Funny short congratulations on Submariner's Day. SMS congratulations on Submariner's Day in verse

You have loved the underwater world since childhood,
You decided to link your destiny with him.
The sea world is not dear to you without a bottom.
On Submariner's Day I want to tell you:

I wish you a nice holiday,
Be with your friends and family.
Forget about the day at sea today,
Still, the dry land of the cold bottom is miles away.


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Long live the country's submariners!

Long live the country's submariners,
Guys, of whom there are few on land!
Captured by the sky and the big wave,
You give us souls every day!

We wish that the entire submarine was
Serviceable from the trim to the hatch;
And so that the head is intact,
May you serve happily, without pain!

Cool congratulations short SMS for Submariner's Day

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You are performing a difficult service
In the dark abyss under water.
Counting the days, you are waiting for demobilization,
To come home soon.

Let the sea be a true friend,
The submarine is your faithful horse.
Storms and blizzards will not frighten you...
We are waiting for your return!


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Young, just like in a picture,
Sailors go to sea.
Underwater they are like fish
With them we are protected.
We congratulate them all,
And heroes, never
Let's not forget, we believe, we know,
The Motherland is with them.


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Ready to defend the fatherland
Either underwater or above the waves.
Ready to go if you have to go into battle
And fight your enemies to the death!

For this glory and praise
A desperate submariner for you.
May your head be intact
And let there be an order on the chest!


Submariners are brave guys!
The history of the submarine fleet is both great and rich.
You have done a lot
For the glory of the beloved Fatherland!
And today we wish you
We wish you happiness and long life!
So that all wishes are valid,
We wrote a poem for you.

On Russian Submariners Day
We invited you to a party
Officers, sailors,
Everyone who is ready to celebrate.

We have set the tables for you,
And they brought gifts,
Let's raise a toast,
And then we'll go dancing.

Listen to the poem -
Underwater to you, exactly on time!

You've been at sea for hundreds of days
And you don't see the sunshine,
Your service is measured in years,
And everyone knows this very well.
Accept congratulations on the holiday,
Valiant Russian submariner,
And remember home more often
In moments of joy or boredom.

Happy Submariner's Day
I congratulate you
And be a brave guy
I wish you!

You are submariners. Dangerous
Your naval service is difficult.
But you didn’t choose her in vain,
She reciprocated.
We wish you health on this day,
On land, in the sea and in the depths.
May happiness, strength, joy, love
The water goddesses will give you doubly gifts!

Along the blue arteries of the earth
You lead ships of steel!
Even a storm can't stop you!
The ninth wave cannot scare!
We want to congratulate you on this day!
May your ship be invulnerable!

You went deep -
I stayed above the sea
Happy holiday, my sailor!
It's good under water -
I'd be with you too
Served the country
Behind your super-reliable shoulder!
And outside the window there you have - Water-water
Everything is water and water
And I have the same yard,
And only you
There's always not enough!

I send SMS to the submariner,
He climbed a mile under water.
I’ll give you Morse code,
I want to congratulate you today.

My submariner, dear sailor,
I love you I don’t know how!
Look for me where, my dear,
You, on land or under water?
Tell me, do you dream about a meeting?
Or are you cheating with a mermaid?
I'm sending you an SMS,
My submariner, I love you!

White waves, warships,
The severity of unexpected roads is our brave fleet
He protects the honor of Russia and will not allow strangers onto the threshold.
Red-white-blue flags over Russia
They flutter proudly, as long as with true dignity,
The hands of a sailor rule the service firmly and conscientiously.

I give you my humble verse,
Forgive me for the meager severity of my words....
Sailor - submariner, for me,
You make me proud!
May fate spoil you
No refusal to be found anywhere,
And a guiding star
There is always light for you on the road!

For those on submarines
Carries his post under the thickness of the waves,
For your bravery and bravery,
This verse and our bow!
When you come ashore,
May life give you full blessings
Money, a beautiful woman,
A glass of strong wine!
So that later, already in the service,
Keeping memories
Any of you would definitely say:
Fun is about me!

The sea moves noisily in its waves,
Underwater - Silence.
To serve again for the good of the Motherland
The Depth will call.
The enemy is afraid of you
You are a submariner,
Allow me to congratulate
From the heart!
You are a hero on holidays and on weekdays,
We are rooting for you!

