Class hour on the topic: Scenario of the game program "Matroskin the Cat in Prostokvashino." Entertainment script “Hello, Prostokvashino! Scenario about goodness, a sailor cat appears

One of the favorite cartoons of many generations is “Three from Prostokvashino”. Let's take it as a basis children's day birth, which is best spent outdoors, in the country. So, "Vacations in Prostokvashino" begin.

Approximate age of children: 4-7 years, program duration - 60-70 minutes.

In advance, together with your child, draw on thick cardboard (or print and stick) a large picture from the cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino”. Lean it against the wall of the house, against a tree, or place it on a bench: children will be able to take a photo against its background as a souvenir. Make bouquets of flowers from modeling balls and place them on the green lawn. If there is a gazebo in the garden, set a table with a large samovar in the center and bagels hanging on it. Trees in the garden can be decorated with artificial flowers, balloons and ribbons.

Take care of prizes for competition participants: draw medals, certificates in advance, buy small toys. It is better if there are several winners in each competition - this way every child can win. Prepare melodies and songs from the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino". Think over the costumes of three adult characters - the cat Matroskin, Sharik and the postman Pechkin.

To conduct competitions you will need:

  • Whatman paper or large sheet of paper;
  • Markers, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints;
  • Scissors - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Image of a cow on thick cardboard, elastic rubber gloves, water, a needle for piercing gloves, small buckets;
  • Large bucket, balls or potatoes;
  • Puzzles depicting a pie, cups, sweets, a jar of jam, a large teapot with large peas, a samovar, etc. (Draw these items with a marker on album sheets, color them and cut them into pieces - you will get puzzles of your own making)

The holiday begins. Guests are greeted by the cat Matroskin and the dog Sharik.

- Hello guys! You have arrived in the village of Prostokvashino! First, we all need to get to know each other. The cat Matroskin and the dog Sharik really want to be friends with you.

The guys say their names and say hello.

- Now we need to look around. Let's find out together what our village is like.

Game "Prostokvashino Village". Children are given clean slate papers, pencils, paints - everything for drawing. Each child is asked to depict a village house. Then the children, with the help of the cat Matroskin and Sharik, cut out the houses and paste them onto a large sheet with the inscription “Prostokvashino Village”. Here is a panorama of our village.

The postman Pechkin appears. He has a bushy mustache and freckles on his nose, and an old hat with earflaps on his head.

The postman looks closely at the children and asks incredulously:

- Whose children are you? Where did you come from? We don’t allow just anyone into our village. I want to make sure that you can become real villagers. First, answer my questions:

Questions from postman Pechkin:

  1. What kind of transport do I use to deliver mail around the village? (first - a cart with a horse, then - a bicycle)
  2. What animals are there on the farm of the cat Matroskin and Sharik? (cow Murka, calf Gavryusha, little chick)
  3. What vegetables and fruits grow in our gardens? (any vegetables and fruits from the middle zone)
  4. What treat do I love the most? (candies)

Sharik and Matroskin help the guys answer questions. The most active kids receive a badge or medal "Knowledge of the village of Prostokvashino."

Postman Pechkin is at a loss:

“You answered my questions so well, it looks like real experts on rural life have gathered here.” But we need to put you to the test. First, let’s find out if you can work as village postmen.

Game "Village Postman". The basis is ordinary tags. The birthday boy becomes the first postman. A small handbag is solemnly hung on his shoulder, and a newspaper rolled into a tube is given into his hands. The postman runs and tries to catch the villager: he salutes him, while handing him a newspaper, they hold hands. Now the caught resident becomes a postman himself. The two children are already running around, lighting fires, handing mail to another resident - and he becomes a postman. The main rule: the postman is always the last player in the chain. Thus, the “head” of the chain (and this, as we remember, is the birthday boy) chooses where and who to run after, and the last link in the chain, the “tail,” tries to show off and hand over the newspaper. Several participants, after a general vote of the children, are awarded a diploma “Real village postman”. The rest received postcards with images of cartoon characters.

Postman Pechkin, enthusiastically:

- Yes, I have a worthy replacement growing up! Wow, all the mail was delivered to the addresses, and how quickly! But we still need to test you, can you cope with the next task? A real villager always has a cow on his farm, like, for example, Matroskin and Sharik. Here's your second test - milk the cow.

Game "Milk the cow". For this competition, draw a cheerful colorful cow on a large piece of cardboard paper. Place the image on the bench and attach it to the back with a rope so that it does not fly off. Next to the design, elastic gloves (according to the number of children) should be attached to the backrest bars with long elastic bands. Fill the glove halfway with water and tie it with a long elastic band attached to the bench. The result was a cow with a large udder—more precisely, each little “milkmaid” had her own udder. Before the start of the competition, we quickly pierce the rubber fingers of the gloves with a needle. Now children can set milk yield records. The winner is the one who milks the water into the bucket faster and more. The winners are given prizes and medals “Cow Tamer”.

Note: the glove should not be tight, the main quality is elasticity. Regular, stronger medical gloves will do just fine. You need to pierce the glove with a medium-sized needle. Practice beforehand.

Postman Pechkin, thinking:

- And you completed this task! But milking the cow is not enough: you also need to go to the market to sell the chickens. Now you will all be chickens.

Game "Chicks at the Market". Children squat down and clasp their knees with their hands.

Two adults - a seller and a buyer (Sharik and Matroskin) - walk around the chickens and inspect them, lightly touching each chicken:

- This one is too big, and this one is too elegant, this one is too old... But I’ll take this one!

