Congratulations on the birth of a newborn son in your own words. Congratulations on the birth of your son in your own words, short

I congratulate you with all my heart on the birth of a small miracle and the greatest joy. May the angel always protect the baby, may the child’s path be bright and kind. I wish your family good health and prosperity, unquenchable happiness and love.

Congratulations on the birth of your baby! Now you are a father, it sounds so proud! I wish the baby to grow up as a smart, obedient child, to please his parents, to bring home only A’s and to respect his elders. It may seem to you that these moments are still far away, but I want to tell you a secret - before you know it, your children will give you grandchildren!

Happened in your family a big joy- a baby son was born! Let him grow up strong, healthy, smart and endlessly please his mom and dad with his successes! We wish parents strength and patience, because the first year of the baby’s life will certainly be a real test for you!

I sincerely congratulate you on the birth of your little man and big miracle. I wish the family prosperity and well-being, and the little one good health, great happiness on the path of life and bright luck.

You became a mother - how wonderful it is! Congratulations on the birth of your child, on the best and most joyful day of your life! Let everything work out in the baby’s life, illnesses, misfortunes and failures will be unfamiliar to him, but happiness, success and love will become his faithful companions throughout your life!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! Let the baby grow up healthy, smart, affectionate and obedient! And, of course, let her become a real beauty, just like her mother!

With all my heart I want to congratulate you on the birth of your baby. I wish Manyuni to have a happy and kind destiny, a bright future and good health. May there always be a holiday in your family, may there be mutual understanding, prosperity and comfort. Let the baby please you with his smile, small and big successes and strong children's hugs.

Well, there are simply no words!!! Congratulations on the birth of your third child! This is a responsible step, not everyone dares to do this, but you not only decided, but also accomplished a feat - you became parent-heroes! All the best to you children, never despair, look into the future with confidence, and you will do well, we are sure!

The birth of a child is the greatest miracle that can happen in human life. Just think, a year ago you only dreamed of becoming parents, but today you cannot imagine how you lived without your precious little one! We wish you wisdom, strength and patience, and your baby health, fewer tears and more smiles!

Congratulations on the new addition to your family! Let your baby grow up healthy and happy. She always pleases her loved ones with a warm and sincere smile. We wish your guardian angel to protect your entire strong family.

Having a baby is the best thing that can happen in life! You are now inextricably linked with each other! We wish your child the best in life: an interesting destiny, beautiful deeds, good health and mutual love! May the Lord protect him every day from all troubles and disappointments. You are his parents, the people closest to him, always be his friends. Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

Congratulations on your new addition to the family! Now you can unmistakably say what real happiness is. Let your child grow up to be the most wonderful, obedient and smartest. Receive from such upbringing beautiful baby just pleasure. We wish your wonderful angel to be healthy, strong, cheerful, and happy. We see that you just can’t take your eyes off the baby. We wish parents that their views always converge on the child, that there is complete mutual understanding and harmony in the family, and that peace reigns. We don't promise that your life will become very easy. But we are confident that, loving each other, you will overcome any difficulties and will always be able to remain active and cheerful. All the best to you for the coming year!

Congratulations on the birth of a beautiful miracle, on the birth of your joy. I wish you to live under a peaceful sky, not to know either grief or loss. Let the baby grow up surrounded by love and understanding, care and attention. May your family be strong and healthy, incredibly happy and cheerful.

I sincerely congratulate you on the birth of your child! Now your family has a small miracle and great happiness! Without a doubt, the baby will bring a lot of excitement, difficulties and anxieties, to overcome which you will need strength, patience and support from each other. But at the same time, along with your baby, endless joy will settle in the family, which will be brought by children's laughter, the patter of little feet, the hugs of tiny hands!

Congratulations on the birth of the main and important person, on the appearance of a deeply loved and dearest child in your life. I wish the little one a bright and colorful world, kind and sincere people on the path of confident and successful steps in life, starting with the smallest first steps and ending with great feats. May your child always be your great joy and great pride at any age.

Congratulations on the birth of your first child! Let the baby be as beautiful and charming as his mother, and as smart as his dad! We wish both the newborn and the young parents health, prosperity and longevity.

The son is born! Congratulations.
Together with you we dream:
How will he grow up to be a man?
Meet a girl...

But for now - such a baby! -
Sleeping on daddy's palm
And mommy’s dear miracle
Made me so beautiful.

