Autumn lowered her brush and looked around. Scenario for an autumn holiday for a preparatory school group

(they enter the hall to the music)

Danil Ch.

It's good when it's warm.

The sun gives it to us.

It just became less common.

The sun is shining merrily.

It's probably autumn coming to us.

Approaching again.


Yes, cool autumn has arrived.

And the maple tree threw two leaves onto the path.

Birds fly in flocks to the south.

To return again in early spring.

Artem D.

Summer has passed, flown by, sped away.

The sky is cloudy and the rain is drizzling.

There are not enough warm days left

Maybe nature is sad about this?

song "Don't be sad"


Autumn in the city invisible

She entered quietly.

And a magical palette

I brought it with me to the city.

Danil G.

Red rowan paint.

Decorated in the gardens.

Splashes of scarlet viburnum.

Scattered it on the bushes.


Autumn will paint it yellow.

Poplars, alders, birches.

The rain is pouring like gray paint.

The sun laughs goldenly.

Vanya K.

Orange maple stands.

And he seems to say:

“Look around...

Everything changed suddenly!”


Autumn has dropped its brushes.

And looks around:

Bright, kind, colorful.

She gave us a holiday!

song "Boat leaves"

(rain comes out to the music)

Rain Ilya

Wait, wait, wait.

I won't tell you to sing anymore.

The invitation was not sent.

You to the autumn rain.

I'll be here with you and cry.

I'm going to wet everyone now.

And, of course, I will be upset.

Seryozha (to the rain):

Rain, stay rain

Together with us have fun (sit down)

Song "Prickly Rain"

(go dancing with umbrellas)


It's been raining all day

Well, we’re not too lazy to go for a walk.

"Dance with Umbrellas"

Veronica B.

Autumn touches the leaves.

He pours out handfuls of acorns.

Summer has come and gone.

The time of autumn has come.

Who would say autumn?

Come to our bright hall.

Children (in chorus)

Come visit us in the fall.

Autumn, we all ask you.

Olga Victorovna

Moms, dads, don't be silent

Call us autumn.

(in unison)

Come visit us in the fall.

Autumn, we all ask you.

(Autumn enters to the music)

Autumn Lera (singing)

The yellow leaf is spinning (children repeat)

flies slowly

The rain is restless

Dripping, knocking

Autumn is golden

On a visit to you came

to us(children)

Ended suddenly

Summer time.


How beautiful it is in our hall

A world of comfort and warmth

You guys called me.

Children (Yes)


I've finally arrived

Olga Victorovna

Hello golden autumn...

poems for you... Kolya, Ilya, Artem D.


Autumn, how glad we are to see you.

Variegated leaves are falling.

Leaves near the trees

They lie like a golden carpet.


Autumn decorates the parks

Multi-colored foliage

Autumn feeds with harvest

Birds, animals and you and me.

And in the gardens and vegetable gardens

Both in the forest and near the water.

Prepared by nature

All kinds of fruits.


The fields are being cleaned.

People are collecting bread.

A mouse drags grains into a hole.

To have lunch in the winter.

Dried squirrels roots.

Bees store honey.

Grandma makes jam

Apples are put in the cellar


Who did a great job.

who hasn't been lazy all summer.

He will be full all winter

Children (in chorus) Autumn will generously reward

Round dance with Autumn

Danil S.

Autumn is colorful

She came to visit us.

And take a fairy tale with you

I brought it for a visit.


We begin the autumn fairy tale.

"Dragonfly and Ant".

I wrote it once

Good Grandfather Krylov.

And today this fairy tale.

Let's remember, guys, again.

Dance with fabric

Veronica M.

It’s good when it’s warm, the sun gives it to us.

Only the sun began to shine in the sky less often...

Autumn is probably approaching us again!

Oh, look, the flowers are withering, our petals are drying up...

Danila S.

Autumn came, everyone got to work, and work began to boil.

We're buzzing, we're buzzing, we're circling over the autumn flowers.

Autumn is full of worries: you need to collect the last honey from the flowers.

We treasure the drop and buzz, buzz, buzz!

(stand up for flowers)

(dragonfly enters to music)

Dragonfly Dasha (singing)


I, the jumping Dragonfly, sang the red summer,

I didn’t have time to look back when winter was rolling in my eyes

But this is nonsense!

I will dance until the morning (spinning)

La-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la.

Cute bees.

I'm so glad to see you

Let's have some fun now.


Don't bother us, dragonfly.

Don't distract us from our work.

We have a lot of work

After all, autumn is on the doorstep.

Dragonfly: (sound of cranes)

Guys, what does this sound like?

It seems to me that someone is crying.

What kind of wedge is flying in the distance?

Who is this?

Children: (in chorus) Cranes

(dragonfly leaves)

(includes 2 children)


Leaves are swirling in the yard.

The wind lifts them.

Early morning in the blue.

Flocks of birds are circling.

Danila Ch.

They fly away in shoals.

Flocks of gray cranes.

To a warm region where there are no snowstorms.

They are in a hurry to fly away.

Enough singing and dressing up, it's time to get ready for the road!

The cold weather will come soon, what will you do then?

Will you fly south with us?


What are you, what are you, dear friend!

I haven’t seen a mosquito for a long time, it’s time for me to visit him!

(a mosquito with midges flies)


Where are you in a hurry, wait, dear friend Komarik!


We mosquitoes, ding, ding, are flying into hibernation for the winter.

When the cold comes, you won’t see us then!


And you, dear flies, where are your girlfriends rushing?

Mushka Sonya:

We want to hide from the cold, so we fly together with the mosquito!

Mushka Christina:

When the cold comes, you won’t see us then.

(sound of rain) – children sit down

Olga Victorovna

The clear field turned white.

There are no more bright days.

Like under every bush.

The table and the house were ready

The wind rustled in the valley.

Everything in the world turned black.

The rain waters the earth

Tears leaves from birch trees.

(dragonfly lands)

"Dance of the Sheets"

(4 girls)

Irina Igorevna

Everything has passed: with the cold winter, need, hunger comes,

The dragonfly no longer sings.

And who would think of singing on a hungry stomach?

Dragonfly is walking along a long road (goes)

And her laughter is no longer heard without cause.


I'll ask Zhuk, maybe he'll take pity on me

And here it seems he is (looks into the distance)

Dances his dance with friends

I won't lag behind, I'll dance with them.

Olga Victorovna

What about the dragonfly, dance (gives a stick)

Show me your prowess

"Dance of the Beetles"

(3-5 beetles)

Artyom D. Zhuk:

Well, jumping Dragonfly, are you left homeless?

Igor Zhuk:

There is nothing we can do to help you, get away from here.

Danila G. Zhuk:

It was necessary not to have fun, but not to forget to work! (the bugs leave)

Irina Igorevna

The grass in the meadows withers and turns yellow

Leaves freeze in groves and fields.

The rain waters the earth.

Fall has come.

Yes, things are bad for the dragonflies.

(crying) Dragonfly:

What can I do, what can I do, I’ll go ask Ant for help! (leaves)

(ant enters)

log + saw, calling friends

Ant Nikita:

I am an ant.

Hello everyone, hello.

There is no one more hardworking than me in the world.

(dragonfly comes out)


Hello, good ant.

At least have pity on me.

Feed and warm.


Everyone worked in the summer

You were just having fun.

The whole summer sang away,

But I didn’t want to work


I kept singing and walking

Even a little tired


You frolicked with all your heart,

Now go and dance.

Dragonfly: (crying)

Oh, my misfortune has come.

Oh, I'll die in winter.

Please forgive me

And let me into your home

I'll light the stove.

I will carry water

I understand everything, friends.

It is impossible to live without work.


Can we forgive her?

Let him into the house for a treat.

After all, today is a holiday for everyone.

(autumn included) with basket


Of course, we will forgive her and will certainly treat her.

Here is honey, chamomile, mint, the guys will be healthy in winter.

But raspberry jam will make you dance in the mood!

Who worked hard in the summer

Children (in chorus):

Now dance more merrily!

Dance "Road to the Sun"

Olga Victorovna

The holiday is over.

But new meetings await us.

And good sweet fairy tales

They will come to visit us again.

And now…

Don't be stingy with compliments.

Applause for our artists.

(they leave to the music)



Scenario autumn holiday in the preparatory group.

(they enter the hall to the music)

Danil Ch.

It's good when it's warm.

The sun gives it to us.

It just became less common.

The sun is shining merrily.

It's probably autumn coming to us.

Approaching again.


Yes, cool autumn has arrived.

And the maple tree threw two leaves onto the path.

Birds fly in flocks to the south.

To return again in early spring.

Artem D.

Summer has passed, flown by, sped away.

The sky is cloudy and the rain is drizzling.

There are not enough warm days left

Maybe nature is sad about this?

song "Don't be sad"


Autumn in the city invisible

She entered quietly.

And a magical palette

I brought it with me to the city.

Danil G.

Red rowan paint.

Decorated in the gardens.

Splashes of scarlet viburnum.

Scattered it on the bushes.


Autumn will paint it yellow.

Poplars, alders, birches.

The rain is pouring like gray paint.

The sun laughs goldenly.

Vanya K.

Orange maple stands.

And he seems to say:

“Look around...

Everything changed suddenly!”


Autumn has dropped its brushes.

And looks around:

Bright, kind, colorful.

She gave us a holiday!

song "Boat leaves"

(the sound of rain, children hiding under the leaves)

(rain comes out to the music)

Rain Ilya

Wait, wait, wait.

I won't tell you to sing anymore.

The invitation was not sent.

You to the autumn rain.

I'll be here with you and cry.

I'm going to wet everyone now.

And, of course, I will be upset.

(children run to their seats to the music) - the rain runs in circles.

(Seryozha and the rain come out into the middle)

Seryozha (to the rain):

Rain, stay rain

Together with us have fun (sit down)

Song "Prickly Rain"

(go dancing with umbrellas)


It's been raining all day

Well, we’re not too lazy to go for a walk.

"Dance with Umbrellas"

Veronica B.

Autumn touches the leaves.

He pours out handfuls of acorns.

Summer has come and gone.

The time of autumn has come.

Who would say autumn?

Come to our bright hall.

Children (in chorus)

Come visit us in the fall.

Autumn, we all ask you.

Olga Victorovna

Moms, dads, don't be silent

Call us autumn.

(in unison)

Come visit us in the fall.

Autumn, we all ask you.

(Autumn enters to the music)

Autumn Lera (singing)

The yellow leaf is spinning (children repeat)

flies slowly

The rain is restless

Dripping, knocking

Autumn is golden

I came to visit you

to us (children)

Ended suddenly

Summer time.


How beautiful it is in our hall

A world of comfort and warmth

You guys called me.

Children (yeah)


I've finally arrived

Olga Victorovna

Hello golden autumn...

poems for you... Kolya, Ilya, Artem D.


Autumn, how glad we are to see you.

Variegated leaves are falling.

Leaves near the trees

They lie like a golden carpet.


Autumn decorates the parks

Multi-colored foliage

Autumn feeds with harvest

Birds, animals and you and me.

And in the gardens and vegetable gardens

Both in the forest and near the water.

Prepared by nature

All kinds of fruits.


The fields are being cleaned.

People are collecting bread.

A mouse drags grains into a hole.

To have lunch in the winter.

Dried squirrels roots.

Bees store honey.

Grandma makes jam

Apples are put in the cellar


Who did a great job.

who hasn't been lazy all summer.

He will be full all winter

Children (in chorus) Autumn will generously reward

Round dance with Autumn

(2 children leave) (4 boys leave for the fabric)

Danil S.

Autumn is colorful

She came to visit us.

And take a fairy tale with you

I brought it for a visit.


We begin the autumn fairy tale.

"Dragonfly and Ant".

I wrote it once

Good Grandfather Krylov.

And today this fairy tale.

Let's remember, guys, again.

Dance with fabric

(the boys leave, the flowers stand)

Veronica M.

It’s good when it’s warm, the sun gives it to us.

Only the sun began to shine in the sky less often...

Autumn is probably approaching us again!

Oh, look, the flowers are withering, our petals are drying up...

(move back, sit on the floor)

(bees with buckets fly to the music)

Danila S.

Autumn came, everyone got to work, and work began to boil.

We're buzzing, we're buzzing, we're circling over the autumn flowers.

Autumn is full of worries: you need to collect the last honey from the flowers.

We treasure the drop and buzz, buzz, buzz!

(stand up for flowers)

(dragonfly enters to music)

Dragonfly Dasha (singing)


I, the jumping Dragonfly, sang the red summer,

I didn’t have time to look back when winter was rolling in my eyes

But this is nonsense!

I will dance until the morning(spinning)

La-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la.

Cute bees.

I'm so glad to see you

Let's have some fun now.


Don't bother us, dragonfly.

Don't distract us from our work.

We have a lot of work

After all, autumn is on the doorstep.

(flowers and bees sit in a circle)

Dragonfly: (sound of cranes)

Guys, what does this sound like?

It seems to me that someone is crying.

What kind of wedge is flying in the distance?

Who is this?

Children: (in unison) Cranes

(dragonfly leaves)

(includes 2 children)


Leaves are swirling in the yard.

The wind lifts them.

Early morning in the blue.

Flocks of birds are circling.

Danila Ch.

They fly away in shoals.

Flocks of gray cranes.

To a warm region where there are no snowstorms.

They are in a hurry to fly away.

Christina the Crane: (to the dragonfly)

Enough singing and dressing up, it's time to get ready for the road!

The cold weather will come soon, what will you do then?

Will you fly south with us?


What are you, what are you, dear friend!

I haven’t seen a mosquito for a long time, it’s time for me to visit him!

(the crane leaves, the dragonfly waves to him and moves aside)

(a mosquito with midges flies)


Where are you in a hurry, wait, dear friend Komarik!


We mosquitoes, ding, ding, are flying into hibernation for the winter.

When the cold comes, you won’t see us then!


And you, dear flies, where are your girlfriends rushing?

Mushka Sonya:

We want to hide from the cold, so we fly together with the mosquito!

Mushka Christina:

When the cold comes, you won’t see us then.

(sound of rain) – children sit down

Olga Victorovna

The clear field turned white.

There are no more bright days.

(a dragonfly enters and rubs its eyes)

Like under every bush.

The table and the house were ready

The wind rustled in the valley.

Everything in the world turned black.

