Experimental research activities of children of the preparatory group in the process of GCD (ecology). Cognitive and research activities in the preparatory group of kindergarten Nod research activities

Anastasia Sorokina
Abstract of GCD on cognitive and research activities in senior group"Invisible Air"

Summary of GCD in the senior group

Informative- research activities

Subject: « Air-invisibility»


1. To form in children an idea of air;

2. Develop in children the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships based on a basic experiment and draw conclusions;

3. Cultivate in children interest in the world around them and curiosity.


V. Guys, guess riddle:

Passes through the nose into the chest,

And then on the way back.

He's invisible, but still

We cannot live without him. (Air)

B. That's right, that's air! I suggest you exhale long and then hold your breath; inhale and then hold your breath again.

Q. How long could we not breathe? Why? (Not enough air) .

B. Correct, without air we would not be able to breathe, and not only we humans, but also all animals and fish. They breathe air which is in the water. He is everywhere, but we don’t notice him, he is invisible. Why do you think we don't see air? (It's transparent).

B. That's right, it is colorless and transparent, now close your eyes and inhale through your mouth. What does it taste like? air? Close your eyes again and inhale through your nose. What smell does it have? air? So what can we say about air, what colour is he? What does it taste like? Smell?

Air is an amazing shell around the Earth. If it weren't for air, all living things would die from the scorching rays of the Sun during the day and from the cosmic cold at night. Without air The earth would be a dead desert. Air-invisibility, but still it can be seen and felt. After doing some experiments and experiments, we we'll try to prove it.

Look at the napkin (I wave my fan over it, what happens to it? Why? Do you want to feel the movement air? Come to me and close your eyes (I wave my fan). How did you feel?

All bodies of nature occupy space. A air? Let's check it out.

Q. Can we detect air? Let's check. Take a glass, to the bottom of which is attached paper napkin. Tell me if there is air in a glass? Let's try to find out. Turning the glass upside down, slowly lower it into the water until it touches the bottom.

Why did the paper at the bottom of the glass remain dry? What kept the water out of the glass?

Conclusion: there is in the glass air, he did not let the water in and did not let the leaf get wet.

B. Now let’s lower the glass into the water again, but I’ll hold it slightly inclined. What appears in the water? (bubbles).

Q. Yes, these are bubbles with air. Where did they come from?

The air has come out of the glass, and water took its place. What happened to the leaf? He got wet.

Conclusion: Water has taken up space in the glass, displacing air, which we saw in the form of bubbles.

Q. Tell me, is it possible to catch air? Take the bag and wave it, and quickly, quickly twist it from the bottom. What was the package like? (elastic, hard). What's in the package? (air) . Now we can even touch it.

Conclusion: U air there is no specific shape, it takes the shape of the object it hits. People have learned to use these properties air - lifebuoy, inflatable boat, Balloons , airships.

The sound of a whistle.

Q. What do you hear? Where did the sound come from? Let's blow the whistles too. (One blows stronger, and the second child is quieter)

Q. How does sound come about? (children's answers).

Conclusion: When we blow into the hole, air trembles and a sound is produced, sounds spread throughout air. On the moon where there is no air No matter how hard you scream, no one will hear you. Sound doesn't travel.

Q. Thank you guys, it was interesting to work with you. That's why I want to give you a little surprise, air there is one more property you can play with (bubble) . You and I will go for a walk and blow bubbles

Publications on the topic:

Synopsis of an integrated educational activity for educational and experimental activities “Invisible Air” in the preparatory group Abstract of an integrated GCD on cognitive- experimental activities“Invisible air” in the preparatory group. Purpose: Clarification.

Abstract of the research GCD in the senior group “Invisible Air” Abstract of the educational activity “Invisible Air” in the senior group of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 5 “Joy” b. Bazarny Karabulak village, Saratov region Target; Develop.

Abstract of the OOD “Cognitive and research activities of children in the senior group” Program content: To form children's understanding of the surrounding reality Goal: To give children joy and pleasure from their time spent.

Synopsis of educational and research activities “The Great Invisible Air” Topic: The Great Invisible Air Purpose: Development of curiosity and cognitive motivation in the process of research activities. Tasks:.

Objectives: To give children an idea of ​​air as a gaseous substance, to introduce it to its properties and methods of detecting it. Pin.

Summary of a lesson on experimental activities in the senior group Topic: “Air is invisible” Purpose: To systematize children’s knowledge about properties.

Date of publication: 01/13/17

Abstract of educational and research activities “Amazing properties of a magnet”

Educator: Khaidukova N.N.

Target: introduce children to the properties of a magnet (based on experiments): attracts iron; can attract iron objects through water, sand, stones, glass, paper.


Educational: to form in children an idea of ​​a magnet and its property of attracting objects; find out through what materials the magnet acts; introduce the use of magnets by humans;

Developmental: develop the desire for knowledge through experimental and research activities, activate children’s vocabulary, and the ability to draw conclusions. Develop logical thinking: highlight the properties of objects.

Educational: to promote independence, initiative, and the development of communicative qualities.

Integration educational areas : cognition, communication, socialization.

Equipment and materials

-Demo: box with items

magnet, laptop with Skype call with melody (romance of the turtle Tortilla)

-Dispensing(according to the number of children): magnets of different sizes, magnetic fishing rods, a container of sand mixed with various objects (wooden, plastic, paper, fabric, vessels with water, a container with pebbles, paper clips.

Progress of activities:

Educator: Today, when I was going to work in kindergarten, I went into a store where they sold me a box with a surprise. The seller told me that there were magical objects in it, but she didn’t say why they were magical. Children open the box and examine the objects.

Q: Guys, what are these objects? (magnets) Maybe any of you know what secrets this stone has? (Children's answers, assumptions)

Sit down comfortably on the mat, I’ll tell you a legend.


IN They used to say in the old days that there was a huge black mountain at the edge of the world, right next to the sea. At the foot of this mountain, a long time ago, people found stones with unprecedented power - to attract certain objects to themselves. Not far from the mountain was the city of Magnesia, in which the brave knight Magnis lived. Like all knights, he wore armor made of iron, and therefore was not afraid of anything, neither enemy arrows nor wild animals. Magnis walked boldly wherever he wanted. There’s only one place I’ve never been to before – near that very mountain. Since childhood, his mother told him that not a single knight could pass by her. The mountain attracts them to itself and never lets go... But Magnis was very brave, and he was curious about what kind of witchcraft was hidden in this place, so he bet that he would pass by the mountain and return to the city safe and sound. But no matter how strong and brave Magnis was, the mountain still pulled him towards itself. Magnis was not only brave, but also smart. He quickly guessed the secret of this mountain. Magnis found a way to free himself from her and freed all the knights.

- Guys, have you guessed what the secret of this mountain is?

What was this mountain made of?

That's right, this mountain was made of a magnet.

- What way did Magnis find to free himself from this mountain?

(he took off his armor made of iron).

Educator: (shows magnet)

Here in front of you is an ordinary magnet,

He keeps many secrets within himself.

Q: I suggest you discover all the secrets of the magnet.

Q: So, let's conduct the first experiment.

Educator: There are different objects in the box, let's check with you whether all the objects can be attracted to the magnet. (Children are experimenting)

Experiment 1 “Is everything attracted by magnets?”

(At the end of the experiment, the teacher reviews with the children the groups of objects that they obtained. Clarifies that one group consists of objects made of iron, and the other group of objects made of other materials).

Guys, what objects can a magnet attract? (made of iron)

Q: What was the first secret we solved?

  • Conclusion : magnet only attracts iron)

Q: Guys, where else can we find out information about the magnet?

Children (in a book, on TV, in nature, in an experiment)

The teacher invites children who wish to find information in the book; others to experiment with magnets.

Q: What colors are the magnets painted in (Red and Blue)

What do magnets do? (attract and repel)

Q: Guys, let’s take a look at the book.

children conclude: If blue - red attract, and if red - red repulse)

Q: 2nd secret of a magnet - a magnet has two poles

A Skype call rings. In the entry "The Romance of Tortilla Turtle."

Educator: - I wonder who gets in touch with us?

- Guys, I really ask you for help, Evil Karabas Barabas bewitched my favorite pond, in which I have lived for 300 years, it is very polluted. There is a lot of iron debris at the bottom. And my sandy, rocky shores are littered with all sorts of rubbish. And my friend Pinocchio buried his coins so that a money tree would grow, but the tree never grew and now he cannot find his coins. I ask you to help Pinocchio find his coins, advise, tell me how to clean my pond and my banks from garbage. Only one condition: don’t touch with your hands, everything is enchanted...

