What can be made from rose petals. Recipes for homemade skin care cosmetics from rose petals Can be made with tea rose petals

Many people grow roses in their summer cottages. When the flowering period comes to an end, the question arises of what can be made from rose petals.

Tea rose is used to make jam and added to hot drinks. But you can also use varieties that are not suitable for internal consumption. They make good cosmetics.

Benefits of roses

Rose is an amazing flower; it not only amazes with its beauty, but also has a lot of useful properties that can preserve youth and freshness of the skin. It has been used in cosmetology for a long time. Even ancient beauties took baths with petals and washed their faces with rose water in the morning. The flower is very beneficial for the skin, as it has anti-inflammatory, tonic and healing effects.

The effect of use is noticeable after the first time, which cannot but please the ladies. The skin color acquires a natural, healthy shade, and the tone is evened out. The skin becomes smooth and soft. And the feeling of freshness lasts all day.

Rose petals will help get rid of problems such as dryness, flaking, inflammation and sagging skin. The flower has a slight tightening effect, which helps maintain a youthful face.

Absolutely everyone can use such products, regardless of age and skin type. The only contraindication is individual intolerance.

Since it is not possible to use fresh petals all year round, they are dried and stored in a glass container, in a place protected from moisture. Preparing raw materials for homemade cosmetics is very simple. Fresh petals should be laid out on cloth and dried in a shaded place. Dry petals can be stored for 2 years.

It is important to remember that for cooking home cosmetics Only those flowers that grew on the site are suitable. Some women use store-bought roses, but this is a huge mistake. Flowers grown for sale are often fed with chemicals to make them grow faster and last longer. In addition, already during the sales process they are treated with various means.

Therefore, you cannot use purchased rose petals: the use of such flowers can only harm the health of the skin, causing redness, rash, and dermatitis. If a woman does not grow roses herself, but wants to rejuvenate her skin with natural remedies, flowers can be purchased from grandmothers who are summer residents.

Use of rose petals

Both fresh and dry petals are suitable for making cosmetics. If the product is made from dry raw materials, the flowers must first be ground in a coffee grinder. Fresh roses are crushed only for cream or mask; in other cases, whole petals can be used.

The effect will be better if you steam the skin first. A bath, sauna, hot or steam bath are suitable for this purpose.

The most in a simple way To rejuvenate the skin of the body is a bath with roses. It helps relieve fatigue after a hard day, softens and tones the skin. A light pleasant aroma will help calm the nervous system. Such baths are recommended for people exposed to frequent stress. Fresh flowers can be added directly to the water when filling the bath. Recommended water temperature is 40ºС.

Dry petals must first be brewed. The raw materials are crushed, filled with water and placed in a water bath for 20 minutes, covered with a lid. To prevent small particles from interfering, the broth must be strained before use.

For cooking sea ​​salt For baths you will need fresh petals. For 200 g of salt you need 5 rose buds. The ingredients are mixed and placed in glass jar with a tight lid and leave in a warm place for 14 days.

To make water for morning washing, you will need 2 handfuls of raw materials. The flowers are poured with warm water and left for 6-8 hours. Fresh petals can be used as an independent remedy. It is enough to pass them through a meat grinder - and the refreshing mask is ready. Before use, you need to clean and steam the skin.

Dry petals can be used to make cosmetic ice; this is an excellent tonic for the skin of the face and décolleté. One handful of raw materials is poured with 250 ml of boiling water and left for 20-25 minutes. After which the liquid must be strained, poured into molds and placed in the freezer. Ice is applied 2 times a day.

