Modern backpack with your own hands, patterns from chintz. DIY exclusive: original backpacks made from old jeans

Handmade made of leather - how to sew a backpack with your own hands

Choosing a backpack is always not an easy task. It is important to take into account a lot of points - fit, stress on the spine during exercise, design, presence of pockets, adjustability and comfort of straps, etc. I've owned many backpacks and none of them met ALL my needs.

As a result, I came to the idea that I should sew it myself and, in addition, I paint on the skin with acrylic, which means I can paint it. I have been looking for a normal description and pattern for a long time - I present the search results to you in the form of a selection of material on how to sew a leather backpack with your own hands.

Description of work

Let's start with a general guide to making leather bags and backpacks for the novice craftsman. Mark the approximate shape of the bag on the fabric. By the way, you can take a piece for sewing from an old leather jacket, for example.

Then place the prepared pieces of leather on it, after lubricating the fabric with a thin layer of glue. Apply the pieces so that each next covers the previous one by 5 mm. This will give you a surface slightly larger than the bag.

Sew the pieces using a regular seam or a zigzag stitch. Cut out the exact shape of the bag using the pattern and glue the lining with rubber cement. Connect the sides with a seam from the inside, and if the fabric is thick, from the outside using an edging. For edging, a strip of leatherette, regular braid or thick film fabric is suitable.

The bag can be closed with a zipper, button or Velcro. A long strap, like short handles, can be made from an old belt, attached to the top of the bag or sewn into the side seams.

In this way, you can make a cosmetic bag, a casual or theatrical handbag, a fashionable stylish backpack, or a sports bucket bag that is in no way inferior to branded products. Appliques, embroidery, decorative buttons, fringe, braid, etc. are suitable for decoration.

How to sew a leather backpack

The first diagram shows a pattern for a large backpack with dimensions. The diagram below shows a smaller backpack.

Main details

1 and 1, a. The main part of the backpack is 1 child. with fold

2 and 2, a. Pocket flap - 2 parts.

3 and 3, e. Pocket -1 child.

4 and 4, a. Backpack valve - 2 children. with a fold.

Additional leather details:

The strip for edging the backpack flap is 60 (50) cm long and 1.5 cm wide, cut without allowances;

The strip for edging the pocket flap is 40 (30) cm long and 1.5 cm wide, cut without allowances;

2 belt loops 8 cm long and 6 cm wide, finished 3 cm (6 cm long and 4 cm wide, finished 2 cm);

2 patches 12 cm long and 6 cm wide, 3 cm in finished form (10 cm long and 4 cm wide, 2 cm in finished form);

2 belt loops for half rings, 10 cm long and 8 cm wide, 4 cm in finished form (7 cm long and 6 cm wide, 3 cm in finished form).

Another description with a pattern

In conclusion, I offer a clipping from a magazine with a description and patterns women's backpack made of leather from Anna Samoilenko from the city of Mogilev. Everything is described in great detail.

Men's leather shoulder bag - commander's belt

How to sew a small backpack from leather and other materials? Many people have probably asked this question. So let's figure this out. This small manual will be useful not only for handymen and professional seamstresses. Everything that will be described below in the article is very easy to do, and anyone can sew a backpack made with their own hands from old jeans!

Now you can learn how to sew a backpack with your own hands with one strap (our patterns will be an old backpack).

You can go online and find hundreds (if not more) of briefcase patterns. Women's and men's backpacks will never go out of style. This is easy to figure out for those who have been sewing for a long time. There is an option, of course, to use them. But there is more easy way. All you need is an old backpack, which will serve as a template or pattern. And if someone needs a cool backpack from old jeans do it yourself, then you can follow the instructions, but use old jeans as the material.

So, it's time to get out the sewing machine. There is no need to run to the store for a new and fancy one, with a bunch of functions. An old Soviet one, which many people have collecting dust at home, will work great. Sewing will take about a day for a beginner. Those who have experience working with a machine or those who are masters in this matter will naturally complete everything faster. To begin with, it would be good to take a small piece of any fabric and practice creating an even, straight seam on it. After 15–20 minutes you can already get used to it.

Necessary materials

Was the training successful? Are your hands no longer shaking? Did you feel like a master? Class! What will be needed for production?

  • Needles. For beginners, it is better to buy stronger ones (for denim, for example), since they can quickly break if you are not very skilled with the sewing machine. The price of needles is low.
  • Threads suitable color. There is only one piece of advice here. You must first decide on the color of the product and select a thread of an identical shade.
  • Durable fabric. You can run to the store for raincoat fabric. It fits perfectly under a backpack. It will withstand loads well, and if it gets caught in the rain, such fabric will keep things dry. This type of material is very good. You will need two pieces of 50 and 30 centimeters. The first piece of fabric will set the main tone, while the second will make the backpack more interesting.
  • Lining fabric. Also about 50 centimeters. It's better to take everything in reserve. You can choose any color, it can contrast with the main one. It will look very original and interesting.
  • Spunbond - 50 centimeters will also be needed. This material is necessary for rigidity.
  • A handle for a backpack can be sewn from a soft material measuring 40 by 7 centimeters from a 40 centimeter grosgrain ribbon.
  • Energoflek - 40 centimeters. This material will go to the back and bottom of the backpack. It is needed to give rigidity.

In total, in terms of money, it is quite possible to keep within five hundred rubles. A variety of accessories, locks can be used either from an old backpack, or you can buy everything in the store. By the way, there is an option reduce spending this money too.

You can use old jeans to make a backpack. You just need to unravel them at the seam and select the above sizes. Jeans will become a replacement for raincoat fabric. The result will be a very cute, cool and fashionable denim backpack.


So, with necessary materials decided. Now you can start ripping out the old backpack to use it as patterns.

Patterning a backpack is a must; it’s better not to do it by eye (at least for the first time). Locks and handles can also be borrowed from old things. Pattern The backpack should consist of the following elements:

  • Front end. All upper corners should be slightly rounded with scissors.
  • Bottom of the front side.
  • Back. We also round the corners at the top.
  • Sides.
  • Bottom part. The corners must be rounded.
  • Top of the pocket.
  • Bottom of the pocket. The pocket on the backpack can be made with a lock or clasp. Or get rid of it altogether if you don't need it. Now we take all these patterns and apply them to required material, trace and cut out each detail in triplicate. And then these three parts need to be sewn together.

Now you need to carefully process all the cuts. A zigzag stitch on a machine is perfect for this. We process all the details except the back and bottom. We will have to move on to them a little later. In the meantime, you shouldn’t approach cutting cuts carelessly. We don't want rags sticking out of all the seams, right?

Okay, it's done. And now we take the untouched back and bottom. They must be accompanied by energyflex. We fasten it together with raincoat material and spandbond. This way the parts will become rigid. You need to cover everything on top with lining material.

Let's move on to making the inner pockets. From the raincoat material you need to cut a piece 17 by 36 centimeters. We make a fold at the bottom and now sew it to the lining. In the inner part of the back we sew a lining, having previously fixed it at the edges. The back is ready, and therefore you can attach handles to it that will go over the shoulders. They can be taken from old backpack

Now let's move on to the front side. We take the necessary tenderloin that we prepared in advance, as well as the castle. It must be applied with the front side to the front of the workpiece and secured well with pins or small ties. The lock should lie along the perimeter of the left, top and right parts of the front blank of the backpack. Now, using a sewing machine, you need to sew the lock to the material.

Let's move on to the side part. From raincoat fabrics cut a piece measuring 5 by 74 centimeters. This segment will cover the top of the lock. We attach it to the piece with spandbond. Then you need to fold it in half and sew it to the side. We mark the middle on this blank. And now on the sidewall. Now you can align them along the lines and secure them with pins around the perimeter.

We unfasten the lock and sit down sewing car. You need to carefully sew the lock to the side. After this, the lock can be fastened. Now you need to take the bottom of the front side and find the center on it. We mark it with chalk. Now we connect it to the previous part and sew it together.

Next, you can work on the pockets, if they are on the backpack. They can be sewn anywhere on the front. First we fasten with pins, and then we fasten with a machine. You can go to the bottom. As before, you need to find the middle on the workpiece and mark it. The same must be done with the front part. And then combine and sew. In the end it should be basket.

The lock needs to be unfastened and the basket covered with the back. Afterwards we fasten everything with pins, and then go through the sewing machine.

How to decorate a backpack? You can decorate with various rhinestones and appliqués, which are very cheap but look very beautiful. The main thing is imagination. If the briefcase is denim, then chains made of different materials will look beautiful on it.

Class! The backpack bag is completely ready. Place it on your shoulders, it's ready to use!

And it is not at all necessary to spend any large sums on buying a standard backpack that will not fit into the style of a particular person.

After all, it is quite possible to create a unique backpack with your own hands, the class of which will be high, while spending a minimum of your money on it. All you need is a sample, a material that can be used even from old jeans (it will turn out wonderful denim backpack), and a little patience.

By following these instructions, the reader can understand that sewing backpacks is not very difficult!

What will be the outcome? In terms of quality, a homemade backpack may be better than a purchased one, since it will be made carefully and for yourself. After all, many have encountered such a problem that a recently purchased backpack quickly broke down. Personalization will also be a plus. Only one person in the world will have such a thing. And you can adjust the sizes. It is not necessary to follow the sizing instructions. You can choose the proportions yourself. There's nothing complicated about it. In general, we prepare the material, threads, needles and sew a backpack!

Every family is sure to have a pair of old jeans that are torn, out of fashion, or simply too small. Of course, you can always throw away your jeans, but you shouldn’t rush, because you can make a lot of useful things out of them. An excellent solution for using up old jeans is a stylish backpack that you can make yourself to your liking.

The best master classes with patterns

Simple backpack

Anyone can make the simplest backpack, because you don’t even need to make a pattern for it. It looks like a bag, compact and roomy.

First you need to prepare materials and tools:

  • jeans;
  • interlining;
  • lace;
  • belt tape;
  • fabric for sewing lining;

The process of sewing a backpack must be done step by step:

  • You need to take jeans and cut off the excess from the side of the legs. This decision will affect the height of the backpack.
  • Now rip the legs apart from the inside, fold them together to create straight parts, cut off all the excess. Carefully stitch all the parts together to create a pipe.
  • Special attention should be given to the bottom of the product. To make it strong, it is better to use three layers. To maintain the oval shape and increase the density, it is worth inserting two layers of teak between the layers, and then gluing everything with high-quality non-woven material.
  • Depending on the size of the backpack, the lining is cut out. Then it should be stitched from the wrong side and all the details should be sewn.
  • You need to insert a cord into the straps that are intended for the belt to securely close the neck of the backpack.
  • Belt tape is suitable for sewing shoulder straps. Additionally, you can make soft pads from denim for comfortable wearing on the back.
  • Make a denim flap and sew on a button closure. Don't forget that pockets on old jeans will not only help decorate your backpack, but can also be used to store various small items.

If you don't need volumetric model, then there is no need to cut out the bottom. The seam should be tucked nicely.

With decorative textile inserts

A backpack made from old jeans, decorated with textile inserts, looks beautiful and original. Surely every housewife has a lot of scraps of different fabrics at home. They will be an excellent decoration for a denim backpack.

First you need to prepare materials and tools:

  • old jeans that need to be ripped first;
  • fabric details different colors and textures;
  • interlining;
  • lace;
  • large button;
  • eyelets (6 pieces);
  • metal rings for fixing harnesses (2 pieces);
  • threads and needles;
  • sewing machine.

For the pattern you will need several blanks:

  • the oval will be the bottom of the product (27x16 cm);
  • the rectangle is intended for the base of the backpack (73x37 cm);
  • two strips for straps (100x10 cm);
  • valve.

Now you can move on to sewing a fashionable backpack:

  • To begin with, you need to make three patterns (a body, a flap and two straps) and sew scraps of various materials onto thin non-woven fabric.
  • From old jeans you need to cut two identical parts that will go on the body of the backpack. On one side they should be stitched, and on the other, a ready-made part, decorated with scraps of fabric, should be inserted and also stitched.
  • To create a valve, you need to sew two parts, but always from the wrong side. You need to sew a loop on it.
  • Now you can move to the bottom of the product, you should carefully sew it in, and then sew on the facing with eyelets, and insert the lace.
  • On the other side of the product you need to sew two straps.

Using the patchwork technique

Patchwork or patchwork is a very interesting direction that allows you to create a real masterpiece from small elements. Therefore, it is impossible to pass by and not use this technique in sewing a stylish backpack from old jeans.

To sew a product using the patchwork technique, it is necessary to use fabric of different colors and textures. For a backpack you will need more than one pair of jeans different shades. For example, you can take dark blue, light blue and light blue models, and if desired, add a material of a different texture.

So, the process of sewing a backpack using the patchwork technique occurs in several stages:

  • First you need to draw a pattern to understand the location of the colored patches. For a small backpack, the square size can be 13x13 cm, but seam allowances should be taken into account. Just one centimeter will be enough.
  • It is necessary to cut out the main part from serpyanka, also taking into account seam allowances. Carefully place all the squares on it and glue them with a hot iron. This method will avoid rough seams that form when sewing denim.
  • The padding polyester can be divided into two layers: a piece of shreds will be sewn onto one, and the second will be used to create a strong bottom.
  • To decorate the squares, you can take a grosgrain ribbon and sew it on the joining border. First sew it horizontally, and then vertically.
  • Using an additional stitch, secure all the parts again and carefully trim off the extra centimeters of padding polyester.
  • We fasten the side seams using a zig-zag, while the side without an allowance is placed on top of the edge of the product with a sickle stitch.

The main part is ready, so you can move on to creating the valve, bottom and facing, which are available for each backpack model.

Roomy model

A large backpack cannot always be called roomy. This characteristic largely depends on the cut of the model.

The process of sewing a roomy backpack from old jeans:

  • Cut the legs off the jeans to create shorts.
  • Open the shorts along the side seams; the extra centimeters can be cut off.
  • Place the front of the shorts over the back, secure with pins to avoid shifting, and stitch along the waistband of the jeans.
  • From one pant leg you should make a handle for a backpack and two harnesses. They need to be stitched and then turned right side out. You can place a ribbon for curtains in the middle, which will make them better.
  • The second leg will be used for sewing the back wall of the backpack.
  • Now you can connect the front and back of the backpack, but it is important not to forget to secure the harnesses with a single seam.
  • The second end of the harness and the handle should be sewn to the back of the backpack.
  • All that remains is to sew the product along the side seams.
  • You can use an old T-shirt for lining. You should cut off the neck and sew it at one end. This will make a bag. If desired, you can sew a pocket to the bag.
  • The lining must be inserted into the backpack and secured along the contour with pins. Sew carefully.
  • You will also need a flap, which should be approximately 12x17 cm. You can sew several pieces of fabric if there is no suitable size left. The valve must be stitched with finishing stitches.
  • The finished flap should be sewn to the back wall of the backpack. For fastening, you can use buttons on long laces, which are then tied with straps left over from old jeans.

Backpack for children

Children prefer bright and beautiful things, so an original backpack will become a favorite accessory for a child. Children love to wear backpacks due to their spaciousness, compactness and mobility. Old jeans and a little imagination will help you create a unique model that your baby will definitely like.

First you need to prepare everything you need:

  • old jeans (a combination of two colors will look beautiful, so you can use two pairs of jeans);
  • fabric for lining;
  • interlining;
  • lightning;
  • plastic;
  • scissors, thread and needles.

For a pattern, you should use jeans of only one color. The second pair will be useful for decorating the product. So, for the pattern you will need several details:

  • oval-shaped bottom (13x22 cm);
  • rectangle (25x32 cm) – 2 pieces;
  • valve part;
  • backpack handle pattern – 2 pieces;
  • straps (60x10 cm) – 2 pieces;
  • pocket (15x15 cm) made of denim of a different color.

Universal denim does not lose its relevance in the new summer season. Jeans bag - new current trend summer 2016. You can decorate your wardrobe with a fashionable detail without extra costs if you sew a wardrobe element with your own hands. Fortunately, the material is easy to find in any home: any old, worn denim fabric or denim pants that have lost their relevance will come in handy.

Jeans backpack pattern

The pattern is easy to make on your own, without turning to professional cutters. To do this, on thick cardboard or special paper, draw the details of the future item, according to the intended dimensions. Required parts: front, back, flap, straps, or cord or braid that holds the denim backpack together.

You can foresee and draw front and side pockets, the height of the back and its width in advance. Remember: the front will be a mirror image of the back.

Parts in the form of wedges are needed if you plan to make a bottom, and the longest side should be equal to the width of the back and front of the product.

Have you come up with a pattern? Transfer it to the fabric, remembering to leave seam allowances (approximately 3 cm).

Good idea!

Beads, rhinestones, rivets, satin or chintz inserts will turn your wardrobe item into a real hand-made masterpiece. It’s easy to tailor an item even by eye: the big advantage of sewing any items from denim is that they do not require precise fitting and allow liberties.

How to sew a backpack with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

We will need: denim, a little synthetic padding, a zipper, scraps of multi-colored fabric, velvet, lace, according to your taste.

