Her assistant and her common-law husband will sit behind Gulnara Karimova. The pressure on Gulnara Karimova’s loved ones is intensifying, Madumarov escaped, Abdukholik disappeared Rustam Madumarov biography

Original of this material
© "Exchange Leader", 07/13/2014, Gulnara Karimova's accomplices, Avakyan and Madumarov, were sentenced to imprisonment, Photo: via svt.se, dadomusic.com

There were reports that two accomplices Gulnara Karimova, allegedly related to corruption schemes, - Gayane Avakyan and Rustam Madumarov - imprisoned for long periods. “According to several sources independent of each other, Rustam Madumarov was convicted in the Tashkent region as an employee of the National Security Service group accused of embezzlement,” writes the Exchange Leader with reference to Ozodlik (Radio Liberty in Uzbekistan).

According to several reports received by Radio Ozodlik from different sources last week, Rustam Madumarov was sentenced to 10 years in prison, Gayane Avakyan - to 9 years.

According to reports, a group of SNB officers were tried last week in a criminal court in the Tashkent region.

According to sources from law enforcement agencies of Uzbekistan, among the NSS employees accused of embezzlement and a number of other crimes, a close business partner of Gulnara Karimova was tried, and, according to some sources, her common-law husband Rustam Madumarov.

“The trial was held behind closed doors, because Rustam Madumarov was tried there as part of the SNB group. It is unknown under what articles of the Criminal Code they were tried. But, as they say, the group was accused of kidnapping people (presumably Gulnara Karimova’s assistant, Nurmukhammad Sodikov), illegally exporting expensive things from the country (it is unknown what),” writes a Tashkent source for Ozodlik radio.

In Article 135 of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan it is written about theft of people. According to the document, the punishment includes imprisonment from 5 to 12 years.

Radio Ozodlik correspondents contacted the criminal court of the Tashkent region, the prosecutor's office and other government agencies, but were unable to obtain any information from the regional authorities.

According to sources, any information related to this case is strictly classified. Both NSS employees and Madumarov’s lawyers signed non-disclosure documents.

At the same time, the Uzbek BBC service, citing its sources, reported on the trial of Gayane Avakyan and Rustam Madumarov.

In a report distributed on July 13, the Uzbek BBC service provided other details of the trial. The BBC also reported a 10-year sentence for Madumarov, but due to the addition of sentences, a third of this term was reduced. Avakyan also received a reduction in her sentence from 9 to 6 years.

All these statements from independent sources have not yet been confirmed, but neither have they been refuted by official institutions.

[Uznews.net, 06/20/2013, “Owners of offshore companies from Uzbekistan”: The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) published a list of offshore owners from around the world, including 30 people from Uzbekistan. [...]
Among the public figures on this list is Rustam Madumarov, one of the members of the musical family group Dado, who has been rumored for many years to be the boyfriend of the daughter of the Uzbek president, Gulnara Karimova.
His address is indicated in the Yunus-Abad quarter in Tashkent, and that he is the owner of the offshore company Stockbrigde Plus LTD. - Insert K.ru]

Let us recall that on February 17 in Tashkent, a special group of the National Security Service conducted search in the apartment of Gulnara Karimova, the eldest daughter of the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, and everyone who was with her, about 10 people, including young children, were detained: Karimova herself, her common-law husband Rustam Madumarov, her daughter, as well as members of her inner circle - Gayane Avakyan, Ekaterina Klyueva with their 1.5-year-old daughter and staff.

With the detention of Gayane Avakyan and Rustam Madumarov, the General Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan, with hitherto invisible efficiency, opened a criminal case against them.

Reports that appeared after this story say that Gulnara Karimova and her daughter Iman have since been under house arrest.

The government of Uzbekistan has since confiscated large buildings in the center of Tashkent belonging to Gulnara Karimova in favor of the state, as confirmed by law enforcement agencies of Uzbekistan and the State Property Committee.

Then a source from Radio Ozodlik from the State Property Committee reported that they belonged to the companies Solid-Investment, Fast-Development, Panally LTD, Aval-Invest. These buildings were transferred to the state by court decision. All of these companies were registered in the name of Gulnara Karimova’s assistant, Gayane Avakyan.

