Wishes for a man entry php b. SMS to a man to cheer up his beloved employee

Delightful hello everyone!

A sweet wish pronounced in a gentle tone will not only create a good mood, but will also inspire your man to heroic deeds.

Wishes to your beloved, “Good mood”

Nothing lifts a guy's spirits more than a sincere compliment from a loved one. Passionate wishes whispered in your ear will pleasantly surprise your loved one and create a good atmosphere in communication.

The clear sun woke up
In sweet languor I reached out,
He shook himself and smiled cheerfully.
Now it shines outside the window.
And you quickly wake up,
Enjoy the bird's trill.
With hot coffee at the table,
Let a happy day into your home.

  • Let your good mood protect you from failures like an umbrella from the rain.

Come on, stop moping,
Come on, stop being sad.
If you're sleeping, wake up quickly
Read all this and smile.

  • I kiss you until you go crazy. Just to lift your spirits.
  • Read this SMS and get a charge of positivity for the whole day.
  • Remember: Lady Luck favors smiling people.
  • I want it so much...I really want my knight to be in a great mood all day.

Be fun and playful.
Be stubborn if necessary.
This is your day, no less.
Good luck awaits you today.

  • I'm flying on wings of joy, I want to see you.

Good morning, sweet miracle.
I will be your talisman today.
I will keep you from anxiety and worry
And protect yourself from bad moods.

  • Eh, it's good when you're in the mood. And if the mood is good, life is generally a success.
  • I wish you a positive ocean, and I wish you to swim in it like a fish.
  • And our life will have its own rules: no black and white stripes, only one continuous rainbow.

Good wishes for a man, just like that

Representatives of the strong half of humanity are actually very emotional beings and love to hear things addressed to them. Tell a man just like that, without demanding anything in return. You will be pleasantly surprised by the changes that have occurred in your loved one.

I'll take watercolors
I'll paint the days of summer.
I'll add bright colors
To your gray everyday life.
And it doesn't matter where you are
You: with me or with someone,
I only wish for one thing
To be loved.

  • Don't make the terrible mistake of leaving home without smiling!

Let's run away from evil people
Far away, over a hundred seas.
There we will rest,
Sing, have fun and dance.

  • Remember: you are the scriptwriter of your life. What it will be: drama, comedy or fantasy - depends only on you.
  • You are my safest place on the planet.

I wish you to build your own house.
The most the best place in the world,
Where they will take care of your happiness
Beautiful wife and cute children.

  • Don't be lazy to collect warm memories. They will come in handy during the cold season.

To be in love is to suffer
And learn to fly without wings.
To be loved is to be dear,
The most beautiful, smart, dear.
What does love give: Hell or Heaven?
You answer this question yourself.

  • Who's sitting here so serious? Remember, dear, laughter is a powerful weapon against failure.

I want to always be next to you,
I'm ready to become your slave.
We are one. We are indivisible.
You are a warrior who has become my master.

May it be good morning
Gives a cheerful mood,
The sun's warmth and bright colors,
True friends without vile masks.

There are many. A sincere compliment will in any case lift a man's spirits. And it doesn’t matter whether it sounds in prose or in prose.

  • I'm not myself today. I laugh all the time like crazy. I hope you are in a good mood too.
  • Do you know that I can do magic? Yes Yes. Now I’ll take it and conjure you good luck for the whole day.
  • Love you, kiss you, hug you. I'm looking forward to meeting you and I miss you.
  • Read the next word “smile” slowly. Can you feel it blooming on your face?
  • Already halfway to you. Your Happiness.
  • Don't frown, otherwise wrinkles will form. And you are beautiful even without them, my knight, my man.
  • Today nothing will darken your mood. After all, Luck and Luck will be nearby.
  • Do you know what they say: “He who gets up early, the Lord gives to him”? I will also add: “He who laughs merrily succeeds in everything.”
  • Let's take Happiness by the hands. Let's switch to "you" with him for a minute. And breaking the locks of prohibitions, we will turn failures into a funny joke.
  • You know, there is no more attractive picture in the world than the smile of a happy man.
  • I'll tell you a little secret: you are the most beloved. There is no one better in the world than you.
  • Your aroma is more intoxicating than wine. Your gaze is a magnet for me. These feelings are like an obsession. They are stronger than gravity.
  • I will not hesitate to shout loudly: “I want to be alone with you!”

Dear girls, do not be afraid to show love to formidable warriors. A caring attitude will come back to you a hundredfold. After all, men will not only be in a good mood, but also ready to fulfill all your wishes.

Gutentak or something like that!)

What could be better than receiving a message from your significant other with wishes? Have a good day! And indeed it is. A man will be very flattered by your attention, especially if the short SMS conveys a sincere message.

A wonderful mood will not fall from the sky on its own. Therefore, everything is in your hands! Immediately send your beloved man heartfelt SMS wishes for a good day, and then, perhaps, a pleasant surprise awaits you in the evening.

  • Let this day pass easily, work time fly by unnoticed, and in the evening you can expect only pleasant things.
  • I wish that all 365 days (including this one) pass without insurmountable difficulties, fuss and negativity.
  • Let this SMS charge you with positivity for the whole day, let luck not turn away, and difficulties not catch up with you!
  • I want to wish you a good day filled with happiness, pleasant moments and good mood.
  • I wish you a good day, may all your plans come true, and may your enthusiasm and good mood help you with this.
  • May your every day be kind, unusual and beautiful!
  • Let all problems and doubts fly away with the first ray of sunshine, and let luck and good mood follow you all day!
  • May joy, inspiration and fortune become your companions not only today, but throughout life.
  • Knock Knock! An SMS is knocking at your door with wishes for a good day! It will bring you luck, inspiration, joy and good mood today!
  • A new day has arrived! It promises to be full of positivity, fun and joy!
  • It's time to break away from a good night's sleep! I wish you a good day!
  • Let all matters settle themselves in the morning, I wish you a good working day.

Spend a little time as a Guardian Angel for your boyfriend. Let everything happen to him exactly as in your SMS with. Reading such optimistic lines, young man and in the rain the weather will seem great!

  • I wish that something unexpected happens to you every day. But the unexpected was always pleasant!
  • I wish you not to frown all day, but to smile joyfully. Then any of your goals will be achieved faster!
  • Always start your day with a smile. It suits you very well! Forget about problems and mistakes, and just move forward!
  • May this day bestow you with happiness! And the problems will go away, and the bad weather will leave behind!
  • Let your day be 200 percent good, and only good news awaits you today.
  • No troubles or disappointments, I wish you only positivity! Let the day pass without regrets, and in the evening a pleasant surprise awaits you.

  • I hasten to congratulate you on the beginning of this day! Let him give only bright and pleasant impressions!
  • There is nothing more beautiful and sweeter than your smile in the world. Give it to this day, and it will go perfectly!
  • I wish your eyes to glow with happiness every day, and today is no exception!
  • The sun is shining brightly today, my wish is flying by SMS. I want to wish you a good day, and in the evening don’t forget to dial my number in your phone!
  • May this day give great mood, and I will provide warmth, comfort and love.
  • I wish you bright sun, warmth, goodness and have a fun day! And I will provide you with pleasant moments in the evening.

In order for your desired man to achieve his cherished goals, do not forget to encourage him as often as possible. These can be not only short SMS wishes for a good day, but also simply

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"My sweet and beloved man"

My sweet, wishes to you good morning I want to add “I love you”, add a drop of “I miss you”, add a handful of “I wish”, add a little “I’m waiting”. Dilute it all with a hundred kisses, a thousand tender hugs, a million smiles and send it to you with the hope of a mutual response.

“How did you sleep, my love?”

How did you sleep, my love?
I dreamed about you tonight!
You and I were spinning in the clouds...
I dream that my dream will come true,

And I hasten to tell you in the morning:
May love heal your sorrow!
Happiness cannot be conveyed in SMS, -
Only kisses when we meet!

