Autumn entertainment for young children "golden autumn". Scenario of autumn entertainment for the first junior group Puppet show about autumn for kids

puppet show"Autumn in the Forest" for younger children preschool age. Scenario

Kupriy Svetlana Ivanovna, teacher of the 1st category, MBDOU, Shakhty, Rostov region. "Kindergarten No. 70."
Description: This material will be of interest to teachers for entertainment, educational activities and simply interested parents.
Target: to intensify cognitive interest in puppet theater.
To help clarify and consolidate the knowledge of 4-5 year old children about the behavioral characteristics of animals in the fall through theatrical activities.

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the puppet show “Autumn in the Forest”.
I hope that it will be useful to someone for working with children 3-5 years old as part of entertainment or an independent performance.

“Autumn in the Forest.” Puppet show.

Autumn-adult presenter

There is a screen in the foreground, and autumn forest scenery in the background. An adult Autumn emerges from behind the screen.

The forest path winds and winds,
Autumn is golden through the forest.
I quietly touch the leaves with my hand -
Silence and peace pour from the heavens.
The rain will fall quietly
Leaves will fall from above.
Just no sadness to be seen
I will be welcoming guests!
Hello kids, girls and boys. Do you recognize me? Am I the miracle mistress of Autumn? Do you like my autumn forest?

Children: Yes!

Autumn: Do you want to know what is happening in the forest now?
I hear someone's voices.
Maybe miracles await us!
Let's sit in the clearing.
Who is this? Let's see!

Music is playing. In a screened clearing, a bunny with a bundle emerges from behind a tree.

I ran through the forest.
I'm cold and tired...
There's already frost on the nose,
It's very cold in the forest.
Ears are freezing, nose is freezing,
Paws are freezing, tail is freezing.
Where should the little bunny go?
How can I keep my little bunny warm! Apchhi!

Hello, little bunny friend, why are you so sad and where are you going?

Hello, miracle hostess, Golden Autumn
I would like to change my fur coat, but I don’t know where to change it.
I can't be gray in winter
The fox will notice in the snow.

I'll help you, bunny
Long-eared jumper.
Here's your fur coat, dress up (gives the hare a “fur coat”)
Show yourself to the guys!

The bunny hides behind a bush and jumps out already white.

Thank you, thank you!
After all, on white in the snow
Now I can hide!
And I won't be visible!
Lisa will be offended!

The cracking of branches is heard, the hare runs away, and the Bear comes out.

I'm a clumsy bear
I'm wandering through the forest!
I'm wandering through the forest
And I roar loudly!
Where is my den?
I can't find my way!

Hello, little target friend, what happened to you?

Hello, Autumn, wonderful hostess.
Help me, clubfoot.
It's time for me to sleep in the den,
But there are no dens!

You go down that road
And you will find yourself a den
Under a tall pine tree
There will be a new house for you.

Thank you, Autumn.
Now I’ll go to bed in the den.
I'll suck your paw.
Let me dream about honey.
I'll wake up when spring comes.

The bear leaves. The hedgehog comes out.

I'm a prickly gray hedgehog
I look like a Christmas tree.
I'm not afraid of a winter day,
After all, I’m not too lazy to work.

Hello hedgehog, what are you doing?

I carry leaves into the hole,
And then more mushrooms.
Hedgehog stays warm in winter
Golden under the foliage.
I also sleep in winter,
I don't like cold weather.
But I can't live without food
I'll save some food.

Let's not disturb the hedgehog, he is busy with important work - preparing his mink for winter.

The hedgehog, having grabbed a few mushrooms, leaves. A squirrel appears and jumps from tree to tree.

One, two!
One, two!
Bump one, bump two -
Winter is no longer scary!

Hello, squirrel, are you still jumping?

And I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry,
I dry pine cones and mushrooms,
I'm stocking up on nuts!

Well, try your best. Good morning!

I have a warehouse of supplies!
I'll give the guys a treat!

The squirrel serves a basket with a treat for the children - nuts.

Now it's time for me to run!
Goodbye kids!

The squirrel runs away.

Well, everything is fine in the forest.
Everyone here is ready for cold days.
So, guys, you and I saw how animals in the autumn forest are preparing for winter. Take a squirrel treat. It’s time for me to say goodbye and move on with my business. Before new meeting, Friends.

Autumn is leaving behind the screen.
End of the show.

Autumn fairy tale with puppet theater
based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev “A BAG WITH APPLES”
Junior preschool age
Musical director
MBDOU Kindergarten No. 27
Balandina K.V.
The hall is decorated for autumn holiday.
Decorations: trees, Christmas trees near the screen, bibabo toys: hare, crow, bear, fox, hedgehog. Autumn costume.
Attributes for games: cones, baskets, mushrooms, umbrellas, leaves for dancing.
Children enter the hall to the music “The Fairy Tale Begins.”
The children sit down and a hare appears behind the screen.
The hare sadly sings:
Come out, come out, sunshine
Red bucket.
Have pity on the bunny
Warm the bunny.
Autumn has come
Cold and damp.
Bunnies are waiting at home
Hungry guys.
HOST: Guys, look, a bunny. Yes, how sad. What happened to you?
HARE: Oh, woe, woe to me! I got cold in the forest. It got completely cold! And all because autumn has arrived. Brrr! Freeze!
HOST: Bunny, autumn is not always so gloomy. There are also warm days. Look how she dressed up the forest. You stay with us, warm up, and the guys will sing you a song.
Song “Zainka-bunny” (r.n. song arr. G. Lobachev)
HARE: Oh, well done guys, I liked it! But the bunnies are waiting for me at home, crying from hunger. I'll go find some food for the bunnies!
CROW: (flies in) Kar-kar-kar! What a nightmare! The bunnies are hungry, and he’s chilling here.
HARE: Oh, it's you crow! Don't croak, I'm sick without you! I can’t find anything for the bunnies! And here is the apple tree. That’s great, I’ll pick some apples and feed the bunnies!
CROW: Kar-kar-kar! What a nightmare! Everyone will come here, not a single apple will be left under the tree!
HARE: You're croaking in vain. There are a lot of apples here. There's enough for everyone. I have hungry bunnies at home, shame on you Raven!
CROW: Kar-kar-kar! I’ll tell everyone in the forest that the hare collected all the apples and didn’t leave them to anyone. Nightmare! (Flies away)
The Bear appears to the music
BEAR: Hello, Bunny! What's in your bag?
HARE: Apples!
BEAR: Apples! Oh, how I haven’t eaten apples for a long time. Probably very tasty?
HARE: Help yourself, Misha. Take it! (The bear tries)
BEAR: Well, come on, I'll try! And I collected a lot of cones in the forest. Do you want to play with cones?
Game "Collect cones"
2-3 children collect cones scattered on the floor into baskets.
My option: Velcro on cones and on Christmas trees, which team will transfer the cones to their Christmas tree faster.

BEAR: Listen, Hare, can I take some apples for my bear cubs? They love apples too.

HARE: Of course, of course, take it, Uncle Misha. (The bear takes the apples, thanks and leaves).

The soundtrack of rain sounds.

HARE: Oh, it's raining! Now I’ll get wet, I’ll get sick, who will feed and care for the bunnies! Oh!

HOST: Don’t be upset, bunny. Here's an umbrella for you. And so that you don’t get bored while it’s raining, the guys from the group will sing you a funny song about the rain.

“Kids and the Rain” by O. Devochkina

(Magazine “Musical Director No. 4/2010)

Umbrella game

The Hedgehog appears to the music

HEDGEHOG: Hello, Bunny!!

HARE: Hello, Hedgehog. What are you doing in the forest?

HEDGEHOG: Sometimes I am in autumn

The thick one went into the forest

Let's just say don't go for a walk

And collect mushrooms.

So that in winter in the frost and cold

There was always lunch and dinner.

Look, guys, how many mushrooms I collected. Help me hang them up and dry them.

Game "Hang the mushrooms"

Two mothers are holding a rope with hooks. (Mushrooms have holes, or loops, or rings.) Children take a mushroom from the basket and hang it on a hook.

“Autumn Game” // Palette No. 5/2012

HEDGEHOG: What do you have, Hare, in your bag that smells so delicious?

HARE: These are apples. Hedgehog help yourself. I picked it under the apple tree! They are very tasty!

