Educational activities for children on the theme of autumn. Card index of homework on lexical topics “Autumn”, “Mushrooms” Tasks on the theme “autumn” for preschoolers

Olga Neyferd
Homework on the lexical topic “Autumn”

Homework on a lexical topic« Autumn»

1. Draw your child’s attention to changes in nature in autumn.

2. Remember autumn signs what's happening on the street in autumn, what do animals, birds, people do? Help your child remember names autumn months.

3. Game “What’s missing?”

There is wind - there is no wind

(sun, rain, puddle, mud....etc.)

4. Game "Say it the other way around":

Light - dark Cold - ....

Big - ... Hot - ....

Day - …. Long - …

Wide - ... Old - ...

5. Game “What will the weather be like if.... ?

It is raining outside? - rainy;

if it's cloudy outside? - cloudy;

what if it's windy outside? - windy;

if it's cold outside? - cold;

if it's gloomy outside? - gloomy;

If it's sunny outside? - solar.

6. Write a story about autumn according to plan:

When it comes autumn?

What signs autumn occurred in nature.

Human labor in autumn period.

7. Learn. Finger gymnastics"Walks autumn in our park"

walks autumn in our park, (we walk on the table with our fingers)

Gives autumn gifts for everyone: (show two folded palms

Red beads - rowan, (bend your fingers one by one)

Pink apron - aspen,

Yellow umbrella - poplars,

Fruits autumn gives us. (put both palms to chest)

8. Draw three leaves so that the yellow is between red and green.

Publications on the topic:

Topic: “Pets. Wild animals" 1. Name domestic animals and their babies; wild animals and their young. 2. Consolidate the skill.

Lexical topic: Autumn. Umalaeva A. N GOAL. children should know: - the names of the autumn months; - main signs of autumn; - what's happening.

Summary of a speech therapy lesson in a senior group on the lexical topic “Pets” Summary of a lesson on speech development in high school speech therapy group. Topic: “On a visit to the village of Prostokvashino” Goals: Correctional and educational:.

Correctional educational activities for the development of coherent speech in the preparatory group on the lexical topic “Autumn” Corrective – educational activities on the development of coherent speech in preparatory group compensating direction. Lexical.

Lesson notes for the logogroup on the lexical topic “Autumn.” Correctional educational task: to systematize children’s knowledge about autumn.

Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the lexical topic “Autumn” Target methodological development: Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sound (s) in syllables, words and sentences. Annotation. I present it to your attention.

GCD in the preparatory school group on the lexical topic “Autumn. Trees" Objectives: 1. Clarify knowledge of deciduous and coniferous trees. 2. Clarify diminutive names of trees. 3. Teaching relates to education.

Report “Organization of work on the lexical topic “Autumn”. Middle group Report of the teacher of the secondary “B” group of MBDOU d/s No. 8 “Golden Key” Gorbatovskaya T.V. “Organization of work on the lexical topic “Autumn” World.

Theme: "Autumn"

Children should know:

  • names of autumn months, main signs of autumn;
  • changes occurring in autumn in the flora and fauna;
  • what people do in the fall, how they dress;
  • distinctive features of early and late autumn.

Children should be able to:

  • generalize, compare signs, specify concepts, highlight the main signs of autumn, analyze phenomena, use existing knowledge about autumn in solving problems, performing exercises, assignments;
  • be interested in the phenomena of living and inanimate nature.

Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes “Call it affectionately” (children over 5 years old)

Rain - rain, rain, sun - sunshine,

puddle - puddle, tree - tree,

wind - breeze, leaf - leaf, leaf, leaf,

cloud - cloud, forest - forest,

garden - garden, bird - bird.

Formation of the plural of nouns in the genitive case “One - many” (children from 6 years old)
A month - months, a tree - trees,

rain - rain, fruit - fruit,

puddle - puddle, vegetable - vegetables,

harvest - harvests, leaves - leaves,

garden - gardens, bird - birds,

vegetable garden - vegetable gardens, slush - slush,

umbrella - umbrellas, forest - forests.

Noun and adjective agreement “Say with the word “autumn””

The sky (what?) is autumn,

wind (what?) - autumn,

alley (which one?) - autumn.

The exercise is continued with the words: sun, cloud, rain, flowers, forest, weather, boots, day, morning, coat.

Formation of qualitative adjectives “Tell me what the weather is like?”

What is the weather like in autumn if it rains? - rainy,

The wind is blowing - windy;

If it's cold outside, what's the weather like? - cold;

if it's cloudy - cloudy,

Damp - raw,

Gloomy - gloomy,

Sunny - sunny,

Clear - clear.

Formation of the plural of verbs, nouns and adjectives “One - many” (say according to the model) (children from 5 years old)

The autumn day has come - the autumn days have come,

there is a yellow leaf on the tree - there are yellow leaves on the trees,

a dark cloud is floating - dark clouds are floating,

there is a big tree - there are big trees,

it's cold raining and cold rains are blowing,

a strong wind is blowing - strong winds are blowing,

a warm jacket is hanging - warm jackets are hanging,

a flock of birds is flying - flocks of birds are flying.

Retelling the story “Autumn” (children 6- 8 years)

After summer comes autumn. Leaves on trees and bushes turn yellow, red, and fall off. The sky is often covered with clouds and it rains. They are not like in summer - warm and strong, but small and cold.

At the beginning of autumn there are still many warm days, the sun is still warm, and there are many flowers in the flower beds. This Golden autumn. It's beautiful all around. By the end of autumn, there are few sunny days, the sun does not heat well, and it becomes cold. The cold freezes the water, sometimes snow falls, but it melts from the daytime heat. Almost all the trees are bare, the flowers have withered. It's getting cold, so the birds fly south. This migratory birds. Animals are also preparing for winter. Some go to bed for the whole winter, having stored up fat reserves over the summer (bear, hedgehog, badger), others change their fur coat to a warmer one (hare, squirrel), many animals store food for the winter (squirrels, mice).

Insects hide in old stumps, snags, and climb under the bark. The forest is quiet and deserted.

In the fall, the crops are harvested: vegetables in the garden, fruits in the garden.

People dress warmer: they put on jackets, hats, warm pants, sweaters, cover their heads with scarves, put on boots.

Search for factual errors “Correct the errors” (children from 6 years old)

Summer has passed and autumn has come. Cold winds blew, flowers withered, leaves blossomed on the trees. The animals began to make supplies for the winter: the hedgehog - honey, the squirrel - nuts, the bear - cabbage, the fox - apples. Birds flew in from the south.

The children put on their Panama hats and went out for a walk in the yard. They played hide and seek, made a snowman and fed crumbs to the birds.

Search for the corresponding concept “I’ll start, and you finish”

People are dressed in autumn, (what?) - ...;

schoolchildren go with their briefcases (where?) - ...;

the leaves on the trees have become (what?) - ... ;

flowers in the flower beds (what did they do?) - ...;

birds fly away (where?) - ...;

animals do for the winter (what?) - ...;

people collect in forests, gardens, fields and

vegetable gardens (what?) - ....

Search for antonyms for “Say the opposite”

Early autumn - late autumn,

a happy day is a sad day,

sunny day - cloudy day,

white cloud - black cloud...

Cold - hot

Didactic game“Choose your words.”

Goal: Expand children's vocabulary, clarify the meaning of words. Develop thinking.

Material. Ball.

Progress of the game

Invite the children to stand in a circle, play with the ball and finish the phrase.

It is raining slightly) .

Blowing. (wind) .

Withers (grass).

They turn yellow. (leaves) .

(leaves) fall.

It's pouring (rain).

(birds) fly away.

Ripening (vegetables, fruits).

Harvest (harvest).

Didactic game “Signs of Autumn”.

Goal: To clarify children’s ideas about the main signs of autumn. Learn to make sentences using supporting diagrams. Develop thinking and imagination.

Material. Schemes representing the sky, rain, trees, crops, birds, animals, people.

Progress of the game

Invite children to take diagram cards and make sentences about the signs of autumn

Target: practice selecting adjectives.

  • What words can you use to describe autumn? What's autumn like?(golden, beautiful, sunny, colorful, affectionate, thoughtful, sad, quiet, late, early, stormy, gloomy, sad, rainy, “the charm of the eyes,” painted, motley)
  • What words can you say about the autumn forest? What is the forest like in autumn?

(thoughtful, sad, quiet, wary, hushed, sad, silent, lonely, like a painted tower, golden, crimson, lilac, enchanted, deserted, colorful, picturesque)

  • What are trees like in autumn?

(colorful, multi-colored, variegated, green, yellow, orange, bright, bare, naked)

  • What are the leaves like in autumn?

(multi-colored, green, yellow, bright red, yellow-red, yellow-green, orange, brown, motley, dry, wet)

Game “Who can name the most actions?”

Purpose: to practice selecting words that denote the actions of objects.

  • What about leaves in autumn?(turn yellow, fade, fall, spin, dry up, crumble, freeze, can be collected, rustle, rustle)
  • What can you say about rain in autumn?(drizzles, drips, pours, walks, drips, whips, makes noise, knocks on the roof)
  • What more can be said about the sun?(shines, warms, rises, sets, bakes, rises, falls., shines, smiles, caresses, warms, gives off its warmth)
  • What can you say about the sun, what is it like?(affectionate, kind, radiant, yellow, red, bright, warm, hot, fiery)
  • What do birds do in the fall?(fly away to warmer climes, gather in flocks, prepare for flight)

Game "Smart Wordsmith"

Purpose: to practice selecting nouns: the game enriches children's vocabulary.

Leaves of a plant, tree, bush -(foliage).

Falling leaves in autumn -(leaf fall).

Reflection of sound from objects, echo -(echo).

Precipitation in the form of water droplets -(rain).

Air movement over the ground -(wind).

Tiny drops of water in the air -(fog).

The mass of tiny drops of water in the atmosphere is(cloud). A large dark cloud from which rain, snow, hail may fall -(cloud).

Bright light in the sky during a thunderstorm, accompanied by thunder -(lightning).

Game "Everything is the other way around"

Target: develop coherent speech (the ability to construct a complex sentence in a demonstrative form of a statement); exercise children in establishing cause-and-effect relationships.

Material: photos or pictures depicting autumn landscapes.

Option 1. Game actions:choose antonym words.

Educator. The minute “Everything is the other way around” is announced. I will name words, definitions, and you do not agree with me, answer with the word “on the contrary” (antonym).

  • Early autumn - late spring.
  • A cheerful day - a sad night.
  • Sunny day - cloudy night.
  • The sky is clear (bright) - the ground is dirty (faded).
  • Time cold - warm, hot.
  • White cloud - black cloud. Etc.

Option 2. Game actions:choose antonym words.

  • Summer is hot and autumn is...(cold).
  • Summer is dry and autumn is...(wet, rainy).
  • Spring is early and autumn is...(late).
  • In spring the days are long, and in autumn...(short).
  • In summer there are fields with harvest, and in autumn -...(empty).
  • In summer, apples are green, and in autumn...(ripe). Etc.

Option 3. Game actions: find an error in the proposed phrase, correct it, explain your choice.

The teacher offers a deliberately false statement. Children come up with as many refutations of this phrase as possible.

Educator. Guys, the cunning wizard, on the contrary, got to the notebooks of our first-graders and turned some phrases in them. We need to help the guys correct their erroneous phrases. Want to help? Then listen carefully!

If the phrase is wrong, stamp your foot and raise your hands for the correct answer. If the phrase is correct, clap your hands.

  • In autumn all the trees become bare.
  • The bear came out of the den and saw the leaves falling.
  • Cranes fly out of birdhouses to warmer climes.
  • In autumn, the whole earth is covered with snow.
  • In autumn, people sunbathe in T-shirts and shorts.
  • In winter, swallows pecked all the cherries from the apple tree. Etc. -


(Approximate story according to the table)

Autumn has come. The sun shines brightly, but weakly warms the earth. Getting cold. It rains often. The leaves on the trees change their color to yellow, red, orange and crimson, which is why autumn is called “golden”.

Animals are preparing for winter: some, like hedgehogs and bears, hibernate. And others, like squirrels and mice, store food for the winter. All animals shed in the fall and exchange their summer fur for warm winter fur.

Birds gather in flocks and fly away to warmer regions.

People in the fields and gardens harvest vegetables and fruits.

Four wishes


Mitya went sledding down an icy mountain and skating on a frozen river, ran home rosy-cheeked and cheerful, and said to his father:

  • How fun it is in winter! I wish it was always winter!
  • Write down your wish in my pocket book,” said the father. Mitya wrote it down.

Spring came. Mitya ran to his heart’s content in the green meadow for colorful butterflies, picked flowers, ran to his father and said:

  • What a beauty this spring is! I wish it was always spring!

Again the father took out the Book and ordered Mitya to write down his wish.

Summer has come. Mitya and his father went to haymaking. The boy had fun all long day: he fished, picked berries, tumbled in the fragrant hay, and in the evening he said to his father:

  • I had a lot of fun today! I wish there was no end to summer.

And Mitya’s desire was written down in that book.

Autumn has come. Fruits were collected in the garden - ruddy apples and yellow pears. Mitya was delighted and said to his father:

  • Autumn is the best season of the year!

Then the father took out his notebook and showed the boy that he had said the same thing about spring, and winter, and summer.

K. Ushinsky


What four wishes did Mitya have?

Do you remember what he was doing on winter days?

What did you do in the spring?

Why did Mitya want summer to never end?

What is the reason for Mitya’s enthusiastic mood in the fall?

Why did Mitya want winter, spring, summer, autumn to never end?

Tell us about your favorite time of year.

Wind and sun

One day, the Sun and the angry North Wind started a dispute about which of them was stronger. They argued for a long time and finally decided to measure their strength against the traveler, who at that very time was riding on horseback along the high road.

  • Look, - said the Wind, - how I will fly at him: I will instantly tear off his cloak.

He said and started blowing as hard as he could.

But the more the Wind tried, the tighter the traveler wrapped himself in his cloak: he grumbled about the bad weather, but rode further and further. The wind became angry, became ferocious, and showered the poor traveler with Rain. Cursing the Wind, the traveler put his cloak into his sleeves and tied himself with a belt. At this point the Wind himself became convinced that he could not pull off his cloak.

The sun, seeing the powerlessness of its rival, smiled, looked out from behind the clouds, warmed and dried the earth, and at the same time the poor half-frozen traveler. Feeling the warmth of the sun's rays, he perked up, blessed the Sun, took off his cloak, rolled it up and tied it to the saddle.

You see,” the meek Sun then said to the angry Wind, “you can do much more with affection and kindness than with anger.” Nikolay Sladkov

Autumn is on the doorstep

Forest dwellers! - the wise Raven shouted one morning.

Autumn is at the threshold of the forest, is everyone ready for its arrival? Like an echo, voices came from the forest: - Ready, ready, ready... - But we’ll check now! - Raven croaked.

First of all, autumn will let the cold into the forest - what will you do?

The animals responded: “We, squirrels, hares, foxes, will change into winter coats!”

We, badgers, raccoons, will hide in warm holes!

We, hedgehogs, bats, will fall into a deep sleep!

The birds responded: “We, migratory birds, will fly away to warmer lands!”

We, sedentary people, will put on down padded jackets!

Secondly, - the Raven shouts, - autumn will begin to rip off the leaves from the trees! - Let him rip it off! - the birds responded.

The berries will be more visible!

Let him rip it off! - the animals responded.

It will be quieter in the forest!

The third thing, - the Raven does not let up, - autumn will click the last insects with frost!

The birds responded: “And we, blackbirds, will fall on the rowan tree!”

And we, woodpeckers, will begin to peel the cones!

And we, goldfinches, will get to the weeds!

The animals responded: “And we will sleep more peacefully without mosquito flies!” “The fourth thing,” the Raven buzzes, “autumn will become boring!”

He will catch up with dark clouds, let down tedious rains, and incite dreary winds. The day will be shortened, the sun will be hidden in your bosom!

Let him pester himself! - the birds and animals responded in unison.

We won't be bored! What do we care about rain and winds when we are wearing fur coats and down jackets! Let's be well-fed - we won't get bored!

The wise Raven wanted to ask something else, but he waved his wing and took off. He flies, and under him is a forest, multi-colored, motley - autumn. Autumn has already crossed the threshold. But it didn’t scare anyone at all.

Together with the children, he analyzes the meaning of the words “wise”, “sedentary” (birds), “autumn is on the doorstep” (autumn is very close), “the day will shorten” (will make the day shorter), “to peel.”

Questions about the content of the story.

How do squirrels, hares and foxes greet autumn?

What do hedgehogs and bats do in the fall?

Where and why do migratory birds fly?

What do the remaining winter birds eat?

Why do you think the forest will be quieter when the leaves fall?

Why does the summer noise of leaves seem cheerful to us, and the autumn noise sad?

The game “What doesn’t happen in autumn?”

  • Children sunbathe and swim.
  • Leaves rustle underfoot.
  • The buds swell and the leaves bloom.
  • People harvest vegetables and fruits.
  • The sun shines brightly, it warms strongly,
  • Birds gather in flocks and fly south,
  • Children put on hats, felt boots, jackets and coats,
  • Indian summer, cobwebs fly through the air,
  • Children walk in rubber boots through puddles,
  • The squirrel collects cones and nuts,
  • The bear sleeps in a den
  • Children build bird feeders
  • The trees are shedding their leaves,
  • Collective farmers harvest apples, nuts, grapes,
  • The days are short, it gets dark early,
  • First bell at school
  • Mushrooms are collected in the forest and dried for the winter,
  • It's raining heavily
  • Children sled and skate.
  • Wild animals store food.

Listen to the sentences and answer the questions.

  • Golden autumn has arrived. What's autumn like? (Autumn is golden.)
  • There are gray clouds in the sky. What clouds? (The clouds are gray.)
  • Cold rain is drizzling. What kind of rain? (Is the rain cold?)
  • The autumn sun shines little. What kind of sun is it? (Autumn sun.)
  • Yellow leaves fall to the ground. What kind of leaves? (The leaves are yellow.)
  • The earth is like a beautiful carpet. What carpet? (On a beautiful carpet.
  • Why do they say that in autumn the earth looks like a beautiful carpet?

Homework file for lexical topics"Autumn", "Mushrooms"

Bederdinova Marina Valerievna

teacher - speech therapist MBDOU

"DSKV" No. 56


Homework card

"Autumn" No. 1

The leaves are falling and falling - leaf fall in our garden.
Yellow and red leaves curl and fly in the wind.
Birds fly south - geese, rooks, cranes.
Now the last flock is flapping its wings in the distance.

Autumn plays with the leaves, picks leaves from the branches.
Yellow leaves fly straight into the children’s hands.

Gifts of autumn
Autumn is walking in our park, autumn gives gifts to everyone:
Red beads - rowan, pink apron - aspen,
A yellow umbrella is for poplars; autumn gives us fruits.

Question. To whom does autumn give what?

Homework card"Autumn" No. 2

Come up with words that answer the question “What?” (words denoting objects) on the topic “AUTUMN”

Comes (what?)……

Blowing (what?)……

Floating (what?)……

It's drizzling (what?)……

Flying away (who?)……

Falling off (what?)……

Turns yellow (what?)……

Getting wet (what?)……

Wither (what?)……

Homework card "Autumn" No. 3

Come up with as many words as possible that answer the questions: “Which?”, “Which?”, “Which?”, “Which?” on the theme "AUTUMN"

Sun (what?) - …….

Clouds …..

Earth …..

Grass …..

Wind …..

Leaves ….

Homework card "Autumn" No. 4

Compiling a coherent story on the topic “AUTUMN” using the first words in a sentence:

“Summer has passed, and ... has come. The days have become….. It has begun to blow….. It has become…. People dress... In the trees... On the ground.... It's drizzling... Fading... To the south... People are collecting... Coming soon....”

Retell the story.

Homework card "Autumn" No. 5

Game "Make a proposal"

Working on deformed sentences.

Blowing, autumn, wind, cold.

The leaves and trees turn yellow.

The earth, grass, on, withers.

The birds are flying south.

Light, autumn, drizzling, rain.

Homework card "Autumn" No. 6

Game "Say the correct word"

Sample: The wind blows and the winds blow.

The bird flies away, and the birds...

The leaf turns yellow, and the leaves...

The rain is drizzling, and the rains….

The flower fades, and the flowers...

The cold is coming, and the cold...

The harvest ripens, and the harvests….

Homework card "Autumn" No. 7

Game "Answer questions".

The use of verbs in different tense forms in speech.

(what does it do?) – blows

the wind (what will it do?) – will blow

(what did you do?) - blew

(what will it do?) – it will blow.

The game is repeated with the words: rain, grass, leaves, etc.

Homework card "Mushrooms" No. 1

Game "One - Many"

Sample: mushroom – mushrooms – a lot of mushrooms

Words: porcini mushroom, boletus, boletus, russula, volushka, honey fungus, butterdish, toadstool, fly agaric.

Homework card "Mushrooms" No. 2

Game "Fun Counting"

Sample: one russula, two russulas, three russulas, four russulas, five russulas.

Count to 5 with the words: toadstool, boletus, butterdish, honey fungus.

Homework card "Mushrooms" No. 3

“Questions to fill!”

Goal: developing the ability to answer questions in complete sentences.

There are three waves at the edge. What is more - edges or waves?

What are more in the forest - mushrooms or porcini mushrooms?

There are two russula and a toadstool standing in the clearing. What is more - caps or legs?

Homework card "Mushrooms" No. 4

Compose descriptive story about a mushroom (any) according to plan:

Where does it grow?

Which one has appearance(size, color of cap; length, thickness of stem).

Edible or inedible mushroom?

What can you cook from it?

Homework card "Mushrooms" No. 5

Say phrases like this:

I collect, we collect, you collect, you collect, he collects, they collect.

With the words: collect, pick, dry.

Homework card "Mushrooms" No. 6

Game "Say the other way around"

Lots of mushrooms - few mushrooms

Small basket -

Pure mushroom -

Edible mushroom -

Honey mushrooms have long legs, and honey mushrooms...

The boletus has a thick leg, and the russula...

Especially for preschool and younger children school age I picked up activities on the theme of autumn. They can be used both in kindergarten, and at home.

All autumn games can be divided into several parts:

  • A story about autumn (using cards, we compose a story about autumn together with the baby or on our own),
  • logic exercises
  • exercises to develop attention
  • object sorting exercises
  • games with flowers
  • puzzles on the theme of autumn
  • math fall games.

Autumn-themed story: Using thematic cards about autumn, compose a story with your child.

Thematic cards

You can download cards on the theme of autumn here - click on the pictures below and print them:

If you study using the Doman method, then they can be cut into separate words and separate pictures about autumn and connected when the child learns the words.

Pictures and tasks

the second option is a story about autumn with hand-drawn pictures - to download pictures on the theme of autumn for free, click on them:

Development game fine motor skills fingers on the theme of autumn - you need to trace a dotted line from the broom to the leaves:

Autumn games - here you need to sort into two columns - apples in one, leaves in the other:

Here you need to find the shadow of the object and connect the cards with each other:

We learn to sort leaves into large, medium and small:

Puzzle with a stuffed animal - cut into pieces and put together with your child:

Puzzle with a squirrel is more complex logic autumn game:

Autumn coloring - here you need to circle the acorn using the dots with numbers, and then color it:


  • remember with your child what time of year it is, name the autumn months in order;
  • draw the child’s attention to what changes have occurred in living and inanimate nature;
  • compare nature in early and late autumn;
  • talk about what happens to trees in the fall, how animals and birds prepare for winter;
  • remember the names of migratory birds and why they are called that;
  • during a walk, draw the child’s attention to the remaining flowers and how plant seeds spread in the fall;
  • explain why leaves fall off trees; why there is ice in the morning, but in the afternoon it melts;
  • list as many signs of autumn as possible;
  • talk about the work of collective farmers in the fields in the fall.

Task 2. Didactic game“When does this happen?”

The fields are empty, the ground is wet, the rain is pouring down. - When does this happen?

Task 3. Explain to kid meaning of phrases:“it’s drizzling,” “gray clouds,” “the leaves are turning yellow,” “the flowers are disappearing,” “autumn has come,” “early (late) autumn.”


The birdhouse is empty, the birds have flown away, and the leaves on the trees are not sitting well either. All day today everyone has been flying and flying... Apparently they also want to fly to Africa.

(I. Tokmakova)


Boring picture! The clouds are endless, the rain keeps pouring down, there are puddles on the porch. Why did you come to visit us early, autumn? The heart also asks for light and warmth.

(A. Pleshcheev)

Task 5. Find as many features as possible for the word autumn:

autumn (what?) - golden, rainy... .

Task 6. “Match objects to signs.”

Autumn day...

Autumn weather, ... .

Autumn sky,...

Autumn - rains, ... .

Task 7. Didactic game"Right wrong"(understanding cause-and-effect relationships).

© I took an umbrella because it was raining. It started to rain because I took an umbrella.

© The birds flew south because autumn had come. Autumn has come because the birds have flown south.

Task 8. “Autumn has come to us”(practicing case endings)

We waited... (autumn)

There was no... (autumn) for a long time

We are glad... (autumn)

We dress warmly...(autumn)

We sing songs about... (autumn)

We love... (autumn)

Task 9. Answer questionson the theme "Autumn".

  • What's the weather like in autumn?
  • How much rain does it rain in autumn?
  • What wind is blowing?
  • Where are the leaves falling from?
  • What do trees and bushes become?
  • Which birds flew away? Where?
  • What did the collective farmers collect?

Task 10. Write a story about autumn(for preparatory group)