Scenario for the holiday “Maslenitsa comes with pancakes and honey. Games and competitions for Maslenitsa Ancient rituals for Maslenitsa week

July 11, 2016

Our calendar is replete with a large number of holidays. Some of them are state-owned, others are international. But there are also those that are usually classified as seasonal or calendar. So winter pleases with Christmas festivities, summer spoils you with fun at Maslenitsa, but spring treats you with pancakes at Maslenitsa. Usually these days are a time of public festivities: after all, everyone wants these holidays to be bright, eventful and interesting. But it is Maslenitsa week that takes place on the greatest scale - and no wonder, since there are seven days of walking.

Maslenitsa is one of the few pagan holidays, which was so firmly entrenched among the Slavs, despite all the changes and vicissitudes. Maslenitsa - for many today is associated with joy, fun and, of course, pancakes. Now few people know about all the traditions of this holiday, but almost everyone knows that during it pancakes are baked everywhere. After all, the pancake, since ancient times being a symbol of the sun, opens the week of farewell to winter and welcome to spring.

A variety of entertainment events are held on the streets and in entertainment venues these days. But to avoid confusion, it is better to take care of the entertainment program in advance: find out what, when and where will be held in your city.

On holiday, you can visit the pancake fair, where you and your loved ones can taste themed treats with a variety of fillings. After that, watch the most interesting theatrical performances right on the street, where folk traditions They see off the winter by burning Maslenitsa straw. In addition, these days it is customary to have a lot of fun, and therefore in the fresh air you can take part in various competitions and fun activities.

Competitions and outdoor entertainment for Maslenitsa week

A popular pastime is the game "Wall to wall." This fun is purely for men. The number of participants is not limited, and therefore is ideal for a large company. The game appeared as long ago as the tradition of celebrating Maslenitsa. Only initially its essence was mostly in fist fights. Today it has been modified into a competition between two teams, the goal of which is to break through the enemy’s “wall.”

At the beginning of the game, the teams face each other - “wall to wall”, choose a “combat leader” who will be responsible for making decisions, and “the hope of the team”, who will actually break through the opponents’ defense. After this, both teams, without breaking their ranks, begin to move towards their opponents. The winner is the team that managed, if not to break through the “wall,” then at least to move it beyond the boundaries of the playing area.

The competition is also very impressive and exciting. "Horse Fight". Everyone can participate here: only the number of participants must be even, because they will have to split into pairs, where one will act as a “horse” and the second as a “rider”. It is best to choose the weaker sex for the last role: after all, the “horse” participant will have to hold the “rider” on his shoulders for a long time.

When the couples are ready, the real battle begins, during which it is necessary to throw as many “riders” out of the saddle as possible. The competition continues until only one couple remains, which will be declared the winner.

Particularly popular are jumping over the fire, although this entertainment is suitable only for the brave and determined. And good physical shape will not hurt here: after all, jumping over open flames can be unsafe. It is also worth paying attention to clothing - it should not interfere with movement.

In general, you can do a lot of things outside and take part in them, but only if you are not afraid of the cold and snow, since during the celebration of Maslenitsa, nature does not yet pamper you with warmth and good weather.

Indoor competitions for Maslenitsa week

Maslenitsa quest

- This is a very popular entertainment in the modern world. And combining this newfangled fun with a traditional holiday is absolutely good result and a storm of positive emotions. Moreover, both those who participate in them and those who come up with them will receive positive impressions.

The quest is a space for imagination. Here you can select any number of tasks, set different goals for the players, and use any equipment. Adults and children can participate in it. Or they can do both at the same time, since quests are not only individual entertainment, but also group entertainment.

Tasks can be hidden throughout the room or assigned to specific people. The tasks are very diverse. But the answers must include the keys to the next tests.

For example:

  1. “Eat all the pancakes served on the plate and find out where to look for the next clue” (the key word is written down on a piece of paper and placed under the very last pancake).
  2. “Find the image of the Maslenitsa symbol and under it you will find the next key.” (The symbol is the sun).
  3. “The answer to the riddle will indicate where the next task is hidden” (The riddle must be related to Maslenitsa). For example,

I'm standing on a pole -
I look down on you.
Body, arms, head -
Everything I have is made from straw.
They ritualized it, brought it,
They burned me with songs.
(Maslenitsa scarecrow).