At the same time, conflicting reports are spreading about the condition of Gulnara Karimova herself.

The online newspaper Uzmetronom writes that on July 8, Gulnara Karimova celebrated her birthday in one of the Baltic countries in a circle close to her.

A day after this, photographs appeared on the RuNet showing that the president’s daughter was still under house arrest, and her next letter was also published on the birthday of her sister Lola - July 3.

In March, the prosecutor's offices of Switzerland and Sweden announced the start of an investigation into "suspicion of money laundering and bribery by the daughter of the President of Uzbekistan Gulnara Karimova" and criminal cases were opened.

In addition to Sweden, criminal cases regarding TeliaSonera bribing the daughter of the President of Uzbekistan, Gulnara Karimova, with $350 million have been initiated in Switzerland, Latvia, France and Holland. Suspects in these criminal cases include people close to Gulnara Karimova, in particular, her common-law husband Rustam Madumarov, assistant Gayane Avakyan, Alisher Ergashev, Shokhrukh Sobirov.

The Swiss prosecutor's office announced that Gulnara Karimova herself has become a suspect in the money laundering case.

In all European countries where investigative work against Gulnara Karimova is taking place, her personal bank accounts and real estate have been frozen.

["Russian Planet", 07/14/2014, "Serdyukov's case in Uzbek": Reports of court verdicts against Madumarov and Avakyan are still unofficial, although the probability of this information is close to 100%, a political scientist and expert on CIS countries Arkady Dubnov. He noted that the story of this verdict is very reminiscent of the course of the criminal and trial proceedings against the former head of the Russian Ministry of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov and one of the department’s senior officials Evgenia Vasilyeva.
“The scheme looks quite similar: Serdyukov is no longer in danger - he was granted an amnesty, and all the blame for some corrupt deals falls on Vasilyeva’s shoulders. In a similar Uzbek version, Serdyukov’s place is taken by Gulnara Karimova, who was also under threat of arrest. Now she is allegedly under house arrest, but all charges related to the activities of structures and funds under her control are laid on her closest associates,” Dubnov explained.
According to the expert, Karimova is not in danger of criminal liability and after some time she will be released from house arrest. The political scientist believes that the comrades of the president’s daughter Madumarov and Avakyan, who have already had their sentences reduced, may not serve their sentence in full and in the future it will be replaced with a more lenient one. “This is such an act of intimidation, it has to do with the clan struggle within the Uzbek security forces and ruling elites. During this game, various “scenario developments” of possible options for exiting this high-profile scandalous case are being carried out,” says RP’s interlocutor.
He added that recent interview with Karimov's grandson for the REN-TV channel, which can be called rather symbolic, is one of the next moves in this scenario, where the son of Gulnara Karimova himself acts as a pawn. “He is only intended to demonstrate that his mother is under serious pressure from the security forces, until now she has actually been the defender of all the humiliated and oppressed, so she is having a hard time there now. In my opinion, this speech only confirms the goal of the entire scenario being implemented: Gulnara Karimova should ultimately be recognized as almost a political prisoner, which will help her somehow get rid of or mitigate the consequences of her criminal prosecution in the West,” Dubnov concluded. - Insert K.ru]

The Dado group was formed in 1999 in Uzbekistan. Then no one imagined that the solo project of the ex-soloists of the star four “Anor” Rustam Madumarov and Alisher Madumarov would achieve such stunning success.

Their video “Summer” was constantly played on the popular music channel “MTV” and the Moscow channel “TV 6”. Today, the guys have opened their own company, PanTerra Studio, which will handle tours of Russian stars in Tashkent.

The Dado group was founded in February 2000.
Composition of the group:
Alisher Madumarov (soloist) – August 5, 1975,
Rustam Madumarov (soloist) - March 26, 1976.

The eldest of the Madumarov brothers, Alisher, graduated from the Faculty of English Philology at the University of Foreign Languages. With a height of meter 82, he prefers a free style of clothing, and chooses colors according to his mood. Being sincere, self-confident and having a good sense of humor, Alisher instantly becomes an “object of attention” in all companies.
When it comes to cuisine, he prefers Italian and Russian. Besides meals, he loves beautiful girls. In his free time he likes to read the works of G. Marquez and Omar Khayyam. Loves to play football.
She considers silence to be her favorite work (currently). And at every opportunity he listens to her.

Madumarov Jr., i.e. Rustam also has his own preferences: he loves the works of S. Filatov, O. Mandelstam, V. Nabokov. When it comes to clothes, he is less pretentious than his brother; he likes to dress in a classic style, and black is the most interesting color for him.
“My favorite cuisine is my mother’s,” Rustam answered briefly and laconically. In general, for Rustam and Alisher, the closest, most beloved, adored and beautiful being is their mother.
Besides his mother, Rustam loves himself very much. What he hates most is singing on an empty stomach.

During their work, the group, together with the production center “Mir Yulduzi”, released their debut album “DADO!Y?”.

(2005) Album “Summer”

There were reports that two accomplices Gulnara Karimova, allegedly connected with corruption schemes, Gayane Avakyan and Rustam Madumarov, were imprisoned for long periods. “According to several sources independent from each other, Rustam Madumarov was convicted in the Tashkent region as an employee of the group NSS, accused of embezzlement,” writes “Exchange Leader” with reference to “Ozodlik” (Radio Liberty in Uzbekistan).

According to several reports received by Radio Ozodlik from different sources last week, Rustam Madumarov was sentenced to 10 years in prison, Gayane Avakyan- for 9 years.

According to reports, a group of SNB officers were tried last week in a criminal court in the Tashkent region.

According to sources from law enforcement agencies of Uzbekistan, among the NSS employees accused of embezzlement and a number of other crimes, a close business partner of Gulnara Karimova was tried, and, according to some sources, her common-law husband Rustam Madumarov.

“The trial was held behind closed doors, because Rustam Madumarov was tried there as part of the SNB group. It is unknown under what articles of the Criminal Code they were tried. But, as they say, the group was accused of kidnapping people (presumably Gulnara Karimova’s assistant, Nurmukhammad Sodikov), illegally exporting expensive things from the country (it is unknown what),” writes a Tashkent source for Ozodlik radio.

In Article 135 of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan it is written about theft of people. According to the document, the punishment includes imprisonment from 5 to 12 years.

Gulnara Karimova and Gayane Avakyan (right)

Radio Ozodlik correspondents contacted the criminal court of the Tashkent region, the prosecutor's office and other government agencies, but were unable to obtain any information from the regional authorities.

According to sources, any information related to this case is strictly classified. Both NSS employees and Madumarov’s lawyers signed non-disclosure documents.

At the same time, the Uzbek Air Force service, citing its sources, reported on the trial of Gayane Avakyan and Rustam Madumarov. The message released on July 13 provides other details of the trial. A 10-year sentence for Madumarov is also reported, but due to the addition of sentences, a third of this term was reduced. Avakyan also received a reduction in her sentence from 9 to 6 years.

All these statements from independent sources have not yet been confirmed, but neither have they been refuted by official institutions.

The government of Uzbekistan has since confiscated large buildings in the center of Tashkent belonging to Gulnara Karimova in favor of the state, as confirmed by law enforcement agencies of Uzbekistan and the State Property Committee.

Then a source from Radio Ozodlik from the State Property Committee reported that they belonged to the companies Solid-Investment, Fast-Development, Panally LTD, Aval-Invest. These buildings were transferred to the state by court decision. All of these companies were registered in the name of Gulnara Karimova’s assistant, Gayane Avakyan.

At the same time, conflicting reports are spreading about the condition of Gulnara Karimova herself.

The online newspaper Uzmetronom writes that on July 8, Gulnara Karimova celebrated her birthday in one of the Baltic countries in a circle close to her.

A day after this, photographs appeared on the RuNet showing that the president’s daughter was still under house arrest, and her next letter was also published on the birthday of her sister Lola - July 3.

In March, the prosecutor's offices of Switzerland and Sweden announced the start of an investigation into “suspicion of money laundering and bribery by the daughter of the President of Uzbekistan, Gulnara Karimova,” and opened criminal cases.

In addition to Sweden, criminal cases regarding TeliaSonera bribing the daughter of the President of Uzbekistan, Gulnara Karimova, with $350 million have been initiated in Switzerland, Latvia, France and Holland. Suspects in these criminal cases include people close to Gulnara Karimova, in particular, her common-law husband Rustam Madumarov, assistant Gayane Avakyan, Alisher Ergashev, Shokhrukh Sobirov.

The Swiss prosecutor's office announced that Gulnara Karimova herself has become a suspect in the money laundering case.

In all European countries where investigative work against Gulnara Karimova is taking place, her personal bank accounts and real estate have been frozen.

[rusplt.ru, 07/14/2014, “Serdyukov’s case in Uzbek”: Reports of court verdicts against Madumarov and Avakyan are still unofficial, although the probability of this information is close to 100%, said political scientist and expert on CIS countries Arkady Dubnov. He noted that the story of this verdict is very reminiscent of the course of the criminal and trial proceedings against the former head of the Russian Ministry of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov and one of the high-ranking employees of the department, Evgenia Vasilyeva.

“The diagram looks quite similar: Serdyukov is no longer in danger- he came under amnesty, and all the blame was for some corrupt deals falls on Vasilyeva's shoulders. In a similar Uzbek version, Serdyukov’s place is taken by Gulnara Karimova, who was also under threat of arrest. Now she is allegedly under house arrest, but all charges related to the activities of structures and funds under her control are laid on her closest associates,” Dubnov explained.

According to the expert, Karimova is not in danger of criminal liability and after some time she will be released from house arrest. The political scientist believes that the comrades of the president’s daughter Madumarov and Avakyan, who have already had their sentences reduced, may not serve their sentence in full and in the future it will be replaced with a more lenient one. “This is such an act of intimidation, it has to do with the clan struggle within the Uzbek security forces and ruling elites. During this game, various “scenario developments” of possible options for exiting this high-profile scandalous case are being carried out,” says RP’s interlocutor.

He added that the recent interview of Karimov’s grandson for the REN-TV channel, which can be called rather symbolic, is one of the next moves in this scenario, where Gulnara Karimova’s son himself acts as a pawn. “He is only intended to demonstrate that his mother is under serious pressure from the security forces, until now she has actually been the defender of all the humiliated and oppressed, so she is having a hard time there now. In my opinion, this speech only confirms the goal of the entire scenario being implemented: Gulnara Karimova should ultimately be recognized as almost a political prisoner, which will help her somehow get rid of or mitigate the consequences of her criminal prosecution in the West,” Dubnov concluded. - Insert K.ru]

After raids on the Nirvana chain of stores that began in Tashkent in September, the owner of the chain, Rustam Madumarov, the common-law husband of President Karimov’s daughter Gulnara, left the country. Another media magnate close to Karimova, Firdavs Abdukholikov, also disappeared without a trace.

This was reported by the Uzbek service of Radio Liberty (Ozodlik).

Let us note that according to Ozodagon sources, R. Madumarov is a Tajik by nationality, whose parents moved from Tajikistan to Uzbekistan relatively recently in the 90s. In this country, he became famous as a singer performing in the group "Dado".

Rustam Madumarov

The shops of Rustam Madumarov, whom many independent sources call Gulnara's common-law husband, are being inspected by the prosecutor's office.

According to Ozodlik sources, R. Madumarov could have fled to London, along with one of Gulnara’s escaped bodyguards.

Meanwhile, according to Ozodlik, media tycoon Firdavs Abduholikov, who was the first in the country to open non-state television and a newspaper, disappeared without a trace in Uzbekistan. After the publication of articles by political scientist Usmon Khaknazarov about the president and his daughters in Uzbek online publications, the media mogul suddenly disappeared from view.

Note that F. Abdukholikov is also an ethnic Tajik from Samarkand.

Firdavs Abduholikov

The creator of the Samarkand TV channel (STV) and the non-profit publication Darakchi (Vestnik) F. Abdukholikov, according to relatives, has been wanted by different people for a week.

Abdukholikov's whereabouts are unknown

According to unofficial data, due to the suspension of the activities of the Samarkand-TV television channel controlled by him, F. Abdukholikov was summoned for questioning to the Samarkand region. “\"On October 31, the STV television channel disappeared from the air, then this person (F. Abdukholikov - Author) was summoned for interrogation. He is now free, but goes for interrogations,\" a source from Ozodlik radio (the Uzbek service of the radio station) said "Freedom").

As analysts of the “News of Uzbekistan” section of the magazine for investors “Stock Leader” note, Firdavs Abduholikov is one of the figures who is always in the spotlight of the press as the largest media magnate in Uzbekistan.

In 1992-1995, for the first time in Uzbekistan, he created non-state media - a television channel and a newspaper, and since 2004, he has united more than 60 information assets throughout the state.

He is the head of the National Association of Electronic Media of Uzbekistan. In addition, in recent years, he has taken an active part in the events of the Foundation Forum, which is headed by the eldest daughter of the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, Gulnara, and in this capacity has always been in full view of the press.

Published two weeks earlier in Uzbek online publications by Usmon Khaknazarova about Gulnara Karimova’s troubles with her father and the closure of the STV channel after that significantly increased interest in the activities and, in fact, the person of F. Abdukholikov.

The mentioned article highlighted the issue of the emerging tension in the relations between the President of Uzbekistan I. Karimov and his eldest daughter Gulnara, in connection with which it was argued that the next target of the wrath of the head of government would be F. Abdukholikov himself, who, as mentioned above, is part of the circle of close associates to the "Princess of Uzbekistan".

Radio Ozodlik correspondents tried several times to contact the media magnate’s offices in Samarkand and Tashkent to receive official comments on these events from F. Abdukholikov himself, but their efforts were unsuccessful.

There were reports that two accomplices Gulnara Karimova, allegedly related to corruption schemes, - Gayane Avakyan and Rustam Madumarov - imprisoned for long periods. “According to several sources independent of each other, Rustam Madumarov was convicted in the Tashkent region as an employee of the National Security Service group accused of embezzlement,” writes the Exchange Leader with reference to Ozodlik (Radio Liberty in Uzbekistan).

According to several reports received by Radio Ozodlik from different sources last week, Rustam Madumarov was sentenced to 10 years in prison, Gayane Avakyan - to 9 years.

According to reports, a group of SNB officers were tried last week in a criminal court in the Tashkent region.

According to sources from law enforcement agencies of Uzbekistan, among the NSS employees accused of embezzlement and a number of other crimes, a close business partner of Gulnara Karimova was tried, and, according to some sources, her common-law husband Rustam Madumarov.

“The trial was held behind closed doors, because Rustam Madumarov was tried there as part of the SNB group. It is unknown under what articles of the Criminal Code they were tried. But, as they say, the group was accused of kidnapping people (presumably Gulnara Karimova’s assistant, Nurmukhammad Sodikov), illegally exporting expensive things from the country (it is unknown what),” writes a Tashkent source for Ozodlik radio.

In Article 135 of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan it is written about theft of people. According to the document, the punishment includes imprisonment from 5 to 12 years.

Radio Ozodlik correspondents contacted the criminal court of the Tashkent region, the prosecutor's office and other government agencies, but were unable to obtain any information from the regional authorities.

According to sources, any information related to this case is strictly classified. Both NSS employees and Madumarov’s lawyers signed non-disclosure documents.

At the same time, the Uzbek BBC service, citing its sources, reported on the trial of Gayane Avakyan and Rustam Madumarov.

In a report distributed on July 13, the Uzbek BBC service provided other details of the trial. The BBC also reported a 10-year sentence for Madumarov, but due to the addition of sentences, a third of this term was reduced. Avakyan also received a reduction in her sentence from 9 to 6 years.

All these statements from independent sources have not yet been confirmed, but neither have they been refuted by official institutions.

Rustam Madumarov
[Uznews.net, 06/20/2013, “Owners of offshore companies from Uzbekistan”: The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) published a list of offshore owners from around the world, including 30 people from Uzbekistan. [...]
Among the public figures on this list is Rustam Madumarov, one of the members of the musical family group Dado, who has been rumored for many years to be the boyfriend of the daughter of the Uzbek president, Gulnara Karimova.
His address is indicated in the Yunus-Abad quarter in Tashkent, and that he is the owner of the offshore company Stockbrigde Plus LTD. - Insert K.ru]

Let us recall that on February 17 in Tashkent, a special group of the National Security Service conducted search in the apartment of Gulnara Karimova, the eldest daughter of the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, and everyone who was with her, about 10 people, including young children, were detained: Karimova herself, her common-law husband Rustam Madumarov, her daughter, as well as members of her inner circle - Gayane Avakyan, Ekaterina Klyueva with their 1.5-year-old daughter and staff.

With the detention of Gayane Avakyan and Rustam Madumarov, the General Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan, with hitherto invisible efficiency, opened a criminal case against them.

Reports that appeared after this story say that Gulnara Karimova and her daughter Iman have since been under house arrest.

The government of Uzbekistan has since confiscated large buildings in the center of Tashkent belonging to Gulnara Karimova in favor of the state, as confirmed by law enforcement agencies of Uzbekistan and the State Property Committee.

Then a source from Radio Ozodlik from the State Property Committee reported that they belonged to the companies Solid-Investment, Fast-Development, Panally LTD, Aval-Invest. These buildings were transferred to the state by court decision. All of these companies were registered in the name of Gulnara Karimova’s assistant, Gayane Avakyan.

At the same time, conflicting reports are spreading about the condition of Gulnara Karimova herself.

The online newspaper Uzmetronom writes that on July 8, Gulnara Karimova celebrated her birthday in one of the Baltic countries in a circle close to her.

A day after this, photographs appeared on the RuNet showing that the president’s daughter was still under house arrest, and her next letter was also published on the birthday of her sister Lola - July 3.

In March, the prosecutor's offices of Switzerland and Sweden announced the start of an investigation into "suspicion of money laundering and bribery by the daughter of the President of Uzbekistan Gulnara Karimova" and criminal cases were opened.

In addition to Sweden, criminal cases regarding TeliaSonera bribing the daughter of the President of Uzbekistan, Gulnara Karimova, with $350 million have been initiated in Switzerland, Latvia, France and Holland. Suspects in these criminal cases include people close to Gulnara Karimova, in particular, her common-law husband Rustam Madumarov, assistant Gayane Avakyan, Alisher Ergashev, Shokhrukh Sobirov.

The Swiss prosecutor's office announced that Gulnara Karimova herself has become a suspect in the money laundering case.

In all European countries where investigative work against Gulnara Karimova is taking place, her personal bank accounts and real estate have been frozen.

["Russian Planet", 07/14/2014, "Serdyukov's case in Uzbek": Reports of court verdicts against Madumarov and Avakyan are still unofficial, although the probability of this information is close to 100%, a political scientist and expert on CIS countries Arkady Dubnov. He noted that the story of this verdict is very reminiscent of the course of the criminal and trial proceedings against the former head of the Russian Ministry of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov and one of the department’s senior officials Evgenia Vasilyeva.
“The scheme looks quite similar: Serdyukov is no longer in danger - he was granted an amnesty, and all the blame for some corrupt deals falls on Vasilyeva’s shoulders. In a similar Uzbek version, Serdyukov’s place is taken by Gulnara Karimova, who was also under threat of arrest. Now she is allegedly under house arrest, but all charges related to the activities of structures and funds under her control are laid on her closest associates,” Dubnov explained.
According to the expert, Karimova is not in danger of criminal liability and after some time she will be released from house arrest. The political scientist believes that the comrades of the president’s daughter Madumarov and Avakyan, who have already had their sentences reduced, may not serve their sentence in full and in the future it will be replaced with a more lenient one. “This is such an act of intimidation, it has to do with the clan struggle within the Uzbek security forces and ruling elites. During this game, various “scenario developments” of possible options for exiting this high-profile scandalous case are being carried out,” says RP’s interlocutor.
He added that recent interview with Karimov's grandson for the REN-TV channel, which can be called rather symbolic, is one of the next moves in this scenario, where the son of Gulnara Karimova himself acts as a pawn. “He is only intended to demonstrate that his mother is under serious pressure from the security forces, until now she has actually been the defender of all the humiliated and oppressed, so she is having a hard time there now. In my opinion, this speech only confirms the goal of the entire scenario being implemented: Gulnara Karimova should ultimately be recognized as almost a political prisoner, which will help her somehow get rid of or mitigate the consequences of her criminal prosecution in the West,” Dubnov concluded. - Insert K.ru]