The rain waters the earth

Tears leaves from birch trees.

(dragonfly lands)

"Dance of the Sheets"

(4 girls)

Irina Igorevna

Everything has passed: with the cold winter, need, hunger comes,

The dragonfly no longer sings.

And who would think of singing on a hungry stomach?

Dragonfly is walking along a long road(goes)

And her laughter is no longer heard without cause.


I'll ask Zhuk, maybe he'll take pity on me

And here it seems he is (looks into the distance)

Dances his dance with friends

I won't lag behind, I'll dance with them.

Olga Victorovna

What about the dragonfly, dance(gives a stick)

Show me your prowess

"Dance of the Beetles"

(3-5 beetles)

Artyom D. Zhuk:

Well, jumping Dragonfly, are you left homeless?

Igor Zhuk:

There is nothing we can do to help you, get away from here.

Danila G. Zhuk:

It was necessary not to have fun, but not to forget to work!(the bugs leave)

Irina Igorevna

The grass in the meadows withers and turns yellow

Leaves freeze in groves and fields.

The rain waters the earth.

Fall has come.

Yes, things are bad for the dragonflies.

(crying) Dragonfly:

What can I do, what can I do, I’ll go ask Ant for help!(leaves)

(ant enters)

log + saw, calling friends

(b. Vova the cow…….they saw, take away the equipment and leave)

Ant Nikita:

I am an ant.

Hello everyone, hello.

There is no one more hardworking than me in the world.

(dragonfly comes out)


Hello, good ant.

At least have pity on me.

Feed and warm.


Everyone worked in the summer

You were just having fun.

The whole summer sang away,

But I didn’t want to work


I kept singing and walking

Even a little tired


You frolicked with all your heart,

Now go and dance.

Dragonfly: (crying)

Oh, my misfortune has come.

Oh, I'll die in winter.

Please forgive me

And let me into your home

I'll light the stove.

I will carry water

I understand everything, friends.

It is impossible to live without work.


Can we forgive her?

Let him into the house for a treat.

After all, today is a holiday for everyone.

(autumn included) with basket


Of course, we will forgive her and will certainly treat her.

Here is honey, chamomile, mint, the guys will be healthy in winter.

But raspberry jam will make you dance in the mood!

Who worked hard in the summer

Children (in chorus):

Now dance more merrily!

Dance "Road to the Sun"

Olga Victorovna

The holiday is over.

But new meetings await us.

And good sweet fairy tales

They will come to visit us again.

And now…

Don't be stingy with compliments.

Applause for our artists.

(they leave to the music)

Scenario for the Autumn holiday in kindergarten. Preparatory group

Autumn holiday in kindergarten. Preparatory group

Scenario for an autumn holiday in kindergarten

Autumn holiday "Autumn Name Day". Scenario for the preparatory group

Historical reference

On this day we said goodbye to autumn and welcomed winter.


Autumn basket with rain (a bunch of ribbons made of thin foil or cellophane); September basket with berries and mushrooms; Oktyabrinka basket with vegetables - green onions, carrots, potatoes, cucumber; 3-4 metallophones; a basket with treats - apples and pears; phonogram of the play “October” by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “The Seasons”.







The rest of the children.


Our favorite land is Russia,

Where in the lakes there is blue,

Where are the young birches?

Dressed up in lace.

1st child

The sky is blue in Russia,

Rivers are blue in Russia.

Cornflowers and forget-me-nots

They don't grow more beautiful anywhere.

2nd child

There are maples and oaks,

What kind of mushrooms are there?

They also bake in the oven

These are the rolls!

Song “My Russia” by G. Struve


Spring is red with flowers,

Winter - white snows,

Summer - sun and mushrooms,

And autumn is full of bread and sheaves.

Russian folk saying

Don't scold autumn

Wait for autumn to visit,

Glorious autumn


1st child

Autumn in the city invisible

She entered quietly

And a magical palette

I brought it with me to the city.

2nd child

Paint red rowan

Decorated in the gardens.

Splashes of scarlet viburnum

Scattered it on the bushes.

3rd child

Autumn will paint it yellow

Poplars, alders, birches.

The rain is pouring like gray paint,

The sun laughs goldenly.

4th child

Orange maple stands

And it’s as if he’s saying: “Look around -

Everything changed suddenly!”

5th child

Dropped Autumn brushes

And looks around:

Bright, kind, colorful

She gave us a holiday.

Song about autumn (optional)


Autumn, autumn, autumn,

We ask you to visit

With abundant bread,

With high sheaves,

With falling leaves and rain,

With a migrating crane. Russian folk chant

Autumn enters.


So I came to visit you.


We're very glad you came.


I am autumn gifts

I brought it to you guys.

Game “Gifts of Autumn” by M. Sidorova


Tell me, Princess Autumn,

To all the guys, where is your home?

How to get there

Will we find friends?


My palace is in the forest

Where you meet a fox,

Shaggy target,

Bunny with a mustache.

The autumn forest is like a tower,

Miracles are hidden in it.

He will reveal all the secrets

We'll only invite our girlfriends.

September, come out,

Tell us about September.

September comes out, talks and takes berries and mushrooms from the basket.


I'm September, guys.

I am the mistress of September

And for all good friends

I have gifts:

Berries, mushrooms.

How delicious they are!

I am a fungus and you are a fungus.

You and I are friends.

We'll sing ditties for you

Very good!

Mushroom ditties

Game “Look” by T. Lomova


Oktyabrinka, come out,

Tell me about October.

Oktyabrinka appears.


In October, in October

There's a lot to do in the yard:

We need to remove the vegetables

And stock up on supplies.

Winter is coming soon

It will be cold soon.


All our riddles

They grew up in the garden.

The presenter asks riddles, and after the children answer, Oktyabrinka takes out vegetables from the basket.

The only one in the world -

They don't just cook

And in uniform. (Potato.)

N. Artemova

Somehow they ran away from the garden

Take a walk in the garden

Naked guys -

One two three four five!..

And they fell and disappeared -

We found ourselves in a pickle headfirst:

They were all green

Everything became salty. (Cucumbers.)

I. Maznin

And green and thick

A bush grew in the garden bed.

They started to pinch

They began to cry and sob. (Green onions.)

For the curly tuft

I dragged the fox out of the hole.

To the touch - very smooth,

It tastes like sugar, sweet! (Carrot.)

Round dance “Gather the Harvest” by A. Filippenko


November, come out,

Tell us about November.


The cold rain pours and pours,

There is frost on the trees,

First snow and thin ice

The puddles were covered.

Geese, cranes and ducks

gather in flocks

And on a long journey

They head south.

Here they are flying, cooing,

They say: “Farewell!

We're heading south.

Goodbye, dear land!


We see off the birds by dancing,

Let them look at the guys

Migratory birds on the road

Sees off the kindergarten.

Dance (optional)


Autumn, you have a lot of gifts

She brought it to us today

And now, Princess Autumn,

We will honor you.

Birthday happens

Both mothers and children.

And, of course, on your birthday

The songs sound joyful.

And today is my birthday

At my beloved Autumn,

A glorious holiday, a good holiday - Autumn.

Song “Birthday” by E. Shulga


We are a gift for Autumn

And let's sing and dance!

Proverbs and sayings

We'll tell her for her.

