What to do for a burn. An effective home remedy for burns

Burns are tissue damage caused by exposure to high temperature, toxic substances and other factors. Providing assistance in the first minutes after a burn is extremely important, so it is necessary to do everything right.

There are several types of burns:

  • thermal - burns from hot water or steam, open fire, or a hot object;
  • chemical – burn from acid, alkali and other chemical compounds;
  • electrical – burn from contact with an electric current source;
  • solar - a burn from prolonged exposure to the sun's rays.

When can you treat a burn yourself?

The main thing to remember is: You can and should only provide first aid in case of a first degree burn.. If we are talking about the second one, then you need to answer the following questions:

  1. Is the affected area larger than 5 cm?
  2. Is there a lot of swelling at the burn site?
  3. If there are bubbles, have they burst?

If you gave a negative answer to all the questions, then you can do it on your own. In all other situations, go to the doctor or call an ambulance (especially if you are outside the city in nature): such cases should be dealt with by specialists in appropriate conditions. And if a limb is seriously injured, try to keep it above the level of the heart until the doctors arrive.

What are the degrees of burns?
1st– pain, redness and swelling of the upper layer of skin;
2nd– the same symptoms plus blisters – watery blisters;
3rd– violation of the integrity of not only the upper layer, but also the peri-fatty tissue of the skin, loss of sensitivity at the burn site, blisters with turbid liquid or blood;
4th– charring of the skin, subcutaneous fat, muscles, bones.

First aid for thermal burns

  1. Get rid of irritants.
    Move out of the open sun into the shade, break off contact with a hot object or power source. Free the damaged area of ​​skin from clothing, but without removing it, but by carefully trimming the tissue around the wound. Apply a sterile bandage to the wound itself.
  2. If possible, cool the problem area.
    Run the affected part of your body under cool running water for 15–20 minutes, but do not use too cold water or ice. Apply a compress. You can apply a cooling gel to clean skin. But with higher degree burns, cooling can lead to hypothermia.
  3. Apply a sterile gauze dressing.
    Your goal is to protect the affected skin from accidental damage and infection. But make sure that the bandage does not press.
  4. If necessary, take a pain reliever.
    To speed up tissue regeneration, you can use anti-burn ointment, but usually minor injuries go away on their own.

In case of a chemical burn, you need to be even more careful. Cooling water may not apply to all burns. Water in reaction with some substances can heat or even ignite the substance. Chemical burn caused acid, neutralize with alkali, you can use soap, soda solution or ash. For a chemical burn alkali you need to use a weak vinegar solution. It is better to shake off or blot the excess substance with a cloth and try to quickly get to the doctors: you should entrust the treatment of the burn to them.

When exposed to chemicals or high temperatures, skin injury occurs.

Many people have experienced burns on their personal experience.

But, unfortunately, not many people know what needs to be done after they occur.

Burns: treatment at home - types and first aid

There are several ways to get a burn, which is why they can be divided into several types:

1. Heat burn- occurs due to the action of steam, fire, hot liquid on human skin.

2. Electric— from the name it is clear that it occurs after contact with lightning or electrical appliances.

3. Chemical- close skin contact with irritating chemicals.

4. Beam- usually occurs due to prolonged exposure to the sun or solarium.

Regardless of what caused the injury, the resulting skin is still irritated, thereby causing severe pain and redness.

Degree of burns

There are many reasons that contribute to the formation of burns, but you cannot begin treatment without establishing its exact degree. Conventionally, they can be divided into first, second and third degree burns.

First degree burn

Minor damage skin can be classified as first degree. Slight redness appears on the skin, and the person feels slight pain. There is no need to hospitalize the patient, since he can be treated at home.

Second degree burn

This degree is characterized by penetration of the burn deep into the skin. Not only redness occurs, but also blisters filled with clear liquid. As a rule, they appear after scalding with a hot liquid, or after contact with chemicals. After treatment is carried out, scars and scars may remain. You should definitely know that if the burn area is larger than your palm, then you should definitely contact a specialist. Treatment can be carried out at home using pharmaceutical drugs.

Third degree burn

This is the most dangerous level. After receiving it, the integrity of the skin is destroyed, and it is possible that nerve endings and subcutaneous tissues will be affected. You can get burned after contact with electricity or chemicals. In this case, the patient’s condition can be either severe or moderate. Treatment can only be carried out in a hospital. Skin grafts are almost always required.

How to give first aid

After a person has received a burn of any degree, it is important to provide him with first aid as quickly as possible in order to at least somehow alleviate the condition. Moreover, how competently it is provided depends on further recovery.

The most important thing is to calm the victim and yourself. After all, only a collected person can carry out the necessary pre-medical measures. Then you need to do the following:

1. Stop the patient’s contact with the source of high temperature. Be aware that if it is under electric current, do not touch it under any circumstances. To do this you need to take any isolated object. If, after this contact is stopped, the tissue continues to deteriorate, be sure to apply something cold to it for about 15 minutes.

2. Give a pain reliever as well as an anti-inflammatory.

3. Treat the damaged area and apply gauze to it.

For chemical burns the help you need Only a doctor can provide this. But if it is not very large, rinse it with cold water.

After first aid has been provided, wait for the ambulance to arrive. Be sure to tell the specialists about the measures you took and what medications you gave.

What you should never do

If first aid is not provided correctly, serious complications can occur. which will subsequently affect treatment. Therefore, under no circumstances do the following:

1. There is no need to lubricate the damaged areas with vegetable oil.

2. Do not use medications that contain alcohol.

3. Blisters should not be opened independently.

4. If there are pieces of clothing left on the wound, do not try to remove them.

5. Don't use urine.

Remedies for burns at home: pharmaceutical preparations

It is believed that the most the best means for burns at home - these are pharmaceutical preparations. Depending on the stage of the disease, there are several effective remedies:


This is an effective remedy used for thermal burns. Poignon-iodine is especially popular; the iodine content in the ointment is high. In addition, the ointment contains special preparations that promote rapid tissue healing.

Another effective ointment is Procelan. In addition to good bactericidal properties, it promotes the healing of burns. The ointment also contains analgesic components that relieve pain.

Aerosols and sprays

They are used for severe burns. The spray can be quickly and easily sprayed onto the skin, while avoiding painful contact with it.

To treat a burn, doctors recommend using aerosols for external use containing dexpanthenol, which has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. This component is included in the composition of the European quality medicine - “Panthenolspray” aerosol for external use. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves tissue regeneration, and is quickly absorbed (absorbed) by the skin. There are no age restrictions, individual intolerance is possible, use in children should be done under adult supervision. You need to be very careful when buying the drug at the pharmacy, because... There are a huge number of analogues on the market, the packaging of which is often visually similar to the packaging of the original medicine - “Panthenolspray” aerosol for external use

The original medicinal product (“Panthenolspray”) aerosol for external use is sold in packaging white, with orange letters and a smiley face next to the drug name. On new packaging(since 2017) there is a sign “made in Europe”.

Anti-burn dressings

For example, the Apollo bandage is impregnated special solution, which numbs the wound.

Special adhesives

The most popular cream is Argakol. It has a fairly strong antimicrobial effect. After it dries, an airtight film forms on the skin.

Many people believe that the best remedies for burns at home are also traditional methods. But we'll talk about this a little lower.

How to treat a burn at home: folk methods and remedies

It should be understood that home care for burns cannot completely replace traditional treatment. If you have a severe burn, second or third degree, do not self-medicate under any circumstances. The recipes given below help when the area and depth of the burn is not large. The use of oil products is possible only a few hours after injury. After getting a burn, immediately cool the affected area under running water. If the burn is very small, then after water it can be wiped with vodka or cologne.

How to treat a burn at home - effective remedies

Aloe or Kalanchoe

The juice of both plants has good regenerating properties. Pluck a few leaves, squeeze out the juice and wipe the affected areas with it once every few hours. You can also finely chop the leaves until a paste forms and apply to the burn site. In case of thermal burn of the oral cavity, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with juice. After getting a sunburn, you need to dilute the juice of agave, soak gauze in it and apply it to the sore area.

Help with burns at home with plantain juice

This is one of the best plants that has wound healing and antimicrobial effects. Plantain leaves are used to lubricate burned areas, or knead the leaves and make compresses at night. A plant such as stinging nettle has similar properties. But in the case of it, it is not the leaves themselves that are taken, but the juice squeezed out of them.

St. John's wort oil

This is an effective product used to treat damaged surfaces. Oil the skin once every few hours.

Ointment made from burdock root

The ointment is effective only for shallow burns. Take burdock root and boil it in water for forty minutes, then mash well with a fork and mix with butter in a ratio of 1:4. Lubricate sore spot several times a day.

Burns: treatment at home with fermented milk products

Since ancient times, sour cream, yogurt or kefir have been used for sunburn. Thanks to these products, redness quickly disappears, the skin calms down and heals. All you need to do is lubricate the skin.

Help for burns at home: during the healing stage

You definitely need to know how to treat a burn at home at the healing stage. After all, at this stage the main task is disinfection and healing of the skin. Quite often after burns, blisters containing a clear liquid appear. If the correct treatment is carried out at this moment, then suppuration and inflammation can be avoided. New skin will form under the blister, after a few weeks the damaged skin will dry out and peel off, new skin should remain in the place of the blister, normal Pink colour.

After burns, the skin becomes very sensitive and tender; in order to speed up the regeneration process, you need to use various ointments and creams. Thanks to them, damaged tissue is restored, and burn marks are eliminated.

If something goes wrong, an infection may develop. The skin may become very inflamed and pus will appear. The patient will begin to complain of feeling unwell, and the body temperature will rise. Infection can cause scars and welts to form.

If wounds take a very long time to heal and constantly get wet, it is recommended to use potassium permanganate. It dries the wound and promotes its healing.

You can also use pork fat, egg oil, cottage cheese to speed up the healing process.

What is better for burns with boiling water at home?

Before treating a burn at home, you need to get rid of unpleasant symptoms by taking the following measures:

1. Remove clothing that has been exposed to boiling water as soon as possible to prevent it from sticking to the skin.

2. Turn on cool water and place the affected area under the stream. Thereby painful sensations will be removed, at least for a while.

3. Then apply the medications and apply a bandage on top.

After all these methods have been completed, you can take the following measures against burns with boiling water at home.

There are several effective medications that relieve swelling and pain:




Burns: treatment at home cannot always be done with medications, since at this moment they simply may not be in your medicine cabinet. That is why you can use some means traditional medicine:

1. Raw potatoes. Take a few potatoes and grate them, then put boiling water on the burnt area. If you change the compress every 5 minutes, you can avoid the appearance of blisters.

2. Take black or green tea and brew it. Take the tea leaves and place them on the sore area, then bandage them with a bandage. This compress should be done about eight times a day.

You can easily get rid of burns from boiling water at home, the main thing is to take all measures in a timely manner.

It is better not to try to treat a burn at home on your own, especially if it is accompanied by peeling skin. See your doctor as soon as possible.

Be careful and do not allow harmful substances to come into contact with your skin.

A burn is tissue damage as a result of high temperature, chemicals, or radiation. This is the most common injury that can occur in everyday life. This is especially true for thermal burns.

There is probably no person who has not been scalded by boiling water or burned by hot oil at least once in his life. Treatment of minor skin burns can be carried out at home; you do not always need to go to the doctor.

Most of these injuries resolve within a few days. But you need to know how to relieve pain, how to speed up healing, and in what cases you still need to seek medical help.

How do people most often get burned?

  • Half of all cases are contact with open fire (fires, bonfires, flames in a stove, ignition of gasoline).
  • 20% is scalding with boiling water or steam.
  • 10% is contact with hot objects.
  • 20% - other factors (acids, alkalis, sunburn, electric current).

Every third person burned is a child. Most often (75% of cases) the arms and hands are burned.

What are they?

Because of:

  • Thermal.
  • Chemical.
  • Electrical.
  • Radiation.

I and II degrees refer to superficial burns, in which only the top layer of skin, the epidermis, is affected. When uncomplicated, they heal without leaving scars.

III and IV degrees are deep burns, with damage to all layers of the skin and underlying tissues. They heal with the formation of a rough scar.

What burns can be treated at home?

You can treat at home:

  • 1st degree burns in adults, not exceeding 10% of the body area;
  • 2nd degree burns not exceeding 1% of the body.

How to determine the degree?

1st degree burn – manifested by swelling, redness of the skin, pain, sensitivity to touch, and there may be small blisters.

Stage 2 is characterized by the addition of large blisters filled with liquid to the above symptoms.

How to determine area?

The easiest way to determine the burn surface area of ​​a home is the palm method. The area of ​​a person's palm is conventionally taken to be 1% of the area of ​​the entire body.

When should you seek medical help immediately?

How to treat burns at home

  1. Stop contact with the burning factor. Put out the flames on your clothes and move away from the fire. If you are burned by boiling water, immediately remove clothing in contact with the body. Throw a hot object.
  2. Cool the burn surface. It is best to do this under running water at a temperature of 10-18 degrees. You can immerse the limb in a container of water or apply a damp cloth. You need to cool for 5 to 10 minutes; in case of a chemical burn, rinse with running water for up to 20 minutes (except for burns with quicklime). Cooling has an analgesic effect and also prevents the spread of heating of healthy tissue at the border of the burn.
  3. Anesthesia. At severe pain You can take paracetamol, ibuprofen, ketanov, analgin, and other analgesics.
  4. Local treatment. The main goal in treating burns is to protect the surface from germs, relieve pain and speed up the restoration of the damaged layer of skin. They simply use sterile wipes, special wipes for burns, sprays and ointments that promote healing.
  5. General treatment. It would be a good idea to take restorative medications and also follow a proper diet to ensure that the burn heals faster and without consequences. It is recommended to increase the amount of protein in the diet (meat, fish, dairy products), as well as vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins. Additionally, you can take vitamin C and Aevit. It is recommended to drink more.

Pharmacy drugs

So, you got a burn from boiling water or oil. They cooled it down, assessed that it was small and shallow, its condition was generally satisfactory, and it could be treated at home. It's worth looking into the first aid kit. Those who are prudent and thrifty may at least have packaging there sterile wipes and Panthenol.

What can you ask at the pharmacy?

There is no need to buy everything at once; to treat minor burns, sometimes one sterile bandage lightly moistened with an antiseptic and Panthenol is enough. In a healthy person, everything will heal without the use of additional funds. If not sterile bandages, you can iron the clean fabric with a hot iron.

How long will it take to heal?

Superficial 1st degree burn injuries heal without consequences in 3-4 days. A slight pigmentation may remain, which will also disappear over time.

Second degree burns with blisters will take longer to heal. The bubble gradually subsides, the liquid resolves. It may happen that the bubble bursts with the formation of erosion; this requires additional treatment with antibacterial ointments Levomekol (130 rub) or Voskopran bandage with levomekol ointment (5 x 75, cm 350 rub, 10x10 cm 1100 rub), Silvacin, Dioxyzol. The bandage needs to be changed every other day. Such a burn heals within 10-12 days, also without scar formation.

If, during the treatment, redness, swelling, pain increases, and purulent discharge from the wound appears, this is evidence of infection and a reason to consult a doctor.

What not to do and why

Folk remedies in treatment

There are many tips for treating burns with folk remedies. You shouldn’t trust them all recklessly. But some of them may be useful if the burn is received far from home and away from the first aid kit, or if a person likes to be treated natural means without “any chemicals”.

Many plants are known to have antiseptic properties. The main principle here is “do no harm.” Most secure folk remedies:

  • Raw potato juice. Grate one medium potato, put the pulp in gauze and apply to the burned area for 10-15 minutes.
  • Carrot lotion. Instead of potatoes, raw carrots are grated and used in the same way as in the previous recipe.
  • Black or green tea Brew with boiling water, cool until room temperature, moisten a napkin in the tea leaves and apply to the burn.
  • Calendula ointment. Brew 3 tablespoons of dry calendula with boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes, strain. Mix the resulting infusion with Vaseline in a ratio of 1:2. Apply 2 times a day to the burned surface. Keep refrigerated.
  • Dried linden flowers pour boiling water (1 tablespoon per glass of water). Leave for about an hour, strain. Apply 2-3 times a day until dry.
  • Using the same principle, you can prepare a decoction from any herb or mixture of herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect: chamomile, calendula, sage, string, plantain.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Each of us has been burned at least once in our lives. Be it hot coffee, steam from a kettle or a hot iron. The suffering of burned skin is severe. They are especially difficult for children to bear. And how often it happens that the necessary medicines are not at hand.

But it's not a problem! Minor burns can also be treated with home remedies. .

Signs of minor burns that can be treated at home – when should you see a doctor?

Burns come in four degrees of severity:

For your information: 70% of the total body area is a critical value, above which the burn is considered fatal.

There is a simplified system for measuring burn area.

It is known that the size of a human palm is equal to 1% of his total body area . So, by applying your palm, you can measure the area of ​​skin damage.

There is also the 9% rule. It states that on:

  • head
  • Breasts
  • Belly
  • Each hand
  • Each hip
  • Shin and foot skin - 9% of the total body area.
  • On the back - 18% .
  • On the genitals - 1% .

For large burns, it is more convenient to use the rule of the palm, and for small burns, it is more convenient to use the rule of nines.

Minor burns can be treated with folk remedies. For example, scalding with boiling water or steam, since they rarely reach degree 2 of severity.

The main signs of minor burns are:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Sharp pain at the burn site
  • Whitening at the epicenter of the burn
  • The occurrence of blisters

If you notice charring or damage to the lower layers of the skin, consult a doctor immediately!

12 Best First Aid Home Remedies for Minor Burns

The burn is characterized destructive effect of high temperature . The skin is affected, for example, by fire, which heats human tissue to a level above the permissible level, after which this tissue begins to “break.”

To prevent major damage, we need to stop the heat penetrating inside the human body . That is, if the top layer of skin is damaged, then it is necessary that the heat does not affect the layers following it. Cold water or cold compresses applied to the affected area before blistering occurs is ideal for this.

The second problem with a burn is dehydration.. Damaged tissue loses its moisture. Broken skin cell membranes do not hold cytoplasm, which is why blisters occur.

Therefore, the next necessary condition for treating a burn is moisturizing the damaged surface . But this should be done after the acute pain has subsided and the risk of damaging the underlying tissue has decreased.

  • Milk is ideal for hydration. It soothes the skin, gently nourishing it. This cosmetic product It was adopted by the ancient Egyptians, led by their beautiful queen Cleopatra.
  • Yogurt also has moisturizing properties. In addition, it contains live lactobacilli, which restore the skin well.
  • Sour cream is another fermented milk product that will support damaged skin. Our grandmothers also advised us to smear ourselves with sour cream after sunbathing so as not to peel off. 20% fat content of this product or even 15% will protect your skin from painful sensations.
  • Potatoes or potato starch . Many people know that if, after a burn, you apply a potato slice to the damaged area of ​​the skin, the burned area may not hurt. This happens thanks to magical property starch and potato juice, which saturates the skin with moisture. You can also apply a compress of grated potato pulp wrapped in a piece of gauze. The cooling and tonic effect of this folk remedy has a beneficial effect on the affected skin area.

Along with cooling and moisturizing, antiseptic properties of some products.

  • Honey is the most valuable anti-inflammatory and natural antimicrobial agent. To obtain a healing effect, you need to apply a compress of honey or spread a thin layer on the surface of the burn. Damaged skin may sting a little, but this discomfort will soon pass and the wound will begin to heal.
  • Aloe juice. Almost every home has this plant. To reduce pain and speed up healing, you need to either squeeze the juice onto gauze and apply it to the affected area of ​​the skin, or apply half an aloe leaf, after cutting it in half.
  • Black tea contains many tannins, which have a tonic and antiseptic effect on damaged skin. You can apply either a wet tea bag or a cloth soaked in tea to the affected area.
  • Many vegetable oils have strong wound-healing properties. For example - wheat germ oil , as a well-known folk remedy for stretch marks, burns, wounds and abrasions. It also helps with the first wrinkles. It is worth regularly smearing a thin layer of this oil on damaged skin and after a while the burn will quickly stop bothering you.
  • Almond oil has the same restorative properties. But it has a lighter consistency and therefore is absorbed faster. Most of the restorative properties are due to vitamin E, which is included in all these vegetable oils. This vitamin effectively regenerates the skin, and also makes it softer, velvety and tender.
  • Vitamin E sea ​​buckthorn oil also has . If you apply a thin layer to the wounded areas of the skin or make lotions with sea buckthorn oil, the burned area of ​​the skin will recover much faster.
  • Another effective remedy is carrot juice. because it is also rich in vitamins. Mainly - vitamin A, which also has regenerating properties, and therefore carrot juice lotions help in recovery. If immediately after a burn you immerse the damaged area in carrot juice or make a lotion with it, the pain will subside.

Can be effective for minor burns not only pharmaceutical drugs, but also home remedies . Know what and how to use correctly so as not to resort to the use of medications for minor skin burns.

Be healthy!

The site website provides background information. If alarming symptoms occur due to burns, damage to a large area of ​​skin and a significant deterioration in general health, consult a doctor!


During the lessons on life safety, the teachers not in vain tried to teach the rules. They tried to explain: you can’t joke with danger. Do you know what to do if you are burned by boiling water? You need to be sure that the first medical care for burns is familiar to you at least theoretically. Anyone can get scalded or injured. Find out how to treat a burn to protect the skin from destructive consequences.

What to do in case of a burn

First of all, remember what you should not do in case of a burn with boiling water under any circumstances. Learn yourself and teach your children the following rules:

  1. An anti-burn agent cannot be applied immediately.
  2. No brilliant green, iodine, alcohol! The list of negatively influencing agents includes urine, onions toothpaste, vinegar. These are irritants for the skin.
  3. Puncture burn blisters. There is a risk of infection: a punctured blister is equivalent to an open wound.
  4. Remove stuck fabric. If the clothes are stuck, they are carefully cut around them.
  5. Apply sour cream, kefir, yogurt or yogurt. This will cause the affected areas to become even more inflamed.


What helps with hand burns? Simple procedure:

  1. Cool your hand in cool water, but not ice! Time for the procedure is maximum 20 minutes.
  2. If the area of ​​your hand affected by boiling water is not too large, then apply gauze or soft fabric bandages soaked in cold water to it.
  3. The limb scalded with boiling water is left in an elevated position with the help of a pillow or blanket.
  4. Apply medications.
  5. It is important for the child to immediately numb the problem areas, treat them with an antiseptic, and apply an antiseptic or sterile bandage.
  6. If the damage from boiling water is extensive, then urgent transportation of the victim by ambulance to the nearest hospital is required.


Actions to be taken if fingers are affected:

  1. Eliminate the influencing factor: remove liquid, steam.
  2. Rinse your fingers under cold running water.
  3. Treat the surface antiseptics based on panthenol.
  4. Apply a sterile dressing.


The sooner you begin to properly treat a burnt throat, the greater the chance of maintaining the patient’s health. What steps are there to “save” the larynx at home:

  1. After thermal exposure to boiling water, a person should drink cool water in small sips or swallow crushed pieces of ice little by little. If the burn is too severe, rinsing with potassium permanganate diluted with water will help.
  2. In case of a burn with boiling acid, the effect of the substance is neutralized with a solution of magnesia or soda.
  3. If you have an alkaline infection, you need to gargle with water and citric acid.
  4. A chemical burn requires gastric lavage, drinking milk and a small amount of vegetable oil.
  5. If the injury is caused not by a hot drink or food, but by a hot household or chemical liquid, call an ambulance.


You can cure your tongue yourself using several points:

  1. Cold is applied to the tongue.
  2. Adults can numb the tongue with lidocaine or menthol, but not before eating.
  3. Reduce the risk of infection in your mouth and lips. Rinsing with infusions of chamomile and oak bark is suitable for this.
  4. In case of thermal burn of the tongue, rinse is carried out, then treated with a solution of sodium chloride or rinsed with furatsilin.
  5. In case of chemical injuries, boiling water immediately provides pain relief and anti-inflammatory therapy. Fish oil, retinol, and oils are suitable for this.
  6. For healing, it will be useful to avoid foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the tongue and mouth.


Instructions for proper treatment of the palate:

  1. Disinfecting the entire mouth and holding cold water in the mouth to relieve the unpleasant burning sensation after boiling water.
  2. Antiseptic actions using gel or spray spray.
  3. To heal wounds in the mouth, rinse with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and sage.
  4. Apply a small slice of aloe to the burned palate.

With blisters

Banal measures are very important when blisters appear. Tips to save you from problems:

  1. Do not touch the blister with your hands.
  2. Tools that are suitable for in this case to reduce bacterial influence Wednesdays: neosporin, argosufan.
  3. Of the oily substances, only olive oil and sea buckthorn oil are suitable.
  4. Change the sterile dressing frequently and remove it completely at night. Allow air to the burn area.

How to treat a burn at home

First aid for burns:

  1. Stop the influence of high water temperature on the burn, remove clothes wet from boiling water.
  2. Cool skin immediately with ice. Option - cool it with a stream of cold water. Thermal processes are not completed immediately, so the cooling duration should be about 15 minutes. Even a minor burn has a negative impact on healthy areas of nearby tissue.
  3. The first products for treating damaged skin surfaces: Panthenol and its analogues Pantoderm, Dexpanthenol, Bepanten (suitable even for very young children).
  4. A burn from boiling water requires an aseptic bandage. If this is the face, then lubrication with Vaseline is used instead of a bandage.
  5. Significant skin lesions, in addition to their treatment, require pain relief tablets or injections.
  6. A person is warmed to normal temperature by wrapping him up and drinking plenty of warm water. Liquid is very important; this point should not be ignored.

Folk remedies

Effective folk remedies for burns:

  • Aloe leaf (the pulp is applied to the blister for half an hour).
  • Sea buckthorn oil (apply, place a sterile bandage on top).
  • Grated carrots. A compress of fresh, finely grated carrots is applied to burns from boiling water for 20 minutes daily. You can also use pumpkin and potatoes.
  • Brew calendula. Apply the lukewarm infusion mixed with Vaseline onto the affected areas.
  • Use honey lotions.
  • Burns from boiling water are treated with hydrogen peroxide.


The first thought when baking: what to anoint with? There are a lot of remedies for treatment. The following ointment for burns is suitable:

  1. Miramistin - with antimicrobial and antifungal effects. The cream heals wounds by creating a dry scab, but does not affect healthy layers of skin. There are a lot of positive reviews and photos of skin regeneration.
  2. Solcoseryl - the medicine should be spread in a thin layer after disinfection - up to 3 times a day. Used to dry wounds and heal them.
  3. Rescuer - suitable for treating many types of burns, including those caused by boiling water. The most accessible remedy for the buyer.

Remedies for burns

Maximum suitable remedy from burns:

  • Cholisal is a gel for treating the oral cavity, relieves pain and inflammation from boiling water burns. It also has an antipyretic effect.
  • Lioxazine – light gel wipes, each individually packaged. Restores the skin regeneration process. If you wipe the surface, the burn area is lubricated with a valuable composition.
  • Olazol is a spray for the rehabilitation of skin after burning with boiling water. Reduces sensitivity to pain.

Video: helping with a burn from boiling water

To preserve your health, figure out what first aid to provide in emergency situations. What to do for burns from boiling water? Anyone can get burned or scalded: learn the ins and outs of burn treatment. Watch the video to understand what to do to avoid harm. You will be able to lubricate the right means, relieve inflammation and pain in skin areas with boiling water burns of varying degrees.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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