Physical education subject lesson hare and hedgehog. Finger gymnastics for children. Outdoor game of hedgehog with a goal.

first junior group

Tasks: develop fine motor skills children's hands; learn to hold a clothespin with two fingers (index and thumb), develop the skill of unfastening and fastening clothespins; consolidate knowledge of primary colors; cultivate an interest in the world around us and a desire to help others.

Material for the lesson: flat figures of hedgehogs in four primary colors, clothespins of the same colors, pictures from the “Wild Animals” series (fox, hare, wolf, bear, hedgehog).

Integration educational areas: “Cognition”, “Physical Education”, “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Reading Fiction”

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher asks the children riddles and, when guessing, shows the corresponding picture:

Cunning cheat

red head,

The fluffy tail is beautiful!

And her name is... (fox)

Long ears stick out

The white paws are trembling.

Who is this? Guess what!

This is our little coward... (bunny)

They turn up their faces,

They howl terribly: “Ooooh.”

In the clearing near the Christmas tree

Evil ones walk and wander...(wolves)

Brown, clubfooted

In summer he eats raspberries and honey.

He sucks his paw

He sleeps at home all day long.

It can roar loudly!

And his name is... (bear)

There are needles on the back

Long and stinging.

And curls up into a ball -

There is no head, no legs! (hedgehog)

The teacher focuses the children's attention on the hedgehog. Pays attention to the needles. The teacher asks the hedgehog:

Why are you so prickly, hedgehog?

This is me just in case.

Do you know who my neighbors are?

Foxes, wolves and bears!

Finger gymnastics"Hedgehogs":

Little hedgehog is frozen (form your fingers into fists -

And curled up into a ball . the hedgehog rolled up his needles)

The sun warmed the hedgehog - (straighten your fingers -

The hedgehog turned around! the hedgehog showed his spines)

Educator: Guys, hedgehogs came to visit us, look how beautiful and colorful they are! What color are they? (Children name the colors) I'll tell you a secret when you weren't in kindergarten, these hedgehogs played with your toys, rode down the slide, drove your cars! Oh, and they had fun! And now they are sad because they have lost all their thorns... Let's help the hedgehogs collect their thorns and look for them in our group!

Children, together with the teacher, look for clothespins that are pre-attached in different places in the group - on furniture, toys, etc.

Educator: Well done, children! We found all the clothespins that the hedgehogs had lost. Now, let's attach them to the backs of the hedgehogs. You just need to be very careful and not confuse the color.

Children attach “spines” to the backs of hedgehogs. The hedgehogs thank the children for their help.

Outdoor game "Hedgehogs":

Along a dry forest path - Walking in place.


These are whose feet are trampling -


Two slams, Let's clap our hands.

Two floods Stomp our feet

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs. Bend and spread your fingers ki.

Forged, forged We cross and spread our bent arms.

Knives, knives. We move up and down with straight palms.

Let's run, let's run We pretend to run.

Bunnies, bunnies... Fingers to the head - “ears”

Come on together, come on together:

Girls! Boys! We raise our hands up.

The teacher suggests making movements faster, and even faster. The game is played several times.


"Interesting games"

(teacher - psychologist Tamara Aleksandrovna Portnova)

Knock Knock"(finger gymnastics).

I have a cam. Children show one fist

I have a palm.

And you? Children show the other hand with an open palm.

Fist on the palm:

Knock-knock, knock-knock. Repeat the action: knock with your fist.

The fist was knocking, knocking

Repeat actions after adults

He lay down on his palm

And he rested for a long time.

When repeating the game, change hands.

Imitation game “Raise your palms”

Raise your palms higher and place them above your head.

What happened? The roof came out.

And under the roof you and I. (Hands return to knees.)

Raise your palms higher and wave quickly.

What happened? The birds are out.

The birds are very good. (Hands return to knees.)

Raise your palms higher, bend them in an arc.

What happened? The geese came out - here's one, and here's another.

(Hands return to knees.)

Raise your palms higher.

Bend your fingers quickly.

What happened? The bears are out.

Outdoor game "Catch-up"

We'll play with mom

We will jump and gallop

Who is stronger, who is more dexterous?

Who will catch up with everyone faster?

Mothers and children play

They're catching up with the kids!

"Zaykin's House"

(musical directors: Olga Vladislavovna Shvedova,

Ledyaeva Svetlana Semenovna)

Self-massage of legs “Tired legs”(O. Arsenevskaya)

We walked, we ran, our little legs were tired.

Let's sit on the path, stroke our legs,

Let's spank our palms, pinch them a little,

Let's knock with our fingers, knock with our fists,

Let's get up and run again.

Finger game "Snow-snowball"(E. Makshantseva)

Finger game "House"(O. Arsenevskaya)

Breathing exercise "Kitten"(O. Arsenevskaya)

Breathing exercise “Snowflake”(O. Arsenevskaya)

Dance game “Who dances how”(r.n.m. “Oh you, canopy”)

"Hedgehog visiting the bunny"

(teacher - speech therapist Belonogova Elena Mikhailovna)

Playing with a hedgehog

The hedgehog walked, walked, walked.

I found a fungus.

The hedgehog walked, walked, walked

Found the apple

And he went home.

Finger gymnastics “Hedgehog”

Good hedgehog, good hedgehog children twirl their fists in front of them

It looks like a ball.

The hedgehog has spines

Very, very prickly.

Hedgehog, hedgehog, weirdo, children hide their fists behind their backs

Where are you hiding my friend?

Show me the needles children clench and unclench their fingers

Very, very prickly.

Sports exercise “Little hedgehog”

Little hedgehog, four knife

A hedgehog walks through the forest and sings a song.

Fuf-ti, fuf-ti, fuf-ti, fu

I carry a fungus on my back

I'm the strongest in the forest

But I'm only afraid of the fox.

Warm-up exercise with a hedgehog ball

Stroke my palms, hedgehog!

You're prickly, so what!

I want to pet you.

I want to get along with you!

Game "Thorns for a Hedgehog"

Why are you such a prickly hedgehog?

This is me just in case

Do you know who my neighbors are?

Foxes, wolves and bears.

Physical education minute

We take dad (mom) by the hand

And let's go on a long journey...

Big feet walked along the road...

Little legs ran along the path...

They walked, walked, walked, walked and reached the forest.

Finger gymnastics “Building a house”

All day here and there

A loud knock is heard.

The hammers are knocking -

We are building a house for animals.

(children knock fist on fist,

like a hammer)

With a roof like this,

(children fold their hands above their heads

in the form of a roof)

With walls like these,

(palms spread far apart from each other)

With a window like this,

(one hand above your head, the other under your chin)

And with this door.

(palms touch each other)

Play massage on mom's lap

The bear was walking through the forest, the bear was trampling with its paws:

Top-top, top-top, the bear trampled his paws.

(strong pressure with palms on the back. Patting.)

The bunny was walking through the forest, the bunny was jumping through the forest: Skok-skok, skok-skok,

The bunny was jumping through the forest.

(rhythmic forward movements with fingers.)

And the little fox, these are the miracles,

I walked through the forest and covered my tracks (2 times).

(patting the back.)

"The hedgehog was stomping along the path"

(methodological development directly educational activities for children of primary preschool age)

Shchedrina S.I. – teacher

MADO "Kindergarten"

combined type No. 2


Class physical culture– one of the general biological needs of the body, which plays an important role in its life and the full formation of a person.

It is known that in the younger preschool age Children need to be taught spatial orientation, proper use of equipment, and stimulate interest in exercises.

How to increase the effectiveness of classes and develop appropriate skills in children? The leading type of activity will help us - a game. This development uses gaming techniques and artistic expression.

Used on this lesson techniques develop the ability to improvise, hearing, attention, creative imagination and memory. And besides, strength, agility, coordination. Children learn to navigate space, acquire the skills to move at a given pace and rhythm.

Wellness tasks:

Ø Strengthen motor activity, improving children’s movements and their physical qualities;

Ø Provide physical and emotional stress.

Educational objectives:

Ø Teach formation in a circle; stable balance, ability to crawl under obstacles;

Ø Practice jumping on two legs;

Ø Create a playful mood for creative freedom;

Ø Develop creative imagination and imaginative thinking.

Educational task:

Ø Nurture personal qualities (independence, initiative, goodwill).

Location: gym

Equipment: board, 5 - 6 cords, portable ladder.

1st part

Between spruce, soft paws

Walking on your toes, arms up and in front of you.

Rain drip-drip-drip.

Where the twig has long since dried up,

Walking with knees raised, hands on waist.

Moss-moss-moss grew.

Where leaf sticks to leaf,

The mushroom-mushroom-mushroom grew.

Walking on your heels, bending forward, arms to the sides.

Who found his friends?

This is a hedgehog and me-me-me.

The hedgehog stomped along the path

And he carried mushrooms in a basket.

You need to walk cheerfully.

Walking with alternating stamping of the right and left foot and stopping.

One fungus, two fungi,

I put everything in the box.

Walking with forward bends.

Stream to the bottom

The sun shone.

Running on your toes in a circle.

And he runs and murmurs,

Hedgehog says quietly:

“Oh, you, grandfather - a hedgehog,

Don't go to the shore

Walking with small, mincing steps.

You'll get your feet wet there,

Warm boots.

Go to the meadow

And stand in a circle with your friends.”

Walking, forming in a circle.

2nd part

General developmental exercises. Performed in a circle.

Once we were walking in the forest

And we met a hedgehog there,

Swing your arms forward and back alternately, possibly with a rotation of your torso.

In a clearing in the forest,

Under the fluffy pine tree

Legs apart, bending forward.

He sat with the hedgehogs,

Little guys.

Feet together, hands on the belt, squat.

There are needles on his back

Like the needles of a Christmas tree.

Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog,

Show me the needles.

Don't be afraid of us, hedgehog,

We'll be friends now.

Legs apart, hands on the belt, bending forward.

We'll play together

We will jump and jump.

Jumping on two legs in place.

Main types of movements

The hedgehog stomped along the path

And he carried a mushroom on his back,

Walking up an inclined board.

The hedgehog stomped slowly,

Quiet leaves rustling.

And a bunny gallops towards the meeting,

Long-eared jumper,

Jumping over ropes on two legs.

In someone's garden, cleverly

I got hold of a slanted carrot.

A bear waddles past

For raspberries and honey -

He loves sweets very much.

And when autumn comes,

Climbs into a hole until spring,

Crawling under the rail of a ladder standing sideways on the floor.

Where does he sleep

And he dreams.

Allowances for the main types of movements are presented one by one, each movement is performed 2-3 times.

Outdoor game "Hedgehog in the forest."

The “hedgehog” is chosen by a counting rhyme and stands in the middle of the circle. The rest of the children are “mushrooms”. Holding hands they walk in a circle.


Spiny mushroom mushroom

Lives in a dense forest.

One fungus, two fungi -

Here's the whole box.

The children turn and go the other way.


And I'm walking through the forest,

I take mushrooms into the box,

One 0 two, don't yawn,

Run away from me.

Everyone runs into the loose, and “Hedgehog” catches them.

3rd part

One or two, the hedgehogs walked,

Normal walking.

Three - four, let's go home,

The fifth rolled after them,

Walking on your heels.

The sixth man was running ahead.

Easy running.

And the seventh fell behind everyone else.

He walks calmly

There is a mushroom on needles.

They walk bent over, with their hands resting on their knees.

He passes behind the bushes

And rustles behind the burdocks.

They walk, shuffling their feet, “throwing” them forward.

One two Three -

Here we are again, kids.

Walking around the hall.

One - two, one - two -

The children walked

One - two, one - two -

So the game is over.

Let's go pick mushrooms in the forest.


1.Form correct posture when walking on your toes and heels.

2.Strengthen the small muscles of the arms and muscles involved in the formation of the arch of the foot.

3. Learn to maintain balance.

4.Practice energetic push-off with both legs from the floor (in jumps with forward movement).

5.Improve motor skills, coordination of movements in space, dexterity.

6.To consolidate the main types of movements in the process of alternating active and sedentary games.

7.Evoke a positive emotional response to exercises and outdoor games.

8. Instill a love of physical education.


Mushroom emblems (for each child), autumn leaves made of paper (10 pcs), mushroom and basket caps, a hedgehog mask, a rubber ball, a suit and a fly agaric cap.

Preliminary work.

Back massage “Rain, rain, bam-bam-bam!” Breathing exercise “Let’s blow on your shoulder!” Gymnastics for the eyes “Sun”. Exercises to prevent flat feet “We’ll take the basket!” Finger gymnastics “Mushrooms”. Outdoor games: “Naughty mushrooms”, “Hedgehog in the forest”, “Mushroom in a box”. Sedentary games: “Name the mushroom!”, “A mushroom has grown,” “A prickly hedgehog lived in the forest,” “Rain, mushrooms and mushroom pickers.”

Leisure activities

Children are greeted by Fly Agaric (FC instructor dressed as a Fly Agaric)

fly agaric :

Under the pine tree by the path

Who is standing among the grass?

There is a leg, but no boot,

There is a hat, but there is no head.

Children : Mushroom!

fly agaric :

In the autumn forest for a walk

I invite you to go.

More interesting adventures

We guys can't find it.

Stand next to each other

Hold your hands tightly!

Along the paths, along the paths,

Let's go for a walk in the forest.

Maybe we're in the autumn forest

Shall we collect a basket of mushrooms?

Walking on your toes like a snake between the Christmas trees.

Walking on your heels in a straight line.

Jumping from leaf to leaf moving forward.

Types of running.

Breathing exercise “Let’s blow on your shoulder!”

fly agaric : What do mushrooms need to grow quickly?

Children : Sun and rain.

Back massage “Rain, rain, bam, bam, bam!” Stand behind each other like a train and pat each other on the back with your palms.

The cloud is crying:


Oh, it will get wet,

Drip-drip-drip! (Tapping fingers on the back.)

Hey don't be afraid




Leisya, Leisya,


Drip-drip-drip! (Pounding fists on the back.)

The garden is soaked to the skin,

The rain helped the garden,

Who wants


It will wet everyone,

Glug-glug-glug! ( Vertical movements with the edge of the palm.)

Rain on the roofs

Along the pillars

We only hear:

Bam-bam-bam! (Stroking your back with your palms.)

Rain, rain,


Help the mushrooms grow!

Then the children turn 180 degrees and repeat the massage.

Sedentary game"Rain, mushrooms and mushroom pickers"

The “mushroom” children squat down. Calm music sounds (“it’s raining”), mushrooms grow slowly, and children rise. The music becomes fast - the mushrooms are having fun and dancing.

Finger gymnastics “Mushrooms”

Performed while sitting cross-legged.

This finger went into the forest

This finger found a mushroom

I began to clean this finger,

This finger began to fry,

This finger sat down and ate

And he gained a little weight.

Sedentary game “A mushroom has grown”

Children line up in a circle and perform the exercise accompanied by speech; walking in a circle.

Between soft spruce paws

Rain, drip, drip, drip! (Snap fingers of both hands)

Where the twig has long since dried up,

Gray moss, moss, moss! (Rub your palms together)

Where the leaf stuck to the leaf (squat down, slowly rise)

Mushroom, mushroom, mushroom has grown! (Stand on toes, arms up.)

Who found it, friends?

Children . It's me! I! I! (Jumping forward in a circle.)

Fly agaric. Children, do you know the names of mushrooms?

Sedentary game “Name the mushroom!”

Children form a circle. In the center is Fly Agaric with a ball.

Fly agaric.

Come on, Misha (Tanya...), don’t yawn!

Call it a mushroom!

Fly Agaric throws the ball to any child, he catches it, returns it to Fly Agaric, calling it a mushroom.

Outdoor game “Hedgehog in the forest”

According to the counting rhyme, a hedgehog is selected (a child wearing a hedgehog mask) and stands in the middle of the hall. The rest of the children are “mushrooms”, they form a circle around the hedgehog.

Fly agaric:

Spiny mushroom mushroom

Walking in the dense forest.

One is a fungus, two is a fungus.

Here's a whole box!

The players begin to move in a circle to the right, and the hedgehog moves inside the circle towards the players (in the opposite direction). At the end of the quatrain, the children turn around and walk in the opposite direction. At the same time, the hedgehog says:

And I'm walking through the forest,

I take mushrooms into the box.

One, two, don't yawn!

Run away from me!

After the hedgehog’s words, the mushrooms scatter, the hedgehog tries to catch them (touch them with his hand). Caught players move aside.

Outdoor game “Mushroom in a box”

Children are divided into two equal subgroups. She is a subgroup - “mushrooms” (masks-hats), the second is “baskets” (in masks-hats). At the teacher’s signal, “Mushroom in the box!” children scatter throughout the hall. Baskets collect mushrooms. Then the game is repeated and the children change roles.

Fly agaric: We do not return home with empty baskets. And I will have a gift for you - a basket with sweet mushrooms!

MKDOU kindergarten No. 25

Group " ladybugs»

Sports festival

“Let’s go pick mushrooms in the forest”

For children middle group

Pprepared by: teacher

Blokhina Nadezhda Vasilievna