Scenario of a mass sports event for children Sabantuy. Summer fun in Sabantui kindergarten

Contest participant:

Duryagina Natalya Nikolaevna,

musical director

MADOU Narimanov kindergarten

Tyumen district

Objectives of the holiday:

  • Continue to introduce children to the traditions and customs of the Tatar people: give ideas about the Sabantui holiday, arouse interest and desire to participate in competitions;
  • To promote the development of physical qualities in children: agility, strength, speed, to satisfy children’s need for physical activity.
  • Foster a responsible attitude towards following rules and various tasks. Promote the development of positive emotions, the ability to communicate with peers, mutual understanding and empathy.

Materials and equipment: wooden horses, 4 colored scarves, 2 basins, 2 bowls, 2 pillows, 2 bags, rope, 2 small pillows.

The progress of the holiday

The hall is decorated with colored scarves, on the central stage there is the inscription “Sabantuy”. Children enter the hall and sit on chairs.


A holiday has come to us today,
Merry fellow, hero, prankster,
Sabantuy, sabantuy,
Sing, jump, fight, dance!

(5 children come out)

1 child:

June rang with warmth
Hello, Sabantuy holiday!
After sowing on a summer day
We will dance and sing!

2nd child:

Whoever is strong will win
Brave, dexterous, daring!
Dexterity comes in handy here
And courage to the young.

3rd child:

A fast horse flies like a whirlwind,
It is controlled by a horseman,
And a little further, look,
There are strong men in the clearing!

4th child:

Here is a tall pole,
He attracts all people to him.
Try it - it's in the bag
Take a run on the grass!

5th child:

Buckets full of water
Pass it very quickly
Laughter, smiles, jokes dance -
Everything is here now

Have fun and rejoice!
It's Sabantuy holiday!

1. Song “Sabantuy” ( application).

2. Game "Horsemen"

Two or three children line up at the starting line. They are given wooden horses. At the signal, children move to the finish line without pushing each other. Whoever reached the finish line first won.

Presenter: And now the girls will compete.

3. Game-attraction “Who will bring the water in bowls the fastest.”

Two girls draw water into bowls from one basin and carefully carry it and pour it into a basin on the opposite side of the hall. The main condition is not to spill water on the floor.

(The bear enters to the music)

Bear: Hello guys! I heard you're having a holiday here?

Presenter: Yes, we are having a holiday.

Bear: Which one?

Children: Sabantuy .

Bear: What kind of holiday is this? I don't know anything about him, tell me about him.

Presenter: Sabantuy is the “festival of the plow”. It is celebrated when spring field work ends. So we worked hard in the garden, and now we’re having fun.


What a miracle!
Look, the bag has moved!
Hey! Grab him, catch him,
Hurry up and grab the bag!

6. Game "Sack Run"

Two teammates climb into bags and run in them for a certain distance.


Boys, guys, guys
We call you to the rope
Seven here on the left, seven here on the right,
Only the muscles are cracking.

7. Game “Tug of War”»

The game involves two teams competing. Whose team will win the tug of war?

Presenter: Oh, guys, look, we have more guests.

Tatarochka: Hello guys!

9. “Tatar dance”

Tatarochka: I heard about your holiday and decided to come see if you have clever, brave kids.

Presenter: But of course! All our guys are dexterous, brave, fast. Let's show our guest how we play.

10. Game “Sell the pot”

Children stand in pairs in a circle. Those standing in the inner circle crouch. They act as "pots". Who stands in the outer circle are the “sellers”. The driver is selected. He approaches one of the “sellers” with the words: “Sell the pot?” “Buy!” "What is the price?" “2 rubles!” After these words, the children say in unison: “One, two, three - run!” The seller and the driver run in a circle in different directions: whoever runs first to the place takes it.

Tatarochka: Well done, smart guys. And now I want to check who is the smartest here. I'll tell you riddles, and you can guess them.