“I didn’t dare to wake you up so early”

I didn’t dare to wake you up so early,
But I want to tell you a secret:
It's already morning already.
Don't oversleep this hour. You see, he jumped out the window

Red sunbeam - greetings from me.
He will wish you a good day.
It's not harmful, it's just so groovy.
Do not drive fast! Let him stay with you a little!

“You ask what I’m doing?”

From evening until morning
It's a strange time.
At this time I hardly sleep.
What am I doing, you ask? - I love!

“Good morning,” I write again
And I’ll say it a hundred thousand times more:
I love you more than life itself,
That's why I don't sleep at night!

“Good morning, darling, get up! »

Good morning, darling, get up!
Let the sun into your house as soon as possible!
The morning is preparing a surprise for you,
Hurry up and smile back!

Step out with new strength every day,
And quickly extend your hand to love!
Good morning I tell you
So that you know how much I love you!

“You’re on your way to work now.”

WITH Good morning, Darling! How are you? Now you're on your way to work and stuck in a traffic jam. Stupid drivers infuriate you and provoke you to use profanity. Stop, honey! Do you know that when you swear, your guardian angel gets offended and turns away from you? I love you, I miss you, I'm looking forward to the evening...

“My dear, we are together again!”

My dear, we are together again!
Let's forget the mistakes of the past.
Without listening to blasphemy and flattery,
We'll be smarter and more attentive.

Let reason, an experienced teacher,
Gives wise advice,
And our faithful guardian angel
He leads his life faithfully.

“I really want to wake up together”

I really want to wake up together
To greet the day with a kiss,
Drive away unbridled laziness,
And prepare breakfast with a song.

And let there be distance between us!
I'll send you a message:
Kitten, morning is coming!
I want to be next to you!

"To my beloved man"

So the morning comes again...
It's a pity that you are far from me!
It's a pity that the day promises separation,
And this is not easy for me to accept.

Don't be bored there without me, darling,
Let separation strengthen feelings,
I want yours to remain sweet,
May this day bring joy!

"To a loved one"

Good morning, beloved, dear,
Good morning honey,
I miss you very much,
We will be together with you, I know.

May you not be deprived of warmth,
May this day be wonderful, like a dream,
I want to wish you happiness
Dear, beloved, there are no worries!

“I would like to wish you...”

My dear! I would like to wish you on this cold morning that you are warmed by love, and not vodka, that you are loved by a salary, and not a job, that you are driven by a car, and not a stroller, and that your head is turned by me, and not by a right hook! I also send you a thousand kisses and, if it fits, one small addition: Good morning!!!

“I’ve been praying for you for half my life”

I've been praying for you for half my life,
I suffered for half my life for you.
God, give us patience and strength!
But this, apparently, is not enough...

May you avoid temptations
That they are testing your endurance.
Help us live without deprivation
Every day that brings us closer to heaven.

“Smile, my love!”

Smile, darling, good morning!
May success await you today,
Let it turn out to be a huge miracle,
So that there are no more interruptions!

Listen, listen - the birds sang a song,
The rays of the sun embraced you,
The freshness of the wind rustled again,
Wake up, my fairy tale!

“What a beautiful world!”

Good morning my beloved! How beautiful the world is! Today I realized that I am very, very happy! How to describe this in words? I'm in a dilemma... I'll try this: happiness is when someone who cannot be woken up by any alarm clock wakes up because you turned on the other side and stopped hugging him...

Sometimes it may seem that the most important thing for a man in the morning is to be cheerful and well-fed. But we must not forget that representatives of the stronger sex are sensitive, vulnerable creatures who, just like women, need tenderness and pleasant emotions. That's why every man should say more warm words, seal them with hugs and kisses.

But what to do when you are far from your lover? In this case, you can send a good morning SMS to your beloved guy. We have selected for you the best short SMS that will cheer you up, give you vigor and confidence, and charge your significant other with positive energy for the whole day.

Good morning dear!
May your day be wonderful
Let the evening come soon...
I'm really looking forward to our meeting!

You know, I just thought that it must be very cold and lonely for you to sleep alone... What if you have another terrible dream... So I decided to wake you up, just in case...

Have you ordered a wake-up call? Sign for receipt. Good Morning Delivery Service! You pay for delivery - a cool smile! :)

Good morning, my beloved!
Get up and start the day with exercise,
Be like an invincible lion.
I love you my sweet.

Every man or guy will be pleased to read the word “dear”, “dear” from his beloved wife or girlfriend. This one word contains warmth, tenderness and, of course, care. A short message can convey wishes for a successful working day, as well as successful implementation of assigned tasks.

I've been writing to you in the morning,
To say: I understand!
Why am I cold alone?
I want to wake up with you!
Good morning honey!

My dear, get up quickly,
Pour a cup of coffee.
And smile more
Enjoy a wonderful day!

I really love the dawn
It's a pity that you are not with me.
I send you greetings, dear,
good morning dear!

Have you ordered a pleasant awakening? Sign for receipt and accept a hundred kisses from your beloved! Delivery service.

At first glance, an SMS to lift your spirits may seem like a small thing, but for your beloved man or husband it will be an excellent motivation to live the new day exactly as it was intended. Tender, sincere words love will fill his heart with warmth and, perhaps, ignite passion in your relationship.

No need to skimp on good words, write beautiful wishes to your soulmate in prose or poetry. Short lines to lift his spirits will certainly touch his soul and give him the opportunity to remember you much more often than before. Perhaps the manifestation of feelings in prose will become a reason to arrange an unplanned date.

It's morning already. It's time to wake up, my beloved! Great things await you today - work, meeting with friends, and, most importantly, a date with me.

My love! Morning has already come, which means that our love today has become one day older and stronger! Good day to you, dear!

Good morning. My love for you is the most loving love in the universe.

The morning is good only after those nights that I spend in your arms. I hope that every morning will be good and I wish the same for you, dear!

My faithful friend, I hasten to inform you that today you have a good morning, a good day and a promising evening...

Many girls think about what a short message to a man on his phone might contain and how his sweetheart will react to it. First of all, simple, sincere phrases and wishes are the key to a great day.

By sending SMS for your loved one, you not only show attention to his person, but also give him a great mood and a smile that will make the new day more successful and fruitful.

Receiving both romantic and funny SMS is incredibly pleasant. If your sweetie quite often spoils you with original email messages, why not write him back?

Come on, bunny, jump out of the crib! Paws - into slippers and rise! Let the thought that we will soon be together be charged with positivity.

My beloved woke up and lay down on his left side.
Eyes like rubies, a little dented.
Run to wash your face with cold water.
Have a wonderful morning and day, dear!

Good morning, have a nice day.
How wonderful it is that I have
You, my dear and beloved man,
My strong half.

My sunshine, get up soon!
Warm me with your love!
I feel cold without you, like winter.
Wake up already my beloved!

I love you, my dear boy:
Your strong torso, your gentle look!
How could I live without you before?!
I want to take everything from you!!!

It’s not at all difficult to find cool wishes in prose or poetry, rely on your own taste and you definitely won’t go wrong. The list of beautiful morning messages that we have selected for you will help you decide what exactly you want to wish your loved one today.

Kitty, you woke up to find out
That I love you very much
Sleep on, my sunshine!!!

Good morning, dear, beloved. I miss you so much, irresistible. I send you a gentle kiss and ask you to return it!

My beloved, incredible, smart, strong, brave, sexy and damn attractive man! GOOD MORNING! :)

I woke up and realized that something was missing! I searched, thought, remembered. It turns out that I miss you terribly!

How's it going? Wake up
Brush your teeth, wash your face,
Look: the sun has woken up,
It's breaking at the window,
And wishes on this day
Conquer both sleep and laziness!

You might want to get creative and send beautiful messages in your own words. Be sure to use the words “dear”, “sweetheart”, this will emphasize the importance of a man to you. Show originality, let your imagination run wild, choosing juicy, bright epithets. Your other half will be crazy with happiness after reading such lines.

Catch a kiss, dear, from me!
Have a magical morning and good afternoon!

Let the day certainly bring positivity
And it will be very beautiful like the sun!

I woke up and immediately thought about you and a smile appeared on my face, and the morning became good! I miss you already, have a nice day!

There is no need to be verbose in your morning messages, or photos will help convey what is not written in words. A photo depicting a cute kitten or a cup of morning coffee will cause sincere affection, because it was sent by your other half.

Don’t be afraid to take the initiative by sending morning messages in prose or poetry, because this is a reason to cheer up both you and your loved one. Thanks to this type of communication, you can not only get to know each other better, but also strengthen your relationship.

Life is too short to wake up in a bad mood! Darling, smile at the new day and everything will be fine! Good morning, my beloved! I love you!

Good morning dear, today it’s really nice to wake up because there’s sunshine outside, you’re in your head, there’s coffee on the table. Soon it will be evening and our long-awaited meeting!

My love! Wake up quickly! A new wonderful day with incredible adventures, great luck and luck awaits you! Smile, my dear, and catch air kisses from me!

Good morning, honey!
The sun has already risen.
And your smile
I sent it to you.

Good morning!
My gentle and affectionate.
I'll color the day
Yours in bright colors.

Start your loved one's day with a smile by sending a message to your phone. Give a great mood to your loved ones, it's that simple!

The heavenly horizon shone with the orange flame of dawn and gently warms the cup of aromatic coffee that awaits you on the table, (name). Good morning.

The morning puffs of dawn clouds gently hug you, beloved. Wake up quickly, a good day is already waiting for your friendly smile and good deeds.

The pearly ray of dawn silently slipped through the crack of the curtains of your room, dear. He softly strokes your hair and whispers, “Good morning.”

There was a rainbow dance sun rays on your pillow, my beloved. They want to gently wake you up, giving you a magical mood for the day.

My affectionate kitten, wake up to give today a bright souvenir in the form of your wonderful mood and good participation in the life of the Earth.

Dear, the sun has opened a golden fan on the azure expanse of the planet, open your eyes quickly to see this colorful, unique spectacle.

Sparks of dawn shone in the drops of heavenly dew. They glow on the window frame and are impatiently waiting for you to wake up, dear. Good morning.

The rays of the yellow Sun are already slowly walking among the gray houses. One will definitely look into your house, beloved, to wish you a warm and good morning.

Darling, look at the rainbow sparkle the morning streets are filled with! And even a small reflection of light in the mirrored windows wishes you good morning!

The wick of dawn gently danced on the treetops, warming every branch. Wake up, dear, open the window so that you too can be enveloped in its warmth.

Every morning, as if a little spring warms you, my love. Let today's morning dawn become your cozy spring. Wake up, my dear.

The blue dove is knocking on your windows, dear. His cooing joyfully welcomes you to a new day. Start it, honey, with a good morning smile.

The solar gates have opened, driving away the remnants of the lunar night beyond the edge of the Earth, and in the sparkles of the coming morning, my beloved, a wonderful day awaits you.

The velvet of the night gave way to a pearly dawn, blooming bouquets of rays in the windows of the houses. One pearl will fall to you, dear, greeting you with good morning.

Snowflakes on the peaks of the mountains, under the breath of dawn, turn into shimmering waterfalls, and in their monotonous noise you can hear: “(Name), good morning.”

Dear, the miracles of the coming day begin with a dawn fairy tale and good morning wishes. Wake up, cat, and let your day become a real miracle!

The sparkle of the golden dawn gently embraces the world. You, my dear, also fell into these arms, and your morning will certainly be the kindest.

Beyond the threshold of the orange dawn, a radiant and wondrous day will open to everyone. In the meantime, beloved, enjoy your good morning and warm yourself with the fire of my Love.

If you light thousands of fireworks at the same time, they will still not compare with the brightness of the morning star, which cordially promises you, (name), good morning.

In the crystal fragments of the fleeing night, dawn embers sparkled, and the heat of each of them whispers: “Good morning, my only one.”

The creators of morning legends have already woven you, (name), a great start to the day. Wake up, bunny, open your heart to bright and unique wonders.

The gentle warmth of the sun danced in the grains of morning coolness. Filling your morning, dear, with endless light, it will make it velvety and special.

“Good morning” - fluffy white clouds rustle. “Have a good mood, my love,” tiny colorful birds chirp in the blue sky.

The sun took a weightless, radiant pencil and wrote gentle words on a thin canvas of the azure sky: “Wake up, (name). Good morning to you!”

To wish you, dear one, good morning, the heavenly rainbow extended a bright fringe from an unknown height, bestowing exquisite beauty on you alone.

The infinity of morning beauty, like a morning flower, blossomed on your pillow, dear. Open your eyes, (name), breathe in its amazing aroma.

In golden letters on the walls of your room, dear, the morning sun writes the most tender wishes for a good morning. Wake up soon and read the greeting.

The dark night galloped off into the distance in a silver harness, and the dawn rushed in on a golden chariot. On your good morning, dear, it brings a wonderful mood.

The melody of the dawn violin sounds in the breath of the awakening planet, and in the strings of gentle music for you, dear, the greeting sounds: “Good morning.”

Let peaches bloom today in your soul with the inscription of our names:* ... When you wake up, the rain stops outside, and people more often...

  • I melt under your hot kisses like ice cream. You continue to consume me like your favorite sweet. Happy morning, my love! ... Let this morning be...
  • Print

    My dear and beloved!
    The most tender and beautiful!
    Charming and passionate
    I love you terribly!
    I want to wish for you,
    Have a nice day today!
    Be successful, energetic,
    That you were doing great.
    At work and in business,
    Today I was in first place.

    I love you, I saw you in a dream!
    I really didn’t want to wake up!
    The morning has come, it’s time, dear one, to get up,
    I hasten to wish you a good day soon!

    I wish you, my beloved,
    Have a nice, good day,
    I am in your heart and in your thoughts,
    I will always protect you.

    So that all the sorrows and problems,
    So that all adversity and dilemmas,
    They went around another way,
    And they never found it.

    I want to wish you a wonderful day.
    Let him be successful and very successful.
    And in the morning, kiss me at random,
    Be the most affectionate, best and gentle with me.

    Let everything work out for you,
    All problems will go away and rest aside.
    I blossomed with you like a flower in the morning.
    Don't forget, dear, a groovy girl during the day.

    I send it to you from my heart, lovingly
    My wishes for a nice day!
    Let the sun smile at you from the sky,
    Warming the window with rays of goodness.

    May good luck and luck be with you,
    May your mood be wonderful.
    Receive this verse from me with a smile.
    Everything gonna be alright! Have a good day!

    I wish you, my beloved,
    Have a nice, good day,
    I am in your heart and in your thoughts,
    I will always protect you.
    So that all the sorrows and problems,
    So that all adversity and dilemmas,
    They went around another way,
    And they never found it.

    You are my favorite,
    Have a nice day!

    Wishing good morning and a good day to a man

    My dear and beloved!
    The most tender and beautiful!
    Charming and passionate
    I love you terribly!
    I want to wish for you,
    Have a nice day today!
    Be successful, energetic,
    That you were doing great.
    At work and in business,
    Today I was in first place.

    Waiting for you again, my beloved
    There are a lot of very important things to do today.
    Let my love help you,
    I want you to finish, you managed to do everything.

    I sincerely wish you good luck,
    Successfully sum up the day,
    You can do anything and solve all problems,
    After all, the most best guy I have!

    Good morning. Have a good day.
    Catch a charge of positivity from me.
    Let everything work out, let everything work out,
    Let luck come easily into your hands.

    Don't you dare be sad, smile wider,
    After all, so many beautiful things have been created in the world.
    I love you very much, dear sun,
    And I look forward to meeting you.

    I wish you a good day, my love,
    May your dream certainly come true,
    Let the weather be just a sight for sore eyes,
    Be in a great mood all day.
    May a good day bring you good luck,
    Let the news be pleasant in addition,
    All the best to you, joy, goodness,
    May your guardian angel protect you.

    I wish you my love
    May this day be a success!
    To ensure success -
    After all, for me you are the best!

    Have a nice day and good luck with everything!
    Let the house be filled with sunshine!
    Put a smile on your face quickly.
    Believe me, everything will be fine for you!

    Confidence suits a man very well
    It makes it easier and easier to move forward.
    Let her stay with you,
    Until the light from the sun is replaced by the moon!

    May the sun shine clearly on you
    I wish you joy, warmth,
    Let everything be just fine,
    Let all things work out!

    Let your smile bloom
    On your clear face!
    And everything the soul desires,
    It will be fulfilled today!

    Short wishes for a man to have a good day

    If it rains, it doesn't matter
    It will be a good day for you
    Smile quickly, don’t be sad,
    After all, happiness awaits you ahead.
    May it be a successful day for you, my love,
    Let it be sunny and beautiful,
    Let your affairs go like clockwork,
    May everything be great for you.

    Let today be
    It will bring you good luck.
    I kiss you tenderly on the nose -
    I love you, my gentle dog!

    Be happy - even though it will be difficult sometimes,
    Be loved - love always saves us,
    Be young - hold on in any conditions,
    After all, no matter what, this life is wonderful.

    I wish you a good day,
    And let the sun smile
    Passers-by give smiles
    And the meetings are pleasant, passionate!

    Be happy and healthy for many years to come,
    So that you don’t know doctors, evil and troubles,
    To faithful friends walked nearby
    Not hiding respect that you found
    You are people who are kind and warm,
    May you always look at the world brightly!

    My dear, may the coming day
    In spring it will smell like lilacs,
    The sun will light up, reflecting in the eyes,
    Filled with love, smiling at you!

    May the day bring the radiance of success,
    Will fill all the time with the murmur of laughter,
    And let him lead you gently to the evening,
    To plunge into the sleep of boundless passion!

    I wanted to wish
    Living moods
    Don't mope and don't be bored,
    Happiness and all that.

    Always be positive.
    Remember, I love you.
    Smile beautifully.
    Have a wonderful day!

    Wishes for a good day to your beloved man in your own words

    Time, as we know, cannot be stopped. Days follow nights, nights follow days! And I would like to wish you, my beloved, a good and bright day. May the sun always shine brightly for you, and may failures pass you by! And my love keeps you all day!

    My beloved, may the coming day warm you with my love, like sunlight! May it bestow upon you the radiance of my tenderness, like the surrounding air. Let the wind kiss you tenderly, passing my kisses across the distance! And then luck will not dare to turn away from you!

    My beloved little man, my joy, I wish you good morning, a wonderful mood and bright inspiration. May your day be successful and easy, happy and joyful. I kiss you and hug you tightly.

    Good afternoon Kiss you! You are the most a big joy I have!

    Have a good day! I miss you! I want to quickly hug you and kiss you sweetly on the lips!

    May luck smile on you from the very morning, may your mood wake up and things improve!

    I wish you good morning today! I improve your mood! So that the whole day does not pass in vain, I will hug and cling to you passionately!

    May the beautiful bird of luck circle above your head today, beloved, may it drive away all problems from you with every flap of its wings, may it keep you from harm, and may it call for success in all matters with its beautiful singing. So that your day is filled with joy and its energy remains with you until the night, and in the morning the bird of luck is waiting for you again.

    My joy, I wish you the most wonderful and good day. May everything work out for you! May all your goals be successfully achieved, may you have high enthusiasm and a wonderful mood, self-confidence and good luck all day long. Love you.

