How to cut your hair evenly. Haircut with plaits - “I’ll show and tell you how to cut split ends to length and how to evenly cut your own hair.”

Thanks to the abundance of hairdressing salons and simply a huge number of professional hairdressers, modern women almost never have the question of where to update their hairstyle. However, due to a number of reasons (saving money, time and nerves), girls often take the initiative and cut their hair on their own. This action is very convenient if you just need to shorten your bangs or get rid of split ends. After all, every girl can do this. and what do you need to have for this?

To organize a home hairdresser, you need to have a certain basic set of tools for cutting hair. This should include:

  • Scissors – regular sharp ones for cutting and thinning
  • Fine tooth comb
  • Hair clips

It is not at all necessary to buy a professional set of tools; it is enough to have ordinary sharp scissors. Thinning scissors are desirable, but not required. They are needed to process the edges of the hairstyle (for example, when creating a bob, thinning helps the ends to bend inward). If you don’t have them in your arsenal, then it’s okay.

It is very good if the apartment has a dressing table or a large wall mirror. Sit on a stool with your back to him. Place a second stool with a mirror in front of you so that you can see from the front. Look in both mirrors - you should clearly see both the front part of the hair (front) and the back (occipital). If you don’t organize your “working” place in this way, then you risk cutting your hair “blindly,” and this is fraught with unpleasant consequences in the form of damaged hair.

How to trim the ends of your hair yourself

Those with long curls and hair below shoulder level often need to adjust the ends of their hair. There is a certain procedure for this, which is not at all suitable for short locks.

Before cutting your hair yourself, do not forget about organizing the right “working” place with two mirrors located opposite each other, stools and the actual cutting tools.

  1. Comb the curls. They must be perfectly smooth.
  2. We collect the strands in a low ponytail. Secure thin rubber bands along the entire length of the tail, every 2 centimeters. Leave the ends of your hair free by a couple of centimeters.
  3. Holding the bottom section, cut the ends of the strands just below the last elastic.
  4. Part your curls to the sides and comb them.
  5. On each side we collect the side strands and trim them, collecting the ends and pinching them between two fingers.
  6. The final stage will be visual control - the hair should be even throughout.

To make the cutting process easier, you can wet the ends of your hair with regular water. This will make the strands more pliable and easier to trim.

How to cut your own hair with a “Ladder”

A preparatory stage with moisturizing and combing the locks would also be appropriate here.

Proven method against split ends

This procedure, unlike the previous ones, should be carried out only on dry hair.

  1. Comb your curls.
  2. Selecting a small strand each time, twist each of them into a tight flagellum.
  3. Run your finger over the flagellum - the split ends should “peek out”.
  4. Using scissors we get rid of them.

By the way, cutting with flagella, as a method of treating hair from excision, is most effective when cutting with hot scissors. The cut ends of the hair are immediately “sealed” under the influence of high temperature, which will have a positive effect on the condition of the hair, preventing further excision of the strands. But hot scissors are only available in the beauty salon, keep that in mind.

How to cut your own bangs

You have already decided how to cut your hair yourself, and have successfully completed all the manipulations. But there was only the final touch left - bangs, which you can’t do without.

But each type of bangs has its own cutting technique.

  • "Air" bangs

Separate the front strands so that the parting is visible from above. Twist the curls into a braid and cut the ends of the hair, depending on the length of the hair and the intended size of the bangs.

  • Long side bangs

Place your hair in a middle parting and divide the front strands into two parts running along the face. At lip level, cut the strands straight on both sides. To style the ends of your hair, twist each side strand into a braid and cut the ends at the maximum possible angle.

  • Long straight bangs

Draw a straight line along the bridge of your nose. Moisten your hair and cut the ends of the strands, moving along the intended line. If you wish, you can create the so-called “boost-up” effect by shortening the upper strands a little more than the lower ones (see image).

Good luck in your endeavors!

Good day, dear blog readers! Surely, every representative of the fair sex was interested in how to cut the ends of her hair on her own?

Indeed, sometimes it seems pointless to go to the salon for the sake of one or two centimeters. After all, several factors come into play here: you need to make an appointment with a specialist, carve out free time to the detriment of pressing matters, spend money on a result that, in fact, no one will even notice.

But the understanding that the ends simply need to be trimmed periodically to renew and improve the growth of curls makes me wonder, shouldn’t I try to do this myself? Try it! Believe me, it is not dangerous to health and is not at all difficult)

If your enthusiasm prompts you to experiment, then let's start learning all the tricks.

The first thing you need for a quality haircut at home is, of course, scissors.