HEDGEHOG: Can I take it to the hedgehogs?

HARE: Take it, don’t mind!

HEDGEHOG: Thank you, Hare. I'll take it to the hedgehogs, goodbye! You are very kind!

The Fox appears with a song, followed by the Crow

CROW: How-kar! Look, Fox, the Hare is giving away apples to everyone, but he forgot about you!

FOX: What kind of uninvited guest has appeared and is in charge of other people's apples?

HARE: Calm down, Fox, here, take an apple and eat it for your health. And take it to your foxes, let them eat too!

HOST: Of course, Chanterelle! No need to be angry! Look, what kind of dance with leaves our kids will dance for you!

“Dance with leaves” by A. Filippenko

FOX: Thank you for the funny song and for the rosy apples. I’ll go and make the little foxes happy! (Lisa leaves).

CROW: Kar-kar! Ugliness! There are hungry children sitting there, and he is handing out apples to left and right! What's going on in the forest! Kar-kar!

HARE: (Looks into the bag) Oh, really, the bag is empty! What have I done? Shall I bring an empty bag for the hungry bunnies? Well, what should I do now?

Autumn appears to the music

Autumn: Don’t cry, Zainka, don’t worry. For your kindness, for the fact that you spared no apples for all your friends, I want to thank you. And I give you, Bunny, and your little hares, and all the animals in the forest these gifts! Look how much there is, come on, I’ll put it in your bag!

HARE: That's great! What a beauty! Thank you from me and from my beloved bunnies!

CROW: Lovely! Kar-kar!

I was the most worried

And the hare got gifts! Not in order!

HARE: Stop croaking, crow! Let's go and treat ourselves to some goodies! Goodbye guys! Happy Autumn holiday to you!

HOST: These are the wonderful gifts the sorceress Autumn has prepared for everyone!

Let's have fun together

It's not time to be sad

Get into pairs together

Let's dance the polka.

Dance “Squat”, traditional folk melody

Municipal budget educational institution

"General developmental kindergarten No. 70"


Puppet theater script

"Autumn in the Forest"

Prepared by: teacher

Kozhevnikova Maria Nikolaevna

“Autumn in the Forest.” Puppet show.

There is a screen in the foreground, and autumn forest scenery in the background. An adult Autumn emerges from behind the screen.

The forest path winds and winds,
Autumn is golden through the forest.
I quietly touch the leaves with my hand -
Silence and peace pour from the heavens.
The rain will fall quietly
Leaves will fall from above.
Just no sadness to be seen
I will be welcoming guests!
Hello kids, girls and boys. Do you recognize me? Am I the miracle mistress of Autumn? Do you like my autumn forest?

Children: Yes!

Autumn: Do you want to know what is happening in the forest now?
I hear someone's voices.
Maybe miracles await us!
Let's sit in the clearing.
Who is this? Let's see!

Music is playing. In a screened clearing, a bunny with a bundle emerges from behind a tree.

I ran through the forest.
I'm cold and tired...
There's already frost on the nose,
It's very cold in the forest.
Ears are freezing, nose is freezing,
Paws are freezing, tail is freezing.
Where should the little bunny go?
How can I keep my little bunny warm! Apchhi!

Hello, little bunny friend, why are you so sad and where are you going?

Hello, miracle hostess, Golden Autumn
I would like to change my fur coat, but I don’t know where to change it.
I can't be gray in winter
The fox will notice in the snow.

I'll help you, bunny
Long-eared jumper.
Here's your fur coat, dress up
(gives the hare a “fur coat”)
Show yourself to the guys!

The bunny hides behind a bush and jumps out already white.

Thank you, thank you!
After all, on white in the snow
Now I can hide!
And I won't be visible!
Lisa will be offended!

The cracking of branches is heard, the hare runs away, and the Bear comes out.

I'm a clumsy bear
I'm wandering through the forest!
I'm wandering through the forest
And I roar loudly!
Where is my den?
I can't find my way!

Hello, little target friend, what happened to you?

Hello, Autumn, wonderful hostess.
Help me, clubfoot.
It's time for me to sleep in the den,
But there are no dens!

You go down that road
And you will find yourself a den
Under a tall pine tree
There will be a new house for you.

Thank you, Autumn.
Now I’ll go to bed in the den.
I'll suck your paw.
Let me dream about honey.
I'll wake up when spring comes.

The bear leaves. The hedgehog comes out.

I'm a prickly gray hedgehog
I look like a Christmas tree.
I'm not afraid of a winter day,
After all, I’m not too lazy to work.

Hello hedgehog, what are you doing?

I carry leaves into the hole,
And then more mushrooms.
Hedgehog stays warm in winter
Golden under the foliage.
I also sleep in winter,
I don't like cold weather.
But I can't live without food
I'll save some food.

Let's not disturb the hedgehog, he is busy with important work - preparing his mink for winter.

The hedgehog, having grabbed a few mushrooms, leaves. A squirrel appears and jumps from tree to tree.

One, two!
One, two!
Bump one, bump two -
Winter is no longer scary!

Hello, squirrel, are you still jumping?

And I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry,
I dry pine cones and mushrooms,
I'm stocking up on nuts!

Well, try your best. Good morning!

I have a warehouse of supplies!
I'll give the guys a treat!

The squirrel serves a basket with a treat for the children - nuts.

Now it's time for me to run!
Goodbye kids!

The squirrel runs away.

Well, everything is fine in the forest.
Everyone here is ready for cold days.
So, guys, you and I saw how animals in the autumn forest are preparing for winter. Take a squirrel treat. It’s time for me to say goodbye and move on with my business. Until we meet again, friends.

Autumn is leaving behind the screen.
End of the show.

Elena Kiselevich
"Turnip". Scenario of an autumn holiday with elements of a puppet theater for children of primary preschool age

The hall is decorated in the style autumn. The screen is decorated for a fairy tale « turnip» .

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a circle.

Presenter - Look, children, how beautiful it is in our hall. So many colorful leaves. This is because today we have autumn holiday. And to this holiday children learned poems about autumn.

Children read poetry:

In the morning we go to the yard, -

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle under your feet,

And they fly, fly, fly.

The wind plays with the leaves,

Tears leaves from branches,

Yellow leaves are flying

Right under the guys' feet.

Autumn holiday in the garden, - both light and cheerful.

These are the decorations autumn is here:

Each golden leaf is a little sun

I'll put it in a basket and put it on the bottom.

I take care of the leaves autumn continues,

I've been at home for a long time the holiday doesn't end.

Presenter - What wonderful poems! Children, and the song is about autumn you know? Let's sing it.

Children sing a song and perform movements according to the text of the song.

« Autumn, autumn has come to us» . music Mikhailenko, lyrics. Petrenko."

Autumn, autumn has come to us,

Brought rain and wind.

Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip,

Brought rain and wind.

The green garden turned yellow,

The leaves are spinning and rustling.

Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu,

The leaves are spinning and rustling.

The songs of the birds are not heard, -

Let's wait for them until spring.

Chick-tweet, chick-tweet,

Let's wait for them until spring

Presenter - Well done, children, you sang the song well. Now let's sit down on the chairs (sit down).

Do you hear?: someone is rushing towards us and rustling leaves.

Grandfather appears and sweeps the leaves with a broom.

Grandfather - Eh! Eh!

Presenter - Hello, grandfather! Grandfather stopped.

Grandfather - Hello! Who came to us?

This is us: girls and boys from kindergarten. Today we have autumn holiday, and we came to have fun. And you, grandpa, what are you doing?

Grandfather - Oh, I’m working. Autumn has come, a cold breeze blows and tears leaves from the trees. Leaves fall directly onto the paths. So I sweep them so that they are clean.

Masha appears (runs in)- Hello, grandfather!

Grandfather - Hello, Mashenka! (hug).

Look, Masha, how many guests have come to us. Say hello to them.

Masha - Hello, girls... Hello boys! (Answers children) .

My name is Masha. I'm a very cheerful girl. I love to sing and dance.

The host is Masha, and our children also love to have fun. Do you want to dance with us?

Masha - Of course I want to! (Pulls out a handkerchief from behind the screen) With handkerchiefs!

