Design of a math corner in the second junior group. Math corners in kindergartens and their design Design of a math corner in the senior group

Lyudmila Bazanova

“Design and content of the mathematical corner in the senior preparatory group”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Syavsky kindergarten "Bell".

Performed: Bazanova Lyudmila Alexandrovna. Educator. Preparatory group No. 1 “Forget-me-not”

Math corner- this is a specially designated place that is equipped with mathematical aids, games, thematically selected books and materials.

Goal: promote development cognitive activity, logical thinking, striving for independent knowledge and reflection.

Objectives: to develop children's mathematical abilities; interest in the subject of mathematics.

The corner is organized using a children's table and shelf in a cozy, quiet and peaceful place. At the same time, children have free access to the materials used. Thus, children are given the opportunity, in their free time from classes, to choose a game that interests them, a manual mathematical content and play individually or together with other children in a small subgroup.

The selection of gaming material corresponds to the capabilities and level of development of older children preparatory groups s. A variety of mathematical material can be classified into 3 categories: entertainment; mathematical games and problems; educational games and exercises. Each child can choose a game based on their interests. These are board and printed games, games for the development of logical thinking, puzzles, logic problems, cubes, chess, educational books. To stimulate collective games and creative activities, magnetic boards, counting sticks, sketchbooks, and a poster with mathematical problems were used.

The composition of the math corner may not change for a week or even two when both the teacher and the children constantly need to refer to it. But, if a change in material has occurred, children need to point this out or ask them to notice it, and give them the opportunity to consider the new mathematical material.

The math corner is made more interesting by its artistic design. Geometric patterns and images of geometric shapes (houses, sun) were used for decoration.

It’s safe to say that a new era has arrived – gadgets, new inventions, and scientific discoveries now play a major role in human life. Every day every person receives a huge flow of information. Dealing with him is not so easy. Only those whose brains are highly rigid, who are accustomed to thinking logically and processing not only auditory but also visual information, are capable of this. All these skills must be developed from the very beginning. early age. Already in kindergarten, children should receive their foundation. The development of a science center in a preschool educational institution - a mathematical corner is taken as a starting point. It must be constantly updated, attract attention and interest students.

Goals of math corners in kindergartens

A mathematics corner in kindergarten is created with the aim of stimulating the cognitive activity of children and encouraging them to engage in various types of activities in order to acquire new mathematical knowledge and skills in accordance with their age category.

Math corner in a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution)

Corner entertaining mathematics in kindergarten also performs a number of tasks:

  • enrichment and development of the group with materials and equipment that form the mathematical concepts of preschoolers;
  • streamlining the work of forming mathematical representations preschool children. The concentration of all the necessary visual and didactic aids in one place simplifies the work of both the teacher and the students who pass by such a corner several times a day. The information located in it is automatically deposited in their minds. The teacher, in turn, evaluates which materials are sufficient and which are not enough, demonstrates them to colleagues, and exchanges experience with them;
  • increasing children's interest in mathematics. If the corner is decorated brightly and colorfully, it will attract the attention of even those who have problems with FEMP (formation of elementary mathematical concepts);
  • the math corner develops in children interest not only in ordinary games, but also in those that require the manifestation of mental abilities;
  • developing the ability to work in a team. Where it is difficult to cope alone, it is easy with friends. For example, when adding a picture from geometric shapes;
  • increasing self-esteem and developing self-confidence. Shy children may not always raise their hand in class, even when they know the correct answer. IN math game They will be able to fully demonstrate their knowledge and receive support from the teacher and other children.

Important! The math corner must correspond to the level of preparation of children and their age characteristics. For example, in the younger preschool educational institution group sensorimotor zones are formed, where children learn the shape of figures, their size, and develop fine motor skills.

Requirements for organizing a corner according to Federal State Educational Standards

In order for the mathematics corner to fully comply with federal state educational standards, you need to remember a number of factors at once.

Safety and protection of child's life:

  • The material equipment of the corner should not contain any items potentially hazardous to life and health (pea seeds, beans, buttons, beads, etc.). If for development fine motor skills if bags are needed, for example, with beans, they must be tightly tied or sewn up, and work with them must be carried out strictly under the supervision of a teacher;
  • should not be used geometric figures made of hard plastic. The child may be injured by their corners. You should choose either soft plastic or cardboard;
  • The places where toys are stored should be at the child's eye level so that he does not need to reach for them or stand on a chair. All shelves must be firmly attached to the wall;
  • The corner should be in a well-lit place. There should be tables and chairs nearby where mathematical games will be played. They must match the height of the children.

Accessibility and age-appropriateness of the group. All materials must be selected based on this criterion. You can take an additional three or four games for advanced development from tasks for older ages.

One of the criteria for designing a math corner according to the Federal State Educational Standard is the diversity of its content. The games contained in it must cover all those areas that are considered within the framework of the FEMP program.

The connection between mental, practical and experimental activities:

  • in accordance with the standard, children should not only be able to see the number in the picture and correlate the number of drawn objects with it, but also with the help natural material independently add up this number, decompose it into parts, perform other actions that interest them;
  • It is important to have a wide selection of geometric materials so that children gain a complete understanding of the shape and properties of shapes.

In the mathematics corner, all conditions must be created for creative self-expression and development of children. There should be materials for modeling, geometric coloring books, even counting sticks, which children love so much. Everything is limited only by the teacher’s imagination.

Important! From the first day, it is necessary to teach children to clean up after themselves, put everything neatly on shelves, and put it in its place. This will help avoid clutter in the corner and teach “little mathematicians” discipline and responsibility.

Design of a math corner

As has already been said, each age period requires its own mathematical corner, with its own tasks that will be of interest to children of this particular group. This is the most important rule. With the children of the senior and preparatory groups, you can jointly select the contents of the corner and come up with a name for it.

In the younger group

Items to fill the corner in younger group:

  • construction sets (wooden or plastic) with various geometric shapes. At working together With the teacher, children learn how to name objects correctly, study their properties and size. Also, when comparing two identical figures made of different materials, kids conclude that weight does not depend on shape;
  • mosaics and puzzles. They must be large in size so that the child does not swallow their parts. Thanks to these objects, children learn to identify sides: up, down, right, left, and also develop creative thinking;
  • pyramids with rings of different sizes and shapes. Kids compare rings by size, try to put them on in the correct order, and rejoice at the positive result;
  • nesting dolls. Fold them according to size, line them up, try to fold them evenly;
  • printed corner filling. For example, a poster with the seasons;
  • modern educational games.

Important! When decorating a corner, as a rule, it is decorated with characters from fairy tales and cartoons. For pupils of the younger group, many of the heroes may still be unfamiliar, so it is worth paying attention to simple and favorite heroes: a bunny, a fox, a cat, a bun.

Math corner in the younger group

In the middle group

Math corner in middle group The kindergarten is being supplemented with a large number of new items. Children's thinking age category becomes more abstract, and therefore these subjects should be aimed at its active development.

  • Printed games. Can be purchased in a store or made independently (the latter should be wrapped in cellophane or laminated);
  • since children during this period want to study not only objects, but also smells, tactile sensations, you can put tightly closed bottles in the corner, in which there will be pieces of fabric soaked in various essential oils(none of the children should be allergic to these odors);
  • children's musical instruments, for example, xylophone, metallophone, triangle. With their help, you can not only develop children's hearing, but also teach counting (by the number of strokes with a stick or keystrokes);
  • mathematical material is supplemented by games with numbers, numbers, and counting;
  • notebooks with a printed base for independently completing mathematical tasks;
  • games like “Tangram”, “Lego” constructor, etc.

Important! In the middle group, children quickly lose interest in the same games; they no longer want to do what they have learned. Therefore, the filling of the corner should be updated at least once every two months, leaving only the most favorite and interesting toys.

Math corner in the middle group

In the older group

A feature of children of senior preschool age is the development of abstract verbal thinking. During this period, they become more organized and disciplined, they want to achieve success and prove themselves not only in classes, but also in independent activities.

The content of the mathematical corner is replenished and expanded. It includes games for ingenuity and ingenuity such as “Find the odd one out”, “Where is the artist’s mistake?”, “It happens - it doesn’t happen”, etc. Games for comparing a number of objects according to several criteria at once will also be interesting. For example, if children in the middle group could line up a series of animals based on their height, then here they can line up a series of animals from the forest, Africa, etc. based on their height.

Developmental literature appears in the mathematical corner. Children are very interested in finding answers to questions on their own, as well as learning something new. Various encyclopedias will help them with this; books with bright pictures will be especially interesting. It is worth explaining to children that no additional inscriptions can be made in books.

Note! Puzzles will also be interesting - both in printed notebooks and subject ones.

You can offer materials for the game “School”; children at that age really like it, like other role-playing games.

Interesting mathematical material is not so easy to find, but with basic guidelines, you can cope with any task. This is especially true for young teachers who come to work in kindergarten for the first time. In order to avoid mistakes, they should seek help from older, experienced colleagues, study the design of their mathematical corners, and on what basis they should perform their own. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the age of the pupils and the characteristics of this period in the children’s lives. By combining this knowledge, the teacher will be able to choose the right methodology and develop his own unique mathematical corner.

Love math

In a preschool educational institution, it is very important for the teacher to do everything possible to instill in children an interest in mathematics. Then they will not have problems with this science in the future. In addition, well-prepared children, with developed abstract-logical thinking, will be more successful in school, not only in mathematics lessons, but also in other classes. Mathematics develops the ability to think, and this is the main skill that is useful in all areas.

In our time, when new inventions, gadgets, and scientific discoveries appear almost every day, those who know how to process it, sift out the unnecessary and assimilate what is necessary can cope with the increasing flow of information. Logical skills, knowledge of numbers and numbers, time and space are necessary for a modern person to always be aware of new and interesting things. Logical and mathematical skills help children to assimilate and process information, highlight the main thing, and build logical connections. Develop and improve them in preschool age math corners in kindergartens are called for.

The relevance of logical and mathematical zones in preschool institutions

The rapid development of science and high technology these days requires educational institutions to take a new approach to teaching the younger generation. They should not only equip children with knowledge and skills, but also develop life competencies, without which it is impossible to become successful and in demand in the modern world:

  • desire to learn, assimilate new things, engage in self-development and self-improvement;
  • the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice, using it most rationally;
  • the ability to creatively, unconventionally transform information, look for new ways to solve problems that life poses to a person.

This work begins in preschool educational institutions(DOW). Modern approximate educational programs proclaimed as one of the most important tasks preschool the formation of a comprehensively developed, creative personality striving for active knowledge of the surrounding world. An important component comprehensive development the child is logical-mathematical. And, in turn, the zones of logical mathematical development

(mathematical corners) are a necessary part of the general developmental environment in a preschool educational institution.

Tasks of organizing mathematical corners IN early groups kindergarten they organize not mathematics corners, but sensorimotor zones, equipment that introduces children to the color, shape, size of objects, promotes the development of fine and gross motor skills, orientation in space, but does not actually concern mathematical concepts

and operations such as quantity, comparison of objects in a group, formation of sets, etc.

Math corners are set up in groups for children four years of age and older. The purpose of their creation is to stimulate the cognitive activity of children and encourage them to engage in a variety of activities in the field of mastering mathematical concepts, skills, and abilities in accordance with their age-related psychophysiological characteristics.

  • The objectives of organizing a math corner in a kindergarten group:
  • Enrich the group’s developmental environment with materials and equipment aimed at developing mathematical concepts. Developing children's thinking is no less important than promoting their physical or speech development.
  • Organize work on developing children’s mathematical understanding. By collecting all the games in one place, systematizing manuals and literature on mathematics, the teacher has the opportunity to carry out targeted work with children and share experience with colleagues, which contributes to the further replenishment and improvement of the group’s developmental environment. In addition, the teacher sees what materials are sufficient in the corner, and what needs to be made and updated. If games and equipment are stored in different places, unsystematically, it is much more difficult to keep track of them and replenish them in a timely manner. To increase children's interest in engaging in a variety of activities related to mathematics. The bright, entertaining filling of the corner will definitely attract the attention of even those children who do not show interest in according to FEMP, and will allow them to develop their mathematical abilities gradually, indirectly: for example, if a child likes to draw, then he can be asked to color an image of a house, a fish, a tree, made up of geometric shapes, naming each figure (“Now let’s color this triangle - roof. What color will it be?”) or “revive” the silhouette of the number (“This two looks like a duck, you just need to finish drawing its beak, eyes and legs”). Some children grasp much faster information that is presented not as the main one, but as a secondary one, which is used during creative and play activity in the mathematics corner.
  • To promote the development of gifted children, to satisfy their increased need to learn new things. To do this, the mathematics corner should contain materials that are “ahead” of the students’ age. For example, in the middle group, where children, according to the program, are introduced to numbers from 1 to 5, you can place cards with entertaining images of the numbers 0, 6–9, which will certainly interest the most inquisitive “mathematicians.” The teacher should explain to those children who show interest what these numbers are, how many objects they correspond to (mathematical puzzles, lotto will help here), praise the children for their attentiveness and inquisitiveness. IN senior group selections will contribute to the advanced development of students logic exercises: joke tasks, for intelligence, for the development of memory and attention, as well as all kinds of puzzles.
  • To encourage children to develop a need not only for activities with toys, fun, and entertainment, but also for games where they need to show their thinking abilities, intelligence, and reveal the meaning of such games: to achieve victory, to become the first thanks to their knowledge, intelligence, and ingenuity.
  • Develop the ability to organize your free time, choose an activity based on your interests, engage in your favorite activity with friends, help them master skills (lay out a pattern of figures, sequence, correlate a number and a number).
  • Develop thought processes, intelligence, resourcefulness, cultivate independence, organization and even courage. Sometimes timid, indecisive children do not answer in class because they are afraid of making mistakes and are unsure of themselves. In a mathematical game, they express themselves and give the teacher the opportunity to evaluate their real knowledge and skills. Having answered correctly during the game, having received the support of the teacher and friends, preschoolers (especially older ones) often get rid of the fear of being ridiculed for making a mistake and begin to behave actively in class.

You can also master new knowledge in an exciting mathematical game together with a teacher.

Requirements for organizing a math corner

When creating a mathematics corner in a group, the teacher first of all thinks about where it will be located, what it will consist of, what it is filled with and how it is decorated in order to arouse the interest of the children and harmonize with the overall design of the group. The main thing you need to pay attention to is the general requirements for the development environment of a preschool educational institution:

  • Safety and health of children.
    • The equipment and materials of the corner should not contain objects that are potentially dangerous for children (too small, sharp, etc.). Therefore, buttons, beans and other similar material for counting and recalculating by touch should be stored in tightly tied or sewn bags so that children cannot get them out on their own and use them for other purposes. It is permissible to use such items without reliable packaging only under the strict supervision of a teacher.
    • Instead of hard plastic geometric shapes (triangles, squares), it is better to use soft plastic or cardboard ones, since their corners will not harm children.
    • Shelves, racks for toys and games must be securely fastened and located at the children’s eye level, so that students do not have to reach for materials, much less stand on chairs to get them.
    • The corner should be located in such a place that it is well lit, and the tables and chairs at which games and other activities will be held should correspond to the height of the children.
  • Accessibility, appropriate for the age of children. The main content of the corner must meet the requirements of the program for that age group where the corner is located. But in order to ensure rapid development and the desire of children to learn new things, you can introduce one or two games or visual material
  • Diversity. Materials and equipment in the mathematical corner should cover various concepts and ideas: about the properties and relationships of objects, quantities, numbers, figures, geometric shapes and bodies, patterns, dependencies, sequences.
  • The connection between mental, practical and experimental activities.
    • Children should be able to not only see the number of objects in the picture and correlate it with a certain number, but also independently make sets of small toys, natural materials (chestnuts, pebbles, pine cones), divide them into smaller ones, and combine them into one.
    • So that the child can practically compare and compare objects by size, examine them, make sure, for example, that the ball is really round and rolling, and that the cube has edges and corners, that a large bucket holds many balls, and a small one has only one, and so on similar, it is necessary to have a sufficient number of appropriate design parts, bushings, liners, containers of various sizes. They are especially relevant in the younger and middle groups, where children’s thinking is still based on practical actions.
    • After conducting my little experiment, young researcher will be convinced of the correctness of the teacher’s words and will trust him much more, and will also receive a lot of tactile and sensory sensations that contribute to the development of intelligence.
  • Creating conditions for children's creative self-expression. It is known that all preschoolers are talented and strive to show their talents in drawing, modeling, appliqué, creating models, and other visual activities. The mathematics corner should be equipped with coloring books, sticker books, creative games

mathematical content: “Fold the pattern”, “Bring the number to life”, “Geometric mosaic”. Children really like to lay out patterns, pictures with a plot from Dienesh blocks, Cuisenaire sticks and simple counting sticks, cardboard geometric shapes.

All corner equipment is positioned so that children can use it comfortably

Preschoolers should be taught to always put materials and manuals back in place after games, and encourage those who do this without a reminder, on their own initiative.

Mathematics Corner Passport So that all the equipment and materials of the corner are taken into account, and the teacher can outline what else should be made, which area to focus on Special attention

, a passport of the mathematical corner is being maintained.

Table: an approximate example of a passport for a mathematical corner in a preschool educational institutionChapter
Section ContentsHeads of the corner
PlacementGroup, preschool educational institution
The purpose and objectives of the cornerGoals and objectives are indicated, for example:
To help increase children's interest in mathematics, cognitive activity, the development of logical and associative thinking, memory, attention, fostering perseverance, independence, and respect for gaming material.
Explanatory noteThe relevance of creating a corner, the main types of activities in it, and the expected results of the work are indicated.
EquipmentGaming equipment and equipment for experimentation are listed separately.
Didactic gamesList of games, possibly a brief description.
Literature, manualsList of literature and manuals (folders, albums with illustrations, posters, models of watches, days, years, etc.).
NotesIf desired, the teacher can supplement the passport with notes various types activities in the corner, as well as a work plan for the corner for six months or a year (topics and tasks joint activities with kids).

What should be in the corners, what new things can be done to surprise the guys and colleagues? All teachers ask themselves such questions when they want to design a spatial environment, be it a mathematics corner in a junior group or an art studio for preparatory students.

Mathematics corner in the junior group at a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The Federal State Educational Standard for Education clearly describes the requirements for creating a developmental environment. Developing subject- spatial environment the preschool educational institution must have:

  • content-rich, developing;
  • transformable;
  • multifunctional;
  • variable;
  • accessible;
  • safe;
  • health-saving;
  • aesthetically attractive.

Before thinking about filling the math corner (or any other corner), you need to look at the program and remember the sanitary standards. In the math corner, in addition to study aids, there should be games for individual work, games more complex options(focus on accounting individual characteristics child), to consolidate last year’s material.

Children's attention is always attracted by homemade teaching aids and materials that can be used not only in the math corner. And so, let's figure out what the mathematics corner in the younger group should be equipped with.

Equipment for a math corner in the junior group

In the 2nd junior group, we must create conditions for children to become familiar with color, shape, size, and tangible properties of objects, and consolidate the ability to identify size and shape as special properties of objects; group homogeneous objects according to several sensory characteristics, improve the skills of establishing the identity and distinction of objects according to their properties.

We teach children to compose, compare and equate two groups of objects, to use the concepts “Many, one, none”, when comparing objects to measure one object with another according to a given size criterion (length, width, height, size in general), we introduce children to geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, we learn to navigate relative to our body (right, left, top, bottom).

Therefore, the mathematics corner in the junior group should contain:

DIY math games

In my group there are many hand-made manuals aimed at developing mathematical concepts, such as the well-known game “Patch the Mat”, planar and three-dimensional geometric shapes with eyes and mouths, which are taught to children interesting stories, handout from waste material or knitted from threads.

I have developed games for my kids that can be used on an interactive table or board, or on a computer for individual work. The manual can also be printed and used as a desktop game material for classes with children of the 2nd junior group.

Educational game “Big, medium, small”

Invite the children to look at the pictures and ask which object is small and which is large. If there are three objects drawn in the picture, first say it yourself, showing the baby where the large, medium and small object is. Ask to show where the biggest ball is, where the middle ball is, where the smallest one is. The cards are presented in order of difficulty.

Educational game “Many, one, none”

Working with such cards, the teacher teaches children to perceive many of the same objects, to use the concepts “many, one, none” in speech.

You can download the archive in which you will find cards for the game “Many, One, None”, as well as the game “Big, Medium, Small” in presentation format.

An indispensable condition for the development of children's mathematical creativity is an enriched subject-spatial environment. This is, first of all, the presence of interesting educational games, the availability of handouts, and entertaining mathematical material. The main purpose of using entertaining material is to form ideas and consolidate existing knowledge.

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"Mathematics corner at preschool educational institution"

Prepared by:

teacher of kindergarten No. 64

Golovina Tatyana Yurievna

senior teacher of kindergarten No. 64 Ivannikova Natalya Viktorovna

  • purposeful formation in children of interest in elementary mathematical activities.
  • Development of qualities and properties in the child’s personality necessary for successful mastery of mathematics in the future, the desire to achieve positive result, perseverance and resourcefulness, independence. instilling in children the need to occupy their free time not only with entertaining games, but also with games that require mental stress and intellectual effort.
  • The desire to demonstrate independence, the development of cognitive motives, which provides elements of self-organization in gaming and other activities. Children can independently choose a game, an activity based on their interests, act purposefully with the material, and unite in a game with peers.

  • In the corner of sensory and mathematical development there are acquired didactic games mathematical content “Leaves”, “Abacus clock”, “Shares”, “Mazes - puzzles”, “Geometric inserts”, “Domino counting”, “Smart kid cube”
  • Dienesh blocks, Cuisenaire sticks, logical games “Tangram”, “Columbus Egg”, educational games by V.V. Voskobovich, Nikitin cubes are used in working with children; a variety of calendars and models to introduce the concepts of time and space.
  • Also used are textbooks on mathematics and sensory development children made

from waste material.

  • D. and. "Knitted designer"
  • Goals: fixing primary colors, shades, formation
  • ability to create models based on drawings and verbal instructions
  • adult.
  • Game options: connect the parts together using
  • buttons, build a chain, house, geometric
  • figures, numbers.
  • Di. "Math Train"
  • Goals: to promote the development of fine motor skills,
  • consolidation of numbers, quantitative and ordinal counting
  • from 1 to 10.
  • Game options: count the windows with the corresponding
  • number on the trailer, connect the carriages together
  • using a cord, arrange the trailers in accordance
  • ordinal counting, compare the number of wheels on cars, etc.

  • Di. “Magic rubber bands” Goal: development of fine motor skills, creative thinking, imagination. Game option: children are invited to create a picture based on a model, design (house, boat, geometric shapes, etc.)
  • Di. “In the toy store” Goal: development spatial representations: left, right, above, below, between, next to; expand and activate children's vocabulary, the ability to use prepositions to indicate the spatial position of objects. Game options: “What is where”, “Arrange the toys on the shelf”, “Guess what has changed”.