The best photo ideas and video tutorials. Wedding makeup for blondes

The fragile, exquisite, porcelain-like beauty of blond brides requires a worthy frame at the wedding. The most important thing in wedding makeup for blondes is not to overdo it with the application of cosmetics. Unlike brunettes and brown-haired women, for whom deep shadows and provocative lipstick only add charm and mystery, delicate fair-haired girls should be very careful with bright colors.

Wedding make-up for blondes: skin toning

The skin of such brides has a pale pink tint, and the task of the tone in wedding makeup for blondes is to emphasize the tenderness of the skin, give it radiance and hide minor facial defects. Those with fair skin and blue eyes should choose tea rose, ivory or natural beige foundation shades. Avoid a tone that is too dark or white - it will make the face look unnaturally rough or sickly pale, which will not beautify the bride. You need to be careful with self-tanning. It is better to visit the beach or solarium a week before the wedding.

Those with dry skin should use a foundation with a thicker, oilier consistency to further soften the face and prepare it for makeup application. If your skin is oily, give preference to creams with a lighter texture.

To ensure that the foundation lies evenly and is almost invisible on the skin, mix Foundation with regular moisturizer in a 1:1 ratio. Using light, tapping movements of your fingers, distribute the tone over your face. Remove any remaining product with a paper napkin.

The next stage of wedding makeup for blondes is applying powder. For fair-haired brides, a soft peach or transparent tone is suitable. Apply powder to your face using a powder puff. The thin light skin of blond beauties does not tolerate excess concealer, and with the help of a powder puff or a light brush, you can achieve an even and imperceptible distribution of powder.

Wedding makeup for blondes: highlighting the eyes

In wedding makeup for blondes, the main emphasis is on the eyes. To make your eyes look more expressive, you need to start with your eyebrows. Give them a classic curved shape. It is better to choose a light brown or gray. Cool shades of eye shadow are ideal for blondes. Apply white pearlescent tone to the inner corner upper eyelid- this will give the look depth. Apply more saturated shadows (gray, blue, dark beige) in the center and blend them well. A thin line made with eyeliner, applied along the inside of the eyelid, will create the effect of slightly closed eyes, which will undoubtedly add mystery to the bride’s appearance. Eyeliner can be used in gray and green. Eyelashes curled using curlers are painted with mascara. The black color of mascara in wedding makeup for blondes looks a little rough. It is better to give preference to a softer brown tone.

Wedding makeup for blondes: making lips expressive

In order for the bride's lips to look sensual and tender, it is necessary to carefully consider their makeup. Shades of pink and lilac are ideal for blondes. You can highlight your lips with red lipstick or lipstick. coral color. Try to choose high-quality and long-lasting lipstick. For the bride during solemn day you have to kiss, drink champagne from a glass, eat festive table. It's not pleasant when lipstick remains anywhere but on your lips. Expensive, high-quality lipstick and a good contour will help your lips remain attractive and bright throughout the holiday.

The image of a blonde bride needs to be carefully thought out. After all, snow-white hair can merge with the color of the dress and the bride will look like a huge white spot. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose and apply wedding makeup for blondes correctly. It is he who is able to make the image brighter.

Wedding makeup for blondes photo:

It is better to have wedding makeup done by a professional. After all, they are important different nuances, which need to be taken into account.

Fabulous, charming, enchanting, enchanting, beautiful, unique... You can endlessly list the adjectives related to the image of the bride. For every girl, a wedding day is a long-awaited and exciting moment.

She tries to make the image perfect so that she can outshine all the people around her with her beauty. A luxurious dress, a unique manicure, a beautiful hairstyle, a small and delicate bouquet, and of course, impeccable makeup.

Wedding eye makeup - which one to choose?

Wedding eye makeup is a real masterpiece of makeup artistry, because the bride should have harmony between natural beauty and brightness of shades. It is necessary to think through all the details, since the make-up must be suitable for registering a marriage, which takes place during the day, as well as for celebrating a celebration held in the evening. When creating makeup for a girl in a white dress, the following important aspects are taken into account:

  • hair color, iris shade, skin tone and girl type
  • color of the dress and veil (solid outfit or combination of colors)
  • season
  • age

Only a professional can take into account all the nuances and create the perfect make-up, which is why almost all brides turn to beauty centers.

Important: Previously, you had to make an appointment in advance at a beauty salon and go at the appointed time to have your makeup done. Currently, you can invite a master to your home.

So, what eye makeup should you choose for the bride to look flawless and stylish at the newlyweds’ evening?

Wedding makeup in Venetian style

The image of a bride in Venetian style

You can choose make-up in Venetian style. The main thing is that it creates harmony with the overall image of the newlywed.

Makeup for the bride in Greek style

Greek style make-apa helps to focus attention on the eyes - large and fluffy eyelashes, “bold” arrows and light lips. This makeup is suitable for both brunettes and blondes.

Roman style- this is sculptural laconicism in the look, the regal grandeur of the image and elegant simplicity in the lines. Light eyebrows, nude lips and natural eyelashes.

Arrows in the style of Audrey Hepburn

Makeup for the bride in the style of Audrey Hepburn

Make-up for the newlywed with arrows in Audrey Hepburn style. The emphasis is on the eyes - eyeliner is drawn, which visually enlarges the eyes and makes the girl’s image bright and impressive.

Wedding makeup in Barbie style

If a girl has a refined and gentle nature in life, then she can choose Barbie image and decorate your make-up with rhinestones.

Do you need the services of a makeup artist for a wedding?

Many girls are sure that they know how to do perfect makeup. This is acceptable for a daily look, since every woman has the ability to be beautiful from birth. But when performing wedding makeup, it is necessary to take into account important nuances and a girl, without professional experience, will not be able to do it correctly. Therefore, the services of a makeup artist for a wedding are simply necessary.

Important: Discuss the cost of services in advance with the master. Make an advance payment, which will be a guarantee that the services will be completed in full and within the agreed time frame.

The master will offer to do a test makeup to check if the future bride is allergic to cosmetics. Testing during the day will show how the makeup behaves - whether the mascara smudges or powder crumbles.

Important: If the master uses high-quality cosmetics, then there will be no allergic reaction, and the makeup will remain flawless for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, for the bride herself to do a trial makeup.

What should a bride look like? Makeup photo

To emphasize the tenderness and uniqueness of the beauty’s image, it is necessary to apply natural make-up. But at the same time, it should be rich and expressive, so that in the photo the girl does not look tired and pale.

Important: Large glitter is not used for wedding make-up, as in the photo they will turn into ugly dots on the face. Only decoration with rhinestones is allowed.

Tip: Alternate the pearlescent texture of the shadows with the matte one, since the flash absorbs 50% of the color, and the pearlescent texture in the photo will have a different shade. In addition, it can crumble onto clothes, and the outfit will look sloppy. appearance.

Wedding makeup is applied in a well-lit room so that the light falls evenly on the face. Each girl must decide for herself what the bride should look like in her opinion. The photos will help you see what the bride's makeup could look like.

Wedding makeup for blue eyes

The blue-eyed beauty always attracts attention. There is something perfect and pure about her, and her eyes resemble the endless sea and cloudless sky. There is no universal wedding makeup for blue eyes that will suit every girl with this eye shade. After all, there are not even two people who have the same shade of hair and skin, and there are no identical eyeball colors.

Beauty With blue eyes For a formal make-up, you can use different shades of shadows. It will look impressive dark make-up, especially if the girl has light brown or brown hair. This will help make your look more expressive.

Bride with green-blue eyes should use light colors to decorate the eyelids. Blondes with this eye shade need to make bright lines in the inner corner of the eye, highlight the line of the eyelashes and the upper eyelid in the form of mascara and a light arrow.

Purely Blue eyes It is better to highlight it in pastel colors, with a small dark accent on the outside of the eye.

Girls with gray-blue eyes They probably know that their eyes are called chameleons. This is because the eyeball changes its shade depending on what color dress or blouse the beauty is wearing. Therefore, makeup is selected when the bride is in her dress - she is wearing a wedding dress and has her hair done. For a white dress, cool tones of makeup are suitable.

Festive make-up for a grey-eyed bride can be of any tone, saturation and brightness. Almost all tones suit girls with this iris color. decorative cosmetics. Makeup for gray eyes should create perfect harmony with the girl’s outfit, hair color and accessories. The newlywed can choose one of several makeup options for brides with gray eyes.

Expressiveness in the gaze. This make-up puts the emphasis on the eyes, visually enlarging them and attracting the attention of others.

Blue weightlessness. This type of makeup is ideal for fair-haired brides. It will make your look deep and catchy.

Golden chic. This type of makeup is suitable for girls with red hair. The look gives warmth and radiates positivity.

Neutral Transparency. Simple makeup that any girl can do. The emphasis is placed either on the eyes or on the lips. However, this does not mean that if rich and bright lipstick is applied to the lips, the eyes will remain colorless. For a gray-eyed bride, this will not be attractive, so you will have to tint your eyes a little with mascara or make thin arrows.

Wedding makeup for green eyes

A girl with green eyes is a bright person who wants passing men to look at her and admire her beauty. Wedding makeup for green eyes should be done using contrasting colors to highlight the rare color of the iris and the image of the beauty.

Tip: Use a light eyeshadow texture for a subtle look. Shades of decorative cosmetics should be in unobtrusive and natural tones.

Green-eyed blonde Delicate and muted tones of palettes, correctors and lipsticks are suitable. Eyebrows should be tinted with beige eyeliner.

Bright brunette with green eyes you can decorate your face rich colors, creating an enchanting image. Dark palette colors with silver, coral blush and ripe cherry lipstick.

Brown-haired girl with green eyes should focus on the eyes. Golden tones of the palette, green eyeliner, cream corrector and lip gloss.

Red hair and green eyes . Owners with this hair and eye color usually have fair skin. Therefore, you do not need to apply a lot of foundation. Face sculpting is done with beige correctors and shadows, lips are decorated with lipstick caramel color, and the blush is light peach tones.

Wedding makeup for brown eyes

Great luck for the newlywed if nature has endowed her with brown eyes, since it can use almost the entire palette of decorative cosmetics. It is necessary to pay attention that the make-up is harmoniously combined with the overall chosen style.

Wedding make-up for brown eyes and dark color hair involves the use of shadows in rich shades with a shimmering effect. It can be gold, brown, silver, black, pearl blue, lilac and green. Dark-haired beauties with brown eyes are prohibited from using shadow yellow color, as the face will appear painful.

Blonde with brown eyes should use nude, lilac, sky blue, bright sand, light green and pink shades. The pearlescent shadows will add tenderness to the look. It is unacceptable for a girl with this color type of appearance to use the yellow-orange tones of the palette.

Blondes and brunettes with brown eyes Smoky makeup is perfect. Smooth color transitions, blurred contours - all this will make the wedding makeup beautiful and the image enchanting.

Wedding eye makeup - photo

Every girl knows that eye shadow, mascara and lipstick alone are not enough to create ideal image for the celebration. Wedding makeup consists of the following stages:

  • prepare your facial skin. Cleanse your face with toner. The peeling of the skin will be removed by the scrub. Moisturize dry skin with masks, creams or other special products.
  • Apply makeup base. You should even out your complexion using corrector and foundation. Apply the corrector to all existing blemishes and pimples.
  • draw eyebrows with a pencil. Choose a tone based on your hair color
  • Apply shadows to your eyes, starting from light ones and moving towards dark tones. Draw arrows with eyeliner or pencil. Apply eyelashes
  • The color of the blush is selected depending on the skin of the face; the lighter the skin, the more subtle the shade
  • The lipstick color is chosen depending on the accent. If the emphasis is on the eyes, then the lipstick should be light; if the emphasis is on the lips, then you can choose a rich and bright lipstick tone

Important: If you are confident that you can do wedding makeup yourself, get to work. If you don’t have such confidence, and you don’t know the important nuances of applying cosmetics, then it’s better to contact a professional.

A few days before the wedding, you can experiment and select wedding eye makeup. The photos will show how the eyes should look in the end. If you can do the same, then go ahead and create your own unique image brides

Beautiful wedding makeup for the bride. Photo

Wedding is an important event for every girl. She has been dreaming about her since childhood, so the desire to be in character is fabulous beautiful bride understandable. To make this image truly irresistible, you need to take care of purchasing perfect dress, shoes, veils, make stunning beautiful hairstyle and festive make-up.

Only a real master can perform beautiful wedding makeup for the bride. The photos will help you choose the right makeup for your look. All that remains is to copy the photo to a flash drive and you can go to the specialist to perform a trial make-up.

If you think in advance about what kind of makeup you want, make an appointment with a specialist on your wedding day, do a trial make-up, then on the day of the celebration there will be no unexpected surprises and you will have an irresistible appearance. Enjoy preparing for the brightest day of your life, and everything will go well!

Video: Wedding makeup

As you know, not only an amazing wedding dress, chic shoes and well-chosen accessories make the golden-haired bride fabulously beautiful. Properly executed wedding makeup plays an important role in her image.

A blonde in the role of a bride can “try on” any image, depending on her character: a snow-white innocent angel, a strict and impeccable lady, a fatal seductress or a socialite. And each wedding look has its own recommendations for applying makeup. But, most importantly, every bride, following certain step-by-step instructions, will be able to cope with this task independently and get exactly the wedding look she dreamed of.

Before deciding on the range of colors and shades for makeup for the wedding, the bride should take into account a number of aspects in her appearance, such as:

  1. hair color and shade;
  2. eye color;
  3. skin tone;
  4. color of wedding dress and accessories.

If the bride-to-be has dark or golden-peach skin and honey-wheat curls, then she belongs to the “warm type”, for which wedding makeup with warm golden-brown colors is ideal.
For a blonde bride with fair skin and silver-pearl hair, belonging to the “cold type”, the most best choice There will be wedding makeup from a silver-gray palette.

For both the first and second types, additional colors are pinkish-cream, golden or silver-green, which are used when choosing shadows for the bride. In the shadows, it is allowed to use a light pearlescent sheen, which will make the look more open and the eye color brighter and more expressive, this will be especially noticeable in the photo.

Selecting the color of wedding makeup for the bride

Wedding makeup created by stylists specifically for the blonde is the image of a “golden bride.” A bright image that looks impressive in the photo. It is an excellent choice for fair-haired brides with brown eyes. The following palette is used: beige brown shadows, making the eyes more expressive, bronze-toned powder plus ocher blush. The look will be complemented by matte lipstick with a small amount of golden glitter.

A fairly common wedding look for the bride is the angel style, and for good reason: it is both effective and at the same time the bride looks childishly innocent, which adds a special charm to her. Wedding makeup for an “angel” is: transparent powder in a neutral tone, light beige or peach color and using only brown or gray mascara. In the photo, such makeup will look natural.

Wedding makeup using rhinestones is another way for the bride to look fabulously beautiful. For those who have chosen wedding makeup with rhinestones, one thing should be recommended: know when to stop. This is very beautiful and impressive, and this image will be remembered for a long time by both the guests and, even more so, by the groom, who will be captivated by the sparkle in the eyes of his chosen one. Rhinestones will look especially beautiful on the bride's eyes. wedding photos. The main rule here is to be able to stop in time.

A spring wedding look means using lilac and pink flowers. Retro-style arrows will look impressive in the photo. Spring wedding makeup also includes light blue and light green shadows.

“Smoky” wedding makeup for blondes is ideal for brides with turquoise eyes. Gray or silver tones are used for it, combining them with light blue shadows or other shades of the blue palette. The expressive eyes in the photo are a consequence of this makeup.

Wedding makeup for blondes: step-by-step instructions

  1. The first step is cleansing with tonic or “light” milk, after which foundation or primer is applied to the skin. Eliminate dark circles under the eyes using corrector or concealer. Apply a light layer transparent powder for an even complexion.
  2. The second step is an eyeshadow base that is applied to the skin of the eyelids: it will help the makeup be resistant to weather conditions.
  3. Third step - do it beautiful eyebrows. To do this, paint the outline of the eyebrows with a dark brown or dark gray pencil. It is important not to get the effect of “drawn eyebrows”; they should look neat, clear and natural.
  4. Step four is applying shadows. This can technically be done in two ways:
    • highlight the moving eyelid with dark shadows and shade them, adding a line of a lighter shade on top;
    • paint the inner corner with light shadows up to the middle of the eyelid, and the outer corner with dark shadows, while carefully shading the border.
  5. Fifth step – using thin strokes with a thin brush, apply dark shadows to the growth line of the lower row of eyelashes. The line is not brought to the inner corner of the eyes and is also emphasized with thin strokes of brushes with dark shadows (dark brown or dark gray), almost bringing it to the inner corner of the eye. Shadows are used in dark gray or dark brown colors.
  6. Step six - draw the lower contour of the eyes with eyeliner, and the lower contour with a pencil of the same color.
  7. Step seven – draw a line on the inside of the lower eyelid with a waterproof pencil, which will make the look more open.
  8. Eighth step – carefully paint over the eyelashes. It should be remembered that the lower eyelashes are painted over no more than once or twice: thickly painted lower eyelashes visually make the eyes smaller.
  9. The ninth step is to lightly clean your face using a sponge to remove excess makeup.
  10. Tenth step - carefully paint over lightly powdered lips: first apply a contour with a pencil that matches the natural color of the lips, and then paint over all the lips using the back of the pencil. Lipstick is applied on top of this “base”. When it dries, apply a light layer of gloss.
  11. The eleventh step is applying blush. The pink range with notes of peach or coral in shades is the best choice for blondes. On the protruding part of the cheekbones, blend the blush with light movements. Wedding makeup for blondes is ready!

