Speech therapy work with children 3-4 years old. Speech therapy classes for children at home

The main mental processes are mastered by the child during the first years of life, where speech plays an important role. Delays and disturbances in language development in children are, unfortunately, a common occurrence. But experts do not recommend worrying and conducting examinations until the child reaches four years of age, as well as correcting speech. But it is better to start speech therapy classes for children as early as possible. How more years, the more difficult it is to correct deficiencies.

If speech problems occur at the age of 4-5 years, you should consult a doctor. To identify the causes, a speech therapy examination is prescribed. You may need the help of several specialists to work with children: an otolaryngologist, an orthodontist and a neurologist. Based on the data obtained, an analysis of speech defects is carried out. As a result, a diagnosis of ONR, FFF and others is made. There is no need to be afraid of this. The main thing is to prepare for painstaking and patient work in language development. A responsible approach will definitely give positive results.

The causes of violations are divided into groups:

  • organic;
  • functional.

In each group, disorders are provoked by many factors. Thus, pathologies develop in the prenatal period, as a result of the mother suffering infectious diseases or injuries.

The production of speech depends on the structure of the speech apparatus. There may be a deficiency or excess of teeth, improper alignment, cleft palate, and so on. These problems are inherited. Pathologies also develop as a result of the transmission of infectious viral diseases.

Another reason lies in the tendency of children to copy the speech defects of adults. For example, parents may pronounce the letter “R” incorrectly, causing the baby to repeat mistakes.

Classes for children 2-3 years old

  • At the age of 2-3 years, kids imitate the speech of others. They talk actively but unsteadily. However, there are children who stubbornly do not speak or do so in a way that only their parents can understand.
  • Speech therapy classes for the youngest are carried out taking into account the psychological and physiological characteristics of this age. The lesson consists of 3-4 exercises and does not last more than 20 minutes.
  • Children 2-3 years old study only when they are interested in something. Therefore, exercises for speech development are supplemented with visual aids. The lesson is implemented through the game. Then, when the child is emotionally uplifted, he will want to repeat the words.

Special games for silent people

They highlight two areas:

  • formed general imitation;
  • developing general imitation.

By copying adults, the baby learns their experience, skills and abilities. General imitation means the repetition of facial expressions, movements and actions.

Work with a silent child is carried out in the following sequence:

  • encourage him to repeat the movements (exercises with raising his arms, stamping his feet and clapping his hands);
  • the next step of development is sequential movements (the flight of a bird, which then lands and looks for grains);
  • at the final stage, they are attracted to toys with which they perform the same sequential actions.

To form an imitation of sounds and speech with non-speaking children, you need to repeat the same syllables, words and phrases many times, highlighting them. The baby is asked to reproduce what was said and positively perceives any type of response.

Speech therapy classes that focus on speech imitation are carried out in the following order:

  • pronouncing sounds;
  • words and syllables with semantic load;
  • words;
  • short phrases.

The play form is suitable not only for silent children, but also for little ones who speak indistinctly and unclearly. In addition to exercises, riddles, sayings and rhymes are added to them. It is useful for development to make movements that accompany phrases and are appropriate in meaning.

There is no need to require a 2-3 year old child to pronounce clear sounds. Much more important is the formation of the communicative function of language.

Classes for children 4-5 years old

At this age, it is time to prepare your child for school. There should be no problems with pronouncing sounds.

If the baby speaks incorrectly, you need to figure out which sounds there are violations in the pronunciation of. You can try asking your child to repeat words that have a difficult sound. Examples:

  • “s” - sun, dog;
  • “z” - zebra, hare;
  • “sh” - chocolate, ball;
  • “ch” - cup, suitcase;
  • “ts” - heron, king;
  • "r" - rocket, fish.

It is better to offer the pronunciation of sounds separately.

Before pronouncing each of them, do articulation gymnastics near the mirror. Then the speech apparatus is not only felt, but also seen.

After pronouncing the sounds, they move on to working with syllables. If this is all right, the child is asked to repeat whole words containing complex sounds. The lesson is reinforced with free speech using them. This stage is continued until the baby learns to speak correctly.

You need to prepare for the fact that such classes last several months until the production of sounds becomes competent.

Principles of developing correct speech

Conditions are created for the formation of the correct language. It has long been proven that the production speech activity promote physical exercise and games.

  • Even with a baby, it is useful to talk and praise his attempts to say something. For the correct development of children, parents are advised to react to these manifestations in a balanced and calm manner.
  • The structure of the language in adults must be correct. Children of 2-3 years old are told “tu-tu” and “am-am”, and at 4-5 years old it is useful for them to hear correct speech using literary language and correct pronunciation.
  • For constant development, the child comes up with new stories and fills his life with positive impressions. The more the baby wants to share emotions using language, the faster the period of preparatory work passes.

Types of speech therapy classes

In addition to home lessons, preschoolers are taught at preschool educational institutions. If necessary, work continues at school. It is effective for children with delayed speech development, writing and reading disorders, OSD, FPD, and dysarthria.

There are numerous notes on the Internet speech therapy sessions, developed by professionals. The card index includes the study of all kinds of speech problems. On their basis, speech therapists work with preschoolers in kindergartens - in the senior and preparatory groups. Parents also use them to conduct classes at home.

Classes at preschool educational institutions are:

  • In the group, tasks are given to children who have a similar structure of the defect.
  • Frontal exercise involves children doing the same work.
  • And in individual lessons, the child is taught correct pronunciation.

Structure of a lesson with children suffering from ODD

Let's look at a specific example of a lesson in kindergarten, with a child in a senior or preparatory group. The main point of conducting a lesson correctly is the open establishment of an emotional connection. Speech therapy classes begin with a greeting, which puts you in a positive mood so that the exercises are perceived in a positive way. The baby is encouraged and praised for any activity.

General underdevelopment of speech, or GSD, implies disturbances in the production of sounds or the semantic system of language. The disease sometimes accompanies more serious illnesses, such as alalia, rhinolalia, dysarthria, mental retardation, etc. This is important to consider when organizing a lesson.

Each speech therapist has a file cabinet with lessons in which there is a statement for each case. After conducting the analysis, he draws up a work program for development.

Let's take an example of a lesson aimed at children preparatory group six years from general underdevelopment speech.

The objectives of the lesson are:

  • consolidation of subject vocabulary;
  • distinction between children's, women's and men's clothing;
  • exercises;
  • memorizing poems;
  • fixing colors and shapes;
  • development of attention, memory;
  • analysis and synthesis;
  • staging fine motor skills through self-massage;
  • development of confidence and independence.

