Questioning of parents family holidays in Dow. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the questionnaire “Family traditions and values”

Questionnaire for parents “Your family and its traditions”

Dear parents, think about the questions in the proposed questionnaire. By answering them, you will be able to comprehend the traditions of your family and prepare to participate in discussions in the “Family Living Room” classes.

1. Genealogy.

1. How much do you know about your ancestors (from the stories of your family and friends)? If not enough, then why?

2. How many generations do you know? Can you draw a family tree?

3. Do you know the origin of your last name?

4. Are you related to distant relatives? Do you have many of them?

5. Is there (was) a tradition of correspondence between relatives in the clan or family?

2. Family stories.

1. Do you know any bright facts from the history of your family (interesting, funny, curious)? Tell us some of them.

2. Was (are) anyone in your family considered an extraordinary, interesting person? Why? What do you know about this person?

3. Were (are there) particularly kind, sympathetic, merciful people in your family?

4. Have there been any legends about the life of the family in various historical periods? What do grandparents, parents and other relatives like to remember and talk about most?

5. Are there any interesting, memorable incidents or biographical facts in the history of the family (clan) that are told to children and remembered when relatives get together?

6. Are there any family stories related to professional activities?

7. Are there any family stories about children, about your childhood (according to elders)?

8. Are there any family stories about pets and plants?

9. Under what circumstances is the past more often remembered or stories told in the family?

3. Heredity and connections of relatives.

1. Are there any patterns or repeating events in the history of your clan (family)?

2. Are personal qualities, abilities, interests, and professional inclinations inherited in your family?

3. Which relative are you like or would like to be like?

4. Would you like to raise your child to be like one of your relatives? On whom?

5. Which of your relatives do you feel the love and care of most?

6. Do you have a tradition in your family of preserving the memory of deceased relatives? How do you usually remember the dead in your family?

1. Can you call your family friendly?

2. Have there been any serious conflicts in the clan (family)? If possible, describe them.

3. Have there been situations of misunderstanding, quarrels, disagreements between children and parents?

4. Are there stepmothers, stepfathers, half-brothers and sisters; How is your relationship with them?

5. What are your relationships with your sisters and brothers? What are such relationships like in other generations of the family?

6. Are there any relatives with whom you cannot (or cannot) quarrel?

7. Have there been cases of separation of close relatives, their loss for many years or forever due to external (historical) reasons?

8. Were there any significant, including unexpected, meetings between relatives?

9. Have you ever had to accept a new person into the family?

5. Family life events.

1. Do you know how your grandparents, parents, and other relatives met (got married)?

2. Have significant events related to the wedding of grandparents and parents been preserved in the family?

3. Do you have any interesting memories associated with the birth of your children?

4. Was there (is) a special tradition in the family of choosing a name for the child?

5. Why (in honor of whom) were you given your name? Are there special stories associated with the names of other family members?

6. Why did you name your child(ren) by a certain name(s)?

6. Family heirlooms.

1. Do you have any heirlooms in your family? What are they connected to?

2. Does your family keep photographs? Is there a family album? Which of the photographs are especially dear to you? Are there any interesting captions on the photos?

3. To what period does the oldest photograph kept in your family belong?

4. Is there a home archive? What does it include?

5. Which family archive documents are of the greatest value, in your opinion?

6. Are letters, postcards, and other handwritten evidence of the past kept in the family?

7. Are there home albums about any events or periods of life?

8. Was there (is) a “family book” in the family?

9. Are there memoirs and diaries of family members in the family archive?

7. Home

1. Which place do you consider your homeland?

2. What is “home” for you?

3. Have there been any moves in the family history, and what is connected with them?

4. Do you (your children) like to return home from trips?

5. What room (place) in your (your children’s) house (apartment) is your (your children’s) favorite and why?

6. Where and when does the family get together?

7. Where and when do relatives get together?

8. Holidays.

1. What holidays do you consider family holidays? Which ones are your favorite, and why?

2. How do you celebrate birthdays? Are there differences in celebrating the birthdays of a child and an adult family member?

3. Do you celebrate name days, angel days of family members?

4. Do you tag others? Religious holidays: Christmas, Easter? Has it always been like this in the family?

5. As celebrated in the family New Year? Are there traditions associated with preparations for the holiday and the celebration itself?

6. Do you celebrate public holidays?

7. What events in the lives of relatives become family holidays?

8. Are wedding anniversaries celebrated?

9. Are professional holidays celebrated?

10. Tell us about celebrating anniversaries?

11. What forms of congratulations are accepted in your family?

12. Are there (are) homemade congratulatory poems or other texts (wishes, etc.)?

13. Who in the house usually leads the festive dinner or feast?

9. Everyday communication.

1. Do you have a daily routine at home? Are joint lunches and dinners accepted?

2. What forms of greetings and farewells do you accept?

3. What forms of parting words for the journey during any separation are accepted in your family?

4. Are there any family habits? Are there "home origin" rules?

5. Do your family members have “home” names?

6. What forms of address, formed from the words “grandmother”, “grandfather”, “mom”, “dad”, do you use in your family?

7. How is it customary to address aunts and uncles in your family? To the brothers and sisters of grandparents? Is it the same for everyone?

8. How were pets given nicknames in your family?

9.Are there jokes and teasing accepted in your family? How did they appear?

10. Is there a habit in your family of naming or characterizing objects, phenomena, people in a special way? Give examples of such characteristics and names.

11. Do your family use special words or forms of reproach in case of disagreement? words for reconciliation?

10. Child in the family.

1. What do your family sing or tell their children, including at night? What did they sing and tell you as a child? What replaced singing and storytelling?

2. Are there fairy tales that adults themselves compose for children in your family? If possible, please tell me.

3. Are there fairy tales and fairy-tale games that are invented when a child does not want to go to bed, wash, eat, does not obey, etc.?

4. In what ways and in what forms do they scare children if they are disobedient, misbehave or do not study well?

5. Are there any special ones (verbal and other) family forms incentives? Who is usually given as an example to children?

6. What usually follows the words: “Here we are in your time...” (from different family members)?

7. What did they tell you to give an example of behavior without teaching?

8. What events in a child’s life are celebrated in your family?

9.What is considered a sign of adulthood in your family?

10. Your “family image” in any version.

Questionnaire for parents

The topic is “The values ​​and traditions of our family.”

1. Full name of the parent _________________________________________________________________

2. Family tree your family, do you have it?

· Yes

· Partially, we collect information about him

· No, but we are planning to create one

· No.

3. Does your family have:

· "Family Legends"

· "Family commandments"

· "Family Code of Honor"

· “Family Portfolio” (family album, museum of family lineage and traditions, collection of family achievements, etc.)

· Other: ____________________

4. What traditions exist in your family:

Traditions associated with holidays

- “Holiday” traditions (children’s holidays, vacations, etc.)

Day off traditions

Traditions associated with achievements (1st step, 1st word, entering school/institute, passing exams, etc.)

Culinary traditions

Traditional family games (“Loto”, “Monopoly”, etc.)

Other: _________________________

5. How did certain traditions appear and take hold in your family?

· They are fixed by society (traditional)

They pass in our family from generation to generation

· We ourselves purposefully made this a tradition of our family

They appeared by themselves

· Other: ________________________________

6. How do you introduce your child to the values ​​that your family adheres to?

· Through the norms and rules established in the family and which everyone must adhere to

· Educational conversations with the child about why this is important, etc.

Anna Krizhevskaya
Questionnaire for parents " Family traditions»

Dear parents!

Every family has certain traditions. Good or bad, consciously and purposefully created or developed on their own. It is known that family traditions are very important for the upbringing and development of a child. To determine how much attention is being paid family traditions in your family, please answer the following questions.

1. Do you think there should be people in the family? traditions?

Yes, definitely;

Perhaps, if they formed themselves;

No, these are relics of the past.

2. What you keep family traditions?

Birthdays of family members;

All Souls' Days;

Collective visits to cinemas, theaters, museums, etc.;

Religious rites(visiting a temple, fasting, religious holidays, etc.;

Family Day;

Professional holidays;

Design of photo albums;

Sunday family dinners(dinners);

Carrying out family councils;

Other ___ .

3. What hobbies do your family members have?




Computer games;



Other ___ .

4. What hobbies do you introduce your child to?




Computer games;



Other ___ .

5. What work unites your family?

Work at the dacha, apartment renovation, pet care;

Individual work activity;

There is no common work, different responsibilities are distributed among all family members;

Other ___ .

6. Are there any non-working adults in your family who are raising a child?



Nanny (governess);


Other relatives.

7. Do you organize special activities for the child?

Shared reading;

Walk outdoors;

Handicraft training;

Educational games;

Sports activities;

Our child is independent, finds something to do for himself

We don’t specifically deal with children, we involve them in what we do ourselves;

Other ___ .

8. Your suggestions to the preschool teaching staff educational institution ___ .

Thank you for your cooperation!

Publications on the topic:

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Questionnaire "Traditions of my family"

1. Genealogy.

    How much do you know about your ancestors (according to storiesnykh and loved ones)? If not enough, then why?

    How many generations do you know? Can you draw a genealogical tree?

    Do you know the origin of your surname?

    Are you related to distant relatives? Are there many of them?you?

    Is there (was) a tradition of correspondence between relatives?kami in the clan, family?

2. Family stories.

    Do you know bright facts from the history of the clan, family (ininteresting, funny, curious)? Tell us some of them.

    Are the legends about the life of the family preserved in various historical sources?toric periods? What do people like to remember and talk about more?call grandparents, parents and other relatives?

    Are there any interesting, memorable events in the history of the family (clan)?teas, biographical facts that children are told about,remember when relatives get together?

    Are there any family stories related to professionalactivity?

    Are there family stories about pets growing up?niah?

3. Heredity and connections of relatives.

    Are personal qualities inherited in your family?qualities, abilities, interests, professional inclinations?

    Which relative are you like or would you like to be?similar?

    Would you like to raise your child to be like it from relatives? On whom?

    Which of your relatives do you feel the love and care of?yourself most of all?

    Do you have a tradition in your family of preserving the memory of someone who died?your relatives? How do they usually remember the dead in your country?family?

4. Relationship history.

    Can you call your family friendly?

    What is your relationship with your sisters and brothers? What areAre relationships like this in other generations of the family?

    Have there been cases of separation of close relatives, theirlosses for many years or forever due to external (historical)ski) reasons?

    Were there significant cases, including unexpected ones?nykh, meetings of relatives?

    Have you ever welcomed a new person into your family?

5. Family life events.

    Do you know how the grandmothers andgrandparents, parents, other relatives?

    Have any significant events related to the wedding of grandparents and parents survived in the family?

    Do you have any interesting memories associated withthe birth of children?

    Was there (is) a special tradition in the family?choosing a name for a child?

    Why (in honor of whom) were you given your name? Are there any specialstories associated with the names of other family members?

6. Family heirlooms.

    Do you have any heirlooms in your family? What are they with?connected?

    Does your family keep photographs? Is there a familyalbum? Which of the photographs are especially dear to you? Whether there is ainteresting captions on photos?

    What period does the oldest photograph belong to?kept in your family?

    Is there a home archive? What does it include?

    Do the family keep letters, postcards, and other manuscripts?new evidence of the past?

7. Home

    Which place do you consider your homeland?

    What is “home” for you?

    Have there been any moves in the family history, and what is connected with them?

    Do you (your children) like to return home from the train?doc, travel?

    Where and when does the family get together?


    What holidays do you consider family holidays? Which of themmost favorite, why?

    How do you celebrate birthdays? Are there any differences incelebrating the birthdays of a child and an adult family member?

    Do you celebrate name days, angel days of family members?

    Do you celebrate other religious holidays: ChristmasChrist's, Easter? Has it always been like this in the family?

    How is New Year celebrated in the family? Are there traditions associated withinvolved in preparation for the holiday, the celebration itself?

9. Everyday communication.

    Do you have a daily routine at home? Are jointnew lunches, dinners?

    What forms of greetings and farewells do you accept?

    What are the forms of parting words for the journey during any parting?accepted in your family?

    Do your family members have “home” names?

    What forms of addresses formed from the words “ba”grandmother”, “grandfather”, “mother”, “father”, do you use it in your family?

Questionnaire “Family Traditions”

Read the question and mark the appropriate answer; if the proposed options do not satisfy you, enter your answer.

What family traditions do you observe?

Birthdays of family members;

All Souls' Days;

Collective visits to cinemas, theaters, museums, etc.;

Religious rituals (visiting a temple, fasting, religious holidays, etc.;

Family Day;

Professional holidays;

Publishing a family newspaper;

Design of photo albums;

Sunday family lunches (dinners);

Conducting family councils;

Other ___

What hobbies do your family members have?

Sports fishing pets

Sewing chess reading

Handicrafts singing music playing

Collecting, writing poetry (stories, fairy tales)

Other ___

Which of your hobbies do you involve your child in?

What work unites your family?

There is no common labor, everyone has their own job cleaning the apartment

Gardening work apartment renovation pet care

Individual labor activity

Other ___

What material and living conditions and means of education does your family have?

Separate room for the child, corner in the common room

Sports equipment musical instruments

Library computer

Music center movie camera

Camera living corner (aquarium)

Sewing machine knitting machine

Carpentry tools educational games

Bicycle (snowboard, motorcycle)

Other ___

Are there any non-working adults in your family who are raising your children?

Mother grandmother great grandmother nanny governess

Dad grandfather other relatives

What good (bad) does your child “bring” from kindergarten?

Mental development aesthetic development

Communication culture independence

Interest in knowledge desire to go to school

Attention to loved ones fear of the teacher

Fear of adults and bad language

Disobedience nervousness

Rudeness fatigue

Excitement and reluctance to go to kindergarten. garden

Other ___

7. Are the child’s activities organized specifically in your family?

Reading together, walking in nature, teaching manual skills

We help or monitor implementation homework(repair, sewing, etc.)

We play educational games and organize sports activities

Our child is independent, finds something to do for himself

We don’t specifically deal with children, we involve them in what we do ourselves

Other ___

8. Your suggestions to the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution