
  • It is advisable to wash your hands using products based on silicone and mineral oils.
  • Before going to bed, you should lubricate your skin with a nourishing cream with aloe or panthenol. You can also apply vegetable oils. Olive oil is best suited for this purpose. Then you should put on cotton gloves. In a week, the skin will become smooth and soft.
  • It is very important to protect your hands from exposure to wind and low temperatures. In summer we should not forget about sunscreen with a protection factor of 15 or more.
  • Vaseline, which should be regularly applied to the skin, copes well with surface cracks. For deep cracks, synthomycin emulsion is an effective remedy.
  • To prevent infection of cracks, hydrogen peroxide (3% concentration) is useful.

There are many masks that effectively solve the problem of cracked skin. However, it should be remembered that the effectiveness of any product will increase significantly if you add a few drops of vitamin A and E.

  • Interior lard (20 g) is melted in a water bath. The same amount of fish oil is added. All components are thoroughly mixed and rubbed into problem areas of the skin. It is better to carry out the procedure before going to bed, wearing fabric gloves.
  • One apple should be stewed in milk, grind the resulting broth in a blender to a puree-like consistency. Add 100 g of kefir. Apply to skin for 30 minutes.
  • A mask based on yogurt (100 g) and butter (30 g) perfectly helps get rid of cracks by doing circular movements, the mask is rubbed into the skin of the hands on problem areas. Before the procedure, it is advisable to dip your hands in a warm infusion of chamomile and calendula.
  • A mask made from flax seeds (20 g), which must be mixed with milk (200 g) and boiled, helps well. Then cool and lubricate the skin in problem areas.
  • Boil 3 potatoes in their jackets and mash them. Mix with milk (200 g). Apply the resulting product to the skin. Then rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer.
  • Grind one onion to a puree consistency. Apply to hands that have been previously steamed using a soda solution. For 1 liter of water you need 40 g of soda. It is better to apply the product before going to bed, wearing fabric gloves.
  • Boil 2 potatoes in their jackets. Squeeze 10 g of cucumber juice and add to mashed potatoes. Apply a thick layer to your hands and cover with gauze for 20 minutes. Then rinse off the mask and apply nourishing cream.
  • For cooking next mask You need to mix the white of one chicken egg with the juice of one lemon. Apply to skin for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water.
  • An excellent anti-wrinkle remedy is a mask made from equal parts raw grated potatoes and sauerkraut. Place your hands in the resulting mask for 20 minutes.
  • 100 g of starch must be diluted with water until a creamy consistency is obtained. The water should be cooled slightly. Add 60 g of tomato juice, mix. Apply for half an hour and rinse with cold water.

It must be remembered that not only a woman’s face requires protection and hydration, but also her hands. Hand skin care should become a daily habit, and then problems with cracking and dry skin will disappear forever.

And a little about secrets...

Have you ever had problems with Itching and irritation? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you have a lot of experience. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • scratch irritation
  • wake up in the morning with another itchy plaque in a new place
  • constant unbearable itching
  • severe dietary restrictions, diets
  • inflamed, bumpy skin, spots....

Now answer the question: Are you satisfied with this? Is it possible to endure? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end them! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an interview with Elena Malysheva, in which she reveals in detail the secret why itchy skin and how to deal with it. Read the article...

Today, pharmacies and cosmetic stores offer a wide selection of products that help cure cracked fingers and relieve dry hands. These include ointments and creams. Popular and proven ointments are Radevit, Lamisil, Sinaflan, Methyluracil and others. Effective creams are Zorka, Doctor with aloe, Yaka, DiaDerm, Losterin and others. The products are highly effective and affordable.

Signs and types of dry skin

Dry skin is a sign of a lack of moisture in the epidermis. The latter consists of the stratum corneum of the skin. It contains no living cells and contains only 20% water. If this layer lacks moisture, then the lower one, with living cells, begins to actively evaporate it. As a result, the metabolic process slows down. The skin begins to dull. Microbes begin to penetrate through dry skin, causing itching, redness and inflammation.

There are two types of dry skin:

  • acquired;
  • constitutionally determined.

In the first case, the skin epithelium changes due to exposure to external factors. This problem can also be caused by overuse of dermabrasion and peeling procedures.

In the second case, the presence of dry skin is due to genetics and physiological characteristics of a person. This type is typical for women with thin and white skin. Between the ages of three and seven years, the synthesis of the sebaceous glands decreases. During menopause, so-called senile xerosis occurs. It is characterized by excessive dryness as the body ages. Similar condition may be observed with ichthyosis. This is a hereditary disease characterized by various keratinization disorders.

Dry skin classification:

  1. 1. With good tone. This skin looks smooth and elastic. However, it reacts strongly to external stimuli and requires constant care, in the absence of which it loses its tone. This type of skin most often occurs at a young age.
  2. 2. With reduced tone. The skin cracks and peels. It is covered with scales, itching and discomfort are felt, and red spots appear. After interacting with water, you feel tightness. This type of leather is characterized by roughness and cracks.

Dry skin can be detected by performing a simple test. You should press on the skin with your finger. If after exposure traces do not disappear from its surface for a long time, then it is dry.

Signs of dry skin include a lack of visible pores, redness and irritation, roughness, cracking and a tight feeling. When the skin dries out, it loses its integrity.

Causes of dry hand skin

Housework, specific professional activities, and various pathologies can cause dehydration of the top layer, peeling and microcracks.

The reasons that provoke these problems include:

  1. 1. Household chemicals. Aggressive detergents can disrupt the skin's moisture balance. They wash away the protective layer from its surface. Dryness, irritation, cracks and inflammation appear. When hands come into contact with cleaning products, contact dermatitis can occur. With this disease, the epithelium thickens, rashes, cracks and inflammation appear.
  2. 2. Fungal infections. Dryness and cracks are symptoms of skin disease affected by fungus. They are also accompanied by peeling, itching, rashes and discoloration of the nail and skin around it.
  3. 3. Allergic reactions. Under the influence of allergens, dryness and cracks may appear.
  4. 4. Skin diseases. They cause keratinization of the epithelium of the skin.
  5. 5. Diabetes mellitus. With it, people often complain of a feeling of skin tightness, thickening and inflammation. The skin becomes covered with microcracks, which causes discomfort.
  6. 6. Poor nutrition. Strict diets and lack of variety of foods on the table can cause skin problems.
  7. 7. Lack of vitamins and minerals. If there is a lack of substances important for the body, the skin, hair and nails begin to suffer.

The factors causing dryness and cracks can also be divided into external and internal.

External ones include:

  • dry air;
  • wind;
  • hot and cold water;
  • excessive UV radiation;
  • low temperatures;
  • lack of skin care.

Main internal factors:

  • dehydration;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • metabolic disease;
  • nervous overstrain;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • skin diseases;
  • poor nutrition, diets;
  • alcohol and tobacco abuse;
  • aging.

How to choose the right product?

To get rid of dry hand skin, you can use special creams and ointments. When choosing a product, it is important to pay attention to its composition. An effective drug must contain the following components:

  1. 1. Panthenol. This is a substance that helps heal cracks. This component is actively used in a variety of creams and ointments. It is able to soften and moisturize the skin and has pronounced protective properties.
  2. 2. Lanolin. This is animal fat that restores and protects the epithelium. It actively softens the skin, protects against drying and flaking. Products with this component eliminate the feeling of tightness and give a feeling of comfort.
  3. 3. Vitamins and minerals. They are necessary to restore the healthy appearance of the skin. Vitamins A, E, F and group B will be useful. They can often be found in caring cosmetics.
  4. 4. Vegetable oils. They have nutritional properties, actively soften the skin and treat damage and cracks. The most valuable oils include shea butter, shea butter, chamomile, calendula, olive and others.
  5. 5. Plant extracts. They actively saturate the epidermis with useful elements, trigger regeneration and exchange processes. Avocado, grape seed and chamomile extracts are recommended.
  6. 6. Essential oils. They improve the condition of the skin of hands and nails, and give cosmetics a pleasant aroma. The following oils are considered beneficial: fir, lemon, mint.
  7. 7. Humidifiers. These include hyaluronic acid, glycerin and urea. They help the skin restore lost moisture, eliminate flaking and itching.

