How to use a scrub correctly: all the secrets are revealed! Foot scrub: effective care with health benefits Foot scrub at home.

The scrub perfectly exfoliates the dead layer and softens the skin. To prepare this truly wonderful remedy you will need:
- brown sugar - 2 tablespoons;
- oatmeal - 2 tablespoons;
- lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
- aloe Vera juice - 2 tablespoons;
- honey - 1 tablespoon;
- olive or almond oil - 1 teaspoon.

Using a coffee grinder, grind the oatmeal into fine sand-like crumbs. If I come across fairly large pieces, they will scratch the skin, so grind the cereal very carefully.

Mix brown sugar and ground oatmeal. Add honey, aloe and lemon soy, olive or almond oil to the mixture (the choice depends on your preferences). Mix the mixture thoroughly until it has a homogeneous consistency.

Apply the scrub to your feet and massage lightly in a circular motion. Treat heels and rough skin on the soles especially carefully. Rinse off the scrub and apply your usual foot cream to your feet.

Sea salt foot scrub

It has been proven that sea water has a very good effect on the condition of the feet. Salt and sand are an excellent natural scrub. To prepare a foot product based on sea salt you will need:
- sea salt - 0.5 cups;
- baking soda - 0.5 cups;
- essential oil (for example, from lavender, rose, geranium and eucalyptus) - 5-10 drops.

The scrub is very simple to make. Mix all ingredients and pour the product into a glass container. It can be stored for 3-6 months in a cool, dry place.

Before use, wash your hands with soap and sprinkle a little mixture. Rub your feet and rinse, leave for about 10-15 minutes and then rinse with water.

Preparing a foot scrub at home is the best solution if you want to take care of yourself and not trust it to beauty salons. Beautiful legs require complex care, and peelings help cope with a number of problems.

Scrubs, both from a professional line of cosmetics and those prepared at home, are suitable for comprehensive foot care. They help cope with the following problems:

  • cellulite;
  • ingrown hairs after hair removal;
  • increased sweating of the feet;
  • inflammation and pustules on the skin of the legs.

Dry skin, cracks and calluses on the heels are problems that are no longer rare. And regular peeling followed by moisturizing the skin over a few months will get rid of even the deepest cracks.

When should you not use a scrub?

Scrubs contain components that are not always suitable for a particular person. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics, as well as diseases. Doctors do not recommend using scrubs:

  • for dermatitis and dermatoses;
  • in case of allergies;
  • for colds;
  • for infectious diseases;
  • in case of varicose veins.

If you have a rash, rashes, or inflammation on the skin, it is also not recommended to use foot peeling. When taking care of yourself, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Preparation and Recipes

The benefits of the scrub are undeniable, however, in order to achieve the peeling effect, you need to prepare in advance. First, you need to determine what result is needed: preparation for the beach season or getting rid of corns or calluses. So, before going to the sea, you can limit yourself to just a bath with sea salt.

Afterwards you can begin the preparatory procedures. First, the feet are steamed in hot water; if desired, you can add chamomile infusion or essential oil. If the scrub needs to be applied to the entire skin of the legs, it is better to take a hot shower or take a steam bath.

Cracked heels are a problem that occurs due to dry skin or insufficient care. However, the discomfort they cause is undeniable. To prepare a remedy for cracked heels you need:

  • peeling 1 potato;
  • liter jar;
  • cotton socks.

First, rinse the potato peelings and boil them over low heat until the mixture resembles porridge (about 15-20 minutes). The feet are placed in the resulting mixture for 3-5 minutes, after which socks are put on wet feet for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, you need to rinse your feet well in warm running water.

Fact! The scrub not only helps get rid of cracks, but also makes the skin elastic and soft.

Ingrown hairs are also one of the common problems, the reasons for which vary: from improper depilation technique to hormonal disorders. They can be unpleasant or even painful sensations and lead to an inflammatory process. To prepare a mask that will help cope with this problem, you need:

  • sea ​​salt – 45 g;
  • olive oil – 30 ml;
  • calendula tincture – 5 ml;
  • salicylic acid −15 ml.

To make a product against ingrown hairs, mix sea salt and olive oil to a cream consistency. The resulting mixture is applied for 10–15 minutes while taking a shower, and then washed off, the skin is treated with tinctures of calendula and salicylic acid. At the end of the procedure, moisturizer or baby milk (optional) is used.

Coffee scrub

A universal component that helps get rid of various problems and get your feet in order is coffee. It has a tonic effect. Coffee will help make your skin smooth and soft. In addition, it can be used even during pregnancy, as well as skin diseases. To make a coffee-based product you need:

  • coffee – 45 g;
  • chopped cinnamon – 15 g;
  • olive oil – 2-3 drops.

First you need to mix these components and then apply to the skin, massaging it, leave the scrub for 5 minutes. Then you should wash off the applied mass and use a moisturizer.

Tomato juice is rich in minerals and vitamins. They quickly normalize metabolism and eliminate waste and toxins. It doesn’t take much time to make the mixture: it will take no more than 10–15 minutes. You only need two components:

  • tomato – 1 piece;
  • sea ​​salt – 15 g.

First, chop the tomato and mix it with sea salt. If desired, you can add olive oil. Then the resulting mixture is applied to the heels and washed off after 10 minutes.

Summer fashion involves open shoes, so we spend much more time taking care of our feet, trying to achieve flawless and well-groomed feet.
Foot care is getting rid of cracks, calluses, corns, treating dry and cracked heels using various home and salon procedures.
Important place in regular care behind the feet are scrubs.

Foot scrubs are simply necessary - they exfoliate dead epidermal cells from the soles and heels, help renew and smooth the surface of the skin, make the skin of the feet more delicate and relieve fatigue. You can purchase ready-made foot scrubs, or you can make them yourself at home from natural and safe ingredients.
Before applying the scrub, you need to soak your feet in a relaxing bath with the addition of various preparations that have a softening and moisturizing effect. These can be decoctions of medicinal herbs (sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, lemon balm), essential oils, for example, citrus fruits or tea tree, seaweed extracts. For fatigue, abrasion and cracked feet, a bath of plantain is highly recommended (2 tablespoons of leaves per 1 liter of boiling water). Keep your feet in the bath for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water and dry with a terry towel. natural materials. Afterwards, you can begin the peeling procedure, that is, applying a foot scrub. Using your palms or a special massage mitt, apply the scrub to your feet, paying special attention to the soles and heels, because the skin in these areas is rough. Treat your feet in a clockwise circular motion for 2-3 minutes. This is both a foot massage and a quick cleanser. Then rinse your feet from the scrub, wipe dry and apply nutritious cream. After this procedure, the skin of your feet will immediately become soft and very tender.

Foot care also includes foot massage, which improves blood circulation and mobility of the foot joints, relieves the feeling of heaviness in the legs and muscle tension. Doing a light self-massage is very convenient every time you apply a foot mask. The massage ritual can be performed using natural oils and special foot products. Massage can improve skin tone, relieve swelling and excessive sweating. The legs are massaged for 5-10 minutes each. Keep in mind that proper care behind the feet activates skin cells and speeds up metabolism. The skin becomes soft, elastic and beautiful.
We offer several recipes for scrubs and exfoliating foot masks. After exfoliation, apply a cream with aloe vera, cucumber or chamomile extracts to soften, moisturize and protect the newly formed young skin.
Recipe 1 – Homemade foot scrub – tomatoes + salt.
Mix 1 cup of sea salt with 2 ripe tomatoes, crushed into puree. Apply to feet for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
Recipe 2 – Foot scrub – honey + salt.
Mix 4 tablespoons of honey with 1 tablespoon of sea salt. Mix thoroughly and apply a thin layer to your feet, massaging lightly. Leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Recipe 3 – Exfoliating foot mask-scrub – orange + salt.
Orange acts as an antiseptic, helps heal wounds and small cracks, and salt helps strengthen nails.
Grind 1 orange with peel in a blender, add 1 tablespoon of sea salt. Mix thoroughly and apply to the soles of your feet using circular massage movements. Leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Recipe 4 – Exfoliating foot mask-scrub – oatmeal + almonds + sour cream.
Grind 1 tablespoon of almonds and 1 tablespoon of oatmeal in a coffee grinder. Add 2 tablespoons of sour cream, mix thoroughly. Apply the scrub to your feet, massaging thoroughly. Leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Recipe 5 – Cinnamon Exfoliating Foot Scrub for deep cleansing at home – sea salt + cinnamon + olive oil.
Ground cinnamon has antioxidant properties
Mix cinnamon, sea salt and olive oil in equal proportions. Mix thoroughly and apply the scrub to your feet using circular massage movements. Leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Recipe 6 – Exfoliating mask – foot scrub – aloe + corn flour.
Mix corn flour with fresh aloe juice in equal proportions until mushy. Apply to feet with massage movements. Leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse your feet with warm water.
Recipe 7 – Homemade foot scrub – sugar + coconut oil + essential oil.
Gives a feeling of freshness.
Mix half a cup of sugar with 2 tablespoons coconut oil and mix thoroughly. Add a few drops essential oil lemon Apply the scrub to the skin of your feet with massaging circular movements, leave for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Recipe 8 – Foot scrub at home – rice + grapefruit + olive oil.
Rice, rich in protein, enhances the natural production of collagen, which makes the skin of the feet more elastic.
Grind a quarter cup of rice in a coffee grinder. Grind 1 grapefruit in a blender along with the peel. Mix and add 1 teaspoon olive oil. Apply the scrub to your feet, massaging in circular motions. Leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

When using masks and creams, be careful: any product may have individual intolerance, test it first on the skin of your hand! You might also be interested in this:

Foot care: homemade scrubs and exfoliating masks reviews: 7

  • Ira

    A very simple foot scrub - mix salt with shower gel. Before applying to your feet, your feet should be steamed.

  • Maria

    Another easy-to-prepare scrub is to take the coffee grounds left over from brewing coffee in a coffee maker, mix with salt and add liquid soap or gel.

  • Anya

    helped me a lot

  • Lisa

    thanks for the advice

  • Linkares

    The peculiarity of an exfoliating face mask is that its consistency should be more delicate than that of a scrub for legs, arms or body.

  • Alexsandy

    No matter how strange it may sound, oatmeal can become your faithful assistant in achieving your goal. To do this, mix a handful of oatmeal and five tablespoons of milk, let it swell a little and add a couple of drops of rosemary oil. Then apply to the heels and wrap with film for two hours, rinse thoroughly and scrub with a brush or pumice stone. After this, rinse off the mask, dry your feet with a towel and lubricate with cream.

  • Svetlana

    I take simple care of my feet pharmaceutical product Uroderm. And I no longer have any corns or other problems. And this ointment is inexpensive.

It is so intended by nature that the skin on the soles of the feet is rougher than on the rest of the body. If you want your feet to always look beautiful, you must take good care of them. A foot scrub will help with this, which you don’t have to buy at a cosmetic store, but can be prepared with your own hands at home, and the effectiveness of such a product will be no worse than the most expensive cosmetic product. Read on to learn about the intricacies of the procedure, how to prepare homemade foot scrubs and the best cosmetics.

How does a foot scrub work?

The epidermis, under the influence of various factors, can become rough due to the necrosis of the upper layer of cells. As for the skin of the feet, this is facilitated by wearing tight shoes, long walking, dry air and other factors, including internal problems of the body. As a result, a woman may encounter such troubles as corns, cracked heels, and calluses. The scrub contains abrasive substances that gently remove dead skin cells and help improve its appearance. If you add natural oils to your foot scrub, your skin will also receive additional hydration and nutrition. After peeling, the skin of the feet will be able to absorb maximum nutrients from creams and masks subsequently applied to the feet.

Abrasives for home peeling

If you decide to use a homemade foot scrub, the abrasive particles should be larger than in a regular body scrub, because the skin on your feet is rougher. You can use the following products that you probably have in your kitchen:

  • semolina;
  • buckwheat grain;
  • apricot kernels;
  • natural coffe.

All these products, except for the already fine semolina, need to be ground in a coffee grinder, after which you can make a scrub for the skin of your feet. You can also use sea salt and shells walnuts, but it is quite difficult to grind the last abrasive to the required particle size. If you want to get all the benefits of walnuts for your legs, you can grind the shells into powder in an old Soviet-style meat grinder. You should not use a blender or coffee grinder for this; you can probably guess how this could end up for your kitchen appliances.

Making a foot scrub at home

Homemade foot scrub is very easy to make. The instructions are simple:

  1. You can use olive oil or any other as a base. cosmetic oil. Some girls use a mixture of sour cream and honey; in the absence of these products, you can use a regular nourishing cream.
  2. As abrasives, we take one or more of the products suggested above, crushed to the size of semolina.
  3. Add a couple of drops of lavender, sage or any other of your favorite essential oils.
  4. Mix thoroughly until smooth. An effective peeling product made from simple ingredients is ready!

Even more foot scrub recipes

Homemade foot scrubs are a haven for your experiments. You can create your own recipes for powerful peeling products. To do this, it is enough to combine natural ingredients in the correct proportions so that the result is a paste-like mass, similar in consistency to a regular cosmetic scrub. But you can also use already tried recipes:

  • Coffee peeling. You can take either freshly ground coffee or grounds after brewing the drink. The coffee grounds should be slightly damp. Add a couple of drops of tea tree oil to it, and then use the resulting mixture for peeling.
  • Sea salt for feet. You will need 3 tablespoons of medium sea salt and 3 tablespoons of liquid soap. Mix the ingredients and the scrub can be used.
  • Apricot peeling. Grind a handful of apricot kernels in a blender until the particles are slightly larger in size than poppy seeds. Add 1 tablespoon of almond oil and 3 drops of lavender essential oil to the abrasive. Mix everything and apply to the skin.
  • Oatmeal for feet. Soak oatmeal in boiling water for 3 minutes. Drain the water, add 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of olive oil, then mix the mixture thoroughly.
  • Carrot scrub. This healthy vegetable is available all year round, and the product based on it is perhaps the cheapest. Simply chop the root vegetable in a food processor, add 1 tablespoon of sour cream and a couple of drops of mint oil.
  • Sugar scrub. Take 2 tablespoons of sugar, if possible, it is better to use Turbinado, as this type of sugar has larger crystals. Add 1 tablespoon of regular body cream to the sugar, mix and use!

Foot peeling procedure

Now that you know how to prepare a foot scrub at home, you can proceed directly to the peeling procedure.

Preparing the skin of the feet for peeling

Before scrubbing, the skin of the legs needs to be prepared. To do this, you can simply take a shower and steam your feet, or you can prepare a bath with essential oils or warm herbal infusion. If you have lemon, rosemary or mint essential oils, just add 5-6 drops to hot water. But herbal infusions of string or chamomile will also do the job perfectly. After 10 minutes of relaxation with essential oils or herbs, you can use the scrub.

Let's move on to foot peeling

The step-by-step procedure looks like this:

  1. Dry your feet with a towel.
  2. Then apply the product in a circular motion, increasing the pressure in the areas of the greatest roughness of the skin.
  3. Scrub your feet with the scrub for 5 minutes, thoroughly working all areas.
  4. Rinse off any remaining product with warm water.
  5. All that remains is to wipe the skin dry and apply moisturizer. Cosmetic products can greatly simplify home peeling. Their effectiveness won't be significantly better, but you won't have to waste time preparing the mixture. Let's highlight the most popular products presented on the modern cosmetic market.

An unkempt appearance, cracked and rough skin on the heels, severe peeling of the epidermis - all these are signs of improper handling of the feet. Many cosmetologists believe that frequent rough handling of the skin of the legs, especially with a pumice stone or a metal brush, is the main factor in the roughening of the epidermis. Foot scrub is one of those products that can easily cope with dead skin without damaging the lower layers of the epidermis.

  • 1. Features and principle of action of the foot scrub
  • 2. How to use foot scrub
  • 3. Features of homemade foot scrubs
  • 4. Natural foot scrub recipes
  • 5. Classic foot scrub recipes
  • 5.1. Foot scrub with salt
  • 5.2. River or sea sand scrub
  • 5.3. Coffee based scrub
  • 5.4. Sugar peeling for feet

Features and principle of action of the foot scrub

The scrub copes well with various formations on the skin of the feet in the form of calluses or corns. At the same time, you can use it almost every day, depending on the existing problems. Natural ingredients included in the composition homemade scrub for feet, are effective abrasives. Typically, recipes for such products include salt, coffee beans, granulated sugar, various pulps of vegetables and fruits, as well as their seeds.

The scrub has its own special differences when compared with others cosmetics similar action. This product contains large particles that help remove the dead layer of epithelium of the skin of the legs. This procedure softens the skin and improves it appearance and blood circulation. The legs contain many nerve endings. When exposed to them, the condition of not only the skin improves, but also internal organs the whole body.

When a foot scrub is created using natural ingredients, all dead cells, thanks to abrasive particles, are removed easily and without any problems, without disturbing the structure of living cells. Natural oils The scrub nourishes and additionally softens the skin of the feet.

How to use the scrub

Before each peeling procedure, it is necessary to steam and cleanse the skin of the feet.

The steaming procedure can be done:

  • in hot water;
  • in a hot decoction of chamomile;
  • in hot water with the addition of essential oils of rosemary, geranium and so on.

When the feet are sufficiently cleaned and steamed, apply the scrub, thoroughly rubbing it into the skin. Massage the feet with the product for several minutes until the scrub is completely absorbed. After two or three minutes, the feet are washed in the same water in which they were steamed. The feet are dried and a moisturizing and nourishing cream is rubbed into their skin. If it is prepared with natural ingredients, it will be even more effective for general epithelial care.

The foot scrub cleansing procedure should be carried out several times a week. If the skin becomes rough too quickly, you can exfoliate every day.

Features of homemade foot scrubs

If the foot scrub is prepared at home, then before selecting the components for it, you need to understand your skin type. If the skin has a dry appearance, then for peeling it is better to use a fatty base based on oils and fermented milk products. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the main abrasive components: salt, coffee, ground seeds and nuts, sugar. These components remove oily shine and effectively remove dead cells.

But abrasive substances should be used wisely, as they are quite rough and, if careless, can damage cells. For skin that is more sensitive and prone to dryness, it is better to choose gentle abrasive ingredients, such as oatmeal or honey. If there are no allergic reactions to them, then such ingredients perfectly remove dirt particles and dead cells and are gentle on the epithelium of the legs.

If there is any unused scrub left, it is better not to leave it, but to throw it away immediately. Such home remedies lose their most important properties after a few hours and become useless. Even storage in the refrigerator does not allow natural ingredients to remain suitable.

Natural foot scrub recipes

A foot scrub prepared at home has natural ingredients that will not only completely cleanse the epithelium, but also saturate it with vitamins and nutrients. For a more gentle and gentle peeling, a scrub made from semolina and oatmeal flakes is suitable.

It is prepared like this:

  • to normal everyday cream for legs add semolina or oatmeal flakes. You should add no more than one teaspoon of this component. If the recipe calls for oatmeal, it is better to mix it with honey and sour cream;
  • rub the resulting mixture into the skin of the feet for about ten minutes until completely absorbed;
  • when the peeling is absorbed, after a few minutes it is washed off in water with decoctions and aromatic oils.

You can use the peels of dried citrus fruits, which are pre-crushed. They are added to the cream or selected peeling base. If the base is oatmeal, then add a few drops of one of the oils: corn, nut, olive, flaxseed, and so on.

Classic foot scrub recipes

Foot scrub has many different and fairly simple recipes, but there are several that are considered basic: peeling with salt, coffee, sugar, sea or river sand.

To prepare a salt scrub you need:

  • take a few tablespoons of fine and coarse salt. It is advisable to take sea or iodized salt;
  • a third of a glass of regular liquid soap and shower gel, add a couple of drops of aromatic oil to this soap mixture;
  • mix the ingredients and apply the mixture to warm, steamed feet, rub in the scrub until completely absorbed. After a couple of minutes, rinse everything off with herbal decoctions.

This scrub can be stored in the refrigerator for one day, just before your next treatment.

River or sea sand scrub

It is used dry and the feet are not steamed first. Only after the entire procedure is completed, the feet are steamed and nourishing oil masks are rubbed into them. This scrub also has an additional healing effect. It calms the nervous system, relieves accumulated daily stress and stimulates the main points on the feet, which are responsible for the functioning of all human organs.

Making a sand scrub is quite simple:

  • mix fine clean river or sea sand with small pebbles;
  • pour the sand mixture into a basin;
  • in the evening before dinner or bedtime, lower your feet into the basin and move your toes in the thickness of the sand.

You can get up and stomp on the spot in the basin, but it’s best to sit down, relax and knead the sand and pebbles with your fingers. This scrub perfectly massages and improves blood circulation throughout the body.

Coffee scrub has many beneficial properties

It is prepared using simple and affordable ingredients:

  • take three large spoons of ground coffee;
  • one large spoon of salt, preferably sea salt;
  • a small spoon of ground cinnamon;
  • all components are mixed with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil;
  • The finished mixture is rubbed into the skin of the foot. After the scrub is absorbed, it is washed off with cool water.

Sugar peeling for feet

Each of the existing recipes must be based on white or brown sugar. Other ingredients may vary.

The simplest sugar peeling is prepared as follows:

  • take a couple of spoons granulated sugar white or brown. This recipe allows a mix of several types of sugar;
  • two large spoons fresh juice lemon;
  • two small spoons of vegetable oil. It can be almond, flaxseed, pumpkin, nut and so on. Depending on the needs of the skin and its condition;
  • All ingredients are mixed into a homogeneous mass and rubbed into the skin of the feet. This scrub can be used on elbows and rough areas of the knees.

A foot scrub is useful not only from the point of view of skin condition, but also as a massage procedure that has an unsurpassed effect on the entire human body.