  1. We cut out the parts, the size of which you choose yourself, focusing on the size of the future product. Don't forget about the straps, the bottom of the product and its sides. Prepare the lining.
  2. Now you need to line each part, cut it out and stitch it with padding polyester. This way the denim backpack will keep its shape better.
  3. Sew the parts together and stitch the straps. Now you need to sew two strips to the lock, bending it inward for the facing and sew on the sides.
  4. Sew on a zipper, straps and a handle to carry the product, holding it from above.
  5. A similar scheme can be used for half the treasure, connecting it to the main part.
  6. Decorate the finished product with your own hands at your discretion with a random pattern in the patchwork style, or come up with an interesting plot.

Fashion advice!When working with denim, there is a pleasant nuance: any deformation of the fabric, be it abrasion or a hole, can be played out and hidden behind accessories. Jeans is a very beneficial material that looks great with many fabrics: corduroy, pieces of leather or velvet are always appropriate and stylish in combination with jeans.

DIY duffel bag

A bag-shaped handbag is a very nice wardrobe item. A universal bucket bag without a specific shape is very easy to sew from pants, old frayed shorts, or a boring skirt. In this case, even a teenager can cope with the work: a pattern is not required at all, and imagination can run wild.

For a small handbag you will need only one pant leg, but for a large one, stitch two in random order and get a wider fabric. All that remains is to sew a hole at the top for an elastic band or lace and pull the finished product together. After that, decorate the duffel bag to your liking.

Let's play with styles!A bag can completely replace even a fashionable evening clutch. Embroider it with multi-colored sequins, decorate it with multi-colored beads, and sew on lace or leather inserts. You can sew several bags of different sizes to add a fresh accessory to your outfit every day.

Children's backpack pattern

Many craftswomen make a children's duffel bag or satchel from denim, using denim scraps of different colors. In this case, pre-sewn patches combined from different fabrics are better suited. Pattern in in this case can be conditional: you just need to provide the details of the front and back walls, straps and valve. Think through the decoration according to your own tastes and preferences.

According to reviews from everyone who has sewn things from denim, this material is dense, so you will need sharp scissors and thread thicker than standard (numbers 100 and 120). For accessories, you can use used carabiners, leather straps, buttons and rivets.

When planning a children's backpack, do not forget that for a boy they should be more strict. Thermal applications will help to dilute the “severe cut”. However, everything depends solely on the wishes of the child and the skillful hands of the craftswoman.

You don’t need large material costs to sew a backpack from jeans with your own hands. How to make a beautiful and useful denim backpack for schoolchildren, students, or kids? Of course, trade now offers different backpacks and backpacks, but, firstly, I want to save money, and secondly, the quality of most of today's goods is low. A backpack made from old jeans will always come in handy, and it won’t go amiss!

We want to offer you 2 master classes on sewing a backpack from old jeans, all with patterns and not difficult to sew. First, let's look in the closet and choose jeans that you haven't worn for a long time, but you couldn't raise your hand to throw them away. It's very good that I didn't get up! Today we are sewing a backpack from old jeans.

Choose a style, buy accessories, and you are ready to sew. If you don’t have a sewing machine, it’s not a problem, but you will need to do more work. Just mark each seam on the back side with a ruler and a pencil or chalk - and your hand stitches will be straight. We all try to follow fashion: now, in addition to the backpack, a backpack-knapsack, a backpack-bag, with a drawstring or eyelets on top are also popular, we will also sew such models.

Our first master class was not chosen by chance: although the parts of the backpack are not made of denim, the sewing process itself is very clear and simple. The backpack measures 27/30 cm, that is, medium size. How to sew a backpack from old jeans with your own hands using patterns? To begin, we take our old trousers and cut them along the inseams (inside seams). Like this:

We iron it, make the patterns first on paper, and then transfer them to the places where they will fit (we choose the right places for the pattern), don’t rush. We pin the paper to the wrong side and trace the patterns. Help yourself with a ruler. Then we cut out all the details.

To work you will need:

  1. Old jeans.
  2. Zipper 55 cm.
  3. Ruler, pencil, scissors.
  4. Tailor's pins.
  5. 2 half rings, 2 frames for fixing straps (can be replaced with carabiners).
  6. Threads to match the color of jeans.
  7. Fabric for lining (optional).

On paper, draw a rectangle using a pencil and a ruler: the bottom side is 27 cm, the side is 30 cm. Cut it out. Bend the rectangle in the middle. Trim off the top sharp corners.