Gommage for face and body - rules of use and review of popular products

Review of the best creams and ointments

Today, the pharmaceutical market offers a wide selection of products that help cope with the problem of dryness and cracks in the skin of the hands. These products are available for home use by both men and women.


Among the most effective ointments, several drugs are distinguished.


Rich in vitamins and moisturizing ingredients, as well as softening oils. The ointment moisturizes dry skin and prevents keratinization. Wounds heal faster and the skin becomes more elastic. Do not use it on children younger age. Side effects No.


Helps combat fungal infections that cause dryness and cracks. In a short time it gets rid of fungus on the hands and feet. Along with it, unpleasant symptoms disappear.


This popular drug gets rid of germs and helps the skin recover. Redness and inflammation begin to subside after the first use. Cracks heal quickly. The product prevents the development of complications due to tissue infection.

Bepanten, Panthenol

These preparations contain provitamin B5, which stimulates regeneration processes and healing of the skin. They contain chlorhexidine, which disinfects cracks. These are popular ointments that have earned the love of consumers due to their effectiveness and quick effect of getting rid of cracks.

Boro plus

The product has bactericidal and antifungal properties. Characterized by high efficiency. In a short time, improvements in the condition of the skin occur.


Rich in vitamins, helps restore dry, chapped skin. It forms a film on the skin, promoting its healing. As a result, it recovers quickly.


This drug is obtained from the mother liquor of Lake Pomorie. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, improves tissue regeneration.


The ointment contains a complex of vitamins A, E and D. It is used to treat skin diseases accompanied by dryness and slow healing. The drug actively softens and moisturizes the skin. Used to heal wounds on the fingers. Eliminates damage that occurs when exposed to cold or sun.


Helps quickly get rid of cracks and abrasions, moisturizes the skin. Approved by dermatologists as an effective and side-effect-free product.


A proven product that effectively heals and moisturizes the skin, eliminates redness. The effect is visible after the first application. It is recommended to use it as a mask at night. A prerequisite for achieving a positive effect is regular use.


This proven drug treats cracks and ulcers. Improves metabolic processes in tissues.


Treats dermatitis accompanied by dry skin. Relieves many diseases accompanied by cracks and peeling. It can be used only after a doctor's prescription.

Hydrocortisone ointment

It is effective for swelling and irritation. Prohibited for use for infectious skin diseases, open wounds and ulcers.


The ointment is used for allergies. Soothes skin irritation. It contains analogues of adrenal hormones and is prescribed only by a doctor. Self-medication leads to menstrual irregularities, weight gain and acne.


Among cosmetic products, consumers name several of the most effective hand creams for cracks and dryness.

Aloe healer

The cream relieves dryness. The drug is made on the basis of aloin and has medicinal properties. It restores and heals wounds. The product is used for hands whose skin is dry and prone to the appearance of red spots and inflammation, as well as microcracks and roughness.


Hand and nail cream is a moisturizing preparation for dry, rough hand skin, brittle and flaking nails. Contains a complex of natural essential oils(clary sage, lemon and orange), valuable lipids (coconut and shea butters) and vitamins (A, E and F).

Locobase RIPEA

Restores very dry and damaged dehydrated skin. Contains lipids, helps restore impaired skin function. Eliminates redness and microcracks. The latter are the gateway to infection . Locobase RIPEA is highly effective. Even a small amount of cream will be enough to restore the skin.


Using a cream based on Shea butter relieves the skin of your hands from dryness. It gains shine and smoothness, elasticity, and gets rid of flaking. The product is used for very sensitive skin. It is suitable even for small children. There are no side effects after use. The composition is completely natural. The cream actively restores the water balance and elasticity of the skin, eliminates dryness.


This cream was developed by dermatologists. The product should be used daily to care for chapped skin. The components included in its composition relieve dryness and irritation, restore the skin, promote its regeneration, and increase barrier functions. It has an exfoliating, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antipruritic effect.

Nivea Soft

The cream is suitable for all skin types. It is used every day. It supports the natural structure of the skin. The cosmetic product has White color and uniform texture. There is practically no smell. It is easy to apply and absorbs quickly. The main component of the composition is glycerin, which intensively moisturizes the skin and copes with dryness, heals cracks, and slows down the aging process.

Pharmacy on duty

The cream contains panthenol, which quickly restores the skin. In the presence of cracks, the action of panthenol quickly allows you to restore the integrity of the skin. Vitamin E moisturizes and relieves dryness. The skin becomes elastic and firm over time. Olive oil saturates it with fatty acids. They nourish and protect it from damage. The composition helps retain moisture, makes the skin elastic and silky.

Librederm Vitamin E Seychelles Coconut & Sandalwood

Antioxidant cream from the Librederm brand is well suited for dry and flaky hand skin. Contains vitamin E, allantoin, glycerin and soybean oil. These components relieve the skin from tightness, relieve irritation, restore the natural protective functions of tissues, and protect hands from the harmful effects of solar radiation.

The texture is light and non-greasy. The cream does not contain oils, parabens and dyes. The product distributes well and is quickly absorbed. Effectively softens and makes hands tender. There is no sticky effect. The tube volume is standard - 30 ml, it is convenient to carry with you. The product is used sparingly.

Beloruchka nourishing with vitamin E and almond oil

Inexpensive cream of the Russian brand Avanta with vitamin E and shea butter, almond, cocoa and jojoba. The product effectively restores fat balance, maintains elasticity, softens the skin, strengthens nail plates, has a beneficial effect on the cuticle, and relieves dryness. Suitable for hand care at any time of the year.

The cream has a pleasant, sliding structure. It is easy to spread over the skin. The product is characterized by rapid absorption and lack of stickiness. The product does not irritate or sting the skin. Available in large volumes - 75 ml, consumed moderately.

Nivea Nutrition and care

The hand cream contains shea and almond butters. The product intensively nourishes. This product takes care of the skin for 24 hours. According to consumer reviews, this cream is recognized as the most effective among analogues of the same cost.

The texture is quite dense and thick. It absorbs quickly and leaves a light, luminous finish. Well moisturizes, smoothes the skin, does not leave greasy marks. Tube volume - 100 ml. The product is used sparingly, the packaging has a large volume and an affordable price.

Aravia Professional Cream Oil with macadamia and shea butter

The cream with this name belongs to professional cosmetics, produced by Arabia. It contains shea butter, macadamia, sweet almond and cocoa butter. Thanks to plant extracts it provides a strong rejuvenating effect. It restores the structure of the upper layer of skin and protects against negative environmental influences, moisturizes and intensively softens the skin. Recommended for use for a relaxing express massage. It must be rubbed into the skin for five minutes until the product is completely absorbed.

The product has a dense, uniform texture. The cream melts quickly on your hands. The product provides nutrition and care for nails, helping to strengthen them. Available in 550 ml and also in a 100 ml travel tube. The cream has a convenient pump dispenser, minimal consumption and is suitable for spa manicure and hand massage.

