The senior group class is far away. Summary of a lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age

Summary of the final lesson in mathematics in senior group kindergarten, lesson topic:
"Mathematical Kingdom"

Program content:

Target: Identify the acquired knowledge, ideas, and skills that children acquired during the school year.
Tasks: Improve the ability to find the place of a number in a series, count to 10 and back; solve addition and subtraction problems;
Improve knowledge about geometric shapes
Develop mental operations, attention, the ability to navigate in space, compare objects by size;

Cultivate attentiveness and perseverance
Develop curiosity and self-esteem skills in children.

B.K.: count to 10, triangle - ushburysh, square - tortburysh,

Vocabulary work: Numbers are neighbors, add, subtract;


Cards with numbers; interactive whiteboard, slides, 3 houses; ball; math handouts; geometric figures; didactic game “Find a place in a row”; didactic game “Numbers Neighbors”; musical accompaniment; mazes and pencils; stars, chips.

Progress of the lesson:

Children and their teacher stand in a circle.

In a wide circle, I see,
All my friends stood up.
We'll go right now
Now let's go left
Let's gather in the center of the circle,
And we will all return to our place.
Let's smile, wink,
And let's start playing again.

Children perform exercises in accordance with the text.

Didactic game “Define your place”

The child determines his place in the circle in relation to other children.

The teacher invites the children to go on a trip to the city of Mathematics. After the teacher receives the children’s consent, he offers to go to the city on a magic carpet.

In order for us to go on a trip, we need to determine the date, day of the week and month of our trip.

A magical melody sounds, to which children, sitting on the carpet, find themselves in the city of Mathematicians.

We are in the city of Mathematics. But who lives in this kingdom? Let's get acquainted.

1.-Here First house of the inhabitants of the mathematical city. Numbers live in this house. They have been preparing to meet you for so long that they have completely mixed up their places in the number series. Help them guys find their place.

Didactic game “Find a place in a row”

One child completes the task at the board, the rest are on the ground. Then the children are asked to count to ten by counting forward and backward. Now to Kaz. language.

Didactic game “Numbers-neighbors”

Didactic games “Say the opposite” and “Place in order”

The game is played with a ball. The teacher throws the ball to the child and names one of the mathematical concepts, and the child throws the ball back and names the opposite of the named concept.

Long short;
Big small;
High Low;
Wide narrow;
Fat slim;
Far close;
Above - below;
Left - right;
Back and forth;
One is many;
Outside - inside;
Light heavy.

2.-To get to the next house, we need to choose a path. The paths in this forest are mixed up and you must lay them out correctly.

Children arrange objects (or pictures) by size: from short to longest, from narrow to widest

That's Second house of mathematical residents. I just won’t tell you who lives in this house. I want you to guess them yourself. Do you recognize? Yes, these are geometric shapes - big mischievous people love to play. And they want to play with you. Do you agree? Now we'll see

Children draw geometric shapes from dictation.

Draw a blue square in the upper left corner,

There is a yellow triangle in the lower right corner,

There is a red rectangle in the lower left corner,

There is a pink circle in the upper right corner,

And in the middle there is a green triangle.

Dynamic pause with elements of gymnastics for the eyes “Geometric shapes”

Here are the restless figures,
They love to play hide and seek.
So let's get them guys
We'll look with our eyes.
Let's all look to the left together.
What's there? This is... a square.
You won't get away, you prankster,
From the inquisitive eyes of the guys.
Square on four corners
He walks like a soldier.
(Children walk in place)

Now look to the right
Do you recognize? This is... a circle.
And we found you.
Meet us, beloved friend.
We will turn around ourselves
And we'll be back to our place in no time.
(Children spin around in place)

Who climbed so high
Almost reached the roof?
This strange figure
It's called... oval.
Jump, raise your hands,
Get it to the oval!
(Children jump with their hands up)

Let's look down with our eyes,
We'll find a triangle there.
And let's squat down.
We know the figures well!
(Children crouch)

3.-Here Third house. They live in this house Examples. The most beloved, the most mischievous. Their tasks are difficult. They will now try to confuse you, be especially careful.

Didactic game “Count and write down the number”

Finger gymnastics :

- I roll the pencil in my hands and twirl it between my fingers.
I will certainly teach every finger to be obedient.

- I roll the pencil in my hand, I rub my palms.
I’ll rub my palms and start writing again.

2. –You must look at the picture and solve the example.

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. You can only go back by going through the labyrinth.

Graphic exercise “Labyrinth”

Children use a pencil to “go through” the maze.

I invite everyone onto the carpet-plane to fly to our kindergarten.

A magical melody sounds, to which children, sitting on the carpet, find themselves in kindergarten.

Today we made an exciting journey to the City of Mathematics. Did you enjoy the trip?

And now I invite you to evaluate your work. The one who thinks that he has completely coped with the tasks - let him take a red circle, and the one who thinks that he did not succeed in everything today - let him take a green square.

Children make their choice.

Goals: Developing interest in mathematics based on cognitive activity and curiosity.


  • Improve mental counting skills within 10 in different directions
  • Improve your ability to solve logical attentiveness exercises
  • Exercise the ability to recognize the shape of geometric figures in surrounding objects
  • develop the ability to isolate the odd one from a presented series based on a characteristic feature
  • develop attention, ability to navigate in space
  • develop fine motor skills, curiosity and self-esteem skills
  • cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.


  • Magic carpet;
  • cards with numbers;
  • 2 houses;
  • beads made of geometric shapes;
  • geometric figures;
  • Pictures;
  • musical accompaniment;
  • labyrinths and buttons;
  • stars.

Methods and techniques: verbal (explanation, story) and clearly - effective (demonstration, illustration).

Introductory part.

Guys, we have guests, let's say hello!!

Children and their teacher stand in a circle.

In a wide circle, I see,
All my friends stood up.
We'll go right now
Now let's go left

Let's gather in the center of the circle,
And we will all return to our place.
Let's smile, wink,
And let's start playing again.

Children perform exercises in accordance with the text.

Didactic game “Define your place”

The child determines his place in the circle in relation to other children.

Masha, who is on your right?

Egor, who is on your left?

Dasha K, who is ahead of you? And from behind?

Well done.

Guys, let's take you on a journey to the kingdom of Mathematics. (Children's answers)

How can we go on a trip? (Children's answers)

I invite you to take a trip to the kingdom of Mathematics on a magic carpet.

A magical melody sounds, to which children, sitting on the carpet, find themselves in the kingdom.

Our magic carpet rises higher and higher.

The breeze caresses us, and clouds float past.

We have arrived with you in the kingdom of Mathematics. But who lives in this kingdom? let's get acquainted

Main part.

Here is the first house of the inhabitants of the mathematical kingdom. Numbers live in this house. They have been preparing to meet you for so long that they have completely mixed up their places in the number series. Help them guys find their place.

Didactic game “Find a place in a row”

Children take turns going to the house and completing the task. Then the children are asked to count to ten by counting forward and backward.

Guys, let's count to 10, and now reverse order. Well done.

Didactic game "Numbers-neighbors"

But the following residents have lost their neighbors, let's help them find them. You need to insert the numbers with the cards into the empty windows.

Children insert cards with numbers into empty windows.

Now everyone stand in a circle and let’s play ball. I give you a word, and you tell me the opposite.

Didactic games "Say it the other way around"

The game is played with a ball. The teacher throws the ball to the child and names one of the mathematical concepts, and the child throws the ball back and names the opposite of the named concept.

Long short;
Big small;
High Low;
Wide narrow;

Fat slim;
Far close;
Above - below;
Left - right;

Back and forth;
Light heavy;
Strong - weak;
Fast slow.

Here is the second house of mathematical residents. I just won’t tell you who lives in this house. I want you to guess for yourself. Learned??

Masha what geometric figure you see?

Dasha, what kind of figure do you see?

Geometric figures are big mischief makers and love to play. And they want to play with you. Do you agree?

Now we’ll see which of you can arrange the geometric beads correctly.

Didactic game “Beads”

Children come to the table and complete tasks. logical chain of geometric shapes.

Now match the objects with geometric shapes that are similar to them.

What geometric figure does the TV resemble? (per square) Egor?

What geometric figure does a pyramid resemble? (per triangle) Masha?

And the sun? (per circle) Dasha K?

What about the ball? (on oval) Dasha Ch?

And the table (per rectangle) Anya Ch?

And what figure does the girl’s skirt look like? (on trapeze) Vika A?

Well done, you did it!!!