Happy Submariner Day of Russia! it is celebrated every year on March 19th. On our website you will find congratulations on the holiday of sailors for your friend, father, brother. Congratulations are presented in poetry and prose - beautiful, funny and original. Choose the one you like and send your congratulations on Submariner's Day via SMS. You can also write your congratulations on Submariner’s Day on a postcard and congratulate you personally. Happy holiday!


Submariner's Day today
I wish you happiness, hope and warmth.
Let your heart breathe freely,
Let the road of life be bright.

Mutual love, faithful for years,
I wish you health, good luck, kindness.
May trouble never touch you,
May your dreams always come true!


Congratulations on Russian Submariner Day! I wish you smooth dives, easy ascents, passing currents and no obstacles on the path of life. Be healthy, be proud of your calling, develop and learn new things. Security, peace, family and personal well-being, joy and sincere feelings!


All Russian submariners
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
For us you are the elite of the fleet,
And you are good in everything
May the holiday bring joy,
Be happy always
You value life, and it will be
Water is favorable to you!


You, dear submariner
With the fighting soul of the sea,
Congratulations on this day
And I’ll sing a verse for you:

May the sea be kind
Sadness will be sweet in the heart,
May everything work out for you
And in the future, and now!


Strong and strict
Your holiday is coming,
Finds you everywhere.

We wish you perseverance,
Endurance and vigor,
Let luck be your companion
Spinning next to you.

Let the rear be home
Remain important
Happiness increases
“Dives” well.

Congratulations on Submariner's Day


The spring holiday is knocking on the door.
Sailor-submariner sounds proud!
I congratulate you on this holiday,
I wish you complete calm at sea.

So that the wife waits at home,
So that merit grows quickly,
To always return home
And you never got into trouble!


This service is not at all easy,
And not everyone can carry the load,
On Submariners Day I remember you,
And I want to sincerely congratulate you.

Let the blue waves help you -
To all sailors and submariners.
Be persistent, be strong,
Return to your native lighthouses!


On the day of the submariner - health,
Do not know sadness, melancholy and melancholy,
Let any day, not just today,
All hopes and dreams come true.

Let the voyage go by
Like a bright whirlwind, giving you success,
So that you can always enjoy
A wonderful work of your entire life.


Happy holiday, friends.
You have health, happiness,
Let your family wait at home.

May the sea be calm
Peace to everyone, good.
Let after the dive,
There will always be an upswing.


Underwater, as we know,
There's already too much space for one.
So you have to wish
Friends are always around to watch.
The river is such that the bed is without a whirlpool,
And the ocean bottom is without sharp rocks.
Always have someone next to you everywhere,
Who can you say about:
If anything happens, he will parry the blow.
Two full cylinders of joy to you,
Good luck to you and the title of champion.

Cool congratulations to submariners


Happy Submariner's Day
Let me congratulate you,
Your ardor, strength and courage
Today I will praise.

I wish you well on your holiday,
On "You" just to be with a submarine,
May they promise you success
Everything is definitely construction.

Be happy and healthy
Let the family give joy,
And only among your family
Allow yourself weakness.


You're in your tin can
Don't sit too long, buddy,
Come to the surface
Take a quick look around!

You see - the sky is blue,
Fresh air, hubbub of bees...
I'll tell you a secret -
Submariner's day has come!


Congratulations on your professional holiday! May fortune, good health, persistent spirit, and reliable friends help you in your hard work. Let difficult tasks find the right solutions, and life’s course will be one of happiness, prosperity and love!


Submariner for Russia -
Protection of water at all borders;
Any service is very strong,
So that the enemy SIC falls.

Health, excellent exposure
And may luck protect you;
Let there be positive changes
And nothing slows them down.


Today we congratulate the conquerors of the depths,
Underwater inhabitants of military submarines.
I wish you success in your career, health and strength to all,
The submarine fleet is a reliable shield for Mother Russia.

Do not know fatigue, although the service is not easy,
You will be greeted from your hike by the light of your native lighthouse,
They always remember you at home, worry and wait,
Today we will raise a toast to your hard work.

Russian Submarine Fleet Day 2019


Honor and glory to the submarine fleet -
He is far from his native shores
Does the job decently
And ready for any transitions.

May the storms and difficult everyday life
They remain astern of you...
We are waiting for you, we remember and love you -
Return home from the depths.


Happy Submariner's Day,
I hasten to congratulate
I wish you good health,
You save our country!

All Russia is proud of you,
And I want to wish you
So that everything is always in order,
Make your dream come true!