Presenter - No! With colorful leaves. (Masha removes her scarf)

Grandfather - Dancing with leaves is Fine: and you will dance, and I will have less leaves to clean up. Well, okay, have fun, and I’ll go - I still have a lot of work to do in the garden. (Grandfather leaves).

Masha (takes out 2 leaves from behind the screen.)

Look, children, what beautiful leaves- yellow, red!

Let's take the leaves in our hands and dance with them.

The leader distributes leaves for the dance.

"Dance with autumn leaves» . At the discretion of the music director.

Presenter - Now let’s collect a large bouquet of leaves.

The leader collects leaves from children. Children sit on chairs.

The sound of rain is heard.

Masha - Some clouds have started to roll in, it looks like it’s going to rain.

The presenter is Masha, and our children are not afraid of the rain, and even know a song about it.

Song "Rain", music and lyrics by E Makshantseva. (Children sing and perform movements to the text)

1. Rain, rain on the path - it will wet our feet.

You need to raise your legs and jump through puddles.


Jump - hop, jump - hop, jump through puddles.

2. We will put on all our boots and our feet will be dry.

You can raise your legs and walk through the puddles.


Once, twice, twice, and walk through the puddles.

3. It started to rain, it started to rain, and wet all the kids.

We'll hurry up and run away from the rain!


So, like this, like this, like this, we’ll all escape from the rain!

The sounds of rain are heard and the children hide under the umbrella held by the teacher.

Masha - Oh! It's Grandpa and Grandma coming! I'll hide - before I get them away, I'll play hide and seek (hides).

Grandfather and Baba appear on the screen.

Grandfather - Who’s singing songs here, calling the ringing rain to visit?

Baba - It’s probably the birds singing.

Presenter - Grandma, Grandpa, it’s not the birds singing. Girls and boys sing this.

Baba – Hello, girls and boys. You sing well, beautifully. Well done! Have you seen our granddaughter Mashenka here?

Baba - Oh, who else is this? (look around, search). There is no one here, and no one here. Who could it be?

Grandfather (searches)- Oh, it’s you, Mashenka. Are you still singing songs and playing with hairpins? It's time to help grandparents too.

Masha - How can I help you? What needs to be done?

Baba - Oh, let’s go to the garden and collect the harvest. (Move along the screen "to the garden").

Oh, how much has grown here!

Here is a sweet carrot growing in a garden bed.

Oh, these potatoes are a treat, the potatoes are delicious.

Starchy and soggy. (Shows it to the children, then gives it to the leader in the basket)

Well, this is an onion, guys, rich in vitamins.

Although it sheds tears, it protects against colds. (Shows, then gives to the presenter)

Presenter (carries the basket to the center of the hall, then scatters it on the floor)

Ooh, heavy basket! I couldn’t hold it, I scattered it. Now you need to collect. Guys, can you help me?

A game "Gather the Harvest".

Children in subgroups collect vegetables in different baskets: carrots, potatoes, onions.

Then you can take these baskets away by car.

Grandfather - Well, friends, have you collected everything from the garden? Have you forgotten anything? (Look around).

Baba - Forgot, oh, forgot! Turnips were left in the garden(turnip on the screen) .

Masha – Ours the turnip is big, what a beauty!

Now I'll pull it out. Eh, one, eh two (pulls)

Sits in the ground tightly- I can’t pull it off alone turnip.

Come on, grandma, come and pull help the turnip. (two people pull)

Presenter - Grandfather for turnip, grandmother for grandfather. They pull, they pull, but they can’t pull

Sits in the ground tightly- we can’t do it together turnip.

Come on, granddaughter, come and pull help the turnip.

Presenter - Grandfather for turnip, grandmother for grandfather, granddaughter for grandmother.

In chorus - Eh, one, eh two .

Masha - Sits in the ground tightly– the three of us can’t pull it off turnip.

Grandfather - Well, they couldn’t cope with their granddaughter either!

Masha - Let's call Bug for help.

Come on, Bug, come and pull help the turnip.

Bug appears - Woof, woof, woof! Here I am! I will help you, friends.

Presenter - Grandfather turnip, grandmother for grandfather, granddaughter for grandmother, Bug for granddaughter.

They pull, they pull, but they cannot pull.

In chorus - Eh, one, eh two (the three of them pull under the words of the leader).

Masha - Well, they failed again!

Bug - You need to call the cat for help. Murka the cat, come and pull help the turnip.

Murka appears - Meow, meow, here I am! I will help you, friends.

Presenter - Grandfather turnip, grandmother for grandfather, granddaughter for grandmother, Bug for granddaughter, Cat for Bug….

They pull, they pull, but they cannot pull.

Grandfather - Even the five of us couldn’t cope….

Murka - Maybe we can call the mouse? Mouse, mouse, come, pull help the turnip!

The Mouse appears - Pee-pee-pee, here I am! I will help you, friends.

Grandfather for turnip, grandmother for grandfather, granddaughter for grandmother, Bug for granddaughter,

A cat for a bug, a mouse for a cat.

In chorus - Eh, one, eh two! (the three of them pull under the words of the leader).

Presenter - Pull - pulled, and pulled turnip!

Baba - Ay - yes turnip, round and golden!

Grandfather - Ours the turnip sat firmly in the ground! But we friendly family pulled out turnip.

Masha - And in such joy, dance with me!

General dance at the discretion of the music director.

Grandfather - And in our garden not only the turnip has grown, Here are the apples, plump and rosy. Help yourself to your health (give to the presenter).

The children thank you for the treats, the characters say goodbye and leave.

Presenter - Our fairy tale is over, but good things remain festive mood. Let's admire our beautiful hall and we will go to the group to treat ourselves to apples.

Scenario of autumn entertainment for the first junior group




    fairy-tale characters: hare, fox, hedgehog;

    basket with treats;




    mushrooms - 3 baskets

Children enter the hall to the music and are greeted by Autumn. Children sit on chairs.


- Autumn has come to us again, fun party brought,
She dressed everything up and didn’t forget about us.
Hello, autumn! It's good that you came.
Stay with us, Autumn, and listen to our song.

Song "Autumn has come to us."

1. Autumn, autumn has come to us.
Brought rain and wind.
Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip -
Brought rain and wind.

2. The green garden will turn yellow,
The yellow leaves rustle.
Shur-shur-shur, shur-shur-shur -
The yellow leaves rustle.

3. Bird songs are not heard.
Let's wait for them until spring.
Chick-tweet, chick-tweet -
Let's wait for them until spring.

Autumn: - Guys, I didn’t come to you empty-handed, I have a big basket, and there’s a lot of interesting things in there. Want to know what I have? (Children's answers.) I have a magic umbrella. I’ll twirl the umbrella, I want to start the game.

Magic music sounds.

Presenter: - The sun is shining in the morning, which means it’s time for us to go for a walk.

Game "Sunshine and Rain".

The soundtrack of rain sounds.


- So the drops of capital tapped on the palm of my hand,
The clouds are gathering, the rain is starting.

Children run under an umbrella.

Song "Rain".

1.rain, rain, have fun!

Drip, drip, don't be sorry!

Splash more into the field,

The grass will become thicker.

Just don't kill us,

Don't knock on the window in vain!

Autumn: - Thank you, dear friends! You made us happy! And in my basket for you there are painted autumn leaves - here they are. Let's dance with the leaves! (Hands out leaves to the children.)

Dance “Dance with leaves”.

    Swing over me, I am a golden leaf

    We sit behind a leaf and look from behind a leaf

Oak leaves, maple leaves.

    Suddenly a cheerful breeze wants to tear out my leaf

Oak leaves, maple leaves.

    We won’t give you a piece of paper, we will need it ourselves

Oak leaves, maple leaves.

Autumn: - And in my basket there are vegetables for you - here they are. Let's name them and sing a song. (potatoes, carrots, beets)

Song "Garden Garden"

    To make potatoes grow

We'll clap a little

Tra-la-la -2r


    And for carrots to grow

Let's knock on the legs deftly

Tra-la-la -2r


    Beets to grow faster

We're all dancing more joyfully.

Tra-la-la -2r


    So that everything grows in the garden

Let's stomp together, guys.

Tra-la-la -2r


Autumn: - I'll look in the basket again. Oh, there are mushrooms here, they want to play.

Game "Collect mushrooms in baskets."

3 children take part in the game.


- I came to your holiday and brought a fairy tale with me.
Close your eyes, children, we will find ourselves in a fairy tale.

Puppet show"Autumn Basket".

Autumn-adult presenter

There is a screen in the foreground, and autumn forest scenery in the background. An adult Autumn emerges from behind the screen.

The forest path winds and winds,
Autumn is golden through the forest.
I quietly touch the leaves with my hand -
Silence and peace pour from the heavens.
The rain will fall quietly
Leaves will fall from above.
Just no sadness to be seen
I will be welcoming guests!
Hello kids, girls and boys. Do you recognize me? Am I the miracle mistress of Autumn? Do you like my autumn forest?

Children: Yes!

Autumn: Do you want to know what is happening in the forest now?
I hear someone's voices.
Maybe miracles await us!
Let's sit in the clearing.
Who is this? Let's see!

Music is playing. In a screened clearing, a bunny with a bundle emerges from behind a tree.

I ran through the forest.
I'm cold and tired...
There's already frost on the nose,
It's very cold in the forest.
Ears are freezing, nose is freezing,
Paws are freezing, tail is freezing.
Where should the little bunny go?
How can I keep my little bunny warm! Apchhi!

Hello, little bunny friend, why are you so sad and where are you going?

Hello, miracle hostess, Golden Autumn
I would like to change my fur coat, but I don’t know where to change it.
I can't be gray in winter
The fox will notice in the snow.

I'll help you, bunny
Long-eared jumper.
Here's your fur coat, dress up
(gives the hare a “fur coat”)
Show yourself to the guys!

The bunny hides behind a bush and jumps out already white.

Thank you, thank you!
After all, on white in the snow
Now I can hide!
And I won't be visible!
Lisa will be offended!

The cracking of branches is heard, the hare runs away, and the Bear comes out.

I'm a clumsy bear
I'm wandering through the forest!
I'm wandering through the forest
And I roar loudly!
Where is my den?
I can't find my way!

Hello, little target, my friend, what happened to you?

Hello, Autumn, wonderful hostess.
Help me, clubfoot.
It's time for me to sleep in the den,
But there are no dens!

You go down that road
And you will find yourself a den
Under a tall pine tree

There will be a new house for you.

Thank you, Autumn.

Now I’ll go to bed in the den.
I'll suck your paw.
Let me dream about honey.
I'll wake up when spring comes.

The bear leaves. The hedgehog comes out.

I'm a prickly gray hedgehog

I look like a Christmas tree.
I'm not afraid of a winter day,
After all, I’m not too lazy to work.

Hello hedgehog, what are you doing?

I carry leaves into the hole,
And then more mushrooms.

Hedgehog stays warm in winter
Golden under the foliage.

I also sleep in winter,
I don't like cold weather.
But I can't live without food
I'll save some food.

Let's not disturb the hedgehog, he is busy with important work - preparing his mink for winter.

The hedgehog, having grabbed a few mushrooms, leaves. A squirrel appears and jumps from tree to tree.

One, two!
One, two!
Bump one, bump two -
Winter is no longer scary!

Hello, squirrel, are you still jumping?

And I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry,
I dry pine cones and mushrooms,
I'm stocking up on nuts!

Well, try your best. Good morning!

I have a warehouse of supplies!
I'll give the guys a treat!

The squirrel serves a basket with a treat for the children - nuts.

Now it's time for me to run!
Goodbye kids!

The squirrel runs away.

Well, everything is fine in the forest.
Everyone here is ready for cold days.

Presenter: - Oh, how much fun we have, it’s time for us all to start dancing.

Dance "Squat"

(Estonian folk melody to lyrics by J. Entin, arrangement by A. Roomere).

1. Start dancing
And bow to my friend. La-la...

2. We will all squat:
Sit down together! Stand up together! La-la...

3. The guys are waving their hands -
These are birds flying. La-la...

4. Foot top, foot top,
Once again, top yes top. La-la...

5. Handles - clap, handles - clap,
Once again, clap and clap. La-la...

6. So the dance is over,
Bow down again. La-la...


- My basket is big and it is not empty.
There are treats in it for all the kids. (Gives the basket to the presenter, the children thank.)

Presenter: - And now we ask Autumn to take a photo with us. (They leave.)