Don’t even think about using ordinary household hatchets for paper, fabric, or anything else harder.

Hair has a fine, delicate structure that requires love and care. And if you start cutting them with homemade pruners, you can not only break it, but break it so that the curls will hurt and recover for a long time.

Therefore, it is necessary to make a trip to a specialized hairdressing store and choose a quality tool. By the way, in this case the price plays in your favor.

Don't look at expensive scissors; you won't need them. This tool is strictly for professional techniques that you are not proficient in (yet).

Buy the simplest scissors, as all specialized tools are perfectly sharpened. You need to remember about thinning scissors or a razor, which will definitely come in handy for a perfect result. Choose what you like best.

The exception is those with long hair who are only going to trim split ends. In this case, thinning is not only not necessary, it is simply not recommended (except for hard and very thick curls). At the same time, purchase a comfortable comb and a package of clips. Let's start with the simplest thing, how to cut the ends of your long curls yourself.

We cut the ends

What to do first for any haircut?

  • Rinse your hair, lightly moisten with balm, dry a little with a towel, comb well.
  • If there is a cross-section problem along the entire length, then we do the following:

We divide the hair into small strands, take each strand in turn, twist it into a tight flagellum and carefully cut off those hairs that stick out from the flagellum. This way you can easily deal with split ends.

If this is not the case, then after washing you need to do:

  • Part your hair down the middle, as if you were going to make two braids (for thick hair). For thin hair, you can collect all the hair in one strand.
  • A little bit of each strand! twist and start securing from the lower occipital area with regular elastic bands, every 3-5 cm. Stop 10 cm from the ends.
  • Take a strand, comb the ends, grab it between your thumb and ring finger to the desired length and carefully make a cut. Do the same with the other strand.

All is ready! Remove the rubber bands and check how smoothly the work is done. See how simple it is! If you did everything correctly, the ends will be smooth and renewed. Of course, every task, even the simplest one, requires skill. The main thing is to believe that everything will work out. Then it will be so!


Now let's look at another option. You need a cascade.

  • We tilt our head down, comb clean, damp hair and gather it in a ponytail with an elastic band in the center of the forehead, comb the strand and grab it between your fingers, pull it to the desired length and carefully cut it off.

If you are afraid of crooking, you can use a ruler. Pull the strand onto the ruler to the desired length and cut exactly along it. File carefully, without fanaticism. Remove the elastic band, style it and enjoy your new haircut.

Making it more difficult:

  • Part your hair from ear to ear. First, cut the back part, using a ruler. Then, in small strands, grab the hair from the back area and cut it to the existing length.

So, move one by one until you have cut the lowest strands. File the ends. You do your styling and in the mirror you see a model Hollywood cascade. Beautiful?

Short cascade

Maybe you want a short cascade? This means a short crown with a gradual transition to long ones.

Simple option:

  • Determine the desired length at the top of the head, collect the hair in a ponytail, secure it tightly with an elastic band at the length you chose, grab it with your left hand and cut it off. You are milling. After installation, admire the reflection.

Let's complicate it

  • Select a strand on the top of the head, cut it to the desired length, without letting go, pull it up, one strand at a time, first from the back side, then from the back of the head. File out the entire head fairly and neatly.

At first your hands will become numb. Once you get the hang of it, this process will be quick and easy. This cascade is done in front of a mirror.


For those who wear bangs and they grow faster than the rest of their haircut, this becomes a problem. It’s too early to go to the salon, and overgrown bangs spoil the whole look. We suggest you get out of this unpleasant situation at home and on your own.

  • If you want an airy bang, then (necessarily clean, damp hair) determine the size (deep or thin), separate this strand, you need to twist it into a flagellum and cut it straight to the length that you need. Lightly mill.
  • The oblique bangs are performed in the same way, only cut at the maximum angle of the scissors. Don't forget to define the angle, right or left. Lightly milled.
  • The straight weighted one is done a little differently. Separate the strand that you consider to be bangs; for now we put the excess ones in a clip.

Divide the strand in half horizontally, pin the top one, and grab the bottom one with your fingers with the back side down, pull it to the side and cut it, check it, trim it, then release the top strand and trim it between your fingers, matching the bottom one. Thinning at your discretion.

On a note! Bangs are cut only in front of a mirror.

Even if at first glance these actions seem difficult, just try. When you feel confident in yourself and that by overcoming fear, you have become your own super master..

It will be pleasant to know that another milestone has been overcome, which will make it possible to get rid of another problem from your life (which, it turns out, does not exist). Good luck!