We received the main part of the backpack. We should have 2 of these parts. Next, we make the rest of the paper patterns, pin the patterns to the jeans, and cut them out. Don't forget to add 0.7-0.8 cm seam allowances to all details! So, the pattern of a backpack made of jeans looks like this:

Let's look at the pattern from bottom to top:

  • Shoulder straps: 85/6.5 cm - 2 pcs.
  • Bottom loops: 13/6.5 cm - 2 pcs.
  • The main parts of the walls are rounded: 30/27 cm - 2 pieces.
  • Outer pocket: - 27/15 cm. - 1 pc.
  • Backpack bottom: 27/10 cm - 1 pc.
  • Top loop: 27/7 cm - 1 pc.
  • Side part (there will be a zipper on it): 77/10 cm. - 1 pc.
  • Synthetic padding or non-woven fabric - to give shape to the straps and backpack (preferably).

If you will be making a lining from lining fabric:

  • Basic details walls: 31/28 cm. - 2 pieces.
  • Bottom: 28/11 cm - 1 pc.
  • Side part: 78/11 cm.

Take the pocket piece, bend it 0.5-0.7 cm and attach it. This is the entrance to the pocket.

Place the pocket piece on the front one like this. Find the middle of the pocket and sew the bartack exactly in the middle. We pin the sides of the pocket so that there is no distortion of the fabric when working.

Then we take the shoulder straps, the loop, the bottom loops, and process them: grinding them on the wrong side, and then turning them on the face. You can stitch it again for beauty on the finished straps.

Take a piece 77/10 cm. Fold it in half, mark the middle on the wrong side with a pencil. If you have a 55 cm zipper, then you need to step back 11.5 cm from both ends and mark the cut location for the zipper with a ruler and pencil. We draw a cutting line and draw small triangles at both ends of the line.

We cut along the intended line, ending with triangular cuts. Bend the fabric inward by 0.7 cm and iron it. We take the zipper, place the side part on top with the front facing up, and pin everything together.

Sew at a distance of 0.3-0.5 from the hem of the fabric. The zipper has been designed, then you need to sew on the bottom 27/10 cm. Place the front side to the front side and sew at 0.7-0.8 cm. Next we will sew the straps, loops, and then the main parts to the side.

On the back main part we pin first the top loop, and then the loops threaded into 2 half rings.

We find the middle at the back, attach the ends of the straps to it, and pin it together. Sew at the top and bottom, 0.5 cm from the edge.

Place the main part with the pocket on top, pin and sew. If you sew without a lining, then the seams need to be overcast. Your DIY backpack is ready.

On video: a step-by-step master class of this stylish backpack step by step:

The next backpack is a bag-shaped backpack for girls. Your imagination will come in handy in this work: there are so many finishing options that it’s simply dizzying. Here you can use everything: any pockets, fur, lace, and braided jeans.

You can use several pairs of jeans, but they must be the same thickness. It is better to make the top of such a bag using eyelets (metal rings), but you can also make a simple drawstring. The backpack-knapsack will be tightened with a cord at the top. Cords, grosgrain ribbon, eyelets, and half rings can be found in any craft store. We will do our master class, following the instructions for sewing a bag like this:

The pattern for a backpack made from jeans will be like this (don’t forget to add 1 cm for seam allowances).

Pattern for a small bag. The large lilac part is the lining, the small lilac part is the bottom, the colored rectangle is the wall of the bag, which can be decorated and sewn from pockets and stripes. It is better to make the bottom double. If you want to make a larger backpack, you can use this pattern:

Provided that x = 10 cm: 3 x = 30 cm, ½ x = 5 cm, 2 x = 20 cm, trim strip - top bar for eyelets or drawstring = 60 cm.

So, instead of colored side pieces, we have 2 denim pieces, cut and styled to your liking. Instead of the lilac bottom detail there is also denim. These 3 parts are sewn together on the wrong side and ironed. For beauty, you can add another finishing line of 0.2-0.3 cm (where the index finger is in the photo).

We unfold the work and turn it over, bending the lining in half. The corners are obtained at the bottom. Then we need to sew the sides as shown in the photo, leaving an unstitched area on the right. Don’t forget to insert loops with half rings into the right places as you work. This should be on 2 sides near the bottom.

Turn the work onto the face and sew up the remaining unstitched area. Insert the lining inside the product. If you make a drawstring, it’s easier to stitch like this:

On video: this master class on sewing a backpack step by step.

In the previous master class we learned how to sew a cool backpack-bag. See how else you can decorate the walls of the product: