Pregnant Kovalchuk showed a big belly. A true shot of the year! A photo of pregnant Yulia Kovalchuk with her husband caused an unprecedented stir on the Internet! Yulia Kovalchuk is pregnant or

Singer Yulia Kovalchuk will soon become a mother. The show business star finally confirmed the rumors that had long been circulating in the press.

Julia's revelations

Journalists have already claimed many times that Kovalchuk is expecting a child, but all this was only at the level of gossip. The star only laughed off tricky questions.

In the summer of 2017, it became reliably known that Yulia Kovalchuk had already crossed the second trimester of pregnancy. The singer gave an interview to a Russian publication, where she admitted that she leads a completely ordinary lifestyle. According to her, she does not have any whims or special preferences in food.

“I believe in my body. He himself will tell me what to do during this magical period that is happening to me now.”

Yulia believes that speculation about pregnancy is simply unacceptable. “They only anger the man they love and harm the expectant mother,” says the star.

Photo: Instagram @juliakovalchuk

Yulia Kovalchuk addressed her fans on Instagram: “I’m sure you will understand why we hid this happy event for so long. This is very personal and we didn’t want to publicize my pregnancy ahead of time.”

Happy future parents do not give any official statements about when the birth will take place, where everything will take place and who they are expecting - a boy or a girl. It is known that Yulia Kovalchuk and her husband are now vacationing in Spain. Journalists suggested that it was in this country that the long-awaited baby would be born.

Yulia Kovalchuk is always in the spotlight of both the press and fans. From the first days of working in the “Brilliant” group, she was predicted to have a great future, a career and a successful personal life. What of these predictions came true? What to expect in the near future?

Biography of Yulia

Yulia was born in the city of Volzhsky near Volgograd in the early eighties in the family of a teacher and chief designer at a plant. Since childhood, she has been involved in creativity: choreography and gymnastics. And at the age of 17 she had a pop dance group, where Yulia danced herself.

After graduating from school, she entered the University of Culture and Arts in Moscow. In 2001, she joined the Blestyaschiye group and worked there for more than 6 years. After leaving the group, she began singing solo, in which she also succeeded.

In her personal life, everything is going well - she is married to singer Alexei Chumakov. These dry lines that Wikipedia gave out. The stages of her life are a biography, and you can only learn about the singer’s feelings, aspirations and successes from the singer.

Chumakov and Kovalchuk are expecting a new addition to the family

There are rumors and speculation around Yulia - she is a sociable person, always in sight, so people gossip. But she provoked the latest rumors about herself by posting on her page a photo of them traveling around Italy. The star's protruding belly is visible on it. Yulia's fans immediately thought that Yulia Kovalchuk was pregnant and began to congratulate her on the expectation of an heir.

Officially, she and Alexei got married only in 2013, but before that they had already lived together for quite a long time, so Yulia’s pregnancy would be a logical continuation of family happiness. Still, whether Yulia is pregnant or not is unclear.

Julia herself denied the rumors

Also online, Yulia wrote to fans that she was not pregnant, and she was let down by a jacket that didn’t fit right. The fans were sincerely upset and wished them a speedy correction of this situation. They consider Yulia and Alexei a beautiful couple and predict beautiful offspring for them.

Everyone knows that Julia does not like to talk about her personal life. They even held their wedding in Spain secretly from fans and colleagues, inviting only 12 guests. Therefore, having become pregnant, Yulia will openly speak about it only when it becomes impossible to hide it.

In the meantime, Yulia and Alexey have a new puppy - another favorite. There are now five of them - three dogs and a married couple. They spend the summer of 2016 in Spain, where they have their own home. Therefore, we will find out whether Yulia Kovalchuk is pregnant after the summer holidays.


Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov are expecting a baby: the singer is five months pregnant! Finally, they started talking loudly about the pregnancy of singer Yulia Kovalchuk, whose “interesting situation” has been talked about lately.

There has always been a lot of gossip and rumors around the singer Yulia Kovalchuk.

Either everyone is actively discussing her divorce from her husband, or something else...

This time there were rumors that Julia was pregnant.

A lot of noise arose around this topic due to the fact that Julia was wearing a very provocative sweater in one photo. It was a photo of her traveling around Italy with her husband Alexei Chumakov. Fans in the photo saw that a rounded tummy appeared under the singer’s clothes.

In the last few months, 34-year-old Yulia Kovalchuk has begun to wear mostly loose and loose-fitting outfits, although before that she often showed off her toned tummy.

As expected, Yulia Kovalchuk is pregnant for the first time: she is five months pregnant.

Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov will become parents for the first time.

This news was confirmed by Irina Turchinskaya; together with the singer she is involved in the Kovalchuk School of Success, where she is preparing her own fitness program.

Chumakov and Kovalchuk will become parents and during this tremulous period Alexey Chumakov supports his wife in everything, helps her, tries to brighten up all the moments. Insiders from the couple’s circle also spoke about this.

"They are a very harmonious couple. Lesha is the most gallant. In addition, he has a wonderful sense of humor. Next to him, Yulia always smiles. Of course, now she is trying to take care, spends a lot of time at home and in the fresh air, eats right. Alexey does not leave from his wife when he returns from tour."

But the singer herself did not hesitate and decided to speak out on this matter.

Julia herself said that initially she didn’t even think that this photo could give rise to so many guesses and gossip. Therefore, when rumors began to spread that Yulia was pregnant, she wrote the following response to fans: “I’m not pregnant, it’s just how the T-shirt fit.” But the fans didn't want to stop. A lot of comments immediately appeared saying that it was a pity that she wasn’t pregnant. Someone even suggested that they came to such beautiful places to “make a baby.”

Of course, Julia, like many famous people, doesn’t really like it when her fans go where they’re not asked to go. She is not used to showing off her personal life. What can I say: they even had their wedding secretly, in Spain. Only 12 closest people were invited to this event. Therefore, most likely, even if Yulia finds herself in an “interesting” position, she will not shout about it to the whole world. At least until the belly is not so noticeable. When the time comes, she will definitely notify the world about this event. I would also like to add that earlier there were also rumors that Kovalchuk was pregnant. For example, after one broadcast of a show called “One to One,” everyone unanimously said that Kovalchuk was pregnant. And all because she appeared on the show in a red peplum dress. And this peplum supposedly hid her “pregnant” belly, but these rumors ultimately remained just rumors.

Fans of the star couple Alexei Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk were eagerly awaiting confirmation of this news. Rumors have been circulating since the beginning of summer, but only now Julia presented her rounded belly to the public.

Alexey and Yulia not only shared the news about the joyful event, but also posed for the cover of a glossy magazine. The press has many times attributed the pregnancy to the girl, but this time there is no doubt!

Very soon Yulia will have to give birth and she finally decided to talk about her pregnancy.

“I really trust my feelings and believe that my body itself will tell me how to react to the magic that happens to me. Besides, pregnancy is a universal joy! From the very beginning, I knew that I would not have the whims and speculations characteristic of a large number of pregnant girls. It seems to me that this only angers and pushes away the man I love!” - quotes Yulia OK!

Fans reacted to this message with undisguised joy: “When Julia heard the news, she exhaled. Finally! Hooray! Health, peace, harmony! And all-consuming love to your beautiful family! Easy pregnancy."

Subscribers once again approved of Julia’s choice of life partner: “To be honest, I am neither your fan nor a fan of your husband, but I am very pleased to look at your couple. You are so sincere, you don't make a show of your family life, do not make quarrels (if they happen) public. You are so beautiful here, pregnancy is beautiful, be happy, congratulations from the bottom of my heart!”

The singer has already addressed her subscribers with a promise not to clutter her Instagram blog with an excessive number of her own pregnant photos. Julia also claims that the topic of motherhood will not seriously affect her Instagram. The singer hopes that her career and creativity will be no less interesting to fans after the birth of her child. She also thanked fans for their kind words and wishes.

Yulia Kovalchuk and her husband Alexey Chumakov grace the cover of the new issue of the Russian version of OK! Popular performers took part in photography for the material; Kovalchuk published the cover of the latest issue on her official page in social network Instagram.


In the photo, Yulia poses, showing off her big belly. “This is not just the most important thing, it is magic and a miracle 🙏, and I am sure that you will understand why we treat this event with such care and attention and have not advertised it for a long time),” Kovalchuk wrote.

The artist further said that the conversation was conducted by journalist Vadim Vernik, with whom the conversation was not just friendly, “but confidentially warm and sincerely light.” In conclusion, the performer thanked her many subscribers. "Thank you all, my beloved and sensitive fans, who throughout long period time, they very carefully expressed their guesses and were energetically there)!!! For me, for us, this is invaluable and very important🙏🙏🙏 love and kindness💞,” Julia addressed the fans.

Numerous fans immediately poured out congratulations and compliments to the future parents. “Congratulations!!! You are smart!!! Health!!!”, “I’m very happy for you💜”, “I have tears in my eyes..... I’m so happy for you”, “Yulya, your breasts gave you away in the June photos 😉. I’m very happy for you and Lesha. Have an easy birth 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. good news😉", "How great is this! Good luck to you! And God bless your family!❤", "Remember this wonderful feeling! Take care of yourself! Health to you and the baby!” users commented on Kovalchuk’s latest publication.

Let us remind you that Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov secretly got married in May 2014 in Spain, where they have their own apartment. Only the closest people were present at the ceremony. Interestingly, a couple of weeks before the wedding, the lovers asked the mayor of the city for permission to play music until three o'clock in the morning, and not until midnight, as is customary.