1. A blue horse is racing
The mane curls like a wave. (River)

2. You can’t ride this,
The copper whip cannot be held back. (Bear and snake)

3. For a man - a wing,
For the Sultan - a mark,
Doesn't get tired in summer
Snow crumples in the field in winter. (Horse)

4. Youngster - both in summer and winter
In a green fur coat. (Pine)

Tatarochka. Yes, indeed, you are smart, and dexterous, and you know riddles. And as a gift, I brought you a wonderful Bashkir dish - “Chak-chak”

Presenter: Now you and I will go into the group, wash our hands, and drink tea and treats.

Presenter: Thank you, dear guests, for coming to our holiday. And thanks for the treat. Sit down at the table with us.

Tea party. The guests thank and leave.

Application: 2 phonograms, lyrics in Russian and Tatar languages.

Screenplay competition sponsors summer holidays and entertainment “The long-awaited time, the kids love you!”:

Albina Timergalina
"Sabantuy". Entertainment scenario in the kindergarten area for all age groups

Target: introduce folk holidays; create a festive, joyful, friendly atmosphere.


-educational: continue to introduce the traditions and customs of the Tatar people: give an idea of ​​the holiday Sabantui, arouse interest and desire take part in competitions;

-developing: develop communication skills; contribute development physical qualities children: agility, strength, speed, satisfy children’s need for physical activity;

-educational: cultivate a responsible attitude towards following the rules of various tasks. Promote development positive emotions, the ability to communicate with peers, mutual understanding and empathy.

Attributes: Tatar costumes for adults, Tatar costumes children's, Antoshka costume, basket of sweets, 2 spoons, 2 dummies of eggs, skittles, ball, 2 pillows, 2 bags, landmarks, rope, pot, bandage, stick, 2 rocker arms, 4 buckets.

Presenter: Hello, dear guys and distinguished guests! Congratulations everyone happy holiday to you Sabantuy! This is the most beloved, the most fun, the most long-awaited folk holiday! It is carried out after the end of spring field work. At this festival, people compete in strength, agility and endurance. And today we have gathered to celebrate this fun party together.

1 child: For fun Sabantui

We called all friends.

We'll sing and dance,

Friendly, fun to play.

2 child: Holiday, holiday has come to us

Everyone knows about this.

Music can be heard everywhere

The accordion player is playing.

3 child: We will compete,

We will play with you.

Who is stronger, who is faster,

We can find out now.

Presenter: Guys, are you all ready for the competition? (children's answers). Then we will do a warm-up.

Speed ​​game (to the melody of the song "In the grass Grasshopper sat")

Forward 4 steps, backward 4 steps (2 times)

Let's clap our hands,

Let's stomp our feet,

We blink our eyes,

And then we'll jump.

Antoshka enters.

Antoshka: Everyone was invited to the holiday, but they forgot about me.

Presenter: And who are you?

Antoshka: Didn't you recognize me? I'm Antoshka! I took a big spoon with me. Since it’s a holiday, there will be refreshments.

Presenter: Antoshka, Sabantuy- This is a holiday for those who love to work. And we heard about you that you like to be lazy. There will be refreshments, but only for those who show their dexterity, strength and ingenuity.

Antoshka: Guys, I promise I will improve. I also want to have fun with you at the holiday.

Presenter: Should we let him stay, guys?

Children: Yes!

Presenter: Stay, Antoshka, but we will have a condition. Show us how dexterous you are.

A game "Don't Drop the Egg"(Antoshka competes with the guys

to Tatar music)

A Tatar girl enters.

Presenter: Oh, guys, look, we have more guests!

Tatarochka: Saumysyz, balalar! Hello guys! (Children say hello). I heard about your holiday and decided to come and see if you have clever and brave guys.

Presenter: But of course! All our guys are dexterous, brave and fast. Guys, let's show our guest how we play.

A game "Yurt" (older children play groups)

Tatarochka: And now I want to check who is your smartest, most savvy. Listen carefully, I will tell you riddles.

Antoshka: Come on, come on, make a wish! I also really love riddles.

Tatarochka makes a wish puzzles:

1. The butterfly flies

The sun is warming up,

The berry is ripening

When does this happen? (In summer)

2. On a large colored carpet

The squadron sat down,

It will open, then it will close

Painted wings. (Butterflies)

3. Housewife

Flies over the lawn.

Will fuss over the flower -

He will share the honey. (Bee)

4. What kind of arrow is that?

Did you light up the black sky? (Lightning)

5. Shines, sparkles,

Everything warms up. (Sun)

Tatarochka: Yeah, well done, guys! Everyone guessed right.

Presenter: And now I invite everyone to take part in national games where you will show your strength and agility.


1. Fight with bags

2. Break the pot

3. Running with rocker arms

4. Running with an egg in a spoon

5. Sack Run

6. Tug of war

7. Knock down the pins

General dance to a Tatar melody.

Tatarochka: Well done boys! You are truly all strong, brave, smart and good! And for this I want to give you a treat.

Gives candy to teachers.

Presenter: Thank you for the treat! And our holiday does not end, but continues with tea drinking. Everyone go to your tables!

Tea drinking with national dishes on the street.

Antoshka: I will work,

I won't be lazy.

And next year

We'll meet here again.

Tatarochka: I wish everyone health, happiness and more joyful days! Goodbye!

All: Goodbye!

Antoshka and the Tatar leave.

Publications on the topic:

Goal: To introduce children to the Neptune Day holiday. Objectives: Create an atmosphere of friendly attitude towards each other, festive joy.

"Russian folk games." Entertainment scenario for all age groups RUSSIAN FOLK GAMES Objectives: -to create a joyful, cheerful mood in children and adults; - to introduce children and adults to Russian folklore.

The first day of summer, every year, such a tradition has already developed. in our kindergarten There is entertainment for children. dedicated to "Defense Day.

The holiday is held on the site of the kindergarten, which is decorated balloons. Ved: Hello dear children, the long-awaited has come.

Scenario “Knowledge Day 2017” for all age groups"Holiday Music" sounds. Children in groups enter the kindergarten playground with their group emblem, each child has a ball in his hand. Presenter.

Objectives of the holiday:

Continue to introduce children to the traditions and customs of the Bashkir people: give ideas about the Sabantuy holiday, arouse interest and desire to participate in competitions;

To promote the development of physical qualities in children: agility, strength, speed, to satisfy children’s need for physical activity.

To cultivate love and a tolerant attitude towards the Bashkir people, interests in national holidays, traditions and customs.

Foster a responsible attitude towards following rules and various tasks. Promote the development of positive emotions, the ability to communicate with peers, mutual understanding and empathy.

Materials and equipment:wooden horses, 4 colored scarves, 2 basins, 2 bowls, 2 pillows, 2 bags, rope, 2 small pillows.

Preliminary work:

Consideration of demonstration material on the topic: “Culture of Bashkortostan.”

Reading Bashkir sayings and proverbs.

Outdoor games - "Shooter", "Yurt"

Examination of illustrations “Bashkir national holiday “Sabantuy”.

Celebration progress:

The glade - Maidan, where the holiday takes place, is festively decorated: flags, balloons, garlands, colored scarves.

On the central stage there is the inscription “Sabantuy”, balloons. A flagpole is installed in the center of the site to raise the flag. All sections for games are separated by flags.

Parents and guests are sitting in the stands. The referees take their places. All participants line up in a column of four on the left side of the stands. Fanfare sounds. The presenter goes to the middle.


Hello, dear guys, dear guests!

Congratulations to all of you on the merry Sabantuy holiday!

The long-awaited summer has arrived, look how many colors are around! Our land has become like a huge colorful meadow, where everyone should live in friendship and peace.

You and I have gathered on a green meadow to greet summer nature, compete, admire our sons and daughters, test their courage and dexterity, ingenuity, and prowess!

“Sabantuy” is the most beloved, most cheerful, and most solemn folk holiday. It is carried out after the end of spring field work. Today, teams from kindergartens in the city are participating in our celebration.

So, children's “Sabantuy” invites you!

A holiday has come to us today,

Merry fellow, hero, prankster,

Sabantuy, sabantuy,

Sing, jump, fight, dance!

(5 children come out)

1 child:

June rang with warmth

Hello, Sabantuy holiday!

After sowing on a summer day

We will dance and sing!

2nd child:

Whoever is strong will win

Brave, dexterous, daring!

Dexterity comes in handy here

And courage to the young.

3rd child:

A fast horse flies like a whirlwind,

It is controlled by a horseman,

There are strong men in the clearing!

4th child:

Here is a tall pole,

He attracts all people to him.

Just try it, in a bag

Take a run on the grass!

5th child:

Buckets full of water

Pass it very quickly

Laughter, smiles, jokes dance -

Everything is here now


Have fun and rejoice!

It's Sabantuy holiday!

1. Song “Sabantuy” (words by G. Zainashev, music by L. Batyr-Bulgari).

The fanfare sounds again. They announce the beginning of the solemn ceremony - the parade of participants. To the sounds of a sports march and the applause of fans, the teams walk across the square and line up in a circle around the site. Each team has its own emblems and sports uniforms.

The presenter introduces the teams, including teachers, heads of kindergartens, referees, and guests of honor.


One participant from each team is invited to raise the Sabantuy flag.

Children raise the flag to the music.

Sabantui is open!

I invite you to meet the kindergarten teams.

Each team presents its business card.

Leading: I want, dear guys, to invite you to play and compete in competitions.

Teachers separate children into sections specially equipped for certain competitions. Each section is marked with a sign showing the type of competition.

Team competitions held:

1. Game "Horse racing"

5 children from each team take part. They line up at the starting line. They are given wooden horses. At the signal, the children move to the finish line. They compete in five heats. One rider from the team participates in each race. The winner is determined by better result five races.

2. Game "Sack Run"

Two teammates climb into bags and run in them for a certain distance, then pass the bag to the next player on the team. The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

3. Game "Pillow fight"

Look, the bag has moved!

Hey! Grab him, catch him,

Hurry up and grab the bag!

Two boys stand facing each other, draw a line between them, and have small pillows in their hands. It is necessary to dodge the opponent’s “cushion”, and at the same time try to “hit him”. Who can avoid stepping over the line? The losing player is eliminated from the game and the next player takes his place.

4. The game “Who can carry the water in bowls the fastest.”

Two girls draw water into bowls from one basin and carefully carry it and pour it into a basin on the opposite side of the hall. The main condition is not to spill water on the floor.

5. Game "Yurt"

Hey, horsemen, why are you sitting there?

Quickly run to the field

It's time for us to build yurts

Get ready kids!

The game involves four subgroups of children, each of which forms a circle at the corners of the site. In the center of each circle there is a chair on which a scarf with a national pattern is hung. Children move in a circle to the music. As soon as the music turns off, each team must pull a scarf over their heads in the form of a tent. The first team to pull on the scarf wins.

6. Game “Tug of War”

Boys, guys, guys

We call you to the rope

Seven here on the left, seven here on the right,

Only the muscles are cracking.

The game involves two teams competing. Whose team will win the tug of war?

At the end of all games and competitions, all participants are invited to watch a concert prepared by kindergarten children.

Fanfares sound, notifying all competition participants to line up for the ceremonial closing of Sabantuy. The floor is given to the main arbiter of the holiday. It emphasizes children's good sportsmanship and great will to win. It reminds us that there are no losers in the holiday, since Sabantuy is a holiday of peace, friendship and sports.

Certificates and prizes are awarded.

The presenter invites team captains to lower the flag.

Leading: Our joyful holiday has come to an end, we wish everyone health, happiness and more joyful days. Goodbye!

Sabantuy in kindergarten. Holiday scenario

1 Presenter: Haumyhygyz kazerle balalar!
2 Presenter: Hello children! Hello dear guests!
1 Presenter:
A holiday has come to us today,
Merry fellow, hero, prankster,
Sabantuy, Sabantuy,
Sing, jump, fight, dance!
Those who are brave, strong and dexterous,
Rewards are waiting, updates are waiting
Skullcaps, sashes,
Beads, shawls, boots.
The first to rush to the finish line -
Know that you got the rooster.
Outstripped everyone in the bayga
He deserves honor and glory.
To the winner of the Maidan
They give a fat sheep...
Sabantuy, Sabantuy,
Compete, don't give up!
2 Presenter:
And it will happen, by chance,
If you lose, don't be angry
Here's a towel
Don't be embarrassed, get it!
(Children come out)
1 child:
June rang with warmth
Hello, Sabantuy holiday!
After sowing on a summer day
We will dance and sing!
2nd child:
Whoever is strong will win
Brave, dexterous, daring!
Dexterity comes in handy here
And courage to the young.
3rd child:
A fast horse flies like a whirlwind,
It is controlled by a horseman,
And a little further, look,
There are strong men in the clearing!
4th child:
Here is a tall pole,
He attracts all people to him.
Try it in a bag
Take a run on the grass.
5th child:
Buckets full of water
Pass it very quickly
Laughter, smiles, dance jokes -
Everything is here now.
Presenters together:
Have fun and rejoice!
It's Sabantuy holiday!
2 Presenter: Children junior group We have prepared a song for you.
Song "Tram there-there"
(Bear enters to the music)
Bear: Hello guys! I heard you're having a holiday here?
1 Presenter: Yes, we are having a holiday.
Bear: Which one?
Children: Sabantui.
Bear: What kind of holiday is this? I don't know anything about him, tell me about him.
2 Presenter: Sabantuy is the “festival of the plow.” It is celebrated when spring field work ends. So we have worked hard in the garden, on the plot, and now we are having fun.
1 Presenter: Guys, let's play with the bear!
Game "Bear and Bees"
Bear: I really enjoyed playing with you, but it’s time for me to go to the forest, my friends are waiting for me there, I’ll tell them about your holiday. And I brought you Bashkir honey as a gift.
2 Presenter: Thank you, Mishenka, and see you again! And the children from preparatory group We have prepared a song for you.
Song “My Bashkortostan”
Guys, do you know that bees also work very hard, they collect nectar. Now we invite you to temporarily take on the role of bees and collect nectar.
Game “Whose team will collect nectar faster”
A participant from each team must transfer the ball from the “flower” to the hive in buckets. The team that finishes the competition first wins.
1 Presenter: Now let's start the competition of daredevils.
Here is the ring, and here is the opponent
Come out horsemen,
Who will knock who off the ring?
He will win the game.
Game "Cockfight"
Hoop, each hoop has two participants. Participants need to push their opponent out of the hoop. Whoever stepped through the hoop lost.
2 Presenter:
Look, it's a spoon
An egg nestled in it
Go for a run along the path
Just don't break it.
There is a team competition “Transfer the egg in a spoon”
1 Presenter:
Our Ural is a brave rider,
He rides a white horse
Dust swirls from under the hooves,
The horse's mane shines.
Game "Dexterous horsemen"
A team competition "horse racing" is held
2 Presenter:
Hey, horsemen, why are you sitting there?
Quickly run to the field
It's time for us to build yurts
Get ready kids!
Game "Yurt"
1 Presenter: Well done, fast guys. And now I want to check who is the smartest here. I'll tell you riddles, and you can guess them. (Guess in two languages).
Everyone needs it, but not everyone will do it. (Bread)
For a man - a wing,
For the Sultan - a mark,
Doesn't get tired in summer
Snow is crushed in the field in winter. (Horse)
What kind of horse plows the ground?
Doesn't he eat hay? (Tractor)
I found a ball, broke it,
I saw silver and gold. (Egg)
The sun is shining, the linden tree is blooming
The rye is ripening
when does this happen? (Summer)
2 Presenter: Yes, indeed, you are smart and dexterous and know riddles. And now we invite everyone to a Bashkir dance.
"Dance for show"
(Awarding “medals” to competition participants)

1 Presenter: Thank you, dear guests, for coming to our holiday. And as a gift, we give you a wonderful Bashkir dish - “Chak-chak”. Enjoy your tea!

Sports and musical entertainment for children of all ages

Photo from the competition “We are walking on the site” of the “Alsu” kindergarten in the city of Nurlat, Republic of Tatarstan

In June, kindergartens in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan, together with all residents of the republics, celebrated one of their favorite national holidays - Sabantuy. Sabantuy is an ancient agricultural holiday dedicated to the end of the sowing of spring crops. Its name comes from two roots - saban (plough) and tui (holiday). Sabantuy is always celebrated cheerfully and fieryly. Strength and agility competitions are organized for young people. The winners are presented with gifts. Gifts are prepared “by the whole world,” and their collection is accompanied by jokes and songs. A holiday is not considered a holiday if there are no guests present. In former times, Chuvash, Mari and Russians - everyone who lived in the neighborhood - took part in Sabantui with pleasure. Guests also come to kindergartens. Children and parents take part in folk games and national competitions, and then everyone sits down at the tables with refreshments. Sabantuy is a cheerful holiday with elements of sports competitions. From it you can borrow games and techniques for summer entertainment for children.

The venue is a kindergarten site.

Gaming equipment: skittles, pot, pole, bags, wooden horses, spoons, mat, bows, buckets, rocker, rope, balls, eggs.

Musical instruments and other equipment: accordion, stereo, microphone, cassettes.

Equipment for decorating the Maidan*.


As it should be according to tradition, the holiday begins with the collection of gifts to encourage the participants of the holiday. Children of all groups prepare gifts in advance: they embroider scarves and towels, sculpt something, draw, etc.
A group of children collects gifts. Accompanied by the Tatar folk song “Sabantuy”, they come to each group in turn.

Leading: Hello, friends!

Children: Hello!

Leading: We have come to invite you to the Sabantuy holiday.

Educator: Our children embroidered towels for the holiday.

Leading: Well, thank you! They didn’t waste their time in vain; they didn’t lie on their sides for an extra hour. Oh, yes, handkerchiefs! Oh, yes, towels! Friends, let's unanimously thank the guys for the prepared gifts.

Everyone present at the celebration greets the donors with a friendly “Hurray!” Then the leader and the children accompanying him go to another group, and the ritual is repeated. And so on until everyone has gone around. Then all the participants of the holiday gather on the Maidan - on the festively decorated sports area of ​​the kindergarten.
The song “Sabantuy” is played (words by G. Zainashev, music by L. Batyr-Bulgari).

First child:

On a merry Sabantuy
We invited all our friends.
We'll sing and dance,
Friendly, fun to play.

Second child:

Together we sing a song,
Song of the sun, song of summer,
And a cheerful bird choir
Sings along to this song.

Leading: Hello, dear guys and distinguished guests! We congratulate you all on the joyful Sabantuy holiday.
This is the most beloved, most cheerful, most solemn national holiday. It is carried out after the end of spring field work. At this festival, people compete in strength, agility and endurance. Shortly before the holiday, adults and children collect embroidered towels, scarves, and bird eggs. And after the competition, these gifts are awarded to the winners. Today we have gathered to spend this joyful holiday together.


Holiday, holiday has come to us.
Everyone knows about this.
Music can be heard everywhere
The accordion player is playing.

We will compete
We will play with you,
Who is stronger, who is faster,
We can find out now.

A grandmother in Tatar national clothes comes out onto the Maidan.

Grandma: Hello, guys. I passed by your kindergarten and heard how well you read poetry and how loudly you sang. I wanted to come and visit you. Are you celebrating a holiday today?

Leading: Yes, grandma, we are celebrating Sabantuy.

Grandmother: I, too, have loved this holiday since childhood. When I was young, on this day we also sang songs and played funny Games. Would you like me to teach you a game? It's called “A little ring.”
Let's stand in a circle and extend our cupped palms toward the center of the circle, with our thumbs facing outward. I will quickly run past you and pretend that I am putting a coin in the boat for one of you. But I will try to deceive you so that no one will guess who exactly got the coin. And then I'll shout:

Little ring,
Get out on the porch!

The one to whom I put the coin should try to jump out of the circle, and his neighbors will try to hold him back. Not for real: just touch your neighbor with your boat, and he is considered closed in the circle. The one who failed to jump out is given the task: to sing a song, read a poem, dance, ask a riddle.

Children and grandmother play ring game.

For the last time, the coin ends up in the hands of the grandmother. A Tatar dance melody sounds and the grandmother dances.


And now, my boys,
I'll tell you riddles.

The first riddle: a strong man rides and gets a loaf of bread. (Tractor)

The second riddle: an iron horn, it dug up the entire field. (Plow)

Well done guys, smart guys.


Get up quickly, children, in pairs,
I hear the music calling
Merry friends and girlfriends
In a cheerful, noisy round dance.

Children perform couples dance. At the end of the dance, a boy in a folk costume on a wooden horse stick.

Boy: Are there any real horsemen here? Come out, let's fight.

A Tatar wrestling competition is being held. When the winners are revealed, a girl steps into the middle.

Girl: You know how to fight, everyone has seen it! Can you break a pot blindfolded?

Boys: We can do it! Let's try!

The game “Break the pot” is played. Anyone who wants to experience happiness goes to the middle of the Maidan. They blindfold him and give him a stick. The pot is placed at a distance of one to one and a half meters from the player. You need to hit the bottom of the pot with a stick and split it.
The pottery used in the game is not very new.


Look: this is a spoon,
An egg nestled in it,
Go for a run along the path
Just don't break it.

A team competition “Transfer the egg in a spoon” is held - on the principle of a relay race.
The game uses small wooden spoons. The difficulty lies in the fact that the spoon is held not with hands, but with teeth. It is advisable that children do not support the spoon.
After the game, the children sing a folk song. Everyone present sings along with them.


We are in native land we live,
Let's sing songs together,
But you don’t lag behind either,
Sing along with us.

After singing, the game is played again. Games and songs with dances alternate.


If we want to dance
An accordion player will play.
We have a good accordion player,
Clap your hands for him.

At the end of the holiday, the winners of the competition are awarded prizes and gifts. Grandmother treats everyone to Tatar folk cuisine.

Presenter: Our joyful holiday has come to an end, we wish everyone health, happiness and more joyful days. Goodbye!

The holiday script was prepared by Farida ISMAGILOVA,
music director of kindergarten No. 86
Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan

* Maidan (Turkic) - the name of a square, mainly a market one.

Game "Horsemen"

Children at a holiday in kindergarten take part in “races”, but not on real horses. Here's how they are carried out in children's Garden No. 9 “Salavat Cooper”, Aznakaevo.

Several children (five or six people) stand at the edge of the area reserved for horse racing. The teacher gives each participant in the race a stick 50–60 cm long. Children sit astride the stick. At a signal, they race on sticks to the finish line. During the races, you must not push or interfere with each other. Whoever got there first won.

From the editor: Having become acquainted with the script, our readers cannot help but feel how similar in structure the folklore holidays of different nations are. And in the games that are considered national in Tatarstan, we recognize well-known competitions used in leisure sports. This, it turns out, is where they originate from! This is the contribution of Tatar culture to our sports pedagogy.