Daytime makeup for a round face. Makeup for a round face: features and recommendations of makeup artists

Any qualified makeup artist will confirm that with the help proper makeup It is possible to turn the most ordinary girl into a beauty. However, in order to hide the flaws in appearance and focus on its advantages, you need to understand what they are. We will talk about creating wedding makeup for a round face. This is a complex process from a technical point of view. A round face often looks cute and somewhat childish, but the wrong makeup can turn the bride into a doll, making her appearance too unnatural.

Characteristics of a round face

Before mastering proper wedding makeup for a round face, you should determine that it actually has this shape. A round face is characterized by equal lines of length and width, large cheekbones and a rounded chin. Such data often makes the bride’s face insufficiently textured, so the main goal of wedding makeup will be to highlight the relief of the forehead, temples, nose, cheekbones, lips and eyebrows. Each artist uses his own personal makeup technique, but there are general rules, providing the opportunity to make a round face more expressive.

Features of wedding makeup for a round face

Since a round face lacks definition, the primary task in creating wedding makeup will be to give it expressive contours. In the process you will need foundations of different colors, lipstick or gloss, mascara, eyeliner and eye shadow, and eyebrow pencil. The lip pattern will be clear and the eyebrows will be expressive. We advise you not to use contour products (foundation, blush) with glitter for wedding makeup - this will add even more volume to a round face. Only matte tones are allowed.

Wedding makeup rules for chubby people

Chubby brides need to choose foundations of three adjacent tones: the same color as their skin, one tone lighter and one darker. When working with them, you must follow several important rules:

  • Cosmetics chosen for a wedding should not contrast strongly with each other; a difference of no more than 2 shades is allowed.
  • The junctions of areas of different tones must be carefully shaded; they should not be visible.
  • To create wedding formal makeup, it is possible to enhance the contrast in tones to highlight the cheekbone areas.

Makeup application scheme

  1. Cleansing and moisturizing. Like any other, makeup is for round face should begin with cleansing the skin. For this purpose, a cosmetic scrub or peeling, cleanser (milk) or special lotion is used. After removing dead skin, oil and dirt, you should apply a moisturizer. Wait a couple of minutes until the cream is absorbed and start applying the foundation - the main product that will moisturize the skin, give it a healthy look, and keep you looking festive until the end of the evening.
  2. Evening out skin color. The bride should tone out facial imperfections and dark circles under her eyes using a corrector. Next, apply foundation in a natural tone that matches your skin color. Use a special sponge for this, so the cream will be better distributed over the surface and blended. Remember that the transition between the neck and face should be invisible.
  3. Drawing contours. To visually make your face oval, you will need two different foundations - a lighter one than the one that covered the entire face, and a darker one. The first is applied to the nose, forehead and center of the chin, the second to the cheeks, temples, and jaw lines. You shouldn't do this with your fingers, even if it's more common - it's better to use a sponge. The shading must be flawless, so the bride should arm herself with a mirror and position herself by the window.
  4. Apply blush. If the bride prefers to sculpt her face with blush rather than foundation, then you should arm yourself with a high-quality brush, preferably with natural bristles. Apply blush under your cheekbones and blend it slightly upward, towards your temples. Professionals advise not to go beyond the parallel lines on which the outer corners of the eyes are located.

Wedding eye makeup

To create a wedding look, chubby girls should adhere to the rule of vertical lines. They help visually correct a rounded face type. The correct arch of the eyebrows is rule No. 1 in eye makeup. Comb your eyebrows, if any, with a pencil, fill in the gaps, drawing the hairs in the direction of their growth. To get a clear, soft contour, eyebrows should be combed up a little.

The bride needs to highlight her eyes, which can be done using a highlighter and light bronze powder. Apply highlighter to the inside of the eyelid and under the eyebrow line. Darken the eyelid itself a little with powder; it should also be applied to the area under the lower eyelid. To make wedding eye makeup more expressive, use eyeliner: you can draw full-length arrows or emphasize only the corners of the eyes.

To achieve the effect of large eyes, shade the area just below the brow line with dark shadow and lightly line your brows to the outer corner of the eye. Chubby girls should not apply shadow above the center of the eye, otherwise the roundness of the shape will be even more obvious. Line your lower eyelid and blend the shadow between your lashes. The final stage is applying mascara to the top row of eyelashes.

Makeup for lips

The final touch to wedding makeup for a round face will be lip makeup. Any technique for applying gloss or lipstick will do, the main thing is to draw a clear outline. To make the lips appear plump, the bride needs to use gloss or natural shades of lipstick. Moreover, it is important to follow the order: first cover your lips with lipstick, then with gloss. This wedding makeup gives chubby girls a fresh and natural look. Remember that the emphasis should be on one thing - either on the eyes or on the lips. Bright lips and eyes shorten the face, visually rounding it even more.

Video tutorial on applying makeup for a round face

Full cheeks make a woman’s face round – a sign of health and vitality. We can’t call them ugly, but often girls with this type strive for a more oval face shape. To achieve this, stylists have come up with many cosmetic tricks. Makeup for chubby girls involves the use of light, discreet colors. To create a beautiful wedding make-up, you should stock up on a set cosmetics: 3 shades of foundation, mascara, eye shadow, eyeliner. You can learn how to properly apply makeup to chubby brides by watching the video tutorial.

Photos of wedding makeup for a round face

When working with a round face, it is important to use all the tools that effectively lengthen its shape. Cosmetics are important, but you can’t limit yourself to just well-applied makeup. Excellent helpers in this matter can be: hairstyle, neckline shape wedding dress, jewelry in the ears and on the neck. Approach creation wedding look comprehensively and be irresistible.

The round shape of the face is sometimes interpreted by its owners as some kind of disadvantage. This shape of the face is due to somewhat wide cheekbones, as well as pretty plump cheeks.

A certain category of women takes this completely calmly, while some are very worried about this. There really isn't a big problem. Properly done makeup will help you visually correct the shape if you don’t like it. Performing corrective makeup for a round face is not at all difficult; this process is called face shape modeling.

Before you start applying makeup, you should familiarize yourself with the features and characteristic features of a round face.

  • A round face has a wider midface than an oval face.
  • Chubby cheeks and wide cheekbones are distinctive characteristics of a round face, but the lower jaw is not as pronounced as in a square face.
  • However, the lower jaw has more spread-out angles than in an oval-type face; it is this property that is the main one in the formation of roundness.
  • In a round face, the width and height dimensions are almost the same.

Makeup for a round face has its own tricks and rules that must be strictly followed to achieve the desired result.

So let's get started:

1. The main rule when doing makeup for a round face is not to use horizontal lines, which will further expand your face.

2. First, apply a makeup base, then a base foundation that closely resembles natural color faces. And only then do we begin the correction process. Correction of the face shape can be done using foundation or matte powder, which is slightly darker than the base color.

Mentally draw lines on your face that will limit the shape you want and apply foundation in vertical lines to the area of ​​your face, the remaining pose of the mental lines. Thus, what you consider unnecessary will remain somewhat in the shadows. Next, performing movements from the beginning of the cheeks to the ears, you should rub the color.

3. The next stage of makeup is correcting the shape of the nose. To do this, the same tone that you applied to the side of the front part must be applied along the entire nose.

  • In the case of wide-set brown eyes, the same tone is applied to the bridge of the nose, this will create the illusion of closer eyes.
  • In the case of close-set eyes, a lighter-colored cream or powder that contains reflective particles should be applied to the bridge of the nose, which will visually expand the eyes.

Except for clear lines, the cream must be thoroughly shaded.

4. The main goal of using blush for a round face is not to emphasize the cheeks, but simply to give the face a fresh look. Therefore, for both daytime and evening makeup, you need to choose soft and delicate blush tones. The blush is applied in a triangle, directing the sharp angle just below the corners of the lips. In cases where the corners of the lips or the oval of the face in the cheek area are slightly lowered, you will have to make an exception to the rule and apply blush horizontally. Otherwise, you'll look like a sad harlequin

5. The shape of the eyebrows plays an important role in this makeup. Eyebrows should never be too rounded or raised.

6. With this type of makeup, you should not use lip pencil to avoid horizontal lines. It is better to create the effect of plump lips using lipstick and gloss in natural shades.

7. A few rules for cosmetics for brown eyes:

  • You should not make long arrows along the length of the eyelid. The ends of the arrow should be slightly raised.
  • It is recommended to highlight only the upper eyelashes with mascara.
  • The shadow does not need to be applied above the center of the eye and under the eyebrows. When shading them there should be no horizontal lines.

Every professional makeup artist knows that with the help of proper makeup you can make absolutely any woman into a real beauty. But in order to disguise the shortcomings of appearance and emphasize its advantages, you need to be well aware of what they are. In this material we will talk about working with a round face type, which is quite difficult in terms of applying makeup.

On the one hand, a round face in itself always looks cute and a little childish, on the other hand, makeup for a round face can make it look too doll-like. Beautiful make-up for a round face it should hide skin imperfections well and visually elongate the oval of the face.

Before mastering the correct makeup for a round face, it is necessary to establish that the face actually has this shape. A round face is characterized by equal length and width, as well as strong cheekbones and a soft jawline. Often, with such data, a round face seems insufficiently textured, so the main purpose of makeup for a round face type is to emphasize the relief of the nose, cheekbones, forehead, brow ridges and mouth. Each specialist has his own technique for working on a client’s appearance, but there are general rules that allow you to make a round face more expressive.

Scheme for applying makeup on a round face

Both daytime makeup for a round face and evening makeup should begin with the application of moisturizers, such as cream or gel. This is followed by treatment with foundation, smoothing the skin and masking dark circles under the eyes, inflammation, rashes, and so on. If the skin has significant unevenness, pimples and blemishes, you need to act step by step - first cover the problem area with foundation, then powder, trying not to create too thick a layer of tone.

Creating the right facial tone

A round face is often treated with foundation in two tones - a natural skin tone and a darker one. It is especially important to follow this technique when applying makeup for a full, round face. The application scheme looks like this: the chin, middle part of the forehead and the front edge of the nose are treated with a light tone, and the sides of the nose, cheek area, cheekbones and temples are treated with a dark tone.

When working with tone different shades There are two important rules to follow:

  1. cosmetics should not be too contrasting with each other, the difference can be no more than two tones;
  2. the borders of the junction of the areas of difference in tones must be carefully shaded.

Evening makeup for a round face allows for the creation of a stronger contrast in tones in order to highlight the cheekbone area.

Create spectacular eye makeup

At step by step work After applying the tone comes the design of the eyes and eyelashes.

  • Eye makeup for a round face allows the use of short arrows and outer tips curved upward. They will help make the expression of the eyes more focused, and the eyes themselves larger. At the same time, the use of long arrows can visually make the face even wider due to the fact that the dark stripes of the arrows have a horizontal orientation.
  • Eye makeup for a round face is usually done using dark shades of eyeshadow to deepen the eye sockets. The product can be applied to both eyelids; the color of the shadow depends on data such as eye and hair color.
  • Makeup for a round face is best done without applying mascara to the eyelashes of the lower eyelid; it is advisable to tint the top row with black to make the look brighter.

Creating the correct eyebrow line

If a round face is decorated with dark eyebrows, they should be given the desired correct shape using tweezers; if they are light, using a dark-colored pencil. The eyebrows of chubby young ladies should have a thin tip and a fairly thick main part. Only in this case the face will become expressive. Threaded eyebrows will make your face look flat.

Emphasize cheekbones with blush

You can disguise voluminous cheeks by using blush. Experts recommend applying makeup for a round face with nude and dark beige blush. Bright pink colors will add extra volume to your cheeks. Apply blush diagonally from the protrusions of the cheekbones to the corners of the mouth.

Creating the right lip makeup

When applying makeup for a round face, do not use a lip liner. Its use can visually make the face larger. For the same reason, it is better not to use dark and bright lipstick; for a round face, transparent or pearlescent lip gloss is more suitable. In the case when you decide to use lipstick, you should pay attention to discreet colors and desaturated shades.

Secrets that every chubby young lady needs to know

  • If you have wide eyes on a round face, you should use a dark foundation on the bridge of your nose. For close-set eyes, this area should be treated with reflective light powder.
  • When working with a round face type, it is very important to use all the tools that will help visually lengthen the oval. That's why you shouldn't limit yourself to just makeup. Hairstyle and neckline of clothes will be excellent helpers in this difficult task. It is better to style your hair in such a way that the hair mass is raised, that is, buns and backcombs work well. When using a parting, you should choose a simple straight option and avoid zigzag and oblique ones. When choosing a haircut, you should focus on medium or long hair length. Short haircuts and bangs can spoil the appearance of a chubby person.
  • When choosing clothes and accessories, it is good to choose deep necklines and long earrings. A high collar will also make your face appear wider.

Video: makeup application technique for chubby girls

All people have different facial types. There are triangular, oval, rectangular, round, square and diamond-shaped faces. To look every day like you’re on the cover of a fashion magazine and stop wasting money on unnecessary accessories, just study your face and choose flawless makeup, proper haircut and clothes. In this article we will talk about the intricacies of a round face, as well as the secrets of makeup and hair styling for this type of appearance.

Type Definition

Probably, many at least once in their lives have wondered how to determine their face type. There are two main ways.

  • Go to the large mirror and take a felt-tip pen. With your shoulders back, look at your reflection. Then trace the contours of your face on the mirror, leaving out your hair and ears. Try to make the outline as accurate as possible. Then look carefully at the resulting figure.
  • Use a tape measure to determine your widest part of your face. If the width of your forehead, cheeks and chin are approximately the same, then you have a square or round face. If the widest part is the forehead, then the whole face smoothly tapers down, which means, most likely, you have a triangular-type face.

People with a prominent chin usually have a square face. Chubby people, as a rule, look younger than their age; they often become the life of the party. This type of face has a smooth contour and the same distance from the center to any point on the oval line, an unpronounced chin, a low forehead, and the cheeks draw the main attention.


A round face looks kind and pretty. To achieve perfect harmony, a round face can be “stretched” by correct application makeup.


Since the eyebrows on the face are a horizontal line and can visually make the face wider, they need to be drawn in a straight line. This option involves placing the eyebrows not parallel to the eyes, but at an angle above them.

The ideal eyebrow for chubby beauties is long, clearly defined and with a pronounced bend. Try not to pluck your eyebrows, the more natural the better.


You can sculpt your face using powder and foundation. To visually elongate a round face, it is recommended to use tones of two shades, which should not be too contrasting with each other.

A light tone is applied to the chin, the central part of the forehead and the back of the nose, and a dark tone is applied to the temples, cheekbones, the side of the nose and forehead. When applying, remember to carefully blend the edges to create a soft effect.

You can visually reduce thick cheeks using compact powder, which is applied to them in a small amount. In this case, the tone should be a couple of shades darker than your skin tone.

We correct a full nose by applying dark shades of foundation or powder to its side walls. In the case when it is necessary to slightly shorten the nose, a dark tone is applied to its tip.

For 50-year-old women, the main rule in applying tone is naturalness. Therefore, you should give preference to light BB creams that do not create a mask effect. It is also worth using a concealer that will hide dark spots and perfectly disguises dark circles under the eyes.

Before applying foundation, be sure to moisturize your skin with your favorite cream or product with SPF to protect against ultraviolet rays.


The easiest way to highlight cheekbones is to use blush, which is applied with light movements diagonally from the forehead to the chin, avoiding horizontal lines.

The following action will help you apply makeup correctly: smile and carefully apply a little blush in delicate peach shades to the prominent parts of your cheeks. Another way to apply blush is to draw in your cheeks until dimples form and apply blush to the protruding parts of your cheeks.


For chubby ladies, it is important to place the main emphasis on the eyes. Any horizontal lines should be avoided; arrows should not be long with sharp tails. It is preferable to apply thin, neat lines along the border with eyeliner upper eyelid.

For girls with green Eye shadows of violet, copper and lilac shades are suitable. On brown eyes Sand, dark green, and chocolate colors will look good. Grey eyes ideally combined with golden, beige and pink tones, and blue with shades of bronze, lavender and dark chocolate.

Professional makeup artists advise chubby women to choose shadows in dark tones that will visually deepen the eye socket. Proper shading during application will help avoid the effect of horizontal lines. One of the winning eye makeup options is smokey ice.

Long, thick, curled upper eyelashes look very beautiful on chubby women; the lower ones can be emphasized with shadows.


Day makeup for a round face consists of applying tone and adjusting contours with maximum natural effect. Therefore, here it is best to replace foundation with powder in order to avoid the effect of a dense mask on the face.

Evening make-up

Evening make-up is a bright make-up, implying a full emphasis on the eyes, but at the same time looking neat when artificial lighting. Step-by-step application technique evening makeup For a round face it looks like this.

  1. First, we sculpt the face using light and dark foundation or powder., narrow the cheeks, lighten the forehead, apply concealer under the eyes, lengthen the chin according to the above scheme. Don’t forget to shade thoroughly to avoid clear artificial boundaries.
  2. Shaping the eyebrows: Using tweezers, remove excess hairs and draw clear outlines, lifting the outer tip of the arc.
  3. Apply highlighter to highlight the top of the cheekbones, center of the nose and forehead.
  4. Beautifully highlight eyes for evening makeup– perhaps the most difficult stage. To begin, apply an eyeshadow base to your eyelid. Next, apply dark shadows all over the eyelid, as if slapping them with a flat brush. Then, using a clean brush, blend the border of the applied shadows along the orbital line. Add some light shades of shadow to the inner corners and under the eyebrows and blend gently. Paint over the mucous membrane and interlash space with a soft black pencil. After this, if desired, you can apply a thin line of eyeliner along the growth of the eyelashes of the upper eyelid. Finally, we decorate the eyelashes with curling mascara.
  5. Lips decorate with light beige lipstick with a slight glossy effect.

Haircut and styling

People with round faces are envied by many, because despite their age, they will always look visually younger than their friends with narrow faces. If you choose the right hairstyle for a round face, you can visually lengthen it and smooth out full cheeks. To elongate your face, you need to stick to vertical lines in your hair, for example, due to the volume at the back of your head.

Uneven, ladder-cut strands and slightly creative clutter will help elongate your face. Volume on the sides and side combing, which visually enlarge the contours of the face, should not be allowed. It is also undesirable to pull your hair back without bangs, but accidentally leaving a neat strand of hair near your face stretches the oval and makes it visually taller.

Bunches and curls will not add beauty, but, perhaps, will aggravate the situation, increasing the overall volume of the head, and at the same time rounding the face even more. If you really want curls, then you need to style your hair in a light wave from the chin.

Straight bangs create a weighting effect on the face. Extravagant pixie is one of ultra short haircuts, which suits chubby charmers. Thanks to the open neck, it lengthens and elongates the face.

Ponytails will reveal a round face, and due to the high rise to the top of the head, they will visually make the girl taller.

Straight partings are contraindicated for those with a round face, while hair laid to one side will correct the roundness of the contour. Choosing a haircut and styling with asymmetry will soften full features or emphasize the advantages of a chubby girl.

A bob haircut below the jawline is not the best the best option for those with a round face, but with sloping bangs it looks very impressive.

The Greek hairstyle, in which the hair is braided on both sides of the head, emphasizes the beauty of a pretty round face.

Styling will help give the correct oval shape long hair by the ears and also low bun with strands left on the sides.

To the owners curly hair It is necessary to cut your hair in such a way as to emphasize the cheekbones, while hiding the fullness of the oval.


Women with round faces are more attractive due to their smooth, almost childlike features. Chubby people should be especially careful when choosing a headdress. It should be combined not only with facial features, but also with clothing and body type.

Today, hats, caps and hats are not just items for insulating the head, but also fashion accessory, with which you can emphasize your style and hide flaws.

Stylists advise trying on hats before purchasing, because this way you can immediately assess whether such an accessory suits you or not. Experts in the fashion and beauty industry recommend that for a round face, headwear items are not too tight-fitting, revealing the forehead and covering the sides of the cheeks.

For chubby fashionistas, miniature berets are ideal, which are worn slightly to one side, and voluminous beanie hats visually lengthen the face. Winter hats with pom-poms or a hat with ear flaps with long or short ears on the sides will also help chubby girls to visually stretch out.

The funnel hat has been at the peak of popularity lately. It wraps around the head and neck, while highlighting the volume under the chin, thereby elongating the face. A bonnet, fedoras, a tall baseball cap, and a down scarf are also ideal options for those with round face shapes.

There are also hats that are literally contraindicated for a round face:

  • headphone hats;
  • knitted, tight-fitting eyebrow-length hats;
  • classic berets.

Before choosing a headdress, it is also advisable to pay attention to your color type. For example, warm colors are ideal for fair-haired girls, and gold and lemon colors are ideal for red-haired girls with dark skin.



Well-chosen jewelry is the perfect finishing touch to any look.

Those with a round face should opt for thin, oval or teardrop-shaped earrings that elongate the face, or small, barely noticeable studs. It is recommended to ignore round, chunky ear accessories.

Long chains with elegant small pendants are suitable for the neck. Short neck jewelry, as well as large stones, should be avoided by chubby people.


For girls with round faces, it is important to avoid horizontal lines. They should purchase glasses in almost any frame except round ones. Rectangular glasses with elegant thin frames that protrude beyond the line of the widest part of the face will look very stylish.

Another ideal option is the frame “ cat eye" It is advisable to choose bows without decoration, with a clear geometric shape. The color of the frame should ideally match the color of your hair and skin.

Scarves and shawls

It is better to choose a scarf or shawl from thick fabric, and you need to tie it loosely, not under the throat, leaving the space of the neck open.

A scarf on the head should leave some of the hair open and create volume on the top of the head, thereby visually elongating the face.

Secrets of eliminating deficiencies

If you have wide cheekbones, full cheeks and a square chin, that is, with all the shortcomings of a round face, do not be upset - there are several secrets to eliminate them:

  • do a hairstyle with hair length below the chin line;
  • avoid horizontal lines in makeup;
  • Closely spaced eyes and a small nose are corrected in the following way: by lightening the bridge of the nose, darken the sides of the nose - this will visually increase the distance between the eyes;
  • if the eyes are wide apart, the bridge of the nose is darkened;
  • To prevent a round face from being conspicuous, makeup artists advise focusing on the lips or eyes, while choosing lipstick in muted shades - beige or pink; a transparent or pearlescent sheen may also be an ideal option;
  • the primer will even out the surface of the face, and will also hide pores or fine wrinkles and perfectly mattify the skin;

  • pencil correctors help hide pigmentation, thin skin and even allergies; they have different colors, each of which works on a specific problem: white will lighten dark spots on the skin, green will help cope with acne, pink will cover dark circles under the eyes, beige corrector helps to refresh skin tone;
  • concealer is an important thing for masking spider veins and dark circles under the eyes; it is applied with gentle movements and small portions, and careful shading is very important in this matter;
  • correction of a round face consists in its visual lengthening and always occurs according to the classical scheme: the side parts of the face are darkened, and the forehead, chin and part under the eyes, on the contrary, are lightened, drawing attention to the center;
  • for chubby ladies, the correct eye makeup is done with shadows of dark shades, and the upper part of the eye is covered with a light tone, carefully shading the border between them;
  • the direction of the eyebrow hairs can be fixed with a special gel or wax, and a too high bend will only emphasize the roundness of the face, and a small graceful bend will give an excellent lengthening effect;
  • Before applying makeup, the face must be thoroughly cleansed and moisturized; it is also recommended to apply a makeup base, which will help create an even foundation effect;
  • backcombing on the top of the head suits women with wide cheekbones and optically lengthens their facial features.

Beautiful examples

  • Cameron Diaz is a beautiful owner of a round face. Due to the bright emphasis on the eyes and slight asymmetry in styling, round facial features do not catch the eye.

A round face shape is characterized by soft lines and symmetry in length and width. Many girls do not like this position; they feel that this shape makes their face look full. Each look is beautiful in its own way, but if you absolutely need to achieve the ideal, then you should visually elongate your face and give it an oval shape. The right makeup for a round face will help with this.

The basics of makeup

Changing the shape of a round face with makeup, just like in a plastic surgeon's office, begins with markings. On clean skin prepared for cosmetics, highlight the following areas with a light pencil:

Scheme for applying makeup on a round face

  • draw a circle on the forehead so that it is exactly in the center, and the borders, if you draw a straight line, reach the first third of the eyebrow;
  • the boundaries of the circle on the chin should cover only the center of the lips;
  • place dots under the outer and inner corners of the eyes and exactly in the middle of this segment at the level of the wings of the nose - this will be a triangle for the corrector;
  • smile and find the edge of your cheekbone, draw a line 2-3 cm short of your lips, this is the edge of future blush.

Apply a light tone to all indicated areas of the face, with the exception of the last one. Tint the remaining parts of the forehead, temples, wings of the nose, cheeks, lines prepared for blush, chin and neck area 2 backgrounds darker. The joints between colors must be carefully shaded.

Will you use two creams or powders? different colors- it doesn't matter. The main thing is that you don’t end up with a mask. This makeup for a round face is based on the principle of the play of light and shadow. By absorbing light, makeup “removes” volume.

Eyebrows make up the whole face

When sculpting your face, do not forget about the geometry of your makeup. Any horizontal stripes will make it visually wider. Therefore, you should abandon long and straight eyebrows and give them the correct shape.

Correct eyebrow shape for a round face

For a round face, this is an eyebrow that does not extend beyond the eye area. It should be voluminous. To do this, you need to comb it regularly and style it with a special gel. The fracture can be almost anything. The exception is o-shaped and completely straight eyebrows. Thickness and color can be adjusted using shadows and pencil.

There should be eyebrows on the face! But there shouldn't be too many of them.

How to lengthen your face with blush

Makeup for a round face cannot be complete without blush - this is one of the main tools that help create the perfect oval. Only semi-dark tones should be used. It can be brick, dark beige and even bronze (without glitter) blush. Too much dark colors They will look unnatural, too light - they will add volume, which you really want to get rid of.

Lengthening your face with blush

Round cheeks, already visually reduced by the foundation of the right makeup, need to be drawn out even more, giving the face cheekbones. To do this, the previously selected area is enhanced with blush, then above this feature, that is, above the lower edge of the cheekbones, the same line is drawn a tone lighter. Borders are carefully shaded.

Blush on the cheeks should not stand out, they should only indicate the cheekbone area.

The main secret of makeup suitable for a round face is drawing vertical lines. By making your lips plumper, you remove the horizontal line. By painting your eyelashes straight up, you open your eyes. By focusing on your cheekbones, you add definition to your makeup. When working with a round face, you cannot limit yourself to just makeup; it is important to choose a hairstyle and clothing that emphasizes individuality and makes the face more oval.