Before the celebration itself, it would be a good idea to hide the consequences of the pre-wedding turmoil and apply a refreshing mask to the bride’s face and décolleté, which would make the skin fresher and more radiant. But a more effective way to look as fresh and beautiful as possible for a wedding and in wedding photos than a good, full sleep on the eve of this event has not yet been invented. Therefore, get enough sleep, preen yourself, shine at your wedding and just be happy!

When choosing makeup for blondes with blue eyes, stylists recommend paying attention to the type of appearance, face shape and clothing style.

Blonde curls give the skin freshness, so properly selected makeup creates the image of a gentle, innocent girl. It is the feminine light image that is preferred by more men.

Following the laws fashion trends, many blond beauties forget about moderation when creating makeup, making it vulgar or boring. Therefore, before creating a stunning image, you need to determine the tone of the blonde. Cool shades of hair do not go well with bright colors of shadows, but warm shades do the opposite.

The correct hairline is the first step to perfect makeup. Shadows can be selected depending on the shade of the hair. Ash blonde and other cool tones go well with purple, blue and pink. Owners of wheat color are recommended to experiment with brown.

Minimalist makeup is welcome for girls with golden, honey, or brown hair. Shadows in the pale orange spectrum are ideal for blondes with blue eyes and warm hair color. Stylists especially highlight brick, copper, ocher and sand tones of shadows. Bright accents should be avoided because they are not tolerated by the color of the iris.

Wedding makeup is always done in stages:

  • smoothing the texture and complexion (with concealer, foundation, loose mineral powder);
  • applying blush of a natural shade in a thin layer (you need to treat the protruding parts of the cheekbones, the edge of the jaw line, earlobes, and the tip of the nose);
  • drawing up the eyebrow line with a pencil or shadows (it is not advisable to darken).

The color palette of shadows, eyeliner and mascara must be selected individually, depending on the shade of the hair. Gray, steel, and silver shadows are suitable for pale-skinned, blue-eyed blondes. Owners of ash, pearl, and platinum curls can afford more intense colors.

Before applying shadows, you need to prepare the skin of the eyelids with foundation and corrector.

Uses of black contour pencil or eyeliner should be avoided. Dark brown shades are better. There are no restrictions in the choice of mascara.

General rules for applying makeup to blue eyes:

  • Shadows should be applied sparingly;
  • first applied dark colors shadows, then shade them with light ones;
  • With blue eyes mascara you need to tint only the upper eyelashes in 2-3 layers.

Lipstick should not be too intense (beige, peach, coral and plum shades are perfect).

Advice! On your wedding day, makeup should match not only your hair and eye color, but also your outfit, accessories, and bouquet.

What if the eyes are blue-gray?

Gray-blue eye color allows the blonde to experiment with her choice of makeup. If you choose the right shadows, the pupils can change color from dark gray to sky blue.

In 2016, it is fashionable to paint the upper eyelid orange, but it is not suitable for everyone. Those with blue-gray eyes are lucky in that regard. All shades of the palette perfectly emphasize the depth of the look. Yellow and brick tones also look good thanks to the contrast between the blue of the eyes and the eyelids.

What colors should you choose?

  • for a mysterious look and its drama, stylists recommend pale blue, pink, purple, azure and shades;
  • create a spectacular, memorable image with the help of dark blue shadows;
  • in summer, a turquoise shade is perfect for gray-blue eyes (a girl with small spots on the pupils and thick eyelashes should pay attention to it);

  • For fair-skinned fashionistas, it is appropriate to use purple or lavender eyeshadow;
  • For dark-skinned blondes with gray-blue eyes, the colors of champagne, amber and chocolate are suitable;
  • silver shadows can give your eyes a steely tint;
  • highlight blues with pastel tones.

Advice!Bright shades of eyeshadow are suitable gray-blue eyes, but it is better to use them for evening events. During the day they look slightly defiant.

Step-by-step instructions for flawless makeup

Before you start applying makeup, you need to match the blue color of your eyes with the shade of your hair.

Honey shades of hair look good with silver or light blue shades. Brown and blue mascara will look original. IN in this case vulgarity and excessive flashiness are excluded. Powder is selected to match the skin tone. Rose-gold or pink-coral lipstick will perfectly complement the look.

For fair-haired blondes with blue eyes, it is better to choose blue eyeshadow. Pair with peach or pink nude powder and light pink lipstick to complete the look.

To achieve flawless, long-lasting makeup you need:

  • Cleanse your face of pre-applied cosmetics, wash your face and apply foundation and powder to your skin.
  • Prepare the skin of the eyelids by mattifying it with a concealer of a natural shade.
  • Apply light shadows to the inner corner of the eyelid. White or shades of silver are perfect.

  • Apply brick-colored eyeshadow to the middle part of the eyelid.
  • Treat the outer corner of the eyelid with ocher shadows. If your eyes are large, white shadows on this area of ​​the skin will also come in handy.
  • Blend all applied colors so that the colors shimmer smoothly.
  • Highlight the upper eyelid with a brown pencil.
  • Apply a light beige pencil to the lower eyelid.
  • Apply colored or black mascara (preferably brown) to the upper eyelashes.
  • An oriental look can be achieved using thin arrows. For festive makeup, it is recommended to use rhinestones and sparkles.
Apply light shadows to the inner corner of the eyelid. White or shades of silver are perfect

If you can't find the perfect makeup for you, stop at the technique smokey ice. It suits any face shape.

To make your makeup last as long as possible and look great, choosing colors alone is not enough. Only high-quality cosmetics can refresh your face and remain unchanged from morning until late evening.

You know that people with blond hair is there less and less on earth? Indeed, soon natural blondes and blondes will become a rarity, but you can start being proud of your hair color now - this is a real gift nature.

Wedding image of the bride

Choosing a wedding dress for a bride with blonde hair is not difficult. No other hair color helps to create a girlishly delicate, light and angelic image. Therefore, the choice of colors for a blonde bride’s wedding dress is very wide. Let's try to emphasize this natural feature of ours and create a worthy design for it.
Wedding Dress. To the lucky owners of light hair hair will do almost any color of the dress. However, it should be remembered that girls with very light hair, natural or bleached, and white skin should wear absolutely White dress Still, you shouldn’t let the colors blend together.

Soft pink or blue - that's it great choice wedding dress for a blonde. Champagne, ivory and all shades of cream and beige do not always go well, but it is still worth trying, especially if you are a bright blonde with brown or green eyes. Cool shades, such as blue-gray, go well with pale skin. If you have slightly golden skin or a light tan, feel free to choose apricot shades.

Do you still want to show off in a white dress? Try on a dress with trim in a contrasting color. For example, a dark red ribbon on a belt or on a bodice, bright flowers on a corset, a smoky blue frill among dazzling whiteness. Gold inserts and mother-of-pearl patterns will also come in handy. This trend is very popular in the new season.

Wedding image of the bride

It is important to take into account that the elements of the color scheme of your dress should be in harmony with the decorations in your hairstyle. Let it appear with a dark red silk flower, a pattern of bright decorative pins, or a smoky ribbon woven among the curls.

It is better for a fair-haired bride to wear natural pink tones, which are so refreshing and draw attention to the youth and innocence of the bride. However, the choice of makeup depends more on skin color than hair color. Golden or slightly dark suitable for skin warm palette - pink, beige, apricot colors. Natural blondes with very fair skin and flaxen hair are better off paying attention to cool shades of blue and pearl.

You can enter into the makeup and colors that are present on the dress. For example, lipstick with a golden hue and a dress with gold, or light strokes of blue eye shadow and a blue ribbon on a dress. It is important to take into account that a blonde bride should not be overzealous with tanning. A light golden tint wouldn't hurt, but nothing more. And a tan doesn’t go well with a white dress.

The wedding bouquet also plays an important role in creating a holistic image. Think twice before ordering a bouquet of white roses for white wedding dress. In photographs, the white will blend together, so it is better to dilute the white flowers with pink, soft yellow and even blue. If your outfit contains colors other than white, let them be reflected in your wedding bouquet.
