How to properly do nail extensions at home. Starter kit with the necessary materials for gel nail extensions

Extending nails at home is not that difficult. All you need is regular practice, but in return - a spectacular manicure. It’s probably worth starting with contraindications, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.


In the following cases, it is better to refuse nail extensions:


    problems with the cardiovascular system,

    poor blood circulation,

    allergy to the materials used during extensions,

    Graves' disease,

  • hormonal disorders,

    undergoing a course of chemotherapy.

If you are currently taking antibiotics, then you should also avoid extensions. Artificial nails simply won't last.

As for pregnancy, it is not a contraindication, but, being in this position, it is important to comply with a number of requirements:

    Extend nails in a ventilated area,

    Use exclusively high-quality and new materials,

    Rinse your nose with mineral water. This will help get rid of dust particles and other substances that could enter the respiratory tract during work and cause allergies.

Also, in the following cases, you should not extend your nails, as they will not only peel off, but will also harm your nails:

    if your nails are injured,

    if you have a bruise under the nail plate,

    you have a fungus or viral disease.

If you are the owner of such an organism feature as high humidity hands, then get ready for new nails to peel off frequently. This, of course, in general, is not a contraindication, but it will cause trouble.

And before you begin the extension procedure itself, it would be a good idea to read the instructions that will help you avoid possible mistakes.

Nail extensions should be done taking into account contraindications

Reminder for nail extensions

If you are planning to get your nails done, follow these three simple rules:

    Before the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the nail plate and remove the cuticle;

    There is no need to cut your nails at the root. Ideally, they should be one or two millimeters longer;

    On the day of the procedure, you should not take hot baths, swim in the pool, or go to the bathhouse or sauna.

What can you do and what can’t you do? A small reminder.

    Use hand products after extensions with caution, as some of them can peel your nails.

    If delamination occurs, there is no need to “pick” the nail. It won't get any better. Only correction will help.

    After extensions, you need to nourish and moisturize the skin around the nails for several days (ideally in the morning and evening).

    Got your nails done? Great. Now don't forget about correction. It should be done regularly (every two to four weeks).

    If this is your first experience with extensions, then it is better to choose a short length.

    Artificial nails are not a method for opening corks, bottles and everything else. This is a decoration first and foremost.

    Housework (washing floors, dishes) is best done with gloves or protective equipment.

    Use knives, graters, etc. carefully, as if you are not careful, you can at least scratch the coating; in the worst case, you will simply break or cut off the artificial nail.

    If you are not careful when the fire is close, your nails may become covered in soot and burn.

    The area under the nails should not be cleaned with sharp objects. In this case, it is better to use a soapy toothbrush.

You are familiar with what is possible and what is not, therefore, you can proceed to the main thing.

The nail plate must be prepared for extensions

Technologies used

There are two main materials used for extensions:

The difference between these two materials is the curing process. Acrylic is converted into a solid polymer by mixing powder and monomer, and the gel consists of these two components. The gel has liquid form, hardens only under ultraviolet rays.

If you are going to extend your nails for the first time, it is better to use gel. It's easier to work with. But, on the other hand, many professionals prefer acrylic. And all because only with it you can achieve very clear shapes and lines. Alas, using the gel, it is very difficult to obtain such an effect.

Where there are pros, there are always cons. Acrylic has a very pronounced odor, which is not only volatile, but also toxic. It instantly spreads throughout the room. And the gel is simpler in this regard: it does not have such a strong smell, therefore, if there are children in the house, the smell will not harm them.

Nail extensions can be done using forms or tips. The former, by the way, are used less and less. Tips, on the other hand, contribute to a quick process of extension, but you won’t get grace with them.

Extension technology depends on the selected material

What will be needed for the extension procedure?

The essential item is, of course, UV lamp. For any extension method it is required. If you use acrylic, then you can use a not too powerful lamp, but for colored gel you will need something more powerful.