(come to me, short pause)

Physical education minute

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (jumping)
We can all count
We know how to relax the same way:
Let's put our hands behind our backs,

Let's raise our heads higher
And let's breathe easily, easily. (breathing exercise)

Guys in this kingdom there is a street where they live Logic exercises for attentiveness.

Their tasks are the most difficult. They will now try to confuse you, be especially careful.

Didactic game “Find the odd one out”

Children must find an extra item from those offered.

  1. Winter, Spring, March, Summer? (Masha, what’s wrong here?)
  2. December, April, Autumn, July? (Dasha K. is there anything extra here?)
  3. Wednesday, Night, Thursday, Saturday? (Dasha Ch. Answer what is superfluous here?)
  4. Five, Eight, Morning, Seven? (Egor What is unnecessary here?)

Well done!!

Now let's play the game, answer quickly!

  1. How many months are there in a year? Anya?
  2. Call me winter months, Vika.
  3. What day, Dasha, do the days of the week begin?
  4. How many days are there in a week, Masha?

What a great fellow you are!!

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. You can only go back by going through the labyrinth.

Let's go to the tables. Let's sit down more comfortably and prepare our arms for warming up.

"Finger gymnastics"

You and I must go through the Labyrinth using buttons.

Look for the right path and pave the way with buttons...

Graphic exercise "Labyrinth"

Children use buttons to pave the way "labyrinth."

Well done to all of you, you completed the tasks, now we can go home.

Final part.

I invite everyone onto the carpet-plane to fly to our kindergarten. (1,2,3,4,5 you can open your eyes)

A magical melody sounds, to which children, sitting on the carpet, find themselves in kindergarten.

Today we made an exciting journey to the Kingdom of Mathematics. Which task was the most difficult? What task did you complete quickly? Did you enjoy the trip? I suggest telling your parents about our trip in the evening.

And now I invite you to evaluate your work. The one who thinks that he has fully completed the tasks - let him take a red asterisk, and the one who thinks that he did not succeed in everything today - let him take a blue asterisk.

Children evaluate themselves!!

Alexandra Gosteva
"Far close". Integrated lesson on mathematical development

Far close

(integrated lesson)

Target classes

Learn to divide a square into four parts by folding it along

diagonals; make an object out of four parts measure

length using conditional measurements: develop an understanding of

distance: « far» , "close".


for the teacher: two large sheets of white or blue paper

for children: one paper square at a time, all squares of one

(green) colors, but different sizes (3x3 cm; 2.5x2.5 cm: 2x3:

scissors, glue, a bag of sand, a strip 4 cm long.

Progress of the lesson

Sitting at the table

Each child has one square. The teacher offers

different names for the figure that lies in front of them (square,


Then the children are asked to independently divide the quadrzi into four

triangle. At the end of the work, the teacher offers a demonstration

triangles and, pointing to parts from different squares, ask "

answer why the triangles turned out different.

Children make their own conclusion: the squares were different, so

and triangles of different sizes.

The teacher asks the children to guess riddle:

What kind of girl is this? Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself, but wears needles all year round? (Christmas tree)

Make the answer out of all the triangles

The children begin to complete the task. If: the teacher sees that

the child made the simplest Christmas tree, he offers to assemble it in

to another. It is useful to remind children once again what they need to do in their work.

use all the triangles, placing one on top of the other without


When finished, invite the children to stick Christmas trees onto large

sheets of paper lying on the tables. Remind them that Christmas trees are necessary

place throughout the sheet.

What a beautiful forest we have! But how do you know which tree?

the tallest? Which is the lowest? What's for this

need to be done? (Measure.) How can you measure the height of Christmas trees?

Children take their own measurements and use them to measure their height.

What kind of tree far, and which tree is closer?

How to find out where more Christmas trees without counting them?

with the help of substitutes, children establish correspondence between

two groups of objects.

A line is drawn on the ground. The children stand behind her. In their hands

sandbags. At a signal, children throw the bags into the distance.

Complication. Throw the bag with your left hand.

Note. Flight range can be proven by measurement.

Children can offer different measurements: stick, twig, etc. In this

In this case, tell the children to imagine that these objects are not there, let them come up with something else that can be used to measure the distance. Don't rush them to answer. Give everyone a chance to speak. It can be suggested that the distance can be measured using the foot.

“Which is closer?”

Invite the children to split into two teams. Give one team

The task is to name objects that are far away, another - close. At the end, ask the children to count how many objects each team named and how many objects both teams named together.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

  • To consolidate children's knowledge of vowels and consonants / hard and soft / sounds, the definition of the first sound in a word.
  • Strengthen the ability to divide words into sounds and syllables.
  • Exercise children in selecting antonyms - words with opposite meanings.


  • To train children in the ability to determine the gender of words: masculine, feminine, neuter.
  • Strengthen children's ability to name adjectives and verbs to nouns.
  • Strengthen the ability to compose short story based on a series of plot pictures.
  • Develop attention and the ability to answer questions clearly and competently.

Progress of the lesson

Hello guys. Today you and I final lesson on speech development. One cheerful little man whom you all already know very well suggested that we go into space. True, he doesn’t know very much, but I hope we will help him cope with the tasks that the Cosmos poses.

And here comes our hero (illustration by Dunno) <Рисунок 1> . What is his character like? (Cheerful, funny, restless, mischievous, inquisitive, curious, kind, friendly...). Dunno says that he will steer the ship, and carefully observe and listen to us in order to learn something new.

So, Dunno got ready to fly into space. He collected all his supplies and hit the road. But first Steklyashkin saw a flying saucer through his telescope and told Dunno about it <Рисунок 2> . Oh, all my pictures are scattered, now I’ll mix everything up and won’t be able to tell what happened to Dunno next before he came to us... Guys, can you help me put the pictures in order?<Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6>.

Children look at the pictures (one at a time on the tables), then go out and first tell each picture separately, then arrange them and make up a story.

Dunno has reached you and me. And during the flight you need to be careful to monitor all the instruments and what is happening outside the ship. Let's solve joke riddles together with Dunno and check how attentive we are too.

In the thicket I raised my head.
A giraffe howls from hunger. (Wolf.)

Who knows a lot about raspberries?
A clubfooted brown... wolf. (Bear.)

Daughters and sons
An ant teaches you to grunt. (Pig.)

Who loves to run through the branches?
Of course, a red... fox. (Squirrel.)

The fastest to rush out of fear is... the tortoise.. (Hare.)

In your warm puddle
Barmaley croaked loudly. (Little frog.)

From the palm tree down to the palm tree again
A cow jumps deftly. (Monkey.)

Well done, you completed the task. Now you can go flying, for this we begin the countdown!

Rocket launch: countdown.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – Start!

While we are in flight, tell Dunno what words are made of? From sounds.

What two groups are all the sounds of the Russian language divided into? For vowels and consonants.

How are vowel sounds pronounced? Easily, freely, sing, stretch.

Let's name them. A, O, U, I, Y, E How many are there?

What obstacles does the air in the mouth encounter when we pronounce consonants?

What are the consonant sounds? Hard and soft.

What color represents vowel sounds? (Red.) Are the consonants hard? (Blue.) Are the consonants soft? (Green.)

Flight in space.

Now we can see different objects behind the porthole. Guys, let's name these objects and count the syllables in them. Prepare your hands for this, we will clap.

Moon, stars, sun, planets, ship, comet, milky way (we count the syllables in the word path).<Figure 7, Figure 8, Figure 9, Figure 10, Figure 11, Figure 12,Figure 13>.

So that Dunno doesn’t get bored, we will show him how to correctly parse a word grammatically: parsing the word “Moon” by sounds, highlighting vowels and consonants; counting syllables in the words “Moon”, “Planet”, “Ray”.<Figure 14>.

And now, my dears, let’s do a sound analysis of the word “Moon”. How many letters are there in the word Moon? The answer is 4, and there are also 4 sounds. Well done. Now let's analyze each sound and put the necessary card on our table, and I will do it on the board. The first sound we will have, Anya will tell us “L”. Well done. What color will blue be, correct. The next sound is “U” in red. Well done. Misha will tell us the next sound “N”, what color will it be? Blue, agreeable, right? And the last sound, Timur will call “A” red and he, vowel. Well done. Sasha, what is the last sound in the word Planet? “A”, a vowel, is indicated in red. Marina, what is the last sound in the word ray? A consonant, soft, is indicated in green. Well done, you completed the task.

Dunno is sad. Oh, there are so many things he still doesn’t know! His mood dropped. Let's make Dunno happy again.

Physical education lesson “If you have a good friend...”

The mood has dropped (Stand facing each other, hands up.)
Things are getting out of hand... (“They throw their hands down…)
But all is not lost yet, (They threaten with their index finger.)
If you have a good friend. (Clap their hands.)
Let's handle this together, (They hold hands.)
Let's breathe a sigh of relief - (They sigh.)
Let's lift your spirits (Raise their clasped hands up.)
And shake off the dust! (“They shake off” the dust and smile at each other.)

We will also surprise Dunno how much amazing things we know about space!

Didactic game “Say the opposite”.

The Moon may have a bright side and dark.

The sun's ray can be long or short.

Stars can be cold and hot.

Stars can be giants and dwarfs.

The rotation of the planets can be fast or slow.

Planets may be close or far.

Dunno decided that he would give you all the space objects. But how to tell whose object it will be? Shall we help him in this difficult task? Yes .

So, you will need to say who owns the object. Dunno says what he wants to give and to whom. And you answer whose object is Anin, Sashin, her, his. And to whom it was given, he agrees that he accepts this object, and now he says it’s mine, mine, or mine and names what exactly belongs to him now….

Dunno is very glad that you turned out to be his companions! He was so happy that he gave each of you a space object. Let's remind Dunno what you and I taught him, so that it remains in his memory. (Summarizing.)

So, our flight on the spaceship has come to an end. The attentive Dunno landed our ship, and you and I are returning to the group. You made wonderful astronauts!

Program content:

  • Strengthen the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting within 5, answer the questions “How much?”, “Which one?”

Continue to use the words “How much?”, “Which number?”, “Equally” in your speech.

  • Improve the ability to determine the position of objects using the words “far and close.” Reinforce the idea that the result of counting does not depend on the distance between objects. Strengthen the ability to equalize groups of objects using the application method.
  • Improve the ability to establish the sequence of parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night.
  • Develop children's mental abilities: logical thinking, visual memory, attention, observation.

Didactic visual material: laptop, projector, magnetic board, flannelograph, toy bear, classical music, pictures of “parts of the day”, pictures of animals.

Demo material: 4 circles of the same size, different color: yellow, red, blue, black with riddles about the times of day, red flowers (5 pcs.), butterflies of blue color(5 pcs.), ribbons (yellow and blue) for the game “Jump far - jump close”, pictures with animals for didactic game“Which one?”, pictures of “parts of the day”.

Handout: cards and markers for each child.


1.- Children, guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them!


- Now let's get ready for class. Please stand in a semicircle.

Children stand in a semicircle.

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other!

“It is with this wonderful mood that we will begin our lesson, and our lesson is mathematics.” In which we will count to 5, we will learn that the counting result does not depend on the distance between objects, and we will play games.

- Now attention!

Today Mishka came to our lesson. He loves mathematics very much and will help us in everything, and we will help him.

And so let's get to work!

Mishka brought an envelope with him for you, but let's see what's in it. Here is a piece of paper with riddles about the times of day: listen carefully to them:

The sun is rising brightly,

The cockerel is singing in the garden.

Our children are waking up

IN kindergarten are going.

When does this happen?

- Dasha, when does this happen?

(this happens in the morning)

Nikita, please tell me when the children wake up?

What do you think about when children go to kindergarten?

(children go to kindergarten in the morning)

Look at the picture and check if you answered correctly.

That's right, I'll mark the morning with a yellow circle and pin it on a magnetic board.

The sun is shining brightly in the sky

The children went for a walk.

When does this happen?

— Vadim, when does this happen?

(this happens during the day)

How did you guess it was day?

(children go for a walk during the day)

Look at the picture and test your knowledge about the time of day - day.

That's right, I will mark the day with a red circle and pin it on a magnetic board.

Let's listen to the next riddle.

Hare's mother says:

Come on, children,

Everybody go to bed!

It's time to sleep a long time ago,

It's already dark outside!

When does this happen?

Vika, when do you think this happens?

(In the evening)

What do you do in the evening?

(we come home from kindergarten, watch TV, read books, get ready for bed)

That's right, I'll mark the evening with a blue circle and pin it on a magnetic board.

Bears and elephants sleep

The hare and the hedgehog are sleeping

Everyone around should fall asleep

Our children too.

— What time of day does everyone sleep?

(Everyone sleeps at night)

What do you think they do at night?

That's right, I'll mark the night with a black circle and pin it on a magnetic board.

Look at the board and name the time of day: the yellow circle is .... (morning),

the red circle is... (day), the blue circle is... (evening), the black circle is... (night).

Let's play the game "What's missing?", i.e. will disappear for some time of day.

We closed our eyes - what happened?

(the night is gone), etc.

Well done! You were very careful, so you never made a mistake.

When do children do exercises?

Our bear also loves to do exercises and built his friends on it:

- Name them?

(Hare, fox, wolf, squirrel, hedgehog).

- Let's count how many of Mishka's friends lined up for exercise?

We always count from left to right.

-Who is first?

(The hare comes first)

- Which is the hedgehog worth?

(The hedgehog is fifth)

- Which one is worth a squirrel?

(The squirrel is the fourth in line)

- How much is a fox worth?

(Fox stands second)

Well done! They did the job well!

Let `s have some rest!

Physical education minute.

The bear has a big house,

And the bunny's is small.

Our bear went home

The bunny also galloped.

2.- Little Bear invites you to math class

Come in, take your seats, sit down comfortably.

Children, look at the flannelgraph, what do you see on it?

(flowers and butterflies)

— What color are the flowers?


— What color are the butterflies?

- Look carefully and compare, is the distance between the flowers and the butterfly the same?

(distance varies)

— Are the flowers located far or close to each other?

— How are the butterflies located?

—Which are more flowers or butterflies?

(children's answers)

Opinions differ, some believe that there are more flowers, others that there are more butterflies. I also don’t know what there is more, visually it seems that there are more flowers and fewer butterflies.

— What should you do to find out how many flowers and butterflies there are?

Vadim, can you count the flowers?

Dasha, how many flowers?

Zhenya, count the butterflies?

Matvey, how many butterflies?

What can you say about the number of flowers and butterflies?

(There are five flowers and butterflies, equally divided)

(you need to place a butterfly under each flower and you can immediately see that there are equal numbers of them)

What technique did we use in this case?

(receive application)

Do you think the distance between objects affects the counting result?

That's right, guys, today we learned that the distance between objects (no matter how they are located close or far from each other) does not depend on the result of the count.

3. Teddy bear calls you to the carpet.

Game exercise “Jump close, jump far.”

There are ribbons on the carpet: 2 close to each other and 2 far from each other.

What color are the ribbons on the carpet?

(yellow and green)

How are the green ribbons located in relation to each other?

Where are the yellow ribbons located?

Now we will play the game “Jump close, jump far.”

I will name the child and tell him which ribbons to jump over.

Vadim, jump over the tapes that are located far from each other.

Katya, jump over the ribbons that are located close to each other.

Vika jump over the green ribbons.

Did you jump far or close?

Matvey, jump over the yellow ribbons.

Did you jump close or far?

Count how many yellow stripes there are?

—Count how many blue stripes there are?

How are they located from each other?

(blue stripes are located far from each other)

Tell me, does the distance between objects affect the counting result, that is, the number 2?

(no, it does not affect)

That's right, we have once again made sure that the distance between objects does not affect the counting result.

Mishutka, again invites you to the math class, take your seats.

- Show me your fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Pencil”

Everything is drawn with a pencil,

(holding an imaginary pencil in your hand)

When will you give him a job?

(knock fingers on the table)

Don't sit idle

(open and close fingers)

Guide with a pencil!

(draw with a pencil)

Take your seats.

I suggest you complete a new task.

In front of you are cards with two stripes.

On the top strip, draw two red lines located close to each other.

And on the bottom stripe there are two blue lines located far from each other.

I will complete the task with you on the flannelgraph.

Children, look at the flannelgraph and tell me if I completed the task correctly.

What did I draw on the top strip?

(two red lines located close to each other)

Check it out for yourself.

What did I draw on the bottom strip?

(two blue lines located far apart).

Check this task with yourself and your neighbor to see if there are any errors.

Well done to everyone, they completed the task.

Tidy up your workspace and come see me

Our lesson has come to an end. Mishutka really enjoyed doing math with you, thank you guys.

You did a great job, completed various tasks correctly, behaved well, I am very pleased.

Title: Abstract of GCD in middle group in mathematics "Learning by playing"

Position: teacher of the first category
Place of work: MBDOU " Kindergarten combined type No. 22 “Sun”
Location: Michurinsk, Tambov region