Masks and lotions

The above recipes are suitable for anyone. But you need to choose masks and lotions based on your skin type. The most popular of them:

  1. Nourishing face mask. You will need crushed rose petals, cream and egg white. Mix everything in equal parts, 1-2 tsp each, and leave for 5-10 minutes. The mask is applied to cleansed skin of the face and neck. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes, after which the product is washed off with cool water. Such the mask will do women with normal and oily epidermis. If skin dry, you only need to use flowers and cream.
  2. Anti-wrinkle remedy. Add starch to a fresh decoction of roses (1 glass), you should get a mixture resembling jelly. The finished product is applied to cleansed skin and kept for 15-20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
  3. Anti-blackhead lotion. This product is only suitable for oily skin, as it contains vinegar. You will need 0.5 liters of table vinegar and 4 cups of petals, preferably red ones. The flowers are poured with vinegar, closed and left in a warm place for 21 days. After 3 weeks, the infusion is filtered and diluted with water (1:1). The product is ready.
  4. Hair conditioner lotion. Add the juice of 1 lemon to 1.5 liters of rose decoction. The product is used after washing your hair, making the hair more vibrant and shiny.

There are also more complex recipes using oils, medicinal herbs and other flowers. In addition, cosmetologists recommend adding to each product essential oils roses to enhance the effect.

This flower has not only regal beauty, but also a unique aroma. Rose is also considered a medicinal plant.

There are essential oils and rose extracts that stimulate the human immune and nervous systems, improve skin condition and have a beneficial effect on health internal organs. Tinctures from rose petals promote healing of mucous membranes and improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Rose helps relieve headaches, dizziness or an attack of weakness.

If you want to cook something from rose petals, then it is best to collect them in the first hours of the morning or at dawn, then the petals will be fresh and clean. It is even better to collect after rain. Place the collected petals on thick paper, sort them out and dry them in a well-ventilated but shaded place. If you are preparing rose tea, tinctures or infusions, the petals should be dried completely. Rose jam is usually made from fresh petals.


The jam is prepared for several days; in the morning and evening we bring it to a boil and turn it off. Exclusively in order to preserve the maximum beneficial properties.

It can be added to tea, used as a filling for donuts and rolls.
The collected petals need to be slightly dried, and then covered with sugar in a 1:1 ratio and left for a couple of days. From 1 kg of sugar, a glass of water and the juice of half a lemon, syrup is boiled separately, to which is then added pink petals with sugar. The resulting mixture must be boiled until the petals soften. The jam can be canned or stored in the refrigerator.

It is useful to use when colds, to strengthen the immune system, for gum inflammation and just like that.


Petals - 200-300g, citric acid - 2 tbsp. spoons (can be replaced with 1 lemon), sugar - 4 cups, water - 3 cups, vodka - 0.5 l.

Mix the petals with a glass of sugar (pressing well so that they release the juice slightly), add citric acid. Pour into a jar and refrigerate for 3 days. Then cook the syrup: boil 3 cups of water, adding 3 cups of sugar. Cool, pour into the petals, mix and refrigerate for 10 days. After 10 days, strain through cheesecloth, squeeze and add vodka, pour into a bottle and let stand for another day. Yields about 2.5 liters.

Petals with sugar

It is easier to prepare ground petals than jam, and more useful substances are retained in them without heat treatment. And nature generously endowed the tea rose with them: the petals contain vitamins C, K, B1 and B3.
Tea rose - wonderful natural remedy for colds. Why buy medicines if, for a sore throat and cough, you can hold a spoonful of sweet medicine in your mouth or make tea with roses, using mashed petals instead of tea leaves! Rose is used for stomatitis and sore throats; “delicious flower” will help cure thrush in children. And, of course, rose petals are very nice to eat just for fun!

Rose tart with sugar

1. 300 g rose petals, 0.6 kg sugar.

Grind the petals with sugar until they release juice. Then place tightly in jars and close with a nylon lid. Keep refrigerated.

2.100 g rose petals, 150 g sugar, 1/2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice.

On a sunny morning, cut a few tea rose flowers, then use scissors to cut off the stems along with the lower white part. Sort the tea rose petals, rinse, dry, spreading them in one layer on paper. Then grind them in parts with sugar in a mortar until smooth. Combine the resulting mass with lemon juice, transfer to a small jar, close the lid and place in the refrigerator.

This preparation makes a wonderful filling for bagels, buns and cookies.

Pink honey

Rose honey has truly magical healing powers. It is used as a general strengthening, tonic and anti-inflammatory agent for long-term chronic inflammatory diseases of the lungs (chronic pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, etc.).

1. 80 g petals, 100 ml water, 100 g honey.

Rose petals are poured with boiling water, simmered over low heat for 15 minutes, and left for 24 hours. Add honey to the resulting composition, stir well and boil until the whole mass becomes homogeneous.

Take 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day.

2. 250 g of dry wrinkled rose or rose hip petals, 1 liter of water, 750 g of honey.

Pour boiling water over rose petals and leave for 12 hours. Strain through a linen and squeeze out. Add honey to the liquid, bring slowly to a boil and cook until it reaches the consistency of syrup.

For diseases of the upper respiratory tract, fevers, pulmonary diseases, and all protracted, debilitating diseases, it is recommended to drink this honey as a medicine, 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Petal syrup

Pour layers of rose and sugar into a 3-liter dry jar. Lightly compact and place on the windowsill in the sun. As heat and sugar act, juice comes out of the petals rich color and aroma, while the contents of the jar sags, which makes it possible to add a second and third portion of petals and sugar to it. As a result, you will receive healing nectar, which must be squeezed out of the thick mass of petals and poured into small jars for storage. It is used to treat diseases of the oral cavity: stomatitis, gingivitis, thrush in children, sore throat, and also as a flavoring for various drinks, creams, and pastries.

Tea preparation

The easiest way to prepare tea rose petals is to dry them and use them to brew aromatic tea. It is best to collect petals in dry weather at the moment of complete dissolution of the buds. Then spread them on sheets of paper in one layer in a place inaccessible to sunlight, which deprives the petals of color. You can successfully dry them even in the room on the table. Then pour the dry petals into a clean, dry jar and close with a nylon lid. Store in a dark place.

Let us remember that we previously talked about

In general, it is best to dry all the petals in order to use them fruitfully in the future. What to do with rose petals? There are many options. Among them there are recipes that are cosmetic, aromatic, and even delicious.


The simplest option is to do face lotion, which will refresh the skin and tighten pores. To do this, you will need dried petals, which should be poured with boiling water. You will have to infuse this product for about 30 minutes, and then store it only in the refrigerator. It is important that the lotion must be used a maximum of 3 days in advance. Otherwise it will become ineffective. This infusion can, of course, be frozen. Then you will get cosmetic ice. It lasts longer. They should wipe their face at night or in the morning after washing. Dry rose petals crushed in a coffee grinder can be added to loose powder, scrubs, masks, creams and even bath salts. Thus, all these cosmetics are enriched with vitamins and acquire additional beneficial properties: soothes the skin, tones it, evens out the color and significantly narrows the pores of oily skin.

Making rose oil

Rose petal oil can also be very actively added to various cosmetic products. And many girls simply wipe their skin with it, which allows it to be moisturized and nourished with useful vitamins and microelements. How to make this universal oil? You will need a small amount of ingredients:

  • Olive oil or grape oil;
  • Dry rose petals.

Petals are poured into a glass jar and filled with oil. This mixture is placed in a water bath. In this case, be sure to close the jar with a lid. Otherwise, all the beneficial essential oils will disappear. The oil must warm up for 2 hours. Only then is the jar cooled and placed in a dark place for another 4 weeks. The oil needs to be filtered, separated from water (if present) and a solution of vitamin E is added. The finished product can be used.

Relaxing bath

You can pamper yourself with the queen flower petals relaxing bath. Just pour more of them into hot water, turn on calm music and you will feel how this procedure will work real miracles. It will relax you and allow you to dream about something pleasant.

Fragrant sachet

Dry petals can be placed in a ceramic cup and placed in the room. This way they will emit a subtle, elusive rose aroma, which will delight everyone in the household. To enhance the scent, you can often spray them with real rose oil. If desired, you can mix rose petals with dry cornflowers or petals of another wonderful flower - neroli.

Healthy rose tea

Persian tea can be prepared from rose petals according to an old recipe. You will need a teapot, tea leaves (black) and rose petals. All this is poured with boiling water and left for 10 minutes. After which the tea is poured into a mug, then poured back into the teapot. And only then they pour luxurious and aromatic Persian tea into a mug. You can enjoy it endlessly. This is not the entire list of recipes that can help you understand what to do with rose petals. The main thing is to show your imagination and perhaps you will come up with something new!


Rose honey has truly magical healing powers. It is used as a general strengthening, tonic and anti-inflammatory agent for long-term chronic inflammatory diseases of the lungs (chronic pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, etc.). To prepare it, pour 80 g of rose petals into 100 ml of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, leave for 24 hours. Add 100 g of honey to the resulting composition, stir well and boil until the whole mass becomes homogeneous. Take 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day. Rose honey has a unique taste and a wonderful aroma.

What could be better than a cup of aromatic tea if you need to cope with depression, confusion, confusion? Probably only tea made from rose petals is a surprisingly gentle and romantic drink, which, moreover, has a number of beneficial properties.

Benefits of rose petals

Tea made from rose petals is not only very tasty and aromatic, but also very healthy. Even in ancient times, doctors knew that such tea refreshes, restores the ability to think, and puts the heart in order.

This is interesting! For quite a long time, rose petal tea was considered an “aristocratic” medicine, inaccessible to ordinary people.

This drink has an antiseptic, antibacterial, and antiviral effect on the body. It is useful to drink for colds, flu or other diseases of the respiratory system. For coughs, it is used as an expectorant. And if you add honey to tea, you get a cure for stomatitis and various inflammatory processes.

Rose tea will be very useful for problems with the gastrointestinal tract - the infusion of the petals has the ability to soothe the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the bright, delicate aroma of tea lifts your mood and helps get rid of depression or blues.
As in other cases, the medicinal properties of rose petals are determined by their composition:

  • essential oils;
  • several sugars;
  • carotene;
  • organic acids (including citric and malic);
  • vitamins from group B, K, E, PP, C;
  • tannin, flavonoids.

Tea made from rose petals helps get rid of toxins, normalizes intestinal microflora, and copes with insomnia. In the form of lotions, it helps fight conjunctivitis.

What kind of rose can you brew?

Chinese rose is well suited for brewing tea. A drink made from it helps cleanse the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots. It also copes well with hangover syndrome, and it will also be useful for men because it increases potency. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver and gall bladder, normalizes arterial pressure. Another useful property Chinese rose tea – removes excess fluid from the body, which helps get rid of swelling.

Conventionally, red hibiscus tea can also be called tea made from rose petals, because the Sudanese rose, also known as hibiscus, is used to prepare it. Sudanese rose tea has a rich history - it was served to the table by the ancient pharaohs. Like other rose teas, hibiscus tea has many health benefits.

Collection and storage of petals

To get truly healthy and tasty tea, it is better to collect the petals yourself. Roses growing in your own summer cottage are ideal for this, since in this case you can be 100% sure that no harmful chemicals were used in their cultivation.

You need to collect the petals in the morning, before the dew disappears. It is advisable to do this after rain, which will wash away dust and insects from them. Only fully bloomed flowers are suitable for harvesting, but wilted petals should be avoided.

Before this, the flowers are sorted out - withered petals, stamens, debris, and sepals are removed. Then the raw materials are transferred to a sieve and shaken to remove the crumbled pollen.

It is not necessary to wash the collected petals; this can damage them, and there is a risk of washing out some of the useful elements from them. But if desired, such a procedure can be carried out. It is better to rinse the petals using a sieve or colander, and then place them on a paper towel. After this, they can be immediately used for brewing or laid out to dry.

Like other medicinal herbs, the petals should be dried in a shaded, well-ventilated area, spread out in a not very thick layer. From time to time, the raw materials should be stirred and turned over to avoid rotting and mold.

If you dry the petals in an electric dryer, they will be slightly different from those that dried naturally– will decrease in size, but will retain color. Because of this, dried raw materials can fall through the holes in the pallets, so it is better to line them with gauze or paper.

This is interesting! To give flower petals a pleasant berry or fruit aroma, you can dry strawberries or wild strawberries next to the petals. In this case, the flowers will absorb the smell of the berries.

Fresh petals can also be stored for some time, for example, if it was not possible to collect the required amount for brewing tea at one time. To do this, they are placed in a bag, tied tightly and placed in the refrigerator. In this form, their shelf life is approximately 1-2 days.

Brewing methods

Rose petals can be brewed as a separate drink or used to flavor tea leaves. Most often, pu-erh undergoes this procedure, although rose can be mixed with any type of tea.
To flavor your favorite tea with rose, you need to mix dry tea leaves with dried rose petals and leave in a closed container for several days. During this time, the tea leaves will be saturated with a delicate aroma and you will get a delicious and delicate tea.

The simplest version of rose petal infusion:

  • pour 2 tbsp into a mug. petals. You can use both fresh and dried;
  • pour warm water (not boiling water!). The water temperature should be between 70-80 degrees;
  • leave the tea under the saucer for 5 minutes;
  • enjoy a fragrant drink.

You don’t need to add any sugar or honey to this drink, as it tastes quite sweet on its own. It has a fairly distinct freshness with a sweet aftertaste and fruity notes.

Important! Petals from purchased rose bouquets cannot be used to make tea - such flowers are grown using aggressive chemicals that prolong flowering and kill pests. They will not add any benefits to the tea.

Tea for ulcers or gastritis

For various gastrointestinal diseases, you can brew tea from rose petals as follows:

  • mix 10 g each of chamomile, calendula, tea rose petals, horsetail and cudweed;
  • add 20 g of leaves of wormwood paniculata, St. John's wort, plantain, dill seeds, agrimony grass, rose hips;
  • and then another 70 g of yarrow.

The resulting collection will serve as a supply for a long time. To brew, take about 6 g of the mixture and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over it, after which it is sent to a water bath for half an hour. Before drinking, the tea should be strained and then drunk 4 times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

For burns and wounds

An infusion of rose petals in the collection can be used in the form of lotions to treat wounds and burns. To prepare the collection you need to mix:

  • rose petals, horsetail, verbena leaves, oak bark (10 g each);
  • sage leaves, chamomile flowers (5 g each).

The collection is poured with a liter of boiling water and left for no longer than half an hour. Moisten the cloth with the strained infusion and apply it to the affected areas.

Rose honey for tea

This honey will give the tea a delicate aroma and help cope with sore throat or vitamin deficiency. To prepare, you will need 200 g of rose petals (tea rose or rose hips) and liquid honey.

Important! There is no need to rinse the petals to prevent water from getting into the honey.

Some of the petals are placed in a bowl and poured with honey, after which, using a wooden spoon, they begin to crush and rub them until they decrease in size. After this, another portion of petals is added. This continues until all the petals are mixed with honey.

Then the mixture is transferred to a previously prepared (washed and sterilized) jar. It must be completely dry! Add another spoonful of honey on top to cover the protruding petals. This honey should be stored in the refrigerator.

Honey can be added to any tea - place a spoonful of petals in a mug, pour tea over it, stir and let it brew for a couple of minutes. If the petals interfere, you can strain the drink.


There are not many contraindications for rose petal tea. Since rose is considered a potential allergen, tea with its petals is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for children under 3 years of age. And, of course, you should not use it if you are individually intolerant to the drink.

Rose tea is not only a romantic and aromatic drink, but also a source of good mood. And besides, it is very good for health. Having prepared rose petals in the summer, you can pamper yourself all winter with a tonic and refreshing drink that will protect against colds and vitamin deficiency.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Now every woman can, without any problems, choose cosmetics for her face and whole body, hair and nails. But despite a wide range of Such products, more and more women prefer to prepare creams, lotions and tonics on their own - using improvised means and independently purchased ingredients. The resulting products have a lot of advantages: they meet the needs of a specific user and are prepared exclusively from proven ingredients. Today we will talk about what can be made from rose petals for the face, albeit from dry petals, but nevertheless...

Yes, yes, don’t rush to throw away dry rose petals. Recipes usually call for fresh petals, but many things can be made from dried petals. They can be an excellent raw material for the preparation of a wide variety of cosmetics. Since they can be used on the face and the skin of the whole body.

So, what can you do with rose petals for your face?

Rose oil

Have you seen rose oil on sale? But you can make it from rose petals with your own hands! To make rose oil at home, prepare a glass of dry rose petals. Pour them into an enamel container and pour a glass olive oil. That's almost all! Place this mixture in a water bath and soak for two hours. Strain the finished oil.

The resulting product wonderfully cleanses the skin, adds tone and has a wonderful nourishing effect. Rose oil should be used when caring for dry and normal skin faces.

Petal face mask

To prepare a wonderful nourishing mask for normal to oily skin, prepare dry petals of four to five roses. Grind them in a coffee grinder to obtain pink powder. Mix a teaspoon of this powder with a teaspoon of heavy cream and a teaspoon of egg white. Mix well and leave for five to ten minutes to infuse.

Next, it is advisable to take a steam bath for your face, or use another method of cleaning it. The resulting mixture should be applied to previously cleansed skin of the face and neck. Leave the mask on for twenty to thirty minutes and then wash with cool water.

Mask for sensitive skin

This mask perfectly softens and nourishes sensitive skin, also helping to get rid of small wrinkles. Brew a couple of tablespoons of dry rose petals with a glass of just boiled water. Cover the container with a lid and leave for half an hour to infuse. Strain the resulting infusion and dissolve the starch in it so as to obtain the consistency of thick jelly. Apply the mask to your face and leave for a quarter of an hour to twenty minutes. Afterwards, wash your face with warm water.

Mask to improve complexion

To make such a mask from dry petals, collect them from two rose buds. Pour half a glass of pure alcohol over them and leave to infuse in a dark and cool place. After a couple of days, strain the finished product and mix fifty milliliters of the tincture with a tablespoon of liquid honey and a beaten chicken egg yolk. Apply the prepared mask to the surface of your face in an even layer. Leave it for a quarter of an hour to twenty minutes, then wash with ordinary warm water.

Multi-component mask with herbs

Why not make something more complicated out of roses. This aromatic mask will help restore elasticity to the skin of the face and décolleté, and will also help smooth out wrinkles. To prepare it, you should combine equal shares of rose petals, mint herbs, chamomile flowers, dill, as well as linden flowers and sage herbs. Grind and mix all ingredients. Brew a tablespoon of this mixture with a glass of boiling water. Wrap it up well and leave it for half an hour to infuse. Then soak in the prepared broth cloth napkin and apply it to cleansed face and décolleté. After half an hour, remove the lotion and let the skin dry naturally, then apply it to it nutritious cream.

Nourishing mask

For cooking nourishing mask for dry skin type, grind dry rose petals in a coffee grinder. Mix them with cream until you get the consistency of thick cream. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin like a mask and leave for a quarter of an hour. Afterwards, wash your face with cool water.

You can use roses to make not only a mask, jam, a bath, but also a lotion.

Facial lotion

To prepare this cosmetic product It is worth preparing dry petals from several roses. Place them fairly tightly in a bowl or jar, but do not compact them. Brew such raw materials with boiling water so that the water just covers it. Leave the petals for twenty minutes, then drain the infusion and squeeze out the petals themselves. Add a pinch to the resulting infusion citric acid, and the lotion is ready.

Pore ​​tightening lotion

To prepare such a simple remedy, take four glasses of dried petals from red roses. Pour half a liter of table vinegar over such raw materials, seal well and leave in a dark place for three weeks. Strain the finished infusion and squeeze the petals thoroughly. Dilute the finished infusion with boiled water, maintaining an equal ratio. This product is great for cleansing oily skin, it tones it and helps get rid of blackheads and enlarged pores.

Simple Rose Infusion

To prepare such a cosmetic product, brew a tablespoon of crushed rose petals with one glass of just boiled water. Cover the mixture with a lid and leave for half an hour to infuse. Use it to prepare lotions on irritated areas of the skin, as well as under the eyes to eliminate puffiness.

Dry rose petals are an excellent herbal skin care product. Based on them, you can easily prepare many cosmetic products.