The cream belongs to the line of intensive hand care from Garnier. It contains allantoin, which heals cracks, accelerates tissue regeneration and relieves pain and irritation. Glycerin is added to the composition to protect hands. The product restores damaged and rough skin. In reviews, many consumers called it the best cream for nourishing and restoring very dry skin on hands.

The product has a thick texture. It is quickly and evenly absorbed into the skin, making it soft and well-groomed. The cream does not feel sticky. Effectively moisturizes and smoothes the skin. Suitable for night use and hand care in winter. Available in a volume of 100 ml. The product is economical to use and affordable.

Boro Plus Intensive Care

Indian cream BoroPlus contains extracts of medicinal herbs and oils of garcinia, sprouted wheat and olive. It is designed to effectively care for dry, flaky and dehydrated skin. Quickly relieves the feeling of tightness and itching. Helps with chapping and age-related changes. Takes care of cuticles and nails. The product quadruples the moisture content in the epidermis and stimulates renewal processes. Protects against ultraviolet exposure, smoothes and slows down skin aging, prevents cracking and peeling.

The cream has medium density. There is no film effect when applied. Available in a volume of 50 ml, as well as in a gift version of 7 ml. The main advantages include low cost, protection from UV rays, accumulative effect and elimination of dryness and flaking. The cream has a specific smell, which is sometimes considered too strong.

Protective bio-cream from the domestic brand Natura Siberica contains flower honey, beeswax and plant extracts. It gives the skin valuable nutrients and restores it. Helps maintain skin tone and has a calming effect. It can eliminate dryness and preserve youth, as well as protect hands in winter from frost and cold wind.

The texture is slightly oily and thick. The composition melts on the skin, forming a protective film. The product quickly softens hands, giving them tenderness. After the first use, redness and peeling disappear. Available in a volume of 75 ml. Also available in a mini version of 30 ml. The cream is used sparingly. Nourishes and saturates with moisture. Characterized by a cumulative effect. Has a low cost.

Belita-Vitex Winter care

The cream belongs to the winter line of the Belita-Vitex brand. It is enriched with natural shea butter, jojoba, wheat germ and sesame oil, and also enhanced with active additives. The product protects sensitive skin from low temperatures, strong wind - factors that negatively affect skin health. According to numerous reviews, it is considered the best winter hand cream.

The product has a rich, dense and oily texture. It accelerates the healing of cracks, softens and nourishes, and removes peeling. It is quickly absorbed and does not leave any unpleasant sensations. Available in a volume of 100 ml. It has a budget price and is economically used. The cream eliminates the problems of dryness and tightness on the hands. The only drawback is the not very pleasant scent.


This remedy is used in veterinary medicine, but many women use it as cosmetic product. The cream effectively treats cracked fingers and peeling. The skin acquires elasticity and elasticity. It provides nutrition, accelerates regeneration processes, and prevents the appearance of new cracks.

Tender female hands every day they face the negative influence of the environment, they need care no less, sometimes even more than the skin of their face. Hand creams for cracks and dryness should be in the arsenal of every lady. They will not only prevent the appearance of these unpleasant painful symptoms of skin damage, but also heal existing ones. Today we propose to consider the causes of cracks and creams that will help get rid of them. Let's get acquainted with the rating of the best, find out reviews about them, and also learn how to prepare the cream yourself.

Causes of dry and cracked hands

Not every person can boast of the absence of skin problems. Not only women, but men and children can suffer from cracked and dry hands; they can also benefit from creams. The fact is that, even without using washing products, you can ruin the epidermis. Irritation is caused by unfavorable environmental conditions and various diseases. Why do our hands one day begin to dry out and cracks appear on them, causing discomfort?

  1. Household chemicals often cause this disease. A variety of detergents and cleaning products make our home cozy, but have a negative impact on the skin. The chemical composition is harmful; in addition, the constant use of water and household chemicals dehydrates the epidermis and washes away the protective layer from it. At first there is a feeling of tightness, but with frequent contact with chemicals, peeling may appear, then severe dryness of the skin and even cracks.
  2. At work or at home, skin may come into contact with aggressive chemicals, which cause the development of contact dermatitis. This disease causes a variety of skin problems, including rashes, dryness and cracked skin.
  3. Lack of hand care, or it is incorrect.
  4. Fungi affect not only our feet, but also our hands. Symptoms: dryness, cracks in the skin, changes in the shape and color of the nail plate.
  5. Allergens can cause these symptoms.
  6. Psoriasis, eczema and a number of other diseases cause keratinization of the epidermis, then cracks appear.
  7. Diabetes.
  8. Vitamin deficiency, unhealthy diet.
  9. Walking down the street in winter without mittens, being under the scorching sun in summer without protective cream.
  10. Bruises, cuts and abrasions can cause dry hands.
  11. Working in the garden without protective gloves.

As you can see, there are many reasons. Hand cream for cracks and dryness may not cope with all causes, so if symptoms appear, consult a dermatologist; you may need not only a cream, but also medication treatment. Only a correct diagnosis can help you improve the health of your epidermis.

Composition of a good cream

Hand creams for cracks and dryness in the pharmacy are presented in a huge assortment. You should not be guided by price, because the most expensive does not mean that it is the best and most suitable for you. Pay attention to the composition, we suggest considering an approximate one that meets all the requirements:

  1. Hand cream for cracks and dryness in winter should be one that contains mineral oil- This is a product of the oil industry, it creates an impenetrable protective layer on the epidermis. Avoid this cream in warm weather.
  2. Dexpanthenol, which is included in the composition, will help heal cracks faster. In addition, it will moisturize and give elasticity to the skin, which will prevent the appearance of dryness and cracks.
  3. The epidermis needs vitamins, especially the one on the hands. Choose products containing vitamins E, A and F.
  4. Hand cream for cracks and dryness with glycerin, urea and hyaluron will help retain moisture in the skin and restore water balance.
  5. Cream with lanolin will help soften your hands and relieve the feeling of tightness. It will prevent dryness and flaking.
  6. The oils included in the composition perfectly soften the skin and prevent the appearance of cracks. Particularly useful are carrot, shea (shea), chamomile and calendula oil, and olive oil.
  7. Plant extracts help speed up regeneration and trigger metabolic processes. The highest quality creams in this regard are those that contain grape seed extract, chamomile, pine needles, and avocado.
  8. Essential oils can not only give products a pleasant aroma, but also significantly improve the condition of the skin. So, choose products with esters of fir, lemon, mint and wheat germ.

We suggest moving on to the rules of hygiene and using hand cream for dryness and cracks.

Proper hand hygiene

It seems that nothing is easier than washing your hands, waiting for it to dry, and then applying the cream. This is far from true; if you want to maintain the attractiveness of your skin, we recommend taking the advice of dermatologists.

You should not wash your hands too often with antiseptics, they upset the alkaline balance and wash away the natural protection. Use mild detergents, this could be soap containing cream. After the procedure, use a soft towel to remove excess moisture; do not wipe the skin dry; it should be saturated with water.

It is necessary to regularly use hand cream to prevent cracks and dryness. If you start fighting, you won't achieve positive result, using the product when you remember. Apply the composition according to the instructions, massaging the skin, paying special attention to problem areas and damage.

If you need to use detergents and other chemicals, and you are uncomfortable wearing gloves, then use a protective cream designed specifically for such cases.

Sometimes pamper yourself and your skin with hand baths with herbs and masks. Do not forget about proper and nutritious nutrition, it greatly affects the condition of our skin. If you are on a diet and have skin problems, stop eating it.


This wonderful cream is ideal for caring not only for hands, but also for feet. It helps to quickly heal various damage, including cracks formed due to excessive dryness. The cream contains floralizin, which is rich in beneficial elements. When using this product, blood microcirculation and metabolic processes are normalized. "Zorka" is a cream endowed with softening, moisturizing and antiseptic properties. It creates a protective film on the skin that is not felt, but protects against harmful effects and moisture loss.