On a spring day, on a wonderful day,
Congratulations to the sailor,
I wish you happiness, joy,
Don't let the depth scare you!

Good health to you, prosperity,
Your family is waiting for you at home,
And let everything be alright
Trouble will pass you by!

Flights will be safe
You protect Russia,
I wish you bright days,
Never be sad!


Let it be on a ship, on land
Luck is coming your way!
Russia needs such a sailor,
After all, you, submariner, are our hero!

Be full of vigor and strength,
Good health, patience,
So that you always love your fleet,
Just enjoy the thrill of diving!


Only men can experience
The depth and vastness of the seas,
Only strong and brave to match
Load of sea gold anchors.

We are waiting for you, we are really waiting for you - just know that.
You are the country's hope and support.
Our banners fly like birds
From Vidyayevskie rocks to the Bosphorus.

Congratulations to the submariners


You are a submariner
You are a heroic person
And it doesn't scare you at all
Underwater abyss,

After all, you are a professional sailor,
You are an ace in your business,
Congratulations on the holiday,
Take it from us!

Good luck and luck,
We wish you easy service,
We wish you devoted love,
And also strong friendship!


Submariners, we congratulate you,
We wish you happiness and good luck from the bottom of our hearts!
Be still: strong and brave,
Smart and brave, with skillful hands.
So that everything is fine in your service,
Everything was fine, so that on the personal “front”,
Let your ingenuity help you everywhere,
And from unnecessary troubles - it leads, deprives.
Live, smile,
And just bathe in happiness!


Congratulations on the Day of the Submariner of Russia, on the holiday of endurance and courage, perseverance and strength. With all my heart I wish you brave deeds and successful voyages, successful achievement of all goals and always a happy return home, respect from your comrades and true love from people dear to your heart.


Let me congratulate you on Sailor's Day,
Let me also clarify - a submariner,
And your profession for sure,
I consider myself a saint in the navy.

Submarine through the water
Swiftly making its way into the distance,
And the life of the crew depends on the darkness
Systems and machines are obtained.

So let him always serve you with a bang
The systems work continuously,
And a faithful, strong friend’s hand,
Let someone worthy be nearby.


Submariner's Day
All Russia will celebrate!
And we will tell the main toast:
“You are pride, army and strength.”

And plunging under the wave,
Don't lose faith.
Our souls are rooting for you,
You know this for sure.

Let the sea surf foam,
Let the seagulls fly by
We'll raise a glass to you,
And that's it, let them raise it!

Poems for submariners


The depth of the blue waters does not scare you,
The coldness of the quiet underwater abyss.
You know all the secrets of the silent bottom.
You are a brave hero and man.
Happy Submariner's Day, I congratulate you,
And I wish you good luck in your service.
May your friends always be by your side.
And may the friendship remain strong.
May fate save you from sadness,
And may the sea always be smooth.
Live long and happily, no offense.
Let everything be in order at the service.


Courage, strength of the Navy,
Or maybe even the entire Russian Federation,
Reliable shield of the native country -
The submariner is a hero.
Not everyone is given the opportunity to become one,
To repay Russia's debt
Neither in heaven nor on earth,
Well, certainly not in the Kremlin,
And where the sun cannot be found,
No matter how hard you try or twist it -
In the abyss of the waters of the Great Sea.
And, not afraid of this grief,
The sailor performs simple service.
And may he always be lucky!


The submarine is almost a home,
But there is no light at night and no sun during the day.
In the depths of the sea, choosing your path,
She doesn't let the sailors rest.

Eh, if only I could be free, where there is sun, grass,
There is a house in the village, birch trees, firewood,
The family is assembled, together all day long -
What a flight the soul would make!

Let this dream come true,
And the heart will be filled with love and kindness.
Strength to you, submariners, the pride of the country.
All our cards are given to you.


Happy Submariners Day
Congratulations to all of Russia,
I wish you good luck
To the guys who are brave and strong.

From distant hikes
We returned home
In the depths of the oceans
So as not to get lost.

I wish you peace
And the service was peaceful,
To help you on your hikes
Friendship helped.

Love, kindness, health,
Good luck to you in everything,
On the shores of relatives,
We are waiting for you, sailors.


Oceans and seas,
Continents, cities,
The sailor has already experienced everything,
We send you greetings, my friend!

A special, wonderful day
The whole country celebrates.
Congratulations, lovely friend,
On this holiday we love you.