The presenter begins a proverb or saying, and the children finish it.

Gray morning in autumn -...

Children....a red day.

Leading. Autumn is stocky, winter is...

Children....pick up.

Leading. In October, not on wheels,...

Children....not on skids.

Leading. In autumn and the crow...

Children....a shock.

Leading. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn...

Children. sheaves.

Leading. In the spring, what it sheds like a river, you won’t see a drop, but in the fall it sows like chintz... least use a bucket.

Leading. November nights...

Children. ...dark until the snow.

Leading. September is cold...

Children. ...yeah, I'm full.

Leading. Chickens... the fall they count.


Happy Birthday

And hello heart helmet.

For you, Princess Autumn,

Let's sing Skomoroshina.

Northern skomoroshina “In the green forest”

Children and adults sing without musical accompaniment.

Oh, yes, in the green forest,

Yes, in a high chamber,

There lived a flea lady,

Yes, an angry, angry head.

Yes, once the flea wanted

Yes, wash in the bathhouse.

Forces the spider

Organize everything.

Cockroaches washed the bathhouse,

Mosquitoes chopped wood,

The flies heated the bathhouse,

The midges made alkali.

They heated a hot bathhouse,

They brought a flea on the sofa.

Flea hop, hop, hop,

She fell onto the shelf.


Thank you, children, for the holiday!

I am very grateful to everyone!

A basket of various fruits

You will receive a gift from me!

(Treats the children with fruit.)

Song “Osenina” by T. Tyutyunnikova

Three or four children accompany the singing by playing metallophones.


We thank Autumn for the gifts,

But the time has come for us to part,

After all, in November the snow will fall on the ground,

The cold will come and winter will come.

Autumn says goodbye and leaves the hall to the play “October” by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Veselinka, Aunt Bad Weather and Autumn.

(scenario for an autumn holiday for children in the preparatory group)

The hall is decorated in autumn style. Children perform a musical composition to the music and line up against the central wall.

1 child: Autumn is quietly invisible

She entered quietly

And a magical palette

She brought it to us with her.

2nd child: Red rowan paint

Decorated in the gardens.

Splashes of scarlet viburnum

Scattered it on the bushes.

Child 3: Autumn will paint it yellow

Poplars, alders, birches

The rain is pouring like gray paint,

The sun laughs goldenly.

4 child: Orange maple stands

And he seems to say:

“Look around -

Everything changed suddenly!”

Child 5: Dropped Autumn brushes

And looks around:

Bright, kind, colorful

She gave us a holiday.

“Autumn Song” - music. N. Maslukhina.

Children sit on chairs.

Presenter: Autumn has come to visit us,

She brought a fairy tale with her.

In the thirtieth kingdom,

Russian state

Once upon a time there was a King,

A very important sovereign.

He had a daughter

Good and cheerful.

Her name was Veselinka.

There was a daughter like a picture.

The curtains open. Fanfare sounds. The king is on the throne, Veselinka is sitting on a chair near the throne.

Presenter: Today the Tsar is the father of everyone

Invites you to the palace.

King: My daughter is seven years old.

There will be a dinner party.

Presenter: The capital's dandies are in a hurry,

Foreign guests are coming.

Our guests have arrived

From the distant country of the Czech Republic.

Guest from the Czech Republic: We will dance smartly for you

Our favorite dance: polka.

King: Your dance is not at all complicated

We can teach him. Come out!!!

"Polka" - Czech. adv. melody.

Presenter: Everyone congratulates the princess

And they wish her health.

All the gifts are brought

They sing a health song.

Song "Loaf".

Presenter: Veselinka is happy.

The cheeks are as red as a raspberry.

Veselinka: Father, to make it more fun,

Invite the gypsies soon.

King: Gypsy fire dance

Please decorate my holiday.

"Gypsy Dance"

Auntie Bad Weather enters to the accompaniment of alarming music.

Bad Weather: What kind of fun is this?

Are you celebrating without me?

Are you talking about Aunt Bad Weather,

As always, have you forgotten?

Bad Weather: I'm angry with you.

Wait a minute, stupid Tsar!

Where, where is your daughter? Casts a spell while waving his arms

Veselinka, quickly get up!

Apchhi! Apchhi!

Look at me!

Laughter, joy, fun

I can deprive you.

Like autumn gray rain

You will shed bitter tears!

You will not become Veselinka,

And the princess's Teardrop.

You will cough and sneeze

Use a handkerchief to wipe away your tears!

Apchhi! Apchhi!

Bad Weather hands Veselinka a huge handkerchief. Veselinka cries, coughs, sneezes.

King: Have mercy, auntie!

Have pity, Bad Weather!

Bad weather: You are on holiday for me

They forgot to invite.

Very - very you me

This made them angry.

And my spell

There's no way you can take it off.

The princess will be sick

He will cry and lose weight!

The bad weather girl defiantly sits down on a chair.

King: What to do? How to be?

We need to ask the doctors!

He hits the floor with his staff.

Herald: By royal command,

According to the king's will

Call to the princess as soon as possible

Overseas best doctors!

Importantly, healers (Oriental, European, astrologer) enter, approach the herald, he leads them to the king.

Slave Mini Dance,

the eastern doctor comes out at the end of the dance The slave girl serves a tray with a bowl.

Eastern doctor: I will now give you advice:

Burn incense.

We will drive away the disease with smoke,

Let's drive away the bitter tears.

An oriental doctor bows and hands an aromatic candle to the King. The Tsar lights it and presents it to Veselinka. The princess begins to cough.

Tsar: It only got worse for us.

I'll pay myself now!

The eastern doctor leaves. The king extinguishes the candle.

European doctor: Smoke, of course, is nonsense!

Here are the pills - yes!

Take a pill, baby

And eat the powder.

Wash it all down with a mixture...

Happiness will come to your home again.

The European doctor hands the medicine to the Tsar. The king gives medicine to the princess. Veselinka begins to breathe noisily.

Tsar: The daughter turned pale for some reason.

Apparently things are bad again!

The European doctor leaves.

Astrologer: What pills and potions!

Astrology is needed!

Will answer any question

And she will give you advice.

King: Well, well, well. tell me!

Find a cure for trouble!

Astrologer: Will answer any question

Astrological forecast.

The astrologer looks at the sky through a telescope.

Astrologer: The stars are shining in the sky,

This is what they tell you:

"You are foreign doctors

Don't call for help.

Cold medicine

Find it in your land!”

King: Thank you, magician, for your advice.

The astrologer bows and leaves.

But where to find it? Who will give the answer?

The kind young Ivan approaches the Tsar.

Ivan: I, Ivan, will help you

And I'll bring the medicine.

I'll go visit Autumn,

I’ll ask her about the medicine.

Presenter: Take helpers

We'll come in handy along the way.

The music is calling the boys

Let's go on a hike.

“It’s fun to walk together” - music. Shainsky.

Children sit on chairs.

Autumn: Hello, dear guests.

Queen Autumn comes to the center of the circle.

Autumn: Tell me soon,

Why did you come to the forest?

Ivan: Veselinka is sick,

We are looking for a cure here.

Autumn: The autumn forest is like a tower.

Miracles are hidden in it.

He will reveal all the secrets

We'll only invite our girlfriends. (calls).

