Annual report in the senior group of kindergarten. Annual report of the teacher on the work done in the senior group, outline plan on the topic

Natalia Sonina
Annual report on the work done by teachers in senior group.


IN group 21 children: 10 girls, 11 boys.

Job with children was conducted according to the basic general education program "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. We set tasks for five general education regions:

"Physical development" is aimed at achieving the goals of developing children's interest and value attitude towards physical education, harmonious physical development, achieving the goals of protecting children's health and forming the basis of a culture of health.

"Socially - communication development» is aimed at achieving the goals of mastering initial ideas of a social nature and including children in the system of social relations, to achieve the goals of mastering constructive ways and means of interaction with people around them.

« Cognitive development» aimed at achieving the goals of developing children's cognitive interests, intellectual development children.

“Artistic and aesthetic development” is aimed at achieving the goals of developing interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, satisfying children's needs for self-expression.

“Speech development” presupposes preschoolers’ mastery of pure and correct speech, preparation for speech literacy in school education, correct spelling and spelling.

Educational work in a group is built on the basis of creating a special subject-development environment, promising and scheduling in accordance with per annum tasks kindergarten. This is improvement work for the preservation and promotion of health children: morning exercises, physical education classes, physical education sessions during classes, breathing exercises after sleep, walks and games in the fresh air.

In educational and everyday play activities, children gained knowledge about people’s work, seasonal changes in nature, about the conditions necessary for the growth of plants, about domestic and wild animals, migratory and wintering birds, about the state of water. Many conversations were held about the phenomena of social life, about the native country, about family members and their care for each other and about its significance.

Children can distinguish: in case of careless handling of fire or electrical appliances, a fire may occur; rules for hanging out with strangers; rules traffic and behavior on the street; traffic lights;

special transport; rules of behavior in public transport. Provisions for children are consistent with the program.

All group pupils They love to dramatize excerpts from familiar fairy tales using tabletop theater figurines or costumes from the mummers’ corner. Not all children pronounce sounds clearly and find it difficult to compose stories from personal experience and according to the picture. In-depth work on this topic will continue.

Most children are interested in cognitive and research activities in design and mathematics. They are able group objects by shape, color, size and highlight one item from groups. Find objects of the same shape in your surroundings. Distinguish geometric figures. Understand words: in front, behind, above, below, above, below. Solve the simplest arithmetic and logical problems with counting within "10". Assimilation of program material causes difficulties. With these kids let's continue solve a problem in the development of the cognitive sphere using individual work And didactic games.

IN productive activities, a lot of work has been done to educate emotional responsiveness perception of illustrations, works of folk decorative and applied art. In their works children use different color schemes to create expressive images and intricate plots. Use pencils and paints correctly and enjoy using them unconventional methods, techniques, forms of drawing, applique and manual labor. Without much difficulty, divide the plasticine into pieces, calculating the number of parts of the intended craft and its size.

It was carried out very successfully throughout the year Job on getting acquainted with fiction. Pupils listen with interest to fairy tales and stories, both while reading and audio recordings with musical accompaniment. They know a lot of poems, name the works after listening to an excerpt from it. An open lesson on fairy tales was held "Swan geese". Children show good knowledge of works of art.

IN group conditions are provided and systematic work for moral education children. Children learn to play together and help each other in case of difficulties, politely greet each other, say goodbye, thank them for their help, master knowledge and skills - adequately navigate what is available social environment using skills social partnership for personal harmonious development in society. Difficulty in group creates the behavior of hyperactive children, we constantly conduct work and in the future we will pay special attention to and teach children to live together, help each other, use toys and books together, and follow the rules of behavior in kindergarten.

Much attention was paid during the year work of education patriotic feelings. Children recite poems about their Motherland. Conversations were held about fathers and grandfathers as defenders of the Motherland, demonstrative material of the Eternal Flame was examined, they know their address and navigate the immediate surroundings of the kindergarten.

During the year in group the following activities were carried out with children and their parents:

Girls groups took part in a dance competition "Little country" And "Spring drops";

Parents together with pupils took part in competitions "Autumn craft" The winners were the Kanyuk family and « New Year's toy» The Bakal family became the winners.

Together with the music director and physical education instructor, we prepared the holidays "Autumn", "New Year", "Defender of the Fatherland Day", "March 8", "Victory Day", "Maslenitsa", "Easter", "Day of Slavic Literature", “June 1st is Children’s Day”.

IN group was carried out systematically Job on interaction with parents. Long-term plans have been drawn up, indicating all joint activities, consultations, parent meetings, visual display information "Parents Corner", "Our life", "Happy birthday", "Menu".

When conducting organized educational activities, they used traditional observation, conversations, comparison, monitoring, individual Job, and non-traditional methods work - finger gymnastics, breathing exercises, eye exercises.

Over the past year, the following challenges have been identified and successes achieved.