Well, should we help Tortilla Turtle?

Q: But how? (children's assumptions) A magnet will help us

Q: We need to find out, conduct an experiment

Let's first divide into pairs and agree where whose pair will look.

1 pair - will try to find coins and get garbage out of the sand, 2 pairs - from the water, 3 pairs - from the stones.

Q: Don’t forget the condition - don’t touch it with your hands!

Q: Now use the cue cards to tell us what you did. And we will send them to Tortila the turtle.

Q: So, the third secret of the magnet.

3.Conclusion: A magnet attracts objects through an obstacle.

Tortila the turtle thanks you for your help, the pond was cleaned, and Pinocchio found his coins.

IN: You guys are great, you did it.

What did we meet today? (with magnet)

What properties of a magnet do you remember? (It has a magnetic force, this force passes through water, sand, stones, glass.)

Tell me guys, where will the acquired knowledge be useful to you in life? ( children's answers)

Well done, you did a great job. But it turns out, guys, a magnet can be not only a good helper, but also an excellent constructor. I brought this magnetic construction set for you. In your free time, you will play with it and learn another property of a magnet.

Bottom line: - What did we meet today? (with magnet)

What properties of a magnet do you remember? (It has a magnetic force, this force passes through water, glass, air, cardboard.)

Well done, you did a great job. But it turns out, guys, a magnet can be not only a good helper, but also an excellent constructor. I bought this magnetic construction set for you in the store this morning. In your free time, you will play with it and learn another property of a magnet.


What did you like...? (I like it)

What did you learn...? (I found out….)

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

kindergarten for care and wellness No. 583


on educational and research activities

in the pre-school group.

Compiled by: Vorobyova L.V.

first qualification category

Ekaterinburg, 2018

A lesson on cognitive and research activities in the preparatory group.

Topic: “Laboratory of good deeds”

Tasks. To form the concept of kindness, the habit of doing good deeds; cultivate interest in experimental activities; learn to put forward hypotheses and assumptions; analyze phenomena, draw conclusions; develop cognitive interest, logical thinking, and speech of children; induce a feeling of joy in children.

Preliminary work: conversations about natural phenomena, disasters (earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods), experiments with water, sand, ice; reading educational literature; conversations about good and evil; didactic games; modeling of states of substances.

Material and equipment:

Letters from fairy-tale characters, pictures depicting Pinocchio, the old boletus, Baby Mammoth. Containers with water, stones, a block for each child. Disposable plates, spoons, glasses, dry sand in cups, pieces of ice.

Progress of the lesson

Educator. Stand, children, stand in a circle. You are my friend and I am your friend.

We will all hold hands and smile at each other.

Guys, to please each other, and we were in a good mood, let's say good, sweet words.

Saying kind words to each other is good, but doing kind deeds and doing good is much better?

Children's answers.

I would like to invite you to devote your entire day to good deeds. I invite you to the “Good Deeds” laboratory. Tell me, guys, what is a laboratory? That's right - this is the room where experiments and research are carried out.

Will I take on the role of laboratory manager? (puts on a robe and glasses).

And you will be laboratory scientists. What rules do you think should be followed when conducting experiments?

1.rule. Do not touch anything on the tables without the permission of the supervisor.

2. rule. Maintain silence and do not disturb others while working.

3. rule. Do not taste the contents of the vessels.

4. rule . Handle the equipment with care. Once you've done your work, put it back in its place.

5. rule. Remember - some experiments can only be carried out in the presence of an adult.

Look how many letters have arrived asking for help. We must help through experiments in the Good Deeds laboratory. Now let's go to the laboratory.

Let's take the first letter and find out who wrote to us. Showing a picture of Pinocchio.

Guys, do you know this hero? (Pinocchio).

What fairy tale is he from? Who wrote it? (children's answer)

Pinocchio asks us to help. Guys, Pinocchio was glad that he had the alphabet. He ran to school, but on his way there was a wide river and no bridge. Pinocchio thought and thought about how he could get across the river to the other side. The problem arose: “He needs to swim, but he doesn’t know if he can swim.” What to do? How to help Pinocchio?

Children offer various options solutions to the problem, put forward

various hypotheses.

Hypotheses: build a boat, but it will take a long time; ask someone to transport him, but there is no one nearby; maybe he won’t drown, he’s made of wood.

The teacher suggests testing the last hypothesis. Let's sit down at the tables.

Guys, let's check the buoyancy of objects. What objects do you think do not sink? How can we check whether a wooden object sinks? What is needed for the experience?

Children: Conduct an experiment

Children take objects (wood, stone), pour water into basins and conduct an experiment.

What objects float? Are they all light? Is it the same size? Do they all float on the water? What happens if you combine an object that floats with one that sinks?

What are you observing? What can you say about a wooden object that is in water? Does he drown in water?

(After completing the experiment, the children come to the conclusion: a tree does not sink in water, which means Pinocchio will not drown, he will swim, because he is made of wood).

Children: Jump into the river and quickly swim across it. Buratino will make it to school on time.

My researchers, what property of wood have we learned about? (A tree does not sink in water.)

Well done boys. Helped Pinocchio get to school.

Children come to the second table. Old Man Borovichok asks for help. He sent us a letter. The teacher reads the letter.

Hello guys! Yesterday I received a letter from a friend of mine who lives and cares for plants in the desert. He writes that there is sand everywhere in his house. He praises his home very much and invites you to visit. Tell me I've never seen anything like this. But I think that this same sand is also on my path. But why is he amazing? Help me find out. I will be very grateful to you. Your Old Man Borovichok.

Well, let’s help and find out why sand is amazing. What do we need to do to help Old Borovitch? And Old Man-Borowichok also knows that we are researchers, but what will be the object of our research? (sand).

Well, what are we going to look for, is there something amazing in the sand?


Take a measuring spoon and pour a little sand onto a plate.

Does sand flow easily?

They do it on their own. Pour from palm to palm, from one container to another.

Working with a magnifying glass.

Take a close look at the sand. Find as many features as possible in grains of sand, how are they similar and how are they different? (observe)

What do grains of sand look like? Are they attached to each other or not?

Children: sand consists of individual grains of sand-crystals, which are not fastened together, and therefore crumble.

What color are they? (dark and light)

Let's see their size. Are they the same? (not the same, there are large and small) let's check.

Working with a sieve.

Educator. We sift the sand through a sieve, it pours from the sieve into the container and vice versa. If sand falls, what kind of sand is it? (loose)

Conclusion: Sand is a free-flowing substance, individual grains are not attached to each other and are different in size.

Let's smell the sand (it doesn't smell). This means that dry sand has no odor.

Take 2 cups and pour sand into them. Let's imagine that it rained and it fell into one of the jars, wet the sand with water. What did the sand become? It has a specific smell. Where did the water go? (she climbed into the sand and settled comfortably between the grains of sand).

Experience 2

Take a container with dry sand in one hand and wet sand in the other. What's heavier? Why? (damp—light air hides among dry grains of sand, and heavier water hides among wet grains). Illustrations about dunes, dunes. Why does the wind sweep dunes - dry sand is light. Apparently this is where Old Borovitch’s friend lives. Isn't it beautiful?

Using a measuring spoon, carefully take the raw sand and place it on a plate.

Working with a magnifying glass.

Examine wet sand - the sand grains are stuck to each other as air escapes from the wet sand. Now try the wet sand back into the container.

Conclusion: wet sand does not fall off, it sticks.

And so we helped Old Man - Borovichok find out about the amazing properties of sand.

Well done boys. Once again we have done a good deed. Who did we help?

Children's answers.

We just have to read the last letter. Baby Mammoth turned to us with a request for help. Hero, what kind of fairy tale is he? He went to his mother on an ice floe, but he is afraid that he will not swim to his mother and may drown?

Let's find out what ice is? (ice is water, only in a solid state). Where on earth is the most ice? Look at the globe. In Antarctica and the Arctic. The largest glacier in the world is the Lambert Glacier in Antarctica (show illustration).

How do you think ice floes behave under the sun? (they also melt, but they cannot melt completely. The Arctic summer is very short and not hot). Have you heard anything about icebergs? (children answer)

What happens to these pieces of ice? Do they float or sink? Let's check. Come to our laboratory.


Take the ice and put it in the water. What's happening? Why doesn't ice sink?

Conclusion: the buoyant force of water is greater than the weight of ice. This means that we can tell Baby Mammoth that the ice floe will not melt him. And he will see his mother.

Here's another good deed they did.

He who does good receives joy. Are you glad that you did good deeds?

Children's answers.

Good does not burn and does not drown. Why do they say this? Children's answers.

That's right, guys! Because good always triumphs over evil. Good will live forever!

Summary: what did we do in class? What did you like most? What new did you learn? What was difficult?

1 child

There's nothing in the world

More beautiful than kindness!

She shines like a star for us

From heavenly heights.

2 child

She beckons us tenderly,

Caresses us with a dream

We all live with hope

To meet with kindness.

Zilyaeva Svetlana Maratovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: NRM BDU "Kindergarten" Zhemchuzhinka"
Locality: Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra Nefteyugansk district of Poikovsky village
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject: Abstract of educational activities for educational and research activities "The Air Around Us"
Publication date: 01.10.2017
Chapter: preschool education

"Synopsis directly educational activities in terms of cognitive

research activities.

Subject:"The Air Around Us"

Target: Systematize children's knowledge about the properties of air through organization

joint activities.


- expand children's horizons about air and its properties using experiments and

experiments; exercise self-analysis and emotional response in children

all stages of the lesson.

- With promote children's cognitive and research activities through

elementary experimentation: the ability to conduct experiments, express your

assumptions, demonstrate the result through actions and words.

Teach air drawing techniques, blotography.

- develop free communication with adults and peers in the process

conducting experiments; enrich children's vocabulary (scientists, experiment, laboratory,

transparent, invisible, colorless, experiments, blots), develop

observation, curiosity, thinking, memory, speech, cognitive


- cultivate a positive attitude towards the world around us, interest in

cognitive activity, independence. Arouse the desire of children

help children to each other.

Integrations: cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Activities: Gaming, cognitive-research, motor,



Visual(showing methods of action).

Verbal(conversation, discussion, dialogue, explanation).

Game(turning on and using the game).

Practical(experimentation, drawing).

Form of organization: frontal, individual, group.

Preliminary work: air temperature monitoring,

experimenting to identify the presence and properties of air, playing with the wind,

conversation about the role of air in the life of plants, animals and humans.

Material: box, overalls for each child (aprons

Caps), equipment for conducting experiments: glasses of water, straws,

album sheets, paints and paint brushes, plastic bags,

whistles and fans, colorful air balloons for each child

schematic pictures depicting the properties of air, magnetic board.

Progress of direct educational activities

I Introductory-preparatory part.

Organizing time.


The teacher gathers the children, invites them to stand in a circle, hold hands,

smile at each other and create a good mood.

Stand side by side in a circle

Let's all smile at each other

If everyone smiles

Good morning begins!

Everyone: “Good morning”!

Guys, I have a riddle for you (I present the “magic box”)

Here is something you can't live without,

we don't see him

you can only feel it, what is it?”

Children: Air!

The teacher opens the box and shows that there is nothing there.

What is air? (children's answers).

Guys, do you want to know where the air is, is it possible to catch it, does it have

it has color and smell, can you hear the air and how?

Then I invite you to my laboratory, where you will become employees

research laboratory. You and I will play scientists,


Tell me, what do scientists do? (children's answers).

Scientists do science. Science is knowledge. Scientists are conducting various

experiments, experiments. They ask questions and then try to answer them. A

The answers received must be written down or sketched in journals.

Tell me, where do scientists work? (Children's answers)

Scientists work in a scientific laboratory.

What rules do you think should be followed when working in a laboratory? (Answers

children: be careful, take your time, listen carefully, do not push,

keep silence…)

Guys, there's one more thing important rule, in the laboratory laboratory workers

put on special clothes so that various reagents (chemical

substances) did not get on their clothes. (I take out the box containing the specials.

clothes, I help dress the children).

Guys, I will be the head of the laboratory and will help you conduct experiments,

do you agree?

Children go to the laboratory.

II Main part. Practical work for children.

Stage 1.

Children approach table No. 1

"Funny Balls"

Guys, look, the laboratory is decorated with colorful fun balls.

What are these balls called? (air)

But something happened to one balloon (It deflated and became lethargic)

What should we do to make our ball happy again? (Inflate him)

Let's try to inflate funny balloons.

(children inflate balloons together with the teacher)

Guys, tell me how we got this from a sad little ball

funny ball? (Because we inflated it with air)

How did he get there? (He got there through us)

Let's dial it.

Conclusion: There is air inside us.

(using the diagram we indicate the first discovery)

Gentlemen scientists, we said that there is air inside us, but is there air around us? A

try to catch him.

Where is he? How to catch him? These polyethylene ones will help us with this


Take each person a plastic bag. It's empty now. Everyone has

empty? (children confirm)

Catch the air with the bag, grab as much invisible air as possible and

twist the bag, hold it inside the bag. Answer the questions:

What's inside the package? (air)

What does the bag look like? (on a pillow, ball)

The air took up all the space in the bag.

Let's see, does the air have any color? (No)

What is he like? (transparent)

Does it have a color? (no, it has no color)

Let's smell it, did you smell anything? Does the air have a smell?

Conclusion: The air is transparent, colorless, and is around us. (We denote

Experiment No. 3 Game with a fan.

Gentlemen scientists, now we are going to the next laboratory, and

We will try to feel the air with you.

I suggest picking up a fan, making wind with the fan, waving the fan

first at ourselves, then at each other.

What do you feel? (A breeze blows in your face, a cool breeze)

How does the wind come about? (Air moves)

So what is wind? (children's answers)

(wind is the movement of air, wave at yourself and feel the movement

Conclusion: Wind is the movement of air (denoted by a diagram).

Experiment No. 4 “Hear the air”

There are whistles on the table for every child. I invite the children to blow and play.

Guys, do you think we heard air? (Yes)

This means that sound is the vibration of air.

Conclusion: The air trembles and sound appears.

(Denoted by a diagram).

Practical work for children.

Stage 2.

Experiment No. 5 Bubbles in a glass. Blotgraphy.

There are glasses and straws on the table in front of each of you. Let's blow in

a tube lowered into a glass of water. And let's see what happens to the water.

Bubbles come out.

Bubbles? How did they get there? There was only water in the glass

Bubbles are the air that is inside us. We blow into the tube and it comes out

in the form of bubbles. But in order to blow again, we first inhale new air, and then

exhale through the straw and bubbles appear.

Gentlemen scientists, as we have already said, there is air inside us.

(We blow into the tube and the air comes out and bubbles appear).

Introduction to the technique of drawing blots

Guys, do you know that you can draw with air? This technique is called


What is a blot? (children's hypothetical answers)

A blot is a mark, a stain left by ink or paint.

Want to try?

Today we will learn how to draw a tree branch with in an unusual way, With

using a blot. This method is called “blotography”. For execution

This work requires straws, water and paints.

The sequence of drawing trees using the blotography technique:

1. Place a drop of liquid paint on the bottom of the sheet.

2. Place the end of the straw at a slight angle into the paint.

3. Blow on the drop through a straw, changing direction - we make a twig,

It turns out this is a spring twig. Thin branches are obtained if quickly

move the straw from side to side or blow sharply on small drops.

After drawing several branches, using cotton swabs you can

finish drawing leaves on it.

Well done boys, beautiful drawings you got it. That's what we did with you

Another important discovery: it turns out that you can draw with air.

We leave our drawings on the tables, let them dry.

III Final part.

Dear scientists, let's summarize our work today.

What experiments did we do today? What was studied in the laboratory in our


All experiments in our laboratory have ended today.

What was your favorite experience? (Children's statements)

This concludes our wonderful laboratory! And it's time for us to return from

laboratories in kindergarten. As a token of gratitude for your good work, I

today I’m giving away these soap bubbles, and you can take them with you for a walk

and we'll see how the wind plays with them.

Did you enjoy being young scientists? Would you like to visit again?

laboratories? (Children's answers)

It was a pleasure working with you. You are so observant, active and

Target: systematize and generalize children’s knowledge about indoor plants.

- clarifying children’s ideas about the importance of starch in plant life; about the importance of plants in human life;
- formation of the ability to reason, compare, generalize;
- consolidation of the correct pronunciation of sounds in speech;
- enrichment and clarification of the dictionary;
- development of verbal communication skills, attention;
- developing skills of cooperation and independence in the process of research activities; desire to learn more about the objects and phenomena around us;
- fostering a caring attitude towards nature.
Dictionary enrichment: symbol, starch, oxygen, creaks, crumbly, ecological trail, carbon dioxide.





GCD in the senior group “Amazing is nearby”

Compiled by:

teacher Yuzhalova E. A.

Topic: “The amazing is nearby”

(cognitive and research activities with elements of experimentation)

Target: systematize and generalize children’s knowledge about indoor plants.

- clarifying children’s ideas about the importance of starch in plant life; about the importance of plants in human life;
- formation of the ability to reason, compare, generalize;
- consolidation of the correct pronunciation of sounds in speech;
- enrichment and clarification of the dictionary;
- development of verbal communication skills, attention;
- developing skills of cooperation and independence in the process of research activities; desire to learn more about the objects and phenomena around us;
- fostering a caring attitude towards nature.
Dictionary enrichment:symbol, starch, oxygen, creaks, crumbly, ecological trail, carbon dioxide.
Materials and equipment:map diagram of an ecological path, computer, video of the formation of starch, magnetic board, diagram of the structure of a plant, rubber gloves for each child, cups of sugar, salt, soda, potatoes, rice, bread, iodine, pipettes, napkins.


1. Organizational moment
Children stand in a semicircle near a map of the group’s ecological path.
Educator: - Guys, look, we are greeted by the owner of our ecological trail, the doll Flora.
Flora: - Hello guys! Look at the map of your group's ecological path. Different view points are marked on it with symbols. It turns out that each of these points hides a lot of amazing things, and to see this, I suggest you today visit the object marked on the map with the number 9.
Educator: - Guys, what kind of object is this? (Houseplants). What symbol houseplants marked on the map? (Palms holding a green twig).
- Please remember the rules of behavior on the ecological trail. (Children's answers). Now let's move closer to indoor plants. Name them (violet, cactus, crassula).
- Why do you think there are indoor plants in our group? (They purify the air, release oxygen, create comfort and beauty).
- Let's remember what parts plants consist of? (root, one or many stems, leaves, some have flowers). (Look at the diagram - the structure of the plant).
- Now call me kindly. Root (spine), stem (stalk), leaf (leaf, leaf), branch (twig), flower (floret). Please ensure the correct pronunciation of sounds. Well done!

Part 2. Obtaining cognitive information using TSO
- What do plants eat, what do they need to live? (water, light). It turns out that in order to grow, plants produce their own food. And now Flora will show us how this happens. (TSO - video starch formation.)
Experimental research activities of children
- Guys, to get to know starch better, we will move to the next point on the ecological path - a mini-laboratory.
- Here we will play the role of scientists.
- Sit on the chairs, do not forget about your posture.
- Let's get our fingers ready for work.
Physical education minute - finger gymnastics"Flowers"
Our scarlet flowers (smoothly unclench fingers)
The petals are blooming.
The breeze breathes a little, (wave their hands in front of themselves)
The petals are swaying.
Our scarlet flowers(smoothly clench fingers)
The petals close
Quietly falling asleep
Shake your head (smoothly lower their hands onto the table).
- Let's prepare for the experiment: put on gowns, caps and gloves.
- Look, there is starch on the saucer in front of you. Describe it appearance(children's answers).
- Starch is a white friable powder.
- Try it, what does it feel like? (children's answers).
- When starch powder is squeezed in your hand, it makes a “creaking” sound.
- See what happens if a drop of iodine gets into a starch solution (turns blue).
- Yes, indeed, if you drop iodine onto a product containing starch, the product will turn blue.
- Let us try to determine in which products starch is hidden.
- What do I need to do? (Children's answers). That's right, just drop a drop of iodine on them.
- There are various products in front of us in cups. Do you recognize them? (children's answers).
- Let's check which ones contain starch.
Safety briefing.
Conducting an experiment on your own.
- Draw a conclusion from the experiment (salt does not contain starch, since salt is not a plant, potatoes, bread, rice contain starch, because they are plants). Conclusion: plants contain starch.
- Work in the mini-laboratory is over. Wipe your hands with a napkin and remove the researchers' uniform.
- Children, not only plants, but also humans feed on starch. In hot water, starch swells and dissolves, forming a sticky solution. It is used to make jelly. And now we will try delicious cranberry jelly.