Be healthy, grow up
And give your son a brother.
If it works out sister -
The boy will be happy too!

The happiest man in the world is the one
Who is celebrating the birth of a son today?
For mom, the number one man
From now on there will always be a son in life.

Let your little one grow healthy,
Let it be beautiful love your fruit.
Let the guiding star shine
And his guardian angel will always be with him!

Congratulations on the arrival of a little man in your family. You've been talking about him for 9 months, now it's his turn to speak out. And he has something to say both day and night! I wish you to understand from the first days what your little baby wants and enjoy the role of parents. Let my son grow up strong and healthy.

Congratulations on your new addition,
I wish you with great excitement
Good parents become,
Give all your love to your son!

Let him be a support and support
So desirable, although not very soon,
He has so much to learn
And there is still so much to tell you!

Well, for now he sleeps quietly,
And it’s so nice, he sniffs funny,
Cover him with your love,
And lean happiness against the headboard!

Congratulations on the birth of your son!
Your boy was born
And for everyone who has been waiting for this miracle,
There is no better baby in the world!

Let it grow day by day and become stronger,
Smiling joyfully at you all,
During the day he will be active and cheerful,
And then he sleeps sweetly at night.

Today you learned what real happiness is, because it appeared to you in the form of a baby son. We wish him to delight you with his healthy appetite, ringing laughter, cute clatter of funny feet and first funny words. May his fate be wonderful, and may he give you many reasons to be proud of him.

When preparing congratulations to a mother on the birth of her son, you need to try to make your text as special as the holiday itself. For a woman, the birth of a son is an amazing and absolutely stunning, “cosmic” event. On such an important day, she will be pleased to hear words of support and congratulations from loved ones.

Every loving, caring mother looks forward to the cherished day for all nine months. The closer the day of birth, the more worried the fair sex is. Her excitement reaches its peak when her son is born. When a new mother finally sees her baby for the first time and can hold him in her arms, she probably feels completely happy. Moreover, the birth is already over, and now you can relax and enjoy the company of your long-awaited baby. During this period, the fair sex especially needs communication with loved ones, their support, and kind words.

It will be very nice to hear your mother congratulate you on her son’s birthday. And it doesn’t really matter whether they were said to the girl in person, over the phone, or simply sent in a postcard.

Congratulations to the happy mother on the birth of her beloved man, on the birth of her dear son. I wish mommy to get well soon and enjoy the wonderful moments of motherhood every day, I wish your son to grow up as a healthy, smart, handsome, intelligent, kind, cheerful and brave boy. Peace to your home, happiness to your family and a wonderful childhood for your son!

Congratulations to the happy mother on the birth of a wonderful son. I wish your boy all the best, joyful, bright, beautiful and cheerful things in his life. Let the son grow up to be a strong and strong hero, let the boy please his mother every day with his love, strong hugs, tender kisses and confident steps towards success.

This long-awaited and special day has come - your little hero, your wonderful son, was born! May your little angel know no sorrows, may he grow up kind, brave and healthy, delighting you with his wonderful smile every day. You are now a mother, and this is a very responsible and happy burden, so I wish you patience and joyful moments with which your life will be full from now on.

How to congratulate a parent in your own words

To make congratulations for a young mother sound and beautiful, it is not at all necessary to turn them into complex long poems. Even in your own words, you can tell a woman all the most important and pleasant things. You don't need to be a poet or have literary talent to do this. It’s enough just to write down on paper everything you want to say to the young mother.

First of all, of course, congratulate on a wonderful event: “Our dear (NAME), you have become the mother of a wonderful son. We would like to congratulate you on these joyful changes!”, “Darling, congratulations on the birth of a hero!”, “Please accept our congratulations on the birth of a charming baby!” You can choose any other suitable options.

Then you can collect the most relevant wishes for the young mother: “May your baby grow up strong, healthy, beautiful and, of course, happy!”, “We wish the little hero to continue to please his mother with his smile, cry less, eat well and grow by leaps and bounds, and by the hour!”, “What can I wish for a young mother who already has everything she needs to be happy? Of course, health. There is never enough of it. And more peaceful, sweet sleep. All this will definitely be useful to both of you.”

Dear, we congratulate you on your newborn son, we wish the baby to grow strong and healthy, to be a true mother’s protector and the pride of the family.

Congratulations to a wonderful mother on the birth of a wonderful son, a lovely angel. I wish you family happiness and eternal prosperity, high prosperity and good luck. Let the baby grow up to the joy of his mother, be healthy and strong, brave and beautiful, cheerful and mischievous.

With all my heart I want to congratulate you on the birth of a beautiful baby. May your son always be a true pride and true support, may the baby’s life path always be illuminated by a ray of happiness, parental love and good luck.

Short congratulations and short poems

When you can’t write your own wishes for a young mother and her son, you just need to find a ready-made version among those compiled by professionals. The text is suitable both in prose and in the form of a poem. You can even choose a personalized one for a specific girl or slightly alter a ready-made wish, adding individuality to it.

To make it convenient to congratulate your mother in poetry from a distance, you should choose short text options. If a woman had a difficult birth, the best solution would be to send her a gift home on the day of discharge by courier, and go on a visit on your own after all family members have recovered and returned to their usual rhythm of life.

As an original gift for the youngest mother and newborn, you can choose, for example, a “cake” made from diapers. This design resembles a dessert in design, but consists of hygiene products that are indispensable for a baby. The gift will be unusual, interesting and practical at the same time.

You can make a place for congratulations right on the gift wrapping. And write down your beautiful warm wishes in it.

Congratulations on a huge event, on the birth of a beautiful baby, a long-awaited son! We wish your child to grow up active, healthy, inquisitive and happy. May your family always have prosperity, prosperity and harmony. Patience to you, peaceful nights and great achievements at each subsequent stage of your baby’s life!

Congratulations on the birth of your son! I wish the boy strong strength and good health, amazing moments and an overall happy childhood. May the angel always protect your son from harm, may harmony and idyll always reign in your family. Peace to you, happy motherhood and the most cheerful son.

You waited nine months

The miracle finally happened

The long-awaited son was born,

Your life has changed

You became a mother today,

We wish you happiness

May the Lord protect the child

From sorrows and misfortunes!

Little eyes in a blue envelope,

This is happiness, it lies in your arms,

And just recently there was your belly,

And now he’s snoring peacefully in his crib.

And today I sincerely congratulate you,

With your newborn son,

I wish you both good health,

And wishing for happiness, I will grow it!

Touching congratulations on the birth of a child

If the congratulator is invited to the discharge, he can make this significant event brighter and more spectacular. For example, invite actors dressed as fairy-tale characters to the maternity hospital, who will meet the mother and baby, escort them to the car, and present flowers, gifts and cards with touching wishes.

A less expensive and large-scale option is to simply give the woman a bunch of unusual holiday-themed balloons. They can be in the form of a small toddler, a stroller, a pacifier, etc.

Congratulations, dear!

You gave birth to a son!

The family has grown up,

It was not in vain that you became a mother.

He's a lump now, baby,

You won't notice, he will grow up.

And you in my palms

It will bring joy and happiness.

Will be able to protect you

The youngest man in the family.

Let him grow and not get sick,

And love gives you.

Little, your beloved man,

Right now he's snoring next to you,

He is your dear, blood,

Manyunya sleeps peacefully nearby.

And just recently I lived under my heart,

And she took great care of her son,

But today a miracle happened,

Today you gave birth to happiness!

Congratulations on the newborn from the bottom of my heart,

May your baby grow strong

And I wish you patience

Soon he will take away your peace!

Kindly to you

I call you mom

With a newborn son

Congratulations today.

You are one star,

May heaven give him

Happy destiny.

Let your wings fly over him

An angel will open

And your son

Stores and protects.

Cool and funny congratulations to mom

Today you can easily find on the Internet ready-made thematic congratulations for a young mother in a funny form. A funny text will make a woman smile once again and feel a little happier.

Here's a new addition to the family -

Wonderful boy, son, son...

And we have a happy birthday

We hasten to congratulate you on time!

Let him grow as if in a fairy tale,

Not by days, but by hours.

Let him be surrounded by affection

And smart beyond his years.

Both healthy and beautiful

May mother and father be happy,

And, like all boys, strong,

And... a little tomboyish.

Congratulations to the little one

With the birth.

We wish you a lot of happiness,

Less tears and fuss.

For the little one - only health,

Don't let your tummy hurt.

Let him play merrily during the day,

At night he sleeps peacefully.

Don't let your teeth bother you,

The sun always shines

Mom's own hands

They will protect you from evil.

Congratulations on your baby

A toddler, a strong one.

The stork brought you happiness.

Mommy - a bouquet of roses.

Let him grow up healthy

Chubby, cheerful.

Let him eat a lot and sleep

And he screams just a little bit

Nice little son.

And congratulations from us!

The arrival of a new family member in the house is always an important, joyful, long-awaited event. Therefore, it should not be ignored. You definitely need to congratulate your parents. And first of all - a young mother. A woman deserves the warmest, gentlest and beautiful words from your spouse, relatives, friends and even just acquaintances.

Ay, yes mom, ah, yes dad,
You tried your best
For efforts - reward -
Your joy is your dear son!
Don't be sorry for the baby
No love, no warmth
Let him know, little by little,
A world of miracles and kindness!
Give happiness to the sea -
Let the cheerful laughter ring,
And the son will soon say:
Mom and Dad are the best!

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Congratulations #2132

Congratulations on the birth of your son!
Let him grow strong and healthy.
I wish you patience and strength,
After all, this first year is the most difficult.
I also wish to get enough sleep more often,
Keeping up with the baby everywhere,
Deal with everything without difficulty,
And also never lose heart!

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Congratulation #183

Let from joyful moments
The soul is filled with happiness!
Please accept congratulations
In honor of the birth of the baby!
Let the baby grow up happy,
Curious, beautiful,
So that everyone loves him
Admired and appreciated!

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Congratulations #5250

White stork, on a wonderful day,
I came to see you with my son
And from happiness it became crowded,
The world around me became more cheerful.
There's a reason to be happy
Not for a day, but for centuries,
A man moved into the house
Even if it’s tiny for now.
Mom dotes on him,
Gently holds in his arms,
Dad loves his son
Doesn't move a single step.
All the relatives began to fuss -
Instantly more troubles
After all, the heir has appeared,
They know he will glorify the family!
Well, let it be so
As destined by fate,
All his relatives will love him,
Evil bypasses.
Let the boy grow up
Happiest of all on Earth,
The world with family opens
In affection, tenderness, warmth.
To dad, my most faithful friend,
May it help in everything
Always gives to mom
Happiness, joy and love!
Let him grow up a little
Your joy is your little son,
Well, feel sorry for the baby,
The best of all men!

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Congratulations #6521

Congratulations on your son!
Let him grow up to be a man.
Brave and reliable,
Looks like his father.
The smartest one will be
And beautiful, like mom!

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Congratulations #6523

Today is a special day -
Great holiday!
Your son was born,
Your little prankster!
I wish the baby a bright future,
And for him I will ask God for happiness!

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Congratulations #1483

A son is a father’s pride,
For mom - a gentle angel!
Let him be brave beyond his years
And he studies diligently!
His birth we all
We've been waiting for so long,
So let all that be fulfilled
What we wished for him:
Health, happiness and success,
Let him live like in a fairy tale -
Knowing no evil, not knowing troubles,
Love, care, affection!

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Congratulations #1762

On this day you are not lazy to have fun.
And we have a reason for this -
After all, I was born today
Although small, he is still a man.

Don't let your worries get you down.
There will be a maximum of wonderful moments,
May your son grow up healthy
Mom's ray and dad's heir!

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Congratulations #6520

Let your son grow
Without sorrows and worries!
Let him succeed
And everything is going according to plan.
Let him be an example to everyone
Both in actions and in manners.
To always be proud of him:
Dad, mom and country!
Do you now have a son?
Your rosy little pie.
Give him love
And help with advice.
So that a smart boy grows up,
So as not to be a braggart.
He conquered everyone with his beauty,
So that he was wise, but simple!

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Congratulations #6522

You've been waiting for him for so long,
We didn't sleep for 9 months.
Finally born
Your long-awaited little boy.
Give education from childhood,
To find your calling.
Let him become a football player
Or a talented artist.
Maybe he will be a diplomat
A heroic soldier?
Whatever the son chooses later,
Let him be a man!

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Congratulations on the birth of a son in prose

Hooray! Hurray, comrades! No, our team did not win the World Cup today, and today is not the day of ninety percent discounts in boutiques. Today's event is much cooler and more significant, because athletes and sellers come and go, but you have an event that can outshine everything: your son was born!
He is only a few days old, but you are already proud of him and making grandiose plans for his future. May they definitely come true! May your son be your hope and support, may he meet all your aspirations and become a worthy successor to your family and your deeds! Health to the baby, and to you, parents, strength, patience and understanding!

I congratulate you on the most wonderful and long-awaited day of your life, the birth of your son! I wish him to grow up to be the healthiest person in the world, to your delight! Let all the best and brightest things that can be on the planet await him in life! Let him grow up happy and please with his first smile, first words and first steps!
I wish you that with the advent of such loved one you have learned a new, hitherto unknown and happy facet of life that will bring new meaning and new love! I wish your son to grow up strong, healthy and in due time to know love and achieve his dreams! May he always be protected by an angel who will not allow him to be sad and sad! I congratulate you with all my heart on the birth of your son, your little angel!

My dear ones, happiness comes with difficulty, prosperity comes with determination, continuation comes with children. Let it be in yours life together there will be all of the above, as well as the trembling heart of a little beloved person, the warm glances of a newborn, the support of parents!
With the birth of your son, you are greeted with the kindest and most sincere event that brings not only warm words, but also gives joyful parental feelings and impressions. Love to you - eternal, sun - bright, sky - cloudless, health - excellent, luck - immeasurable!
May your son meet only honest and good people on his life’s journey, may his happiness be endless, may a smile shine on his and your face! I wish you an immediate solution to all problems, patience and self-confidence! Be happy!

Dear parents of the newborn child, congratulations on the birth of the heir whom you will love more than anything in the world! We wish that your butuz grows up strong like a bear, healthy like a walrus, wise like a dolphin, dexterous like a monkey, slender like a giraffe, beautiful like a peacock, punchy like a stingray - in general, let him become a person with great letters. We wish you patience and joyful results of education! Let your child become an integral part of your life, your successes and holidays. We wish your little one to grow by leaps and bounds, not to count the years, not to waste time, to gain good knowledge and learn to use it. May your son be lucky in love, it would seem too early to talk about this, but if you teach your son to love, he will definitely be happy. Let it be so! And may the Lord protect the child, and may the angel protect him!

The ancient sages correctly noted: when a child is born, love and bright light are born with him.
We congratulate you today on the birth of your son and want to wish that the love and light that came into this world with your son will always be with him. There will be light - there will be peace and warmth, joy and luck, good people And interesting job. Let this light be kept in his heart, illuminate the road and point in the right direction!
If there is love, there will be happiness, elation, the desire to live and conquer heights. Let love gently rock the baby so that dreams and ways to realize them come into his life!
Happy birthday son! Let everything good, warm, joyful overcome fleeting sorrows. May there always be a happy dad and mom nearby, faithful friends and good luck!

Dear parents! Dear mother and dad! Congratulations on the most joyful and important event in your life - the birth of a son! In his first year of life, we want to wish him good health, good sleep and good appetite. In the next five years - health, strong teeth and good curiosity. In the next ten years - health, strong school friendships and good grades. And then, in a long, long life, may he have good health, great love, good family, worthy work! May his brightest and most cherished dreams come true! Let your son become a reliable support and true protection for you! May he always be by your side, visibly or mentally. Be proud of it and admire it! With replenishment of you! Happy birth of the heir!

The most cherished gift that fate gives us is the birth of a tiny miracle. Today your son was born - the heir of the family, the fruit of your love. Congratulations on your long-awaited addition, with whose arrival your home is filled with happiness, love and warmth. May your son grow up strong and healthy, smiling and calm, may every moment make you happy.
The birth of a son is the most cherished dream that you managed to make come true. Happy newborn to you! Be happy, give warmth and care to your baby so that he grows up to be a worthy continuation of your family. May there never be grief in his life, but only joy, prosperity, and luck. Be happy, appreciate every moment and raise your baby in love and mutual understanding.

The birth of a boy is always a great joy for the whole family, because an heir has appeared! Let your son worthily bear this proud title throughout life, and be a real man “with a capital M.” We have no doubt that you, Dear Parents, make a lot of effort to educate him, strengthen his character and strong spirit. Let your son grow up to be a real helper for his mother, a pride for his father, reliable and faithful husband, the head of his family. And now, let him enjoy life, grow up healthy and happy, surrounded by caring people. loving parents. Let this event illuminate your life, adding new emotions and experiences, because a child is always a great happiness!


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