Be resilient, be patient,
Both healthy and obedient.
Let the service be only joyful,
Don't be afraid of old age!

Remember mom and dad
Everyone respects the fighter
May you be lucky in everything
Be a hero, well done!

Submariner's Day


Having experienced it for myself extreme cold and the heat
Jealous of us, for no reason,
Back to the pier and back home,
Our dear men.

In an ocean of disturbing events
So that trouble does not touch you,
Let the number of dives and ascents
Unchangeable happens - always.


Happy Submariner's Day in Russia,
Congratulations to you today.
See the earth more often, dry land,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.

Surf the oceans
And endless seas.
I wish you always
Your family was waiting for you at home!


Congratulations on Russian Submariner Day and I want to wish that your Russian spirit does not weaken, that the sea element of life drives waves of success and happiness. I also wish to eliminate any enemy with a torpedo of my strength, intelligence and potential, and in the periscope of my life to see prospects and easy paths to my goals and main dreams.


The depths of all seas and oceans
You have protected both along and across,
Today I congratulate you on the holiday
Russian submariners.

I wish the cars an easy ride
And a supply of air, and so that always,
The submarine was returning to its home port,
And for your beloved to wait on the shore.


Happy Submariner Day of Russia,
We sincerely congratulate you,
Beautiful and young
We wish you success!

May your spirit be cheerful and courageous,
And the body does not fail,
From faithful, loving friends,
The letter arrives soon!

Success in military work,
Diligence in studying,
When you exist, there will be no trouble,
Look, brothers, at both!

Russian Submariner Day 2019. Congratulations on Submariner Day


Spring radio operators let the signal
Today he will block your ears,
After all, Submariner's Day has arrived!
Hey, "ichthyander", hurry to land!

Hurry to hug your relatives,
Snuggle closer to your sweetheart,
So that the salt of the soul dissolves
In love and tenderness it is faster.

With problems battening down the hatch,
Pointing the periscope to joy,
Come up, come up, dear friend,
Fate itself hastens to congratulate:

A journey of 100 thousand leagues awaits you
In the seething ocean of happiness,
So that on the family ship
Rush to the stars in complete bliss!


Submariner notes
Your holiday is far away at sea
And this often happens
After all, the sea is his home!

When he is on land,
He's always uneasy
He is always drawn to the boat,
After all, he feels good in the water.

The underwater world protects
And the enemy will not pass by that world,
He clearly knows his task
And will not allow the world to collapse!

So, God bless you,
We will pray for you,
I didn’t know that you would feel grief in your life
And there was a happy family!


You serve on a submarine,
You are an unusual worker.
You are a pro in a difficult matter,
You are a nice submariner.

On your holiday I wish
Only successful dives,
Services sweet, interesting,
More joyful moments.


Submariners are brave guys,
There are no equals in your courage in the world,
Creepy sharks and stingrays
Don't risk meeting them on the way!

Even though sailors are rarely on land,
Only today is a holiday, you can relax,
We congratulate the sailors and submariners,
And we’re already in a hurry to fill our glasses!


Conquering the elements is the task,
The sea has a simple law.
And luck won't help here,
Submariner! Only him.

We cordially congratulate you,
Happy Heroes Remembrance Day.
Health, happiness every hour,
Long service in the calm sea!


Sailors - submariners,
Strength, power of the country,
see you in action
At least we couldn't...

But of course we know
The service there is difficult.
We sincerely wish
Peace and goodness.

Be in great shape
And not know trouble.
Sailors - submariners,
You are loyal to the country!


You have been delirious about the sea since childhood,
You loved the films about the sea,
And your idol lived next door,
He always wore a vest.

Now you are standing at the gangway,
You hold a machine gun in your hands,
Today you are a submariner
And I’m incredibly happy about this!

After all, the Russian fleet is the bravest,
He will defend his country
The submariner knows the deal
And the enemy’s spirit cannot be shaken!


On this day, submariner,
Let me give you the honor.
Don't think, I'm not a pleaser,
I'm just grateful for your years.

Those years that were given
Neither daughter, son, mother and wife,
And somewhere at the bottom they remained,
And you could only see the Sun in a dream.

On this day, submariner,
I want courage and patience.
Don't think, I'm not a pleaser,
You are our pride, you must know this.


Let the time spent under the surface of the water be more than compensated for at home. Let your loved ones wait, and your loved ones miss you. May your life be smooth, like a calm sea. Let the vast expanses of Russian waters know no encroachments, and your service proceeds calmly. Happy holiday to you, Happy Submariner's Day.


In the depths of underwater
Sometimes a sailor lives.
He doesn't just live,
He gets the job done.

And the work is not easy,
And the work is so hard...
Happy Submariner Day of Russia
We congratulate the sailor.

Always keep the course forward
Life is in full swing,
Happiness, peace and goodness,
Conquering new waters!

Congratulations on Submariner's Day

Happy Submariner's Day! Know that you are simply missed beyond measure on land!

Thanks to guys like you, our submarine fleet is the best in the world! Happy Submariner's Day!

In my opinion, the most beautiful boats in the world are submarines! Happy Submariner's Day!

It would seem like such a huge boat! And it swims easily, almost like a dolphin! Happy Submariner's Day!

Conqueror of the depths! Happy Submariner Day!

Our glorious, brave navigator! Happy Submariner's Day!

When I listen to a shell and the sound of the sea in it, I always think about you... Happy Submariner's Day!

Happy Submariner's Day! Let our enemies tremble, and may you always be surrounded by luck and the attention of fans!

On Submariner's Day, while you are still on land, accept my congratulations!

Nice submariner! Happy holiday to you! Submariner's Day!

With us you swim not just in the seas, but literally in the seas! Happy Submariner's Day!

On Submariner Day, I congratulate you with all my heart, in love with the sea!

Our submarine fleet can be proud of you! Happy Submariner's Day!

Happy Submariner's Day! With such a navigator you can go to any oceans, to any depth!

Happy Submariner's Day! Let the sea be a friendly element!

I like sailboats, but today I prefer to admire submarines! Happy Submariner's Day!

Submariner! Happy holiday to you! We look forward to every voyage!

Happy Submariner's Day! Let neither human enemies nor sea monsters be afraid!

Happy Submariner's Day! May your voyages be as safe as possible!

Happy Submariner's Day! Let the equipment on board always be in perfect order!

Cool congratulations on Submariner's Day

You are no stranger to surfing the depths,
Who is celebrating their personal holiday today?
We would like to wish you good luck from the bottom of our hearts,
May you always have good luck, submariner!

And plunging into the blue of unknown depths
Be sure not to experience tremors in your knees!
A wonderful man, worthy of men,
Let fears and sadness not disturb you!

Let it be easy for you,
Without any problems!
And let any bottom of you
Doesn't touch at all:
You just swim forward -
Brave like a hero
After all, the best is yet to come!
I'm rooting for you
My best and oldest friend,
Believe me, I always stand
And if something happens suddenly,
You know - I won’t let you down!

You can’t escape from fate, no matter how hard you try,
And there is nowhere to escape from the submarine.
I remember how long ago you confessed,
I only wanted to be an underwater sailor.

Accept these congratulations today,
May luck always accompany you,
Love and happiness, friendship and luck
May they always be in your destiny.

Believe me, this is a good reason
Today you need to disrupt your dive:
Down with the spacesuit! Let the depths wait
And the valves don't need to be closed!
In short, I command: “Leave!”
I won't miss this chance:
Congratulations on Submariner Day
I'm hurrying you today with all my heart!

If the sea calls, then only once and forever.
You heard this call, my dear man!
And now, for months plowing the sea,
Do you know that there is a house? The one where I'm waiting for you.
Happy Submariner's Day, dear! I wish you
Always return unharmed to me!
I want it there, deep underwater,
We keep you as our guiding star!

May there be water above you, may there be water below you,
But in my chest there is a hot flame burning.
You're away from home for six months. No problem!
Our love will save you!
Let the adversity go away, everything will be fine!
We wish you health!
Life is bright, successful, vibrant, big!
And brilliant and bright victories!

Submariner - that sounds proud!
The words shine with courage and strength!
Happy holiday, Submariner's Day!
Let life be worthy and beautiful!

Let the sea pay for love with love,
And the stars settle on the shoulder straps.
Health to everyone who is waiting on the shore,
He happily dreams of meeting you.

Hey, submariner, don't be sad today!
On your professional day, drive away the melancholy!
We congratulate you, so accept it quickly
Thousands of warm words and laugh more merrily!
What can you wish for such a cool guy?
We wish that luck does not come to an end!
We also wish you to receive everything in life in full
Let the wave lead you home tenderly and tenderly!