  1. “The rebus will guide you on the right path.” (There are a huge variety of puzzles, so you’ll definitely find something).
  2. “Make a word from cardboard pancakes that will indicate the place where the prize is hidden.” (To do this, cut out circles from yellow cardboard in advance and write the letters of a specific word on them).

This is a very small quest, but it can also be the highlight of the evening.

Competition program for Maslenitsa

There are a huge variety of thematic competition programs. Each of them has its own characteristics. website offers this option.

The competition program is designed for two teams. The entire game will take place in seven stages (the same number as the holiday is celebrated), that is, participants will be invited to participate in seven competitions. Each competition will be dedicated to a specific day of the week and convey its main essence. The winner is determined by the number of points scored.

First competition “Hello, Maslenitsa”

Since on the first day of the holiday it was customary to dress up the straw effigy of Maslenitsa, the competition is directly related to this. A participant is selected from each team who will play the role of a “scarecrow” - he needs to stand motionless, without bending his arms and legs. The newly minted Maslenitsa participants will be at a distance of 3-5 meters from their teams. Articles of clothing will be placed on the floor next to them. Which other participants must put on them. It is necessary to dress up the “stuffed animal” one by one. Each participant is allocated only 10 seconds for this. Whoever can do it faster and better is declared the winner.

Second competition “Understand me”

On the second day of the celebration, in the old days, the guys looked for a soul mate, and the girls responded to these advances with all sorts of signs (without words). So in this competition, one participant from the team is tasked to show only with the help of facial expressions and gestures what is written on their sheet. Guessing is done against time: first one team, then another. Who will have best time, he won. The entries on the pieces of paper can be very different: the names of songs, books, films...

Competition third “Lord of Pancakes”

Where would we be without pancakes? It was on the third day that the mass baking and eating of these delicious rounds began. Each team will need two participants at once. The task of one will be to wrap the filling in the pancakes, and the second will have them. The competition is held against time. When determining the winner, not only how quickly the team completed the task is taken into account, but also the quality of execution. If at the end of the competition there is filling left on the plate, then the victory does not count, even if the participants finished first. It's the same story with carelessly rolled pancakes: the filling falls out - penalty seconds.

Fourth competition "Burim"

The fourth day of Maslenitsa is a day of mass celebrations. It is also commonly called “Razgulay”. That’s why the teams are all invited to play together in Burim. This game is familiar to everyone and is suitable for any holiday.

Teams are given four words that rhyme and are asked to compose a poem about Maslenitsa. The winner is the team that is the first to complete this task efficiently.

For example, words It's winter, it's warm, it's light.

Competition fifth “Pancake Courier”

On the fifth day, people often went to visit and brought gifts with them - pancakes. So the teams are asked to move improvised pancakes cut out of cardboard from one point to another. Only you need to carry them not with your hands, but with two sticks held in your hands. Dropping fake treats, taking several at once, or carrying them together is prohibited. A fallen pancake cannot be picked up: it will not be counted when calculating points. The number of points they reported was the number of points they earned. If the opponents have the same number, then the winners will be those who completed it first.

Competition sixth “Farewell, Maslenitsa”

On the sixth day there was a solemn farewell to Maslenitsa - that is, its burning. Teams are asked to come up with as many other ways as possible to say goodbye to winter and welcome spring in 5 minutes. Those who offer more options win the competition.

Competition seventh “Forgiven Competition”

On the last day of Maslenitsa, it used to be customary to ask each other for forgiveness. So the teams will have to compete in their ability to apologize. To do this, one player from the team is located at a distance of ten steps from the chair where there is a plate of pancakes. In order to get to the plate, you need to say words of apology. One word - one step. It is important that words are not repeated. Whoever reaches the tasty goal first wins.

It doesn't matter where or how you celebrate. The only thing that matters is who you do it with. After all, a good company will never let you get bored. And Maslenitsa is just a good reason to spend interesting and fun free time with friends and relatives.

Maslenitsa – bright Slavic holiday, which people love to cheerfully celebrate with delicious pancakes. A celebration is not complete without dancing, competitions and games. The entertainment program on this day is very rich, so people celebrate Maslenitsa on a grand scale. A broom is an important attribute in all competitions and games; almost every new competition is accompanied by it. Below are the most exciting and fun games and competitions that will add a little excitement and intrigue to the festivities.