To conduct the lesson, equipment is prepared to help children visually perceive information. It includes: toys; textile; paper with pencils; coloring books; Pictures; individual cards for tasks.

The lesson can be structured as follows.

  1. Arrangements are being made for children. For example, the guys stand in a circle and the next steps are explained to them.
  2. Self-massage of the face is performed. The speech therapist reads a poem and shows the movements that the children repeat.
  3. The main part is implemented in a game form, when a task is presented that meets the objectives of the lesson.
  4. Exercises are being performed.
  5. A poem is memorized to remember those objects that participated in the exercises.
  6. The lesson is summarized.

The little man speaks unsteadily. Therefore, the structure of the language risks being disrupted under the influence of various negative factors. If a problem is detected, you must contact a speech therapist.

It is advisable to conduct individual speech therapy sessions. If this is not possible, then group lessons will be beneficial, but will not replace working with your child at home. The main foundations of development, language development, etc., are laid not in kindergarten and school, but in the family.

Delays in speech development can be caused by a variety of reasons. Some of them lie in the biological area of ​​the child’s life. Disturbances in the development of the hearing system, late development of speech skills due to hereditary characteristics, frequent illnesses of the baby. Other reasons are hidden in the social plane, when parents pay little attention to the child, a negative atmosphere reigns in the family, the baby grows up in an atmosphere of misunderstanding and negligent attitude towards parental responsibilities.

Lack of parental attention may be one of the reasons for delayed speech development

Why may a child not speak at 2-3 years old?

The reason for the silence of a 2-3 year old child should be looked for not only in anatomical pathologies; the manner of communication between the parents and the child also matters a lot. Some mothers surround their little ones overprotectiveness, which leads to lack of demand for speech. As soon as the baby wishes for something, the mother makes the wish come true. By actively using gestures and facial expressions when communicating with children aged 1-3 years, you involuntarily slow down their speech development.

It is a mistake to think that being in an environment rich in information media (TV, radio), a child will learn to speak faster. The chaotic flow of speech forms a “curtain of noise” that the child does not perceive.

Moreover, when trying to speak, the baby utters long, meaningless phrases, imitating what he heard from the TV or radio. Parents should learn to talk to their child, and not talk in front of him or entertain him with cartoons.

It is difficult to develop speech skills where parents justify the lack of communication by lack of time or simply do not want to talk much with the baby. It is a mistake to rely on speech therapists and kindergarten teachers, because children acquire their first speech skills in the family. In addition, the development of fine motor skills and articulation is important for babies. Regular exercises (self-massage of hands, finger exercises, didactic games) help improve speech.

The cartoons that kids love so much can actually slow down their speech development.

Seven simple and wise tips from speech therapists will help adults correctly structure their communication with their child so that his speech develops quickly. Let's list each of them:

  1. Support and encourage the child's activity, openly express joy when the baby tries to pronounce sounds and syllables.
  2. Help your treasure, buy educational games. Puzzles, cut-out pictures, cubes with pictures, insert games will help develop fine motor skills.
  3. Come up with finger games for your little one. The fingertips are replete with nerve endings that influence the stimulation of the motor area of ​​the brain. Invented a long time ago simple game, in which each finger is given the name of a family member. Touch your baby's fingers and come up with different stories so that all the fingers are included in the plot.
  4. Be sure to read books with your child, tell him fairy tales, memorize poems, and sing songs. Take as your assistant the works of famous children's writers (Mikhalkov, Barto, Bianchi, Marshak, Chukovsky).
  5. Discuss everything you see with your child in detail. Where the car is going, why the bird is singing cheerfully outside the window, what dad’s job is, what the kids are playing in the yard - any event or action must be accompanied by detailed verbal explanations.
  6. Tell your child about domestic and wild animals, teach him the “language” of animals and birds. The cows say “moo-moo”, the sparrow chirps “chick-chirp”.
  7. Memorize with your child funny children's poems about “The Thief Magpie”, the clumsy bear, about Tanya and her ball. Call your grandmothers for help, they usually know a lot of these poems.

The more the mother communicates with the child (reads books, learns rhymes, talks), the faster he will learn to speak well

Basics for speech development at home

Basic home exercises will help you develop your child’s speech (more details in the article:). The simplest of them is “tell mom.” The exercise is used in communication with small children, under the age of one year, who are just learning to reproduce sounds. For older children, more complex techniques should be used to stimulate the child’s meaningful understanding of speech, its meaning, and conscious pronunciation of words.

Collaborative cognition of objects

Having crossed the one-year mark, children begin to actively get acquainted with the world around them. Children's interest extends to all objects in the house. Come to the aid of your treasure, describe his every movement out loud, in simple sentences. Talk about every subject that interests him. If your son takes a spoon, tell him what he is holding, what it is for, what the object is called, do not be lazy to repeat your explanation several times so that the baby remembers.

Looking at and studying pictures

For this exercise, stock up on a variety of children's picture books. Publishers offer beautiful illustrated books of various headings. For example, the “Who Am I?” section, which talks about animals.

Picture books or flashcards help improve your child's vocabulary

While looking at the pictures, point your child to the image of a dog, ask him how it “talks”, say “woof-woof.” Studying animals and their “language” will make it easier for you to teach your baby to pronounce individual sounds. Pay more attention to the animals you meet on the street, clearly showing and talking about them. A little time will pass, and when the child sees a dog or cat on the street, he will suddenly say “meow” or “woof.”

Sound education

Indicate actions that the baby can understand with simple sounds. The child claps his hands - say "clap-clap", the baby has fallen - do not rush to pick him up and groan, say "bang, bang, boom." The game amuses young children, they accept it, they may even fall down on purpose to hear “boom or bang” again. In addition, you help your child learn that every movement can be voiced.

How to encourage a child to talk?

When learning sounds with your child, ask him to repeat what you say. For example, you say “woof-woof”, let the baby repeat after you. If he can’t accurately reproduce the sounds, don’t worry, repeat with him what he did. Your main task in this speech therapy exercise is to encourage the child to pronounce sounds. Be sure to reward the baby for any sounds, even if they are not similar to those that you offered him.

Any attempts by a child to talk must be encouraged

We teach how to correctly imitate the speech of adults

When organizing speech therapy classes for children 2-3 years old, follow the main rule of communication with your child: never distort words.