Not all parents listen to advice teachers and continue to violate the daily routine, bring their children to kindergarten late. Pupils skip morning exercises and sometimes breakfast;

Not fully equipped subject-spatial development environment in accordance with modern requirements.

Publications on the topic:

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Creative report preschool teacher about the work done for the year

Hello, Dear colleagues, I’m glad to meet you on my page.
Today I bring to your attention a creative report from a teacher on the work done over the year.

Kupriy Svetlana Ivanovna, teacher of the highest category of MBDOU in the city of Shakhty, Rostov region. "Kindergarten No. 70"
Description: this material will be useful to teachers
Purpose of the creative report:
- Present results pedagogical activity, competence in the field of management of the educational process, conduct a self-analysis of the results of teaching activities.

Creative report on the work done for the 2016–2017 academic year in the senior group “FIDGE”

1. Information and statistical section
– Brief description of the senior group “Fidgets”:
Total number of children:
At the beginning of the school year - 25 children, at the end of the year - 25 children, of which:
- 13 girls;
- 12 boys.
The average age of children is 5 years 9 months.
The average attendance in the group for the 2016-2017 academic year is 65%.
The incidence of illness in children is mainly associated with seasonal weather conditions, such as acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.
During the year, children attended additional clubs:
“ABVGD-eyka” - 22 children;
“SA-FI-DANCE” - 6 children;
“Colored palms” - 6 children.
Over the course of the year, children developed according to their age, studied program materials and showed positive dynamics in all areas of development.
Parent information
- 20 complete families;
- single-parent families 5.

2. Pedagogical activities
The activities of the group are carried out in accordance with annual plan work of MBDOU No. 70 in the city of Shakhty for the reporting period. The work program of the group teacher is built on ensuring the comprehensive, age-related and continuous development of each pupil, in accordance with age individual characteristics, which meets the educational requirements preschool program Russia.
Tasks assigned to your group:
– Creating optimal conditions for the development of each child in the group;
– Ensuring emotional well-being in the group for all students;
– Application of modern health-saving methods of development and training;
– Maximum use of all available techniques in order to increase the effectiveness of the educational process;
– Providing a favorable environment for unleashing the creative potential of each child;
– Application and presentation in the work of the experience of authoritative modern teachers and methodologists in the field of development creative thinking in children;
– Constant work to strengthen ties between all participants in the educational process for the benefit of children;
– Organization of educational activities on the principles of respect for the child’s personality, the exclusion of any pressure on him, and a unified approach to the development of children on the part of all participants in the educational process.
ECD was carried out in accordance with the main educational program of the preschool educational institution, according to the calendar and thematic plan of the group and the approved schedule of direct educational activities.
When planning educational work in a group, I rely on the following principles of work:
– Constant self-improvement in the direction of ensuring the harmonious development of students based on universal human values, on the principles of mutual respect, love and support for creative aspirations;
– Using games as the most important method of teaching preschool children, constantly searching for interesting and contemporary ways to organize games;
– Compliance with the principle of tolerance towards representatives of different cultural and religious communities, building educational activities using a differentiated approach.
To solve the tasks set for the development of children, I used a non-standard method - the project method, which gave good results. The children in my group have become more relaxed and sociable, much more active and confident in themselves. Parents note that their children have become more independent and responsible.

3. Achievements of all participants in the educational process
Throughout the year, the requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards, internal regulations were strictly implemented and observed, medical examinations of children were carried out according to plans, etc. Positive dynamics are noticeable in all indicators.

Monitoring the achievement of the planned results of mastering the educational program for children from 5 to 6 years old by children of the senior group “Fidgets” for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Number of children examined: 25 people
Frequency of monitoring: 2 times a year (September, May).
Date of: 05 – 16 September 2016;
May 15 – 26, 2017
Methodology: diagnostic tools according to the recommendations of the “From Birth to School” program.
Purpose of monitoring: determining the degree to which children have mastered the educational program and the impact of the educational process organized in a preschool institution on the development of children in 2016-2017 academic year.
Object of monitoring are the physical, intellectual and personal qualities of pupils.
The subject of the monitoring study are the skills and abilities of children.
The subject of monitoring is preschool children.
Persons who carried out monitoring: teachers conducting classes with preschoolers.
Monitoring was carried out in two directions:
– Development of skills and abilities in educational fields
– Assessment of the development of integrative qualities.
The collection of information was based on the use of the following methods:

– organization of special gaming activities;

– analysis of children's activity products.
Data on the monitoring results were reflected in special child development tables.
During the monitoring process, the physical, intellectual and personal qualities of the child are highlighted. Children’s achievements are assessed through conversations, observations, by creating pedagogical situations, organizing play activities, and analyzing work productive activity and special diagnostic materials.
Monitoring of the educational process, containing five educational areas (“Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Social-communicative”, “Artistic-aesthetic”, “Physical development”), made it possible to implement A complex approach to assessing the level of development of the child.
Using monitoring child development, including nine integrative qualities corresponding to the Federal State Educational Standard (“Physical development”, “Curiosity and activity”, “Emotionality and responsiveness”, “Mastery of means of communication and ways of interacting with adults”, “Ability to manage one’s behavior and plan actions”, “Ability to decide intellectual and personal tasks”, “Formation of ideas about oneself and the social environment”, “Mastery of universal prerequisites for educational activities”, “Mastery of necessary skills and abilities”), it was possible to implement an integrated approach to assessing the formation of a child’s personality.
The basis for collecting information was:
– daily conversations;
– systematic observations;
– obtaining answers to assigned tasks through pedagogical situations;
– analysis of children's activity products;
– organization of special gaming activities.