See you soon,

Anastasia Smolinets

Women love to change their appearance. Even the most minor change in appearance can instill strength and self-confidence in a representative of the fair sex. And how it lifts your spirits, you must agree!

Yes, what can I say, the lady even begins to look at the world completely differently: freshly, proudly, in a new way. A confident and self-sufficient personality is the key to creating a strong individuality, achieving new heights, and feeling the fullness of life.

The simplest thing you can do is trim the ends of your hair at home. No sooner said than done. Hands take scissors, eyes visually outline the scope of work. So, how can you trim the ends of your hair yourself to get rid of split ends and freshen up your hair overall? Let's learn the basic rules.

What you need to know about cutting hair at home?

First, prepare everything you need in advance:

  • Two mirrors. For example, a Soviet dressing table is ideal, where two doors can be easily adjusted one opposite the other.
  • Well sharpened scissors. For such purposes, you need to purchase special scissors and not use them for other purposes, so as not to dull them. After all, if you trim the strands incorrectly, then in the future they will begin to split again.
  • A flat comb with teeth of different widths. Any kind of massage brushes will not work.
  • A spray bottle filled with clean water.
  • Various hairpins and clips that will help divide your hair into several parts. This will make the haircut more neat.

Now it remains to understand how to cut the strands correctly.

We identify problem areas

Do you want to trim your locks and are wondering how to trim split ends? But first you need to identify the presence of damaged hair.

  1. Take a close look at the curls. If, when combing, you notice several branched, unruly hairs that separate from the strand, then they are the ones with split ends.
  2. The second method of determination: you need to collect your hair in a ponytail, comb it and inspect it. If you see zigzags or irregularities on the surface of the tail, this is the damage you are looking for.
  3. Rule number three tells us to look for broken or uneven hairs. An irregular shape indicates damage.

Secrets of technology

So how to cut your own curls? If you master the necessary knowledge, cutting your hair will be quite simple. The sequence of actions and accuracy of the following steps will help with this:

  • Comb your hair well to avoid any tangles or tangles.
  • Gather your curls into a tight ponytail. Using small rubber bands, tie the tail every 2 cm.
  • Holding the tail with your hand, cut off the ends perpendicular to the elastic.
  • Unwind your ponytail and comb your curls to the sides. Gather the side strands in your hand and trim them.
  • Make sure all strands are the same length. How to trim correctly if necessary? Correct them by slightly trimming the ends.
  • To achieve the ideal effect, you must first moisten the ends of your hair with water. Wet curls will straighten and will be much easier to trim.

Modeling a haircut

At home, you can lightly trim your entire hairstyle. Based on the basics you have already learned about how to cut the ends of your hair, you can experiment with haircuts.

One of the simple methods of modernizing a hairstyle is to create a ladder. What does that require? To begin, dampen your hair and comb it. The further course of action looks like this:

  • Tilt your head to the side so that your hair hangs strictly perpendicular to the floor. Comb the strands and cut off the ends, leaving 2 cm from the edge.
  • Keep your head straight. Comb the strands and trim the ends.
  • Make an even parting in the middle of your head and comb it.
  • Now separate small strands, pinch each one with your index and middle fingers. Pull the strands forward and cut off 2 cm. This should be done with all the strands.
  • The result is a stylish ladder that is suitable for straight long hair.

The second type of hairstyle is a short haircut. How to make a fashionable bob yourself? It is quite possible:

  • Pre-wash your hair and soften with conditioner.
  • A bob-style haircut involves dividing the hair into 7 wide strands (temporal, occipital, on the crown, above the forehead, on the side of the face). The width of the facial strands is 3 cm.
  • Decide on the length of the bob (a classic haircut means hair length up to the chin). You need to start trimming your hair from the front, gradually moving backwards.
  • The final touch is the area above the forehead. Divide your hair into a middle parting, pull the strands out a little with your fingers or a comb and cut off the ends.
  • Finally, the hair needs to be dried and styled. Inspect your hair and cut off any stray hairs. After a few days, the curls will get used to this position and it will be much easier to manage them.

On a note

They say that the best time to get a haircut for ladies is Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. These days are considered women's days, which means that these days should be devoted to self-care. In addition, astrologers advise trimming your hair during a young or waxing moon. And they associate hair growth with the growing disk of the moon. Whether this is true or not - your own practice will show. But, as life shows, folk wisdom still finds its confirmation in reality.

Now you know how to properly cut and refresh your hair. But how often can you cut your hair? Here, venerable hairdressers act as advisors. They claim that if you notice a split curl, then you need to carry out a similar procedure at least once every two months. Damaged hair cannot be restored by anything, so you just need to cut it off.

Dear ladies, trimming the ends or refreshing your hairstyle with your own hands is not at all difficult. You need to stock up on the necessary tools and set aside some free time. Once you get the hang of it, even a new haircut will only take you 5 minutes. Gain useful experience, cut your hair and your loved ones. Who knows, maybe this will become your calling?..

Visits to professional hairdressers who know their clients and their desires inspire and inspire, but there are also situations when hairdressers or beauty salons begin to bypass the 10th road.

We won’t list the reasons, we’ll talk about how to cut your own ends, short or long, at home: evenly or in a semicircle, in a cascade or ladder, or in flagella using step-by-step videos and photos of the result, as well as scissors or a clipper. What does that require?

How to cut hair correctly? What devices will make cutting hair easier? What haircut options to choose for home?

Let's look at options for cutting hair ends, since it will be difficult to get a professional haircut right away.

Cutting the ends will help you start learning hairdressing, and we will look at examples and methods with videos, as well as mistakes that beginners often make.

If suddenly you overdid it and shortened the ends or bangs too short, then we will calm you down and recommend adding vitamins and flaxseed oil to your diet, as well as using masks with honey - all recipes and master classes are waiting for you.



  • it is necessary to purchase professional tools or suitable and very well sharpened ones;
  • responsibility for the result falls entirely on you;
  • cutting with dull scissors will lead to split hair;
  • mirrors (or dressing table) are a must;

Photos and videos with instructions and step-by-step explanations

We invite you to learn from photos and videos, so you will see the entire haircut process from start to finish, which will allow you to avoid mistakes.

Instructions for use:

Advice: cut off the length a little shorter than we want for the first time; cutting off the excess is always easier than correcting what has already been cut.

Tools needed for cutting:

We will need: scissors, rubber bands, hair straightener if you have curly hair, a wide-toothed comb, 2 large mirrors, 10-20 minutes free so that no one disturbs you, a broom and dustpan for collecting hair, a hair humidifier or just wet your hair in bath and squeeze lightly.

Tip: Place a towel over your shoulders to prevent your hair from getting your clothes wet.

Remove carpets or other coverings first so that the floor is smooth: laminate, linoleum or wood. Cover the floor with newspapers, if you don’t want revenge, all that’s left is to collect the newspapers and throw them away or burn them along with your cut hair.


This haircut technique is suitable for home use, but not for salons or hairdressers.

Although, it is not inferior in terms of results to the salon one, although it will take much less time and money. Let's get started!

Prepare for haircut: sharp hairdressing scissors, an elastic band, combs (one brush, the other with sparse teeth), a mirror.

Who already had

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly with a brush and then with a wide-tooth comb.
  2. Tie a high ponytail on the top of your head.
  3. Make an even cut parallel to the floor.
  4. For lovers of torn haircuts, we suggest cutting only with the ends, and not with the entire blade. This will allow the haircut to lie more softly and smoothly.

    Straighten the cut, if desired, profile with thinning scissors. The haircut is ready.

But if you didn’t like the cascade option, then we suggest watching 2 more videos with more careful hair processing.

For curly ones

The principle of haircut is the same, but at the same time we will cut a ladder on the face and make it more visible for hair of medium length or long

We will need:

  1. Wet your hair under the tap or using a spray.
  2. Comb thoroughly with your head down. Gather them together and trim the ends evenly. We make the cut with scissors at an angle and only with the tips.
  3. For very thick hair, separate thin strands and straighten them until all the hair is the same length.
  4. If you previously had a haircut without a ladder, then you will have to cut off a little more length.

    We focus on the shortest strand, but this is for experienced people; for the first time, cut along the longest one, so that you can correct flaws in case of an incorrect haircut.

    Following our advice, then you can fix it yourself or with the help of a hairdresser.

We divide the hair into a middle parting, combing the hair.

We cut the ladder in front like this:

  1. We determine the strand that will be the shortest and the beginning of our ladder.
  2. Separate it and comb it thoroughly onto your face. We place it parallel to the floor, extending it to its full length. We cut with an even cut, but you can also use the ends.
  3. The second strand is cut in the same way; if you have very long hair, then simply pull it out, and then, holding the ends with your fingers, cut it, bringing it closer to your face perpendicular to the ends with an even cut.
  4. We repeat a similar ladder with the second side.
  5. The result of such a haircut is a ladder on the sides and in front and a semicircle at the back.

Cascade haircut training video

For long

What is the difference between cutting long hair from medium length or short hair?

The fact that it is easier to cut them on one side, you can simply take a strand and move it to either side when you see your ends, which is extremely difficult to do with short ones; it is difficult to turn your hands in the right direction.

But it is necessary to cut the back or even the entire length not on a tiny area of ​​the floor, but by spreading a newspaper or collecting a carpet on the bare floor.

Katya Gore and Little Lily share these subtleties with you.

Features for long

Option from Katya Gor

Video blogger and hairdresser rolled into one, and also the owner of long and chic blond curls Katya Gore, she shares her secrets for cutting ends with her own hands at home, and also tells and shows the results on her hair.

We will need: scissors and spray with water.

  1. Tilt your head down perpendicular to the floor, bringing everything to the front and comb thoroughly.
  2. Spray them lightly so they are slightly damp but not wet.
  3. Important: the forehead and crown of the head should be directed directly to the floor during the haircut process.

  4. Select a control strand and determine how long we will cut our ends. Cut off the necessary part.
  5. We collect the hair and hold it between our fingers, cut it with teeth, holding the scissors perpendicular to the cut and level it along the control strand.
  6. Result: you should have a smooth staircase.
  7. For those who also like stairs in the side areas. Select the side zones up to the ear, this is the zone we will work with. Cut off the rounded parts between your fingers and the ladder itself, moving from top to bottom.
  8. The last step is to create a rounding at the place of transition from the ladder to the main mass; to do this, lightly trim, giving a rounded trajectory.
  9. Refresh your bangs by trimming the ends slightly.

Training video on how to maintain hair length and cut the ends in a cascade:

Thanks to this haircut, the ends are easily curled even after wearing and unraveling a regular braid. The temple areas frame the face effectively, making the appearance more well-groomed.

Ladder - deep triangle

This option has a higher level of difficulty, so ask your mom or friend for help.

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly and divide it into 2 halves along a straight parting.
  2. Tilt your head perpendicular to the floor and cut the control strand to the desired length - this is the one closest to the occipital area, repeat in the same way with the 2nd one.
  3. Check to see if the strands you cut are the same length; if so, then we begin to equalize the rest of the hair.
  4. We collect the hair between our fingers and carefully comb it, while lowering our fingers almost to the level of the control strand so that we can see where we need to cut.
  5. Separate the front control strand and use it to equalize the 2nd half. Similar method as described above. We do the haircut with teeth.
  6. We comb the hair alternately on 2 sides to check the quality of the haircut.
  7. If desired, we also perform a ladder on the front strands (temporal zone). To do this, select a zone and cut it along the desired path.

The video will teach you how to cut the ends of a deep ladder into a triangle shape yourself:


We arrange mirrors or place a chair so that you can clearly see what is happening behind you. Prepare everything you need described above.

  1. Comb clean hair and tie a ponytail, tie the ponytail with rubber bands in several places so that there are elastic bands every few centimeters. You should get the last one 1 cm before the cut point.
  2. Cut off the planned centimeter. We recommend cutting parallel to the horizon; we will use these ends to align all the rest of the hair.
  3. Unwind your hair and comb it, parting it across your entire head in the middle and lay it on your shoulders.

    Find the strands you cut and align all the hair on one side and the other using them.

    Check that the length of both strands is the same; to do this, take a strand and bring it together near the face.

  4. We put the cut hair back and check that everything has been done smoothly.
    The main advantage of such a haircut is the exact observance of cutting off 1 or 2 cm, which sometimes the hairdresser does not understand. Minus: only rounded edge.

Master class in video on cutting ends in a semicircle from Lily Moon


There are situations when the goal of cutting the ends is a horizontal, absolutely even cut; it is ideal to achieve this with a machine, but it is extremely difficult to do this with your own hands, especially from the back.

  1. Comb clean hair and tie a ponytail, tie the ponytail with rubber bands in several places so that there are elastic bands every few centimeters. You should get the latter 1 cm before the cut point or exactly in this place.
  2. Cut off the planned centimeter. We recommend cutting strictly parallel to the horizon; we will use these tips to align all other curls.
  3. Loosen your hair and comb it, collect the entire upper part of the curls in a ponytail or shell, leaving a thin strip in the back of the head. Separate them into a parting.
  4. Take the 2 back strands that you cut, move them forward to your shoulders and align all the remaining ones on one side and the other along them.

    Important: comb and straighten them, stretch them and fix them between your fingers.

  5. You will notice that the inner strands are several times shorter than the inner ones; now our task is to shorten the ends and make them even.
  6. We move the cut hair forward and cut all the ends, but to avoid blunt cuts, use scissors to cut towards the fingers, with the teeth, i.e. We put the scissors.

Training video on cutting ends with an even cut


This method is suitable when you don’t have scissors or for some reason you don’t want to use them, but you have a hair clipper.

Let's consider the option of a bob haircut, the model has hair below the shoulders, after the haircut it will be of medium length to the shoulders.

You will need: a machine, a comb, rubber bands, scissors for trimming hair, mirrors.

  1. Divide all the hair into 4 parts: a straight parting in the middle and 2 above the ears along straight lines.
  2. Tie 4 ponytails with rubber bands at the cut point; if in doubt, make 2 rubber bands and make a cut between them.
  3. Be careful that all ponytails are the same length.
  4. After that, we cut off the ends under the rubber band with a machine.
  5. Align the transition between all the ponytails by smoothing the cuts using a machine. Additionally, we smooth out the transitions with scissors, checking against the control strand.
  6. We check the quality of the haircut after washing and blow-drying.

The video will help you step by step to cut the ends with a clipper, for example, a bob haircut


The shorter the hair, the more difficult it is to cut it yourself.
Recommendation for cutting the ends of short haircuts; for beginners, consult a hairdresser.

If you decide to remove the increased length on your ears yourself or you don’t like the bangs, then do it according to the instructions:

We find your haircut model in photo and video format, we need step-by-step actions.

Repeat after the master the haircut of part of the temples and bangs. For the rear area, ask for help as... It is extremely difficult to do exactly on your own.

Splits - victory in 3 methods

Split ends bother both long-haired beauties and those whose length barely touches their shoulders. Therefore, learning to cut split ends exclusively with your own hands is very convenient and practical.

Since each method proposed is aimed at maintaining the length, but at the same time carefully elaborating by cutting off the split ends.

In all 3 cases you will need: sharp scissors and patience, with plenty of free time, the more it is needed the more split ends you have.


Sitting by the window on a sunny day, we twist the thin strands into flagella and lightly “fluff” them, moving from bottom to top and cutting off only the split ends, so we move in rows over the entire head.

The thicker the flagella, the fewer ends you can process, so at first curl very thin ones; after the first such haircut, it is recommended to make thicker ones the next time.

Because during the first time, if you do it well, most of the split ends will be cut off and after a month or 2 there won’t be enough time to grow back.

3 finger clamp

Ideal for those who are afraid to cut off extra centimeters. Double fixation with fingers allows you to release and cut the ends more carefully.

Look at the photo above, where there are all 3 options, on the second you will see the placement of your fingers and the correct fixation of the strand, so you will be able to not only fix it, but also move it.

Try this method, it may be the most suitable for you.


We braid thin braids and, inspecting the braiding, tousle and cut off weak and dissected ones, and process all the curls in this way.

It is important to understand that any experiments with clippers or scissors are a risk that is quite easy to correct, especially if you overdid it and now you are concerned about the issue, then our article will help.

Often mothers, and even schoolgirls themselves, limit themselves to just a braid or ponytail, but now we offer to learn how to do your own hairstyle for school in 5 minutes with photos and video tutorials, everything is described in detail.

The desire to have smooth and even curls is experienced by many girls, young women and women. We invite you to learn how to straighten your hair without an iron or hair dryer at home quickly at

Child - girl at home

The methods are quick and very economical, which will allow you not to waste your time and money, as well as your nerves, trying to seat your child in a chair at the hairdresser and persuade him to sit upright and not move.

Suitable for both naturally curly and straight hair. The length is not important, which means it will be a great help for long and medium-length hair cut in a ladder.

Its main advantage is that we preserve the entire length, working only with the ends and removing difficult to comb areas.

For this method you will need: scissors, hair moisturizer, rubber bands - 4-5 pcs, combs with a brush and fine teeth.


  1. Comb your hair thoroughly and moisturize.
  2. Divide into zones and tie ponytails. The first zone is from the forehead to the beginning of the ears. The second to the middle of the back of the head. The third is the remaining hair.
  3. Gather each zone, tie it with an elastic band, then use 2 rubber bands to mark the places where the hair is shortest, along which we will make a cut. Be sure to moisturize the baby’s curls during the process as they dry out.
  4. We make a cut, only we place the scissors not horizontally as in the video, but vertically cutting the ends, placing them perpendicular to the teeth.
  5. We let our hair down and check that we have cut the length evenly.

The training video clearly shows how to trim the ends of a girl yourself:

That's all for today, we hope that at least 1 method suited you.

Here are the options for how to cut the ends of your hair at home with video lessons for beginners and those who have already done this more than once, but want to diversify their arsenal.

We wish you good luck in this much needed and useful activity for girls and women!

When the curls have become longer and the hairstyle has lost its shape, when the ends are constantly split, we take scissors in our hands and trim the ends of the hair ourselves. This is not at all difficult to do if you know the simple rules of technology. So, it is quite possible to do without an expensive salon service.

A beautiful voluminous hairstyle of shiny silky hair is an integral element of the charm of any woman. For hair to look exactly like this, it requires careful treatment and care. Under the influence of various, not the best factors, hair strands lose softness, shine, and split ends. That's why the surest way to make your hair healthier is to trim the ends. If you cut off even a few millimeters, the appearance of your hairstyle immediately changes.

And there is no need to be afraid that the regular loss of a few millimeters will not allow you to grow the long-awaited length. Hair grows by about ten to fifteen millimeters per month and even a little more. If you cut the ends once every two months by a centimeter or half a centimeter, then there is every chance of growing beautiful curls. If you take care of every millimeter, you can lose more. Split ends can, of course, grow further, but it will not be healthy hair that breaks off at the section. As a result, the whole hairstyle turns into something shapeless due to the breaking off and always uneven ends.

But there will also be no point in regularly trimming the ends if you don’t know the technique: how to trim the ends of your hair correctly. It takes a little learning and acquiring the necessary tools.

How to cut your hair straight: organizing your workspace at home

It is not at all difficult to trim your curls normally if you have a properly organized place for cutting and a set of all the necessary tools of suitable quality.

First, you should splurge on things like:

  • professional scissors from a special store;
  • water spray;
  • comb made of natural material;
  • thinning scissors;
  • mirror;
  • elastic bands, hairpins.

You cannot cut your hair with typical household scissors. If you look under a microscope what happens to each hair in this case, you can see a terrible picture. Scissors that are not suitable for cutting literally shred the hair shafts. And, of course, this does not lead to anything good.

Selecting scissors

This point is worth dwelling on in more detail. Choosing the right scissors is half the success. It is recommended to visit a professional beauty store and do not skimp on purchasing quality equipment. Because even in specialized stores you can run into low-quality goods at a reasonable price. Such things will bring neither benefit nor joy, but only dubious benefits from their low cost.

So, what kind of scissors should independent women have in their hands?

Here are the main characteristics that you should pay attention to when purchasing:

  • they must be made of high carbon steel. Metal marking is indicated by the abbreviation HRC. The best product has a hardness level of 58-62 HRC. If the hardness is higher, the scissors will be more fragile and will quickly fail;
  • the best coating is made of chrome and titanium. This is an anti-allergic coating. Gold plating simply looks elegant, but has no function.
  • The most convenient for use are scissors with a blade length of 5-5.5 inches;
  • Standard blade sharpening is suitable - with an inclination angle of 40 to 50 degrees. By the way, good models are sharpened by hand;
  • High-quality scissors fit perfectly in the hand and open and close smoothly.

The approximate price of high-quality models for beginner hairdressers is 2-2.5 thousand rubles.

Preparing for a haircut

Preparation is very simple: you must first wash off everything that was on your hair - hairspray, gel, fatty deposits and everything that has accumulated on the strands from the external environment. Any mild shampoo, deep cleaning shampoo, or one that does not contain sulfates if your curls are colored will do for this.

And then you should apply a balm or conditioner, or a mask, to the entire length of the strands. And wash off after the prescribed time.

Cutting the ends of your hair yourself

Hair should be cut damp, and if it is still unruly, then apply gel before cutting. How to cut the ends of long hair if there is no one to help, but you definitely want to get rid of split ends.

Everything is very simple:

  • you need to divide your hair into two parts, parting it with your finger;
  • Throw one strand over your chest and pinch the ends between your index and middle fingers. Place the scissors parallel to the floor;
  • the same must be done with the other strand.

The thicker the hair, the more separated strands there should be.

Low ponytail

A very simple way to trim the ends of your curls is to pull them into a low ponytail. Especially if the hair is very thick.

The technology is as follows:

  • You need to moisturize your hair and put it in a low ponytail;
  • then they must be divided into several strands;
  • Along the length of each strand, you need to fix an elastic band every 2 cm;
  • The last elastic band on the strand indicates the level at which you need to cut.

Holding the hair, you need to cut it under the elastic band.

High ponytail

With a high ponytail, you can get the ever-popular cascade haircut.

The technique is simple:

  • you need to collect your hair in a high ponytail, but not pull it too tight;
  • pull the strands to the top of the head at an angle of 90 degrees and make a straight cut;
  • process the cut ends with thinning scissors.

Now you can let your hair down, blow dry it and see how beautiful it turned out with your own hands. If everything is done correctly, then the hairdresser will definitely not be needed in the next few months.

Haircut using a special level

This method makes the procedure much easier. A good way for those who are not confident in their abilities as a hairdresser - the level will do everything for you.

So let's get started:

  • straighten the hair, moisturizing it, combing it, if unruly, lubricating it with gel;
  • divide all the curls into two parts, making an even parting using a flat comb;
  • We collect all the strands under the chin, fastening them with a shallow level and pull them down to the level that we planned to cut. We control the bubble, which should be in the middle;
  • cut according to level;
  • now we collect the entire front part of the hair, tilt the head, fasten it at the middle level and pull it to the desired limit, cut it off;
  • we collect all the hair in a high ponytail, fix the level, pull it up along the surface of the head and down, slightly tilting the head, pull the strands to the desired level, cut.

That's all - the hairstyle is ready. If you fill your hand, the whole procedure will take no more than 5-10 minutes.

Trim the hair on the bangs in an even line

The most common procedure is cutting bangs. Most often people do this on their own.

And here's how to do it:

  • first you need to determine the border of the bangs, and then divide them into upper and lower levels;
  • The upper level must be secured with something, for example, a hairpin or a clip:
  • the lower level of the bangs must be cut, lowered to the eyebrows, and guided by them in terms of length;
  • Now you need to lower the upper level of the bangs, comb it down to the eyebrows and cut it in an even line, about 5 mm longer than the lower level of the bangs.

You can finish off your bangs with thinning to get a softer outline.

In different directions

A very simple haircut method that doesn’t take long to learn. And the result will always be amazing.

To do this you need:

  • gather hair into a high ponytail, lift it up, twist it into a rope and cut it to the intended length;
  • then loosen the hair, comb it, gather it again, now at the top of the head, twist it into a rope, but in the opposite direction, and cut off any stray hairs.

Now all that remains is to loosen the curl again and enjoy the result.

Two low ponytails

This method does not require a lot of work and skill. And it will take very little time.

So here's what to do:

  • simply divide your hair into two parts, making the correct central parting;
  • gather your hair into two low ponytails;
  • lower the elastic bands from the ponytails to the desired length and cut the strands at the level of the elastic band;
  • The scissors should be held at an angle of 45 degrees.

With this method you will get a semicircular cut of hair. If you are planning to make an even edge to your hair, you just need to finalize the image. To do this, you need to gather your hair in a ponytail and trim the ends.

Head down haircut

Hair must be moisturized before cutting. It’s better to wash with shampoo and dry slightly with a towel.

Now you can start:

  • you need to lay a towel and tilt your head towards it;
  • comb your hair down and start trimming the ends;
  • You shouldn’t grab a large strand at once; it’s enough to move forward gradually, combing your hair and controlling the level.

Now you need to raise your head and go along the length of the strand with a flat comb.

The secret: how often to trim the ends of your hair

Everyone who grows their hair is especially zealous about trimming the ends. And when a hairdresser cuts off the ends without sparing the length, no client will like it. That's why girls stay at home and cut off their own split ends.

Considering that the vast majority of hair grows a centimeter or more in a month, then cutting off the ends even by a centimeter every three months is not a big deal for those who grow their hair. And if you want to maintain your favorite haircut shape, then you need to cut the ends more often, maybe even once a month, or better yet, once every two months.

It still depends on the condition of the strands themselves. Some people's hair splits more often, others less often. It’s easy to check the condition of the ends of your strands: you need to gather them into a ponytail and see if there are any hairs that bristle in different directions. If there are any, they should be cut off without regret. Because split ends make your hair look unkempt. And split hair does not grow back strong, breaking off in places of damage.

  1. To prevent your hair from splitting, you need to give it a treatment once a month using freshly prepared masks. They can be made from cottage cheese and yolk (2 tablespoons of cottage cheese and one yolk mixed into a homogeneous mass), from mayonnaise (just a couple of tablespoons of any mayonnaise) or sour kefir. This mask should be kept on damp hair for at least half an hour. And wash off with warm water.
  2. A good remedy is a chamomile decoction that you use to rinse your hair. Strands love keratin masks, which can be purchased in stores.
  3. When you have a goal to grow your hair, you should cut it during the waxing moon.
  4. It is optimal to cut long curls by a centimeter every two to three months. Then they will grow up healthy.
  5. To trim the ends evenly, it is better to cut dark curls against a light background, and light curls against a dark background.
  6. You should try to cut the ends diagonally, and not at right angles to the hair. This way you can prevent further cutting.
  7. Sometimes hair grows beyond the section site. You will have to remove hair five millimeters above the damaged area.