What else will you need:

    a spatula that will help push back the cuticle;

    files (for acrylic - more rigid, and for gel you can use less rigid);

    forms (tips), glue;

    brushes needed for gel or acrylic;

Materials and preparations that will also be needed:


    liquid for drying the nail plate (or dehydrator),

    primer is what helps the natural nail and artificial material adhere,

    bonder (for the gel method),

    acrylic powder (for acrylic),

    construction gel (for gel),

    monomer (for acrylic),

    finishing coating,

    a product that will help remove the sticky layer.

Important! If you still believe the myth that extensions are harmful, then it’s time to dispel it. Gone are the days when harmful and toxic materials were used. All of them have been replaced quality materials, which do not damage the nail if all precautions and rules are followed.

Modern materials for nail extensions are absolutely non-toxic

What shape should I give my nails?

If all the tools, materials and other devices have been purchased, then it’s time to start choosing beautiful shape for nails. They are:


    more modern and sophisticated.

Classic shapes include: square, oval, soft square and almonds. And to the second type, who does not like routine, but prefers originality: edge, stiletto, bridget, pipe.

Extension to tips

Have you chosen the form? Then it's time to ramp up. Tips are the easiest extension option. If you do everything carefully, then the first time everything will turn out very beautiful and impressive.

The first thing you need to do is disinfect the tools. The next step is preparing the tips. To do this, you need to lay them out in front of you and match each nail according to its approximate shape and size. Next you need to give them shape. For example, a classic square. After this, you need to start preparing the natural plate. You need to take a spatula and push back the cuticle, and use a file to remove the shine of your nail and trim the length. Do everything carefully, because you can damage the nail.

Next, treat your nails with cutasept and dry them with a dehydrator. Now you can stick the tips. Apply the glue carefully, in small amounts, and distribute it evenly. Place the tips on your nails, make sure they are in the correct position, press firmly and hold.

The next stage is the application of bonder and primer (applies to the gel system). Try not to overdry the bonder, as in this case it will not have a positive effect on your nails. Keep your nails under the lamp for no more than two minutes.

Next, the main stage is applying acrylic (or construction gel) to a carefully prepared nail. It is important to form the shape of the nail correctly, because the further convenience and aesthetics of the nail depends on this. The material must be applied evenly, distributed over the entire nail from the center to the edges. If a gel is used, polymerization under ultraviolet rays will be required. This procedure is carried out for each nail, then the sticky layer is removed and the nails are covered with finishing gel and dried under a lamp for two minutes. All is ready!

Extension to forms

Extending onto forms is quite painstaking, unlike tips. But the result is worth it. The preparation is still the same, but instead of tips you need to prepare forms, which are patterns that help create the ideal model for each nail. The form is bent in half, placed under the nail plate, and fixed with a sticky edge.

The material is distributed similarly. By the way, if you use tweezers, the artificial nail can be made thinner and more elegant by squeezing the uncured material on the sides. This is perhaps the only difference between these two technologies.

Caring for artificial nails

Caring for artificial nails is very simple. It will be quite enough if you start rubbing nourishing oil into the cuticle, but the nail itself needs to be covered from time to time clear varnish. By doing these simple procedures, you will have a constantly fresh and well-groomed manicure.

Also try to follow the list of rules below that will help extend the life of your new nails:

    Do not remove nail polish with acetone and avoid any products that contain it;

    Do not use scissors or clippers, they harm your nails;

    Be careful, because the artificial nail is glued to the natural one, therefore, if you damage the artificial one, you also damage the natural one;

    Do not expose your nails to temperature changes: sudden movement from cold to hot water, or vice versa, will cause them to break;

    If you paint your nails, remember that all polishes must contain gel or acrylic;

    Do not forget about correction, because the natural nail, the growth of which will not stop, no matter how much you want it, helps to weaken the artificial one;

    The polish lasts longer on artificial nails, but still, let your nails breathe and try not to paint them too often.

Follow these simple rules, and your nails will delight you for a very long time!

Time to take your nails off?

It often happens that your nails lose their original healthy shape after the artificial nails have been removed. They become brittle, weak, and often flake off. But the reason does not lie in the myth that says that nail extensions are harmful and dangerous. The reason for this is improper removal of artificial nails and failure to provide proper care after this procedure. It turns out that many girls are careless with their nails, removing them with files, pliers and other objects and tools that are not at all intended for this.

Therefore, in order to avoid damaged nails, which will then have to be restored for a very long time and persistently, it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with how to properly remove gel and acrylic nails at home.

Removing acrylic nails

First you need to remove the part of the nail plate that protrudes. This is easy to do using nail clippers: you need to carefully trim the nail, but not to the very root, because this can damage the area of ​​skin located under the nail plate.

Next step: removing residues acrylic nails using acetone. An additional advantage will be the availability of a special solvent at home, which is used in professional salons. If not, then let it be acetone. Of course, it is not considered a useful substance, but, nevertheless, it is the most gentle compared to all other substances suitable for this purpose. Be sure to take steps to protect yourself from inhaling harmful acetone!

What we do next: moisten a cotton swab, place it on the nail, and cover everything with foil. And this must be done with each finger. Leave everything for ten minutes. The acrylic should soften. And then use a soft nail file to remove the softened acrylic.

Removing gel nails

The beginning is the same as in the method described above: the protruding part of the nail should be cut off, but not to the very root. In general, that's all. The gel cannot be removed with acetone, as it simply cannot be softened. It must be carefully removed, but using a file specially adapted for this purpose, designed for processing artificial materials, having about 150 grit.

With the help of such a file, you can remove the gel from the nail plates in about half an hour without causing harm to your nails. Take your time during the nail removal process. By doing everything slowly and with utmost care, you will keep your natural nails in their original shape.

Another good way care - baths with sea salt. You can cook them at home too. What should be done:

    take six tablespoons of salt,

    dissolve them in warm water.

The duration of the bath is about fifteen minutes. But the main thing is not duration, but regularity. After taking it, it is important to rub it into your nails nutritious cream or oil.

Taking care of your nails, no matter what they are, is very important. It helps strengthen the nail plate, prevent splitting and breakage, and promotes accelerated growth and simply a neat and well-groomed appearance.

When applying nail extensions, you need to remember two things:

    about caution

    about the preliminary disinfection of manicure sets and other tools.

The variety lately is simply amazing. In the salon, masters do incredible things with the fingers of their clients. Now you can not only different ways treat the cuticle and skin of the hands, but also change the shape of the nail plate. In most cases, special forms, tips and gels are used for this. This article will describe it without extensions. You can learn about the features of this procedure. Also find out what you need to cover your nails with gel.

Required materials and tools

If you decide to produce without extensions, you will have to arm yourself with some materials and devices. The most important thing in the work is the presence of a viscous substance, which will subsequently be laid out on the plate. The gel can have several types. It is preferable to choose a well-known three-phase system. This includes base, base and topcoat. Also, biogels have recently become very popular. However, such materials do not stay on the nails for more than two months. They have to be completely removed during correction and reapplied. There are also three-in-one system gels. This coating will replace your base, base and final layer. What to choose is a personal matter for each person.

In addition to the material, you will need tools. This includes abrasive files, buffs and wipes. Don't forget about the primer, which will seal the nail coating with the gel, and a degreaser. You can’t do without. How is nail coating done with gel without extensions? Step-by-step instructions will be presented to your attention below.

First step: preparing natural nails

Before you start covering your nails with gel without extensions, you need to properly treat the plate. To do this you will need a file of medium hardness. First, decide on the length of the nail and file the edges, making the same shape. After this, grind the top of the plate. This must be done very carefully, do not overdo it. You do not need to completely grind off the nail, but only remove the thin top layer.

When the work has been done on all the fingers, you can begin to coat the plate with primer. This product will improve the adhesion of materials and help avoid detachments in the future. Remember that after this coating you should not touch the top of your nails to other objects. Otherwise, the thinnest layer will be damaged.

Second step: base coat

Once the primer has dried (usually within one minute), you can apply the base. This needs to be done in a very thin layer. The gel should not just be laid out on the surface of the plate, but as if rubbed into it.

The base coat must be dried in a lamp for two minutes. Remember not to touch foreign objects with your nails. This may cause damage to the gel layer or the adhesion of foreign particles to it.

Third step: second layer

Covering nails with gel without extensions necessarily involves applying a modeling layer. If you were to increase the length of the plate, you would do it with this particular material. Take a brush and apply a thin layer of modeling. If desired, you can correct the shape of the nail with this tool.

You need to dry the laid out one in a lamp. Depending on the power of the tool, the holding time should be from three to seven minutes. Apply pressure to your fingers one at a time and move on to the next step.

Fourth step: shaping

Further coating of nails with gel (instructions) involves filing the laid layer. Arm yourself with an abrasive tool and give the gel the desired shape. If you are completely satisfied with the size and width of your nail, then simply level the modeling layer using a file or hard buff. Remember that you should not wash or wet your hands while laying out the gel. A cloth soaked in degreaser will help remove dust from your nails.

Fifth step: finishing layer

Step-by-step coating of nails with gel in the next step involves applying a finishing layer. It can have two types: sticky and non-sticky base. In the first case, you will need to subsequently use a degreaser and a sanding surface. If the coating is non-sticky, then it will be enough to simply dry it in a lamp.

The finishing layer must be applied very thinly. After this, the nail is not cut or modeled. When the layer is dry, you can safely wash your hands and begin applying the design.

How to correct those covered with gel?

Like the extended coating, your own nails under a layer of gel require periodic correction. It should be done as follows.

  1. Cut off the top (finishing) layer with an abrasive tool.
  2. Give the nail the desired shape.
  3. Apply primer and let it dry. Special attention Pay attention to processing the free edge of the plate.
  4. Place a base on your natural nail and dry it in a lamp.
  5. Cover your nails with a modeling layer and treat it in an ultraviolet machine.
  6. Apply topcoat and dry.
  7. Wipe your nails with a degreasing solution.

Using biogel

Natural compounds are increasingly being used to cover nails with gel without extensions. Reviews about such products are quite controversial. Some women are satisfied and confident that the gel is completely harmless. Other ladies do not recognize such material and prefer to use classic methods.

Biogel is applied in the same way as a standard coating. However, in this case there will be only one layer. Some materials do not require the use of primers or other bonding agents. The biogel is dried in the usual way in a lamp. The service life of this coating is approximately one month. After this, the layer is removed and a new composition is applied.

Application of the three-in-one system

This type of gel nail coating without extensions is the simplest and easiest of all presented. To work, you need to follow the following instructions.

  1. Cut off the top covering of the natural plate. Do not overdo it.
  2. Wipe your nails with a degreasing compound and remove any accumulated dust from them.
  3. Cover your fingers with primer and let it dry.
  4. Using a brush, apply a thin layer of gel to the nail.
  5. Place your fingers in the lamp and hold there for 2 minutes.
  6. The next layer should be slightly thicker. It also needs to be treated with ultraviolet light. However, you need to keep the pens in the lamp for up to five minutes.
  7. Wipe the coating with a degreasing solution.
  8. Use buff to polish the top coat. After this, you can begin applying the design or coating with regular varnish.

Gel nail coating without increasing length

What are the advantages and meaning of creating such a coating? The marigolds of the fairer sex remain in their natural form. They don't get longer. After all, many women consider this technique vulgar.

The undoubted advantage of this treatment is that the plate becomes much stronger. You can do all your usual housework and not worry about your nail breaking or peeling. Also, the design on such nails lasts slightly longer than on natural ones.

Summing up the article

You now know how to cover nails with gel without extensions. Photos of the final work are presented to your attention in the article. If you are not confident in your abilities or do not have the necessary materials for work, then contact nail salons. Specialists and experts in their field will quickly decorate your nails and do what you want. Take care of your hands and be beautiful!

Not all girls naturally have beautiful and strong nails, so getting a manicure on long nails is not always possible. It was for such girls that the gel nail extension procedure was invented. You can use the material at home, and we will tell you in detail how to carry out the procedure step by step for novice craftsmen.

Experts distinguish two options for extensions: for the first, they use tips, for the second, special forms. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to properly prepare the natural plate for applying the material so that the nails last for a long time.

Preparing the necessary tools

To carry out extensions at home, you will have to purchase a full set of products and tools that will be used during the procedure. A woman should prepare:

  • antiseptic;
  • a product for softening and removing cuticles, you can simply make a bath and remove the cuticle;
  • a soft brush used to remove nail dust after filing;
  • gel coating “base” and “top”;
  • orange stick used to remove cuticles;
  • manicure scissors or special nail clippers;
  • a thick brush with which to apply the gel;
  • several buffs and files of different abrasiveness to process natural and artificial nails;
  • dehydrator, a product necessary to remove excess fat from the surface of the nail plate, as well as to eliminate the sticky layer;
  • a primer that is applied to the treated nail plate, it helps to bond the natural nail with the artificial gel;
  • colored gel polish used to create decor and design;
  • modeling gel, it is necessary to create an artificial form;
  • lint-free wipes, they are used to degrease nails, as well as to remove the sticky layer.
  • ultraviolet lamp used to dry the gel.

Many girls are interested in whether it is possible to use an LED lamp to carry out step by step build-up nails with gel at home, but even for beginners such a device is not suitable. But such a lamp will be useful when creating a design.

Avoiding the use of antiseptics is prohibited, as this increases the risk of infection and the development of fungal infections.

Step-by-step process of creating on tips

When all the materials are prepared, the girl can begin the process of preparing the nail plate and correcting it with gel. To do this you need to follow simple instructions:

  1. The skin of the hands and nails are carefully treated with an antiseptic.
  2. Now they begin to prepare the nail plate; to do this, push back the cuticle using an orange stick. In the meantime, take a 220 grit file and use it to polish the entire area of ​​the nail plate. This file makes it possible to eliminate minor scratches and irregularities.
  3. A product to remove excess fat is applied to the surface of the plate.
  4. A very thin layer of glue is applied to the free edge of the nail, intended for attaching tips. The material is attached to the natural plate at an angle of 45 degrees. It is necessary to achieve such a result that the nail and tip fit well together.
  5. When the tip is attached, you should wait about ten seconds for the glue to set well, and then the nail is given the desired shape.
  6. Use a brush to remove any remaining dust, and then use a degreaser.
  7. The modeling material is first applied to the natural nail plate, and only after that it is moved onto the tip using a brush.
  8. When the form is ready, place the nails under the lamp for about one minute.
  9. Next, the sculptor is applied, it should also be applied with a brush, and it is important to take into account the structure of the nail. The marigolds are placed in the lamp for at least three minutes.
  10. Now you will need a lint-free napkin; use it to remove the remaining sticky layer.
  11. The surface of the nails is polished with a buff.
  12. The nails are degreased and covered with a topcoat, and the fingers are again placed in an ultraviolet lamp for three minutes.

This step-by-step gel nail extension is easy to do at home. Even for novice masters, the instructions are quite simple and understandable, but it is important to follow each point exactly, otherwise the nails will not be able to stay on the natural plate for a long time.

    Do you get your nails done by a specialist in a beauty salon?

Form extension process

When working with forms and tips, there is some similarity, since the nail plate is processed according to the same rules. Main stages:

  1. Hands are degreased in a convenient way, after which an antiseptic is used.
  2. Now you will need a primer; it is applied to the nail plate, retreating about one centimeter from the base. It is important to ensure that the product does not come into contact with the skin.
  3. After this, a base coat is applied, applied to the plate and dried for about three minutes.
  4. Stencils are selected that are well suited for nails; they should not have gaps. Place the gel on the mold and dry for about two minutes.
  5. Using a camouflage agent, the master must form the edge and bend of the nail plate.
  6. The edges are made thinner, and the area where the gel and natural nails meet should be thickened more. When the shape is completed, dry the nails under the lamp for at least eight minutes.
  7. The remaining sticky layer can be easily removed with a nail file, and then the design is applied.

Even a novice master can perform gel nail extensions using these step-by-step instructions at home.

It is worth remembering that to obtain an ideal result, you must follow the steps of applying the gel. It is equally important to practice.


Although the procedure has a large number of advantages, do not forget that it also has a number of contraindications. These include:

  1. Fungal infections. This is an absolute contraindication to the procedure. Extensions can be performed only after the fungal infection has been completely cured.
  2. Damage to the nail plate or cuticle. Even minor damage to nails can become an obstacle to extensions. Therefore, experts advise performing a trim manicure three days before the procedure.
  3. Chronic diseases and antibiotic use. Diseases include problems with the thyroid gland and endocrine system, as well as ailments of the digestive tract. Taking antibacterial agents means that the artificial material will not adhere well to the natural plate.
  4. Increased sensitivity. It is very important to avoid contact with the gel if a woman is hypersensitive to the components in the composition or has already had an allergic reaction to the material.
  5. Pregnancy and menstruation. Hormonal changes lead to the fact that the artificial material will quickly begin to peel off.

Little tricks

If you don’t have a degreaser at home, it is recommended to use formic alcohol instead; it additionally adds shine to your nails. When doing extensions, the gel is first applied to four fingers of the hand, the thumbs are extended last. During the procedure, the material should be applied as close to the cuticle as possible, for this it is necessary to use a thin and dense brush.

Well-groomed and neat hands are the calling card of every modern woman. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to grow strong and healthy nails for one reason or another. Any beauty salon can provide such a service, but there is not always time, desire or financial opportunity for this. There is an alternative - nail extensions at home. In the presence of required material With a skillful approach and great desire, any girl can do this. The advantages of this procedure are obvious: a minimum of time and money spent, an ideal manicure for a long period. In addition, this is a good income for those who are looking for additional income.

What you need to know before getting your nails done

Despite the obvious advantages of extensions, the procedure has a number of clear contraindications.

  1. First of all, extensions are contraindicated for fungal nail infections (otherwise the disease will begin to progress very strongly). Extension is possible only after complete recovery.
  2. Mechanical damage to nails and cuticles. For example, even a trimmed manicure can become an obstacle to extensions. That is why the manicure procedure must be carried out at least 2-3 days before extensions, or give preference to an unedged manicure.
  3. Diseases of the digestive, endocrine, and excretory systems, as well as taking antibiotics and undergoing chemotherapy can lead to the fact that artificial nails will not “stick.” Before extensions, it is necessary to inform the specialist about a particular medical problem. This will help you accept correct solution about the feasibility of the procedure and the choice of material for extensions.
  4. Extensions are not recommended during menstruation, pregnancy, especially if a woman suffers from hypersensitivity to the materials used.

Tools for nail extensions at home

The next point that a girl who doesn’t know how to learn how to do nail extensions at home should pay attention to is the availability of high-quality tools and materials for the job. Tools include:

  • UV lamp.
  • A set of nail files of different abrasiveness. Many girls already have such a kit at home.
  • Grinder or buff.
  • Dust removal brush.
  • A spatula or orange stick for pushing back the cuticle.
  • Forms for modeling. If you extend nails using tips, you also need special glue and a cutter (tip cutter).
  • Brushes for working with gel or acrylic.
  • Antiseptic liquid.
  • Dehydrator, bonder and primer.
  • Modeling material: acrylic or gel.
  • Cuticle oil.
  • Varnishes, rhinestones, sparkles and other decorative elements for nail art.

As you can see, in order to do your own nail extensions at home, you need to purchase an impressive number of items. Continuing your training, we invite you to familiarize yourself with step-by-step instructions on how to extend gel nails yourself.

Workplace equipment

A conveniently located workplace, where everything you need is readily available is the first rule for those who plan to do their own nail extensions at home. The work area should not be cluttered with unnecessary items; it must have good lighting, a comfortable chair or armchair and a table area that can easily accommodate everything that is needed for work.

Nail extension methods at home

Acrylic nail extensions at home

The acrylic technique uses a substance that contains powder and liquid components, which improves the quality of adhesion of the artificial nail to the natural one. It has been used for more than 20 years, since women borrowed acrylic from dentists and began using it for cosmetology. The acrylic method is considered more reliable than the gel method due to its effective, long-lasting results.

Gel nail extensions at home

The gel nail extension method uses biogel based on the resin of coniferous trees. Semi-synthetic or natural components are also used. The use of the gel gives the manicure a natural look, the nail plates become smooth and shiny. A significant disadvantage of the gel technique is the low strength of the extended nail. If a crack or breakage occurs, the procedure will be repeated.

Gel nail extension methods

Currently, there are two main methods of gel nail extensions:

  • on tips;
  • on forms.

Advantages of gel extensions on tips:

  • High speed of the procedure.
  • Suitable for brittle and damaged nails.
  • Can be extended with both gel and acrylic.
  • Great for large nail plates.

Disadvantages of gel extensions on tips:

  • Not all nail shapes can be done.
  • Nails become flat.
  • Not suitable for nails that widen towards the tips.

Advantages of gel extensions on forms:

  • The ability to make nails of any shape, thin and graceful.
  • The nails are very durable.
  • Improve your shape natural nails.

Disadvantages of gel extensions on forms:

  • Only a good nail technician can do high-quality extensions on wide nails with large pads.
  • The procedure lasts longer than with tips.

Nail extension using tips at home for beginners step by step

This procedure is simple and is performed in several stages.

  • Nail plates must be degreased and dried thoroughly.
  • Apply a small amount of glue to the surface of the nail and distribute it evenly.
  • Take the tip and press it firmly onto the nail plate.
  • Air bubbles formed under the tip must be forced out from under it.
  • Repeat the same procedure with all nails.
  • After a few seconds, apply a layer of gel and dry it thoroughly under a UV lamp.
  • Apply a second layer and then dry.
  • Remove the sticky layer.
  • File your nails, giving them the desired shape.
  • Apply a final layer of gel and dry again.

A beautiful and durable manicure is completely ready.

Nail extension using special forms at home for beginners step by step

Let's look at how to do gel nail extensions at home for beginners step by step.

  • Forms are put on previously degreased and dried nails - they must be placed under the free edge of the nail and firmly fixed.
  • After installing all the stencils, you need to apply a layer of gel to the surface of the nail and then dry it.
  • You need to form the nail plate strictly according to the stencil.
  • Do similar actions with all fingers of both hands.
  • Without waiting for the gel to dry, slightly narrow the nail plates on the sides, lightly pinching them with tweezers.
  • Dry your nails using an ultraviolet lamp.
  • Apply a final layer of gel to your nails and dry again.

What is needed to remove artificial nails

To get your natural nails back, you need to use cotton pads and regular acetone. Dip cotton wool in it and apply it to the plate. To prevent the smell from irritating, you can wrap your finger in food foil. After about ten minutes you can remove the cotton wool. What remains can be removed using a slightly stiff sanding file. To restore and strengthen your nails after the procedure, do not forget to use pharmaceutical products.

Can't grow your beautiful and long nails? No problem! After all, they can be increased. They do this in a beauty salon, or on their own at home. In the article we will look at step-by-step instructions with photos, what materials are needed for this.

The technology of gel nail extensions is based on the use of a special material that hardens under the influence of ultraviolet rays -. It gives nails a glossy shine, smoothes out the uneven surface of natural nails and allows you to achieve the desired length. In most cases, it does not create irritation to the cuticle and skin lateral ridges.

Girls prefer UV gel because it:

  • ideally corrects imperfections of the natural nail plate;
  • allows you to achieve a glossy shine to your nails;
  • suitable for modeling popular nail shapes;
  • has high strength;
  • easy to use;
  • has no smell.

You can create designs on gel nails in a variety of ways. These nails are decorated with special decor: beads, rhinestones, sparkles, foil, three-dimensional elements. In addition, the surface of the gel nails is painted acrylic paints, or gel paints for design. You can purchase attributes in the nail art department.

What is needed for gel nail extensions?

A beginner's starter kit for gel nail extensions at home includes:

  • Gel for extensions.
  • Primer.
  • Degreaser.
  • Files for natural and artificial nails, buff.
  • Forms for extensions or tips.
  • Nail decor.
  • Lint-free wipes.
  • or Led.

We figured out what is needed for gel nail extensions. You can assemble the set yourself, or buy a ready-made one. Everything is clear with saws and tools, we choose the decor to our liking. There is no difficulty in this. And here ? This issue should be taken seriously, because the quality of nails and the convenience of their modeling depend on the choice.

Types of gel for nail extensions

Based on the type of use, the material is divided into UV gel, biogel and LED gel. To work with the first two, you need a high-quality ultraviolet lamp, for the third, an LED lamp.

According to functionality, gel modeling systems are divided into: three-phase, two-phase and single-phase.

The first is a three-phase system, it includes three types of gel with a specific purpose. To ensure perfect adhesion, the first layer of base gel is applied, which is responsible for reliable contact of the nail plate with the unnatural material.

Next, a second layer of modeling gel is applied, which is responsible for the body of the nail. And the last layer is the finishing gel. It will protect the nail, protect it from external factors, while providing a bright and smooth surface.

The second is a two-phase system. One type of gel serves simultaneously to connect and secure, and the second is responsible for designing the nail.

And the third is a single-phase system. It uses a universal gel that performs all three functions.

You probably have a question, which of the three systems to choose?

There is no exact answer, since each master chooses for himself. We can only advise you to try each modeling system, then you can understand exactly which material is easier for you to work with.
As for brands, the advice is the same. It is necessary to select for yourself experimentally. At first, you may have to spend a lot in search of the perfect gel. You can start with the most popular ones - CND Brisa, Masura, In’Garden, IBD Gel, RuNail. According to reviews, they perform their functions perfectly and allow you to work at a professional level.

The price of gel for nail extensions may vary. And it depends on many factors: functionality and brand. The cost of colored gel starts from 150 rubles and above. Basic and finishing ones cost from 300 rubles and above.

Stages of gel nail extension technology

So, we put together a kit and decided what we needed for gel nail extensions. Now let's move directly to the modeling. Even a beginner can do the technology of gel nail extension if all steps are performed consistently and correctly.

If you want to do your own gel nail extensions, then step-by-step instruction A photo will help with this. Each stage of nail modeling using this technology is important, so try to observe every detail. The instructions are suitable for extensions for yourself or a client.

1. Preparation of the nail (hand treatment, removing the cuticle by untrimmed or trimmed). For a better effect, the nail surface is sanded and degreased. Afterwards, a thin layer of primer is applied to the nails to remove excess moisture. The primer should be dried in a UV lamp for 2 minutes.

2. A form for modeling nails is installed. This can be either upper or lower extension forms. We wrote about them in. They must be fixed tightly and at the correct angle.

Setting up the form

3. Using a special brush, apply the base gel to the nail, but in no case should it touch the skin or flow into the side rollers. To do this, leave a distance of half a millimeter from the skin to the gel. At this stage, the preliminary shape of the artificial nail is formed. It can be square, stiletto-shaped, almond-shaped or other shape. Next, the gel is dried under the ultraviolet rays of a lamp for several minutes. The base layer is ready.

Applying base gel

4. Next, apply the next layer of modeling gel. This procedure It is better to repeat a couple of times, for greater hardness and reliability of the nails. Layers should be kept thin. At this stage, the nail is decorated with decor; glitter, stickers, painting, etc. are added between layers. A smile is formed on the free edge, if done French manicure. Dry each layer in a UV lamp for 2 minutes. By the way, it’s very convenient if your lamp has a timer; you won’t need to time it with a stopwatch.

Working with modeling gel

5. Move on to the final layer gel nails. Carefully apply the finishing gel and dry in a lamp for 2 minutes. Then the sticky layer is removed. Using an artificial nail file, the shape of the free edge of the nail is sharpened to perfection, and uneven surfaces are also removed.

Completion of nail modeling

6. Polishing buff creates shine on the nail surface.

Video tutorials on gel nail extensions for beginners

So that you can clearly appreciate the beauty of gel nail extension technology, we suggest watching video lessons for beginners. Recommendations and advice are given by experienced gel nail sculptors.

The average duration of this process is about three hours, at the end of which you get long-lasting and perfect nails.