Competition "Good Hostess"
Several girls are selected for this competition. The task is very simple: they must peel one potato, sew on one button and dress the doll. However, they are given only two minutes to complete all these tasks. It is in such a short period of time that the girls must quickly manage to do everything. The winner will be the one who can fulfill all three points or much more than her rivals.
Competition "Oh, damn it"
This competition is directly related to Maslenitsa, because it is necessary to use words such as:
Several children take part. They need to compose a short poem in rhyme, where they must use all these five words. If a child has difficulties, parents or friends can help him. However, the winner of the competition will be the one whose poem turns out to be the most beautiful and comprehensible. It is imperative to take into account how much adults and friends helped and whether they helped at all.

Competition "Mother-in-law's pancakes"
A very exciting competition in which adults and children can take part at the same time. Several players are selected. Plates with the same number of pancakes are placed in front of them. In just one minute you need to eat as much of this delicacy as possible. The winner will be the one who has not a single pancake left on his plate or much less than his opponents.

Competition "Swing"
The "Swing" competition is a very fun game, and it is better for boys to compete in it. Several participants are selected for the game. For their quantity, it is necessary to prepare baskets and tennis balls in equal quantities in advance. The basket is tied in the form of a swing. Music starts playing and the boys try to hit a difficult “nest” one tennis ball at a time; one hit is equal to one point. The winner will be the one who manages to score the most points.

Competition "Sack Run"
Many people's favorite game of sacks will be very useful at a fun holiday. All participants are divided into two teams, each of which chooses a song. At the start, the first participant in the bag begins to jump to a certain mark, and return back in the same way. The game continues to be played by the second, then the third, fourth and other team members. During the game you need to sing the selected song loudly. The team that completes the task faster and performs the song much better will take a well-deserved prize.

Game "With chairs"
This game is well known to many. Several chairs are used for the game, and there is one less player. The music turns on, and everyone begins to run around the chairs in unison, and as soon as it stops, the players must take their places on these chairs. Anyone who has no room left to sit is eliminated from the game along with one chair. And this continues until the very end, until the winner is determined. This is very funny and fun for children, and on Maslenitsa it will be much more exciting.
Adults will also really enjoy this game with chairs. The essence of the competition does not change, but men must immediately sit on the chairs. Women, of whom there is one more, run together while the music is playing, and as soon as it stops, they sit on the lap of a loved one or friend. The culmination of the game is the most exciting, when there is only one chair left with a man, around whom two women are running. At this intriguing moment, it is worth looking into the eyes of this happy man, who will be in great anticipation. The winner will be the couple in which the woman turned out to be more agile than all her rivals.

Game "Geese and Geese"
Antique fun game, in which at least 5 people take part. Everyone stands in a circle facing the center and holds hands. The leader walks behind them and alternately touches the back of each participant with his hand. He says “goose” to some and “goose” to others. If the first word is spoken to the player, this means that he stands still and does not move. However, if the latter, then this means that he must run around all the players and take his previous place. The essence of the game is that the leader also runs in a circle, and if he runs faster than the second participant, then he passes on his title to him. Now he becomes the leader. Thus the game continues.

Broom Throwing Game
A very funny game for adults and children. Several people take part. The objective of the game is to throw a broom at a distance. The participant who throws the attribute the farthest will be the winner of the broom throwing game.

Game "Stream"
The game “Stream” was the traditional and most beloved game of our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. Many people know the meaning of this competition. Girls and boys, young boys and girls take part in the game. Players stand in two rows and join hands high above their heads. This creates a living corridor. One participant who did not get a pair passes under clasped hands and chooses a pair for himself. Usually it is someone who cares and is very likable. After this, the new couple gets up last, and the one who was taken away is the first. Therefore, the whole game continues on the same principle. It will be very fun and exciting if there are many participants in the game, and the living corridor is long.

Game "Surprise"
Another fun game called "Surprise". It’s a pleasure to take part in it, because there will be just a lot of positivity. Its very name speaks of something unexpected, but pleasant. The game requires one small box and as many participants as possible. Everyone stands or sits in a circle and picks up this box. The music turns on, and the attribute begins to be quickly transferred to each other. Whoever the music stops on takes off something and puts it in this box. This continues throughout the rest of the game. When all the participants are practically naked, the rules of the game change a little. Again, the box is passed along to the music, and whoever the music stops on takes something from the attribute without looking. The thing that came into his hands, he must put on himself. This will be a pleasant game for a friendly company that will greatly amuse everyone.