The buyer and seller lift the "chicken" up.

- What a good chicken! This one will do.

Whoever laughs or opens his arms leaves the game. For the winners, make several medals of different colors.

Postman Pechkin, surprised:

- It's amazing how well you cope with my tasks. And now a very difficult task: collecting potatoes in a bucket.

Game "Help me collect potatoes". Children become a semicircle. Not far from them there is a bucket into which you need to hit with a small ball or a small potato. Children take turns throwing potatoes. The player who threw the most potatoes into the bucket is declared “The Most Important Helper” and receives a prize.

Postman Pechkin, seriously:

- Well, now the most difficult task: prepare a delicious treat for the postman.

Children are invited to assemble colored puzzles with painted candies, pies, cups of tea, etc. Several winners of this competition are awarded the diploma “Chef of the village of Prostokvashino”.

Postman Pechkin, smiling:

- How glad I am! You are great, you passed all the tests. We accept you into the ranks of the villagers - now the real tea party can begin!

Children go to the gazebo, where there is a covered festive table and congratulate the birthday boy. To complete the holiday, purchase several large firecrackers and invite the children to fly a bright kite into the sky.


Thank you, I discovered a lot of new things, we will definitely prepare and try!

super! I’ll have to remember and try to arrange this!

Thank you. It will be interesting to try.

Great! I just need a script for my child’s birthday!!!

Comment on the article "Summer birthday: holiday scenario"

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But we spent the birthday according to the script with the following composition: parents, the birthday girl, her cousin and her mother. In a word, something unusual, since there are no guests. My son also has a birthday in the summer, I just had a similar problem, but he’s younger, so...

Summer birthday scenario: costumes, face painting. children's birthday contests. Birthday script. Holidays, rest. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illness and physical...

Birthday script. Holidays, rest. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illness and physical Scenario for a summer birthday: costumes, face painting. children's birthday contests.

Elena Volkova
Spring matinee script

Scenario for a spring matinee

9.00, 11.00, 14.00, 16.00


Cat Matroskin – Volkova E. V.

Uncle Fedor - Desyatnikova D. A.

Sharik – Shmatok E.K.

Mom – Kubakhova T. A.

Postman Pechkin - Petrosyan E.K.

Music – Nesterenko L. A.

Photo – Strokova O. G.

Meeting the guests - Garkusha K. A., Stepanova O. V.

The hall is decorated in the style of Uncle Fyodor's house - a table with a samovar, a stove, a window with curtains.

Children enter the hall to the music from the m.f. "Holidays in Prostokvashino" and take their seats.

The Cat sits at the table and sings a song, Sharik sits and cleans his shoe!

“And I increasingly notice that it’s as if someone has replaced me!

I’m sitting here welcoming my Spring, and the white light is very, very nice to me!

What happened yesterday, and it’s time for me to forget - from tomorrow, from tomorrow!

Then we’ll all celebrate together – it’s a great holiday! Holiday with a bang!”

Ball: And why are you going to celebrate?

Cat: Like what? Look around - spring has come, mother's day is coming!

Ball: Yeah, it will happen to you! You sit and just sing songs! You're not going to get ready! And for whom? Where's mom?

Cat: What you think is wrong, Sharik, not at all positive! I've been preparing for a long time - I'm composing a song! And mom will definitely come! I can feel it!

Ball: Yes, your songs are useful! Just a million!

Cat: That’s good - mom will come - and I’ll sing her a song!

Cat: Oh, you always make Sharik panic! We will all make it in time! The main thing is that Uncle Fyodor helps us!

Ball: He’ll come back from the store and ask you questions!

Cat: Well, no, he loves me, but I am useful, but you are not!

Ball: What other benefits? From you?

Cat: The most very useful benefit! Am I beautiful? - Beautiful! talented? - talented! Oh, and you’re shouting like that, Sharik, have you noticed that children have been looking at you for a long time? (Sharik raises his head and notices the children)

Ball: Oh, it's true! Hi guys!

Cat: Hi Hi! So I’m saying - there’s no need to panic, right, guys?

Children: Yes Yes.

Cat: Will you help us? (children - yes)

Uncle Fyodor enters the hall with bags in his hands...

D.F: Hi all! (Shakes hands with children)

Cat: Hurray, Uncle Fyodor has arrived! Everything will go faster now!

Ball: Yes, you are our speedster!

D.F.: Come on, don’t grumble, Sharik! How are things going for you here?

Ball: He hasn’t done anything besides his songs yet!

D.F: Well, the songs are good too, festive program we need! Just you thought - what are we going to feed mom?

Cat: How about - I have so much milk here from my cow! Just get lost!

D.F: Well, no, milk is good, but you won’t be full with milk alone!

On my way to the store, I stopped in and bought something! Maybe we can try making pizza?

Ball: Oh, pizza is great, in a modern way, mom will love it!

Cat: Oh, Sharik, don’t say that you can do this yourself, I feel guys that we can’t do it without your help!

D.F: Well, of course the guys will help, right?

Contest "Pizza for Mom"

(Children, like puzzles, assemble pizza from pieces sewn with Velcro)

D.F: How beautiful it turned out! I think mom will be delighted!

(The cat goes and lies down on the pillow, looking dreamy)

Ball: Yes, I don’t even doubt it! I love preparing for the holiday! I’m just burning with impatience - I want to do everything in time! (Scratches ear)

D.F. Yes, we will all have time Sharik, don’t worry, unless our Matroskin will lie all this time and dream about who knows what (nods at the cat)

Cat: Oh, you don’t understand anything, you need to prepare in the right mood, then things will go faster!

D.F: Well, I see you’re not in a working mood yet!

Cat: Ah! And guess what I usually dream about!

Ball: Guys, maybe you know what he can dream about?

Children: Yes, we know, we even know this song!

Cat: Come on, can you guess everything?

Song "Cat on the Window" (dramatization of the song )

Music I. Galimova, Art. V. Volzhanin

D.F: Well, Matroskin, you liked the song, are you ready to continue being active?

Cat: Well, of course, now I'm ready!

Ball: I have an idea! I know for sure that all women like flowers! While you were singing songs, I collected something! I just didn’t have time to arrange it nicely in the basket, maybe we can do it together, huh?

Cat: Oh, Sharik, well, you can’t do anything, so try entrusting you with a responsible task!

Ball: Well, yes, otherwise you’re the only smart one - you know how to do everything yourself!

D.F: So, stop quarreling, why are the guys here? They promised to help us! Really, guys? (Children's answers) Well then, let's get to work! There are beautiful baskets, all that remains is to distribute everything correctly!

Contest "Flowers for Mommy"

(children of 2 teams arrange flowers on legs beautifully in baskets)

D.F: Well, we’re almost ready to meet mom, just a little bit remains!

Ball: Yes, but in my opinion pizza is the main dish! I heard that women love sweets, but I forgot what it’s called!

Cat: Here’s Sharik, what would you do without me! It’s always like this – he knows everything, but not completely! And I’m super smart, I know almost everything! And it's called Dessert! Very beautiful word, Truth?

D.F.: Yes, that’s a beautiful word, you’re right, Matroskin! But just what are we going to do for dessert - there’s this big choice!

Ball: And cake, and mousse, and creme brulee!

Cat: You yourself are Creme Brulee! We need the coolest dessert of all desserts, and it will be CAKE!

D.F.: Well done, Matroskin, you think correctly!

Ball: And I? And what about me?

D.F: And you, Sharik, will now help the guys and I make the cake!

Contest "Holiday Cake"

(children on a tablet make a bright, festive cake from puzzles)

Pecs: It’s me, Postman Pechkin, who brought you a parcel!

Cat: Oh, yes, yes, yes! This is for us!

Pecs: Do you have documents?

Cat: Whiskers, paws, tail - these are my documents!

Pecs: Well, everyone has enough of this goodness! Where's the passport?

D.F: Our passport is far away, we don’t remember where it is!

Pecs: When you find it, then I’ll come!

Ball: Come on, Comrade Pechkin, we are going to celebrate the holiday here!

Pecs: I love holidays, but I won’t give you the package!

Cat: No need, we can do without her! Why do we need shoe polish?

Pecs: What kind of shoe polish is this?

Cat: Well, with which shoes are painted! My uncle works at a shoe polish factory, he has heaps of this shoe polish!

Pecs: Well, shoe polish, no shoe polish - but I won’t give you the parcel!

Ball: Yes, you deliver your package - it’s probably heavy - sit down, Comrade Pechkin, do you want us to give you pizza?

Pecs: What is this?

Cat: The guys and I made this dish! Look!

(Pechkin comes up and looks at the Pizza, while the parcels are being changed behind his back)

Pecs: Beautiful, but I don’t buy these things, I need to work, I’ve moved on, I still have a lot to do! (leaves, picking up another package)

Ball: Oh, this is probably the photo gun I got!

(Open the package, take out the camera)

Ball: Hooray! Wow, now I can take pictures of everything!

Cat: Yes, lucky, so lucky!

D.F: Well, now almost everything is ready, we’ll continue to act like this! I’m going to meet my mother, and you, Sharik, take your photo gun and go on a photo hunt - let’s show mom what wonderful families there are!

Cat: And I, what am I going to do?

D.F: And your task is to entertain for now dear parents! Think of something!

Cat: Well, all the time the most responsible thing is on me!

D.F: Matroskin, you are the smartest among us - we believe in you!

(Sharik and Uncle Fedor leave)

Cat: And I know what we will do! Where are the coolest dads? (or moms)

Now we will truly prepare for the holiday! And I need 2 couples - dad and mom, who will have to quickly get their daughter ready for the holiday!

Contest "Braid your hair"

(moms wear hats with braids, and dads braid them)

(Children of one group are taken out to put on their ears for the dance)

Cat: Well, where do they go, where is Uncle Fyodor? We're ready, aren't we guys? You need to call urgently! (- yes, are you coming soon? This is how we meet - guys, let's applaud mom)

(Uncle Fyodor and his mother return to the hall)

Mother: Oh, what a beauty! Hello guys, hello all guests!

Cat: Oh, we’ve been waiting for you, waiting for you, preparing for so much!

Mother: I was in such a hurry to get to Prostokvashino! I’ve already shown all the dresses, I had a good rest, and now I’m ready to celebrate the holiday with you!

Cat: And we have already tidied everything up here, prepared the concert, and are starting our performance with very cute kittens - these are all my relatives)

Dance "Kingdom of Cats"

Mother: Oh, how sweet, how beautiful!

Cat: Yes, we can’t do that, but we know what a beautiful song! Maybe you'll listen?

Song "Song about Mom"

(“There is no word in the world more dear and dear”- from the repertoire of gr. "Mascot", "Good sweet mother"- gr. 21 and 20)

Mother: How tender, how beautiful, I liked it so much!

Cat: And where is our Sharik, he’s always running around somewhere, but there’s no point!

D.F: Well, he has an important task, he’ll come running soon! In the meantime, we’ll be happy to watch another wonderful dance, right, guys?

Dance “Flower - seven-flowered!”

(all groups except – 11.00 – “Boom boom, la la!”

Mother: Wow, how well you danced, you spent a long time preparing!

Cat: yes, we tried, because this is all for our dear women! The guys also prepared poems - you’ll just fall over with delight!

Children's poems!

D.F.: And I heard that the guys also cooked for grandmothers present:

Song “Oh grandma, grandma!”

Cat: Oh, guys, how great you are!

(Sharik runs into the hall, out of breath and screams loudly)

Ball: Done, I made it, I managed to do everything! This is where all my work is, look!

(hands the flash drive to mom) Ask!

Mother: Oh, what well-mannered dogs you have, they’re truly a sight to behold!

Ball: And while I was running there, I found a treasure!

Cat: Treasure? You? And what about me?

Ball: Yes, he’s so big, I can’t carry him alone, let’s go together!

D.F: Just don’t stay late, come back quickly!

Cat: Yes, we will instantly, this is a gift of fate! We will share our warehouse with everyone, we are correct and kind!

Mother: What noble cats you have! I am delighted!

Cat: Yes, I can also embroider on a typewriter!

Mother: If I had a cat like this, I would be happy!

Ball: Just look carefully at my gift, there’s this!

Video congratulations "Our family!"

(video for 8 minutes, video – congratulations)

D.F: I think Sharik is great, it turned out to be a great film!

Mother: True, very beautiful!

(to the music from Prostokvashino, Sharik and Matroskin enter the hall and carry a huge chest)

Cat: Oh, well done Sharik, I found this! And how hard it is - there are probably a lot of treasures there!

Ball: Why immediately treasures - or maybe there’s something tasty and healthy in there!

Cat: Well, if only you could think about food like all dogs!

Ball: so let’s open it quickly, I can’t wait!

(They open the chest and happily take out all the gifts and juice)

Cat: Look, there’s definitely enough for all the guys here!

Ball: So let's quickly distribute gifts to everyone!

Presentation of juice and gifts to children!

Cat: That's how well the holiday was celebrated, and everyone was on time! Collaborative work – it ennobles!

Ball: Yes, I suggest making friends in houses, or even better – in families!

Mother: My dears, I am so glad to meet this spring in Prostokvashino. After all, it’s so light and joyful here, and always - FUNNY!

Cat: Will we take pictures?

Ball: Well, of course, how could we not do without it!

New Year's celebration in Prostokvashino. Script for children

Scenery: House, sign "Prostokvashino". Near the Christmas tree there is a table with a samovar, four chairs, and a homespun carpet on the floor.

Music from the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino" plays, children enter the hall, imitating an electric train.

Children read poetry.

1. Our train is rushing

Through fields and forests,

Scattering sparkling snow

We are going to visit friends.

2. We go to the far side,

Where they rise according to the sun,

Where are the accordions incessantly?

On holiday they sing merrily.

The song “If only there were no winter” sounds (words by Yu. Entin, music by E. Krylatov from the cartoon “Holidays in Prostokvashino”).

Presenter: So we arrived in Prostokvashino. Where are Uncle Fyodor and Sharik? They should meet us (Uncle Fyodor and Sharik run out.)

Sharik: Hurray! The guys have arrived! That's great!

Uncle Fyodor: Come into the house, guys. We are very glad to see you! (the children walk around the Christmas tree and “enter” the house where Matroskin and Galchonok are sitting at the table.)

Matroskin (dissatisfied): Well, there are so many parasites! Not only will they drink all my milk, they will also eat my Murka and Govryusha!

Sharik: Shut up, Matroskin, no one needs your milk. Guys here New Year will celebrate!

Matroskin: I know them!.. Well, okay, have fun, just don’t play around, otherwise you’ll break the furniture... and we don’t have the money to buy new ones. Sharik is a slacker, he is of no use, he runs around with a gun!

Presenter: It’s okay, Matroskin, just look at what a fun holiday we’ll have, you’ll immediately start to get kinder. So guys, let's begin.

Came to us again today

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

This holiday is New Year's

We waited impatiently.

1st student:

With new happiness,

Happy New Year,

Let's congratulate everyone, and then

And let's dance in a circle,

And we will dance and sing.

2nd student:

The Christmas tree sparkled with lights,

Invite us to the holiday.

Fulfill all your wishes

Make all your dreams come true!

Everyone turns to the tree, the tree is not lit.

Host: Guys, the tree isn’t burning, something’s wrong here... (there’s a knock on the door)

Galchonok: Who's there? Who's there?

Pechkin: It’s me, postman Pechkin, who brought you an important package! (hands over the package)

Host: Let's see what kind of package this is, maybe this is a hint on how to light a Christmas tree? (opens the package, takes out the code)

Pechkin brought us a package,

And in the package there is an envelope,

And in that envelope there is a secret,

And in that secret is the answer,

Encrypted, numbered,

Like without matches and without candles

Light up our Christmas tree?! (unfolds the package)

Oh, friends, here is a secret code,

A secret code made from different numbers. (shows numbers: 0, 2, 0, 0)

If we decipher the code,

Under which New Year, -

The Christmas tree will light up our lights.

