DIY gingerbread house made from cardboard. DIY New Year's gingerbread house

One of the most amazing New Year and Christmas crafts that you can make with your children is a gingerbread house. Why? Because, firstly, it is incredibly beautiful. Secondly, it is very tasty. And, most importantly, the very process of creating a gingerbread house with your own hands will give you a fabulous, New Year's mood and create a festive atmosphere at home.

To bake a gingerbread house, you first need to prepare gingerbread dough for it. There are many different recipes for gingerbread dough. It should be noted that many of them are quite complex and time consuming. We have chosen for you the simplest, but at the same time very tasty dough recipe for a gingerbread house. The finished gingerbread house is soft, tasty and incredibly aromatic! The gingerbread house according to our recipe is stored for a long time and does not go stale. Note that at first the gingerbread house will be hard, but over time (after a couple of days) it will soften. Keep in mind that such gingerbread cookies and gingerbread houses should not be stored in a box so that they absorb moisture.

Gingerbread dough:

  • - 350 g honey
  • - 1 large egg
  • - 150 g sugar
  • - 200 g margarine
  • - 2 tsp. cocoa
  • - 2 tsp. baking powder
  • - spices: vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, anise, cloves, ginger
  • - 750 g flour (approximate amount)

Heat honey, sugar, margarine until sugar dissolves. The mass should not boil. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Mix the gingerbread house dough with all the other ingredients. Roll into a ball and refrigerate for a couple of hours.

Gingerbread house master class.

All the details of the future gingerbread house are cut out from rolled out dough and baked separately, decorated, and only then glued together with icing. As you can see, it is quite difficult to make a gingerbread house with your own hands. But it’s interesting, tasty and beautiful!

The operating procedure is as follows:

1. Make a pattern of 4 sides of a gingerbread house + 2 roof parts from cardboard. Mark the windows and doors.

2. Roll out the dough. The thickness of the rolled out layer of dough for a gingerbread house should be about 5 mm.

3. Cut out the prepared gingerbread house pieces from the dough.

4. Cut out windows and doors sharp knife or using molds.

5. Bake the gingerbread house parts at 180 degrees for about 12 minutes until done. Cool.

6. Decorate every piece of the gingerbread house with icing, gummies, candies, etc. even before the product is assembled. This is one of the most creative steps in making gingerbread houses. Let the kids help you decorate your own gingerbread house.

7. Gather the four sides of the gingerbread house together by gluing them together at the seams with icing. Dry. Go over the glaze again inside and outside for strength. Dry it.

Protein glaze recipe: 1 protein, approximately 200 g. powdered sugar; beat everything together using a mixer or whisk.

8. Glue the roof to the gingerbread house. Dry.

The charming gingerbread house is ready! You can insert a safe LED candle (or a regular candle in a glass) inside the finished gingerbread house, then it will be beautifully lit from the inside.

Flat gingerbread houses also look good. In addition, they are faster and easier to make than classic ones.

We told you step by step and showed you how you can make gingerbread dough at home and bake a gingerbread house from it. Here we want to point out that often working mothers do not have time to make a gingerbread house completely themselves from start to finish. To help them the famous Bakery "Sofi"(their website address is gingerbreadhouse.rf) prepared creativity set "Gingerbread house".

This kit contains everything you need to make your own gingerbread house. These are ready-made gingerbread house parts, decorations, powdered sugar for making glaze. You will find all the decorations as in the photo below in the set.

It will take you very little time to make this with your children. original craft for the New Year. Ready gingerbread house from Bakery "Sofi"(their website address is gingerbreadhouse.rf) will become one of the main decorations of the holiday New Year's table. This is also a wonderful gift for loved ones for the New Year, which the child will make himself, with his own hands. Separately, we note that ginger-honey gingerbread from Bakery "Sofi"(their website address is gingerbreadhouse.rf) are made exclusively from natural products and do not contain preservatives.

In Europe, or more precisely in Germany, the first gingerbread houses appeared in the century before last. Immediately after the release of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “Hansel and Gretel,” the houses began to enjoy considerable popularity at Christmas markets. So many years have passed, but children all over the world are still dealing with the fabulous structure with great pleasure. Let's try to make a gingerbread house.

I immediately apologize for the quality of the pictures, the lighting is simply catastrophic. On top of that, this activity turned out to be so exciting that sometimes I simply forgot to photograph the process, in the most banal way. That's why there aren't too many photos. But, as they say, what is rich...

So, we will need:

Cardboard, pencil, ruler, scissors. Remembering the lessons of geometry and drawing, we will design a house. Whatever you want, even three-story. Carefully cut out the parts. I will add patterns at the request of readers.

1. front part - 2 pcs.
2. roof of a large house - 2 pcs. (arrows indicate direction from top to bottom)
3. side walls of a large house - 2 pcs.
4. front wall of the extension - 2 pcs.
5. side wall of the extension - 1 pc.
6. extension roof - 1 pc.

Note: While the dough is hot, it cuts very well, you can use this to fit all the parts perfectly. One side of the large roof will need to be cut out a little to “fit onto the roof of the extension.” Well, you'll figure it out for yourself in the process. You can also bake a layer from the remaining dough, on which we will then install the house. Good luck.

For the test:
4 cups flour
1 packet of baking powder
200 g butter
200 g powdered sugar
5 spoons of warm honey
4 egg yolks
1 teaspoon each of ground ginger, cinnamon, zest of 1 lemon, my favorite cardamom and anise.

Knead the dough, wrap in film and put in the refrigerator for several hours. The dough is sooooo tasty and fragrant, but you have to work carefully so as not to tear.

Roll out to a thickness of 5-6 mm and cut out parts of the house according to the patterns. Bake over medium heat for 10-12 minutes. Cool.

Now the most interesting and exciting part begins - decorating!
You can use whatever your heart desires: candies, cookies, sprinkles, lollipops, nuts, chocolates, waffles. Use your imagination, you will be surprised how much interesting ideas you will have.

In the photo: cups with tinted icing, confectionery sprinkles, nuts, gold and silver edible balls.

By the way, you can make wonderful Christmas tree decorations from this dough.

Paint the walls with colored icing and cover them with candies and sprinkles, let them dry.

For icing:
whites of about 5-6 eggs
powdered sugar
lemon juice
food colorings

Make icing in small portions. Beat the egg white with powdered sugar to form a thick mass, add a few drops of lemon juice so that it does not dry out quickly.

Assemble the house (without a roof), gluing the parts together with icing.

Spread the roof with icing and place almond kernels on it, starting from the bottom edge, so that each new row overlaps. Leave to dry. Instead of almonds, you can use breakfast cereal pads.

For mastic:
100 g milk powder
100 g powdered sugar
approximately 120 g condensed milk
1 tsp lemon juice
food paints

You can make mastic according to any recipe that is more familiar to you. Use mastic to make any parts of the decor that your imagination tells you. I have these columns at the front door.

Assemble the house completely, attach the roof.

See what else you can decorate. Yeah, the door! Mine is made from chocolate.
Now it's snowing. Place a thick layer of white icing on the roof, slightly pulling the edges down to make icicles.

It seems to have worked out well. Upcoming holidays!

“Hansel climbed up the hut and broke off a piece of the roof to try what it tasted like. And Gretel went to the window and started gnawing on it.
Suddenly a thin voice was heard from inside:


The children answered:


And, not paying attention, they continued to eat the house."

I'm still looking for mine perfect recipe for the gingerbread house. and I think I found it :)

140 g butter
100 g sugar
1 egg
1 tsp soda
100 ml honey (recipe is molasses, but to hell with it :))
1 tsp ground cardamom. You can have it ready-made, but IMHO, freshly ground spice is better.
optional - instead of cardamom 1 tsp. ground ginger, depending on what taste you want to achieve.
1 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp grated orange zest
450 g flour

For the glaze:
150 g powdered sugar
1 egg white
you can add 1 tsp. lemon juice

For decoration:
lollipops of the desired color, confectionery sprinkles.

Beat softened butter with half the sugar. add soda (do not extinguish) and honey.
Beat the remaining sugar with the egg until thick foam, combine with the butter mixture. add spices, zest, flour and mix until smooth. Wrap in film and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

While the dough is resting, draw templates on cardboard and cut them out. if there are cuttings of the required shape - great, things will go faster.
If you decide to make a gingerbread house, I advise you to cut out all the parts from cardboard and make sure that they fit together :))

Break the caramel into small pieces with a hammer. maximum size is a pea, minimum is dust :)

Pinch off a piece the size of an orange from the rested dough and roll it out, sprinkling with flour, to a thickness of approximately 3 mm. Apply the template and cut it out with a sharp knife. I recommend cutting out windows, holes and other beauty on a baking sheet, since such a thin dough is difficult to transfer in an openwork form without damaging it.
pour broken caramel into windows, holes, cracks, etc.
We put it in the oven and stay nearby, as it burns instantly. I won’t tell you the exact time, it all depends on the oven. in my idiotic one - about 10-15 minutes on low heat.

Cool directly on the baking sheet, otherwise the uncooled caramel will leak out. Remove the cooled cookies and repeat the procedure until the dough runs out.

When all the cookies are ready, we start decorating. beat the egg white, gradually adding powdered sugar. You should get a thick snow-white mass.

We put the icing in a pastry bag, or just a plastic bag with a corner cut off - and the soul rushes to heaven, who cares. for special lovers of different colors - you can tint the glaze, and even in different colors :)

Very good recipe. The dough is easy to work with and does not spread when baking.

6 cups white flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
4 tsp ground ginger
4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/2 tsp salt
168 g butter (room temperature)
1 cup and a half brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tbsp black molasses (I replaced van gilst schenk stroop
1 tbsp water

Preparation of the dough:
Sift the flour and mix with baking powder and spices.
Beat butter with sugar, add eggs one at a time, then molasses and water and mix everything with a mixer.
Gradually add flour, stirring constantly.
The dough should become smooth, dense and homogeneous.
Place it in a container or wrap it in cling film.
Place in the refrigerator, preferably overnight (you can leave it in the cold for up to 3 days).
Before working, take out the dough 2 hours before and let it warm up.

Next, we cut out the parts according to the template; I rolled them out on baking paper.
Bake in a preheated oven to 180 degrees for about 7-10 minutes (it all depends on the thickness of the baked goods).
After baking, immediately attach the parts and check if everything matches. If not, then cut it hot. The house is glued together with icing (whipped egg white with powdered sugar).
I made the windows from sheet gelatin and glued it onto icing.

Traditional crafts on New Year They give us a great opportunity to show our imagination, expand the boundaries of fantasy and, of course, use all those cute and cute things that have accumulated in handicraft boxes for their intended purpose.

An excellent New Year's option is a small gingerbread one. Any unlucky craftsman can probably handle its construction.

So, before making a gingerbread house, we cut out separate blocks from cardboard - blanks for the roof, floor and walls. We make two walls pentagonal, two – rectangular. The roof is made in the form of a long rectangle folded in half. You can cut out the windows and door in advance. We use corrugated cardboard rather than ordinary cardboard. It can easily be replaced by boxes disassembled into separate layers, for example, pizza boxes.

We assemble a solid structure from cardboard blocks and fix it with office glue or PVA. The main part of the work is done, you can move on to decoration.

We take out our treasured box with the remains of braid, bows, ribbons, decorative sprinkles, buttons and other elegant little things. Be sure to look for scraps of padding polyester, batting or pieces of white wool - we will need them.

Using a brush, apply a layer of glue to the cardboard roof.

On top we lay padding polyester or any similar material that is at your fingertips at that moment. The house is covered in snow!

All that remains is to decorate the remaining parts of the house with various decorative sprinkles. You can use pieces of small serpentine, confetti, paper figures made using a figured hole punch. All this will look appropriate and very festive. Don’t forget to stick on a small door and windows, because the gingerbread house also has its own fairy-tale inhabitants.

Ready! The house can be hung as Christmas decorations or use as

If you have the opportunity to spend the whole day in the kitchen, don’t be lazy to make your own gingerbread house! This is the perfect decoration New Year's holiday and great joy for little children, who, by the way, can safely be involved in the process.

Making a gingerbread house is a creative and exciting task! By getting together with the whole family, you can develop a design, come up with an interesting design, and just have fun. So, let's start the process and prepare a gingerbread house, following the step-by-step recipe with photos!


For the test:

  • butter - 120 g;
  • honey - 200 g;
  • ground ginger - 4 teaspoons;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • baking soda - a small pinch;
  • flour - about 300 g (how much the dough will take).

For caramel (gluing):

  • sugar - 100 g;
  • water - 40 ml.

For the glaze:

  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • egg white - 1 pc.;
  • powdered sugar - about 150-200 g.

For decoration:

  • colored caramel - 2-3 candies;
  • chocolate pillows - about 100 g;
  • any confectionery toppings - optional.

New Year's gingerbread house recipe with photos step by step

  1. First of all, you need to cut out the blanks for the gingerbread house from cardboard. You can find ready-made templates on the Internet or come up with a model yourself. In our example, we made blanks of the following sizes:
    • side walls - 2 pcs. (107x120 mm);
    • roof - 2 pcs. (90x140 mm);
    • facade - 2 pcs. (105x160 mm, with the wall height being 107 mm);
    • house base - 1 pc. (150x210 mm).
  2. Also, do not forget to cut out windows and doors on the facade and side walls. If you want to make a large house, you need to prepare 1.5-2 times more dough than indicated in the recipe.
  3. Once the templates are prepared, we begin kneading the dough. Mix the softened butter with sugar and beat with a mixer until a soft and fluffy mass is formed. Add liquid honey and beat again.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix the dry ingredients: ginger, cinnamon, cocoa powder, baking soda and 100 g of sifted flour.
  5. Add the dry mixture to the oil mixture in portions, stirring. Gradually add flour and knead the dough.
  6. We adjust the dosage of flour during kneading: it may be needed a little more or less than indicated in the recipe. The dough should be soft and slightly crumbly, not sticky to your hands. Roll it into a ball and place it on the refrigerator shelf for 20-30 minutes - after cooling, the dough will become more elastic.

  7. Roll out a thin layer on parchment paper and cut out parts of the future house using the templates. We make sure that the thickness of the layer does not exceed 3 mm! If you make the layer thicker, the dough may remain loose inside, and the workpieces will not be strong enough. In addition, the finished house can simply collapse under its own weight.
  8. Carefully transfer the parchment with the parts to a baking sheet. We decorate the windows of the house with caramel. To do this, grind it into fine crumbs, for example, by placing it in a plastic bag and tapping it with a chop mallet. Place caramel crumbs in the “windows”. When exposed to temperature, the caramel will quickly melt, and the windows will become colored, as if the lights were turned on in the house.
  9. We bake the components of the house for about 8-10 minutes at 180 degrees - do not overbake! Freshly baked dough will be soft at first, but will then harden very quickly.
  10. We collect the scraps of dough and bake cookies using molds in the shape of Christmas trees, deer, people, etc. By the way, ready-made cookies can also be used in the design of the house.
  11. When all the component parts are completely ready, we begin to “assemble” the gingerbread house.

  12. We will glue the parts of the house together using caramel. To prepare it, pour sugar into a fireproof bowl with a thick bottom and add drinking water. Stirring, bring to a boil over medium heat.
  13. Continuing to stir, cook the sweet mixture until you get golden color. To check readiness, take a small amount of syrup and place it in a container of cold water. If a solid caramel forms after a couple of seconds, the syrup is ready!
  14. Now let's move on to the most important stage. Carefully, so as not to get burned, dip the parts of the house end-to-end into hot caramel and quickly fasten them together. First, we glue the side wall and facade together and attach them to the base.
  15. Then we attach the second side and the back wall of the house. You need to work quickly, as the caramel hardens very quickly. At this stage, it is better to get an assistant, since it will be difficult to hold the house together alone. To prevent the unused caramel in the bowl from hardening, it is better to cover it with a lid and periodically warm it up over low heat.
  16. Last but not least, we attach the roof. Leave the formed house for about an hour.

    How to make gingerbread house frosting

  17. Mix cooled raw protein with lemon juice. Beat until white foam is obtained.
  18. Add sweet powder in portions, without ceasing to work with the mixer. As a result, the whites need to be beaten into a stiff mass, otherwise the icing on the house will not harden. If necessary, increase the dosage of powder.

  19. Place the glaze in a plastic bag and cut off the tip. Carefully process the gluing areas to hide traces of caramel. We apply glaze to the roof, and then attach chocolate pads to imitate tiles. If desired, we complement the house with any confectionery toppings. You can also use the glaze to form “icicles”. If the consistency of the glaze is correct, they will hold their shape well and harden quickly.

Congratulations! You made your own gingerbread house! Unfortunately, gingerbread dough quickly becomes stale and hard. Therefore, if you want to have a tea party, it is better to do it immediately after preparation, or simply leave the house as decoration. We wish you pleasant and happy holidays!