Unusual ways to draw arrows on the eyes. Pencil technique in makeup: what is it and how to use it? Makeup step by step

Every woman and girl must know simple rules applying makeup. They will always help you look beautiful and well-groomed without harming your skin.

Where does the great sacrament begin and what is the sequence? What important secrets do makeup artists know?

Properly applied makeup can beautifully highlight your strengths and hide all your flaws. Just 5 years ago, only professional makeup artists knew this secret. Today, every girl has access to a sea of ​​information on how to become beautiful with the help of cosmetics. The best makeup artists in the world have been openly talking about their secrets for a long time.

Basic rules for good makeup

When starting to apply makeup, remember that the most important thing in any makeup:

  1. ideal face tone;
  2. neat well-groomed eyebrows.

What do we mean when we say " perfect tone"? The color of the foundation should match the complexion, and the use of a colored corrective concealer in the presence of problem areas (bruises, pimples, scars, dark circles under the eyes) is mandatory.

LAMITON smart foundation is a godsend!

Find the perfect one Foundation extremely difficult, since in stores, as a rule, the lighting is quite dim. To avoid problems with different complexions of the face and neck, you should pay attention to the latest developments, like smart foundation. It takes on the desired shade and makes makeup as natural as possible.

Just a couple of years ago we didn’t pay so much attention eyebrows. Today in the store decorative cosmetics A large number of products have appeared specifically for them. What happened? The thing is that makeup artists realized how important beautiful eyebrows in makeup in general. Sloppy eyebrows can ruin even the most perfect makeup. Too thin plucked or, conversely, very thick massive ones - this is what you should avoid. The ideal option is a natural form.

HANDAIYAN is the perfect eyebrow pencil!

Applying foundation

We apply foundation or BB cream that matches the color perfectly. Choose those toning products that have a light yellow pigment. They are ideal for European women. Apply with a slightly damp beauty blender or a special synthetic bristle brush.

Setting tone with powder

We use loose powder in makeup to set the tone. It is preferable to fix only the T-zone, which quickly becomes shiny due to sebum secretion.

You can use transparent or white transparency. The main thing to remember is that powder is auxiliary, which mattifies and sets the foundation. It is applied with a large fluffy brush in small quantities. During the day, you can lightly powder the T-zone with compact powder or blot with mattifying wipes.

Face correction with dry correctors

We give the shape to the face, since after creating perfect tone, it turns into a blank page without natural shadows and highlights.

  1. Blackout: Using a soft natural bristle brush, pick up a little dry corrector Brown(Mac “Harmony” is ideal), we drive it on the hand and with light movements we draw it under the cheekbone (starting from the middle of the cheek we go “no” towards the cheekbones), along the hairline, the sides of the nose, under the chin, slightly under the lip.
  2. Highlighting. Use a highlighter to highlight the back of the nose, the tick above the upper lip, the chin, the protruding part of the cheekbone, under the eyebrow, the inner corner of the eye, and the middle of the forehead.

Blend everything thoroughly!

Eyebrow drawing

Comb with a special brush, directing the hairs upward. Using a pale pink or white pencil, draw a line under the eyebrows and shade it slightly. For correction, use an angled hard brush and matte shadows or a special hard eyebrow pencil.

If desired, you can fix it with a special transparent or brown gel (today there is a huge selection in stores for both blondes and brunettes).

Step by step eye makeup

At this stage, you can adjust the shape of the eyes, but we will consider the average light daytime makeup.

Stage 1 of eye makeup. Apply a base under the shadows (the primer makes the shadows more durable, helps them adhere better and shades well).

Stage 2 eye makeup. On the outer corner of the eye and crease upper eyelid Apply dark matte shadows, light ones on the inner one. Shade the border. You can add a little brown matte shadow to the outer corner of the lower eyelid along the lash line, reaching the middle of the eye (shade).

Stage 3 of makeup. Highlight your eyes with black pencil or eyeliner. You can simply walk along the lash line or make a soft arrow on the upper eyelid and shade it going beyond the edges of the eye and lifting it up (this will make the eye much larger).

4 Eye makeup stage (optional). Paint over the mucous membranes of the eyes with a light pink or beige pencil.

Stage 5 eye makeup. Apply makeup to your eyelashes, curling them slightly and focusing on the roots at the base (many people like to paint only the ends of their eyelashes, but over time they droop from the weight and we don’t get big eyes, but the completely opposite effect).

Applying blush

Take pink (peach or coral can be) blush and apply it to the apples of the cheeks, which form when we smile. Lightly blend towards the temples. Lightly brush along the tip of the nose and around the perimeter of the face to create color harmony in your makeup!

Lip makeup

We moisturize the lips with balm and stain with your favorite lipstick. If you want to create a more lasting effect, fill your lips completely with a pencil, the same shade as the lipstick, and only then apply lipstick.

Fixing makeup

Sprinkle thermal water or makeup fixative(not a required step, but for evening makeup desirable).

How to choose the right cosmetics

The choice of cosmetics is one of the most important issues, since good cosmetics It’s inexpensive, and cheap ones don’t always please with their quality.

Foundation should suit your skin type and meet your needs:

  • light texture and color;
  • rich color and high covering power;
  • durability;
  • additional hydration or mattifying ability.

How to choose the right foundation color? When choosing a shade, do not main mistake, which absolutely everyone does - test the product on the wrist. The shade of the hands and face is very different. Apply a small amount of product to the area under your eyes and blend across your cheek. When you go outside, look at yourself in daylight. Stores often make the mistake of turning on yellow lamps, which neutralize redness. This is why when we come home, we are often disappointed with our purchase.

It is best to apply the product to your face and live with it all day. A good store will not deny you the opportunity to test the foundation correctly. You must understand whether you are comfortable or not and whether this product can withstand your rhythm of life.

U lipstick the main thing is color and texture. Apply a little lipstick to your hand and decide if the texture is pleasant to you. Next, apply it to your lips and take a closer look at the color. Do not test the color on your hand as this will also distort the color. You can apply a little on the inside of your fingers as it is almost the same color as your lips.

The only universal lipstick color that will suit absolutely everyone is a cool-toned red (if you rub it on your hand, it should fade to pink).

It is advisable to buy loose powder, and use pressed powder only to throw in your handbags and touch up throughout the day. The crumbly one lays down in a thin light layer, while the pressed one tends to layer.

Blush It’s better to choose cream ones, so they look as natural as possible. The color can be cold or warm pink, peach.

Mascara choosing is not that difficult. Just decide what you need: make your eyelashes longer or thicker.

Concealer should be a little denser than the tone and one tone lighter, but no more.

Eyebrow pencil or shadow must be brown or gray-brown without “red.” It is best to choose a shade that is a shade lighter than your eyebrows.

Eyeliner We choose according to the principle of shading. Draw a small line on your hand, wait a little and rub it. If the line is practically not smeared, we take it.

What can you save on?

We all know that the more expensive the cosmetics, the better the quality. But there are ways you can save money.


And also, which are great for home use.

What should you not save on?

Foundation It must be expensive and good, since we apply it to our faces and live with it all day long. But the most important thing is that the quality of makeup depends only on it. You can have an expensive foundation, but all other products are very cheap and no one will notice. A cheap foundation will be stained, will be too “red” or even look like a mask.

Video lessons

A visual aid for those who want to learn how to paint quickly and beautifully. But remember that the main thing in this matter is practice. Practice constantly, make mistakes, correct yourself, and after some time you will learn how to create beauty in 5 minutes.

Light makeup for every day

Arm yourself with all your makeup and start experimenting. Only if you devote at least 10 minutes to makeup every day can you become a good makeup artist for yourself.

Simple budget make-up

Not every girl can afford expensive premium cosmetics, but everyone should know how to look expensive for little money.

Evening makeup for going out

Beautiful makeup from a professional makeup artist is very expensive, so we must learn how to apply beauty ourselves.

With the help of makeup, you can not only transform yourself, but also make yourself a real heroine of a fairy tale. There is a fantasy makeup technique for this. But how to do this kind of makeup correctly? And what will you need for this?

What it is?

