Braid around my own head. How to braid your own hair around your head and create a beautiful hairstyle? Multi-row French waterfall

Since ancient times, braids have been considered a symbol of femininity. Many consider Greece to be the birthplace of the braid around the head, although in France this style was also very popular. A hairstyle made from a braid around the head is an ancient Russian folk hairstyle that Slavic women have worn with pleasure for centuries and loved for its versatility and practicality - the hair is beautifully styled and chosen, the head is easily covered with a scarf.

Nowadays, a braid braided around the head is one of the most stylish and fashionable braids.. It has many varieties - a tiara, a simple braid, a spikelet, a bun, a wreath, a waterfall, a French braid, etc. You can wear it either in a casual style, with loose locks, or in a perfectly smooth look, as if you had just left a beauty salon. Here the choice is yours, and in both cases the hairstyle looks very impressive. So, let's not waste time and look at several ways to weave a braid on your head.

Weaving process

The great advantage of such a braid is that it goes perfectly with almost any style and image: it is amazingly suitable for a business meeting, a walk with friends or a trip to a disco. You just need to choose the right hair accessories.

1. Wash your hair, dry it and begin braiding it from the front, dividing your hair into 2 zones. The front part should be 3 times smaller than the back part.

2. Now, carefully separate a small strand to begin braiding.

3.​ Divide the selected part of the hair into 3 strands and begin to weave a regular braid, gradually adding free hair only to the strand that is in the photo on the left.

4.​ Thus, we must braid a kind of headband around the face.

5.​ Now carefully unravel the main volume of hair.

6.​ We continue to weave the braid, separating a small strand and dividing it into 2 parts. And then we add to it the pigtail that remains from the top rim.

7. Now you need to be extremely careful: we pick up the hair and always add it only to the strand that is closer to the neck.

8. We constantly change the position of our hands when weaving so that we feel comfortable. We continue to weave the braid, going around it in a circle.

9. Once all the hair is gone, simply braid the braid to the end and secure with an elastic band.

10. If you have long hair, then fix the braid with a bobby pin, making an inner circle and spray the entire hairstyle with hairspray.

11. That's all, the chic hairstyle is ready! If you wish, you can decorate it with hairpins or hairpins with flowers.

In this version, we will consider with you another method of weaving, and you decide for yourself which one is more convenient and convenient for you to use!

1.​ So, first we comb our hair and distribute it into strands so that they are on the sides and back, and fall on the face. Moreover, most of the strands should be in the front. Divide the bun of hair from the back into 3 equal parts.

2.​ Weaving begins precisely with these bottom 3 strands. We weave them into one regular braid, but not vertical, as usual, but horizontal, so that its line runs parallel to the line of the shoulders.

3. Then we gradually weave into the braid the next strand from the side of the head, then another one... and we weave it step by step, weaving more and more new strands of hair into it.

4. When you have completely finished weaving, secure its end with a colorless elastic band.

5. And then, using a hairpin, we bring the end of the braid under the base of its beginning and secure it!

Don’t be discouraged if your first attempt at braiding this hairstyle on your own doesn’t turn out perfect – mastery comes with time! Train often and you will definitely succeed!

A reverse braid around the head, made in french style

Are you the owner of long hair, a beautiful neckline that you would like to highlight, and value comfort first? Then a braid around your head will become your favorite hairstyle, suitable for both everyday life and special occasions.

One of the advantages of this hairstyle is that it is quite easy to do it yourself, and it is suitable for women of all ages, including very young ladies. In this article we will try to figure out what braiding in a circle is and look at its options.

Such different and such beautiful braids will add a note of romance and mystery to your image!

Preparing to create a hairstyle

Before you braid your hair around your head, try to prepare yourself to make the process very normal by following a few common steps:

  1. Rinse your hair with shampoo. Dirty hair is very unruly and difficult to style. By keeping your hair straight, you will eliminate the need to straighten your buns and your overall look will be fresher.

Before creating a hairstyle, your hair should be washed

  1. Use styling products. These can be mousses and foams, which will significantly extend the durability of the hairstyle throughout the day.
  2. Prepare the necessary devices in advance. Don’t waste time looking for hairpins, barrettes and combs when designing your hairstyle, otherwise the result will not justify your efforts.
  3. Choose a comfortable place with a mirror. The success of creating a hairstyle, especially the first time, almost entirely depends on how comfortable you are and whether you have the opportunity to look at the process from all sides.
  4. Rehearse your hairstyle. You should not hope that the braid will work out the first time, especially if you are just a beginner. By practicing in front of the mirror, you will save yourself from unnecessary stress if the result is not what you expected and there is no time left to correct it.

Advice! Braiding in a circle looks best on straight, manageable hair, so straighten it as needed with an iron or hair dryer with a round brush.

Option 1. Traditional “basket” of hair

Photo of the traditional version of weaving in the form of a “basket”

So, if you don’t understand how to braid a braid around your head in the traditional version, so that you can experiment with it in the future, it’s time to study this issue:

  1. Divide the combed hair into a side parting.
  2. Having selected a strand at the temple from the side of most of the hair, we begin to weave a braid - we alternately place the strands on the sides on the central one.
  3. After the first such twist, we begin to add thin curls from the rest of the hairstyle to the side strands.
  4. Using the described method, we weave around the head until it begins.
  5. We braid the remaining tip of the hair using the same method, but without ties, and hide it inside the braid with hairpins.

The reverse French braid also looks very interesting. performed using this method. The only difference is to place the strands along the edges not on the middle strand, but under it. This will also allow you to create a larger hairstyle by pulling the braid out from the edges.

Option 2. Lazy “basket” on the head

Hairstyle around the head, made of two “spikelets”

If you're curious about how to braid a braid around your head in 5 minutes without the rigors of braiding, then the summary below will help even the most insecure newbie. All we need is a pair of hairpins and hair ties. So:

  1. We comb the curls and divide them along a straight parting into 2 equal parts.
  2. You will need to start weaving just below the temporal areas, closer to the back of the head.
  3. On each side we braid your choice of an ordinary “spikelet” or a reverse weave, described above, and secure their ends with elastic bands.
  4. Then we put the braids in reverse directions parallel to each other around the head.
  5. We hide the ends of the braids under the hair and secure them with hairpins on both sides.

Advice! In order to give your hairstyle an additional “zest”, you can let out short strands along the edges of the face.

Option 3. Quick braid of 2 braids with tiebacks

“Basket” made of 2 weaves with tiebacks

Another annotation will give a hint for an easy version of a “basket” of 2 braids:

  1. Divide the hairstyle into a horizontal parting.
  2. In the upper part from the temple in the opposite direction, we weave in a semicircle with tiebacks in the last strands, securing the tip with a hairpin.
  3. We braid the lower part of the hair, starting from the tip of the first braid, using the same method.

Option 4. Large, tall “basket” from the tail

Photo - diagram of weaving a tall “basket” of hair

If all the described options turned out to be very simple for you to perform, and you are curious about how to weave a braid around your head using a more improved and unusual method, then try the following:

  1. Comb your hair, select a medium-sized curl on the crown, which we secure at the base with an elastic band.
  2. From the remaining hair around the head in the temple area, select a curl and divide it into 2 strands.
  3. Then we begin to weave: we cross two strands with each other, and add a third from the tail on the crown.
  4. We evenly begin to make grabs into the lower curl from the hair from below.
  5. In this way, we braid the braid to the last curl in the ponytail, and we braid the end without ties and hide it in the braid, securing it with hairpins.

Option 5. Spiral braid around the head

Photo of the process of creating a spiral weave around the head

This option will look quite beautiful on the baby’s head, and if you are curious how to braid a braid around the head in the shape of a spiral, then proceed as follows:

  1. We moderately distribute the curls along the entire length and select a narrow strand on the crown, which we divide into 3 parts.
  2. We weave in the traditional style in the form of circles tightly adjacent to each other.
  3. We place the side strands on the middle one and make grabs from the outside from the rest of the hairstyle.
  4. Weaving the last row hair near the forehead, braid the tip and hide it in the hair.

If you have made loose weaves, then use hairpins and bobby pins in places where they are weakened so that the hairstyle does not fall apart quickly


Having tried one of the given methods for creating a “basket”, you will make sure that it is not as difficult as it might seem at first. The high cost of creating a similar braid in a salon now will not upset you, because you can make it with your own hands not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones.

You can leave any questions, comments and suggestions in the comments. You can get more fascinating information on this topic from the video in this article.

What could be better than classics with elements of a new trend? After all, this combination allows you to combine elegance and individual style. The braid around the head, known since ancient times, allows this to be realized. This hairstyle has regained its popularity, gaining countless variations. With its convenience and practicality, it won the love of many girls. You can go for a walk with your friends with her, and she is also chosen by the stars for going out. The ease with which images can be changed with one type of hairstyle is amazing; you just need to change the way you braid the braid and it will look completely different.

Often, many people think that this hairstyle is too complicated, but with recommendations on how to braid a braid around your head, it’s easy to do.

To weave a braid around your head you will need:

  • A brush, preferably with soft bristles, as metal teeth are harmful to the hair and scalp;
  • Thin comb with long hand, which is convenient for making a perfect parting and easily separating strands;
  • Various elastic bands, hair clips and pins so that your hairstyle is securely fastened and fallen curls do not spoil the image;
  • Hair styling product. You can use mousse or hairspray to keep your hair in perfect condition. This is also a great way to create curls the next day. You don't have to think about what hairstyle to do.
  • Hair clips or small crabs will help separate the hair that will be woven into the braid later.
  • A mirror, or better yet two. With their help, you will see the entire process of creating a hairstyle and can easily correct inaccuracies immediately, without redoing a large amount of work.

When all the components have been purchased, you should put your hair in order. First of all, wash it well and apply a small amount of mousse to damp hair. Of course, you should not apply the product if you are doing a child’s hair. Then dry your hair, this will give your hair smoothness and make braiding much more convenient. If your hair is naturally curly, you should straighten it with a straightening iron. It will look neater. But you shouldn’t do this if you plan to have a more romantic hairstyle. A little dishevelment will make the look younger.

Types of weaving

After all the preparations, you should choose one of the weaving options:

– regular, with hair divided into three equal strands. This braid is ideal for a trip to the beach or a morning jog;

– strict – thin strands are taken and tightly intertwined, creating perfect image for office;

– romantic – wide, lush strands are separated, which adds mystery to the image.

Also one of the most popular types of weaving is the French braid.

You can braid a braid around your head with the help of a friend or yourself. It takes a little patience and practice. It may turn out to be a little lopsided the first time, but with a little skill and gorgeous braids will be your signature style and will arouse the envy of others.

If you have long hair, then braid the chosen type of braid at the bottom of the back of your head, and then wrap it around your head. At the same time, to prevent the hairstyle from falling apart, use bobby pins at short distances to secure the braid. Then apply hairspray to your hair.

The other instruction is a little more complicated. All hair should be combed from left to right, along with bangs. We take a strand and weave the already selected version of the braid. We continue to braid it up to the right ear and secure it. Next, we continue to braid to the left ear, not forgetting to fasten the braid with bobby pins. The ends of the hair are carefully tucked under the braiding.

For those who have short hair, there is also step by step recommendation to create such a braid. It is necessary to part your hair in a circle from the forehead to the back of the head. Braid the spikelet, taking the outer strands and braiding it around the head. There will be a ponytail in the center that can be easily hidden under the hair. This option is also suitable for a child to remove disturbing strands from the eyes.

You can complete the look with beautiful accessories. For example, a bright ribbon will immediately attract attention to you and the efforts to create a hairstyle will easily pay off. The main thing is not to forget that it should harmonize well with your outfit, jewelry, and makeup. But don’t get carried away, the hairstyle itself is very beautiful and does not need voluminous decoration.

Detailed video lesson with step-by-step instructions on how to weave a braid around your own head:

“Spikelet”, “dragon”, “French braid”, “fish tail” - all these names are given to the classic women's hairstyle, characterized by beauty, convenience and ease of weaving. This is one of the braiding methods suitable for women of any age. And if you learn the basic version of the spikelet, then, starting from this, you can vary the hairstyle in different ways.

French braid- not a new invention. It appeared - as we understood from the name - in France, and later it went out of fashion and then returned. But perhaps there is good reasons consider this type of hairstyle a classic, because it is beautiful, elegant, and comfortable... Such hairstyles should not disappear from use: simplicity and beauty are eternal!

But 10 years ago the approach and view of the spikelet was different. Then it was believed that the hero of our story is suitable only for special events, for an elegant and spectacular appearance. A fun and playful fishtail was a serious, formal hairstyle.

There is no such limited approach now. The spikelet is suitable for almost any occasion: a friendly meeting, a party, a business trip, a walk... whatever you want. The only criterion is correct weaving. This is where the main lessons really need to be learned.

Basic technique of weaving a spikelet

So there's quite a lot simple circuit, which will make it easy to braid a spikelet with your own hands. We will analyze different variants, but the basic type of braid on which we will be based is as follows:

Follow each step from the step-by-step instructions. We will explain step by step so that you can style your hair correctly, as in the pictures.

  1. Wet your hair a little - just a little. This will make them more obedient and allow you to lay them more neatly. If you have mousse, you can use it. The main thing is that the hair becomes more manageable and does not become unraveled. Gather a strand of hair at the top of your head, as shown in Figure 3. Tie with an elastic band, since during braiding both hands will be busy, and there will be three strands.
    Figure 3. An elastic band holds the first strand of hair.
  2. Leaving a fixed strand in the center, gather two more on either side of it.
  3. Move the right strand to left side, and move the central one to the right so that it lies under the right strand of hair.
  4. Place the left strand also to the right, but it should be placed above the right one, as shown in the picture.
  5. Now pass over the left strand, which is in this moment is on the right side, our central strand, but be sure to weave an additional one with it, having first collected it in one bun. A voluminous knot at the base of the spikelet should already be forming on the head.
  6. Continue the same pattern on both sides until you reach the neck area.
  7. Having reached the neck area, make a continuation in the form of a regular braid. This way the tail of the spikelet will be finished.

Well, the spikelet is ready. Either carefully cut and remove the elastic holding the central strand, or hide it under the hairstyle. Apply a little varnish and straighten it a little so that the dragon takes on a voluminous appearance.

This step-by-step instruction- just a base, the simplest foundation on which many other types of spikelets are based. Now, having knowledge about this base, you can change the look of your hairstyle according to your fantasies.

French braid braided to the side

For example, a spikelet braided on its side will look beautiful and neat. This is both stylish and youthful, and looks good on the heads of adult women. In principle, the scheme is the same as we said, only when adding side strands, you need to twist it like a tourniquet.

Step by step:

  1. Comb your hair back;
  2. On the left or right side, gather a larger strand and make three small strands out of it;
  3. Start making a regular spikelet, as in the first steps of our instructions - before we started weaving additional strands;
    Weave an additional small strand into the braid from the side you chose in the first step of these instructions;
  4. Add the next section to the other side of your head;
  5. Add strands on one side and the other one by one, not forgetting to tighten the braid so that the hair does not unravel and the spikelet does not lose its shape;
  6. In the final part, everything is the same as in a regular spikelet. At the base of your neck, braid a regular braid. Secure the braid links with pins and carefully straighten each section to make the hairstyle more voluminous.

In Figure 10 you can look at a step-by-step illustration of a spikelet on its side to ensure that all points of the instructions are completed correctly.

Figure 10. Side braid

French braid inside out

This type of braid is not much different from the classic spikelet in the way it is weaved. It looks very solid, the links are distinct and plump. Undoubtedly, this hairstyle will look very elegant.

  1. On the left or right side of the hair caesura, select a larger strand and divide it into three equal strands.
  2. Place the right strand under the center one. And move the last one up and to the right as in Figure 12.
    Figure 12. First link
  3. Then pass the strand on the left under the right and it comes out into the central part of the braid.
  4. Start picking up the strands on both sides of the braid, as has already been shown many times.
  5. Connect an additional strand to the central one, which is now located to the right of the braid.
  6. Pass two strands connected together under the central one.
  7. Do exactly the same with the left side.
  8. Continue braiding the spikelet links until you run out of additional strands. Then weave a regular braid, finishing the hairstyle with a ponytail. Straighten to create volume.

Actually, now you know how to weave several types of French braids. Use your imagination, you can use completely different methods to make the spikelet look more impressive and beautiful. Adjust the tightness of the braids so that they do not fall off or deteriorate, and on the other hand, they are not tightened too tightly. Vary the center braid to shift the placement of the entire braid. Experiment with color and use hairspray.

You can braid a spikelet around your head or do it in the French style. Here's what the last one looks like:

The same hairstyle can be done double. By the way, a great solution for your daughter.

The technique of weaving a spikelet basically obeys the same laws, as you can see. Surprisingly, this is a truly universal hairstyle, and it always looks beautiful and neat. The little dragon does not allow his hair to fall on his face, which is very convenient and practical.

When braiding your hair, try to grab strands from each side in the same amount, evenly. The shape and therefore the beauty of your hairstyle will depend on how much hair you grab. In addition, it must be said that a French braid is usually woven for straight hair, so if you have curls, you will have to thoroughly iron them and straighten them so that appearance the spikelet has not deteriorated.

You can decorate the braid in different ways: with rhinestones, a bow, a headband, and various hairpins. In this case, perhaps, the matter is limited only by your taste.

If you want, make two spikelets on the sides. It is not necessary to braid it tightly and collectedly. Let your hair down, straighten your hair so that it looks like you have been wearing it for several days. Look at Figure 21 and see for yourself:

Figure 21: Add simplicity

You see - there is no need to create a strict hairstyle. Improvise.

It doesn't hurt to let a few strands out of the braid. Lower them so that they fall casually on both sides of your head.
If you have made two spikelets, is there really a need to make them mirror-symmetrical? For what? After all, the hairstyle will look interesting if it is completely asymmetrical. Let go of the reins and throw away the blinders! - let your imagination run wild. Believe me, this advice is no less important than step-by-step instructions!

Make the spikelet “upside down”, that is, so that the weaving goes from bottom to top. Only in this case, you should not make a ponytail in the form of a regular braid, but simply braid the remaining hair, tie it so that it looks beautiful.

In fact, the French braid is a hairstyle that MUST be free from restrictions. Monotony contradicts the very meaning female beauty, because the main goal is to pleasantly surprise. Take a look at Figures 22 and 23.

Rice. 22. Different approach
Rice. 23. Another option

It seems that these are two different braids. No! - This is a simple spikelet, arranged with taste, but different ways. Models and world celebrities use this elegant and simple hairstyle to their advantage. Make a fashionable and beautiful braid for yourself, a friend or daughter. You can be sure that with sufficient dexterity and diligence, it will turn out just great.

Braid around the head - interesting option styling, known since antiquity. A hairstyle with a circular weave looks feminine, softening and ennobling the appearance. The braid is made in different ways, achieving interesting visual effects. The hairstyle does not lose its relevance, remaining in demand when creating images for children and adults.

Hairstyle history

A braid around the head is a popular styling option among Slavic peoples. The classic braid began to be removed for convenience. Later, the hairstyle became traditional for married women.

Circular weaving is also called wreath, crown or. Externally, the design really looks like a braid made of twigs, and the position of the braid on top of the head resembles a hoop, wreath or crown.

Currently, the hairstyle is not popular, but the option has not been forgotten. The encircling braid is woven by everyone: from little girls to mature women.

general description

A braid around the head as a hairstyle is a weaving that encircles the skull. The braid is braided separately, subsequently forming a finished structure, or the headband is braided immediately. It is permissible to perform partial weaving, as in the waterfall option, or create complex styling, as in the basket hairstyle.

To perform a circular braid along the head, you need a length of hair from the average (from the chin, shoulders, as in option). From more short strands It is difficult to create beautiful, non-falling styling. The design looks better on those with thick, straight hair. Although braiding is acceptable for women with any hair structure.

Who is it suitable for?

A circular braid is a good choice for extraordinary people who do not dare to go for bold haircuts. This option will help you create an unusual image with romantic notes. Styling will not require drastic changes in appearance and will allow you to remain stylish and bright with long hair.

A hairstyle with a braid in a circle adds a feminine touch to your look. The option is most successful for those who seek to emphasize the tenderness and romance of nature. Styling can slightly soften non-standard (angular, large, sharp) facial features.

Attention! It is recommended for those with prominent defects on the face (asymmetry, scars) to abandon the braided headband.

A circular braid is suitable not only for those with a perfect oval shape and pretty features. You will be able to choose a successful hairstyle variation for ladies with different appearance types. It is recommended to pay attention to the following facts:

  • weaving, lowered onto the forehead, will shorten a long oval and hide the ugly upper part of the face;
  • a voluminous braid in the crown area will visually elongate the round oval and add thickness to thin hair;
  • a waterfall will help hide protruding ears and correct a wide oval shape;
  • a neat rim of strands will balance the angularity of the features of the owners of a triangular oval.

A circular braid is used to create different looks. This option is often used for children's hairstyles. The styling is interesting and practical. The hairstyle is regularly seen on adult women. A braid in a circle is done for work, a walk, or a holiday.

An important feature of the design: the ability to temporarily remove bangs. Short strands are woven into a braid, which completely masks the presence of bangs. It is not necessary to abandon the element. Shortened strands in the frontal area will perfectly complement the soft feminine look. , you can read on our website.

The braid around the head does not have to be made from the full volume of hair. Miniature options look no less original. It is permissible to stretch the braid from ear to ear or make a encircling braid.

The element is made using different schemes interweaving of strands. It looks casual. Elegant option: or inverted braid. Easy and quick to do. looks interesting, suitable for those with short hair length.

From long hair You will be able to perform different variations of circular braids. For those with hair middle length Partial weaving is better. You can try a waterfall or a hair headband with a bun. Full weaving is done in a circle. It is recommended to try the tail version.

Required Tools

For those who have never done braid-based hairstyles on their own, it is recommended to start mastering. The option imitates the presence of a circular structure. It is easier to make a partial weave for yourself than a classic design.

It is difficult to achieve a neat hairstyle with a full circular braid on your own. It is better to make a linear weave from long hair, and additionally lay the structure. For those with medium-length hair, it is better to opt for a basket made from a ponytail or a braided look made from 2 halves. For “out” styling options, it is better to hire an assistant.

Showroom price

To create a look for a special occasion, it is better to contact a hairdresser. The cost of services is calculated individually. The amount is rarely below 500 rubles. The average price range is called 1.5–3 thousand rubles.

To work independently, you need to prepare a thin comb, elastic bands, hairpins, bobby pins, and fixing spray. It is recommended that you first study the technology for performing the selected installation by reading the instructions and watching a step-by-step video.

Step-by-step instruction

The easiest option to do it yourself: a braid laid around the head. Ukrainian politician Yulia Tymoshenko is a prominent fan of this style. The hairstyle is done in stages according to the following scheme:

  1. Dry strands are separated by a vertical parting. Make equal halves.
  2. Braids are tied on the sides using any technology. Traditionally, a simple version of 3 strands is used. Beginners can start experimenting by performing a tourniquet.
  3. The braids are lifted up and thrown to the other side.
  4. The braid is straightened and secured with pins. It is easier for beginners to use invisible ones.
  5. It is recommended to fix the finished installation with varnish. This will keep the design neat for longer.

Braids do not have to be made from the entire mass of hair. It is permissible to highlight strands near the face, in the middle of the crown, or braid several elements on each side.

Video: French braid with braiding around the head.

Video: basket hairstyle from a reverse French braid.

Popular variations

The most popular variation of a braid around the head is called. The styling, which combines a loose weave in the form of a headband and flowing loose strands, perfectly matches fashion trends. Option suitable for those with hair different lengths. Hairstyles with this structure look chic and are suitable for any occasion.

- 1 more styling option with circular weaving. More often, designs are performed that capture the full volume of hair. Complex designs with multiple weaves look impressive. The hairstyle is most often used for children's or formal styling.

The braid around the head does not have to be the only element of the hairstyle. A popular variation is weaving in combination with a bun. The bun is made from the remnants of the length of the braids after the turn, or strands are specially left to complete the element. The cone is located on the back of the head.

A popular option is called for circular weaving. With such a braid, any hairstyle gets a chic look. The hairstyle can only be done with long hair. For medium-length hair, simple plaits are suitable. french braids. With the help of a spikelet on the crown of the head, the presence of bangs is often masked.

Advantages and disadvantages

Circular braid - interesting and original solution for everyday or festive hairstyles. Different styling variations allow you to choose a look, regardless of the length or structure of the hair. A braid will add softness and femininity to the look.

It is difficult to do a full circular weave on your own. To get a neat design, it is better to hire an assistant or contact a hairdresser. For most variations of hairstyles with braids in a circle, a hair length of at least medium is required.

Examples from the stars

The braided hairstyle around the head is popular among celebrities. You can see the installation on Drew Barrymore, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba, Sienna Miller, Jennifer Lopez, Emma Watson and many other famous ladies. The option is unusual, it allows you to completely open your face and neck without getting rid of the length of your hair. The styling successfully emphasizes the femininity of nature.

Drew Barrymore and Scarlett Johansson

Sienna Miller and Emma Watson

A braid around the head is an interesting hairstyle option for a feminine look. The styling is laconic, surprisingly enlivens the appearance, and attracts attention. A practical model remains relevant through the centuries.