Game "Sun"
One of interesting games Maslenitsa for children younger age The game "Sunshine" is considered. Participants are divided into two teams and stand in a row. For the competition you will need two A3 sheets on which a circle will be drawn. You will also need several markers for each team. At the start, each participant from two teams quickly runs up to a sheet of paper and completes drawing one ray. The second, third and all other participants do the same. The winner will be the team in which all participants manage to complete one ray. This kind of game instills a competitive spirit in even the youngest players, which creates great intrigue and excitement in them.

Game "Running on the Broom"
This game requires pins, which should be carefully placed in one row. Each participant must sit on a broom and run a snake around the pins as quickly as possible. The winner will be the one who copes the fastest and knocks down the least number of obstacles.

Game "Potato Pot"
All participants are again divided into two teams and each is given a spoon. Empty bowls are placed in front of the team, and not far from them is a cast iron pot with potatoes. At the start, each participant with a spoon must quickly pick up potatoes and put them in a bowl. The winner will be the team that transfers the most potatoes into its bowl.

Game "Snow Fortress"
It often happens that a lot of snow falls on Maslenitsa. You should take advantage of such a miracle and compete, especially if the snow is sticky. Two teams are assembled, each with one adult captain. A little time is given to build a snow fortress and charges. Then the real attack between the rivals begins. The game is accompanied by great intrigue and excitement. The winner will be the team that destroys the enemy's fortress faster.

Happy holiday: Maslenitsa


I. General provisions.

1.2. Festival organizer:

Department of Culture, Administration of the Municipal District "Rodnikovsky Municipal District"

1.4. Goals and objectives of the festival:

Organizing a spectacular and entertaining event to attract a wide range of residents and guests of the area to participate in the event;

Development of entrepreneurship and tourism;

Preservation and further development of national traditions in cooking;

Organization of recreation and entertainment, culture and sports in the area;

Popularization healthy image life.

II. Festival participants:

2.1. All public catering establishments, enterprises and institutions of all forms of ownership, groups of family clubs, and individuals are invited to participate in the festival.

2.2. The festival regulations are available upon request to all festival participants.

2.3. Applications for participation in the festival are accepted by the organizer from January 25 to February 9, 2018.

III. Festival program:

3.1. The festival takes place on the territory of the square. Lenin of the city of Rodniki.

Festival program:

9-30 – 10-30 - arrival of teams participating in the festival. Preparing to participate in the festival.

11-00 – 12-30 – pancake competition among amateurs and professionals.

12-30 - 13-30 – summing up. Winner's reward ceremony.

3.2. The festival is held according to the following competitive program:

The best design of a retail space. Evaluation criteria: originality, novelty, aesthetics and artistic level of design of an improvised showcase;

The best recipe pancakes Evaluation criteria: originality and novelty of the competition dish, technique of its preparation, appetizing and aesthetics of the dish, taste qualities of the competition dish;

Best costume of the participant. Criteria for evaluation: appearance, compliance of clothing with Maslenitsa festivities, compliance of clothing with SanPiN standards;

The best pancake product for the 100th anniversary of the city. Evaluation criteria: originality, aesthetics, relevance to the topic.

3.3 The Organizer, upon prior application, provides: a place for trading.

IV. Requirements for dishes and festival participants:

4.1. When preparing for the festival, you need to pay attention to the following criteria: cooking technique, taste, quality of the pancake product, aesthetics, creativity, novelty.

4.2. The necessary equipment, as well as products for pancakes, are purchased by the participant independently.

4.3. Participants are required to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards when working with food products.

V. Determination of winners, rewarding.

5.1 To sum up the results, the founder creates a competition commission of five people, with the involvement of a specialist - a catering technologist.

Goal: to introduce children and parents to national traditions, create conditions for direct communication within the family, cultivate love for the Motherland.


  • Presenter (teacher)
  • Assistant (possibly parents)

Participants are children

Preliminary preparation:

Parents need to bake and bring pancakes. You also need to bring tea, sugar, disposable tableware, napkins, a knife, pastry gloves. (This will be brought by the family committee. From us: cards with numbers from 1 to 10 (large, in 2 copies for a glass and a plate with a pancake), letters; plates, skewers, tokens and cups for tokens.


  • Plates with numbers (from 1 to 10) to place them next to the pancakes.
  • Disposable cups for collecting tokens (also numbered)
  • The same paper plates for pancakes.
  • “Jury Member Medals” are discs with a diameter of approximately 5 cm on an adhesive base, on the reverse side of which the category of assessment is inscribed.
  • Certificates for awarding (preferably with a reserve of 10 pieces)


Leading: Hello, friends! I see you have a holiday and fun here, music is playing, but what is a holiday without food? What's the main treat? spring holiday? Whoever solves the riddle will know:

What do you pour into a frying pan?

Yes, they bend it four times?

That's right - damn it! And today your mothers and grandmothers tried their best and brought us the most delicious, fresh, aromatic pancakes. And which is the best? How to find out? Let me eat them all and then tell you?! No? Yes, and it’s probably harmful for me... Then I’ll have to organize a competition and you’ll help me, don’t you agree? Listen to the rules! We have pancakes on plates, next to each plate there is a number and a glass next to it. Jury members will need to try several pancakes and choose the best one, and then put their token in a cup with the number of the pancake they like. One person can be a judge 1 time! It's clear? Great.

Now we need to choose the most competent jury. How to do this? ABOUT! I came up with an idea: Anyone who knows what it’s made of can appreciate the pancake! Who will answer the question - “What do you need to make pancakes?” Just raise your hand!

(children call: flour, water, etc..) 5-7 people come to the presenter.

Leading: These are our pancake Einsteins! It’s up to them to choose.” The most delicious pancake"!(1 nomination). Now, under the careful supervision of the chef, the guys will try the pancakes and make their choice. (h teaches cheerful music A)

The children go to the table, there the Chef feeds them (I think you can do it directly with your hand in a disposable glove OR ON SPANKERS!) with those pancakes from which you have to choose, the children lower the tokens, which are the base of the adhesive paper, and the “jury medal” is hung on the child’s chest (this way the presenter can see who has already participated).

Leading: And the next nomination awaits us "The most satisfying"( 2), in order to judge in this category, you need to remember as many fillings as possible. What do you eat pancakes with? Begin.

Children name the fillings, go out, receive medals, meanwhile, the first group finished chewing and left.

The second group chooses.

Leading: And now I will need strong-willed people, with unsurpassed willpower, ready for dangers, difficulties and hardships! I choose. Friends, look at their faces. This is the last time you see them this happy. Because they are faced with a super task - to choose a pancake without trying it! Yes, yes, they cannot put a single piece of this soft, wonderful treat in their mouth. Because a nomination awaits us “ The most beautiful !”(3). Guys, what is a beautiful pancake? ( answer)

Leading: The difficult task has been completed, but not all the heroes have shown themselves yet. Now I challenge someone who takes care of his figure and has a sensitive sense of smell. (Girls are invited) Nomination " The most fragrant”(4).

The guys choose and put down the tokens.

Leading: We talked about what a beautiful pancake should be, but what does the most useful pancake look like? "the thinnest" (5)

The guys choose and put down the tokens.

Leading : I see not everyone has served as a jury, let those who did not participate judge the nomination “For the will to win.”(6)

Award ceremony and celebratory tea party.

RIG website General position about folk festival competitions “Maslenitsa is fun - it has invited you to follow you!”

1. The main objectives of the competitions are:

Creating a festive atmosphere on the day of the folk festival;

Revival of Russian traditions national holiday"Maslenitsa";

Preservation, continuity, promotion of the original indigenous traditions of the holiday, folk festivals;

Activation of social strata of citizens and the population of suburban villages of the urban district "city of Yakutsk".

2. Organizer of competitions:

Department of Culture and Spiritual Development of the District Administration of the City of Yakutsk.

3. Time and place:

The competitions will take place on March 13, 2016 at the sites inside and in front of the Kruzhalo shopping mall, the territory of the Old Town.

Start of the event: 12.00 h.

3.1. "IVAN IVANYCH SAMOVAR" folk competition


Anyone living in the city district can participate in the competition;

No age restrictions;

The support group of participants should not exceed 3 people.

Conditions of the competition:

Each participant must boil a samovar (5 liters or 8 liters) for a while;

Serving tea to holiday guests;

The samovar, utensils and all the attributes are brought by the participant himself.



folk competitive game action (valiant fun)


Teams consisting of 6 people (3 men + 3 women) are allowed to participate in sports competitions.

Conditions of the competition:

Mandatory conditions for the competition:

Having a sports (comfortable) uniform;

Compliance with discipline and safety precautions.

Team competition stages:

Snow distillations;
Tug of war;
Who is faster on a broom?
Jumping in bags;
Three legs;

During the competition, personal championship competitions are held:

Russian broom (broom throwing);
Squeeze the weight.


national competition of pancake fun and records

Conditions of the competition:

Anyone living in Yakutsk and its suburbs can take part in the competition;

No age restrictions;

The size of the support group is not limited;

Pancake dishes should be varied and festively decorated;

Participants in folk costumes(or the presence of elements of folk costume in clothing).