A child is a great imitator, he imitates cartoon characters and mom and dad. If you talk to him, distorting words, he will perceive such sounds as correct and begin to repeat them. Try to pronounce words clearly, only occasionally using diminutive or inverted forms.

The next stage is sound pronunciation. If you want to teach your child simple sounds, make activities with him or her playful. Use the following exercises:

  • Dudochka. Musical instruments always arouse curiosity and interest in children; they help non-verbal children learn sounds more easily. You can buy a toy in a store or imitate playing the instrument with your fingers. Show your baby what a pipe sounds like by saying “doo-doo-doo,” then ask him to repeat the sounds.
  • Driving by car. Favorite game of all children. Place your son or daughter on your lap, start the engine, and let's go. Turn the steering wheel and honk, saying “beep.” Kids really like this ride, they play with it with pleasure and quickly learn to “beep.”
  • Home zoo. Collect Stuffed Toys or animal magnets in one place and arrange a tour of your home zoo, inviting your child to pronounce the sounds that this or that animal makes with you. They will help you master sounds and cartoons about animals.

Imitating the voices of various animals is a great exercise for a child.

How to develop phonemic awareness?

The development of phonemic awareness is necessary for children to correctly recognize phonemes native language. Phonemes are words with the same sound base - for example, “boar-can” or “sleep-nose”. The ability to recognize phonemes is given to a person from birth, but it is impossible to do without competent systematization. Speech therapy offers a lot fun games aimed at developing this ability. Let's look at some in more detail:

  • Find out the instrument. Musical instruments are ideal for training phonemic awareness. If you have a drum, pipe, guitar, tambourine in your house - great. Take all the tools and hide behind the door or in another room. Play each of them in turn, asking your child to determine by ear which instrument sounded.
  • Who's speaking? Prepare pictures of different animals for the exercise. Show the picture to your child and ask him to say the sound that is characteristic of the animal you have chosen.
  • Repeat after me. Teaching your baby rhythm. Tap a simple rhythm and invite your child to repeat it. Gradually complicate the exercise by asking for a more complex combination of sounds. If the baby successfully completes the task, ask him to tap out his composition, and you will repeat after him.

Teaching a child rhythm and developing his hearing is a big step towards correct speech.

You shouldn’t expect quick results from a baby in a year or two, but regular lessons will definitely bring a positive effect. Time will pass and your little student will learn to master sounds and speech. Games will help develop abstract thinking and memory in a child, awaken the ability to perceive phonemic hearing, and improve speech skills. Speech therapists often give similar advice to parents, pointing out their simplicity and accessibility.

How do fine motor skills affect speech development?

Fine motor skills have a significant impact on the development of speech. The principle is that when performing fine motor skills exercises, an impulse enters the brain, and the brain begins to work. At home, you can offer your baby games with ordinary objects. We offer the following home games:

  • Find what's at the bottom. Take two bowls, pour beans into one, buckwheat into the other. Place a small surprise under the cereal and invite your baby to rummage through the cereal with both hands to get the gift (we recommend reading:).
  • Find identical bags. Prepare 9 cloth bags, put the same material in each three: cotton wool, paper, cereal. Ask your child to identify three bags with the same contents by feeling.

  • Cheerful Hedgehog. We take thick paper or cardboard, cut out a hedgehog figurine from it, and attach clothespins along the edge, which imitate needles. We invite the child to remove the clothespins and fasten them again.
  • Much is not enough. The game is aimed at learning quantity. We arrange the toys into two piles, small and large. We explain to the child what a lot and a little mean.
  • Coloring pages. Buy coloring books, plasticine, pencils, and drawing paper. Let the child draw often and as much as he wants, encourage his creativity, praise him. At the same time, study colors, sizes, shapes with him.

The benefits of articulation gymnastics

Speech gymnastics is a kind of speech therapy training that allows you to correctly master the pronunciation of words in your native language. Having mastery of speech, it is easier for children to express their desires and thoughts. The task of adults is to teach the child to pronounce words correctly and clearly. Naturally, at 2-3 years it is difficult to accurately determine speech problem, however, articulatory speech therapy gymnastics plays a preventative role here.

If we turn to the laws of speech therapy, we will find in them wise and useful recommendations for parents. Use the following rules for speech gymnastics with children:

  1. Do exercises regularly to develop and consolidate the skills you have learned.
  2. Be careful not to get carried away and turn your child away from activities. Offer 2-3 exercises for training.
  3. The duration of one lesson with 2-4 year old children should not exceed 10-15 minutes.
  4. It is useful to consolidate completed exercises throughout the day. Just ask your child to repeat what he has learned to make sure he remembers it.
  5. Be sure to put your articulatory gymnastics classes into a game form (we recommend reading:). It is easier for kids to focus on an exciting game than on a boring lesson.

Articulation gymnastics should not tire the child or turn into a serious activity for him

How to perform articulation gymnastics?

To train speech, special exercises have been developed that a child can master with the help of adults. Use videos to practice skills. Carry out articulation training like this:

  1. We invite the child to open his mouth and freeze in this position for a few seconds. For ease of learning, we call this pose “Open and close the gate.”
  2. The next lesson is called “Show the fence.” The child should close his teeth and show them to you, smiling widely.
  3. “Brushing our teeth.” Ask your child to open his mouth and move his tongue over the teeth, touching the outer and inner surfaces of the teeth.
  4. “Drawing with the tongue” Sticking out his tongue a little, the baby should draw with it, mentally imagining what he is drawing. A circle-ball, a Christmas tree, a road - everything that is easy to do with the tongue.

If you notice that the speech development of your treasure is clearly delayed, or during pregnancy or childbirth the baby suffered stress or injury, you suspect that the reason is a serious pathology - immediately show the baby to specialists. Remember that the active development of speech skills occurs between the ages of 1 and 3 years, when you must monitor this process and correct it in time. It will be much more difficult to make up for lost time at the age of 4-5, to the point that the baby may still have a speech defect.

Every mother wants to see her child healthy, active, and intellectually developed. And with what impatience we await the first words from our child! Alas, parents’ wishes do not always come true. And there are reasons for everything. Let's look at them in more detail.

Causes of speech disorders


  1. Unfavorable course of pregnancy (threat of miscarriage, toxicosis, infection and intoxication, etc.).
  2. Taking alcoholic beverages and drugs by a pregnant woman.
  3. Complications during childbirth ( premature birth, asphyxia, birth injury etc.).
  4. Head injuries up to three years of age.
  5. Hearing impairment in a child.
  6. Features of the structure of the speech apparatus.
  7. Genetic (hereditary) factor.
  8. Prolonged thumb or pacifier sucking.
  9. Left-handedness.