Reviews about this cream are positive. People like both its price and quality.


This hand cream for cracks and dryness has a gel consistency. It applies well, absorbs quickly, without leaving a greasy feeling on the skin. Apricot and argan oils provide nutrition and hydration. Orange oil tightens the epidermis, making it more elastic. Among other things, it can lighten the skin a little and is suitable for people with pigmentation.

Everyone who uses this product is satisfied and recommends this brand.


This product is rich in vitamins and does not contain hormones that cause addiction. "Radevit" - hand cream for cracks and dryness, has excellent reviews. They write that it softens, moisturizes, does not leave a film effect, and is quickly absorbed.

This remedy has anti-inflammatory properties, suitable for treating some skin diseases, heals cracks and other damage quickly.

"Aloe healer"

Aloin, which is part of the cream, makes it truly healing. The unique properties of this plant have been used since ancient times; it was previously used to treat burns, severe wounds, ulcers and other skin rashes. The cream is suitable even for the driest skin of the hands, it will prevent the appearance of irritation, cracks, and heal them.

1. Botanique Serie - Hand and Nail Express Treatment. Express care cream for hands and nails (75 ml)

Description: An easily absorbed hand and nail cream that provides optimal care and hydration. Shea butter, olive, cocoa and grape seed oil help quickly restore skin elasticity and strengthen nail plate, prevents nails from splitting, making them strong and shiny.

My opinion: A gel-like, non-greasy cream with a pleasant sweetish-herbal (not pharmaceutical) scent that remains on your hands after application (in my opinion it smells like coconut). The cream is light, absorbs quickly, but also provides extremely little nourishment; it does not feel nourishing, but rather moisturizing (and even then light). Dryness after washing dishes, for example, can relieve. For about 10 minutes) Doesn’t protect against frost in any way. Nice weak cream. I didn’t notice any effect on the nails promised by the manufacturer. The cream had no effect on the condition of the nails. At all. And I still don’t understand how it can be that such a “thin” and very light cream contains as many oils as stated in the description? The manufacturer clearly embellished it (and the description itself is greatly embellished).
Grade: 4- (generally 3, but I gave it a point for the pleasant smell)
Price: 155 rub. (pharmacies 36.6)

2. Garnier - Restoring hand cream “Intensive care” for very dry and damaged skin (100 ml)

Description: The regenerating cream contains allantoin, known for its healing properties, especially its ability to care for small cracks in the skin. Glycerin protects your hands, and the active protective filter prevents aging of the skin on your hands. With regular use, this hand cream soothes and restores damaged hand skin and restores its softness and tenderness.
Compound:: Aqua/water, glycerin, peg-2 stearate, cetearyl alcohol, oleth-12, stearyl alcohol, Dimethicone, allantoin, disodium edta, ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate, glycyrretinic acid, sodium methyl cocoyl taurat, bht, sodium chloride, imdazolidinyl urea, methylparaben, propylparaben, parfum/fragrance, ci 14700/red 4, alpha-isomethyl ionone, benzyl benzoate, benzyl salicylate, butylphenyl methylpropional, Citronellol, gerani ol, hexyl cinnamal, hydroxyisohexyl3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde, limonene, linalool.
My opinion: A very thick cream, but not greasy, but rather viscous, similar to wax or silicone in feel, with a chemical smell (I don’t like it, although I wouldn’t call it disgusting). It absorbs for a medium-long time, for its density and density, even quickly. But after use it gets dirty for quite a long time - it leaves greasy marks on what you touch. It only protects from frost for the first half hour after application, and even then not for 5. But the feeling of dryness is quickly relieved. However, the cream is from the “as long as I applied it, it worked” series. There is no accumulative effect, it softens the skin for a short time (it lasts for an hour and a half for me) - then again the drought (This is the most nutritious (after other Sheller) budget cream that I have tried. Good for me as a sos-tool during cleaning and washing etc. - and it removes dryness well and it’s not a shame to apply it every 5 minutes, considering the price. But the smell is annoying and the need to wait for complete absorption. Another minus: any contact with water - and its trace is gone from your hands - you have to immediately again smear.
Grade: 4-.
Price: 160 rub.

3.Dr. Scheller - Hand cream “Protection and restoration” (75 ml)

Description: Cream "Dr. Scheller" protection and restoration, with natural oat extract and panthenol, has a softening effect on the skin of the hands. The cream protects sensitive and damaged skin from harmful environmental influences by forming an invisible protective layer. Regular use of the cream makes the skin of your hands elastic and well-groomed.
My opinion: A cream with a light, barely perceptible, completely non-irritating odor (smells like herbs), quite thick, no less than Garnier. It absorbs for a long time, leaves a protective film on your hands, but not greasy (it doesn’t get dirty, doesn’t leave fingerprints), but... it’s difficult to describe, it feels similar to the “film” from silicone facial bases, but lighter, barely perceptible. Not only does it not bother me, but I also like it. It protects very well from frost, one application lasts me all day, it protects against water, cold, and dust. With constant use, your hands dry out less, the skin actually becomes softer, more elastic, and your nails peel less. In general, the manufacturer’s description here is 100% truthful. I couldn't be happier with this cream - one of the best I've ever used. The only negative is that it is not sold everywhere. I bought it at the pharmacy and haven’t been able to buy another tube for a month now (mine ran out, there was barely enough for a swatch) - it’s not available anywhere (But if I see it, I’ll buy 2 at once. I highly recommend this cream to anyone whose hands are dry and/or cold.
Grade: 5+
Price: 170 rub.

4. Green Pharmacy - Hand and nail cream, regenerating, soothing “Chamomile” (100 ml)

Description: Light cream with chamomile soothes and moisturizes the skin. Chamomile extract has a strong antiseptic effect, relieves irritation, tones and nourishes tired skin. A multivitamin complex consisting of vitamins A, E and F, activates the regeneration process of skin cells, slows down oxidative processes, and prevents the premature appearance of wrinkles. Allantoin regenerates, soothes the epidermis, reduces its tendency to redness. Keratin, vitamins H and group B effectively strengthen the structure of the skin and nail plates, preventing their fragility and delamination. Mild cosmetic glycerin deeply moisturizes and protects the skin. The drug acts quickly and reliably - it is perfectly absorbed and absorbed, penetrating deep into the skin cells.
Compound: Aqua, Mineral Oil, Monoglycerides, Stearic Acid, Glycerin, Cera Alba, Lanolin, Dimethicone, Cetostearyl Alcohol, Camomile Extract, Hamamelis Extract, Panthenol, Thiamine, Arnika Extract, Retinyl Acetate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Biotin, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben , Butylparaben, Parfum, Hydrolyzed Keratin, Allantoin, Sodium Hydroxide.
My opinion: oh, well, they lie in the description! (my soul couldn’t stand it)) It’s disgusting, not cream. So... it’s a liquid, very light cream with a disgusting, pungent smell (it doesn’t even smell, and dare I say it, it stinks of something like floor cleaning chemicals). It is absorbed medium-quickly, does not nourish at all and does not even moisturize. Useless cream. There is nothing more to write about him. (I applied it for a swatch and immediately went to wash it with soap - this stench remains permanently on the skin).
Grade: 0. Even -5 for the “smell”.
Price: 41 rub. (pharmacy)

5. Sally Hansen - Miracle Cure for Severely Dry Hands. Cream for very dry hand skin (130 ml)

Description: With regular use, it helps prevent dry skin caused by wind and cold. The cream contains 1% demythicone - a well-known emollient that effectively copes with the problem of excessive dry skin. Quickly absorbed. The result is guaranteed. Dermatologist approved.
My opinion: The cream is not thick, but has a rich texture, the smell is not strong, but I wouldn’t call it aromatic, fortunately it dissipates quickly (I won’t say that it’s unpleasant, I just don’t particularly like it). It is absorbed relatively quickly, but you need to wait so that it does not leave greasy marks on objects. This cream protects well from cold, water, etc. But I wouldn’t call it very nutritious - for me it’s a bit weak. Better than Garnier in terms of care, but not as effective as Dr. Scheller. My mother loves it very much, but her hands are not as dry as mine. She especially appreciates it for its protection from the cold, and here I subscribe too.
Grade: 4+.
Price: about 350 rub.