Round 1: “How pancakes flew off the table during Shrovetide” - competition signature dish, presentation of pancake tables (songs, dances, ditties - no more than 3 minutes);

Round 2: “Oh, my pancakes” - a competition for a variety of pancake dishes.

As part of the competition, “Pancake Records” are held;

The fastest "pancake eater";

The thickest pancake;

The thinnest pancake;

The biggest pancake;

The most beautiful and original pancake.


folk competition of ditties

Conditions of the competition:

The competition is held in two directions:

1) For the best ditty(s):

Participants can be any persons who provide for participation in it the text of a ditty (ditties) in Russian;
Participants perform a ditty (ditties) on the topic: “About pancakes and pies”;
Posing of ditties - at least 5 couplets;
The support group of participants should not exceed 3 people;
Participants in the competition, including the support group, must wear Russian national clothes or outfits with elements of Russian costume.

2) For the best Russian national costume:

· Participants in the competition can be any person whose costumes correspond to the theme of the competition;

· The quality of the costume will be assessed, creative performance outfit, originality of idea;

· The presence of accessories (beads, amulets, jewelry, hats, pouches, etc.) is welcome.

Participation is allowed in both directions of the competition, or in any of them, at your choice.

In each direction, the winners of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places will be determined.

Organizers of the Competitions provide:

* equal conditions for all participants of the Competition;

* publicity of the Competition;

* awarding the winners (certificates of participants, diplomas, memorable prizes).

Yakutsk, Lenin Ave. 15, office. No. 521, tel. 421371, e-mail: [email protected];
Yakutsk, Ammosova str. 1/1, tel. 450254 e-mail: [email protected].


folk festival “Maslenitsa is cheerful - it has invited you to follow you!”

Location : Yakutsk, Old Town, Kruzhalo shopping center

Time spending : from 12.00 h.



“Oh yes, Maslenitsa!” - competitions, fun, games with spectators

“Pure, honest queen - Maslyona”- theatrical performance of GARDT named after A.S. Pushkin

“Where there are pancakes, there we are!” - competitive program (inside the Kruzhalo shopping center)

Master class on baking pancakes;

Pancake records;

Pancake auction;

“Madame Maslenitsa” exhibition - a look at elegant warmer dolls for teapots, felt boots, and felted items.

"Fair for Merry Maslenitsa"- souvenir row, exhibition - sale of folk art products (inside the Kruzhalo shopping center)

“Golden Maslenitsa, dear guest!”- concert - entertainment:

“Ivan Ivanovich Samovar” - folk competition;

“Whoever outsings who will surprise the honest people” - a folk competition of ditties;

“Russian Pattern” is a competition of Russian national costume.

“Maslenitsa announces a tournament and invites you to some great fun!” - competitive game action (valiant fun):

Tug of war;

Broom Throwing;

Lifting weights;

Pancake relay;

Folk games and fun.

"From lady to hip-hop" - Maslenitsa dance flash mob

“The sun is red, burn - burn clearly!” - rite of forgiveness

Date Time



State House of Culture named after Yu.A. Gagarin


Kurnatovsky st., 2

Monday "Meeting"- opening of Maslenitsa week

“Meeting Maslenitsa” - theatrical program

Competitions, folk games, exhibition

SC "Iskra"

village Staraya Tabaga,

Lenin st., 12

Tuesday "Flirting"

“Wide Flirting” - theatrical performance

Competitions, game program

House of Culture "Gornyak"

Kangalassy microdistrict,

Lenin st., 5

Wednesday "Gourmand"- children's day

“Maslenitsa is cheerful - it has invited you to follow you!” - game program

Competitions, children's, folk games

CSC "Chechir"

Kirzavod village,

Zavodskaya st., 8

Thursday "Running Thursday"

« Wide Maslenitsa» -theatrical performance

Competitions, street fun, folk games

House of Culture "Nadezhda"

Prigorodny village,

Sovkhoznaya st., 27

Friday "Mother-in-law's evening"

“Well done, daring guys...” - youth sports and games program

House of Culture "Kedr"

Tabaga village,

Kalandarashvili st., 18

Saturday "Sister-in-Law's Gatherings"

"Daughters-in-law" - family competition

Competitions, folk games