Children's crafts for school on the theme “Space. Interesting craft for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten: master classes Children's crafts for Cosmonautics Day

First, let's look at what can be made on this topic. For younger kids, it will be possible to make (with the help of their parents) such a layout from colored paper. All the planets of our Solar System are located on it. At the same time, of course, we teach the kids the names of the planets.

Application Solar System

You can make such applications from small plasticine balls. It’s better to draw such compositions first and even paint them with flowers. And then you can roll small balls and just stick them on.

After all, it’s really possible to submit it for a competition?

Squirrel in a rocket

We make figures of astronauts and a lunar rover from salt dough. Simple . This material is pleasant to work with for several reasons:

  • it hardens quickly and can even be placed in the oven;
  • it is easy to paint it later in different colors acrylic paints or gouache;
  • environmentally friendly, you can even swallow it))).

Russian cosmonauts and lunar rover

Children 4-5 years old can make simple paper rockets. This turns out to be a simple form of origami. And you can glue them onto a dark blue background, which will represent outer space.

Rockets in the universe

Let's make these funny aliens from toys, jars, tubes and plasticine.

Funny aliens

Another option for the competition using the modular origami technique.

We turn on our imagination and use everything: polystyrene foam, tree branches, foil, wire. Bushings will even be useful for making rockets.

Gagarin in flight

Plasticine composition with Saturn, stars, rocket and our green planet.

Milky Way

And a little humor)

Cat in a hat from the planets of our solar system

I hope that we have already more or less chosen something for ourselves, that we will make it and move on.

Simple crafts for kids in kindergarten on Cosmonautics Day

I suggest making a rocket with the kids from a sleeve (you can even use toilet paper) and colored paper. It turns out such a long and stable little thing that can be placed on a blue background and next to an astronaut figurine.

Add some foil and you'll have a more realistic spacecraft.

Let's make a starship out of paper. You can do this simply according to the diagram below.

And here is the finished version. Color it as you wish.

Or we’ll make an unidentified flying machine out of thick paper. You can make several of these things and put them again on the blue sky.

Look how colorful and at the same time original UFOs we produce.

Let's use the baby's favorite toy - plasticine. It is pliable, soft and adheres well to almost any surface.

Here are some applications you can make with it in disposable plates.

Saucers - open space

Oh, and we parted ways! Let's sculpt a cute alien. It will look good next to a paper flying saucer.

Funny alien

Don't feel like folding paper? So let's blind her too, because there is a lot of plasticine!

When working with plasticine, the first thing you need to do is explain to children that this is an inedible material and should not be put into their mouth.

Alien and flying saucer made of plasticine

Space idea made of paper and cardboard for April 12

From components such as paper and cardboard, it is easiest to do work for kindergarten and school. Because they are always present in any home. And also scissors and glue. If all this is available, then I propose to build such a composition from a flying spaceship, the sun and Saturn on a black background.

To work you need:

  • Cardboard with a black background about 30*25 cm;
  • Toilet paper roll;
  • Colored paper;
  • Gold and silver foil;
  • Semolina;
  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • Pencil.


1. Cut the sleeve in half. At one end we cut off the edges to create the nose of the rocket.

2. From blue paper, cut out three blue cones, which we bend in the middle. These will be our rocket engines. We glue them to the uncut (back) part of the sleeve.

3. Glue the rocket onto a black background.

4. Cut out two petals from red and gold paper. This will be fire coming out from behind the ship.

5. Glue the flame and the cut out window.

6.Draw the sun on gold foil, and Saturn with a ring on silver foil. Cut out and glue both shapes onto black cardboard.

7. Apply glue to the background and sprinkle semolina on top. This is our milky way. Beautiful craft ready!

Did you like the collage? If you have schoolchildren, you can make a flying luminous object below.

Video about how to make a flying saucer from a plastic bottle

How to make it - watch a short video. I’m sure the kids will enjoy the process itself, and then they will play UFO with enthusiasm. After all, this is not just a craft, but with special lighting effects!

How to make crafts from disks on a space theme?

CDs are already being thrown into the trash, but in vain. After all, this waste material is very suitable for souvenirs for Cosmonautics Day. Its shiny and round flat surface is very suitable for the production of unidentified flying objects.

Here is a second grader's masterpiece. She used the disk under a flying saucer with a very cute alien.

And this is the alien himself with antennas made of springs and foil.

Interplanetary taxi from the guys from preparatory group in kindergarten.

The cutest plate made of rhinestones and fluffy antennae.

ABOUT! And here is a whole group of funny humanoids with their own transport.)

And one more idea on how to use CDs.

Step-by-step 3D postcard in the form of a rocket

If you have never created three-dimensional postcards, here is a step-by-step method for you. Again, everything is as simple as two and two. Templates can be found at the end of my post.

We need:

  • A blank sheet of paper A4;
  • The pencil is simple;
  • Scissors;
  • Colored paper;
  • Glue;
  • Gouache paints.


1. Fold the A4 sheet in half. On the fold we draw half a rocket.

2. Part of the rocket in the photo below is marked with a dotted line. This means that we will not cut here. And we will cut out all the straight lines using scissors.

3. We try to do everything as carefully as possible.

4. We turn our spaceship inside. It will fold inward and the entire card will fold outward.

5. Draw the details of the ship: nozzles, porthole, nose and flame below.

6. Paint the background black with gouache. And the rocket itself in suitable colors.

Here you can get creative and make an astronaut’s face in the porthole window.

7. Draw beautiful flames.

8. Cut out different planets from colored paper. We glue them all over the background. You can also make stars from foil.

Voila! Our cool three-dimensional card is ready. We give it away for its intended purpose.

Making original works for a school competition

Let's be inspired by the ideas of the kids who won space-themed craft competitions. They all tried, working out every detail in their masterpieces.

Any available materials were used in the work. These are twine, foam balls as planets, glass pebbles, felt and much more.

International station

Composition of planet Earth, a rocket and two astronauts in outer space.

Russian cosmonauts

Solar System with satellite and planets.

And here is a magnificent model made from plastic bottles.

We use felt for voluminous applique.

Intergalactic travelers.

Beautiful applique made from napkin balls.

To make it, you need to roll out many, many balls from colored paper napkins. But the work seems to be worth it!

The squirrel and the salt dough arrow are waving their paws at you).

A little imagination on the theme of the galaxy, starships and UFOs - and a wonderful work is ready for the competition!

Pictures and templates on the theme of space

I suggest using cute templates and drawings as backgrounds and pictures. They will fit perfectly when creating postcards or crafts on the theme of astronautics.

On this note, I say goodbye to you for a moment. I wish you success in your creativity and pleasant moments spent with the guys!

12th of April Our entire country celebrates the wonderful holiday "Cosmonautics Day". My children and I also carefully prepared for this national holiday. We conducted an educational integrated lesson “Cosmonautics Day”, at which we conducted research activities“What is the solar system?”, “What is the gravity of the earth?”. Conducted a lesson on artistic activity"Flight to space."

Target: formation of older children preschool age ideas about outer space, the solar system and its planets, human space exploration.


1. Continue to expand children’s understanding of the diversity of space. Tell children about interesting facts and space events.
2. Introduce the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin.
3. Develop creative imagination, imagination, ability to improvise; to cultivate mutual assistance, a friendly attitude towards each other, pride in the people of this profession, in their homeland;
4. Involve parents in joint activities.

Progress of the lesson:

Since ancient times, people have looked at the sky and thought about how to rise above the clouds and find out what is there. It took a long, long time before people learned to build aircraft. And the first to fly into them were not people, but animals: rats, and then dogs. Their names are Belka and Strelka. And only after other dogs had successfully flown into space did the first man go there.
Many years ago, it was on this day that cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin flew into space.

We conducted a number of classes, conversations, games related to space and in conclusion we made collective craft"The rocket is flying into space."

1. First we drew space and a rocket on a sheet of paper.

2. Then the children colored the space suits (I found space suit blanks in coloring books for children, downloaded them, and printed them out).

Greetings to all readers and guests of the blog. Today I again invite you to turn on your Creative skills and do some handicrafts. After all, a very interesting and exciting holiday is coming up - Cosmonautics Day. This means that children's institutions are already preparing in full for this event.

And of course they give tasks for joint creativity, as they organize annual competitions on space topics. Therefore, I have prepared a special issue for you!! We will make neither flowers nor , but rockets, planets, flying saucers and much more.

I’ll immediately make a reservation that I take all the ideas for my work from the open access of the Internet. But I select from them the most creative, cool and accessible in terms of material, as well as for different ages. So read to the end, it will be interesting!!

Of course, for all times, applique is always in demand, and it can be made not only from paper and cardboard, but also from fabric and cereals.

It would be cool to do some modeling and make three-dimensional planets like this. Moreover, to create them you can use balls of different diameters and from different materials, and then just color them. Or mold it from plasticine or salt dough.

Volumetric postcards made of paper, corrugation or fabric also look cool.

You can make such a symbolic picture. Take a black background, glue a blue ball and decorate the remaining elements with rhinestones.

Here is another great option made from salt dough. It looks very beautiful and bright.

But look what you can make from felt. And we do without sewing!!

How do you like these funny space weirdos that come in a regular box, sealed with a blue background and decorated with stars?

A cool option made from various available materials.

Paper voluminous postcard in the style of a baby book.

How do you like this flying saucer made of disk and beads?! Looks very impressive, doesn't it??

Everything here is sculpted from plasticine; by the way, you can do this as a team effort.

You can, in principle, not bother, just take it and draw it, and then put it in a frame and you’re done!!

And if, on the contrary, you want to surprise everyone and have time, then make souvenirs from pasta. We looked at this technique when we did it.

As you can see, there is always a choice, the main thing is not to be lazy!!

Space crafts from colored paper and cardboard for kindergarten

And now I want to invite you to make a very simple flying saucer. We will make it from ordinary paper plates; if there are none, you can use plastic or cardboard.

You will need: two paper plates, pencils, markers, paints, glue, brush.

Work process:

1. Take plates and paint them any color. You can immediately take colored plates.

2. After the paint has dried, draw patterns on them with a pencil.

3. Color them with a marker or paints.

4. Then glue them together. Complete the composition with an alien made of plasticine.

You see how easy and fast everything is, and the main thing is that kids can do this kind of work.

And I also selected a couple of options from my favorite materials for creativity (paper and cardboard). Look, choose and show your children, let them make them.

A simple astronaut made from cones!

This work can be done not only from cardboard, but also from felt. And I really like the idea with photographs.

Naturally, do not forget about the applique, prepare templates, cut and glue.

You can also use the origami technique.

Here the option is more complicated, since it requires small work and knowledge of quilling techniques.

Making souvenirs from felt

And now we’ll sew a green alien. Many people will definitely like this craft.

You will need: green, blue and black felt, green, black and white sewing threads, gold beads No. 10, foam rubber or cotton wool, sewing needle, marker, glue.

Work process:

1. Prepare the templates first and then transfer them onto the fabric.

2. Then follow the step-by-step instructions below to sew the weirdo.

Let's see what else you can create from this wonderful material called felt:

The easiest thing to do is cut out the silhouettes, then glue them onto the background.

For older children, and for those who sew well, of course, voluminous crafts will be advantageous:

The last work will, of course, require the help of adults.

What crafts can you make on the theme of space for school?

Now let's see what we can offer older guys. You can choose the options that we discussed above, or you can think about it and choose from the following.

The image of space is always relevant. Take an empty box, make a background of paints, and glue paper stars. Make planets and hang them on strings.

Excellent teamwork. Make rockets using the origami technique and glue them on.

Cool version of salt dough!!

And look at the cool use of egg molds!!

What do you think of the idea of ​​using a light bulb?!

Well, everything is simple here, schoolchildren can easily cope with such a postcard.

Usage plastic bottle and plasticine.

Here is a whole cosmic composition, a great idea for creativity.

And here are the plasticine masterpieces:

Crafts for Cosmonautics Day from bottles

Cool and original products for April 12 can be made from ordinary plastic bottles, just look at these souvenirs:

Alternatively, you can use not the whole bottle, but only the neck, and add a Kinder Surprise egg.

And I suggest you watch a video story from which you will learn how to easily and beautifully make a space satellite.

Master class on making a rocket from waste material

A popular craft for this holiday is a rocket. Well, let's see how we can make it too. Found it good instructions on the website This option seemed cool to me, since everything is made from simple materials and anyone can do it.

You will need: toilet roll, colored cardboard or paper, scissors, glue, pencil.

Work process:

1. Cut out a large circle from thick paper or cardboard. Cut out a small triangle from it.

2. Roll into a cone and glue with glue. Then make small cuts around the entire circumference.

3. Glue onto the sleeve.

4. Cut out small circles and glue them too, imitating a porthole.

5. Make cuts on both sides of the sleeve.

7. Insert this strip into the prepared slots. The rocket is ready to fly!!

This is how easy and quick a souvenir is to make. Did you like it?!!

Craft ideas for the competition for April 12, 2019 (from plasticine and salt dough)

Children's favorite material for creativity has always been and remains plasticine, modeling mass or salty dough. After all, there is a great flight of imagination here and you can create whatever you want!!

  • Favorite cartoon characters - dog astronauts))

  • Alien in outer space

  • Flight of fancy in the open sky

  • How do you like such a real astronaut?!

  • Various colored aliens

  • Planet Conqueror

  • Interesting suspension option

  • Plasticine masterpieces

Video on how to make a flying saucer from a disk

I found another cool video, and it’s hosted by a child. So be sure to show it to your kids and let them make a cool craft for Cosmonautics Day themselves.

And a few more pictures for your creativity:

Templates on the theme of space for children in kindergarten and school

And in conclusion, I offer different templates for any type of crafts, and for applique, for postcards, for sewing and drawing, or plasticine creativity.

I won’t describe it, since everything is obvious. Your task is to save and print.

Our exciting adventure with you has come to an end. space trip!! Make your choice, participate in competitions and win, and just create for your own pleasure!!

Children imagine Space as an endless mysterious world inhabited by unusual creatures endowed with superpowers. You shouldn’t convince your child otherwise; it’s better to use these fantasies for development. imaginative thinking. The craft can be done by a group or by an individual child.

Invite your child to make a craft from materials that are always available at home, and you will get some fun space crafts. This article will present to your attention several master classes where you will learn how to make crafts on the theme of Space.

Painting from cereals "Space"

Crafts for kindergarten (for kindergarten) may look different. For example, cereal would be an excellent material for creativity.

Source materials:

  • gouache paints;
  • cereals: rice, beans, buckwheat, peas;
  • multi-colored plasticine;
  • cardboard, foil;
  • glue, brush, scissors;
  • saucers;
  • transparent varnish (can be used for painting nails).

So, how is it made from cereals for kindergarten? Look below:

  1. In advance, so that they have time to dry, we paint the cereals in different colors: rice - in yellow, buckwheat - in blue, peas and beans - in different colors. To do this, you need to dilute gouache paints of various colors with water and apply them to the cereals. Dry.
  2. Draw the contours of any space objects (rocket, moon, planets, stars) onto a sheet of cardboard. then you should knead the plasticine well and sculpt an image of the Moon and a rocket.
  3. Press the decorated beans and peas into the plasticine as tightly as possible so that the plasticine is not visible in the gaps.
  4. Cover the rocket porthole with foil and also frame the picture.
  5. Carefully apply glue to the outline of the stars, sprinkle with yellow rice cereal. When the glue dries, shake off excess.
  6. Thickly coat the unoccupied spaces with glue and cover with blue buckwheat groats. Shake off excess. Repeat as many times as possible until all the voids are filled.
  7. Apply varnish to some of the details of the painting.

Craft "Space" from unleavened dough

Craft for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten It is easy to make from this raw material. You just have to stock up on patience and some materials:

  • food colorings;
  • unleavened dough;
  • wire;
  • sticks, beads, buttons, balls, eyes for toys;
  • stack;
  • rolls made of cardboard (from foil, cling film, parchment paper);
  • straws for cocktails.

Crafts for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten are easy to do:

  1. First you need to prepare multi-colored dough. To do this, mix different food colors into the pieces of dough.
  2. Next, you should give the child the opportunity to choose the objects and characters he wants to sculpt. For example, a funny alien with several eyes.
  3. You can offer to sculpt the planet Earth. To do this, you need to stock up on enough blue and green dough.
  4. Very interesting idea- make figures of planets solar system. Attach the resulting planets and the Sun to threads. The sun in the middle, planets around, you get a beautiful “Solar System” pendant.
  5. Another type of pendant: cut out stars using a cookie cutter, decorate with beads, balls, sparkles and hang on strings.
  6. Making a space base will be a real flight of fancy. To do this, place sand in a tray. Make rockets and spaceships from cardboard rolls. Place them on a pallet.

The craft for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten is ready! You can safely participate in the exhibition.

Souvenir "Rocket"

Materials and tools required for work:

  • small plastic bottle;
  • paints;
  • brushes, scissors;
  • corrugated colored paper, cardboard, aluminum foil;
  • large beads;
  • glue, tape.

Stages of rocket manufacturing:

  1. Cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle. Cut a porthole just above the center of the bottle body.
  2. Roll a cone out of a piece of soft cardboard, secure it with a stapler or glue, use scissors to straighten the edge and glue the cone on top of the bottle.
  3. Cut out two circles from thick cardboard. Cut one circle into four parts (these are rocket stabilizers). Leave the other circle whole to decorate the porthole.
  4. Form two small cylinders from soft cardboard - these are the rocket nozzles.
  5. Paint the body orange, stabilizers - blue, nozzles - black. Wrap a cardboard ring for the porthole in foil.
  6. Wrap the top of the rocket in foil and glue the parts in place. Decorate with beads and pieces of foil.
  7. Cut a lot of thin strips out of yellow, orange and red paper (corrugated) and attach them inside the nozzles - it will look like a fire escaping.

Plasticine panel "Mysterious Space": materials

Craft for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten from natural material It’s easy to do, and above we looked at options using cereal. For a plasticine composition you will need to purchase:

  • multi-colored plasticine for children's creativity;
  • thick cardboard in black, blue or purple;
  • plasticine board;
  • stack.

Craft technique

Making a panel is not difficult, you just have to show your imagination.

  1. One of the details of the panel, the Sun, is molded from yellow, orange, and red plasticine. A piece of plasticine needs to be rolled into a ball, stuck to a sheet of cardboard that serves as the base of the panel, and crushed into a flat cake. Stretch another piece of plasticine the length of a thin stick to completely wrap the sun. Secure it around the Sun and rub it on the cardboard with your finger. So it's ready.
  2. The moon is molded from pieces of plasticine in brown, white and yellow colors. Plasticine for this different colors blends slightly to form a marbled pattern. You can depict both the month and the full moon by giving the piece the appropriate shape and attaching it to the base in a flattened form.
  3. It’s very easy to make stars: to do this, you need to roll up small plasticine balls and, attaching them to the base, stick them from the center to the periphery.
  4. The planets of the solar system are molded in the same way as the full moon, only for each planet you need to choose your own mixture of colors (for Earth - blue, green, white, Mars - red, brown, etc.). For Saturn, you need to make a belt depicting rings.
  5. The next detail of the panel - the rocket - consists of a plasticine rectangle. You need to attach a triangle above it, and smear a piece of orange-red plasticine under the rocket, which will depict fire from the rocket. At the end, you need to decorate the rocket with details to your own taste. The craft for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten is ready!

After these master classes, you will be able to conduct very interesting and educational activities with making handicrafts and telling stories about Space.