    I would like to wish my loved one a good day! So that today you are surrounded only by pleasant people. So that there is a lot of joy, successful deeds, good events and interesting news. I love you, my golden one!

    I wish you only happiness in life,
    Good luck, laughter, joy, warmth!
    Let all bad weather pass by,
    And there will be good friends nearby!

    I wish your dreams come true,
    May your health never fail,
    And, no matter how quickly your years rush by,
    You stay young always, always!

    Both brutality and hardening,
    And posture, and savvy,
    Strength, courage and honor -
    Of course you have it all.
    All you have left to wish for is
    A small amount.
    In personal life - understanding
    And support in your endeavors.
    In good friendship - respect,
    And in your career - advancement.
    Be happy and contented
    Dear, but still free,
    With money and in the mood.
    Happy Birthday!

    Happy birthday! I wish you a stable income, peace in the family, harmony in the soul and, most importantly, health - it is never superfluous. May you always be happy with what you already have, but at the same time never stop setting big life goals for yourself. Let the feeling of love always warm you in your bosom, and let your beloved be a reliable support in life. Look at the world with a fresh look, develop, enjoy life, be happy, healthy and loved!

    On your birthday I wish
    Have a lot of strength for everything.
    In life, always live by playing,
    To be able to do everything, to be in time everywhere.

    To be lucky, lucky,
    And happy on Earth.
    Kind, glorious and mighty,
    Live in comfort and warmth.

    Let your dreams come true
    There is always money.
    And the problems will disappear
    They never come.

    Happy Birthday!
    I wish you happiness and good luck.
    Stability in all matters,
    Be successful with money.

    Let everything be wonderful in life,
    Any goal will become subservient.
    Be reliable, always loved,
    Indispensable in all matters.

    I want to wish you a happy birthday!
    I wish you well and happiness,
    Good luck in life, good luck.
    There are no hardships to be seen at all.

    So that your health does not fail you,
    Success accompanied your path,
    The soul and body became younger,
    And all that was heard in the house was laughter.

    I wish you vigor for the body,
    Pleasant minutes for the soul,
    Hands - golden skills,
    And wise words for the head.

    Let the tears be only from happiness,
    A warm corner is waiting at home,
    Where the door is closed from bad weather,
    And there is a castle hanging from adversity!

    Happy birthday!
    We wish you financial stability,
    Health, happiness, optimism,
    Steep climbs, vibrant life,
    Stability, love and peace
    Prosperity and positivity!

    I want to wish you a happy birthday
    And wish with all my heart
    Smiles, happiness, inspiration
    And conquering all the peaks.

    Reliable and good friends,
    There is comfort and warmth in the family.
    May you have pleasant and fine days
    Life brought you more.

    Let the strength be heroic,
    The mind will be sharp as a blade.
    And so that it is warmer in the heart
    From the sincerity of these lines.

    What does a real man need?
    Birthday wish?
    So that there is no reason
    Sad, bored and despondent.

    Let everything in life be as it should be,
    Let happiness flow over the edge,
    Everyone in the family lived very amicably.
    Love, dream and prosper.

    Bright life, new chances,
    In fate - a nod to luck.
    And laughter, joy, finances -
    An endless stream!

    I wish you happiness and goodness,
    Love, family well-being,
    Take only the best from life:
    Lots of smiles, lots of inspiration,
    In all matters - success and luck,
    In career - steadily upward progress,
    And in friendship - loyalty and respect.
    In the family - harmony, support, understanding.
    May all your cherished wishes come true!

    A wonderful man, father, family man -
    Everyone knows about this, you are the only one.
    Let the envious rest on the sidelines,
    Let's open the kegs on our name day.
    You'll have time to work, go for a walk today,
    And to put it more clearly - rest.
    After all, fun on a holiday is not only appropriate,
    It must certainly take place.
    We wish you a great career,
    Dear relatives, great love,
    May success always be with you!