  • Lack of interest from surrounding adults in communicating with the child. This manifests itself in an insufficient speech environment, that is, the baby rarely hears the competent, correct speech of an adult; games with the child are not accompanied by explanations. The adult takes care of the child silently, without focusing on his actions.
  • Incorrect speech by adults in the child’s immediate environment. This can be either incorrect pronunciation of sounds or simple lisp. As a result, the child imitates what he hears.
  • Adults' demands to pronounce the sound correctly, without showing the child the correct articulation. This may result in a distorted sound (such as a guttural "R" sound).

I would like to note that incorrect pronunciation is not inherited. Some anatomical features can be inherited, for example, the structure of teeth, inertia of the nervous system. But these violations can be corrected by specialist doctors.

Characteristics of a 3-year-old child

Let's dwell on the characteristics of the speech development of a three-year-old child.

After a child reaches this age, there is a sharp jump in development of both intellectual and speech. The peculiarity of this period is that the child becomes especially sensitive to language. He enjoys catching all the sounds around him and quickly absorbs them.

The vocabulary of a child of this age is about 1900 words. It mainly consists of nouns and verbs, but adverbs (warm, scary) and adjectives (beautiful, big) also begin to appear in speech. The baby begins to use generalizing words (animals, flowers, toys). At this age there is active use of pronouns (mine, yours). In general, this age is characterized by rapid word formation; the baby actively changes words to compose sentences.

Grammatical structure speech at the age of three years is not yet formed. There are errors in the construction of sentences (“Give me a big mitten!”). But the child is good at retelling things he knows short tales- “Ryaba Hen”, “Kolobok”. At this age, a preschooler can already support a simple dialogue.

Sound pronunciation at this age is still imperfect. There are replacements for hissing sounds (SH-S-F), sometimes they may not be pronounced at all (ball - arik). The sounds “L” and “R” are often missing, as they are the most difficult to pronounce.

When is it necessary to contact a speech therapist?

Each child is individual. Some people begin to speak early, but use two-word constructions for a long time; others begin to speak by the age of three, but in whole sentences and without any special problems with sound pronunciation. It's all about the pace general development the child, his environment, previous diseases, etc.

But there are still certain signs that parents should not ignore.

Here are some of them:

  • the child shows no interest in toys, all his games are stereotypical and monotonous;
  • a child after two years of age cannot cope with simple tasks, such as putting a large bead on a rope or assembling a tower of cubes;
  • does not understand simple instructions, for example, bring a ball;
  • if the child does not speak, and there is a history of hereditary diseases, illnesses during pregnancy, or birth injuries.

You need to contact such specialists as a neurologist, psychologist, speech therapist. They will conduct the necessary examination and, if necessary, prescribe treatment. Remember, the sooner the child receives qualified assistance, the more effective it will be. The faster the child will catch up with his peers in development.

What activities can you do with your child at home?

Every mother knows that if you properly organize your child’s activities at home, you can achieve great success in his development.

Let's look at what types of activities contribute to this:

  1. Finger games. Now everyone knows that the development of motor skills affects the development of speech. It's all about the structure of the cerebral cortex, in which the areas responsible for the development of motor skills are also responsible for speech.
  2. Articulation gymnastics. Where would we be without her? After all, only well-developed muscles of the articulatory apparatus contribute to the correct position of the tongue and lips during sound pronunciation.
  3. Games for hearing development.
  4. Memorizing poetry, reading, storytelling.

Let's look at this in more detail.

Finger games

First, let's figure out what finger gymnastics is. These are movements of the fingers and hands, which can be active or passive. The first option is suitable for infants, the second - for preschool age. Gymnastics involves the following types of activities: massage, finger games, which are combined with rhymed text (verses) and manipulation of small objects.

What are the benefits of finger gymnastics?

  1. Speech development. In another way, the same hemispheres monitor the work of the fingers as the development of speech. Therefore, I improve small movements, thereby improving your speech.
  2. Development of touch. It is clear that by working with his fingers, the child learns to feel the surfaces and size of different objects, thereby developing tactile sensations.
  3. Development of motor skills. It is clear that the more often a child works with his fingers, the more perfect and subtle his movements are, and the better his coordination.
  4. Development of a sense of rhythm and memory development. Finger games do not take place without reciting some poems or nursery rhymes, the repetition of which, in combination with rhythmic hand movements, serves to develop memory and a sense of rhythm.

Children aged three years old play with interest finger games that are supported by speech. Sometimes it is difficult for them to pronounce the text themselves, so it is enough for an adult to do it first. Do not forget to pronounce words expressively, sometimes lowering or raising your voice, making pauses. After several repetitions, the baby will remember new game and will be happy to repeat after you.

We offer several finger games for three-year-old children.


The handles must be fastened into a lock, while intertwining the fingers. Say a little rhyme and swing the resulting castle to the sides:

There is a lock on the door.

Who could open it?

They knocked (while you say the word “knocked”, you touch your palms to each other, without releasing the intertwined fingers).

Twisted it (also, without disengaging the lock, pull one handle towards you, the other away from you, changing them sequentially).

Pulled (on this word you should pull the handles in different directions, while straightening your fingers, but without completely releasing the lock).

And they opened it (having released the handles, spread them wide to the sides).


I will paint with a soft brush

A chair, a table and the cat Masha. (Connect all the fingertips of the hand and, using the movements of the fingers and wrist, swing the hand from right to left and vice versa. To the right - move the fingers apart. To the left - gently connect the fingertips.)

This little counting rhyme should not be said quickly; the movements should be in time and rhythm.


I am a cheerful May bug.

Gardens around

Over the lawns

And my name is

Zhu-zhu... (Clench your fist. Spread your index finger and little finger to the sides (“mustache”). Move the “mustache.”)

A few more exercises finger gymnastics watch in the video below.

Articulation gymnastics

Performing articulation exercises is an integral part of the work on developing correct sound pronunciation. Their benefits are obvious: they strengthen the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, make them more mobile, and help increase the volume and strength of movement.

With their help, the child develops the skills of using precise positions of the organs of articulation to correctly pronounce sounds. These exercises are simple and can be used by parents at home.

