Falcon tattoo on arm. The meaning of the Falcon tattoo

They often become subjects for tattoos. The lightness of the wind under the wings, the desire for heights, weightlessness - this is what attracts people most often. Things are a little different with birds of prey. Not everyone will get such a tattoo. A falcon tattooed on a hand or other part of the body, for example, speaks of the owner’s strong character, the ability to stand up for himself, and the good development of hunting instincts.


Most often, this subject is chosen by masters working in the style of realism. Falcon is a colorful bird. Her images are beautiful and interesting in their own right. Keen eyes, a curved predatory beak, colorful feathers are an excellent theme for working with colored ink, which allows the artist to reveal his talents in all its glory.

This motif is often used in other styles. The Falcon tattoo occupies a huge niche in ethnic trends, for example, in the Polynesian school. Fans of the northern tradition also decorate themselves with the image of this bird, which is why we often see a falcon made in the Scandinavian or Slavic style. Admirers of Indian culture also love this bird. You can often see old-school images of a feathered predator. This plot is also popular among fans of steam punk and biomechanical styles. And the falcon tattoo, the sketch photo of which is located below, is often chosen by those who prefer neutral abstraction to realism.

Places of application

A detailed image of a large bird requires space. Men often apply falcon to the chest, back, shoulders, thighs and legs. Women, who in most cases prefer stylized rather than realistic images of this bird, often place tattoos on the collarbones, wrists, and ankles. In general, choosing a place for drawing is an individual matter. Some artists play with the theme of the mobility of human joints and falcon wings. To do this, they position the design so that when the owner moves, it creates the effect that the bird is also moving.


Nature has endowed the falcon with a rather restrained color scheme. The color of its feathers ranges from white to dark brown. As a rule, these shades are used to create tattoos. Monochrome images are also popular.


Many peoples had a more than respectful attitude towards the falcon. The Egyptians believed that he was the incarnation of the god Ra, one of the most important deities. The Vikings learned to tame these birds and use them for hunting. Of course, they considered them the wisest and strongest among birds. Falconry was no less popular in Europe. This fun was also respected in Rus'.

A good trained falcon was not just a “lesser brother” like any other animal, but the same faithful companion and a companion as a horse and a hunting dog. Such a bird cost a lot of money. Therefore, commoners could not afford such a purchase. For this reason, the falcon was considered an attribute of the nobility. Not even just nobles, but monarchs, eminent and influential. Since then, the falcon has been associated with royal or princely power.

But you should not think that the main ideological content of this symbol comes down to aggression, strength, dominance and power. This is a very controversial tattoo. The falcon is rather a philosophical symbol. It also means a wise ruler, a good patron, a good master. It is not without reason that many Indian peoples chose this bird as a family totem. It combines opposite principles. The Falcon tattoo, the meaning of which goes back centuries, is not just Nice picture. If you want to make such a drawing, be sure to study the history of the image, think carefully about whether this is really what you are looking for.

The falcon is a bird of prey that has interesting plumage. Also, the peregrine falcon, as this bird may also be called, is found in the legends of many peoples of the world. In most cases, he equates physical strength and high mental capacity. Thanks to this, tattoos of peregrine falcons are applied to the skin by both girls and men, trying to emphasize their individuality.

Falcon tattoo. What kind of bird is this?

The falcon is a bird of prey. Often, ordinary people confuse them with eagles or hawks, but this type of bird has its own characteristics. For example, falcons are much more cunning than their fellows. They are able to track their prey for a long time, and not act in a swoop. In Latin, the name "Falcon" means "Sickle". This is explained by the fact that during flight the wings of these predators take on a shape reminiscent of this instrument.

The falcon's beak is sharp and curved downwards. The wings are wedge-shaped. The falcon tattoo, a photo of which can be seen in the article, depicts both a sitting bird and a predator in flight. Moreover, if a young individual is tattooed, its feathers will be longer. Therefore, the wingspan will appear wide and powerful. Falcons were often used in hunting. These birds were trainable and loyal to their owner. They were also chosen for their intelligence.

Falcon tattoo on arm

Falcon in literature and films

The popularity of the falcon as a symbol of courage and strength is undeniable. It is worth at least remembering the famous Russian hero, who bears the name Finist Yasny Falcon. His name can be divided into two parts. The first, "Finist" refers to the phoenix bird, known for its ability to rise from the ashes. The second part, “Falcon,” can both show the physical strength of the hero and be used as a synonym for the word “Well done.” It is also worth noting that Falcon is the pseudonym of one of the comic book superheroes. He has the ability to see the world through the eyes of birds, namely a falcon named Redwing

Black and white falcon on a guy's hand

Falcon in myths and legends

The meaning of any tattoo directly depends on how the depicted object or creature was used in legends, fairy tales or myths. The falcon is a frequent guest in the folklore of various nations. In Christianity, for example, the falcon symbolized evil due to its cruelty. However, the tamed bird was a symbol of a pagan converted to the faith. There are other examples of the use of the image of a falcon in mythology:

  • God Indra reincarnating as a falcon. This character is present in Hindu mythology and is considered the thunder god. He is a warrior, hunter, and is portrayed as a hero in shining armor.
  • Ancient Egyptian God Ra. This deity not only held a high position among the Gods of Ancient Egypt, but also had the head of a falcon, which was traditionally depicted surrounded by a solar disk. Among his associates, there were also a number of deities with the appearance of a falcon, but they were much lower in hierarchy and importance.
  • In Japan, there was a legend directly related to one of the imperial dynasties. In the myths of this country, the falcon plays the role of a heavenly messenger and adviser.

Falcon in flight on his chest

Falcon tattoo meaning

The falcon tattoo, sketches of which can be found in huge quantities, has several meanings. All of them are based on the behavior of this bird, on its qualities.

  • Light and sun. This meaning is directly related to the God Ra, who is known to have been the sun god in Ancient Egypt;
  • Speed. The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird; it can chase prey for a long time.
  • Cunning. Unlike the image of an eagle, a falcon signifies cunning and prudence, and not just physical strength.
  • Spirituality and determination;
  • Adaptability to any blows of fate;
  • Falcon is a bird that quickly gets used to the new environment, so the image of this predator is often chosen by travelers.

There are other meanings of a falcon tattoo on the body, but for each image it will be individual.

Important falcon in black and white version

I got a tattoo of a falcon on almost my entire back. I chose a sketch with a bird in flight. It seems to me that this means freedom from everything, from all conventions. I like. Especially the curved beak and outstretched wings. Looks impressive. My girlfriend also liked it.

Kirill, Novosibirsk.

Old school falcon tattoo

Falcon image

A tattoo depicting this predator may change its meaning depending on what else is depicted next to the bird. For example, a falcon chasing a hare is a symbol of deliverance from vice. Since the hare often symbolizes some kind of base weakness. The attacking falcon has several meanings. If he is depicted in the process of attacking, then the peregrine falcon symbolizes cruelty. The one who carries prey in his claws is courage and loyalty. This is directly related to the fact that a tamed falcon carries prey to its owner, without keeping it for itself under any circumstances.

Beautiful falcon tattoo in color on shoulder

Have you decided to get tattoos? Well, this is modern and in the spirit of the times! But before you choose one design or another, take care not to merge with the mass of people who do not understand at all what significance art has on their body. The choice of design must be taken seriously. A tattoo is a reflection of your essence.

Let's talk about a falcon tattoo. The falcon is a predator with bright, distinctive plumage. This tattoo is suitable for both men and girls. There are no specific requirements for drawings. Style and color are selected individually. In most cases, the falcon is depicted in real form: sitting on a tree or soaring in the sky. In any case, such a tattoo is power, energy and strength!

Male version

Men prefer an image of a falcon that is as close to reality as possible, while the physical advantages of the bird are always emphasized. A person who chooses a “Falcon” tattoo usually strives for fame and wealth. He always achieves his goals and recognition with enviable speed.

“Falcon” tattoos tattooed on the arms or other parts of the body may indicate that this person has a tough temperament, he is able to stand up for himself and has excellent hunter instincts.

Also, a guy who decides to get a “Falcon” tattoo should know that the meaning of tattoos is high intelligence, courage, responsibility for one’s decisions, and determination. So it will be necessary to match this pattern so as not to humiliate your dignity in the eyes of the people around you. Falcon tattoos are distinguished by their unusually strong energy.

Female version

Girls can also get “Falcon” tattoos, but before making the final decision you should find out the meaning of such a tattoo on a woman’s body. Most representatives of the fair sex prefer more refined and less detailed images of a falcon.

It is typical for girls to display not the aggression of a bird of prey, but its spiritual side. Falcon tattoos are not only about strength and power. This proud creature symbolizes beauty, swiftness, loyalty, vitality, sincerity, and intelligence.

There are ladies who want to show their courage, self-sufficiency, and independence. This category of falcon tattoo lovers includes powerful and wealthy businesswomen, they are confident in their strength. For such women, a tattoo of a falcon with outstretched wings or with prey in its claws is suitable.

Value on the "Zone"

It's no secret that people who have served time longer than others pay attention to the meaning of certain tattoos. This is a different world with its own laws and concepts. If we look at the meaning of the tattoo from the side of barbed wire, we can find out the following:

  • Freedom from shackles, spiritual and physical liberation;
  • Bravery bordering on desperate fearlessness and readiness to take a fight to the death, even unequal, at any moment;
  • Entrepreneurship, resourcefulness, reaction speed, ability to adapt to any conditions.

A falcon diving on game symbolizes determination, soaring in the skies - foresight, sitting on a tree - the search for new opportunities.

Finally, I would like to note that our ancestors associate the falcon with heavenly deities. This beautiful bird symbolizes speed, loyalty and beauty. The meaning of the “Falcon” tattoo does not have a rigid framework. It all depends on the inner world of the one who decides to “settle” this proud, beautiful, feathered predator on his body. The main thing is that the drawing suits you!

A tattoo is designed to show a person’s inner world and highlight his individuality. Therefore, the Falcon tattoo, which represents freedom and independence, is one of the most popular tattoo options. The falcon is associated with heavenly deities, the Sun, aspirations, and beauty. This bird is characterized by devotion, speed, superiority. Despite the fact that this tattoo is very strong, because... The falcon itself personifies strength and courage; it is not at all aggressive, but pure and noble. Those who depict the Falcon tattoo on their body speak of liberation from any bonds; they become free both physically and psychologically.

In Egypt, the falcon was considered the most important of all birds, their ruler. It symbolized a high position in society, speed and overcoming any obstacles. Another property of this bird and its image is its constant readiness to fight, amazing fearlessness, as well as its willingness to sacrifice itself.

It affects the meaning that the tattoo carries and the position of the falcon on it. For example, if you want to emphasize freedom and independence, an image of a falcon soaring in the sky will suit you. If your tattoo should speak of unconditional determination and extraordinary speed, this bird in an attacking position will perfectly express it. As a rule, a falcon depicted with small prey symbolizes fidelity and unconditional devotion. If his prey is a large animal, this means courage, boldness and the desire to reach some great heights, to achieve success, to achieve his goal.

The falcon was revered in various cultures and peoples. Everyone admired and glorified his strength, agility, beauty and greatness. The ancient Slavs also glorified this bird; it is worth at least remembering the old fairy tales, where a good fellow turned into a falcon. He was the personification of strength, power and good intentions.

A tattoo depicting a falcon is suitable for those people who are devoted to their beliefs and loved ones. It is also suitable for purposeful, free, active individuals, distinguished by courage and sincerity. Overall, it is a very good symbol and is considered a fairly popular choice. This bird loves strong-willed individuals and therefore one must be prepared to take responsibility for the image of a falcon.

The falcon is revered as a noble creature. It is a formidable hunter and a symbol of hope and rage. However, why do we love the Fearless Falcon so much? Add this interesting resource site to your bookmarks, as we have a large amount of information on a wide variety of pressing topics.

Falcon- a bird of prey with many talents, intelligence and hunting prowess. The peregrine falcon creates terror in the hearts of many, and therefore has long become a military emblem for many countries around the world. Peregrine falcons are known for their intelligence and ability to accurately judge the distance between prey and hunter in order to make sweeping downward dives to kill their prey. Some hunters often have a trained Sapsan helping them during difficult expeditions.
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So let's continue meaning of Falcon Tattoo?

Have you ever wondered why George Lucas (creator of the Star Wars saga) named the flagship of his rebel group the Millennium Falcon?
Falcons represent Freedom and Hope in many cultures around the world. So George Lucas may have decided to pay tribute to the history of this bird by giving the name to Hans Solo's great ship.

Falcons- these are the emblems of the Sun. In ancient Egypt, the almighty sun god Ra was often depicted with a falcon on his headdress, as a symbol of his strength and intelligence. These animals are known for their ability to remain focused on a specific prey for a period of time. long period time, and came to symbolize determination, discipline and commitment to duty.

The meaning of the Falcon tattoo

The Falcon tattoo represents a number of features, including:
  • Valor
  • Strength
  • Definition and Focus
  • Liberty
  • Hope and new opportunity.

Variations of falcon tattoo

Falcon tattoos are imbued with strength, power, a strict sense of duty and discipline. It's no surprise that they are popular emblems for military themed projects around the world. Most artists create a sketch of this bird, using the most defiant and angry poses. At times the falcon is shown in flight, and at other times it is shown in a head-up position, turning its head to look at unworthy spectators. To truly show true beauty Falcon tattoo, place it on a part of the body that is constantly in motion, such as the thigh or biceps. These are great spots because not only do they provide a lot of surface area, but they also show the movement of the underlying muscles that show the depth and dimension of your design.

Falcons- this is strength, speed and power! Therefore, tattoos that feature these magnificent birds should also highlight their main and striking features. It can be challenging to design and add elements that will stand out and capture the essence of this predatory creature. Making design mistakes is strictly not recommended as you will need to spend a lot of money and effort to get rid of your faux pas. Therefore, it is better to first spend some time on the correct design of the details and choosing a place to place the tattoo. For inspiration and guidance, check out the "Tattoos" category where you'll find lots more useful information.

After reading this publication you learned Falcon tattoo meaning, and now you can undoubtedly make the right choice.