6. Sally Hansen - 18 Hour Protective Hand Creme. 18-hour protective hand cream (95 ml)

Description: Contains shea butter, vitamins A, E, C and grape seed oil. Hand cream instantly relieves irritation and protects dry, chapped hand skin. It is necessary if you have dry, rough, cracked and irritated hand skin. Or if you expect that your hands will require special care in the near future, and they need invisible “protective gloves” that will protect the skin of your hands for a long time and reliably. The effect of using the cream lasts for 18 hours.
Compound: Aqua, glycerin, cetyl alcohol, isopropyl palmitate, shea butter, octyldodecanol, sorbitan stearate, sodium cetearyl sulfate, butylene glycol, PEG-8 wax, dimethicone, microcrystalline wax, grape seed oil, sandalwood extract, barley extract, tocopherol acetate, retinol palmitate, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, panthenol, safflower oil, cetearyl alcohol, ceteareth-20, fragrance, disodium EDTA, methylparaben, propylparaben, DMDM ​​hydantoin, diazolidinyl urea, mica, titanium dioxide, triethanolamine, carbomer.
My opinion: This cream is not in the photo and there is no swatch, because... I lost it somewhere in the apartment :) I wrote a review and couldn’t find it) In terms of consistency and smell, it is similar to the previous cream, only a little thinner, lighter, and absorbs faster. But it also feeds worse. 18 hours of protection - obviously not about him - is enough for me for a maximum of an hour. It also does not protect well from the cold due to its lightness. In principle, the cream is not bad, but for me it is weak.
Grade: 4- (for very dry skin and even 3).
Price: about 350 rub.

7. ROC - “Retin-Ox” Creme Hydratante Anti-Age Mains. Moisturizing anti-wrinkle hand cream SPF 15 (50 ml)

Description: Innovation from RoC® - a leader in the field of anti-aging products - Retin-Ox™ Moisturizing anti-wrinkle hand cream. Glycerin and Squalane, which are part of the cream, intensively moisturize the skin. The cream formula contains a unique combination of retinol and a complex of vitamins and minerals that smooth out wrinkles and effectively soften the skin of the hands.
Compound: Retinol, squalane, a complex of minerals and vitamins, glycerin, UV filters (I won’t write the full composition, because it’s not on the tube, and the box was thrown away a long time ago).
My opinion: Watery, not at all thick cream with a faint odor (I can’t describe the aroma, it smells like something “sour” or “pharmacy”). Absorbs almost instantly. Despite its lightness, the cream eliminates dryness very well and provides an immediate feeling of nourishment to the skin without films or grease. It is written that it is moisturizing, but I would say that it also nourishes, and of high quality. My terribly dry hands become soft for a long time, the cream tolerates water perfectly and does not extreme cold. I am surprised by its effect with such a “liquid” texture and rapid absorption. The most accurate word for it is quality. I won’t say anything about wrinkles (my hands are too early for them), but my mother uses it with pleasure and says that her hands really start to look better with it. I think that for very chapped skin the cream will be weak, but for medium-dry skin it will be perfect. Particularly pleasing is the presence of a sun protection factor SPF 15.
Grade: 5.
Price: 600 rub. (honestly, I don’t remember, I only found it in 1 place online, I’m not sure that there will be so much in the pharmacy).

8. Natura - Nourishing hand and nail cream (75 ml)

Description: Peach oil, wheat sprout extract, honey and vitamin E - deeply nourish the skin, grape extracts and vitamin F - soften and increase the elasticity of the skin of the hands. This comfortable cream will instantly restore skin softness and elasticity and protect throughout the day.
Compound: water, coconut oil, fatty alcohols, vaseline oil, glyceryl stearate, olive oil, peach oil, glycerin, wheat germ extract, rose hip extract, grape extract, ceteareth-6, ceteareth-23 (-25), vitamins E and F, bee honey , carbomer, methylparaben, propylparaben, fragrance, triethanolamine.
My opinion: Let me clarify right away that “Natura” is Pharmacy 36.6’s own trademark and is positioned as natural. It smells like wheat :) Well, actually, not really wheat, but rather “pharmacy”, but for some reason I associate the smell with wheat) The smell is pungent, quite strong. The consistency of the cream resembles milk - very light and thin. It is absorbed quickly, but for some time the hands “stick” for some reason, a sticky feeling. Impressions about the cream are ambivalent. It seems good, I think it will be good for non-dry skin, but for me it is completely useless - the nutrition is too weak, it rather moisturizes the hands. It’s better not to go out into the cold with it - your hands will immediately freeze. I don’t see any benefit from it either, although I hardly use it - I didn’t like the cream. And it is washed off too quickly with water - it does not protect against drying out by it.
Grade: 3+
Price: 95 rub. (pharmacy chain 36.6)

9. 36.6 - Anti-aging hand cream with goat milk (80 ml)

Description: Intensively nourishes, softens and smoothes the skin of the hands, eliminates the feeling of dryness and tightness. Proteins based on goat milk and collagen moisturize and strengthen the protective properties of the skin, increase firmness and elasticity, and smooth out wrinkles. Strengthens the skin's moisture-holding capacity.
Compound: water, stearic acid, palmitic acid, cetearyl alcohol, glycerin, petrolatum, ethylhexyl stearate, triethanolamine, soluble collagen, sodium hyaluronate, panthenol, hydrolyzed goat milk proteins, butylated hydroxytoluene, butylated hydroxyanisole, fragrance, methyl paraben, benzyl alcohol, methylchloroisothiazolinone, methyliso Thiazolinone.
My opinion: This is also the own brand of Pharmacy 36.6. Light pleasant sweetish-pharmaceutical scent (I like it). The cream itself is not thick, but you can’t call it milk at all. It is absorbed quite quickly, does not leave a greasy film, I have enough nutrition for several hours if I do not mess around in the water. It doesn’t really protect against the cold (sub-zero temperatures are not for it), but it eliminates the feeling of dryness and tightness very well. I sometimes use it several times a day. Overall I liked the cream; for its price it’s a quality product. I'll probably buy more. For medium-dry or normal skin - an excellent product, IMHO. Not bad for dry skin either, but needs to be reapplied often. I may be overpraising this cream a little, but for its price it is simply amazing.
Grade: 5-
Price: about 50 rub. (pharmacy chain 36.6)

10. Clarins - Age Control Hand Lotion SPF 15. Anti-aging lotion that removes age spots on hands with SPF15 protection (75 ml)

Description: Neutralizes pigment spots, weakens their brightness, reduces their size, protects the skin from the sun and prevents the appearance of new pigment spots. Moisturizes the skin, makes it soft and silky, strengthens nails.
Compound: Aqua, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Benzophenone-3, Ethylhexyl Salicylate, Butylene Glycol, Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane, Cyclomethicone, Glycerin, Dimethicone, Acrylate/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Tromethamine, Ethylhexylglycerin, Parfum, Acrylamides Copolymer, Xant han Gum, C13-14 Isoparaffin, Paraffinum Liquidum, Disodium Edta, Polysorbate 20, Dimethiconol, Polysorbate 85, Commiphora Myrrha Resin Extract, Saxifraga Sarmentosa Extract, Vitis Vinifera Fruit Extract, Morus Bombycis Root Extract, Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylparaben, Methylparaben, Sorbic Acid, Sodium Metabisulfite , Sodium Sulfite, Bht, Benzyl Salicylate, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Limonene, Linalool.
My opinion: A very thin lotion, practically odorless (there is a slight, not particularly pleasant smell, I find it difficult to describe, but it is then imperceptible on the hands). It is absorbed almost instantly, leaving no film (or any feeling of anything on your hands at all) and... it begins to dry out your hands mercilessly ((I already have very dry, thin skin, and after this lotion it begins to dry out even more immediately after application, and quite noticeably, it tightens the skin a little. I tried to smear it on top of other hand creams - if the cream underneath is not greasy - it still dries out. It doesn’t help at all with pigment spots (and I have plenty of them on my hands - I have photosensitive skin). per gram. Practically does not protect from the sun. That is, does not protect at all. I bought it in the summer - the summer has passed - there are more spots. Now I don’t know what to do with this mega-economical tube. I didn’t expect this from Clarins, almost everything that I tried it - it’s high quality and effective. And here it is on you :(
Grade: 1 (at least it didn’t poison me and the skin didn’t peel off - and thank you for that)
Price: about 1000 rub.

11. Velvet hands - Hand and nail cream “Comprehensive” (80 ml)

1st - 11, 2nd - 12 (12 is thicker)
Description: The cream is designed specifically for comprehensive care of the skin of hands and nails. The cream provides the necessary nutrition and hydration of the skin, a complex of valuable components: milk proteins, vitamins A, E, biotin - helps strengthen nails, nourish and soften the cuticle.
My opinion: Not very sharp, but a disgusting smell of rancid laundry soap, very long-lasting on the hands. The cream itself is like thick milk, but it doesn’t even think about being absorbed quickly - a film remains, which, once absorbed, dries out your hands. There is no talk of any nutrition at all. If you smear your hands with cream and then tinker with the water, your hands will dry out even more than if you had not applied it. With prolonged use, the cuticle noticeably deteriorates - it becomes rough and dry. The cream tightens the skin more than alcohol. I understand - the price is meager. But for this price there is a lot good creams. And the smell... it is terrible and very persistent.
Grade: 0.
Price: about 40 rub.

12. Velvet Hands - Hand Cream “Night Revitalizing” (80 ml)

Description: Restores skin cells overnight and preserves youth. With silk proteins, provitamin B5 and elastin.
My opinion: It smells like unscented soap, more tolerable than the cream above, but still soap) The consistency is somewhat thicker than the previous cream, it absorbs a little longer. It doesn't dry out your hands, but it doesn't nourish your hands either. I don’t see even slight hydration from it at all. In the first minute of application, it can remove the feeling of dryness, but for that minute and no more (When the skin was very dry, I put it on my feet - here it was more or less tolerable. I saw a lot of laudatory reviews online about the Velvet Hands series of creams, but not I understand why they are praised. They are terrible! Maybe the quality was different before, I don’t know. But these creams, even for their price, do not justify themselves.
Grade: 2.
Price: 50 rub.

13. L "Occitane - Hand Cream with shea (karite) butter. Hand cream with shea butter (30 ml)

Description: An excellent emollient cream combining 20% ​​Shea butter, honey and sweet almond extract, with a subtle, attractive aroma of jasmine and ylang-ylang. The melting texture is instantly absorbed, restoring and protecting dry and dehydrated skin. Anti-oxidant vitamin E nourishes and gives your hands freshness and new strength.
Compound: Water, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter), Glycerin, Dimethicone, Cetearyl Alcohol, Propylene Glycol, PEG 100 Stearate, Glyceryl Stearate, Polyacrylamide, Linum Usitatissimum Seed Extract (Linseed), Honey Extract (Mel), Phenoxyethanol, Cocos Nucifera Oil (Coconut) , Brassica Campestris Sterols (Rapeseed), C13 & 14 Isoparaffin, Ceteareth 33, Alcohol Denat., Chlorphenesin, Parfum (Fragrance), Althaea Officinalis Root Extract, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Fruit Extract (Sweet Almond), Laureth 7, Methylparaben, Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Extract (Rosemary), Glycine Soja Oil (Soybean), Xanthan Gum, Benzyl Alcohol, Benzyl Benzoate, Citronellol, Hydroxyisohexyl 3 Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde, Coumarin, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Linalool, Hexylcinnamal, Alphamethyl Ionone, Limonene
My opinion: I have a small version of the tube, there are even larger sizes. The cream is quite thick, a very pleasant smell (there really is a hint of ylang-ylang somewhere) - floral-woody, not very sharp. The cream is distributed densely over the hands, creating a greasy film, and is absorbed for a very long time. But it also nourishes very well - tightness, dryness, flaking - it removes all this perfectly. I won’t say that it’s economical, but my hands are very dry (in a month the 30 ml tube was gone, despite the fact that I used other creams at the same time). In terms of nutritional properties, for me it can only be compared with Dr. Scheller (which, by the way, protects better from the cold). This cream is also good in cold weather; your hands become less red and sore from the cold. The cuticle also becomes softer, the nails peel less (although this may be a coincidence). I will definitely buy this cream again, because... he has few analogues (only the mentioned Dr. Scheller and Caudalie). But there is a minus - it nourishes while you use it, you can’t expect a long-term effect, and it’s not enough for the whole day; it barely lasts half a day (if you don’t mess around in the water, etc.), although for my hands this is an achievement.
Grade: 5-
Price: 386 rub.

14. Caudalie - Hand and Nail Cream. Exquisite hand and nail cream (75 ml)

There wasn't enough cream to swatch :(
Description: Antioxidant and nourishing care with a charming, delicate and refreshing aroma of sweet orange pulp with soft nuances of almond and delicate rose water. Does not leave a greasy film. Designed for those who want to have an anti-aging nourishing cream for hands and nails.
Compound: Water, Glycerin, Cetearyl Alcohol, Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Oil, Glyceryl Stearate, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter) Fruit, Tocopheryl Acetate, Persea Gratissima (Avocado) Oil Unsapionfiables, Dimethicone, Sodium Cetearyl Sulfate, Caprylyl Glycol, Acrylates/C10- 30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Palmitoyl Grape Seed Extract, Potassium Sorbate, Fragrance, Sodium Hydroxide, Carbomer, Sodium Carboxymethyl Betaglucan, Tocopherol, Gerianol, Limonene, Linalool.
Review: There-taram! *fanfare* Favorite cream. Divine cream:) There are no words, what a fairy tale this is. Not a thick (medium thickness) cream, glides and easily spreads over your hands, with a divine smell - I can clearly smell oranges and almonds in it, while the smell is gentle, “warm”, not citrus-piercing, but enveloping, sweet. The smell alone would make it worth buying this cream. But the aroma is not its only advantage. The cream is absorbed quite quickly, does not leave a greasy film, I calmly use it on the go, without fear of “greasy” things. It perfectly nourishes the hands, not moisturizes, but rather nourishes. And not only the skin of my hands, but also the cuticles, nails and even elbows (I also smear them with it) - everything gets in order. Any degree of discomfort, irritation, dryness, tightness, rough skin - this cream copes with everything. The skin instantly becomes tender, soft, velvety, and you just want to touch your cheeks with your hands. For a long time I could not switch to an unedged manicure - this cream helped - the dry, rough cuticle immediately becomes soft, “adheres” to the nail, as if after a fresh manicure. With this cream, I forgot about hangnails and redness around my nails. And the nails! This is a separate topic. I never believed that hand cream could have a significant effect on the nail plate. It turns out it can. And very significant. I had brittle, peeling nails when I started using this cream - after a week there was an effect, I forgot about my nail problems. The cream has a cumulative effect - with long-term use, even if you stop smearing your hands with it, the effect remains. The skin even visually looks better. With this cream, I also began to sometimes allow myself to go without any polish at all - as soon as you apply it, it gives the “hundred-hour-polished-hour-manicure-done” effect - soft cuticles, shiny nails, soft skin. Excellent cream - I can endlessly sing its praises.
Grade: 10 out of 5.
Price: 640 rub.

19. The Body Shop - Hemp Hand Protector. Protective hand cream “Hemp” (100 ml)

Description: Intensive Hemp Hand Protector cream with a fresh herbal aroma that locks in moisture - ideal for hands that are washed frequently. Do away with rough and dry skin! Hemp seed oil has an unusually high concentration of saturated fatty acids, helping to restore skin's hydration levels - for smoothness and elasticity. Organic wax moisturizes and cares, working as a barrier - “locking in” moisture.
Compound:My opinion: The cream is in a large “iron” tube, there is also a mini version, but I don’t see the point in buying a mini one, because... the difference is only 100 rubles, and the size is absolutely “thumb-sized”. I don't even know how to describe the smell. It is quite pronounced, but not harsh. Not for everyone, but the “horrors” about him are clearly exaggerated. Of course, this is not a Caudalie or L "Occitane scent, but for me personally it’s quite pleasant, I wouldn’t even be afraid of body milk with such a smell) It smells like herbs, a little “pharmacy”, I have a cold now, but even with a cold nose I’m very I can clearly hear this smell, it also stays on my hands for a long time, although weaker. It reminds me of the smell of wormwood, only soft (I don’t know what hemp smells like:). The cream itself is VERY thick and dense, greenish, but when applied it seems to melt and spread very soft and light. At the moment of application, it feels like paraffin creams or oil - the skin is instantly nourished, all unpleasant sensations disappear. It does not take long to absorb for such a texture (for me - faster than L "Occitane, it is generally less “oily” than L "Occitane, but in terms of effectiveness I liked it more - it protects my hands longer and tolerates water better). Then there is no film, the skin is velvety, not greasy at all, no marks on things. So soft, pleasant to touch) I was pleased with the presence of panthenol in the composition . The cream perfectly protects hands from wind and water. I walked with it all day without gloves - my hands felt very comfortable and there was no redness or irritation. Of course, it is more nourishing and protective than Caudalie, but for cuticles and nails, Caudalie, IMHO, is irreplaceable (and the smell, the smell!). I am very pleased with the purchase, now I have been using this cream for a long time. For me, it is a leader compared to L"Occitane (in terms of quality of protection, less fat content and price).
Grade: 5+
Price: 390 rub.

20. The Body Shop - Hand Cream “Spicy Vanilla” (30 ml)

Description: Give your hands a gift for the upcoming winter holidays, pampering them with a treat from The Body Shop's Christmas collection! Hand and nail cream with a warm vanilla aroma perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin, making it smooth as silk. Spiced Vanilla Hand Cream contains vanilla extract, as well as marula oil, organic soybean oil, cocoa butter and beeswax.
Compound: My opinion: This cream is from the Christmas collection (a whole series with vanilla was released). As I understand, there are no large tubes, only 30 ml. It really smells like vanilla and is a very rich, thick, but not suffocating smell. The aroma becomes softer on the hands, but lasts a relatively long time, it is sweet (not cloying), very natural vanilla, there is even a slight bitterness of real vanilla. Indeed, a magical scent for New Year's Eve :) The cream itself is nourishing, but not at all greasy, absorbs quite quickly, without leaving a greasy film. The main “trick” of the cream is, of course, the aroma, but also the protective/nutritive properties are excellent. I hope that the same one will come out permanently.
Grade: 5 (I really like the scent)
Price: 190 rub.

Now I’ll tell you a little about the creams I’ve used recently:

15. Doctor Nature - Hand and nail cream (125 ml)

Description: The cream gives you optimal care and protection thanks to its unique combination of Dead Sea minerals and plant extracts. By creating a protective film on the skin of your hands and around the cuticle, the cream provides your hands with maximum long-term hydration and nutrition. Protects the skin of your hands when using various detergents and from harmful environmental influences. Cares for your nails, making them strong and healthy. With constant use, the skin of your hands rejuvenates, becomes smooth and velvety.
My opinion: The cream is quite dense, of medium thickness, but is absorbed relatively quickly for such a texture, does not leave a film on the hands, is almost odorless (very weak, disappears quickly from the hands, smells of something floral). When applied, it quickly relieves the feeling of tightness and dryness. But it is quickly washed off with water; it will not tolerate severe frost. The nutrition is quite average and not suitable for very dry skin. It only nourishes the skin of my hands - it has no effect on my cuticles or nails. Very good for the price good cream. I won’t buy it again, because it’s a bit weak for my hands, and I haven’t noticed any accumulative effect.
Grade: 4+
Price: 260 rub.

16. Mary Kay - Satin Hands Hand Cream. Hand cream “Velvet Hands” (85 g)

Description: The soft texture cream remains on the hands for a long time, giving a delightful feeling of smoothness. Comfort is guaranteed for many hours, even after repeated hand washing. The cream has been clinically tested for skin irritability and allergenicity.
Review: Light (not milky, but not at all thick) cream, absorbed quite quickly, but the film remains for some time. The smell is light, but “chemical” (I didn’t like it). The nutrition is below average, while I applied it the dryness went away, it was absorbed and my hands felt tight again. Nonsense cream, so to speak. I had a set from this company with gel and scrub. Together they gave a good effect, but the cream separately is complete nonsense.
Grade: 3.
Price: 300 rub.

17. Bark - Restoring hand and nail cream (100 ml)

Description: Nourishes, softens, vitaminizes and actively moisturizes the skin of the hands, restores skin cells after synthetic detergents. Recommended for nail care after removing polish or manicure, for dry and brittle nails. Keratin is the main protein of nails, promotes the strengthening and growth of nails. Yarrow stimulates the processes of tissue regeneration and healing, has an anti-inflammatory effect, actively nourishes skin cells, prevents the appearance of minor damage, and is especially useful for nails, as it is rich in microelements. Nettle has a vitaminizing effect and soothes the skin. Horsetail, containing a large amount of trace elements, especially calcium and silicon, perfectly restores skin cells. Vitamins A and E promote nail growth, preventing brittleness and splitting.
Compound: Yarrow, nettle, horsetail, rosehip oil (sea buckthorn), lipocomp, urea, antioxidant, keratin.
Description: The cream is not thick, even runny, it is absorbed quickly, the smell is chemical, but not sharp. A friend highly recommended this cream to me and praised it as one of the best. I threw it out after a week. He not only did not nourish his hands, but also dried them mercilessly. After application, it felt like I had smeared my hands with some kind of dry silicone, which immediately dried and gave a papery effect. There is nothing more to say about him.
Grade: 1.
Price: 180 rub.

18. Yves Rocher - Arnica Essentiel. Moisturizing daily hand cream (75 ml)

Description: Do you dream of smooth and delicate hands? This lightweight cream instantly hydrates*, softens and protects skin. What is his secret? In Arnica extract - biological agriculture. This plant is known for its softening and restorative effects.
Compound: aqua, petrolatum, urea, cetyl alcohol, sorbitan stearate, Arnica Chamisonis, dimethicone, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, myristyl miristate, Prunus Dulcis, propylene glycol, stearic acid, butylene glycol, ceteareth-2 phosphate, methylparaben, parfum, phenoxyethanol, allantoin, carbomer, tocopheryl acetate, ethylparaben, sorbic acid, propylparaben, sodium hydroxide, butylparaben, tetrasodium edta.
My opinion: The cream is quite thick, but is absorbed quickly, but leaves an unpleasant feeling of “something” on the hands: it doesn’t seem to be a greasy film, but there is a feeling of “dirtyness”. The scents of this company are usually very pleasant (shower gels are already legendary), but (although I don’t know what arnica smells like) this cream has a chemical, heavy smell (I would say oriental, but it smells like chemicals). The effect of it is not nutrition, but hydration, and quite weak. There is no harm, but there is no benefit either. Water and cold are contraindicated for this cream. Several times I noticed that my skin began to itch after using this cream, although this could be a coincidence. A long time ago I had a Yves Rocher hand cream with something made from grape seeds - it was great - rich, nourishing and with a delicate scent. Alas, it has not been released for a long time. But arnica cream didn’t even stand next to the shadow.
Grade: 3.
Price: 170 rub.

Thank you to everyone who has read this for your patience. Dear beauticians, what creams do you like? Which ones charmed you, which ones disappointed you? Let's share our impressions

- this is serious. Unpleasant and ugly, they appear to add to our inconvenience. We we cannot work normally with our hands, wash ourselves, even touching our skin can be unpleasant- and all because of them, cracks!

Cracked skin increases the risk of infection. Sometimes blood poisoning can even occur. So you definitely need to get rid of seemingly minor problems.

In this article we will look at, how to heal wounds on your hands. You will learn about ointments and creams for cracks, and also get acquainted with several folk recipes that will help you easily get rid of the problem.

IMPORTANT! If you have dry skin on your hands, then you need to select the treatment for yourself, individually, and not focus on what has helped others.

Ointment for cracked hands a great multitude was created. Buying one at a pharmacy is not difficult. Let's see what modern pharmaceuticals offer us.


  • Balsamed. Contains vital vitamins, moisturizing components and softening vegetable oils. Helps moisturize dry skin and prevent keratinization. Small wounds will heal faster and the skin will become more elastic. Not recommended for use by young children. There are no side effects.
  • Lamisil. Works against fungal skin infections.
  • Levomekol. A drug that is in every first aid kit. Destroys pathogenic microflora. Accelerates tissue restoration.
  • Bepanten. Proven anti-crack agent. The main active ingredient is Provitamin B5. Promotes natural healing of the skin, stimulating the regeneration process.
  • Boro plus. The product has bactericidal and antifungal properties, as well as high efficiency.
  • Fingerfix. If you lack vitamins or your skin is chapped by severe frost, then this remedy will help. It forms a film over the wound, and healing occurs underneath it. The skin recovers very quickly.

Review of creams against cracked hands

Cream for healing cracks on hands is also a good solution. Like ointments, there are a great variety of them and they can also be bought at a pharmacy at a reasonable price. We have collected in this article the most proven and high-quality of them:

  • Radevit. Relieves irritation, suitable for treating skin diseases. It will heal cracks and remove the feeling of tightness. Contains vitamins A, E, D and does not contain addictive substances. Suitable for sensitive skin. More used by dermatologists than cosmetologists.
  • Doctor. Aloe juice has been used to treat wounds since ancient times. Cream Healer promotes the healing of cracks and maintains healthy hands.
  • Zorka. Heals cracks and abrasions, activates metabolic processes. Do not look at the fact that this is a veterinary drug. It is successfully used as a cream to heal cracked hands. With Zorka, the skin becomes elastic and elastic, and new cracks do not appear.
  • Sea wolf. Contains sea mineral extract. Saves dry and cracked skin. Moisturizes the skin. Doesn't sting when it gets into wounds. In good standing with buyers. Has a low price.

Traditional recipes for treating hand skin

REMEMBER: There is no need to use hormonal-based products. The inflammation will pass quickly, but the wounds will take a long time to heal. Hormones often slow down the healing process!

Cedar oil or napkins (preferably linen) soaked in oil will help get rid of cracks forever. Masks made from the most common cucumbers, which deeply moisturize, and baths with high-quality oatmeal also work very well.

To treat your hands, you can take a bath for 10-15 minutes in the evening. Place your hands in it and relax. For the bath you can use the following recipes:

  • Linen bath. Boil 3 tbsp. l. flax seed in 0.5 liters of water;
  • Bath with starch. In a liter of warm boiled water, dilute 2 tbsp. l. starch;
  • Oatmeal bath. Boil 100 g of chopped oats in 1 liter of water.

Decoctions with a mucous consistency will wonderfully relieve irritation, and skin elasticity will noticeably increase. After the bath, dry your hands with a clean napkin and apply a rich nourishing cream.

IMPORTANT! After many procedures, cream should be applied to your hands. It should be fat. Then you will restore the protective film on the skin.

A good remedy for cracked hands, in addition to baths, are compresses. Like these ones:

  • Mix ½ cup honey, teaspoon salicylic acid, 1/2 cup olive or sunflower oil into a homogeneous mass, heat slightly and spread on your hands. Wrap your hands in plastic and wrap a towel on top. After 20 minutes, wipe off the mixture with a cloth soaked in lemon juice.
  • Mix the yolk and juice of one lemon into a glass of sour cream. Apply the mixture to a gauze cloth, wrap your brushes in it, wrap it in cling film or plastic and wrap it in a towel for 15-20 minutes. Finally, wash your hands with water and apply cream.

There are also folk recipes for ointments for healing cracks on hands.

  • This ointment will not only heal wounds, but also remove pus. Mix equal parts honey, butter, vodka and flour. Grind the mixture thoroughly, spread it evenly on gauze and apply to the sore spot for a long 4 hours.
  • Stir one raw yolk, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of vinegar 9%. Apply and rub in gently. If the wounds on your hands are bleeding, first disinfect the oil: pour it into a glass bottle, put it in warm water, bring to a boil and leave it on low heat for 20 minutes.
  • Works great pink ointment. Grind a small amount of petals in a blender. Add a tablespoon of goose fat. Place in the refrigerator for 4 days and use as directed.
  • Ointment for cracks on the fingers near the nails. She not only heals, but also relieves pain. Pour an impressive portion of celandine (dry or fresh; you will need a handful) with a glass of vegetable oil, wait until it boils and turn it off immediately. Once the pan has cooled, carefully stir in the natural wax (you'll need a matchbox-sized slab), return to the heat and leave until the wax has dissolved into your mixture. Remove from heat, pour into a clean jar and place in the refrigerator.

Miracle ointment for cracked hands

Has amazing rejuvenating effect. The skin of the hands becomes soft, elastic, cracks heal in literally 3-4 days.
Before using the ointment, dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt in a liter of warm water. You need to hold your hands in the resulting solution for 10 minutes. Then, without washing it off, pat your hands dry with a towel and lubricate them with ointment.

To prepare the ointment you need:

  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

Mix everything thoroughly. If the honey has already thickened, you need to melt it in a water bath.

Wash off the mask from your hands after 20 minutes.

Useful video

This short video shows how to prepare an effective ointment at home:

If your hands are only slightly cracked, they can be treated with ointments from the pharmacy or folk remedies. Pay attention to your lifestyle. If you often work with household chemicals with your bare hands, then your skin is unlikely to be delighted with this. Your hands can become chapped in the cold, so wear gloves or mittens. Also The cause of dryness may be a lack of vitamins. Pay attention to your diet.