September, come out,

Tell us about September.

Sentyabrinka: Guys, I am Sentyabrinka.

I am the mistress of September.

For Princess Veselinka

I have gifts:

Berries, mushrooms.

How delicious they are!

"Mushroom Dance"

Autumn: Oktyabrinka, come out,

Tell us about October.

Oktyabrinka: In October, in October

There is a lot to do in the yard:

We need to remove the vegetables

And stock up on supplies.

Winter is coming,

It will be cold soon.

The game is the “Funny Garden” relay race.

Children are divided into two teams. Each has 4 people. The first team members, with the steering wheel in their hands, walk around the hoop with a stomping step and return to their team. The second with baskets run up to the hoop and put vegetables in the hoop (“plant”).

Still others “water” with a watering can.

The fourth with baskets collect vegetables in the basket. The team that completes the task first wins.

Autumn: November, come out,

Tell us about November.

November: The cold rain pours and pours,

There is frost on the trees.

First snow and thin ice

The puddles were covered.

Geese, cranes and ducks

gather in flocks

And on a long journey

They head south.

First Crane: Far away, to the ends of the earth

The cranes are flying away.

But as soon as it gets warmer,

We will come back to you again.

Meetings with your beloved homeland

We'll wait all winter.

Song "Cranes" - music. A. Livshitsa.

Second Crane: For Princess Veselinka

We brought berries.

Let the princess try

They are very tasty.

The crane gives Autumn a basket of berries or rose hips.

Autumn: holds out a basket of gifts.

Here, Ivan, are my gifts,

Tell Veselinka.

Here's some rose hips, let him brew.

There will be vitamin tea.

September: And here are mint and violet.

There is chamomile, St. John's wort.

Let him gargle with them,

And any pain will pass.

Oktyabrinka: And here are the vegetables: cabbage,

And carrots and beets.

Someone who loves to eat vegetables

It will be strong, yes, yes, yes!

Ivan: Thank you, Queen Autumn!

I'll take your gifts.

Perhaps you will come with me?

Please, I beg you!

Autumn: Of course, good fellow,

I'll go with you to the palace.

Ivan takes Autumn by the hand and leads her to the palace; Autumn is followed by Sentyabrinka, Oktyabrinka, Noyabrinka.

Tsar: Well, like Ivan, he found a cure

For my dear daughter?

Ivan: Accept Autumn's gifts,

Treat them quickly.

Ivan gives the basket to the Tsar.

King: Hey, nanny, prepare some decoctions,

And rinse and salad.

Let your daughter become cheerful.

I will be so happy about this!

The nanny brings a drink for the princess. Princess Veselinka drinks.

Veselinka: I don’t want to cry anymore,

I smile and laugh.

I don't sneeze, I don't cry.

Down with melancholy! Let's drive away the sadness!

Autumn: And you guys will remember

What advice do I give you:

Find the right medicine

Not just anywhere - in my native land!

Bad weather: What is this? My spell has broken!

Didn't last even a day!

And sad days have come

Only for me, only for me.

Presenter: Bad weather, don’t be angry,

Better make peace with us.

We invite you to visit,

Let's treat you to hot tea!

Sweet tea with pies

And then we’ll sing with friends!

Song “Russian Tea” - music. Frolova.

The presenter brings pies on a tray and treats them to the children.

"A fun trip with Carlson."

Musical and literary composition for middle-aged children. year 2012.

To the music, children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle near the central wall.

Congratulations to the head of the preschool educational institution.

Presenter: Happy March Eighth,

Happy spring holiday,

With the first flowers

in this bright hour!

Our dears,

dear, dear,

Most beautiful,


1 child: We dressed up today,

We'll sing and dance,

Let's have fun together

Let's congratulate mom!

2nd child: I will hug my mother tenderly,

I will kiss you deeply,

Because I love

Dear mom!

Child 3: Let them sound in the hall today

Songs, music and laughter,

We invited mothers to the holiday!

Our mothers are the best!

4th child: Our dear mothers

They love us very much.

A song for mom

We'll sing now!

Song “I draw the sun” - music. Vikhareva.

Child 5: Today is the best holiday,

Today is the holiday of our mothers.

And immediately the clouds flew away,

And the sun smiled at us.

6th child: We are for mothers, for grandmothers

Let's start dancing

Happy spring holiday

We congratulate them!

Dance "Pair" - Latv.n.m.

After the dance, the children go to the chairs in pairs.

Presenter: Dear mothers, grandmothers, fathers! Our children have been preparing for a long time

on this joyful day...

They learned kind poems, affectionate songs, funny dances.

Listen to how loudly and expressively they learned to read

1st child: We are early this morning

The sound of drops woke me up.

What's happened? This is a holiday,

Mom's holiday has arrived.

Child 2: The sun is shining merrily.

The first stream began to sing.

And the snowdrop blooms.

On mother's day, spring day.

3rd child: Kindness and love

Mothers give to children

Because mommies

The best in the world.

4 child: All the kids know,

The whole world knows.

No one for the guys

There is no better mother!

5th child: Mom, mom, mommy,

I love you.

I'll give you spring

I'll sing a song.

Child 6: Blue pebbles

I'll bring it from the sea,

The first snowdrops

I'll dig in the forest.

Game "Collect flowers for mom."

After the game, the children sit on chairs and calm down. Suddenly, the noise of a motor is heard behind the scenes and Carlson appears from the far window. First, he makes a small circle, then directs his movement towards the children and runs back from them. Increases speed and moves in a large circle. After the sound ends, he hangs on one leg.

Carlson: Hello! Can I land here for a minute?

Presenter: Yes, yes, please! Carlson gets to his feet.

Is it difficult to fly like this?

Carlson: important

Not a bit for me! Because I'm the best flyer in the world! But I would

I didn’t advise any little kid to imitate me.

Presenter: Who are you? What is your name? And why did you appear not from the door, but from

Carlson: Calm, just calm... No need to ask too much at once

questions. I am Carlson! I am handsome, smart, moderately well-fed

a man in his prime! I live on the roof, on that house and

flew to you here on his own motor. Here it is for me

back, see? And it’s clear to everyone that it’s completely impossible to go through the door

It’s not interesting, but flying into a window is another matter!

Presenter: We are very glad to see such a cheerful man as our guest.

Say hello to him, children!

Carlson greets children by the hand, may pat someone by the ear, pat them on the cheek, pat them on the head, etc.

Presenter: Carlson, only the next time you come to us,

please knock and enter the door like everyone else does

educated and moderately well-fed people.

Carlson: Trifles are an everyday matter. There is something to grumble about...

Presenter: No, I’ve never heard anything like this in my life! Don't I have the right

Should I give you a remark? The teacher is obliged to maintain order and

in a group and at a party!

Carlson: I apologize for my behavior. Why is it like this today?

is it fun, are you all dressed nicely and are there a lot of guests?

Presenter: Today we congratulate all mothers, grandmothers, sisters, girls on their

Women's Day. We wish them health and have prepared for them

Carlson sadly sits down on the edge of the stage and sighs heavily. Pause.

The presenter comes up to him and strokes his head.

Carlson: I'm just beside myself! Well, I'm just losing my temper! How could I forget about

such an important day? Carlson taps his forehead.