Summary table of monitoring the achievement of the planned results of mastering the educational program for children from 5 to 6 years old by children of the senior group “Fidgets” for the 2016-2017 academic year.

A comparative analysis showed a positive dynamics in the development of the educational program by children of the senior group “NEPOSEDI” in all educational areas compared to the beginning of the school year.
Analysis of the quality of knowledge in individual educational areas allows us to build the following ranking order:
Physical development: high level – 66% of children; average level– 28.5%; low – 5.5%.
Social and communicative development: high level – 83.3% of children; average level – 11% low – 5.7%.
Speech development: high level: 7.7% of children; average level – 16%; low – 5.5%.
Cognitive development: high level – 66% of children; average level – 22%; low – 11%.
Artistic and aesthetic development: high level – 77% of children; average level – 16%; low – 5.5%.

Conclusion: A comparative analysis of monitoring results at the beginning and end of the school year shows an increase in children’s assimilation of program material, that is, positive dynamics of child development in all types of activities can be traced. Basically, the performance indicators of the approximate basic general education program of preschool education “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva are within the high and medium levels. This means that the use of a work program in teaching practice has a beneficial effect on the results of final monitoring.

Assessment of the integrative qualities of the senior group “Fidgets” for the 2016-2017 academic year

Conclusion: A comparative analysis of monitoring showed positive dynamics in the development of integrative qualities in children compared to the beginning of the school year. But there is a slight increase in the percentage of such integrative qualities as: mastery of the necessary skills (by 6%); mastery of universal prerequisites for educational activities (by 5%).
Thus, educational activities for the senior group “NEPOSEDY” are implemented at a sufficient level.
IN correctional work need: Leontyev Egor.
Timofey Semidedov needs to catch up on material by regularly attending kindergarten (work is underway in this direction).
A large number of children need the help of a speech therapist (10 people).
The positive result of the work done is obvious: the low level of children’s assimilation of the program is minimized, the differences in high, medium and low levels are insignificant, children’s knowledge is strong. Preschoolers are able to use them in everyday activities.
During the academic year, she paid much attention to improving the level of teaching qualifications: she attended online webinars on the portals:
– Educational and Methodological Portal
– MERSIBO portal
Working with children, conducting a study of the developmental characteristics of children, I noted that the activity of children in classes, in Everyday life often has a reproductive character. Children almost never ask counter questions. After classes, they do not always try to continue the conversation on the topic they have studied.
This is how the theme of self-education for the 2016-2017 academic year was born - “The use of didactic games for the development of speech in children of senior preschool age.”
Target: Create conditions for the development of speech in preschool children through didactic games. To increase professional competence in the implementation of didactic games in modern technologies.
A didactic game helps to make educational material exciting and create a joyful working mood. A child, captivated by the game, does not notice that he is learning, although every now and then he is faced with tasks that require speech and mental activity from him.
Systematic work has yielded positive results. The children's vocabulary increased, they became more interested in educational literature, and asked questions.
Children independently: explain the rules of the game; evaluate answers and statements of peers; use complex sentences in speech; when retelling, they use direct and indirect speech; independently compose stories according to a pattern, according to a scheme, according to a plot picture, according to a set of pictures; they compose endings to fairy tales, retell events from personal experience, based on a plot picture, based on a set of pictures; retell short literary works, solve riddles; determine the place of a sound in a word; select several adjectives for nouns; There are antonyms for these words.
From October 2016 to March 2017, she took part in the Municipal stage of the professional skills competition “Teacher of the Year – 2017”, entered the top five finalists of the competition and was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Department of Education of the city of Shakhty for active participation in the municipal stage of the competition “Teacher of the Year – 2017” in the category "Teacher of the Year"
My students also actively participate in competitive events:

The presence of high achievements of students in intellectual, thematic educational competitions and festivals at the municipal and all-Russian levels:
Winner diploma 1st place International entertaining quiz on life safety “Safe World”: Yanda Diana
Winners of the International Game Competition in Russian “Hedgehog”: Tigran Karakhanyan, Tanya Azyakova, Anton Vasyukov, Polina Rybalchenko, Valeria Chuvakina.
Winner diploma 1st place V International Competition “Easter Sunday”: Timofey Semidedov.
Winner diploma 2nd place City creative competition for preschoolers “Oh, by the meadow, by the meadow”: Timoshevich Alina
Winner diploma 1st place X International Competition "Children's Day": Polina Rybalchenko

During the year, the group carried out the following activities with children:
– Projects: “Autumn, autumn, we ask you to visit...”, “ Wonderland“Family”, “The Christmas tree is dressing up, the holiday is approaching”, “Spring is knocking on the window...”, “Visiting the “Traffic Light””, “Love and know your native land”.
– Quiz: “Safety in winter time", "Healthy and harmful products", "Spring has come."
– Matinees for the holidays: “Guest Autumn”, “ Christmas story", "March 8", "The most peaceful day of the year."
– Entertainment, leisure: reading competition “Mom is a dear word” for Mother’s Day; educational and theatrical entertainment “There are many rules of the road”; folk holiday"Maslenitsa".
– Exhibitions: “Everyone should know the rules of the road” – drawings on traffic rules, “Gifts of Autumn” – an exhibition of crafts made from natural materials, “Santa Claus’s Workshop” – crafts from waste material, “March 8 – MOM’s holiday” - photo exhibition, “Expanses of Space” - drawings and crafts for Cosmonautics Day, “Happy Easter Holiday” - postcards.

4. “Working with parents”
All educational work in the group was carried out in close contact with parents. Parents took an active part in the life of the group and actively attended events.
I have drawn up a long-term plan for interaction with parents, it indicates all joint events, consultations, parent meetings, visual poster information, pedagogical conversations with parents, thematic consultations, visual propaganda, joint entertainment, joint creativity and etc.
In accordance with the annual work plan, group parent meetings were held:
– Pedagogical comprehensive education “What you need to know about your child.”
– Non-traditional meeting (quiz...) “Raising children healthy, strong, cheerful”
– Oral journal “And the way he speaks, it’s like a river babbling!”
– Parent meeting “What our children have learned.”
In turn, the parents were willing to make contact and tried to participate in all the promotions and joint events of the group and the preschool educational institution. Throughout the school year, children and parents were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of events:
– Joint project “Dad, Mom, Me – a healthy family.”
– Exhibition of crafts from natural material children's and parents' creative competition "Magic Autumn".
– “Hour of jumping rope” (skipping).
– Labor landing of parents “The warmth of our hands for children”
– Family leisure “Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family!”
– Master class “Igrachka”. Making Christmas tree decorations with your own hands.
– Group exhibition “Family Reading” (books for children and parents).
– Photo exhibition “The one that gave me my heart.”
– Action on traffic rules “Careful road!” Promotion of traffic rules among children and parents.
– Game workshop for parents “Use of didactic games in the lives of children”
– Campaign “Let our kindergarten bloom!”
– Creative workshop “Crazy Hands”. Involve parents in updating and making educational games in the group.
IN parent's corner Information is updated and various consultations are posted:
“So that there is no fire.”
“We teach children traffic rules”
“What a good dad!”
“How to relax with children on the weekend”
"The ABC of Health"
"Vitamins from the garden"
"Causes of children's road traffic injuries."
Parents provided great assistance in purchasing didactic and developmental games, followed recommendations for teaching and raising children, and actively participated in the improvement of territory of preschool educational institution, cleaning the area from snow.
Thanks to the work done, the activity of parents increased significantly, which affected the general atmosphere in the group.
5. “Plans for the next academic year”
Taking into account the successes and problems that arose in the past academic year, I plan to continue working in the indicated areas:
– Continue targeted work in all areas of the educational sphere;
– Deepening and improving work with parents;
– Look for new ways to improve the subject-development environment in the group;
– Increase your own level of professionalism through self-education, participation in educational programs and courses.
– When working on the development of coherent speech, pay great attention to the ability to use a variety of means of communication, the formation of ideas about the structure of a statement; When working on the sound culture of speech, pay special attention to teaching mastery of such characteristics as tempo, voice strength, diction, and smoothness.
– Expand preschoolers’ understanding of plants and animals, insects, domestic animals, the characteristics of their behavior and nutrition; expand ideas about native land, deepen ideas about the Motherland, instill a love for everything, pay more attention to the patriotic education of preschoolers through conversations, projects, and activities.
– Continue to instill in preschoolers a desire to participate in labor activity, encourage them to independently carry out assignments, provide assistance to adults, and cultivate a caring attitude towards the results of their work.
6. Conclusions
An analysis of the fulfillment of the requirements for the content and methods of education and training, as well as an analysis of children’s assimilation of program material showed stability and positive dynamics in all areas of development.
This process was positively influenced by the close cooperation of the teacher, specialists, preschool administration and parents, as well as the use of developmental teaching techniques and an individual approach to each child.
The integrative qualities acquired by children in the course of direct educational activities were systematically consolidated and applied in various types of children's activities.
Particular attention is paid to the use of diverse traditional and non-traditional methods of work, which made it possible to more actively develop the corresponding integrative qualities.
Overall, the work was carried out purposefully and effectively.

Annual report of teachers on the work done.

Report on the work done for the 2017-2018 academic year by teachers of senior group “A” “Fireflies” Tamara Yuryevna Gozhda, Elena Ivanovna Merkulova.

General characteristics of the group

The senior group has two teachers and an assistant teacher. The roster of the group consisted of 20 children, of which 13 were girls and 7 were boys.

The age of children is from 5 to 6 years. Partnerships prevail and Team work children. Conflicts between children, if they arise, are quickly and productively resolved.

Over the course of the year, children developed according to their age, studied program materials and showed positive dynamics in all areas of development.

The educational process is focused on the implementation of the work program developed on the basis of the Educational Program of Preschool Education of GBDOU No. 56.

The work of the group was carried out based on the main annual tasks and in accordance with the annual work plan.During the year, the daily routine and sanitary and hygienic requirements for the stay of children in the GBDOU were observed.

Organized educational activities were systematically carried out with the children. When conducting organizational educational activities, both traditional observations, conversations, comparisons and non-traditional methods of work were used - finger gymnastics, breathing exercises, eye gymnastics.A “health folder” has been created for working with children.

The set goals were achieved in the process of implementing various types of activities: gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, productive, musical, artistic and fiction. All types of activities represent the main directions of children’s development: physical, cognitive-speech, artistic and aesthetic.

In this regard, the educational process in the group is based on new educational technologies, innovative techniques taking into account the individual psychological and physiological characteristics of each child and using health-saving technologies.

Based on the latest educational technologies using multimedia equipment: electronic presentations, visual demonstration material, audio fairy tales, educational and educational cartoons. This methodological material contributes to the development of processes and increased interest in educational activities.

In educational, educational and everyday play activities, children gained knowledge about human labor, seasonal changes in nature, the conditions necessary for plant growth, domestic and wild animals, migratory and wintering birds. Many conversations were held about the phenomena of social life, about the native country, about family members and their care for each other and about its significance.

Children are able to distinguish: in case of careless handling of fire or electrical appliances, a fire may occur; rules for hanging out with strangers; traffic rules and behavior on the street; traffic lights; special transport; rules of behavior in public transport.

All the students in the group love to dramatize excerpts from familiar fairy tales using tabletop theater figures. Not all children pronounce sounds clearly and find it difficult to compose stories from personal experience and from pictures. In-depth work on this topic will continue.

Most children are interested in cognitive and research activities in design and mathematics. They know how to group objects by shape, color, size and select one object from the group. Find objects of the same shape in your surroundings. Identify geometric shapes. They understand the words: in front, behind, above, below, above, below. Not all children solve the simplest arithmetic and logical problems with scores within 10.

Assimilation of program material causes difficulties for some preschoolers. With these children we continue to solve the problem in the development of the cognitive sphere using individual work and educational games.

In productive activities, a lot of work has been done to cultivate emotional responsiveness when perceiving illustrations and works of folk arts and crafts. In their works, children use various color schemes to create expressive images and intricate plots. Use pencils and paints correctly. We got acquainted with the decorative painting of Gzhelskaya, Dymkovskaya and others. The children learned to sculpt characters from fairy tales (a bear, a fox and a bunny). We learned to sculpt from life (vegetables, fruits, dishes, toys). And also sculpt dishes from a whole piece of plasticine. True, not all guys divide plasticine into pieces without much difficulty, calculating the number of parts of the intended craft and its size. Children's skills in working with scissors have been improved. Children can cut paper into short and long pieces, and cut circles from squares. All works are presented in the video film “Creativity of the senior group “Fireflies”.

Work on familiarization with fiction was carried out very successfully throughout the year. Pupils listen with interest to fairy tales, stories, both while reading and audio recordings with musical accompaniment. The children got acquainted with fairy tales, works of poets and writers A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, etc.

The group provides conditions and systematic work is carried out for the moral education of children. Children learn to play together and help each other in times of difficulty, politely greet each other, say goodbye, thank them for their help, master knowledge and skills - adequately navigate the accessible social environment, using the skills of social partnership for personal harmonious development in society. Complexity in the group is created by the behavior of hyperactive children, we are constantly working and in the future we will pay special attention and teach children to live together, help each other, use toys, books together and follow the rules of behavior in kindergarten.

During the year, the group regularly carried out educational, physical education and health work, as well as our kindergarten project “The ABCs of Breathing.” Hardening and preventive measures were carried out during walks and in the group. Morning exercises, walks with outdoor games, invigorating and breathing exercises, and physical exercises were carried out every day.

Children have become accustomed to keeping track of their appearance, wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet, eat food nicely and correctly, although there are exceptions: but they try to match the level of other guys. Labor education at the end of the school year is at sufficient high level. In the group room, children know how to maintain order and clean their play areas. The supposed reason for this phenomenon is the independence and interested activity of children.

The study area contains a wealth of material on all sections of the program. On the development of speech, there are colorful illustrations on the topics “Seasons”, “Vegetables and Fruits”, “Wild and Domestic Animals”, “Fish”, “Birds”, “Animals of the North”, “Animals of Hot Countries”, collections of poems and stories, didactic games, story pictures for teaching storytelling, etc.

In the period from September to January, the development environment in the group was updated and replenished: stands were made according to the rules road safety, in St. Petersburg, didactic games (folders - folders with information for parents, handouts).

Our group is equipped play activity. Thematic role-playing games are presented: “Hospital”, “Shop”, “Hairdressing Salon”, “Military”, the parents made a counter for the store. In children of this age group interest in the game is clearly demonstrated. The game continues to be the main form of organization of their lives. As a teacher, I gave preference to the play structure of the entire lifestyle of children. Children participate in a variety of games throughout the day. Some of them are organized and used as a means of solving certain problems. For example, games with ready-made content and rules are used to develop attention, speech, the ability to compare, and act according to a basic algorithm. Children are experiencing an awakening interest in rules of behavior.

There are various building materials, educational mosaics and construction sets, which children often use as substitute objects.

There is a music corner with musical and noise instruments and a theater corner.

The group has free access for children necessary materials For artistic creativity preschoolers (pencils, paints, brushes, plasticine, modeling boards, stacks, scissors, illustrative material, etc.). Children's creative works are exhibited on the "Creativity Wall".

To form elementary skills in children mathematical representations There is material for teaching children to count, develop ideas about the size and shape of objects, numbers, clocks, and educational games.

For the speech development of preschoolers, there is a book corner in accordance with the age of the children, a selection of thematic illustrations.

Our group also has a duty corner.

And yet, the subject-development environment of our group is not fully equipped in accordance with modern requirements.

Interaction with parents of students

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process: individual consultations, parent meetings, designing information stands, organizing exhibitions of children's creativity, inviting parents to children's parties, creating reminders, communicating on the website of the Fireflies group. Throughout the school year, parents were given the opportunity to participate in projects. The most striking projects were: “Across the countries of the world. Country Mexico", "The ABC of Breathing". Parents took an active part in the life of the group during cleanup days. The result of interaction between teachers and parents is: increased activity of parents in the life of the group and kindergarten; exhibitions of joint crafts and drawings of children and parents; participation in holidays and leisure activities, joint project activities, and sporting events.

Brief description of activities with children throughout the year

During the year, the group held events with children, which were prepared by teachers together with the music director, and with a physical education worker. Between September and May, children of the older group took part with great interest in thematic holidays: Day of Knowledge, Autumn Festival, Mother's Day, New Year's Day, Maslenitsa, International Women's Day, Easter, Defenders of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day.

The teachers, the music director and the physical education worker, together with the children, took an active part in the joint project d activities “By countries of the world. Country Mexico", "Little Stars".

We continue to work with children on the ABC of Breathing project, where we

Presented on pedagogical council presentation “Breathing gymnastics”. Participated in the competition: “Step by step to health” 3rd place, “Best corner for safety”, game presentation “Education through safe play. Visiting Pysha” 2nd place.

We took part in the regional competition “Let’s decorate the world with poetry.”

We visited the library “World of Fairy Tales” and “Fairy Tales of A.S. Pushkin” with the children.

Self-education report.

Subject: “Island of unnecessary things. Crafts from waste materials."

Primary goal: V in this direction: development of creative abilities in children through the creation of crafts from various materials.


1. Introduce children to waste materials;

2.Develop constructive thinking, fantasy and imagination;

3.Promote education and respect for the environment;

In my work, making crafts from waste materials was used as separate elements of design classes. Their use is possible and necessary to take as a basis for organizing the creative activities of students. If an overly active child needs a large space to develop his activities, if his attention is scattered and extremely unstable, then in the process of making crafts from waste material, the zone of his activity narrows and the amplitude of movements decreases. Large and imprecise hand movements gradually become more precise and subtle.

Making crafts from waste material contributes to the development cognitive activity, mental processes and personal sphere of preschoolers in general. These classes are very important in preparing a child for schooling Thanks to constructive activities, children learn to maintain a certain position of the body, arms, hands, pace, meet a certain time, evaluate work, and finish what they start.

Thus, I hope that I was able to captivate children with my work to make various crafts, and crafts created with their own hands develop the imagination and creative thinking of children, allowing them to feel what a thing created with their own hands means. I will continue my work in the next academic year.

During the academic year we took part in:

They took an active part in the activities of the preschool educational institution.

They made reports and presentations at pedagogical councils.

We took an active part in online competitions: “Torn Papers”, “Space Expedition”, “The Road and Us”.

Visited the method. associations.

We took part in our colleagues’ projects “Around the World. Mexico".

We took part in the regional competition “Let’s decorate the world with poetry.”

Increasing the level of teaching skills through self-education and exchange of work experience.

She completed advanced training courses under the program “Content and organization of the educational process in kindergarten in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education”.

Summing up the results of our work for the year as a whole, I believe that all the assigned tasks were completed and the work was carried out at a good level.

I am planning for the next academic year:

  1. Continue to cultivate creativity, emotionality, and activity in children for their further achievements and success.
  2. Continued improvement of the subject-spatial development environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Replenish: didactic and handouts for development logical thinking; corner of role-playing games; book corner with literature by age.
  3. Work on a self-education topic: “The Island of Unnecessary Things. Crafts from waste materials."
  4. Improving work on interaction with parents; Parents are advised to visit the “Fireflies” group in the kindergarten contact to view the final events.
  5. Active participation in preschool events.

Annual report of teachers on the work done

For the 2017-2018 academic year, senior group “A” “Fireflies”.

Teachers prepared:

Godzhda T. Yu.

Merkulova E.I.

In the senior group, during the 2015-2016 academic year, there were two teachers: Full name

and assistant teacher: Full name

The roster of the group at the beginning of the year was 27 children: 16 girls, 11 boys. At the end of the year, the roster increased to 30 children: 18 of them were girls and 12 were boys. All children are attending kindergarten as of May 25, 2016.

The work was carried out according to the main educational program preschool, which meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Her basic part is based on the program “From birth to school”, ed. Veraksy N.E., Komarova T.S., Vasilyeva M.A.. The work was planned in accordance with comprehensive thematic planning, taking into account the integration of regions, SANPIN.

The main priority areas of the general developmental group from 5 to 6 years old are:

  • physical development;
  • social and communicative development;
  • cognitive development;
  • speech development;
  • artistic and aesthetic development.

The goals and objectives set by the program for this age have been fully implemented. Positive dynamics of pupils’ achievements in educational process allows us to see the monitoring that was carried out at the beginning and end of the year.

The creation of a subject-developing environment in the group contributed to a more complete development of children, their productive activity, and the creation of a cozy and comfortable environment is a way for the positive psycho-emotional state of pupils.

Throughout the school year, parents took an active part in updating and replenishing the subject-development environment:

  • We made transportation folders according to traffic rules and life safety regulations
  • didactic games “Winter”, “Remove the extra object”, “Collect a snowman”, “My daily routine”, “Allowed, prohibited”, “I have the right”, “Missed frame”, “Tell a story”.
  • desktop puppet show based on Russian folk tales.
  • made role-playing game"Studio".
  • We made bags filled with peas for physical education.

In the period from September to May, children of the older group took part in thematic holidays with great interest:

  1. "Day of Knowledge".
  2. Day preschool worker“Kindergarten is a magical land”
  3. Autumn Festival “Hello, Golden Autumn!”
  4. Mother's Day "Morning Gatherings"
  5. "Old Person's Day"
  6. New Year's party "New Year's ball for Cinderella"
  7. "Defender of the Fatherland Day"
  8. March 8 “Unusual spring bouquet!”
  9. "Maslenitsa"
  10. "Cosmonautics Day"
  11. "Victory Day".

In addition to the above-mentioned holidays, the group enjoyed the following leisure and entertainment activities:

  1. Entertainment according to traffic rules “ABC of the city”
  2. Sports entertainment “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!”
  3. Cognitive leisure to familiarize yourself with the work of adults. "These amazing professions"

"Profession seamstress"

"Profession: pastry chef"

"Profession - hairdresser"

The parents themselves introduced the children to these amazing professions. They told and showed why this profession is good, what its advantages are. They gave children the opportunity to plunge into practice in one profession or another.

  1. Fun starts.
  2. Entertainment "Winter Quiz". (together with parents)
  3. Outdoor entertainment “We are friends with sports!”
  4. Outdoor sports entertainment according to the traffic rules “Streets of our city”

During the school year, the children attended the Origami club with great interest and desire. The main goal of the circle work was to develop skills in working with paper.

Children together with their parents took part in competitions and received high results:

DOW level:

  • Competition of crafts made from natural materials: “What autumn has brought us!”

(result: 1st, 2nd, 3rd place)

  • Competition "New Year's Toy"

(result 1.3 place)

Regional level:

(result: participants)

  • Competition “Own Poem”

(result: 1st place - 1 child, 2nd place - 2 children)

  • Competition of crafts made from salt dough “Gift for Mom on March 8!”

(result: 2nd place)

  • Plasticine crafts competition “These Amazing Animals”

  • Plasticine crafts competition “Gift for Dad on February 23rd”

  • Educational quiz “Military quiz for February 23”

(result: 3rd place - 1 child)

  • "Quiz for March 8"

(result: 1st place - 1 child)

  • "Math chest"

(result: 1st place - 4 children, 2nd place - 4 children)

Within the group, children and their parents also took part in competitions. We collected photographs, composed fairy tales and stories, and cooked interesting crafts. By participating in competitions, parents discovered interests and abilities that they themselves had not even suspected.

  • “My favorite fairy tales” (drawing competition)
  • “They live next to us” (competition for the best composition of a fairy tale or poem about your pet)

To diversify the implementation of the educational process, the group held thematic weeks:

  • "Day of Knowledge"
  • "A week winter games and fun"
  • "Maslenitsa week"
  • "Space Week"
  • "Traffic rules"

Through play, through educational activities and non-traditional forms of work, children received not only a certain amount of knowledge, but also positive emotions.

Except theme weeks the group carried out and themed days such as:

  • "Health Day"

The group, together with the parents of the pupils, made garlic mascots, held “Fun Starts”, and together with the children published a newspaper called “We are against the flu!”

  • "Family day"

Children and their parents drew the coat of arms of their family. A photo exhibition “Me and my family”, Weekend with the family was organized.”

The days of good deeds passed with great success.

  • Subbotniks.
  • Campaign “I’ll give it to a kindergarten!”

Taking part in this campaign, children donate toys, books, educational games and much more. Today this action has become a tradition of our group. There are so many educational moments hidden in this event. This is caring for used items. And most importantly, children learn not only to accept gifts, but also to give them.

It’s no secret that today special attention is paid to protecting health. In this regard, we took on a project for a year on this technology on the topic: “Games that heal.” A project is one of the most vibrant, developing, interesting and effective methods. To date, we, through the joint efforts of educators, children and parents, have implemented this project. In order not to harm the health of children, the project plan was agreed upon with specialists - doctors. Our parents were the specialists. The introduction of health-related games into practice allowed us to achieve positive results in preserving and strengthening children’s health, developing children’s value attitude towards health and healthy image life.

While working with children, we, as teachers, also worked on our professional qualities. According to self-education, teacher Full Name throughout the year, together with parents and children, worked on the topic of spiritual and moral education “How lovely these fairy tales are!” The children staged, composed, and told fairy tales with great pleasure. They developed their speech, memory, thinking and of course showed their artistic capabilities.

Teacher full name. worked on the topic “Legal education of children of senior preschool age.” This topic is designed for 2 years. The legal game helped the children understand this difficult issue. Children have an idea of ​​their rights and know what to do in a given situation.

During the 2015-2016 academic year, the full name studied in advanced training courses on the following topics:

  • “Protecting and promoting the health of children in preschool educational institutions” (72 hours)
  • Current problems of development of preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education" (72 hours).

Teacher Lobacheva V.V. She also took advanced training courses.

  • "Organization of research and experimental activities senior preschoolers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education" (36 hours)

Sharing her pedagogical experience, Full Name took part in the IMO with a report on the topic: “Interaction between kindergarten and family through direct educational activities with the aim of creating a unified educational process.”

Full name teachers publish their accumulated material on their personal pages: MAAM. RU and Preschooler.

During the year, teachers took part in professional competitions.

Regional level:

Full name of the teacher

  • Plasticine crafts competition “New Year in Antarctica”

(result: 1st place)

  • "Rassudariki" website. Script competition. Nomination: “Holidays”

Topic: "New Year's ball for Cinderella." (result: winner)

Regional level:

Full name of the teacher

  • “Find out” competition. Nomination: “My calling.” A fairy tale of my own composition “The Tale of the Cat Kuza and His Friend Vasily” (result: 2nd place)
  • "Find out" competition. Nomination: “Pedagogical Projects” Topic: “The ABC of Health.” (result: 1st place)
  • "Rassudariki" website. Script competition. Nomination: “Holidays” “New Year’s Ball for Cinderella.” (result: winner)
  • Website "Preschoolers". Script competition. Nomination “Physical leisure” Topic: “Mom, dad, I am a sports family!” (result: 2nd place)
  • "Professional success-XXI". Direction "Presentation in the educational process" (result: winner).

Teacher Kutumova N.A. Together with the students, she took part in the seminar-workshop “Continuity in the work of schools and preschool educational institutions.” The teacher showed an educational activity on saving health in the senior group on the topic: “I will save my health; I will help myself.”

From the above facts, the following conclusion can be drawn. The academic year was very interesting, educational and eventful. The variety of events interested and involved not only children, but also their parents. Joint preparation, participation in competitions and holidays had a beneficial effect on the relationship between children, parents and teachers.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, some successes were achieved, but some problems were also identified.


  • not all parents listen to the advice of teachers and continue to violate the daily routine, bringing their children to kindergarten late. Pupils skip morning exercises and sometimes breakfast;
  • The subject-development environment is not fully equipped in accordance with modern requirements.


  • Children acquired new knowledge and skills according to their age;
  • children's attendance at preschool educational institutions has increased;

Taking into account the successes and problems that arose in the past academic year, the following tasks are planned for the 2016 - 2017 academic year:

  • continuation of targeted work with children in all educational areas;
  • improving work on interaction with parents;
  • continued improvement of the subject-development environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.
  • increasing the level of pedagogical skills through self-education, sharing work experience, attending city events (seminars, workshops, master classes);
  • active participation in preschool events.