Traditions of the native village. Russian folk traditions Wedding in a rustic style: decoration

In the middle of the film, you will find yourself in the Mogilev region, where there is a special dialect and pronunciation of words, there are also Russian words in use, after all, Russia is nearby. Especially pay attention to the young man who is milking the cow and about whom his mother-in-law talks so lovingly. At the 35th minute, Victor sings a song with his daughter, the same song I always talk about - “Song about Mom.” We sing it a little differently, the motive is a little different, but the words and meaning are very similar! It’s a sad song, as I sing the words, tears well up in my eyes. Wherever I sang it, in Minsk they called me for an encore twice. Everyone likes it, even the Italians, who do not understand either the meaning or the words, asked to sing it as an encore. I inherited it from my mother, so I sing it to my children and grandchildren, sisters as a memory of my mother and as a lesson so that this will never happen in life as it happened in the song. After all, the songs are all about life.
Our songs are beautiful, sonorous and penetrate to the depths of the soul.
From the moment shepherds appear on the screen grazing cows and playing the pipe, this is already our region of Gomel, Polesie. The video is already post-Chernobyl, most likely from the early 90s. Chernobyl became a great tragedy for our region, and this is what the woman’s song and pity is about.
Again you will see the inhabitants of your favorite (I think) village of Tonezh. You will see Baba Ganna (Anna) again, she is in every film and talks about the culture and customs of our region. Again, pay attention to the rich embroidery of national costumes, it differs from the costume of the northwest. From the 43rd minute, the grandmother complains that they no longer have that former kirmash (bazaar) that once existed (it was talked about in the previous film “Memory of Centuries”) The local land has become impoverished, you can’t pick mushrooms or berries, no longer the second breadwinner is forests. The woman's speech is exactly the same as that of my aunt, she talks exactly the same, as if her voice had been copied or duplicated and substituted for a video. This is a feature of our southern dialect.
Baba Ganna again, she talks about her ancestors, and how they once sang in open areas when the singing was so well choreographed that it could be heard 5 km away. down the river. Again, Stepan Dubeiko, mentioned in the previous film “Memory of Centuries”. She sings beautifully in the choir with Polesie grandmothers.
At the end of the film, Baba Ganna again, here you can already see how the previously youthful and beautifully tidy woman became a grandmother, time does not spare people. Once again I admire this grandmother.
I hope everyone will enjoy and enjoy watching this wonderful film. All fans of ethno pleasant viewing.

The Russian people are representatives of the East Slavic ethnic group, the indigenous inhabitants of Russia (110 million people - 80% of the population of the Russian Federation), the largest ethnic group in Europe. The Russian diaspora numbers about 30 million people and is concentrated in countries such as Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, the countries of the former USSR, the USA and EU countries. As a result of sociological research, it was found that 75% of the Russian population of Russia are followers of Orthodoxy, and a significant part of the population does not consider itself to be a member of any particular religion. The national language of the Russian people is Russian.

Each country and its people have their own significance in the modern world; the concepts of folk culture and history of a nation, their formation and development are very important. Each nation and its culture are unique in their own way, the flavor and uniqueness of each nationality should not be lost or dissolved in assimilation with other peoples, the younger generation should always remember who they really are. For Russia, which is a multinational power and home to 190 peoples, the issue of national culture is quite acute, due to the fact that in recent years its erasure has been especially noticeable against the background of the cultures of other nationalities.

Culture and life of the Russian people

(Russian folk costume)

The first associations that arise with the concept of “Russian people” are, of course, breadth of soul and strength of spirit. But national culture is formed by people, and it is these character traits that have a huge influence on its formation and development.

One of the distinctive features of the Russian people has always been and is simplicity; in former times, Slavic houses and property were very often subjected to looting and complete destruction, hence the simplified attitude towards everyday issues. And of course, these trials that befell the long-suffering Russian people only strengthened their character, made them stronger and taught them to get out of any life situations with their heads held high.

Another trait that prevails in the character of the Russian ethnic group can be called kindness. The whole world is well aware of the concept of Russian hospitality, when “they feed you, give you something to drink, and put you to bed.” A unique combination of such qualities as cordiality, mercy, compassion, generosity, tolerance and, again, simplicity, very rarely found among other peoples of the world, all this is fully manifested in the very breadth of the Russian soul.

Hard work is another one of the main traits of the Russian character, although many historians in the study of the Russian people note both its love of work and enormous potential, as well as its laziness, as well as complete lack of initiative (remember Oblomov in Goncharov’s novel). But still, the efficiency and endurance of the Russian people is an indisputable fact that is difficult to argue against. And no matter how much scientists around the world want to understand the “mysterious Russian soul,” it is unlikely that any of them can do it, because it is so unique and multifaceted that its “zest” will forever remain a secret to everyone.