From the name it is clear that fantasy makeup is a make-up that involves the use of bright colors, unusual lines and patterns, shiny surfaces and other original details. This kind of makeup, of course, is not used as everyday makeup.

It is sometimes called catwalk, because it is on the catwalk that models with patterns on their faces shine. But if you want to amaze everyone at the holiday, then you should definitely master this technique. You can also go to a carnival or, for example, with this bright make-up.

It is worth noting that fantasy makeup is not just a set of bright lines and curls. The main task of such “coloring” is to amaze, surprise and make you admire. First of all, it must be beautiful!

But it is important to stick to one chosen theme, otherwise the drawing will look unfinished and awkward. Many options are possible. Birds, animals, and flowers are often painted on the face.

Marine motifs and Egyptian patterns are also popular; geometric patterns and Russian patterns can also be used. folk motifs are also very popular. You can combine and complement something. The main thing is that it is beautiful

What will you need?

What cosmetics are suitable for creating this? Not just any one, you need to choose it with special care. Here's a list of everything you might need:

  • Foundation for makeup. The quality of the drawing will depend on its quality. If such a foundation cannot disguise skin defects, then they will certainly be noticeable and ruin the drawing. So choose a product that can make your skin perfect and will last. For example, silicone-based products are good. Silicone fills and levels the surface. But remember that the skin color should be even! It is better to choose a shade a shade lighter so that the make-up is bright.
  • Powder (compact or loose). It should also be of high quality and not crumble. Otherwise, the drawing will “flow”. Choose the color to match the color of the foundation, there should be no difference.
  • Also, be sure to buy mother-of-pearl, it will add a special charm.
  • White dry corrector. It is necessary to create the background of the future pattern. If such a corrector is not used, the patterns will blend into the face and so the pattern will not look bright and contrasting. Don't forget about the quality of the products!
  • . There should be a lot of them. The bigger, the better! Variety is welcomed, so you can immediately purchase a whole large palette. Different shades may be required: both light and dark. The set must include shadows different colors(both matte and pearlescent).
  • Instead of shadows, you can use special paints for fantasy makeup. They have the perfect texture and are easy to apply.
  • Makeup pencils. A variety of colors is also welcome. Black color must definitely be present. It is better to have pencils of different softness in your arsenal, since some lines can be shaded, while others must certainly be thin.
  • To apply patterns and designs you will need brushes and airbrushes. Buy different thicknesses and softness, everything can come in handy.
  • Blush can also come in handy, but only high-quality ones!
  • Lipstick or gloss. The second option is preferable, as the shimmering lips will complement the pattern. But remember that the most unexpected colors may be required: from black to yellow or green.
  • Sequins, feathers, rhinestones and everything else. This can be useful for creating three-dimensional drawings.
  • Mascara. Volume and lengthening. Eyelashes should be stunning.

How to do?

How to do fantasy makeup? Here are the main stages of its creation:

  1. To begin, select a drawing.
  2. Now the selected drawing needs to be moved onto paper in order to understand the whole essence of the pattern and work out the complex intricate lines. Perform all patterns on the same scale in which you will draw everything on the face.
  3. Now you can start preparing your facial skin.
  4. First the skin needs to be cleansed. Use your regular cleanser, e.g.
  5. Then the skin needs to be moisturized so that it does not dry out. Use your usual moisturizing day cream.
  6. Then apply foundation. Do this carefully, treating all areas of the face. The layer should be quite thick, but not too thick, otherwise everything may eventually crumble.
  7. Then powder your entire face thoroughly.
  8. Now apply white corrector to the place where the drawing will be located. Blend the edges of the contour so that it does not look like a stain.
  9. Then start drawing the outlines. Use fairly hard pencils in the right colors.
  10. Now all the contours need to be slightly shaded so that they look natural.
  11. Start filling the outlines with shadows. Use thin brushes where you cannot go beyond the lines.
  12. Blend all the transitions a little where needed.
  13. Apply pearlescent powder to highlight areas.
  14. Move on to the eyelashes. They should be voluminous and long, so apply mascara in two or three layers, but do not overdo it: there should be no lumps or sticky eyelashes. You can use false eyelashes, this is quite appropriate.
  15. Now you can paint your lips. It is better to use a bright colored gloss, but you can apply lipstick and a clear gloss on top.