It is important that when performing articulation gymnastics certain conditions are met:

  • exercises must be performed in front of a mirror so that the child can see the position of his tongue in the oral cavity. You need to ask clarifying questions: “Where is the tongue?”, “What do your lips do?”
  • You should not do the exercises for too long, as the child may get tired and lose interest in the activity. 5-10 minutes will be considered optimal.
  • the pace of exercise should be smooth, then gradually accelerate. It is necessary to ensure that the movements are precise, otherwise the exercises will not be beneficial.

At home, it is best to use poetry and pictures when playing games to develop articulation. This will make the lesson more vibrant and interesting. Here is an example of exercises to develop articulation.

“The kitten laps milk” - open your mouth wide and make 4-5 movements with a wide tongue, imitating the way a cat laps milk, after which you can close your mouth and relax.

“Shovel” - open your mouth wide and place a calm, soft tongue on your lower lip, holding it in this position for 3-5 seconds, after which the tongue is removed and relaxed; “Proboscis” - stretch your lips forward, imitating a kiss, and hold for 3-5 seconds in this position, then return your lips to a calm position, relax and rest; “Hamster” - with your mouth closed, puff out your cheeks and hold for 3-5 seconds in this position, then exhale and relax.

The following video offers several articulation exercises that will also help you quickly and correctly learn to pronounce sounds.

Games for hearing development

The formation of sound pronunciation directly depends on how well the child distinguishes speech sounds by ear. This property is otherwise called phonemic hearing. In order for a child to speak clearly, he needs to be able to distinguish speech sounds. He must be able to compare his speech with the speech of others and control his pronunciation.

By the age of 3-4 years, a child can already distinguish vowel sounds in the speech of others, then voiced and voiceless consonants, hard and soft, hissing. In order for hearing development to occur in accordance with the norm, you need to perform exercises with your baby to develop this ability. They include tasks for distinguishing the volume of a sound, the source of a sound, recognizing an object that makes a sound - such games are offered to young children.

Children who are 3 years old are more likely to offer tasks on finding and distinguishing sounds in words. These could be the following games: “Where is the sound?” - it is necessary to determine the location of the sound in the word (at the beginning, at the end, in the middle); “Who can come up with the most words with the sound...” - a game of coming up with words with a given sound; “Stamp if you hear a sound...” - develop the ability to hear a given sound in a word, etc.

Memorizing poetry, reading, storytelling

Many parents know that memorizing poetry for children is useful. Let's figure it out, what?

  • The child's horizons broaden and his active vocabulary increases. The child begins to use not just memorized words in speech, he uses grammatical structures already familiar to him. Thus, his speech becomes more correct and rich.
  • Memory develops. It has been proven that children remember rhyming structures better. The more a child remembers small quatrains, the easier it will be for him to memorize more complex works at an older age.
  • The general level of human culture increases. After all, in poetry, writers reflect norms of behavior that are remembered by the child along with the rhymed lines.

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of reading. Let's formulate the main advantages of this fascinating activity: works of art teach goodness, explain why it is better than evil, introduce them to the world around them, expand their vocabulary, teach them to overcome difficulties, develop fantasy and imagination. In addition to these benefits, family reading brings mother and baby closer together and gives a positive emotional mood. Kids listen to an adult with pleasure, and it becomes even more interesting for them when what they read is supported by bright and clear illustrations.

In order for this exciting activity to benefit the baby, let's remember a few rules that parents must follow.

  • The choice of book depends on the time of day, the baby’s mood and his well-being.
  • Don't read scary stories at night.
  • Before you start reading to your child, become familiar with the work. Evaluate whether your child will like it and what the end of the story is.
  • Read expressively, not mechanically. Listen to every word.
  • Read regularly, not just once in a while.

Following these simple rules, you will turn your shared time with your child into real pleasure for both of you.

Remember, the activities that you decide to conduct with your child should not look like classes at all. Everything should be done in a playful way, at those moments when the child feels good and is in high spirits. Otherwise, it may have the opposite effect, the child will withdraw or become aggressive.

The main thing is to practice systematically, and soon you will notice successes that will certainly please you and your child and provide an incentive for further achievements. Menu

  • » was developed weekly A set of homework to develop general speech skills, which is offered to all parents interested in speech development your child for the entire school year.

    Tasks must be completed every week, distributed over days, 5-10 minutes a day.

    November – 1 week.

    1. Breathing exercise – development of long, smooth exhalation.


    Take a plastic light boat or walnut shells, or make a paper one. Explain to the child that in order for the boat to float, you need to blow long and smoothly. While performing, read the poem:

    The wind blows across the sea
    And the boat speeds up;
    He runs in the waves
    With full sails.

    2. Development articulatory motor skills: open and close your mouth as much as possible, stretch your lips into a smile, stretch them into a tube (you can do it in front of a mirror with a parent).

    3. Development of fine motor skills:
    - iron soft, plastic, rubber, embossed toys;

    Do finger exercises:

    Girly Zinochka (they make their palms into a “basket”)
    Vegetables in a basket:
    Here is a pot-bellied zucchini (bend your fingers, starting with the big one)
    Placed it on the side
    Pepper and carrot
    She laid it down deftly,
    Tomato and cucumber.
    Our Zina is great! (show thumb)

    4. Development of speech understanding: remember the names of toys (doll, bear, horse, locomotive, car and others), parts of the body (head, torso, legs, arms). It is advisable to see toys or pictures.

    5. Development auditory attention: “Guess what it sounds like?”

    An adult rings a tambourine, a rattle, a bell, a pipe (in front of the child) and hides behind a screen - asking the child to guess what object produced the sound.

    6. Outdoor game “Dress”

    The adult pronounces the text and performs the movements, and the children imitate him, pronouncing words and phrases:

    This dress is for Natasha - 4 rhythmic turns left and right, hands on the belt
    Red peas - 4 rhythmic jumps on both legs
    And on the dresses there are two pockets - they “draw” 2 pockets on the tummy
    Let's hide our palms in them. – apply both palms to the tummy.

    November, 2nd week.

    1. Breathing exercise “Football”.

    They explain to the child that with the help of cotton wool he will play football. The “soccer ball” must be blown out between two cups (shells, cubes, etc.)

    2. Development of articulatory motor skills.

    - “The tongue is sitting in the house, came out of the house, looked left and right, hid in the house again”;

    - “smile”, “pipe-say oo-oo-oo”, open and close your mouth.

    3. Development of fine motor skills.

    Okay, okay (use the index finger of your right hand to circular movements on the left palm, then change hands)
    Where were you? - by Grandma.
    Okay, okay,
    Sounding firecrackers.
    Clap-clap-clap! (claps)

    On a large sofa in a row (alternately knock your fists and clap)
    Tanina's dolls are sitting:
    Two bears, Pinocchio (alternately bend your fingers)
    And cheerful Cipollino,
    And a kitten and a baby elephant.
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5- (alternately straighten your fingers)
    Help our Tanya (clap and knock alternately)
    We count the toys.

    3. Development of auditory attention.

    Listen and repeat the sounds of a tambourine, rattle, drum, metallophone or any other musical toy.

    X- pause - clap, XX pause XX, XX pause X, X pause X, etc.

    4. Development of speech understanding: name items of clothing for autumn, first from pictures, then without them.

    5. Outdoor game “Slippers”.

    These are slippers for Antoshka, (they stomp 2 times with each foot)
    So that your feet don't freeze in them. (4 jumps on both legs)
    Stomp-stomp-stomp, (stomp 2 times with each foot)
    What kind of slippers? Like toys! ( left leg on the toe, then on the heel, vice versa).

    November, 3rd week.

    Using a pinwheel, a plume, or a light object, perform a strong, short air stream:

    A very hot day.
    Blow, blow, my little breeze.
    Blow-blow, our breeze.

    Puff up your cheeks (fat people) – pull in your cheeks (skinny people);

    The tongue is resting - place the relaxed tongue on the lower lip and hold.

    3. Development of fine motor skills.

    "Fruit Palm"

    This finger is an orange (bend the fingers from the fist one by one, starting with the big one)
    He is, of course, not alone.
    This finger is a plum
    Delicious, beautiful.
    This finger is an apricot,
    Grew high on a branch.
    This finger is a pear
    Asks6 “Come on, eat it!”
    This finger is a pineapple
    Fruit for you and for us. (point with palms around and towards yourself).

    4. Development of auditory attention on non-speech material.

    In three identical jars - peas, buttons, semolina. Determine by ear what is in each jar.

    5. Development of speech understanding.

    Development of a passive and active verbal vocabulary, consisting of names of actions (sleeping, eating, walking, jumping, playing, walking, cleaning, cleaning, washing, bathing, dressing, speaking, drawing, lucky, serving);

    When looking at the pictures, the child must name the actions and can show them himself; name the actions performed by the adult.

    Distinguish between the concepts “Big and small” using toys.

    6. Outdoor game “Drop”.

    Drop, one (children jump on their toes, slowly at first, then speed up the pace)
    Drop, two.
    Drops slowly at first
    And then, then, then,
    Everybody run, run, run.

    November, 4th week.

    1. Breathing exercise “Recognize the vegetable.”

    On the table is a dish with vegetables: onions, garlic, dill, cucumber (or others).

    Children examine the vegetables, name them, then rub the dill in their hands and make cuts on the vegetables. Children smell vegetables, remember smells, recognize the taste. WITH eyes closed The child should recognize the vegetable by smell.

    The inhalation is long and deep, the shoulders do not rise.

    “Recognize the fruit” - the same thing (orange, lemon, apple).

    2. Articulation gymnastics.

    "The cat is lapping up milk."

    A cat laps milk (its wide tongue sticks out)
    The cat calls us to lap (then his tongue hides in the house).

    Reinforcement: “Fat and thin”, “Tongue resting” on a count of 5, “Tube”, “Smile”.

    3. Development of fine motor skills.

    We will cook compote. (we move the index finger along the palm)
    You need a lot of fruit. Here.
    We will chop the apples, (“crumb”)
    We will chop the pear. ("cut")
    We cook, we cook compote, (“stir with a spoon”)
    Let's treat the honest people (they spread their arms to the sides).

    4. Teaching the spatial arrangement of objects (fixing prepositions on, under, for).

    The adult gives instructions, and the child follows them:

    Place the bear on the table, under the table, behind the sofa, etc. (you can take different objects).

    5. Development of auditory attention with sounding toys.

    The concept of “loud-quiet”.

    6. Development of speech understanding.

    On the table is a ball, a cat, a bird. Learn to recognize toys by their description:

    She has a fluffy tail, soft fur, and long whiskers.

    She has wings, a beak, two legs, and her body is covered with feathers.

    It is round, red, plastic.

    7. Outdoor game “Mushrooms”.

    In the forest under the pine tree, mushrooms grew (“spring”)
    They started a merry dance.
    The fungi nod their red caps - (tilt their heads to the right, left)
    They really want to please us.

    December, 1 week.

    1. Breathing exercise - “Whose locomotive hums louder and longer?”

    Glass bottles of perfume or medicine are used. The adult stretches out his lips with a straw and blows into the bottle to make a whistle sound, then invites the child to do this (without puffing out his cheeks!).

    Using paper “snow” lumps, determine whose lump will fly away further.

    2. Articulation gymnastics.

    Form and develop the correct position of the organs of the speech apparatus during sound (and), develop the vocal apparatus:

    The lips smiled,
    Teeth showed.
    The lips smiled
    They reached for the ears - and-and-and-and (pull).

    Fastening: fat-skinny, the tongue is resting.

    3. Development of fine motor skills “Home”.

    Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock! (hit fist on fist, alternating)
    Take the hammer my friend!
    We will build new house, (put your palms next to each other - “walls”)
    There is a window in that house (fold the index fingers into a shelf, connect the rest with a “roof”)
    There is another one, higher
    There is a pipe up on the roof. (little finger to the side - trumpet)
    The house is ready, we invite guests: (inviting hand gesture)
    “Come quickly!”

    4. Development of speech understanding. Learn to understand questions (where? Where? From where? On what?) that help determine the location of an object.

    For example: show and tell where the boots are, where the books are, where the TV is, where the toys are, etc.

    5. Development of phonemic hearing.

    Stand with your back to the adult, tell him what he is doing: knocking on a cup with a spoon, pouring water, snapping scissors, etc.

    6. Distinguish between primary colors (red, yellow, blue, green) using toys, socks, mittens or other objects.

    7. Outdoor game “Cow”.

    “Moooo!” – the cow moos (they walk in a circle, making “horns” from their index fingers)
    I gore Katya and Vova. (turn to face in a circle, make two turns left and right)
    Don't you drink milk? (put their hands on their belts, make an angry face)
    Run far away!” (run away).

    8. Read A. Barto’s poems from the “Toys” series (learn by choice).

    9. Read K Chukovsky “The Miracle Tree”, “Jenny”.

    December, 2nd week.

    1. Breathing exercise “Blowing snowflakes from a snowy clearing.”

    Blow off “snowflakes”, small lumps made from cotton wool, from a sheet of paper.

    Blow into store-bought reeds, tubes, pipes, or on a small turntable.

    2. Articulation gymnastics.

    Exercise "Bear".

    “uh-uh, like a bear, sing it,
    Open your mouth wide.
    Vanya plays with Mashenka
    And he walks around the room,
    As Mishutka sings:

    Exercise "Elephant"

    I'll look at the baby elephant
    I will cup my lips with my proboscis,
    I'll look at the baby elephant
    I will cup my lips:

    Reinforcement: “smile”, “pipe”, “fat-skinny”, “tongue resting”, “open and close mouth”, “tongue goes out for a walk from the house”.

    3. Development of fine motor skills.

    Our Antoshka washes the dishes. (rub palms together)
    Washes fork, cup, spoon. (extend the fingers from the fist, starting with the little finger)
    I washed the saucer and glass,
    And he closed the tap tighter. (perform an imitating movement).

    4. Learn to distinguish between primary and additional colors.

    5. Development of speech understanding.

    Teach children to quickly navigate naming actions. ask: “Where does the boy ride?” (boy rides downhill), where is the car going? (the car is driving along the road), where does the cat sleep? (the cat sleeps on the rug), etc.

    Will teach you to understand the question What?

    How does mom cut bread? (mom cuts bread with a knife)
    -What did you wipe your face with? (towel)
    - What do you eat soup with? (with a spoon)
    - How do you comb your hair? (comb).

    6. Outdoor game “Bunny”.

    Children perform movements and finish words.

    Bunny in the grass hop-hop. (4 jumps in a circle, index fingers like ears)
    The bunny jumped behind a bush. (sit down)
    The brave bunny is not afraid, (4 jumps in a circle)
    The fox can't catch him. (they run away, the adult catches the children).

    7. Read the fairy tale “Teremok”, “Three Bears”, S. Marshak “Cat’s House”.

    December, 3rd week.

    1. Breathing exercise “Breeze”.

    Place a wide tongue on your lower lip, let it rest, then, without removing your tongue from your lip, blow on something light.

    2. Breathing exercise “Bubbles”.

    Use a glass half filled with water and a cocktail straw. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth into the tube (with a strong exhalation, water pours out of the glass, with a weak exhalation, bubbles form).

    3. Development of the articulatory apparatus: form and develop the articulatory praxis of sound (ph).

    Exercise "Bunny".

    (the lower lip is pressed to the edges of the upper teeth, the upper lip is slightly raised)

    Ears on top of head
    And the teeth are on the sponge (f-f-f....)
    Warm air comes out (hold your palm).

    4. Development of fine motor skills.

    "Winter Fun"

    What do we like to do in winter? (alternately connect the thumb with the rest on both hands)
    Play snowballs, run skiing,
    Skating on ice,
    Race down the mountain on a sled.

    "Who sleeps in winter?"

    The bear in the den is fast asleep, (clench fingers into fists, starting with the little finger)
    He snorts all winter until spring.
    Chipmunks sleep in winter (bend one finger for each animal name)
    Prickly hedgehog and badger.
    Only the bunny can’t sleep -
    Runs away from the fox.
    He flashes among the bushes,
    He screwed up - and that was it!

    5. Development of speech understanding.

    Arrange the pictures (or toys) in the required sequence, place them one after another as an adult says: car, cube, doll, pyramid, etc.

    6. Outdoor game “It’s me.”

    These are the eyes. Here. Here. (child performs imitation movements)
    These are ears. Here. Here. (shows body parts)
    This is the nose. This is the mouth.
    There's a backrest. There's a belly here.
    These are pens. Clap clap.
    These are the legs. Top, top
    Oh, we're tired. Let's wipe our brow.

    December, 4th week.

    1. Breathing exercise “Balloon”.

    Blow on balloon so that it flies off to the doll, bear, bunny.

    2. Breathing exercise “Blow through a straw.”

    Blow through a tube of thick paper onto a piece of cotton wool lying on the table or a feather.

    3. Articulation gymnastics.

    Reinforcement: “smile”, “pipe”, “fat-skinny”, “tongue resting”, pronounce the sounds (u), (e), (i), (f).

    Blow air into your nose (put your palm with the cotton wool near your mouth, when you pronounce [P], the cotton wool flies away)
    (P) break through your teeth!

    4. Development of fine motor skills.

    "New Year's toys"
    The holiday is approaching (alternately clapping and clenching into fists)
    The Christmas tree is dressing up.
    We hung up the toys: (alternately connect the thumb with the rest)
    Beads, balls, firecrackers.
    And here the lanterns hang (alternately clapping and clenching into fists)
    The children are delighted with the sparkle.

    The science of speech defects, studying ways to eliminate them, as well as special exercises for the language - speech therapy. Not only children, but also adults turn to this science in order to pronounce sounds correctly and beautifully and to be successful in any business where they need to convince, inspire, and share information with other people. To correct speech defects, regular speech therapy exercises for children and adults.

    Some parents face speech problems in their children

    In our article you will find useful tips and for yourself to acquire the skills of correct articulation, as well as a lot of valuable techniques for correcting the pronunciation of sounds by your children.

    In order to achieve high results in business and have the ability to persuade, it is necessary not only to speak impeccably, but also to express your thoughts clearly and legibly. Not everyone can immediately master this science, so there are various practices to improve skills.

    Speech therapy exercises for adults

    Speech is unclear in adults, too, so ask your friends if you have any pronunciation problems. You can simply record a few phrases on a voice recorder and then listen carefully to your voice.

    There are speech therapy exercises for adults, the main of which is memorizing and studying tongue twisters. If it is better for children to offer it in a playful way, then for adults it is enough to give them a task to practice the skill.

    Problems with pronunciation in most cases are easily corrected after a course of regular lessons

    So, everyone must follow the following rules during training:

    • read the tongue twister 3-4 times;
    • repeat it slowly, pronouncing it clearly and distinctly;
    • when you can pronounce everything correctly, you can speed up the pace;
    • it is important to pronounce all sounds efficiently, and not quickly;
    • short tongue twisters need to be spoken in one breath.

    The same tasks are suitable for adults and children:

    1. clink your tongue, imitate a horse galloping;
    2. smile and try to reach the roof of your mouth with your tongue;
    3. imagine that you are licking honey from your lips without touching the corners of your lips;
    4. press your tongue between your teeth and move it up and down.

    To make sure the tasks you perform are correct, use a mirror. To track your progress, read an excerpt from a story with an expression or a poem, paying attention to all punctuation marks.

    Speech therapy exercises for children

    All speech therapy exercises for children should be performed unnoticed by the baby, so that it is all a serene pastime in a playful way.

    You can come up with funny names for each task, because the child loves associations, sometimes the most unexpected ones. So, the kids will like such as “Horse”, “Chickens”.

    Having identified problematic sounds, you can select certain exercises to correct the problem.

    Completing tasks contributes to the development of the baby’s articulatory apparatus, allows you to eliminate pronunciation defects and form the necessary speech skills.

    • “Gate”: you need to open your mouth wide to relax your lips, repeat 6 times.
    • “Spatula”: you should place your tongue on your lower lip.
    • “Vase”: place the tongue on the upper lip, repeat 5 times.
    • “Ball”: inflate one or the other cheek, as if a ball is rolling in the mouth.

    Your child’s pronunciation will be clear if for training you take words with a large number of consonants: plate, girlfriend, foreign tourist, karateka, bunch, bed, mug, jump. They need to be spoken out daily and trained to hear every sound.

    Speech therapy exercises for hissing sounds

    Children often fail to pronounce sibilants correctly for a long time; sometimes they need to practice until school. It’s good if the child’s environment speaks and can correct the child’s pronunciation. Let's consider which speech therapy exercises for hissing sounds are most relevant. They are suitable for both adults and children, if such problems exist.

    Speech therapy exercises for the letter w

    It is important to know what to do when articulating. So, first we round the lips and round them, the teeth do not close, the edges of the tongue are pressed against the teeth, and it itself forms a scoop. We exhale air with the addition of a voice when pronouncing the hissing sound.

    Here are the basic speech therapy exercises for the letter w:

    • “Accordion” to strengthen the muscles of the tongue in a vertical position: open your mouth, smile, and press your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Open and close your mouth 5 times.
    • “Pie”: open your mouth and smile, curl your tongue, lifting the edges. Count to 15 and then repeat.

    Classes to correct the pronunciation defect of the sound z

    They can also be used when training the pronunciation of other sibilants.

    Speech therapy exercises for the sound h

    There are also speech therapy exercises for the sound h:

    • “Mushroom” for stretching the hyoid frenulum: open the mouth, stretch the lips, and touch the palate with the tongue so that its edges are pressed tightly. Repeating, you need to open your mouth wider.
    • “Trick”: stick out your tongue, smiling, lift the tip, blow the cotton wool off your nose. Repeat 5-6 times.

    Such exercises help strengthen the muscles of the tongue and develop its mobility, which is useful when pronouncing hissing words.

    Speech therapy exercises for the letter w

    There are also speech therapy exercises for the letter w:

    • “Cup”: place your tongue on your lower lip, then lift it and hold it for a few seconds. Repeat 8 times.
    • “Football”: stretch out your lips with a straw and blow on cotton wool in the shape of a ball, trying to get into an improvised goal.

    Lessons to correct problems with sound

    These tasks should be completed during games every day so that the child’s articulatory apparatus develops and pronunciation improves.

    Speech therapy exercises for consonants

    Often, both adults and children have difficulty pronouncing certain consonants, so speech therapy exercises for consonant sounds are needed to correct speech.

    Speech therapy exercises for the letter L

    Let us now consider speech therapy exercises for the letter l:

    • “Train whistle”: stick out your tongue and make a loud “ooh-ooh” sound.
    • “Tongue song”: you need to bite your tongue and sing “lek-lek-lek.”
    • “Painter”: you need to press your tongue with your teeth and move it up and down, as if you were painting a house.

    Practicing movements for the correct pronunciation of the sound l

    If the training is intended for children, then you can come up with a game in which you will need to complete these tasks.

    Speech therapy exercises for the letter c

    Let’s now look at speech therapy exercises starting with the letter c:

    • show how a pump inflates a tire;
    • depict how the wind blows;
    • convey how a balloon deflates;
    • show what you can hear if you blow into a bottle with a narrow neck.

    In order to bring the child closer to understanding what they want from him, put a toothpick on his tongue and ask him to press it with his teeth, smile and blow out air.

    Speech therapy exercises for the sound r

    Let's find out speech therapy exercises for the sound r, which is the most problematic for all children:

    • “Brushing your teeth”: you need to move the tongue along the inside of your teeth in different directions.
    • “Musician”: with your mouth open, drum your tongue on the alveoli, saying “d-d-d”, reminiscent of a drum roll. You can check the correct execution by holding a piece of paper to your mouth. It should move with the air flow.
    • “Dove”: you need to move your tongue back and forth along the upper lip, copying the bird “bl-bl-bl”.

    Training for the correct pronunciation of the sound p

    These training tasks will help to overcome the most difficult sound for children, as the articulatory apparatus will be more mobile. After this, you can begin to select words with the letter r.

    Speech therapy exercises for the sound t

    Sometimes simple sounds are difficult for people to pronounce correctly when it is difficult to understand the meaning of a word or even a statement. Such problems must be dealt with. And here are the most effective speech therapy exercises for the sound t:

    • the tip of the tongue touches the upper teeth and pronounce “t-t-t”;
    • imitating a knock-knock hammer or a tick-tick clock;
    • we walk along the road with the baby, repeating “top-top-top”;
    • learning the tongue twister “Dust flies across the field from the clatter of hooves.”

    How to do exercises for correct pronunciation of the sound t

    It will also be useful to repeat these exercises every day in order for the training to be effective. Watch what your baby listens to, as speech is formed depending on how we perceive sounds by ear. Make sure that all family members do not lisp or use words in a diminutive form in front of the baby.

    Speech therapy exercises for stuttering

    All speech therapy exercises for stuttering are aimed at developing fluency of speech. Try to relax your baby before classes, use game forms works that are most suitable in childhood.

    Let's take a look at the most necessary tasks in such a situation:

    • Read the poem to calm music without words, small at first, and over time complicate the task.
    • Clap your hands for the vowel sounds that appear in the word.
    • “Conductor”: chant a few words, syllables, vowel sounds, focusing on waving your arms and observing the rhythm.
    • “Carousel”: you need to walk in a circle, repeating the phrase “We are a funny carousel oops-opa-opa-pa-pa.”

    Remember that you must pay attention to speech breathing during classes. Start each session gradually and smoothly, and then you can speed up the pace if everything works out for you.

    Problems with speech and articulation can be resolved over time and through daily training, willpower and motivation.

    We wish you success!