Traditions and customs of the Russian people

(Russian meal)

Folk traditions and customs represent a unique connection, a kind of “bridge of times” connecting the distant past with the present. Some of them have their roots in the pagan past of the Russian people, even before the baptism of Rus'; little by little their sacred meaning was lost and forgotten, but the main points have been preserved and are still observed. In villages and towns, Russian traditions and customs are honored and remembered to a greater extent than in cities, which is due to the more isolated lifestyle of city residents.

A large number of rituals and traditions are associated with family life (this includes matchmaking, wedding celebrations, and the baptism of children). Carrying out ancient rites and rituals guaranteed a successful and happy life in the future, the health of descendants and the general well-being of the family.

(Colorized photograph of a Russian family at the beginning of the 20th century)

Since ancient times, Slavic families were distinguished by a large number of family members (up to 20 people), adult children, having already gotten married, remained to live in their home, the head of the family was the father or older brother, everyone had to obey them and unquestioningly carry out all their orders. Typically, wedding celebrations were held either in the fall, after the harvest, or in the winter after the Epiphany holiday (January 19). Then the first week after Easter, the so-called “Red Hill,” began to be considered a very successful time for a wedding. The wedding itself was preceded by a matchmaking ceremony, when the groom's parents came to the bride's family along with his godparents, if the parents agreed to give their daughter in marriage, then a bridesmaid ceremony was held (meeting the future newlyweds), then there was a ceremony of collusion and hand-waving (the parents resolved the issues of the dowry and the date of the wedding festivities ).

The rite of baptism in Rus' was also interesting and unique, the child had to be baptized immediately after birth, for this purpose godparents were chosen, who would be responsible for the life and well-being of the godson all his life. When the baby was one year old, they sat him on the inside of a sheep's coat and cut his hair, cutting a cross on the crown, with such meaning that evil spirits would not be able to penetrate his head and would not have power over him. Every Christmas Eve (January 6), a slightly older godson should bring kutia (wheat porridge with honey and poppy seeds) to his godparents, and they, in turn, should give him sweets.

Traditional holidays of the Russian people

Russia is truly a unique state where, along with the highly developed culture of the modern world, they carefully honor the ancient traditions of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, going back centuries and preserving the memory of not only Orthodox vows and canons, but also the most ancient pagan rites and sacraments. To this day, pagan holidays are celebrated, people listen to signs and age-old traditions, remember and tell their children and grandchildren ancient traditions and legends.

Main national holidays:

  • Christmas Jan. 7
  • Christmastide January 6 - 9
  • Baptism January 19
  • Maslenitsa from 20 to 26 February
  • Forgiveness Sunday ( before the onset of Lent)
  • Palm Sunday ( on the Sunday before Easter)
  • Easter ( the first Sunday after the full moon, which occurs no earlier than the day of the conventional vernal equinox on March 21)
  • Red hill ( first Sunday after Easter)
  • Trinity ( on Sunday on the day of Pentecost - the 50th day after Easter)
  • Ivan Kupala July 7
  • Peter and Fevronia Day July 8
  • Elijah's day August 2
  • Honey Spas August 14
  • Apple Spas August 19
  • Third (Khlebny) Spas August 29
  • Pokrov day October 14

There is a belief that on the night of Ivan Kupala (July 6-7), once a year a fern flower blooms in the forest, and whoever finds it will gain untold wealth. In the evening, large bonfires are lit near rivers and lakes, people dressed in festive ancient Russian attires lead round dances, sing ritual chants, jump over the fire, and let wreaths float downstream, in the hope of finding their soul mate.

Maslenitsa is a traditional holiday of the Russian people, celebrated during the week before Lent. A very long time ago, Maslenitsa was more likely not a holiday, but a ritual when the memory of departed ancestors was honored, placating them with pancakes, asking them for a fertile year, and spending the winter by burning a straw effigy. Time passed, and the Russian people, thirsting for fun and positive emotions in the cold and dull season, turned the sad holiday into a more cheerful and daring celebration, which began to symbolize the joy of the imminent end of winter and the arrival of the long-awaited warmth. The meaning has changed, but the tradition of baking pancakes remained, exciting winter entertainment appeared: sledding and horse-drawn sled rides, a straw effigy of Winter was burned, throughout the Maslenitsa week relatives went to pancakes with their mother-in-law and sister-in-law, an atmosphere of celebration and fun reigned everywhere , various theatrical and puppet shows were held on the streets with the participation of Petrushka and other folklore characters. One of the very colorful and dangerous entertainments on Maslenitsa was fist fights; the male population took part in them, for whom it was an honor to take part in a kind of “military affair” that tested their courage, boldness and dexterity.