Carlson: My grandmother is very, very good, she is always very happy,

when he sees his beloved grandson and hugs him tightly.

Carlson runs up to the children and begins to hug them tightly.

She goes to bed, sets the alarm clock and jumps up at five in the morning

just to bake sweet cheesecakes and pies for

Carlson strokes his stomach.

Presenter: Your trouble is easy to fix, dear Carlson. Our kids -

such cheerful travelers that they enjoy spending

you to your grandmother and you can give her your gift and

congratulations on Women's Day.

Carlson: Hurray! We will appear to her as a joyful and long-awaited surprise.

My granny lives in the land of the Rainbow.

First you need to fly for a long, long time on an airplane through high mountains.

Do you have a plane?

Presenter: It doesn’t matter, it’s an everyday matter, as you say! Show me, children,

their airplanes.

Song - game "Airplane" - music. Devochkina.

After the game, the children sit on chairs. Carlson remains in the center of the hall. He walks around the carpet, imagining that it is a river, “tests the water in the river with his hand and foot and says that it is cold.”

Presenter: Calm, just calm... You shouldn’t get into the water, don’t

knowing the ford! Kids, are you ready for a boat ride? Then step

march to the pier!

Game “Riding on boats” - music. Tilicheeva.

Sketch “At the Station” - Turkish disco.

For the musical performance, the children and Carlson move in a circle, and at this time the curtain opens and Grandma appears under the arch like a rainbow.

Grandmother: Hello, my dears! How beautiful and elegant you all are! They didn’t forget about me and came to visit me!

Carlson: Dear grandma! The kids and I congratulate you on Women's Day

and we wish you much, much health! And we also want to tell you

poems and give our song as a gift.

1st child: Dear grandmother,

The dearest one,

My favorite

I will kiss you deeply.

Child 2: By your wrinkles

I'll pass my hand...

In the whole world there is no

Grandmothers are like that.

3rd child: I never will

Upsetting you.

Just be healthy

My grandmother!

4 child: The sun is with us

Sings for you.

You are my Scarlet Flower

You are my light!

Child 5: For whom are we singing?

Are we singing songs?

We are her, we are her

We'll give it to grandma.

Child 6: Songs to your grandmothers

How do bells sound?

Song “About Grandma” - music. Tilicheeva.

Grandmother: My grandchildren! You even made me look younger. For what you are to me

sang such a song and told such interesting poems, I tell you

I also prepared a surprise.

Grandma takes it out Balloons and distributes it to children.

“Dance with balloons as shown by Grandmother” - music. Varlamova.

At the end of the dance, children with balloons gather around Grandmother. Stop – frame for photography.

Carlson: Well, it's time to go to the roof. Be obedient and kind, children! And not

forget me!

Grandmother: Thank you for the fun holiday, everyone be happy and healthy!

Grandma and Carlson say goodbye to the children and leave together.

Presenter: Our fun has come to an end. Our dear mothers and

Don't get sick. Don't get old. Never be angry

And stay this young forever!

"Spring gift for mom."

(for children of average preschool age). 20014

To the music, children enter the hall, clap their hands and stand in a semicircle.

Presenter: How elegant and light it is in the hall,

It was as if the sun had risen clearly.

This mother's holiday arrived

And our hall lit up with smiles.

1 child: The snow melts in the sun,

Bisen Isaeva
"Sorceress Autumn" Holiday scenario for children of senior and preparatory groups

Ved.: Autumn she quietly entered the city invisible,

AND autumn brought a magical palette to the city,

I decorated the rowan berries in the gardens with red paint,

Splashes of scarlet viburnum scattered on the bushes.

Will paint it yellow Autumn poplar, sticky and birch trees,

And in the rain, a suit with dark gray stripes,

The orange maple stands and, as if, speaks:

“Look around, everything has suddenly changed”

Lowered it Autumn brushes and looks around,

Bright, kind, colorful gave us a holiday.

Presenter (to music):

It's here again autumn -

Time of leaf fall and rain,

We love you, Queen Autumn, please:

Come to holiday is coming to us soon!

And while we are waiting for the guest, we will sing a joyful song!

A song is being performed « Autumn, autumn has come»

At the end of the song, the children go to their seats.

Presenter: Oh, guys, hush, hush, I’m doing something strange I hear:

Some guest is hurrying towards us and seems to be rustling!

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, a forester enters the hall with a letter from Autumn.

Lesovik: Hello guys! I - old man Lesovichok

I know many paths in the forest!

So, I walked along the path, walked, walked

And a big leaf, that’s what I found! The forester gives the leader a piece of paper-letter.

And on the piece of paper is your address, to the guys in the kindergarten.


Guys, this is not easy autumn the leaflet is a letter from the Queen Autumn. Now we we honor:

“Hello, my guys!

I'll describe everything in order

I was delayed on the way

I need to paint it brightly

All forests, gardens and parks

And I haven’t forgotten about you

I honor you Osenin

I keep the chest alone

It is decorated with leaves, flowers,

Berries, moss and mushrooms,

It contains gifts for you,

As soon as you open it, I will come to you at the same hour!”

forester: How interesting. Can I help you guys find and open autumn chest!

Children: Yes!

Presenter: Well, well, friends!

Let's have fun.

AND let's find an autumn chest!

Lesovichok, you go ahead - bring us to the chest!

Children stand one after another and join hands. The forester leads to cheerful music children"snake" around the hall.

Presenter: Wait, we've already arrived!

So they found the chest!

Lesovik: What is in this chest?

Presenter: Isn't it time for us to open it?

The presenter and Lesovik are trying to open the chest.

Lesovik: Nothing works -

The chest won't open!

Presenter: Guys, let's sit down, let's sit,

Children sit on chairs.

Ved. looks at the different leaves on the chest and notices... that they are not whole and of different colors.

Look guys

Leaves are colorful and not simple

Autumn wrote riddles on them

But the riddles cannot be read, the leaves are not whole.




Presenter: Miracles, guys,

There are only mysteries around here!

I found the first one:






Music "Gather the Harvest". Music Fillipenko

Ved.: I heard a conversation about who is the most beautiful in the garden, who is also dressed in fashion.

Children put on vegetable hats and have a conversation about who is more important and which one is tastier.

Very you will be pleased,

Eating a lightly salted cucumber.

And a fresh cucumber

Everyone will like it, of course!

I am a ruddy radish

I bow to you very low.

Why praise yourself?

I'm already known to everyone.

Shred on shred

Green patches

All day on your stomach

I'm basking in the garden

I was born to glory

The head is white, curly

Sweet and delicious

I'm a nice cabbage.

Short story about me

Who doesn't know vitamins?

Always drink carrot juice

And nibble on a carrot.

Then you will be, my friend,

Tough, strong, dexterous.

There's a tomato pouting here

And he spoke sternly.

Don't talk, carrot, nonsense,

Shut up a little.

The most delicious and enjoyable

Of course, tomato juice.

There are a lot of vitamins in it,

We happily drink it!

I am the seasoning in every dish

And always useful to people.

Did you guess it? I am your friend,

I am a simple green onion!


I, potato, am so modest -

She didn't say a word.

But potatoes are so necessary

Both big and small.


Eggplant caviar

So tasty and healthy.

It's time to end the dispute,

There is no point in arguing.

There is a knock on the door.

Ved.: Someone seems to be knocking.

Doctor Aibolit enters.

Vegetables (in unison). This is Doctor Aibolit.

Well, of course it's me!

What are you arguing about, friends?

Vegetables (in unison). Which one of us is from vegetables?

Everyone is tastier and more important?

Who with all the diseases

Will everyone be more useful?

Calm down, calm down

And please don't fight

To be healthy and strong,

Gotta love vegetables

Everything, without exception,

There is no doubt about it!

Each has its own benefit and taste,

And I don’t dare decide:

Which one of you tastes better?

Which one of you is more needed?

We wish you never have to deal with illnesses

Always be cheerful

Goodbye kids.

Aibolit leaves

Presenter: There is another mystery here,

We need to read it quickly!

“Both on the hill and under the hill,

Under the birch and under the fir tree,

Round dances in a row

Good fellows stand... (mushrooms)

Children: Mushrooms!

Mushroom Amanita.

That's right, you guessed right

Where did you see me?

Why are you here?

But they didn’t invite me, the handsome fly agaric. (Looks in the mirror, adjusts the cap and bow.)

Everyone has known for a long time

They love fly agaric very much

That’s why I’m more important than both the frills and the milk mushrooms

I have a lot of white dots on my hat

And I’ll tell you, without being shy of all the mushrooms, I’m the most beautiful

Ved.: Wait, wait fly agaric

Don't brag, but maybe you're not the most beautiful

But not the most useful.

How is this not the most useful

I'm the most beautiful this time

I'm the most useful, that's two,

I'm the most delicious, that's three. (bends fingers)

Really, guys?

Children: No!

Ved.: You see, Fly Agaric, the guys don’t agree with you. They know other mushrooms that are much tastier than you.

Can't be.

Ved.: Check it out.

I'll check that. Come on guys, tell me what kind of mushrooms these are.

(Ved. reads riddles about mushrooms.)

Ved.: That's it. Well done, you really know all the mushrooms! But probably, when you go into the forest with baskets, you only collect toadstools?

Children: No.

A game "Edible and inedible mushrooms."

And now I have to leave you guys, I need to go to the forest to my fly agaric grandchildren.

Ved.: “The field, forest and meadow wets,

City, house and everything around!

He is the leader of clouds and clouds. Everyone knows this... "

Children: Rain!


Ved.: Children, you don’t hear anything, it seems it’s starting to rain.


BAD WEATHER: Are you on holiday forgot to invite me?

You made me very, very angry with this,

I will rain on you, I will cough and sneeze on you,

So that by the end of the week you will be whole got sick in a group!

Ved.: Bad weather, don’t be angry, Bad weather make peace with us.

Song "Drip-drip".

A game “Run through puddles in one galosh.”

Lesovik: Look, guys, I still found riddles!

"I came without paints and without a brush,

And repainted all the leaves."

Children: Autumn!

Presenter: Lesovik, look. Please, are there any other riddles?

The woodsman walks around chest: looks.

Lesovik: No. There are no more mysteries!

The presenter and Lesovik approach the chest and try to open it.

Presenter: What's happened? How so?

Lesovik: Oh oh oh! Who is speaking?

The Woodman approaches Bad Weather, picks up the Drop, made of reflective material, and shows it to the children.

Bad weather: Guys, meet me, this is Drop!

The Forest Man pretends to try to catch the Drop. Gives it to the presenter.

Presenter:Oh, what a spoiled girl you are, Drop!

Presenter: Tell us, Droplet, and report the whole truth,

Who will help you remove the lock and open the chest?

Sing a song about Autumn is needed

beautiful, smooth, friendly!

Now forgive me

and take it to some water!

Bad weather takes the Drop and leaves.

Lesovik: Wow, guys, let’s sing together, beautifully, the way we need it!

Song about autumn.

The intro to the song plays. The presenter leads children in a semicircle. The song is being performed Autumn in a golden scarf". At the end of the song, he enters the hall Autumn with a basket of vegetables and fruits. Walks in a circle and stops.

Autumn: Hello, here I am - Autumn is golden,

I hasten to surprise you, friends, with the richness of the harvest.

Let's play, sing, and then we'll open the chest!

I invite everyone who likes to play to join the round dance soon get up:

Let's walk around and give each other smiles!

(Dance with leaves "Leaf, leaf, leaf fall...")

Ved.: There is a harvest in the garden, collect whatever you want

Cucumbers and tomatoes, there are carrots and lettuce,

Onions in the garden, sweet peppers,

And a whole row of cabbage.

The game is being played. At the end of the round dance, the leader invites the children to go to their seats. The children sit on the chairs, and Lesovik sadly looks at the basket.

Autumn: Oh, what great fellows you are, guys:

They played together and had fun - they collected the harvest in a basket!

Autumn(addressing Lesovik):

Why are you, forest man, so unhappy?

Why did you hang your head?

Maybe someone offended or scared?

Lesovik: No. I haven't been home for a long time!

Autumn: Don't worry, here - help yourself

And go to your forest friends!

The leader gives the forester a small basket. He puts some vegetables into it from a large basket, says goodbye and leaves the hall.

Presenter: Dear Queen Autumn, the guys and I were really preparing to meet you. We learned to play, sing, dance, and poetry autumn read. You sit down on this beautiful stump, and relax a little, and the kids read poetry to you.

Autumn sits on a decorated stump in the form of a throne. Children read poems about autumn.

Poems about autumn---

Autumn: Thank you guys for your wonderful poems!

Now open the chest

AND take out the autumn gifts.

The presenter opens the chest and takes out apples on a large saucer. Shows apples to children.

Autumn: It is my great pleasure to you

I'll give you red-cheeked apples.

Eat, don't be shy

Gain health!

Well, it's time for me to say goodbye,

Get ready for the road!

Goodbye guys!

Ved.: From the vegetables that you collected, the cook prepared a delicious and healthy vinaigrette salad.

We're in autumn cafe If you want to have a snack, sit down at the tables.

It sounds like "Waltz". Autumn is spinning, bows and leaves the hall.

"I affirm"

Head of MADOU " Kindergarten No. 39"

_____________________ /Smirnova S. L/

“Magic Brush of Autumn” 2017

Preparatory group




Bad weather

Baba Yaga

Hedgehog is a boy who sings and dances, with good diction.

Belka is a girl, flirty, expressive, with good diction

Mushrooms – 6 short boys

Music sounds, children enter the hall, prepare to dance

Dance “Prankish Autumn”

Children take turns:

Autumn in the city invisible

She entered quietly

And a magical palette

I brought it with me to the city.

Red rowan paint

Decorated in the gardens.

Splashes of scarlet viburnum

Scattered on the bushes

Autumn will paint it yellow

Poplars, alders, birches.

The rain is pouring like gray paint,

The sun laughs goldenly.

Orange maple stands

And he seems to say:

“Look around -

Everything changed suddenly!”

Dropped Autumn brushes

And looks around:

Bright, kind, colorful

She gave us a holiday.

Song “Autumn has come to us again” children sit on chairs

Presenter : How loud the music sounded

A wonderful holiday awaits us today,

And I secretly found out

That Autumn will come to visit us.

It's high time she was here.

Let's go with you, kids,

We will glorify Autumn with poems,

We'll ask you to come here quickly.


Music sounds, Autumn enters from behind the curtain - ugly, sad, in faded clothes.

Autumn: How beautiful it is in this room!

A world of comfort and warmth.

Did you call me poetry?

Finally, I have come to you!

Presenter: What, are you Autumn? I don't understand

Why are you like this?

Not bright, dull

And not cute to anyone.

Golden, where is your outfit? Why do rowan trees not burn?

Why are birch trees sad?

There are tears in the eyes of the maple tree.

Autumn: That's the whole problem.

I don’t know what to do.

I don't know where

The gold brush is missing.

The magic brush that

I'm repainting

All nature

And trees and fields.

That's why everything is sad,

And the trees wither.

About your forgotten beauty

They only remember in song.

Song "Fairytale Artist"

Music sounds, Bad Weather enters, stops in the foreground

Bad weather: Apchhi!

Spread out, puddles!

Be the weather worse!

Since the golden autumn is not coming,

Bad weather, apparently, the turn has come.

Autumn: What are you, what are you, Bad Weather, wait,

Autumn has not yet been golden.

Bad weather: Hello there! Where have you been?

You know, you overslept your time.

So, get out of the way quickly!

Autumn: Bad weather, listen, wait.

I had a terrible problem -

The magic brush disappeared without a trace.

How to paint forests gold?

How to create miracles without a brush?

Bad weather: Is your brush missing? Why suffer in vain?

We urgently need to take action.

Okay, I'll help you, so be it,

You need to wash off the green color from the leaves.

Song "Rainy Song" (wear fly agarics)

Autumn: No, you washed the trees in vain.

The leaves are green, as they were.

Bad weather: Okay, okay, Autumn, don't be sad.

Someone else appeared there.

Bad weather and Autumn go behind the scenes


The intro to the song sounds, the Hedgehog comes out and sings to the melody

"Oh, you canopy"

Fly agarics stand in a bunch under a tree

Hedgehog: I'm rocking my way

I'm looking for yellow leaves.

Insulate a mink for the winter

I want some leaves.

Only I don't see them

There are no gold leaves.

Why hasn't autumn come?

I forgot about things.

Hedgehog and fly agarics approach each other

Mushroom 1: Hello, hedgehog.

If you are looking for a yellow leaf,

It seems you don't know

Autumn lost her brush.

There is nothing to paint the leaves with.

Hedgehog: We need to help her quickly

After all, she can’t live without leaves.

Mushroom 2: Wait! What an eccentric!

You are alone, but there are many of us here.

A brush will help you find mushrooms.

Hey, mushrooms in a bright hat,

Gather in the clearing!

Fly agaric dance (6 boys)

Hedgehog: Hey, mushrooms, have you come across

The magic brush that Autumn has lost?

Mushroom 3: There is no magic brush here, but take our advice:

Hurry along the path, ask the forest inhabitants!

Maybe someone saw a brush , maybe he took it for himself?

Mushroom 4: Ask the squirrel quickly

She still knows better from above.

The mushrooms leave, take off their hats

Squirrel: (2 steering wheels in hands) Hey hedgehog, come here quickly!

Hedgehog: Oh, squirrel, we're in trouble.

Have you seen a brush by any chance?

Squirrel: Play with me first.

Come on, which of us is faster?

Will he be able to collect all the vegetables?(gives one steering wheel to Hedgehog)

Game “Autumn Garden” (play once)

Presenter: I invite 3 people to the squirrel’s team...(child’s IF) and I’ll invite 3 people to the Hedgehog team too.(while the children are lined up, the 2nd teacher gives each participant his attribute).


1 team


3 person lakes

4 people - empty cart

2nd team

Hedgehog steering wheel

2 people - vegetables in a basket (5 vegetables)

3 person lakes

4 people - empty cart

Listen to the rules!!! The first team members take us to the autumn garden(A squirrel with a steering wheel runs around a large hoop and stands at the end of its team) , the second participants plant vegetables(into the hoop) ,3-water the crops, 4-harvest the crops and at the end our drivers must bring us back to the city as quickly as possible. Ready? Let's start the countdown!

At the end of the game, the presenter asks the guys to clean up the mess.

Presenter: This is the story, guys.

The brush actually disappeared somewhere.

Autumn is walking somewhere sad,

I can't find the gold brush anywhere.

Baba Yaga enters the hall with a magic brush, inspired by her find, and sings to the melody of the song “At the edge of the forest”

Yaga lived in a hut at the edge of the forest,

The house is completely distorted from antiquity.

And by the way, I even found a brush,

I will repaint the hut so that it can be a mansion.

Chorus: Golden ceiling and window,

Even a door with a wall, like the sun,

I'll paint all the paths in front of the house,

I won’t forget you, chicken legs.

Presenter: So there she is, magic brush. Come on, Baba Yaga, give her here!

Baba Yaga: Well, I do not! What came to me was lost.

Presenter: But Autumn has lost this brush. She knows what beauty

will guide you! He will give golden outfits to the trees and cover the earth with a multi-colored carpet.

Baba Yaga: Oh, how cunning you are! They themselves will bring beauty, but what do you tell me to live out my life in a lopsided, shabby hut? No, now I’ll make myself beautiful and live happily ever after!

Presenter: What to do? How do we like Baba Yaga'smagic brush

lure out ?...I figured it out! Baba Yaga, you are probably bored of living alone.

Baba Yaga: Am I bored? Yes, I’ll have such fun, I want to sing, I want to dance!

Baba Yaga starts dancing, inviting the children.

While Baba Yaga is dancing, the presenter changes brush on a broom and goes to the other side of the hall

Free dance

Baba Yaga asks the children to take their places and sit on chairs

Baba Yaga: Oh, why am I, old one, dancing? I have no time with you

talk talk! My hut is unpainted (takes

broom, looking at it).

What is it, I don’t understand?

The brush doesn't paint, why?

Presenter: Don't you understand yet?

This is your broom!

Baba Yaga: How's the broom? Where's the brush?

Presenter: Look, don’t be lazy!

Baba Yaga: They deceived me, motherfucker! They took me away from under my nose!

Baba Yaga runs away in upset feelings, enters to the music of Autumn

Presenter: And here comes the Golden Autumn!Gives the brush to Autumn

Autumn: I don’t know how to thank you.

I will do so many miracles!

I'll go and gild the whole forest,

I will give red beads to mountain ash,

Birch trees have yellow scarves.

Lay the carpet on the ground,

I'll insulate the hedgehog's hole.

And the wind, how happy he will be,

When the leaves fall!

Dance “Leaf, leaf-falling leaf” we don’t sit on chairs

Autumn: For this holiday light, bright

I brought gifts for the children.

Here they are for the kids

My autumn gifts!

Music plays, Autumn gives children (teachers) a basket of apples or pears

Children take turns:

Thank you, Autumn ,

For generous gifts -

For a sheet of patterned, bright,

For a forest treat -

For nuts and roots,

For lingonberries, for viburnum

And for the ripe rowan

All children (in chorus) We say thank you,We thank autumn .

Presenter: Everything they knew and could do

They danced and sang.

The hour of farewell has come,

Goodbye. Goodbye!

Autumn stands with a large basket, the children, leaving the hall for their teacher, put leaves in Autumn's basket.