Let them talk about losing 408 kg. Mayra Rosales after surgery: the fattest woman in the world lost her title

It seems that this figure (408 kg) is simply unrealistic! However, behind this colossal significance lies the very sad story of an ordinary American woman, Mayra Rosales. “Let Them Talk” aired a sensational broadcast about how a woman lost 408 kg.

The fattest woman on “Let Them Talk”

About ten years ago everyone was shocked by the story of how woman weighing half a ton killed her nephew. According to the story told, Myra could not cope with her own weight and simply crushed him. Later in court it was proven that Rosales simply could not physically do this, since she did not move, and the child died from a traumatic brain injury inflicted by his mother and sister Mayra. The woman was acquitted and it was after this incident that the doctors paid attention to her - such a weight was not only ugly, but also life-threatening.

The answer to the question of how Myra gained so much excess weight lies on the surface - she simply ate a lot and did not move. Myra can eat several large pizzas at a time, for example, have a couple of burgers and ask for more. But still, she can be used as an example - she was able to overcome herself, circumstances and excess weight. On the World Wide Web you can find a video - she lost 408 kg “Let them talk.”

How a woman lost 408 kg

Of course, you can talk about nutrition systems that could help the unfortunate American woman, but this is a slightly different case. After the acquittal, Myra attracted the attention of many doctors who agreed to help her and performed a number of operations.

Rosales was helped to lose weight by a specialist from Houston named Nazarden. He transported the woman to the clinic, where he performed several operations to pump out fat, and then she had a drainage installed. And this gave truly amazing results - the weight decreased by several hundred kilograms.

Rosales was put on a special diet, which several nutritionists worked on at once. The diet was designed for a year. Carbohydrates were contraindicated for Myra, and she ate exclusively steamed food. The basis of the diet was vegetables.

When Myra lost almost 100 more kg, American specialists spent a lot of time gastric contraction surgery and legs because they were too stretched. After them, Rosales weighed just under 200 kg. And it was a colossal breakthrough! But Myra decided not to stop there and by the time she attended the “Let Them Talk” show she already weighed 92 kg. Now Myra looks just great and says that she has no health problems. Rosales can be a great motivation for those who have stopped believing in themselves.

Not only Mayra Rosares is shocking with her appearance, but she also weighs up to 37 kg. In contrast to Myra, she demonstrates a painful thinness, as many read, associated with illness.

Surgeries for weight loss – do they work?

Surely there will be those people who will say - well, they pumped out so much fat from her, of course she has lost weight. Now, if I could also take away ten kilos... But the examples of many stars show us that you can get an excellent figure even without a knife. A striking example is the star of “Voronins” exclusively on PP and sports.

There is a lot of debate about liposuction and gastrectomy. If necessary? Is it effective? Yes, it works. But if you don’t stop eating as before, the pounds will come back, and you’ll just be wasting your money. If you follow the menu and play sports, then, of course, the operations will give their results. In the United States, plastic surgeons are often consulted to remove skin that has sagged after losing weight. This is more justified, since with conservative methods it will take too much time. Do you want to see with your own eyes how a woman lost 408 kg - “Let Them Talk” video.

In 2008, the whole world learned about the fattest woman in the world - American Mayra Rosales. She weighed half a ton and could not move at all. A devoted husband cared for and cared for his giant wife, bedridden.

Her current weight is 92 kg. Minus 408 kg - fantasy or reality? Andrei Malakhov in the talk show “Let them say: I lost 408 kg” learned the details of the heroine’s story.

A woman began to gain weight after learning that her father left the family. Although she ate less than the rest of the family, her weight increased rapidly. “It was probably due to a metabolic disorder,” Myra recalls.

Later, the world was shocked by a horrific crime: a woman weighing 500 kilograms killed her nephew. The giant criminal herself turned to the police to confess, saying that she could not control her body and accidentally crushed the child with her hand.

In fact, Myra invented this legend in order to provide an alibi for her sister and not to leave her other nephews without guardianship. Myra's sister abused her own children. A blow to the head with a comb was fatal for a two-year-old baby. Forensic medical experts found that the baby died from skull injuries and not from asphyxia, completely clearing the defendant of the charges. The real killer, her sister, was imprisoned for 15 years.

After this loud sensation, doctors became interested in the fat woman. She understood that problems with enormous excess weight needed to be addressed urgently. To hospitalize an obese woman, the famous Houston doctor Nazarden sent a huge emergency vehicle and ten strong nurses.


The path that the woman went through was very long and difficult: 11 operations and dietary courses.

First of all, Myra excluded fast food and sweets from her diet (previously pizzas, hamburgers and cakes were her main diet). The protein diet brought results, but very slowly.

To suppress the constant feeling of hunger, doctors recommended wearing special biomagnets, with which you can lose weight without effort. Bracelets stimulate the active production of hormones that break down fat and effectively help you lose weight.

Experienced, qualified nutritionists helped her create her annual diet. After the woman lost 300 kg, she underwent a series of tightening operations to reduce her abdomen, stomach and legs.

The thin Mayra Rosales weighs up to 100 kg, she is attractive and cheerful. The woman was able to defeat herself and return to life:

  • in her diet only healthy and healthy foods nutrition;
  • she moves freely;
  • her wardrobe contains many skirts and evening dresses;
  • she has a new boyfriend with whom she is happy;
  • She regained her license and is driving a car.

This story will inspire and give confidence to those people who are desperate in the fight against excess weight.

For details on how the woman lost weight, watch the video.

Mayra Rosales is an American who has become famous throughout the world in a not very pleasant way. A few years ago, her weight was more than 450 kilograms. It was this figure that became a personal record: the woman was recognized as the fattest in the whole world. Today, after surgery, or rather a whole series of surgical interventions, Mayra Rosales is not much different from those around her. She managed to lose 362 kilograms, and today she weighs only about 90 kilograms.

A complicated story

In her interviews, Myra says that as a child she was the most ordinary healthy child. Problems began after my parents divorced. Myra and her sister had a very hard time with their father leaving the family. Against the backdrop of all the problems, the girl’s weight began to increase, and adults simply did not pay attention to it. At the same time, the world claims that she did not eat too much, but for some reason she was gaining weight. Despite being overweight, Myra got married and regularly spent time with her relatives - her sister and her children. The young woman’s body weight continued to increase. Today it’s hard to believe, because Mayra Rosales is after surgery, but once upon a time she could not get out of bed or change her position on her own.

Weight record: 453 kilograms

Myra's maximum weight was more than 450 kilograms. With such a body weight, the woman had to spend all her time on a specially ordered huge bed. Her husband looked after her. The husband alone carried out all hygienic procedures, fed his wife, helped her make herself more comfortable, because the woman could no longer stand up and make sudden movements on her own. At the same time, remaining almost completely immobilized, Myra continued to eat high-calorie foods in large quantities. In addition, she suffered from chronic illnesses and her life was at risk. Today, the once fattest woman, Mayra Rosales, is feeling much better after surgery. How did she manage to change everything?

Willpower or plastic surgery?

The woman, until recently considered the fattest in the whole world, has lost more than 300 kilograms. Myra herself says that she could not have done it without the help of surgeons. However, with a maximum weight, it was dangerous to immediately decide on surgery. The doctors directly told their record-breaking patient that she would have to start losing weight on her own. A protein diet became my salvation. Having started eating right, the woman lost about 220 kilograms on her own. She admits that the most important thing is to start acting and wait for the first successes. Once the body weight was reduced, the woman agreed to surgery. Mayra Rosales felt much better after the operation. Despite her poor health, the intervention was easy and with a quick recovery period. In total, the woman underwent 11 operations aimed at reducing her stomach and removing excess skin.

Mayra Rosales after surgery: photos and incredible story of transformation

It’s hard to believe that this representative of the fair sex was once dubbed the “half-ton killer” by the press. In fact, Myra's life began with tragedy. She became famous throughout America after the death of her nephew. The woman confessed to the police and admitted that she had crushed the child with her gigantic weight. However, an examination showed that the baby died due to beatings inflicted by his mother. Accordingly, the charge against Myra was dropped, and her Native sister went to serve her sentence.

New figure - new life!

Mayra Rosales became incredibly popular after the operation. She is often interviewed, invited to appear on TV shows, and photos before and after losing weight are constantly published in various publications. The main character looks more than attractive today. Her weight is about 90 kilograms, and the woman plans to lose a little more weight. The changes in Myra's life have been simply incredible. She divorced her husband. The decision was mutual, according to the woman. The husband was used to living quietly with everyday worries, and he did not like the unrealistic popularity of his other half. Today Myra has a new boyfriend, she is trying to take care of herself, enjoy a rich social life, communicate and meet new people. The main character of this incredible story devotes enough time to self-improvement. She recently started driving a car and has many other plans for her life. The question of whether Mayra Rosales lost weight after surgery can be answered positively. The woman does not hide her story, but, on the contrary, tells it at every opportunity. She considers her transformation a vivid illustration of the fact that anything is possible in this life. Myra hopes that her experience will inspire someone and help change everything even in the most hopeless situation at first glance.

In the studio Let the world sensation talk - the fattest woman in the world, 34-year-old Mayra Rosales from the USA, weighed no less than 500 kilograms. Her daily diet: 5 cakes, 3 cheesecakes, 5 pizzas and a lot of hamburgers! The footage of Mayra’s huge fat body is simply terrifying... However, Rosales lost 408 kg! And today she is in the program studio.

Mayra Rosales is the fattest woman in the world

“Yes, very bad, very difficult. Obesity has turned me into a freak, and my legs... my legs - I even try not to notice them and sometimes I want to amputate them. But still, I believe that suicide is not the solution to my problem. You need to somehow endure and overcome,” the fattest woman said a few years ago.

Myra's husband (now ex) constantly looked after her and massaged her feet.

The Half-Ton Killer

Some time later (in 2008), a new scandalous news related to Mayra Rosales thundered in the American media. Allegedly, the fattest woman in the world...accidentally killed her 2-year-old nephew by crushing him with her huge body.

A woman with a gigantic weight was accused of murder, but later the police found out that the real killer was not her, but her sister, the boy’s mother. She asked Myra, who was looking after her three children, to take the blame, explaining that the latter would not face imprisonment due to her enormous excess weight, unlike her. “I told the police that I was looking after the children, and while turning over in bed, my hand suddenly slipped and I accidentally crushed my nephew,” Rosales says.

Soon the police took Rosales' sister into custody and she is now in prison. For the murder of her son, she was given 15 years in prison.

Lose 400+ kg

34-year-old Mayra Rosales lost 408 kg!

Myra found strength and over a period of time successfully lost more than 200 kg, and then the same amount with the help of doctors and an experienced nutritionist. “There were operations, diets... I could hardly have coped with it myself! Doctors, nurses, a nutritionist helped me - thank you very much for everything! Thanks to you, I now look and feel just great,” says Rosales.

Indeed, the woman looks simply wonderful. Now she weighs just over 100 kg, however appearance She is excellent, she is cheerful and can move around freely.

Mayra Rosales' new husband

Former and current spouses of Mayra Rosales

The spectators in the hall are perplexed: “Why did Myra break up with her first husband? After all, he looked after her for a long time.” But Rosales explained that with ex-husband she in good relations and often communicate through social networks. “If he were in my position, I would definitely help him. Everything is fine. Now he’s in Mexico and he’s doing well too,” the heroine answered. Now the woman is happy with her new chosen one.

Stories of people losing weight from Russia

Tatyana Dobrynina, a resident of Perm, also had problems with obesity. She came to the program to talk about her successful weight loss experience - Tatyana lost 43 kg.

Ilya Bobrov - the guy changed his body beyond recognition: “I was very reserved, a gray mouse, I liked one girl, but she didn’t like me. And I decided to change my body, make it beautiful.”

31-year-old Ksenia Klyukina from Izhevsk weighed 135 kg, but was also able to lose weight, dropping 42 kg. However, the woman is not going to stop there (she now weighs 93 kg) and plans to get rid of another 30 kg. Watch the episode Let them say “I lost 408 kg!” dated May 25, 2015

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