We invite you to learn how to make a simple “Cheetah” pattern step by step. You will need:

  • foundation, powder;
  • pearlescent shadows in silver, pink and lilac colors;
  • liquid shadows (preferably matte) white or pink;
  • black thin eyeliner;
  • black mascara.


  1. Prepare your skin: cleanse, moisturize, apply tone and powder.
  2. Apply silver eyeshadow to the entire upper eyelid and to the edge of the lower eyelid.
  3. Lightly shade the corners of your eyes with a lilac shade.
  4. Also mark the edge of the lower eyelid (closer to the outer corner) with lilac.
  5. Now apply pink pearlescent shadows to the center of the eyelid and closer to the temple.
  6. Then, using light liquid shadows, draw a thick arrow from the inner corner to the temple. The beginning and end should be somewhat thinner; there will be a thickening in the middle.
  7. Now use black eyeliner to draw cheetah spots on the arrow.
  8. Then use the same black eyeliner to outline the upper eyelid. The line should be thin. Continue the outline under the drawn arrow, and also mark the outer corner of the lower eyelid.
  9. Apply mascara to your eyelashes.
  10. Cheetah is ready!

Shine and amaze everyone with your unusual makeup!

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is :)


Cosmetics can work wonders! The images created by makeup artists are often real works of art. But if you know how to properly paint your eyes with a pencil, then you can do it for yourself without any problems. good make-up and at home. Let's learn about the main rules.

How to learn to paint your eyes beautifully with a pencil

When lining your eyes with pencil, try to keep them wide open and do not strain your eyelids. To do this, lower the mirror onto the table and look into it from top to bottom. If it is difficult for you to draw a line of the same thickness, start drawing it from the middle of the eyelid, moving towards the bridge of the nose. And at the second stage, extend it to the outer edge of the eye. Don't be afraid to rest your cheek on your palm and use the little finger of the same hand to stretch the skin over your eyelids.

Black pencil - step-by-step photo instructions

Not every girl can line her eyes beautifully with a black pencil. But don't despair if you are one of them. The following photo instructions will help you quickly learn this simple art:

  • First you need to apply foundation to your eyelid. Depending on the makeup style, neutral or, conversely, bright shadows are suitable.

  • Before lining your eyes with a pencil, you should slightly pull back the skin of the upper eyelid. This will smooth out all the unevenness and small wrinkles that could interfere with drawing.

  • To make the arrow even, make-up artists advise first placing several dots at equal intervals.

  • Using smooth movements, combine all the points into one line. You need to start drawing it from the inner corner of the eye.

  • Having reached the outer corner of the eye, draw the arrow a little further. Visually, it should resemble a small tail narrowed to the end. Try to draw subtly - you can make the arrow wider at any time, but narrowing it is very problematic.

  • When applying the pencil to the lower lash line, you also need to slightly pull the eyelid with your fingers.

  • When painting the lower eyelid, make a thin line and move it slightly upward. Blend the liner on the lower eyelid to make it look softer.

  • Apply the pencil at a short distance from the inner corner of the eye - the lacrimal glands are located there. A few drops of liquid and the pencil will flow or smear.

  • For expressive make-up, professionals advise applying a thin line on the inner eyelid from above and below.

  • Touch up your finished makeup. Small flaws can be corrected with a cotton swab.

White pencil below

A white pencil will help to visually enlarge your eye. On the inside of the lower eyelid, you need to carefully draw one thick line with it, and then shade it a little. When choosing a white pencil, look at the texture: it should be soft. To make your eye makeup last longer, choose waterproof pencils that can only be washed off with certain cosmetics.

With a kajal pencil

Kajal is used specifically for eyeliner along the line of the inner eyelid. It holds well and does not smear. And the presence of antiseptic substances helps not to injure the sensitive mucous membrane during the eyeliner process. Kayal has a creamy texture and is very different from regular pencils.

  • Kayal beige colour allows you to visually make the eye larger and the look fresher.
  • Black kajal is perfect for creating a “smoky-eyes” effect. It makes the look expressive, although from the side the eye will look narrower.
  • Kayals of bright colors emphasize the make-up, but they need to be carefully selected for a specific tone. For example, turquoise kajal looks great against a background of brown shadows.

How to put makeup on your eyes to make them appear bigger

It is known that women with big eyes are more attractive to men. But what to do if nature has not rewarded you with an enviable shape? Let's learn how to make your eyes bigger and visually “open” them with a pencil:

  • The main secret is in the eyeliner. It should be done along the edge of the upper eyelid along the lash line. The closer to the outer edge, the thicker it is.
  • Eyeliner inside the eyelid with a pencil of blue, white or another light shade will visually make the eye shape larger. Dark eyeliner, on the contrary, will narrow it down.

Making graceful arrows

Video: How to enlarge your eyes with a pencil

To draw arrows beautifully, you don’t need to have any special skills. Practice and within a few days your makeup will look much better, and your eyes will attract more attention. Finally, we suggest watching a video that clearly demonstrates how to visually enlarge the eye using a white pencil.

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Eyes are the mirror of the soul. Many girls emphasize the beauty of their eyes every day with makeup. Eye makeup can highlight the color of the eyes, give the eyes a more expressive shape and make the look more attractive. That is why many girls devote a lot of time to eye makeup, spend a lot of time learning new eye makeup techniques, learn to draw arrows and study matching colors for myself. But the pencil technique in makeup is something new. Most often, when doing eye makeup, girls use shadows or a pencil as eyeliner, but few have heard of creating eye makeup using only a pencil.

What it is?

Pencil makeup technique is a way to make your eyes more expressive. Using a pencil in this technique, the anatomical shape of the eye is outlined, and then shading should be done. This method is well suited for girls who are in a hurry in the morning and do not have time to apply shadows or draw perfect arrows. Eye makeup using the pencil technique will not take much time, but your eyes will look no worse.

Advantages of pencil technique

  • Save time. Yes, many girls already spend a little time on eye makeup, but using the pencil technique, you will spend even less time on it.

  • No need to frequently touch up your makeup. Eyeshadow tends to crease, and by the end of the day your eye makeup doesn't look as good as it did in the morning. Of course, now there is an eye primer, but not everyone has it. But thanks to the properties of the eyeliner, the makeup will last a long time and will not look untidy.

  • Suitable for any girl. Due to the fact that the pencil makeup technique is based on emphasizing the natural beauty of the eye, it cannot but suit you. This technique will only highlight the natural beauty of your eyes, and this is the best solution for everyday makeup.

What will you need?

  • Pencil. The most important thing is that you don’t need to use a liquid pencil, as it will not shade well, but will smear very well and imprint on the eyelid. It is also undesirable to use an eyelid primer, as it interferes with quality shading.

  • Shadows. Despite the fact that the technique is called pencil, shadows are still used in it. You will need light shadows to apply them to the moving eyelid. And pearlescent shadows to add highlights. Also, if you want to make the outer corner of the eye more saturated, for example, for evening makeup, then you will need dark shadows to further darken the outer corner.

  • Blending brush. It is better to choose a hard and flat brush. A lip brush is ideal.

  • Eyeliner. Eyeliner is needed to draw an arrow. The arrow can be either interlash line in order to emphasize the eyelash line and make the look more expressive, or regular.

  • Mascara. To complete your makeup look, apply eyelashes.

Eye makeup using pencil technique step by step

  • First you need to do your usual makeup: apply cream or primer to the skin, apply foundation and powder.

  • After the skin is prepared for makeup, take light shadows and fill the moving eyelid with them. Some people prefer to first draw the crease of the eyelid and the outer part of the eye, and only then apply light shadows. You can do this in the order that suits you.
  • Take a pencil. Remember that the pencil should be of medium softness: it should not be greasy, but it should not be too dry. Use a pencil to outline your eye. First draw the crease of the upper eyelid, then draw a line that will be a continuation of the line of the lower eyelid, and connect these two lines.

  • Next, take a brush and blend the drawn lines. If the makeup seems insufficiently saturated to you, then repeat these steps, outlining the eye again and shading again.

  • Next, outline the bottom of the eye using a pencil. However, keep in mind that if you have small eyes, this may make them appear even smaller. In this case, you should either not draw a line under the lower eyelid, or bring it only to the middle of the eye. After drawing this line, also shade it.
  • Take pearlescent shadows and add highlights: one under the eyebrow, another in the center of the eyelid and another in the inner corner of the eye.
  • Take your eyeliner and draw an arrow. You can draw an interlash line or a regular one. But, if you decide to draw a regular arrow, do not go beyond the boundaries of makeup.
  • Take the mascara you are using and coat your eyelashes.

With a little practice, you will be able to master the pencil technique in eye makeup very quickly. This technique is not complicated, but it perfectly emphasizes the depth and expressiveness of the eyes. For a better understanding of this technique, watch the video on this topic:

To help modern women Many makeup techniques have been created to express and emphasize your individuality. One of the types is pencil makeup, or more often you can find the expression “pencil technique” in eye makeup, which is used by TV stars. After all, the pencil makeup technique makes a woman bright and gives her eyes that unforgettable expressiveness that attracts men's gaze.

As with any makeup technique, pencil makeup has its own rules.

  • First and most importantly, the face must be prepared for makeup, i.e. undergo three procedures: cleansing, toning, moisturizing or nourishing, it all depends on your skin type.
  • The second rule is to apply a makeup base, which will help us even out the skin of the face and prolong the durability of the makeup.
  • The third application of a foundation that suits your skin tone, and not the tan color, as many girls like to do.

And finally, we proceed to makeup with a pencil. We will need a pencil, it is better if it is a medium soft pencil; it is easier to shade, but there should also be a hard pencil to draw a thinner line. In terms of color, pencils can be of completely different shades, here you can get creative, but the classic ones are black and gray pencils.

Before applying shadows, we powder the eyelid, in this case, why we powder it, this will help us achieve perfect shading, which is the basis of pencil makeup. Both compact and loose powder are suitable; I use compact powder 30613.

The next thing we will do is to draw the frame, using brown eyeliner The one 31038, draw the lower eyelid a little, lay the pencil flat and begin to pull it away from the eye. We work only in a plane, now using a brush for shading shadows 24146, or take the very hard brush that you have in your arsenal, shading the pencil, shading it as if pulling out the color. There is no need to pull the color from the base; it is enough to pull the color from the very edge.

The next thing we do is, with the eye open, we apply strokes to the bone, holding the pencil flat (that is, towards the edge of the eyebrow). Stroke often, often, this technique is suitable for all eye shapes.

Then we take a blending brush and blend again along the edge of the pencil, pulling it towards the eyebrows. We hold the brush the same way as a pencil, in a flat state and in in the right direction. From about the middle of the eyelid, extend the pencil to the inner corner of the eye.

Once again we repeat the pencil shading and shading.

The next stage is to shade the lower eyelid; the darkest color should be at the base of the outer corner of the eye, shade about a third of the lower eyelid, then shade the pencil with a shading brush, also along the edge of the shading, as if pulling the pencil towards the inner corner of the eye.

The outer side looks sharp, we shade it holding the pencil parallel to the eyebrow, then blend it with a brush and the makeup frame is ready!

We fill the frame with shadows, for this we use two-color eye shadows The ONE Color Match 30972 silver frost, 30969 black pearl. We start filling with palette 30972, the most in a dark tone we shade in the areas where there are yellow circles using the same stroke movements as with a pencil, without going beyond the border of the dark pencil. Then we take a light tone and blend it in the places where there are green circles, namely the middle of the movable eyelid and the middle of the upper eyelid between the eyebrow and the movable eyelid. To make the transition smooth, add a dark color to a light color. From the palette 30972 black pearl we take the lightest tone, despite the saturation of the tone in the drawing on the eyelid, it looks like a natural tone, and going to the previous light tone, we shade it under the eyebrow and the corner of the eye, where the blue circles are. We shade the lower eyelid slightly with the darkest tone using similar strokes.