Christmas and Easter are considered especially revered Christian holidays among the Russian people.

The Nativity of Christ is not only a bright holiday of Orthodoxy, it also symbolizes the revival and return to life, the traditions and customs of this holiday, filled with kindness and humanity, high moral ideals and the triumph of the spirit over worldly concerns, are being rediscovered and rethought by society in the modern world. The day before Christmas (January 6) is called Christmas Eve, because the main dish of the festive table, which should consist of 12 dishes, is a special porridge “sochivo”, consisting of boiled cereal, drizzled with honey, sprinkled with poppy seeds and nuts. You can sit down at the table only after the first star appears in the sky. Christmas (January 7) is a family holiday, when everyone gathered at one table, ate a festive treat and gave each other gifts. The 12 days after the holiday (until January 19) are called Christmastide. Previously, at this time, girls in Rus' held various gatherings with fortune telling and rituals to attract suitors.

Easter has long been considered a great holiday in Rus', which people associated with the day of general equality, forgiveness and mercy. On the eve of Easter celebrations, Russian women usually bake kulichi (festive rich Easter bread) and Easter bread, clean and decorate their homes, young people and children paint eggs, which, according to ancient legend, symbolize drops of the blood of Jesus Christ crucified on the cross. On the day of Holy Easter, smartly dressed people, meeting, say “Christ is Risen!”, answer “Truly He is Risen!”, followed by a three-time kiss and an exchange of festive Easter eggs.

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Over time, sophisticated Western weddings have become increasingly popular. Brides compete in the simplicity and elegance of their outfits, organize receptions, engagement parties, and rent magnificent halls. But there are also those who like eco-style. The phrase “village wedding” usually brings to mind an abundance of dirt on the roads, an accordion and a homely table. But now you can arrange a stylized celebration for lovers of a decent, but soulful relaxation. This style is also called “rustic”.

Traditions of Russian village wedding

In Russian villages, weddings took place in the fall or winter after Epiphany. It was winter marriages that were considered the happiest. The peasants were harvesting, there was time for celebrations and there were enough food supplies.

It was usually the parents who discussed the wedding; the young couple's opinion was rarely asked. They tried to marry off girls before the age of 20, otherwise no one would take her then. On the eve of the wedding, the girls always held a bachelorette party, at which they sang songs and humorous ditties.

A ransom was always carried out in the young man's house. Then there was a feast, the newlyweds were presented with gifts, after which they went to transport the bride's dowry to the groom's house, where the celebration continued. After the ransom there was a wedding, then a walk through the streets and a wedding feast. The wedding cake was a loaf or kurnik made from unleavened dough.

A traditional village wedding lasted more than one day. On the first day, the newlyweds got married and had a feast, and on the second day, the young woman greeted the guests and showed what a good housewife she was. According to tradition, the son-in-law should visit his mother-in-law.

Wedding in the village: ideas

The village is not just nature and comfort, but also a tribute to Russian traditions. Photo sessions at such celebrations are no less elegant and beautiful than in a hotel or on the coast. A talented photographer will be able to convey the unforgettable flavor of a real Russian village.

It seems to many that the only option is to go to relatives in the village and go for walks wherever possible. A rustic celebration has many options. You can find a picturesque place where there are no relatives, rent a small house, a cafe, if there is one, or have a wedding in nature.

  • Restaurant. The cozy, rustic style attracts many, but the desire to go out of town is not very encouraging. Within the city limits you can find a rustic-style restaurant in a quiet location. Usually in such establishments you can find everything at once: tents, open areas, wooden buildings. The decorator will decorate everything in the appropriate style, the chef will prepare traditional Russian dishes. Not the cheapest, but very convenient option.
  • Vacation home. It is not so difficult to find a small country village closer to the city and rent a house there. The party can be held on the street or in a local cafe, and the newlyweds can be left to spend the night in the house. Consideration should be given to how to accommodate guests. After a lot of fun, it will be difficult for them to get home. For this purpose, you can rent several houses, find a hotel nearby, or arrange a wedding only for family members and close friends. A small number of guests can easily be accommodated in one house.
  • Picnic in a tent. Romantic and beautiful celebration. Tents can be made of fabric or in the form of wooden canopies. This way the wedding will take place outdoors, but in case of bad weather the guests will be protected. There can be one or several tents. Any wooden buildings nearby can also be stylized: decorated with fresh flowers, posters, bouquets of ears of rye and wheat.
  • Outdoor wedding. This is a rather risky undertaking as the weather can be unpredictable. You should consider shelter options in the event of thunderstorms and rain. You can set the tables right in the center of the field or come up with original tables made of hay sheaves, covered with tablecloths made from natural materials. Warn guests who smoke in advance that such materials are highly flammable.

Rustic wedding: decoration

A rustic wedding requires simplicity and minimalism, but at the same time taste and sophistication. For decorations, you can use any natural materials, as well as cardboard, paper, bottles, glass, and ribbons.

  • Vases with daisies look very beautiful on wooden tables. Any flowers will look organic, as long as they are not exotic plants. It is worth giving preference to wildflowers, small garden roses, and spikelets.
  • If the wedding is taking place outdoors, you need to consider lighting in the evening. Lanterns and garlands on trees and bushes look very original.

  • Sometimes you can combine luxury and rustic simplicity. For example, hang a chandelier in a large barn, place chic long tables like at a reception, and decorate them with wildflowers and leaves.
  • If there is a gate, you can also decorate it with the initials of the newlyweds, ribbons, fresh or paper flowers, heart-shaped garlands, posters, and balloons.
  • You can arrange flowers on tables very simply: put them in ordinary glass jars with water. This would look appropriate at a rustic wedding. Jars can be decorated with ribbon, thin braid, or weaving.
  • The tree can also be used as nameplates. Table numbers on pieces of wood will look original. To wow your guests, tie your name tag to a real horse's shoe.
  • For an exquisite aroma, place sachet bags on tables or benches. They will emit a subtle scent of flowers and spices.
  • Long colorful ribbons can be tied to tree branches. They will create a feeling of celebration.
  • Organizers often create a rustic feel with the help of hay. You can scatter it on the floor, make a stack, lay out tables or even a large comfortable sofa for guests.
  • You can decorate the room with garlands of plastic figurines with the initials of the newlyweds or the wedding date. Transparent multi-colored figures will transmit light beautifully.

Rustic winter wedding

A wedding in a village in winter is a special event. You can’t accommodate guests outside, but there are so many interesting activities you can come up with: sleigh rides, snowball fights, a snow woman. Such a wedding will always be a little in the spirit of the New Year, and this is its charm. A special feature of a winter wedding is the presence of a heated indoor space. A professional organizer will help you rent this. You can find a restaurant in a suburb or holiday village.

The bride and groom need to think about their outfit. It should be beautiful, but warm. Taking pictures in the cold wearing only a dress is dangerous to your health. The groom can wear a matching coat and the bride a white coat or fur cape.

The best option would be a photo shoot separate from the wedding, so as not to freeze and not freeze the guests on the day of the celebration. Young people will be able to choose a good day themselves, without a snowstorm or severe frost, in order to take beautiful photos in a calm environment.

You can decorate the hall in a snow-white style to indicate the time of year. Sequins, white lace, candles, crystal snowflakes, white flowers - all this will help create the desired flavor.

New Year's accessories will look appropriate at a winter wedding. A rustic wedding involves Russian New Year decorations without Santa Claus and reindeer. You can add Christmas balls, bare tree branches with beads.

Candles in glass candlesticks and fir branches will serve as excellent table decorations and replace flowers. The spruce will emit a pleasant aroma. The decor will look beautiful and fabulous in combinations of white and golden colors, various sparkles and snow-white tablecloths.

A winter village wedding can be stylized after the Russian fairy tale “Morozko”. Dress the bride in blue like Nastenka, and make the groom a prince. If the wedding date is close to the New Year, the presenters will look natural in the costumes of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Wedding in the village in summer

Summer is a time of opportunity and limitless imagination for newlyweds. There are a lot of options for a summer wedding.

The venue can be absolutely anything, as long as it is the style of the village that is important, and not the location itself. Many restaurants and cafes can recreate the rustic style. You can also gather guests at a camp site, where you can set up the decorations in advance. Bridesmaids can try on kokoshniks and Russian sundresses.

The bravest young people can try the old Russian custom - sawing a log (this is done by the bride and groom together). Thus, they promise to always help each other.

If you want to have a wedding in a Western style, but in a rustic style, you can put a wedding arch in the yard and seat the guests on bales of hay.

Wedding organizers can find any props: from balloons and chairs to flowering artificial birch and apple trees. For lovers of sophistication, we can advise you to decorate the hall in Gzhel style in white and blue tones.

A wedding in the village does not mean a small hut and dirt. In modern countryside villages you can rent a real wooden cottage. It will be convenient to celebrate a small wedding in a narrow circle in the courtyard of the house. However, it is worth finding a traditional Russian small house for a photo shoot. Small windows, shutters and bright blue paint on the walls will add a pop of color to your photos. If there is a river or a flowering field nearby, they should definitely be included in the photo shoot.