Happy Victory Day greetings to grandmother from granddaughter. Congratulations poems to grandmother on Victory Day

Victory Day is for the residents of our great power a sign of the exploits of our defenders. The holiday has a tragic atmosphere, but at the same time it carries a feeling of joy for victory. This unusually touching date is always at the forefront. Our site combines May 9th congratulations to grandma in its excellent and original collection. This holiday unites people of different generations, as well as the main heroes of the occasion - those who risked their own lives and health in fierce battles, rescuing wounded soldiers for the sake of their children, granddaughters and great-granddaughters. If your grandmother is a veteran or participant in the war, defending the country in cruel years, then be sure to congratulate her with special love, warmth and cordiality. Because their generation is getting smaller every year, but it is too late to say words of gratitude to them for the courage and valor shown during the terrible period of the war.

Wonderful poems are on our resource, you can send them to anyone you want using Internet technologies, mail, social networks. Of course, we cannot forget about mobile communications. These poems can be supplemented with a postcard. Of course, it is best to congratulate the participants in great battles when they meet, but the texts can be taken from our collection, because they are collected here best options, which can be learned and read, feeling the warmth of their emotions. Now you don’t need to come up with the most important words, our website will come in handy for this, which will help you thank veterans for the brave deeds given to save our country.

Poems for grandma in SMS

Grandmother, my beloved!
Happy Victory Day I want you
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart today,
And I sincerely wish you health.

After all, we have one such you -
Has retained the charm of beauty,
I wish you many years to come
And many life victories!

Dear Granny, Happy Victory Day, dear!
How much we want to wish on this day.
Never be, grandma, sad.
And don’t let the shadow of sadness darken your face.

You are real heroes - children of war.
Your merits are worthy of admiration.
And on this great holiday of spring
Please accept my wishes, with respect.

Happy Victory Day to my dear grandmother
Today I will joyfully congratulate you,
So, grandma, I love you!
I will never leave you!

Let illness not touch you,
May joy always live in your heart,
You and I will always be together,
Everything will be just like this, and not the other way around!

Let the gray hair show
Look - don't be sad,
Let everything in life go smoothly,
I love you, you know

So that your beloved grandmother
You have become for me!
So happy Victory Day, dear,
May happiness await you!

Soldiers fought for every meter of land,
To celebrate this significant date today,
My grandmother was a nurse
Saved the lives of many soldiers.

Today is a glorious Victory Day,
Congratulations from your grandson, grandma, please accept,
Let all troubles pass you by,
May your dreams certainly come true.

I better than grandma my
Believe me, I didn’t know people.
I want to congratulate you with all my heart
Happy May 9th. On your holiday

I want to wish you today
Hurry up to forget the bad things,
Let luck just wait
And everything beautiful will come!

I'm better than my grandmother
Believe me, I didn’t know people.
I want to congratulate you with all my heart
From May 9th. On your holiday

I want to wish you today
Hurry up to forget the bad things,
Let luck just wait
And everything beautiful will come!

Although you are cheerful and cheerful,
And your soul is young,
The war has touched you too.
I was a little girl,
When she arrived.
Deprived of grandfather and father
Damn you war.
You play everything with me,
Without just taking the game,
What pain still carries -
You don't want to play war.
And only on Victory Day I
Suddenly I understand why
Always cheerful - sad:
You remember that war.
I'm sorry, grandma, that I couldn't
I understood your sadness before!
Apparently I haven’t matured enough in heart,
Asking you to play war.
And on Victory Day every year
Now I hasten to congratulate
All the old people I know,
But first - your grandmother! Date added:
May 7, 2014

May this holiday be forever for you

Although with sadness from the pain of loss and loss,
But bright and joyful
Messenger of happiness
The cherished door to hope and faith.
There is no more honest victory than your victory.
There are no more expensive or better victories in the world.
There is no more valuable merit, there is no wiser covenant,
Than the one you gave to your descendants forever.
Let your courage be an example to us.
May victory become our eternal fire.
You were a pioneer in ancient times,
We will carry your courage like a flag.
We would like to wish you health,
And cheerfulness in our difficult age of change.
Let the grandchildren give
What can they give you?
And they will receive the wisdom of life in return.
May this holiday be wonderful for you,
Day of youth, peace, goodness, beauty.
Let your mind shine
In your clear eyes,
May your dreams come true! Date added:
May 7, 2014

May Day of Light and Joy

Victory Day, hour of remembrance.
It will be an eternal day of youth.
Your courage, valor.
Our Fatherland does not have
A cleaner holiday.
For the younger generation
There is no wiser mentor.
Your services to the Motherland
We appreciate it. In search of conscience
We all go in search of the truth.
She is yours through all the sorrows.
So the triumph of the winners
Will be forever marked.
To us, dear parents,
Victory is yours.
These covenants are wonderful,
As dear to us as life itself.
Your eyes are burning clear
Vigilance of a bright mind.
Be healthy and happy,
Be beautiful and young
Let the grandchildren be quick-witted -
They will bow their heads on your shoulder. Date added:
May 7, 2014

Today and the years are already gray

Since the war was over,
But congratulations on Victory Day
Country of grandfathers and great-grandchildren.
Thank you, dear, dear,
Those who protected us then
And those who defended Russia
At the price of military labor.
We congratulate you with love,
And the great-grandchildren will remember the day,
Drenched in your scarlet blood,
When the lilacs were in full bloom. Date added:
May 7, 2014

We honor the dead and the living

Those who fell defending the Fatherland,
We will remember their names forever,
They gave their lives for us.
Every year the series gets shorter
Eyewitnesses of those bloody battles,
Let the explosions no longer thunder,
Do not disturb old wounds.
Your heroic deed will not be forgotten,
Let the years fly by inexorably,
But lilac is a velvet brush
The inflammable tree blooms in your honor! Date added:
May 7, 2014

Happy May 9th! Happy Victory Day!

Happy great holiday, holy one!
Thank you for being all of us
We live under the blue sky! Date added:
May 7, 2014

Beloved grandmother, I cordially congratulate you on May 9th.

This is a holiday in which the bitterness of loss and the great joy of the Great Victory over fascism merged together. Low bow and most sincere words gratitude for your great and immortal feat, which will be remembered by your descendants. I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity. Happy holiday! Date added:
March 12, 2015

Dear grandma, hello!

Your grandson and parents congratulate you on Victory Day, we wish you to always remain as kind and beautiful. Good health to you, don’t get sick, we all love you very much! Date added:
March 12, 2015

Dear grandmother, I sincerely congratulate you on Great Victory Day!

The day when our heroes defeated fascism and gave their descendants a peaceful sky above their heads. The whole people worships you and will never forget your exploits. Without your resilience and dedication, the world would be a very different place. Thanks for the victory! Date added:
March 12, 2015

Let the gray hair show

Look - don't be discouraged,
Let everything in life go smoothly,
I love you, you know
So that your beloved grandmother
You have become for me!
So happy Victory Day, dear,
May happiness await you! Date added:
March 13, 2015

Happy Victory Day, grandma,
I congratulate you
About the war, dear,
You don't know from books.

Dead father
My great-grandfather
You always remember
On the glorious Victory Day.

I wish you peaceful days,
Grandma for you
May Victory Day be preserved
Memory of the war.

You are my grandmother
Sweet pancake,
I love you dearly
And on Victory Day
In memory of my grandfather,
I give congratulations.

Be you, grandma,
You are our darling,
With us for many more years,
Let the war
Never to you, grandma,
Will not block white light.

Dear Granny! I congratulate you on this great day, on this huge holiday of the triumph of peace, happiness and victory over the terror of the fascist invaders. I wish that this world tragedy will never happen again in my life. So that our land never absorbs so many tears, blood and pain. So that love, kindness, compassion, humanity and prosperity always reign in the world. And for you personally, I wish you good health, so that you live long, long time and enjoy happiness, unclouded by the evil of war. Happy Victory!

Grandma, granny, dear
You told me about the war
So much that, composing poetry,
We could become famous with you.
I read congratulations on Victory Day -
And I see tears in my eyes.
Stop it, my dear,
May all troubles turn to dust.

Grandma deserves our respect
She has enough patience for all her grandchildren.
On Victory Day we go to visit for lunch,
And we carry a bouquet of spring flowers for her.

Congratulations grandma, may you be healthy
Grandchildren brought some new things for you, grandma.
We kiss you on the cheek, our dear,
You are the dearest to us in the whole world!

Grandmother remembers her scorched childhood by the war.
Grandmother! I know for sure - you have a heart of gold!
On this spring-like day, joy is intertwined with sadness...
I congratulate you on the holiday, my dear grandmother!
This holiday is definitely yours
In 1945 you were a girl -
And you greeted Victory with a cheerful and ringing song!
Live, dear, long and pain-free, dear,
Your grateful granddaughter sends you congratulations!

Today grandma is one of the greatest dates,
We remember the terrible war,
We remember everything, Berlin and Stalingrad,
How you saved the country from the Nazis.

When the enemy attacked on a June morning,
You are all from young to old, not counting,
All as one stood up to fight the enemies,
Having walked the victorious path until May.

You walked in the fire for four years,
In the heat of battle, in hot attacks,
Thank you grandma doubly for everything,
To soldiers, generals, nurses!

For all generations in the world
The great holiday has arrived
Let's be silent for a moment
We will stand at the mass graves.

Do you remember hunger and devastation,
Post-war bitter smoke
Rise in spirit on Victory Day,
The world has long since become different.

Only your stories, grandma,
They will remind their grandchildren of those years.
Hurray for our military glory,
Which, like thunder, always thunders!

Granny! You are an angel for me
The very care and love!
Do you remember once during the war,
Where our blood was shed,

It’s not for nothing that your enemies were afraid of you!
And everyone in the regiment appreciated it so much!
Granny! Symbol of the word "bravery"
Your look that burns like steel in battle!

Love you! And Happy Victory Day
I congratulate you with all my heart!
Forget about wars, battles, troubles!
Live a hundred years, I ask you!

You've seen a lot
In those terrible years
And I helped my mother
You always do your best.

You survived the famine
And a terrible war.
Not everyone in the world could
This is like the old days.

So know that today
We remember the war
About a huge feat
For the benefit of the whole country.

Congratulations on Victory Day,
My grandmother, you.
Bitter memories
Let the greatness of the day brighten it up.

I wish peace in my heart,
Understanding in the family
Joy, health in the body,
Prosperity in the country.

Happy Victory Day, dear grandmother,
Congratulations on the joyful moment of May!
May the Lord protect our world
And he never allows war!

Let your eyes shine with happiness
And you won’t encounter bad weather.
The house will be cozy, the warmest,
Your happiness, grandmother, is bottomless!

Let's celebrate the holiday Great Victory!
An important anniversary in the country.
Fortunately, the living grandfathers are celebrating,
Grandmothers' faces are brighter.

Flowers are being given to veterans everywhere,
Honors are given to them.
We got up early in solemn excitement,
Songs are sung everywhere.

And I, grandma, congratulate you,
This is your holiday too!
Our Victory Day, May 9
We celebrate with the country!

Be, grandma, always happy
And don't get sick, ever,
There will be energy, there will be strength,
The soul will be young!

Victory Day - May 9.
Congratulations to you, dear granny.
Together with the Fatherland you endured
The harsh hardships of a terrible war!
That war scorched your youth,
But she did not break her faith in victory,
Strong women of the Russian land
Helped the men win!
Grandma, I wish you health
And peaceful skies - from edge to edge!

Happy Victory Day,
Dear grandmother.
Be healthy and happy
My dear.

On this big and glorious day
I wish you peace.
The price of life without war
You undoubtedly know.

I will touch your dear hands,
And we'll talk again
About distant days, days of grief and war!
And I will understand that we must now
For a peaceful sky and for the opportunity to live
Dear grandmother, thank you!

Lilacs are blooming, spring is singing,
The front-line soldiers put on their medals.
It's been a long time since there was a war,
And we celebrate Victory Day.

And I congratulate my beloved grandmother,
I sincerely wish her, the best,
So that, dear, you never know troubles,
Health, happiness, long life!

Happy Victory Day, grandma,
I congratulate you
Long happy years
I wish you.

Frontline photos
Will you show yours?
About the war again
You will tell me on this day.

I wish you
Peace, silence,
So that the grandchildren don't know
And great-grandchildren of the war.

Congratulations on Victory Day,
You are loved and kind
I don’t know what to wish for:
I love you so much!

There was sadness in childhood:
You lived through the whole war...
Your life is full of aspiration -
You gave it to us!

Know: we love you very much,
Together - a strong family!
And let’s not forget what happened,
We will remember forever.

Happy Victory Day, dear granny.
Let there be no damn war.
Both the country and the beloved land
Bombs and explosions are never needed.

I wish us all happiness and peace.
You, my granny, don’t be sick.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Just smile more cheerfully.

Happy Victory Day, dear granny.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
I want long years and health,
To wish, despite the years.

May there be hundreds of bright flowers,
They will remind you of that spring again,
When sweet word Victory,
Resurrected her beauty.

Happy May 9th - poems for great-grandfather

Not everyone is given such happiness
Congratulate your great-grandfather who went through the war!
We swear on Victory Day - in our power
Raise a great country from its knees!
The enemies who attacked will be taught everything.
We will protect our children and grandchildren! ©

You, great-grandfather, were a soldier
In that terrible war!
Back in forty-five
Liberated the country!
For us in the family, you are the main commander!
So let's drink to Victory and peace! ©

In the battles for the Motherland, you, my beloved great-grandfather,
The great hour of retribution was approaching!
They leave again and again inexorably
All those with whom you won the Victory!
So Happy Holidays! Live a hundred years, dear!
From us, from our great-grandchildren, bow to you! ©

Congratulations on May 9th for grandfather

Grandfather! Congratulations! This holiday is bright
In honor of our Victory Day over the enemy
We will celebrate with multi-colored fireworks
And a glass for you in a male circle!
More health to you, dear!
Live in the world, grandfather, as long as possible! ©

Grandfather, dear, you haven’t come out for years,
So that we can fight the fascists then!
Survived the war famine
And at thirteen I had to get up to the machine!
Labor became part of the Great Victory -
We promise, war is prohibited! ©


Happy May 9th – poems for great-grandmother

Congratulations to great-grandmother and grandmother!
We are glad to be with you on Victory Day!
We bow our heads before you -
Put on your medals - you are our hero!
You are a participant in that war, a winner,
And for children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren - a teacher! ©

Grandmother to us, great-grandmother to the children,
You went through the war - you don’t know it from books.
Four years of service in medical battalions
You helped wounded soldiers.
The war stuck in my heart like a splinter...
May your path in this life be long! ©

Congratulations for grandmother on Victory Day

Dear Grandma, congratulations!
We all your grandchildren know your kindness.
The girl endured a lot during the war,
I managed to study and work.
Let's hug, darling, quickly -
The holiday - Victory Day is at the door! ©

Thank you, grandmother, for our lives -
You were able to raise your children,
When enemies attacked the Fatherland.
And I’ve been waiting for my grandfather for so many years since the war!
We wish you health, dear
And congratulations to the whole family on the Victory! ©