Beautiful congratulations on Maslenitsa for friends. With the beginning of Maslenitsa Week

Any holiday in our life is a feast for the soul. Maslenitsa is one of the most beloved Slavic holidays, the main attribute of which is pancakes. Pancakes are part of the ritual, a piece of the Sun summoned to the cold earth.
Maslenitsa is perhaps the only holiday that has preserved the true spirit of ancient Rus'. Noisy, cheerful folk festivals, bright outfits, a rich table - the embodiment of the broad Russian soul.
The seven-day fun is dedicated to seeing off the cold winter and ends with a symbolic welcome of spring. Half of random passers-by will say that this is a pagan holiday, the other half - that it is Orthodox. They are all right. With the advent of Christianity, only the day of celebration changed, which is determined depending on the beginning of Lent.
In the old days, each day of Maslenitsa week had its own special meaning.
Monday - "Meeting". The Russian people began the first day by greeting Madam Shiroka Maslenitsa and visiting relatives. It was believed that by staying in the house on this holiday, you could bring misfortune to yourself and your household. Therefore, everyone tried to meet and celebrate Maslenitsa with dignity. The baking of pancakes began early in the morning. Heather branches were burned in the oven and pancakes were fumigated with this smoke at random. The first pancake was given to the poor to commemorate the dead.
Tuesday ‒ "Flirting". A day for young boys and girls who invited each other to eat pancakes and ride down the ice slides. Called relatives and friends. The boys and girls looked closely and “flirted” with each other in order to get married after Easter.
Wednesday ‒ "Gourmand". On this day, people feasted on pancakes and other Maslenitsa dishes. Pancakes were baked in an endless variety: wheat, barley, oat, buckwheat, from unleavened and sour dough. People used to say: “Damn is not a wedge, it won’t rip your belly open.” Mothers-in-law invited their sons-in-law and their wives for pancakes, and for the amusement of their beloved son-in-law they called all their relatives. This custom was especially observed in relation to recently married young couples. This is where the expression “to mother-in-law for pancakes” comes from.
Thursday ‒ "Wide Revelry". The middle of the week is the height of Maslenitsa fun. On this day they walked from morning to evening, danced, danced in circles, sang ditties. The people indulged in all sorts of fun: ice mountains, booths, swings, fist fights. The motto of the day: “The more relaxed the festivities, the more successful the year will be!” It was a day of generous treats to have time to work up before Lent. “Wide Maslenitsa” begins on Thursday.
Friday ‒ “Mother-in-law’s Party.” Now the son-in-law invited his mother-in-law to visit him and treated her to pancakes. In the old days, invitations were honorary: with all relatives for lunch or just for dinner. The son-in-law had to personally invite his mother-in-law in the evening, and in the morning send elegant “invitees”, and the more “invitees” there were, the more honors the mother-in-law received.
Saturday ‒ “Sister-in-law’s get-togethers.” On this day, the young daughter-in-law invited her sisters-in-law (her husband’s sisters) to visit and gave them some gifts. interesting gifts. Maslenitsa was, as it were, an excuse to get together and gossip about this and that.
Sunday - "Forgiveness Day". Forgiveness Sunday is a Russian custom that is stunning in its depth. Before the strict days of Lent, it is necessary to cleanse the soul and submit. On this day, everyone visited relatives, friends and acquaintances, exchanged a triple kiss, bowed and asked each other for forgiveness if they offended them with words or deeds. In response they usually say: “God will forgive!” The main thing is to forgive everyone yourself: “I forgive all sinners, forgive me, a sinner!” We also went to the cemetery, left pancakes on the graves, prayed and worshiped the ashes of our relatives. In the evening, farewell to Maslenitsa took place.
The climax The burning of an effigy of Winter has always been and remains a symbol of the passing of cold weather and the onset of spring. Before the burning, folk festivities are held: games, dances, round dances with songs, treats with honey, hot sbiten (honey drink) and pancakes. Then the walkers say goodbye to Winter, scolding her for the frosts and winter troubles, thanking her for the snow, skates and fun winter fun. And in the evening, amid general rejoicing, the main symbol of Maslenitsa - a large, dressed-up doll - is burned on a pre-prepared bonfire. After the joyful Maslenitsa week, the time of severe abstinence began - Great Lent.
So from time immemorial, in a cheerful, carnival manner, with imagination, plentiful refreshments and forgiveness, people saw off winter and welcomed spring, as if they wanted to take a walk and have fun throughout Lent.
Maslenitsa is a daring holiday with a grand scale and a truly Russian soul. Fun celebrations, sleigh rides, fun, meetings with friends and family, a huge amount of pancakes eaten, great mood and most importantly - a premonition of spring, that’s what Maslenitsa is! Congratulate your family and friends on this holiday! Here you can choose wonderful congratulations with cards and wishes in poetry and prose.

Maslenitsa is a solemn farewell to winter and a broad welcome to spring.

Dear Grandmother,
Most dear,
Happy Maslenitsa, dear,
Congratulations again!
May you have good health
Your life will light up
By limitless measure
He will measure out the joys!

Like on Maslenitsa, on a wide
The honest people have gone wild!
I invite the red-cheeked spring
And I say goodbye to the frosty winter!
I wish, dear friend,
So that spring comes soon,
So that the golden-winged sun
Warmed me with my smile!

Happy Maslenitsa!
We wish you big changes!
May spring bring you
Lots of light and warmth!
Have fun - life is wonderful!
Let good reign!
Well, we wish you happiness
And may you be lucky in everything!

May this holiday week
Have more fun!
Let the spring drops
They will ring in all corners!
Let under the pancake mountain
Your festive table is bursting!
Together with the birds in spring
Let happiness rush to your home!

On Maslenitsa I am beloved
I want to wish you good health,
Stay the same sweet
Don't hide your secrets!
Ready to help you, dear,
I can solve any matter
And you live without being discouraged,
And continue to give joy!

Like during Shrovetide week
Pancakes flew straight onto the table:
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,
All blush, hot!
Maslenitsa, treat me,
Serve pancakes to everyone!
In the heat of the moment, take it apart,
Don't forget to praise!

Maslenitsa is coming ‒
Have fun, party people!
I congratulate my sister -
May you always be lucky!

Maslenitsa is a holiday
Every person loves:
He is full of goodness and light,
And it’s pleasant for all of us!

Let's enjoy Maslenitsa, pancakes and lovely guests!

Happy Maslenitsa!
Let the fun come into the house!
Let spring come in,
And winter will be gone for a year!

I want to wish you
Celebrate Maslenitsa
So that you can remember for a long time,
Don't lose your impressions!

Happy Maslenitsa!
And I want to wish you
To live without knowing troubles,
Never lose heart!

Let it be cozy in the house and rich on the table!

Maslenitsa is coming to the house,
Leading spring!
Bake pancakes quickly
Just don’t skimp on the butter!
Congratulations on this Day!
Let the sadness burn with fire
Let the cold go away
Not for a year, but forever!

You are on this Maslenitsa
Have fun, relax,
Go to bed at dawn
And make a wish!

Happy Maslenitsa!
Let the pancakes turn rosy
Fill your home with happiness,
The hour of spring is approaching!

Never be discouraged, treat everyone with pancakes!

May the Lord reward you
On the day of Maslenitsa with happiness,
Let the thirst for money quench
And will take away bad weather!
Love, luck, goodness
On this day I wish
May fate be kind,
Making dreams come true!

On this holiday joyful and bright
May peace and goodness be in the family,
Pancakes on the table, smiles and meetings...
We will say “thank you” to the passing winter!

My good friend, congratulations!
Let him live without worries!
Let it be with rosy pancakes
Happiness will come to your home!

Great holiday - Maslenitsa!
You can finally take out and burn the Christmas tree!

Happy Maslenitsa, we congratulate you!
The time has come for pies to reign.
Without pancakes, farewell to winter cannot be enjoyed...
We invite you to song, to jokes, to joy!

Maslenitsa is coming,
I wish you the best:
Never know a grudge...
May the Lord protect you!

Happy Maslenitsa!
Let life be more fun
Don't let the pancakes burn
And spring will come soon!

Maslenitsa, treat! Give pancakes to everyone!
So that pancakes are heaped, but everything is with caviar!

On the desired day before Lent
Let's let Maslenitsa into the house,
We'll bake a mountain of pancakes,
We'll invite you to the holiday!
We wish you well
And spring warmth!
You are celebrating Maslenitsa,
Treat everyone to pancakes!

Let Maslenitsa shine with bright light
All your loved ones will be illuminated!
Let him give you answers to everything,
He will reward you with good health!
On this ancient Russian holiday
I would like to sincerely wish:
More different impressions
And never lose heart!

Today is Maslenitsa, damn it!
I congratulate you on it,
And there are many peaks in life
I wish to conquer you!
I wish this year
Passed through without troubles, bad weather,
Without shocks and worries,
May there be only happiness in him!

There are only two types of pancakes:
“We haven’t baked it yet,” and “how delicious it was yesterday!”

Wide Maslenitsa - cheese week!
You came dressed up to greet us in spring.
We'll bake pancakes and have fun all week,
To drive the cold winter out of the house!

May Maslenitsa give you goodness,
Wonderful spring warmth!
Let flowers bloom in your heart,
And your cherished dreams will come true!
May your health be the best
May your life be easy and without interference!
So that everyone always admires you,
So that sadness will never be known!

My beloved friend!
We have known each other for many years,
And happy Maslenitsa on this day
I’m not too lazy to congratulate you!
I wish you just happiness,
Crazy, real love,
You will never know any worries,
Just get rich and prosper!

The pans rattled, the pancakes began to brown,
the good glasses are full to the brim with wine and vodka!

Happy Maslenitsa!
I wish you pancakes with caviar!
And in general - prosperity,
Let life be sweet!

May Maslenitsa give you warmth!
Let luck help
To make your dreams come true,
And joy in fate happened!

Maslenitsa is outside the window,
She enters every home.
Always have fun
Never be sad!

At least pawn yourself and celebrate Maslenitsa!

And on Saturday they will do it
Girls get-togethers.
We need to put a wiretap on -
Suddenly there are no trinkets there!
Don't be afraid, darling,
I won't tell you your secret!
Just a little parrot
Just for show!

Let it be with baked pancakes
Prosperity will come to your home,
To achieve everything yourself,
May you be lucky in life!
And also - no worries,
Smile, to spite everyone!
Celebrate Maslenitsa this way,
To be lucky in life!

The symbol of Maslenitsa is pancake,
Let him not be alone
On today's table,
May you always be lucky!
Eat, eat, eat up,
And get drunk with liquor!
Let the pancakes go for future use
And they will bring health!

And for Maslenitsa I fry pancakes right from the second!

Today is a special, ancient holiday:
This has been the custom for a long time to celebrate.
May this day be bright and long,
To greet guests with pancakes!
So that we can tell each other
The kindest words in the world!
So that we extend a helping hand,
To everyone who needs it first!
May your home be a full cup!
Let every day, no matter what,
Your career will grow stronger, your confidence will grow,
And no one can stop you!

Congratulations to the beautiful maiden
Happy wonderful Spring Festival!
Let your eyes glow with happiness,
And the pancakes are blushing!

May it be during Shrovetide week
You succeed in everything!
So that the pancakes don't burn,
A feast in abundance - on the table!

Maslenitsa is celebrated not just for one day, but for a whole week before the start of Lent. This is an ancient, cheerful holiday with many traditions. On Maslenitsa they hold festivities, dance in circles, dress up a stuffed animal to see off winter, and, of course, fry pancakes with all sorts of fillings. The pancake, the main symbol of Maslenitsa, represents the bright, warm sun that is so awaited in the spring. Every day of Maslenitsa week is accompanied by special customs, but the tradition of going to your mother-in-law for pancakes has become very popular. And, of course, everyone remembers the need to ask for forgiveness from those who were offended on the Sunday before the start of Lent. On the same day, an effigy is burned, thus saying goodbye to winter and welcoming spring.

Maslenitsa is the harbinger of spring,
We'll be eating pancakes all week long,
The mother-in-law invites her son-in-law to visit,
And he treats me to pancakes with butter.
WITH happy holiday let me congratulate you,
I wish you good health, warmth, smiles,
Be happy, cheerful and beautiful,
After all, I gained strength over the winter.

Spring has come to visit us,
And she brought Maslenitsa with her,
Happy holiday, both old and young,
The birds are already singing in a spring manner.
Happy Maslenitsa, my friend,
You try a delicious, rich pie,
Let your life be without turns,
Full of prosperity, joy, fun things to do.

Pancake week has begun
The ruddy Maslenitsa is baked,
Every day is a holiday for the belly,
Adults and children are happy.
Congratulations on Maslenitsa,
I wish you happy days in your life,
May smiles always visit you,
I wish you well-being, joy, goodness.

Spring is knocking on our gates,
The long-awaited Maslenitsa has arrived,
The earth dissolved in the spring puddles,
Today is a holiday of delicious pancakes.
I hasten to congratulate you on Maslenitsa,
I want to wish you great love and joy,
Let everything you have in mind always come true,
All earthly blessings, smiles and warmth.

We are waiting for you at Maslenitsa!
We'll meet you with a butter pancake,
Cheese, honey, kalach
Yes, with cabbage pie.
Great Lent awaits us all,
Eat up for future use, people!
Walk all week
Eat up all your supplies.
And the Day of Forgiveness will come,
We are not too lazy to bow,
Come on Sunday -
We will ask for forgiveness
To remove all sins from the soul,
Meet Lent with a pure heart.
Let's seal our friendship with a kiss,
Even though we're not fighting anyway:
After all, on Maslenitsa you need
Strengthen friendship with love.
Come visit us
We will be glad to have guests!

Like on Shrovetide
Pancakes were flying out of the oven!
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,
All blush, hot!
Maslenitsa, treat!
Serve everyone some pancakes.
In the heat of the moment, take it apart!
Don't forget to praise.

I eat pancakes, maybe pancakes
It wasn't completely cool in the pan,
But don't let this bother you anymore,
I’ll eat them with gusto even without you.
I eat pancakes so sincerely and tenderly,
I have been starving for so long.
I will eat pancakes silently, hopelessly.
I would rather choke, but not give it to others.

Spring drops are playing outside the window,
And our whole house is filled with joy,
The aromatic pancakes smell so delicious,
They remind us of the holiday.
We congratulate you on a happy holiday,
May Maslenitsa be joyful for you,
We wish you smiles, joy, warmth,
May your guardian angel always protect you.

Winter has come, it’s asking for a holiday,
And the kids around are shouting “Maslenaya!”
Oh, it’s great, it’ll be fun,
There will be songs, there will be dancing, and I will dance too.
Do not be sad! Come to us soon! Let's have fun
And we’ll fry a pancake, there’s something to marvel at.
Congratulations to all people on happy holiday,
Come to us soon, with a red bow.

Look, look, it's a holiday,
Everyone is dressed up, people are having fun.
And they don’t just laugh, they don’t just smile,
Maslenitsa is in full swing, honest people are trying.
Some brought gingerbread, some brought other treats,
Wow, how great it will be, fun will come true.
Get ready quickly, because we’ve been waiting for a long time,
Congratulations to all people, we invite everyone to the holiday.

Oh yes a holiday, oh yes a day, it will come true today,
We sincerely congratulate all people on Maslyana.
Let's tell our fortunes that this is the year for us,
Have you prepared anything other than a feast? Don't walk away!
Lively join in the happiness, mischief and pampering,
May we fill our souls with light and smile.
Have fun, honest people, celebrate, you creatures of buffoonery,
Well, the table is full of delicious treats.

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Congratulations on Maslenitsa,
Rejoice, rejoice people!
We wish you sunshine and joy,
Celebrate the arrival of spring!
Let it be with rosy pancakes
Happiness will knock on your house,
Rolls, pies
The table will reward you generously!


Celebrate Maslenitsa with a song,
Be open and kind.
And your world will become more interesting,
And the pancakes will be delicious.
We wish you noisy fun,
Breath of sunny spring,
Please accept our congratulations,
May your days be full of happiness!


Happy Maslenitsa and sunshine
We hasten to congratulate you, friends.
Let your heart beat joyfully,
The whole earth welcomes spring!
Bake for her arrival
Brown pancakes, pretzels.
Invite your friends and family,
To celebrate the holiday more fun!


Noisy, festive, with fun
Let's meet the spring maiden
And we spend it with respect
Our winter-winter.
Pies and pancakes
Let's treat honest people.
Celebrate Maslenitsa with us,
And good luck will come to you!


Hello, Maslenitsa! Everywhere
Joy, songs and pancakes.
This holiday is like a miracle
From ancient times.
Say goodbye to winter
And spring will burst into the world,
And he will warm us with himself,
And he will give us love in full!


Congratulations on Maslenitsa,
We wish you big changes.
May spring bring you
Lots of light and warmth!
Have fun, life is wonderful!
Let good reign!
Well, we wish you happiness,
And may you be lucky in everything!


Oh, what a great time -
This is a crazy week!
Open your soul to the sun,
Eat the golden pancake!
Wave your hand to winter,
Call spring with you,
Open the doors of the house
Light, joy, love!


Let the troika be daring
Spring will burst into your life,
golden ray of sun
It will respond with happiness in the heart.
Celebrate the feast
And you will bake pancakes.
And say goodbye to winter
We are happy to invite you for a visit!


And openwork and beautiful,
Both blush and delicious
On Maslenitsa everyone is amazed
You get pancakes.
We wish you fun.
Jokes, laughter and kindness,
Mischievous mood
Sun, light and warmth!


With meat, cottage cheese, mushrooms -
How delicious are pancakes!
It's Maslenitsa with us
Sees off the days of winter.
With song, jokes, fun
Call, people, spring!
And in a good mood
Eat a pancake each!


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The week before Lent coincides with pagan holiday farewell to winter and welcome to spring. Among the Eastern Slavs this holiday was called " Maslenitsa" This ancient one is good Slavic holiday- farewell to winter - with tables overflowing with pancakes and other food and drink. These days the Slavic soul is wide open, people are walking with might and main. I wish that Maslenitsa goes like clockwork for you. The last week before Lent should be spent having fun, because there are 7 whole weeks of all sorts of restrictions ahead.

Each day of this week has certain characteristics and interesting customs.

Monday - meeting. On this day, they made a stuffed animal out of straw and put an old one on it. women's clothing, they put this scarecrow on a pole and, singing, drove it on a sleigh around the village. Then Maslenitsa was staged on a snowy mountain, where sleigh rides began.

Tuesday - flirt. From this day on, various kinds of entertainment began: sleigh rides, folk festivals, performances. In large wooden booths they gave performances led by Petrushka and Maslenitsa grandfather. On the streets there were large groups of masked mummers, driving around familiar houses, where cheerful home concerts were held impromptu.

Wednesday is a gourmet. She opened treats in all houses with pancakes and other dishes. In every family, tables were set with delicious food, pancakes were baked, and beer was brewed together in the villages. Theaters and stalls appeared everywhere. They sold hot sbitn (drinks made from water, honey and spices), roasted nuts, and honey gingerbread. Right here, right below open air, you could drink tea from the boiling samovar.

Thursday - revelry (turning point, wide Thursday). This day was the middle of games and fun. Perhaps it was then that the hot Maslenitsa fist fights took place, fist fights that originated from Ancient Rus'. They also had their own strict rules. It was forbidden, for example, to hit someone who was lying down, to attack one person together, to hit them below the belt, or to hit them on the back of the head. Violation of these rules was punishable. You could fight “wall to wall” (again the saying) or “one on one”.

Friday - mother-in-law evenings. A whole series of Maslenitsa customs were aimed at speeding up weddings and helping young people find a partner. However, the most important event associated with the newlyweds and celebrated throughout Rus' was the visit of the mother-in-law by her sons-in-law, for whom she baked pancakes and arranged a real feast (if, of course, she liked the son-in-law).

Saturday - sister-in-law's get-togethers. Sister-in-law is the husband's sister. On this Saturday, young daughters-in-law received their relatives (the wives of the sons were daughters-in-law for the mother of their husbands, that is, they came not from here, from their village, for example, but from God knows where - this was the custom in some places before: “Do not take to marry their own locals").

Sunday - farewell, kissing day, forgiveness day. If during the year the Russians offended each other in some way, then when they met on “Forgiveness Sunday,” they would certainly greet each other with a kiss, and one of them would say: “Forgive me, perhaps.” The second one answered: “God will forgive you.” The offense was forgotten. For the same purpose, on Forgiveness Sunday they went to the cemetery, left pancakes on the graves, prayed and worshiped the ashes of their relatives.

Happy generous and cheerful Maslenitsa!

More detailed information about the holiday: when it is celebrated, the history of the holiday, traditions of celebration and Interesting Facts look in the calendar →

Good day! Maslenitsa... A holiday of pancakes and fun, when every day symbolizes the end of winter and a close encounter with spring. And they bid farewell to the snowy and harsh winter cheerfully and noisily. All week long people eat up before Lent and visit each other. Few people remember the previous traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa, but they definitely remember Forgiveness Sunday, when they ask each other for forgiveness for the grievances caused over the year. And it doesn’t matter what day of Maslenitsa week it is.

The main thing is to remember your family and friends. Tell them more often how much we need them and don’t forget to congratulate them on the bright holiday of Maslenitsa. The Maslenitsa holiday itself should be perceived as a whole preparatory week before the start of Lent. During Maslenitsa week, you should forget about old grievances, forgive all your friends and even enemies - this is the main point Christian holiday. Maslenitsa got its name as a simplified version of an older holiday - Cheese Week - the last week before the onset of Lent.

Congratulations on Maslenitsa week

Congratulations to all of you on Maslenitsa Week,
We wish you to eat pancakes in moderation,
And of course health and happiness,
So that your houses are overcome by bad weather,
May the beautiful spring come quickly,
Winter has removed its frosty cover,
Let the beautiful flowers bloom with all their might,
Sons and daughters are frolicking and playing, rejoicing!

The joyful holiday has arrived - Maslenitsa week,
Get up from the stove quickly, lazy Emelya,
Various fun and jokes await you,
Pull on your hat, mittens and fur coat quickly,
Ride horses to the sound of a cheerful bell,
Don't stand there like a pillar, no one will drag you down the aisle,
If you want, ride on a sleigh from the still snowy mountains,
If you wish, feel free to jump through the fire!

Eat as much as you can for now and for later,
After all, during the week of Maslenitsa we will meet with fasting,
There we will cleanse ourselves, pray with a little abstinence,
And today the hour of overeating and libation has come,
In addition to this, a fun party awaits us,
From the slides, on a sleigh with a team of exciting rides,
Young boys and girls jumping over the fire,
Serious matrons have a conversation over pancakes

Everyone, guys, Maslenitsa week is good,
Have fun in the yard, chew pancakes slowly,
There is fun, dancing, songs, laughter all around,
It's time for festive joys,
Congratulations on the arrival of red spring,
May your life be wonderful
May there always be prosperity in the house,
May happiness not forget your family!

If you haven’t walked around, if you haven’t eaten well,
As if there was no Maslenitsa week,
How is this week different from others?
Yes, because winter meets spring,
Everyone congratulates each other on spring,
They treat you to delicious pancakes and other things,
Let your house be a full cup,
Your whole family is healthy and happy!

Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa week by day

Congratulations on Maslenitsa,
I wish you delicious pancakes:
With salmon, with sturgeon,
With truffles and honey.
I wish you happiness in your affairs of success,
Joy, fun, laughter,
Profitable, beautiful ideas,
Creative, positive,
Very good health,
Faith and hope with love.

Maslenitsa has come to us,
This means spring is coming soon.
Have fun, go for a walk, people:
Songs, dances, round dance!

I wish everyone prosperity
May your life be very sweet,
And more pancakes with butter,
May life be wonderful!

The sunny holiday has come,
Let's put all the pancakes on the table!
Let's celebrate Maslenitsa
With this wish:
Happiness to your friends and family,
Let the table not be empty
Let your health not leave you,
Gossip does not “glorify” the whole world,
Friendship grows stronger, does not grow stale,
Your wallet won't be empty
A round dance of smiles
You are whirled around from year to year!

May Maslenitsa bring
Good luck and prosperity,
Lots of love, big income
May every moment be very sweet!

I wish everyone to have fun
So that joy comes to you soon,
May happiness fly in like a bird
To make your soul warmer!

Congratulations on spring
Happy Maslenitsa golden
And with rosy pancakes,
With oven pies!

May the sun smile on you.
And let him dance and sing.
Let the fatigue go away
And spring will bring joy!

Funny poems for Maslenitsa

Today we rejoice -
Today is farewell to winter
With pies and pancakes,
In the noise of the sweet chaos.
The sleds are flying down the hill,
The girl's eyes are burning,
Songs, dances and festivities
It's been a day in a row.
Young people are not too lazy to look
Nominated all day:
Grooms - girls
And brides - to the guys,
And my mother-in-law has pancakes
The son-in-law grunted contentedly: “Ah!”
I probably ate about forty pieces -
What a festive scope!
This is Maslenitsa
Miracle - Maslenitsa.

We sincerely congratulate you
And we cordially invite:
Give up all your worries,
Come to visit,
Straight to our porch
Come to us for Maslenitsa.
See for yourself:
Let's treat you to pancakes,
Puffs on sour cream,
Lush pies,
Let's wave to February,
Let's say hello to Martha.

Rusovoloska Good Maslenitsa
Walks all week with all his heart!
Bakes pancakes, pancakes, crumpets,
Ruddy as the sun. Nice!
The holiday is famous for its merry round dance,
All honest people sing and laugh.
Maslena the beauty welcomes spring.
Goodbye winter, see you in a year!

The oldest holiday in Rus' is Maslenitsa.
She is a prankster in everything, no matter how you say it,
Folk celebrations are taking place all over the country,
Already tired of the frosts, they are enjoying spring,
Who jumps over the fire - so that he is healthy,
And who baked delicious pancakes for the whole village,
We wish everyone warmth and joy with all our hearts,
And we add all the pancakes and some tea!

There is a special hospitable holiday in Rus',
May Maslenitsa bestow love on everyone,
Will feed you to your fill with pancakes with butter, cheese,
So that we can live happily for the whole year,
Let's celebrate the arrival of spring with joyful dancing,
So that everything goes to our benefit and profit,
May it bring us only good health,
A fun and satisfying Maslenitsa feast!

Poems about Maslenitsa

Let Maslenitsa come to your home
He will come with a tasty pancake,
The sun will take over the room,
It will light a spark of happiness.

To everyone who is seeing off the winter,
This holiday foreshadows
That fun is just waiting for you,
That luck is just coming!

Pancakes with an alluring aroma
Guests are invited to a generous table.
Winter is rich in inventions,
But we are still waiting for the red spring.

Congratulations to everyone on Maslenitsa,
We wish you happiness with all our hearts.
Let the holiday inspire
And it doesn’t pass by!

Delicious pancakes to you,
With caviar, sour cream,
With honey and butter,
With a rosy finish!

A week of fun
Wide celebrations,
Spring awakening
Happy winter farewell!

Let the holiday be 7 days
Flying like a carousel
Bringing no frost to us,
And blowing a drop.

Let happiness smile
Doesn't leave your face
And she will be joyful

Congratulations on Maslenitsa,
Let's eat pancakes quickly
I wish you well, warmth,
May spring come quickly
We are spending winter today,
Its time has already passed,
Let's enjoy life.
Spring is coming! Hurray for spring!

Hey, go out to all the people
A glorious holiday is coming to us.
Let's have fun and dance,
Celebrate Maslenitsa together!

Let's bake more pancakes
Let's start a round dance.
Have fun, people, louder,
So spring will come faster.
May adversity and sorrow
Winter will take it with it.
Laughter and joy will settle in
In every home forever!

SMS with Maslenitsa

Today we are baking pancakes
Let's let Maslenitsa into the house.
Health to everyone and bright days
Without failures and bad news.

Let the ice melt in your soul,
And everyone will find happiness.
Fill your heart with joy, let
Maslenitsa will disperse sadness.

The “overeating” begins.
Let everyone have “luck”,
Meat, cheese, pancakes and butter -
Let's celebrate Maslenitsa in a great way.
Let's have a fun winter
Let's sing and dance.
The fire will burn the scarecrow,
Soon spring will come.
Health, happiness and laughter to everyone.
The fun begins!

I wish you to wake up in the morning,
Happy to smile at the sun;
Bake pancakes for the coming day,
And let the sour cream be thicker!

And let there be no tears and grief,
Let the joy and smiles of the sea;
Dress up for Maslenitsa,
Say goodbye to winter soon!

We celebrate Maslenitsa,
Always let the tables get crowded.
And since spring is just around the corner,
Looks like winter has come to an end

Let there be plenty of health,
Luck rushes like a locomotive,
May your circle of friends always grow,
Let the wealth come together.

Congratulations on the most Russian,
Happy most delicious holiday
And I wish you a lot of happiness.
Be gone, mischievous melancholy!

At this time someone is knocking on our door
The long-awaited spring.
We are saying goodbye to the evil winter,
We burn the scarecrow to the ground.

I wish you on Maslenitsa,
So that good comes to you,
To warmth and joy
It certainly brought it!

Cool wishes for Maslenitsa

Love has enveloped the frosts,
And the heart screams joyfully,
The sadness has disappeared, the tears have disappeared,
And Maslenitsa knocks on the house.
Pancakes with a fragrant aroma,
The youth will be captured in their clutches,
From Vladivostok to Kaliningrad,
You will find a Slavic holiday.
Dance, briskly and motorically,
To make your soul comfortable,
Health, happiness and goodness,
I wish it on my own behalf.

Happy Maslenitsa dears,
Happy holiday Slavs,
Daring brothers and sisters,
Let the countries walk.
Rest, mighty people,
Gain full strength
The clouds will disperse in the sky,
The sun is shining as always.
And the pancakes are already ready,
The oil on the tables is bubbling,
Happy holiday “brothers” and sisters,
God favors us.

We will put a scarecrow on the temple,
And let it burn with the fire of love,
We'll put more firewood for him,
This is how people in the country welcome spring.
Pancakes and butter are very tasty,
From young to old, everyone is happy,
There's no time to face sadness
On Maslenitsa, it is not a sin to rest.

The air will freeze, the fresh smell of oil,
The pancakes are ready - come on people,

Celebrate this holiday together every year.
Snowflakes are spinning, children are on sleighs,
Adults walk like little kids
Maslenitsa is cool, it’s so wonderful,
Time for unity, rejoice family.

Pink lips and pancakes on the cheeks,
Yes, more butter to make it fatter,
Girls are walking, boys are in shirts,
During Maslenitsa, everyone is closer to one another.
Mittens on your hands and down with earflaps,
The Russian is resting and his soul is singing,
Rejoice girls and go for a walk guys,
Maslenitsa will be sweet this year.

Short poems and congratulations on Maslenitsa

End of winter! Bake pancakes
Maslenitsa has come to our house!
Hurry, let happiness in the door,
May God protect the family from evil.

Maslenitsa has come to us,
So it will be spring soon!
On this holiday I wish everyone:
Warmth, love, kindness!

We all love Maslenitsa,
With her spring comes to us.
May good luck be with you,
Happiness and joy to all of you!

Everyone eats pancakes,
Congratulate each other
Happiness, peace and goodness,
Happy Maslenitsa to you!

WITH wide Maslenitsa Congratulations,
I wish you prosperity for your home with all my heart,
Let the mood not leave you,
And the anticipation of spring brings a smile!

I wish you generous tables,
Delicious pancakes,
Fun and dancing,
Beautiful moments.
May Maslenitsa bring
A supply of happiness for the whole year!

Congratulations in verse on Maslenitsa

I congratulate you on Maslenitsa!
I wish you well from the bottom of my heart,
God's Power, Faith, Grace,
Joy, family warmth!
May Spring be decorated only with success,
Each of your happy days,
To have more laughter in life
And kind smiles from friends!

Monday is the day for the meeting,
Everyone goes to visit friends.
And on Tuesday there are songs and dances.
The name of the day is to play.
On Wednesday - a table of treats
Bursting: eat, drink, Cossack!
And Thursday is the day of reconciliation...
“Mother-in-law’s day” is what it’s called.
Mother-in-law makes peace with daughter-in-law,
The mother-in-law shakes her son-in-law's hand.
The godfather forgot the disputes with the godfather,
Everyone invites you to visit.

Happy Maslenitsa!
Celebrate the holiday dashingly:
Together with good friends
Have fun, don't be bored!
Joyful, cheerful laughter,
Welcome the arrival of spring!
A noble, friendly feast,
With vodka - for pancakes!

Wide Maslenitsa - way to go!
We are celebrating spring with her,
We spend the winter to the threshold,
We've been missing the sun and warmth for a long time!
Do you like pancakes or not?
There are no differences on this day!
It's been like this since ancient times -
The whole wide world eats pancakes!

Folk festivals, laughter, fun,
Maslenitsa gives everyone pleasure,
This is a holiday for our belly,
We'll gorge ourselves on pancakes in a week.
Please accept my sincere congratulations,
We wish you good luck, joy, luck,
Let a bright star illuminate the path,
May the Lord protect you from troubles and evil.

Funny congratulations in prose on Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa. This ancient Slavic holiday is good - farewell to winter - with tables that are bursting with pancakes and other food and drink. These days the Slavic soul is wide open, people are walking with might and main. I wish that Maslenitsa goes like clockwork for you. Happy generous and cheerful Maslenitsa!

At the end of February the glorious season begins, joyful holiday Maslenitsa. We spend the whole week enjoying delicious pancakes. And they, with meat, and with caviar, and with cottage cheese, just melt in your mouth. And on Maslenitsa we say goodbye to winter and welcome the long-awaited spring. I congratulate you on your holiday. First of all, I wish you good health, great joys in life, warmth. May your good mood never leave you. Good luck, peace, prosperity and prosperity to you always. May there always be harmony in your family.

The long-awaited holiday has arrived - Maslenitsa. We all, as tasters, enjoy aromatic, tender, delicious pancakes. Each housewife has her own recipe. And every recipe is good. Let me congratulate you on the holiday and invite you to pancakes. Let the wonderful mood never leave you. Be cheerful and cheerful. Make jokes, chat with friends. May luck always knock on your door, may hope, faith and love never leave you. May the Lord protect you from troubles and evil. Peace to you, success and good luck in everything.

Maslenitsa has come to us. All people are happy about such a beautiful holiday. I’m not afraid to call this week a holiday for the belly. Because there is no way we can stop ourselves from trying the pancakes. I really want to congratulate you on the holiday, wish you a wonderful mood, good luck and happiness. May you meet only good and reliable friends on your life’s journey. Let the joyful laughter of children and grandchildren never leave your home. Good health, peace, all earthly blessings to you. Always be successful.

Maslenitsa is often called mother-in-law's holiday. After all, for a whole week, mothers-in-law try to bake fluffy, tasty pancakes in order to treat and please their sons-in-law. Every home is filled with such aromas that you simply cannot resist trying a pancake. Let me congratulate you on this beautiful holiday. I wish you great love, great happiness, prosperity and good luck. Let there always be bread on the table in your home. May your health be good, and may your youth please you for a long time. Be always loved and desired. Good luck.