How to arrange these numbers?

Come on, answer children!

Arranging: 2000. As soon as the last number is set, the tree lights up.

Student :

We will stand near the Christmas tree,

We'll start round dances,

Happy New Year to everyone,

Let's sing the song together!

Round dance with the song “Our Christmas Tree” (words by S. Stepanova, music by A. Mazhukov)

Matroskin: Our New Year is turning out wrong.

Host: Why is this?

Matroskin: For the New Year there should be Santa Claus, Snegurochka, but we don’t have them. This is the wrong New Year.

Sharik: Again, you, Matroskin, Grandfather Frost and Snegurochka are about to come to us. They promised. Maybe the blizzard delayed them (Knocking on the door).

Galchonok: Who's there? Who's there?

Pechkin: It's me, postman Pechkin! (Pechkin enters) I brought you a letter from Santa Claus.

Uncle Fedor and Sharik: Hooray! Santa Claus is coming to us! Come in, Pechkin, you will celebrate the New Year with us.

Matroskin: There’s no point in wandering around other people’s houses on New Year’s Eve. You have to sit at home and watch your TV.

Pechkin: Well, you are harmful, Matroskin, you need to be taken to the clinic for experiments.

Presenter (considering the letter): The letter is addressed to the cat Matroskin, Sharik and Uncle Fedor. Come on, come here! Read the letter.

Matroskin (sniffs): It smells like milk chocolate.

Sharik (sniffs): No! It smells like tangerine!

Uncle Fyodor (examines): I don’t understand what’s written here. You can't see anything without glasses!

Host: Well, let me help you (reads):

Hello my guys!

I will describe everything in order:

I was delayed on the way

I can't find you!

The blizzard is blocking my path,

Evening is already coming.

Help me find the way,

Sing a song together! (the song "New Year's" sounds)

Host: Let's go to the window and see if Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden have come. There are a lot of houses in Prostokvashino, but they won’t find them.

The children come up to the window and see Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden on the street. They wave at them. To the music, Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall.

Father Frost :

Oh, so many kids!

Both girls and boys!


Happy New Year, Happy New Year

Congratulations to all children!

Congratulations to all guests!

I visited you a year ago,

I'm glad to see everyone again.

And ready to start dancing

Together with you even now.

Snow Maiden :

Last year we were with you,

We haven't forgotten anyone

They grew up and became big,

Are you already going to? Class.

Did you recognize me?

Or are you seeing it for the first time?

I'm still young

Good-natured, cheerful.

Father Frost :

Stand up, guys.

Hurry up to the round dance,

Song, dance and fun

Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

Presenter: Guys! Invite your dads, moms, grandparents to a round dance (round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”).

Santa Claus: Tell me, children, what do you like in winter? (Children answer) Do you like frost? Who among you is not afraid of frost?

Children: He who knows how to have fun is not afraid of frost!

Santa Claus: Now let's see. Let's play with you (the game is the song "Santa Claus and Children").

Presenter: Santa Claus, why are you scaring the children? Do you grab them by the ears, by the nose? We won't let you out of the circle for this.

Santa Claus: Please let me out.

Children: If you dance, we’ll let you out.

Santa Claus: Yes, I’m old, I can’t dance. Snow Maiden, tell me what to do!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, you’ll have to dance, I’ll help you (they dance).

Presenter: Grandfather is tired, tired. Let him rest by the Christmas tree. Who will read poetry to him? (Children read poetry).

Host: Guys, now I suggest you watch TV, there are so many interesting programs there!

Matroskin: There is no point in watching TV, we need to save electricity. And what is the use of it? There is only one harm for children!

Uncle Fyodor: And we don’t need him. We'll arrange the TV ourselves. Guys, let's play a game called "Rubric Game".

Host: And it consists of this: name your favorite television programs.

Children list: “Visiting a fairy tale”, “In the animal world”, “Jumble”, “My family”, “What? Where? When?”, “Funny notes”, “Play the accordion”.

A “garland” of pictures (headings) with scenes corresponding to the names of TV programs and the name of the program is hung on the Christmas tree. Then those who wish come out and eyes closed indicate a category. Each section corresponds to a number of amateur performances.

Approximate numbers of amateur performances:

1. “Visiting a fairy tale” - they show the fairy tale “Turnip”.

2. "In the animal world" - the dance of the "piglets".

3. "Jumble" - interlude "I've seen it through."

4. “My Family” - “The Marriage of Pakhomka.”

5. "Happy notes" - song "Albino"

6. “Play the accordion” - ditties.

Game over.

Matroskin: Why are we all having fun and having fun? So you can get tired. And in general, you need to give gifts for the New Year.

Santa Claus: Indeed. Where was my parcel with gifts late? (knock on the door)

Galchonok: Who's there? Who's there?

Pechkin: It’s me, postman Pechkin, who brought you a parcel from Santa Claus (included with the parcel). Your parcel has arrived. Here she is.

But I won’t give it back, because you don’t have documents.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka: Give back, Pechkin, our parcel!

Pechkin: What documents do you have?

Santa Claus: Beard, staff, bag! Here are my documents. By the way, Pechkin, I’ll give you some candy from this bag.

Pechkin: I love candy (takes it, looks at it). But I still won’t give the parcel without documents, I’ll send it back (Galchonok runs up, takes the candy and runs behind the tree, Pechkin runs after him. At this time, the parcels with gifts are replaced.

Pechkin comes out from behind the tree, takes an empty box, and leaves with the words “That’s how greedy they are for other people’s things!”).

Father Frost and Snow Maiden are distributing gifts. One gift left.

Santa Claus: And who should I give this one to?

Pechkin (returns): And this is for me! I also celebrated the New Year with you!

Sharik: You, Pechkin, are so harmful!

Santa Claus: Okay, Pechkin, here you go. Today is New Year, everyone should receive gifts.

Pechkin: Thank you! Why wasn't I good? Because they never gave me gifts. And now I will immediately begin to become kinder. Come, guys, and visit us in Prostokvashino.


Here comes the New Year's holiday

It's time for us to finish.

Much happiness to everyone today

The children wish.

Be kinder, smarter, braver,

Preserve the joy of everyone!

And now - goodbye everyone

And see you again!

Farewell round dance "Around the Christmas tree".


The scenario is designed for 4-6 children from 6 to 8 years old.

1. Poster "The Village of Prostokvashino".
2. Invitations not for birthdays with recommendations.
3. Invitations - a pass to the village.
4. Messenger bag.
5. Parcel with riddles.
6. Sandwiches with sausage.
7. Paper medals for children.
8. Whatman.
9. Markers.
10. Puzzles on this topic.
11. Parcel box.
12. Hat.
13. Ropes.
14. Rope.
15. Baby bottles.
16. Jars of yogurt and teaspoons.
17. Balls and fireworks.
18. Prizes.
19. Items for decorating a tree.
Location forest clearing or a house outside the city. On the house or between the trees you need to stretch a large poster: “Prostokvashino Village.” Presenter: Cat Matroskin invites all children to a holiday in the village. To begin with, he invites everyone to meet and announces small competition to introduce yourself:

Competition "Here I come."
Each of the participants must talk about who he is, why he came here and congratulate the birthday boy. For this, the presenter gives everyone an invitation card, a pass to the village of Prostokvashino.

After the acquaintance and introduction, the presenter tells the children that one of them can become postman Pechkin, but to do this they need to find the postman’s bag hidden in the clearing. The person who finds the bag is announced as Pechkin, and a large parcel for Sharik is found in the bag. The presenter reminds the children of a scene from a cartoon when Matroskin and Sharik did not talk to each other, but passed letters to each other. And now there is a parcel, but Sharik the dog is missing.

Riddle competition "Who is Sharik?"
The parcel contains a lump of paper, folded from many pieces of paper. Each one has a mystery. Children solve riddles by unfolding pieces of paper. Whoever guesses the last one is the dog Sharik.
Riddles for a competition based on the cartoon:
1. Who said “Who’s there”? (Galchonok Hvatayka).
2. Who pulled Sharik out of the water when he was doing photo hunting? (Beaver).
3. What did Pechkin’s hat turn into after he shot it with a gun? (In a sieve).
4. How did Matroskin eat a sandwich when he met Uncle Fyodor? (Sausage side down).
5. What was the name of Matroskin’s cow? (Murka).
6. Which uncle gave flowers to Uncle Fyodor’s mother on TV on New Year’s Day? (Uncle with a big mustache).
7. What was the name of the ship on which Matroskin’s cat’s uncle sailed? (Admiral Krusinstern).
8. What kind of factory did Uncle Cat Matroskin have? (shoe polish).
So that children understand what we are talking about, their parents should distribute invitations before the holiday indicating the theme of the Birthday and a recommendation to update this cartoon in the memory of their children.

When the dog Sharik is chosen, Matroskin offers the children to eat sandwiches with sausage, but they must be eaten with the sausage down on the tongue and without hands. The most dexterous and skillful person is given a medal from Matroskin: “The most dexterous.” And he is announced as Uncle Fedor.

Matroskin announces a competition for best wishes birthday boy You need to wish for one thing - happiness, health, good behavior, obey your parents, get excellent grades, etc. When all the children have made their wishes, the presenter notes that all the wishes are excellent and it is simply impossible to choose one. But from all the wishes we got one very big and beautiful congratulation:
...Birthday boy, you..., and..., that's why we all...have gathered here to congratulate you on your birthday. Today we will all be... and... And we wish you... and....
(Children’s wishes are inserted into the blank spaces, in the order in which they followed, so if the first wish was health, and the second was happiness, then the collective congratulation sounds like this: Healthy birthday boy, you are happy and...)

The birthday boy thanks everyone, and his mother announces that she has prepared surprises for everyone’s congratulations, but they are all mixed up in Pechkin’s hat.
The hat is passed around, there are a lot of pieces of paper in it, some empty, some with prizes listed. Each of the children takes turns giving pieces of paper until everyone has small memorable prizes.

Matroskin suggests remembering that Uncle Fyodor had a mom and dad in the cartoon, and you can choose them from the parents present here. To do this you need to win competitions:

Competition: "Mom's Choice".
All children spoon-feed yoghurt to their mothers; whoever completes the task faster and more accurately wins. The mother is awarded the title of “Uncle Fyodor’s mother” and she must sing the song “If only there were no winter” with the children, and the winning child is given a medal: “the neatest.”

Competition: "Dad's Choice".
Whichever child drinks daddy juice from a bottle with a nipple the fastest wins. The winning dad is declared "Uncle Fyodor's Dad" and must play "getting the car out of the snowdrift (tug of war)" with the children. And the winning child is awarded a medal: “the fastest.”

Matroskin invites everyone to refresh themselves and invites everyone to the festive table. After the children have a snack, you can play outdoor games:

1. “Let’s draw a wigwam on the stove.”
Children draw a wigwam on whatman paper, blindfolded.

2. “We are not afraid of the cat.”
Matroskin plays tag with the children.

3. "Riding academician".
Children harness their parents like horses with ropes and organize races.

4. "Ball and photo hunt."
Children play the famous game "freeze figure." The words of the presenter are read in the manner of “The sea worries once”:
"The ball is prepared once,
The ball took aim two,
He is ready to hunt - three,
Animals, freeze in place!"

In active games, in order to avoid quarrels, it is better to award victory to friendship.
Active games can be softened with calmer games:

1. "Prostokvashino".
Everyone is given a small puzzle with a given theme and the children assemble it at speed. The winner receives a medal "the smartest"

2. "Cartoon".
Children remember all the participants in this cartoon (Uncle Fyodor, Sharik, Matroskin, Khvataika, the calf Gavryusha, the cow Murka, the postman Pechkin, Uncle Fyodor’s mom and dad, the uncle with a big mustache, the beaver, the bunny). Whoever remembers who must portray him. Here you can give out medals: “the most fun”, “the funniest”. You can also offer to act out scenes with these characters.

3. "Guess what's in the package?"
A thing is hidden in a box and adults ask leading questions, and children try to guess what is there.

4. "Decorate the tree."
Children are given various objects and together with their parents they need to decorate trees or bushes in the clearing. Afterwards, each family makes their own presentation of the tree and friendship wins. (If this competition is held at the beginning of the games, then playing in the clearing will be more fun. Moreover, the more ridiculous the objects are (and in the cartoon the Christmas tree was decorated with everything that was found in the attic), the greater the feeling of an unusual fairy tale.

The culmination of the holiday will be the launch of balloons or fireworks. And, of course, cake. It can be unexpectedly found under a bush. Or even set up a search trip for him with a map.

In the end, the children should be asked to clean up the clearing in the form of a competition for the most economical person. Matroskin will tell you how neat and tidy he is, and how pleased he will be if the kids help clean up the village of Prostokvashino. After tidying up, the presenter will give everyone something striped and a medal as a souvenir: " best friend Matroskina".

game program for children

"Cat Matroskin in Prostokvashino »

GPD teacher

MBOU Secondary School No. 18 named after E.D. Potapov

Manaenkova Natalya Yurievna

Goal: Development of creative and cognitive activity children.

Tasks: Creating a fabulous, emotional background, a playful mood;
Fostering a desire to develop positive personality traits.

Hall design: Festive decorated Christmas tree, screen with a picture of Uncle Fyodor's house.

Equipment: 2 distance limiters, 2 pairs of large shorts, 2 rubber balls, 1 hula hoop with 6 ribbons, a fake pin, a fake mitten and felt boots, 3 telegram texts, 3 gel balls, scissors.

cat Matroskin
cow Murka

    Before the start of the program in the hall, children are given cards - “Emblems” depicting the characters of the program: “Football Player”, “Ribbon”, “Talking Letter” - these are future participants

Progress of the game program

The melody from the cartoon “Winter in Prostokvashino” plays. Matroskin the Cat and Murka the Cow appear from behind the scenes (at the director’s discretion this may be the calf Gavryusha)

Have you heard the rude word "cow"?
How about drinking milk? Is the cottage cheese ready?
Let's not judge everyone by name,
With my figure I can
Outshine everyone!
Now famous throughout the village
I will state:
It’s my year, which means the time has come.

As soon as 2009 comes,
Everyone always congratulates me
Some are happy, some are healthy,
Who wants more milk?

My finest hour has come;
Oh, how glad I am to see you!
And nature is at the same time with me
Congratulations to everyone on
- Mooo!

Cat Matroskin .
I will say, working people
Lived with glory Old year,
They grew bread and cooked steel
We extracted oil and ore...
And we are all the workers today
We thank you for their efforts.
Now with hope, a kind word,
Let's celebrate the New Year!
But first we sing a cheerful song,
We are spending the Old Year on retirement.

Once a year they put on an outfit
From multi-colored beads,
and garlands.
Colored needles sparkle with lights,
What are the names of those beauties, tell me?..

Children: Christmas trees!

Cat Matroskin:
Come on, guys, let's sing a song
About the Christmas tree, in sour milk. Our prostokvashinskaya National clothes simple - mittens and felt boots. If you see a mitten, clap your hands -2p.
And if you wear felt boots, stamp your foot - 2p.

* The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” plays assistants bring a fake felt boot and mitten onto the stage. Children, together with play equipment, perform 2 verses of the song.

Murka: Somehow this is not how we celebrate the New Year.

Cat: Why not? It seems like always!

That's it, “as always.” But we need it in a modern way.
- the most danceable of all New Year's, the most New Year's of all Now let’s turn on the lights on the Christmas tree!

Cat. My dear, stop! What about a magic spell?

Murka: Matroskin, are you on your own again? We decided to celebrate the New Year in a modern way.

Cat: But you can’t do it without a spell? I watched it on TV. And Uncle Fyodor spoke about this.

Murka: We have this, guys, repeat every line after me!

Cat: Are you my little cow, did the guys come to the New Year's party or to a football match?

Murka: But we can arrange New Year's football, guys, who have the emblems of football players, come out to our winter football field.

    Music. Exit of children participating in winter football. They form

2 teams according to the color of the emblems. (1 blue-2 yellow)

Game "Winter Football"

Task. Players form pairs. They walk the distance in big shorts with a ball.
Props: 2 pairs of large shorts for two, 2 balls, 2 distance limiters.
Participants: 12 people.

    Music. Carrying out the game. Awarding the winning team.

Cat: You guys are doing great. Earlier, I remember, Uncle Fyodor could crack riddles like nuts.

Murka : And now even more so. So my dears?(children's answer)

Cat : Really? I’ll tell you guys some very difficult riddles.
If you guess it, don’t yawn, answer in unison.

    It's for the joy of the kids

Happens a lot in the yard,
He is white before the deadline,
It accidentally blinds passers-by.
2. There is a grove of birches in the field.
The frost penetrated to the roots.
Who took pity on the birch trees -
Dressed in silver fur?

Murka : Your riddles are kind of old. Better guess mine.

They have one secret
The answer lies in the rhymes.
Fishermen are catching fish
They go to sea(sailors)

Climbers climbing in…(mountains)
Vole mouse digs
The raftsman rules the river with a raft
The plane is flying
And in everything in this world
They go to school together
If you don't know how to read and write
Not even fish...
(you'll catch it)

Cat: My Here's a ribbon for my girl: Ribbon in a braid, she won't be torn down!

Murka: What a miracle? (trying to tie up) I do not know how.

Cat: What to do. Guys, can you help us? Anyone with an emblem with the inscription “Ribbon” is asked to come on stage.

    Braid the Braid Game

Task: Braid a braid from ribbons without taking your hands off the ribbon.
Props: Hula hoop with 6 ribbons 3-4 m long.
Participants: 6 people.

    Music. Carrying out the game. Rewarding children.

Murka: Thanks a lot! Now I will be the most stylish cow among the kids. What would be so unusual and at the same time very necessary for me? . (Looks at himself) I have one thing (takes out a fake pin)

Cat : They say that it brings good luck in those cases when a naughty button still comes off, mom is not around, and dad is not friends with a needle!

Murka : Or when you have a pocket full of daisies and forget-me-nots, and in order not to lose them along the way, you need to carefully fasten the pocket with a safety pin... And my game, like a safety pin, helps to hold the guys all together.
Guys, imagine that you are safety pins - when I say: “The pins are fastened with handles!” - you need to hold hands.

*Game with the hall “Safety pins”
Task. The presenter tells the children
Tasks - fasten with your hands - unfasten.
the pins are fastened with ears (children take hold of their neighbor’s ears
- noses;
- shoulders;
* Music. The game is being played.

Murka : Oh, how great! Thank you guys!

Cat: Oh, I completely forgot to invite Uncle Fyodor, mom, dad, and Pechkin to our holiday.

Murka: I need to write urgently! Give me a telegram!
Cat: Yes, but if you send a talking letter urgently.
Guys, can you help us? Whoever has an emblem with the inscription “Speaking Letter” in his hands, come out to us.
Cat: Let's get to know you

    Game "Talking Letter"

Telegram text
1. Dear Pechkin! We invite you to the New Year. The New Year begins at ten o'clock. The dress code is smart. Matroskin, Sharik, Murka the Cow.

2. Dear Uncle Fedor! Please come to our place Our weather is good. Matroskin the cat who loves you

3. Our dear mother Rimma and father Dima! We invite you to join us in Prostokvashino for the New Year. We called Uncle Fyodor and Pechkin. Waiting for you! Yours faithful friends: Cat Sailor and Sharik.

    The game is being played. Selection of the winner: 2 people remain - they are participants in the next

Cat: And for you(names names) We have a very honorable and responsible mission and assignment.
Here are 2 envelopes for you - you need to collect as many signatures as possible from the boys (
for 1 participant ), and for you girls(2nd participant).

    Music. The game “Signature Relay Race” is being played. Awarding 2 participants. (To the hall)

Cat: I wonder what you signed up for?
(opens the boys' envelope, reads)
“We, the undersigned, pledge to go on stage and dance with the girls.”
(the same text is on the envelope for girls)

    Children appear on stage. A circle is formed. Game technicians show movements, children repeat.

    The song “If only there were no winter” sounds (in modern processing)

Game with the hall "Yes or no"

Answer together(Yes)
Ice is frozen water?
We respond quickly
Is it Wednesday after Friday?
We will also answer
Is the Christmas tree always green?
We answer clearly
Is New Year always fun?
Are there games and jokes waiting for everyone?
Are you okay with humor?
Do we always exercise?
(Yes or no)
Did you wish Happy New Year?
And did they send everyone home?
Will they give you gifts?
They will
Will you eat the gift yourself?
And won’t you treat your friends?
(children get confused )
Will you give mom and dad a treat?
Will you give it to your grandparents?
Aren't you guys greedy?
Is the gift not enough for you?
(children get confused)
Weren't we bored today?
Did they have fun playing with you?
(Yes) Cat:
Serpentine, like ribbons,
Flashlights like balls
Happy New Year girls.
Happy New Year …
Children: Boys!

Murka :
And the lights on our Christmas tree will sparkle.
Happy New Year, mommies,
Happy New Year..
Children: Daddies!

Children will play near the Christmas tree
Happy New Year, grandfathers,

Happy New Year..

Children: Grandmothers!

The clock strikes 12 times
We have so many months
They will fly by - and at the gate again
New Year is coming!

Cat: He has arrived, which means we wish everyone good luck!

Together: Happy New Year!
Good luck!

A New Year's song is playing. Game technicians leave the stage.