Visual modeling in kindergarten. Visual modeling when working with preschoolers Visual modeling at work

Tatiana Lemeshenko
Modeling technology in educational process preschool educational institution

In modern conditions of rapidly changing life, a child is required not only to possess knowledge, but also to be able to obtain this knowledge himself and operate with it. One of the main tasks of modern pedagogy is the search for opportunities to use hidden reserves mental activity children, searching for ways of effective learning. And in the sphere education process learning must inevitably be more visual and dynamic. One of these ways, which intensively develops children’s cognition, can be modeling.

MODELING- visual and practical teaching method.

At the core modeling lies the principle of substitution - a real object can be replaced in children’s activities by another sign, object, image. It lies in the fact that a child’s thinking is developed using special schemes, models, which in a visual and accessible form reproduce the hidden properties and connections of a particular object.


subject ones, in which the design features, proportions, and interrelationships of parts of any objects are reproduced. It can be building models. Subject model- earth globe or aquarium, modeling ecosystem in miniature.

subject-schematic, in which essential features and connections are expressed using substitute objects and graphic signs. An example is this models – nature calendar, which is led by children, using special symbols to indicate phenomena in inanimate and living nature; various sequence of actions algorithms (sequence of washing, setting the table, etc.).

graphic models(graphs, diagrams, etc.) convey in general terms (conditional) signs, connections and relationships of phenomena. An example of this models there may be a weather calendar that children keep, using special symbols to indicate phenomena in inanimate and animate nature. Or a plan of a room, a doll corner, a route diagram (the path from home to kindergarten, labyrinths.



Substitution is a type modeling, in which some objects are replaced by other, real-conditional ones.

Conditional substituents can be symbols diverse nature:

1) geometric shapes or stripes;

2) symbolic images of objects(symbols, silhouettes, outlines, pictograms);

3) plans and symbols used in them;

4) contrasting frame - fragmentary storytelling technique and many others.

Initially, the ability to substitute is formed in children through play (a pebble becomes candy, sand becomes porridge for a doll, and he himself becomes a dad, a driver, an astronaut). In the first lessons, the number of substitutes should match the number of characters, then you can introduce extra circles or squares so that the child can choose the ones he needs.

It is better to start acting out with the help of substitutes with Russian folk tales, since there are stable stereotypes of familiar heroes (the fox is orange, the bear is big and brown, etc.) easily transferred to models.

At subsequent stages, children choose substitutes, without taking into account external signs object. In this case, they focus on the qualitative characteristics of the object (evil, kind, cowardly, etc.).


Pictogram – symbolic image, replacing words.

Pictograms are non-verbal means of communication and can be used in the following qualities:

1) as a means of temporary communication, when the child does not yet speak, but in the future can master auditory speech;

2) as a means of constant communication for a child who is unable to speak in the future;

3) as a means of facilitating the development of communication and speech;

4) as a preparatory stage for the development of writing and reading by children with developmental problems;

5) as a means of helping to express thoughts orally.

Pictograms "word schemes" help the child, focusing on the visual image, count how many and what sounds are in a word, where the sound is located (at the beginning, in the middle or at the end, sentence patterns - determine the number of words, develops interest in communication, improves speech-cognitive activity, masters the operations of analysis and synthesis.

mnemonic tables.

Mnemonic tables are diagrams that contain certain information.

The essence of the mnemonic diagram is next: for each word or small phrase a picture is created (image) : like this way, the entire text is sketched out schematically, looking at these diagrams - drawings, the child easily remembers the information. Everything drawn should be understandable to children. We can say that mnemonic diagrams are a means for memorization.

Mnemonic tables serve didactic material in work on the development of communications speeches:

– memorization of poems, riddles, proverbs, proverbs;

– retelling texts;

– compilation descriptive stories.


Actions with models needs to be done in the next sequences:

Preliminary familiarization with the real objects themselves;

Substitution, translation into sign-symbolic language (first models are offered ready-made, and then children come up with conditional substitutes on their own);

Construction models;

Work with model.


Method of administration models in process knowledge must take into account a number of circumstances:

1. The model simplifies the object, represents only its individual sides, individual connections. Hence, model cannot be the only method knowledge: it is used when it is necessary to reveal for children this or that essential content in an object. This means that the condition of introduction models in process cognition is a preliminary familiarization of children with the real objects, phenomena, and their external features.

2. Introduction models requires a certain level of mental formation activities: the ability to analyze and abstract the features of objects and phenomena; imaginative thinking , which allows you to replace objects; ability to establish connections. And although all these skills are formed in children in process of using models in cognitive activity, for introducing them, mastering them and models and using it for the purpose of further cognition requires a level of differentiated perception that is already quite high for a preschooler, imaginative thinking, coherent speech and rich vocabulary.

3.Usage models in order to understand the essential features of objects, it requires preliminary mastery by children models. At the same time, simple subject models are getting used to it, children quickly enough. More complex connections require more complex subject-schematic models and special techniques. In this case, children are first included in model creation process, which is linked to observation and analysis modeled phenomenon.

Techniques modeling are especially effective for preschoolers, since they have developed visual and effective thinking, memory is involuntary, and mental tasks are solved with the predominant role of external means, visual material is absorbed better than verbal. Visual method modeling helps the child visualize abstract concepts (sound, word, sentence, text) learn to work with them.


Modeling V mathematical development children.

a) Method modeling in mathematics it often appears in the form "numeric chains".

b) Widely used models when forming temporary submissions: model of parts of the day, weeks, years. For example, model parts of the day may consist of plot pictures reflecting human activity in different periods of the day.

c) Used for orientation in space model"room".

Model consists of a room layout and furniture items. First, the child examines the layout, remembers the location of the furniture, and then plays and tells where different objects and things are located.

G) Model"Number houses" And "Number Ladder" also used in work when forming mathematical representations.

Modeling in the development of coherent monologue speech.

a) With the use of supporting diagrams, training can be carried out in composing creative and descriptive stories, stories based on a plot picture.

b) Also, when using diagrams, you can learn to compose various sentences.

c) Memorizing poems, proverbs, sayings.

d) Retelling fairy tales and works of art.

e) When pronouncing pure phrases, you can use various symbols.

e) Creative fairy tale by silhouette images.

Modeling in environmental education of children.

a) Observing animals and plants, the teacher and the children examine the object, and on this basis, identify the signs and properties of living organisms. To build a plan for examining natural objects, you can use symbol cards.

b) You can use cards - models, reflecting general characteristics.

c) It is possible to highlight the functions of living things organisms: breathes, moves, and designate them schematically models.

d) Using pictures - models highlighted features can be identified (color, shape, number of parts, etc.)

d) Schemes - models can represent different habitats of living beings (ground, air, etc.).

e) Using pictures - models can indicate the living conditions and needs of living organisms.

Simulation in visual arts .

Modeling in this type of activity it is most manifested in the use technological maps . Such cards show the sequence and techniques of work when sculpting, drawing an object or plot. The sequence of work in them is shown using symbols.

Modeling in section"Acquaintance with the surrounding world".

Children get acquainted with objective world, its objects, are cognized the world, relationships in society through visual models, which contribute to their clear presentation (type, structure, form, purpose, etc.).

Using reference diagrams in our work, we teach children to obtain information, conduct research, make comparisons, draw up a clear internal plan for mental actions and speech statements; formulate and express judgments, draw conclusions, without fear of it. Analyzing the material and graphically designating it, the child (under adult supervision) learns independence, perseverance, visually perceives the plan of his actions. His sense of interest and responsibility increases, he becomes satisfied with the results of his work, and his mental processes like memory, attention, imagination, thinking, speech, which has a positive effect on performance pedagogical work.

However, it is important to remember that working with reference diagrams and symbols is only a small part of working with children; it does not replace direct communication between the teacher and the child. The main thing is always and remains live communication, facial expressions, gestures, emotions.

In our dynamic age, the flow of various information that a person receives from all sides has increased significantly. Accordingly, the processes of perceiving this information become more complicated and intensified. And in the field of education, the learning process inevitably had to become more visual and dynamic. One of the most effective ways teaching methods are modeling (real, mathematical, visual, symbolic, mental). Modeling excludes the formal transfer of knowledge - the study of an object or phenomenon occurs in the course of intensive practical and mental activity, developing thinking and Creative skills a person of any age.

The method of visual modeling (layout) develops spatial imagination, allowing you to perceive complex information and visually represent abstract concepts.

Visual modeling – reproducing the essential properties of the object under study, creating its substitute and working with it.

The best pedagogical communication is communication between the teacher and children, which promotes creativity educational activities. This is especially important in teaching children with severe speech impairments, when training sessions it is necessary to create the most favorable emotional climate. The speech therapist teacher is both a source of information and an organizer of both collective activity and interaction of children.

Currently, the requirements for the level of development of coherent speech of students at the time of admission to school have increased significantly, which requires teachers to search for new methodologically correct teaching technologies. In children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment speech of the third level, there is an unformation of coherent speech: violations of the composition and syntactic structure of the narrative, omission of semantic links, and in speech there is either an absence or errors in the construction of complex and complex sentences, which creates serious problems on the path of their development and learning. According to the diagnostic results, children with general speech underdevelopment have an insufficient level of formation of monologue and dialogic coherent speech.

When retelling, composing a story based on a series of plot pictures, a descriptive story and a creative story, the following disadvantages are noted:

  • repeated leading questions;
  • omissions of individual moments of an action or an entire fragment, even if the child conveys the content of a well-known text;
  • repeated violations of coherence of presentation;
  • coherent statements are too short.

Diagnostic data allows us to understand the propaedeutic significance of timely correction of disorders in the development of coherent speech.

Development various methods training in constructing a visual model of a coherent utterance allows for effective speech therapy correction of the coherent speech of children with third-level ODD. One of the ways to plan a coherent statement is the visual modeling method.

Correction of coherent monologue speech of preschool children with ODD using the visual modeling method will be effective if the following are introduced into the learning process:

  • a system of preparatory exercises aimed at consciously mastering the rules for organizing the composition of a statement;
  • special techniques for teaching children substitution actions;
  • various models, diagrams that convey the subject-semantic and logical organization of the text;
  • exercises to find various variable means of connecting sentences, which allows you to solve problems with mastering the rules of semantic and lexical-syntactic organization of text messages.

In the process of using the visual modeling method in correcting the speech of children with special needs, it is proposed to introduce the concept of a graphic method of depicting the action of various stories.

Symbols of various types can act as conditional substitutes (elements of the model):

  • geometric figures;
  • symbolic images of objects (symbols, silhouettes, contours, pictograms);
  • contrasting frame - fragmentary storytelling technique and many others.

At the initial stage of work, geometric shapes are used as substitute symbols, their shape and color resembling the object being replaced. For example, an orange triangle is a carrot, a brown oval is a dog, etc.

At subsequent stages, children choose substitutes without taking into account the external features of the object. In this case, they focus on the qualitative characteristics of the object (kind, sad, warm, wet, etc.).

The following are used as substitute symbols when modeling creative stories:

  • subject images, pictures;
  • silhouette images;
  • geometric figures.

Thus, a model consisting of various figures or objects becomes a plan for a coherent utterance of a child with ODD and ensures the consistency of his story. Retelling– the easiest type of monologue speech, adheres to the author’s composition of the work, it uses the author’s ready-made plot, speech forms and techniques. Retelling involves the ability to identify the main parts of the text heard, connect them with each other, and then compose a story in accordance with this scheme. A visual model acts as a story plan.

Work on developing the skill of retelling using the modeling method involves the formation of the following skills:

  • mastering the principle of replacing heroes or actions of a fairy tale or story with various objects or schematic images;
  • development of the ability to convey the plot of a story using substitute objects.

I recommend start learning visual modeling techniques with short Russian fairy tales: “Masha and the Bear”, “Three Bears”, “Squirrel and Wolf” L.N. Tolstoy, “The Jackdaw and the Jug”, “The Forest and the Mouse” by V. Bianchi, “Three Kittens” by V. Suteev.

So that children learn to tell data short tales, to depict part of a story or fairy tale, the speech therapist uses various substitute objects. For example, I tell the children the fairy tale “The Ryaba Hen,” and the children gradually introduce symbols - substitutes for the heroes of the fairy tale and the events taking place in the fairy tale.

At this stage, it is necessary to ensure that the manipulation of the model elements occurs in parallel with the reading of a specific fragment of the fairy tale, that is. Each fragment of the tale must be shown and put on the board during the reading process.

Elements of fairy tale modeling can be images of fairy tale characters, then they are replaced by substitute symbols (silhouette images or geometric figures). Gradually, children move from simply manipulating the elements of the model to composing a common fairy tale using a plan for retelling.

Besides, retelling can be done using graphic diagrams.

I read a story to the children and ask them to retell it. As a rule, children with ODD are limited to only naming characters. Then it is proposed to compose a story according to a graphic diagram - having the opportunity to look at a graphic diagram, the child composes a logical story much easier. The graphic diagram does not serve as a hint, but as a teaching tool.

For example: teaching retelling story "Squirrel".

It was summer. Masha and grandfather got up early and went to pick mushrooms. A narrow path led them into the forest. The girl approached a large tree. Suddenly something hit her on the head. Masha looks, and this is a white mushroom. The squirrel dropped it. She was sitting on a branch. The animal was small, red-haired with a large fluffy tail. The squirrel was preparing supplies for the winter. She was drying mushrooms on the branches.

Writing a story based on story picture - a much more difficult stage compared to retelling a finished text, but at the same time the child masters the skills of retelling. This type of development of coherent speech is very difficult for children with general speech underdevelopment and requires a certain approach to its implementation. When telling a story based on a plot picture, children must highlight the objects depicted in the picture, the main characters, highlight the main event basis of the story, the interaction of the various characters in the picture, note the features of the development of the action, draw up the exposition (beginning) of the story and the end of the story - the denouement, the conclusion of the story.

Correctional speech therapy training with the aim of developing the skill of telling a story based on a picture consists of 3 stages:

  1. highlighting fragments of the picture that are significant for the development of the plot;
  2. determining the relationship between them;
  3. combining fragments into a single plot.

To do this, you can use the “Logical Baby” and “Bring the Picture to Life” manuals. Based on these manuals, I have developed several sheets that help teach children with ODD how to compose a story based on a plot picture. An example of a modeling method is the proposed story based on a plot picture:


Today is Katya's birthday. For her birthday, Katya invited guests and set a large table. The guys gave Katya a doll and a beautiful cake. First, the guys played blind man's buff, and then sat down at the table. The children drank tea with sweets and cake.

The task presents a plot picture and schematic images of the most significant plot passages of the story.

A speech therapist can use both the entire plot picture and schematic images for teaching. This story was not presented by chance; the choice was due to the difficult perception of a plot picture depicting nature in children with ODD.

If children have sufficiently mastered the skill of a coherent story based on a plot picture, the speech therapist can introduce elements of “TRIZ” - the child is asked to come up with a different end to the story or continue it, include new characters in the story, change the actions in the plot of the story.

Descriptive story– characterized by the absence of temporal sequence, the relation of simultaneity.

When teaching preschool-aged children with ODD how to describe objects, the speech therapist must remember and solve the following main tasks:

  • develop in children the ability to identify essential features and main parts (details) of objects;
  • form generalized ideas about the rules for constructing a story describing an object;
  • teach children the language tools necessary to write a descriptive story.

To work on composing descriptive stories, you can use “Schemes for composing descriptive stories” by T.A. Tkachenko. I propose the following modified schemes for writing descriptive stories.

The basis of a descriptive story is made up of specific ideas accumulated in the process of studying the object of description. Substitute symbols become elements of the descriptive story model quality characteristics object:

  • belonging to a generic concept;
  • size;
  • color;
  • form;
  • constituent parts;
  • surface quality;
  • the material from which the object is made (for non-living objects).

An example of composing a descriptive story using a scheme is a modified scheme for describing and comparing vegetables and fruits.

Using this model, it is possible to create a description of an individual object belonging to a specific group. Experience shows that mastery of the comparative description technique occurs when children learn to freely use the description model individual items or phenomena. One child or subgroups of children make up a model for describing two or more objects according to plan. In this case, the description symbols are laid out by each subgroup in their own circle - a hoop. At the intersection of the circles, symbols are laid out that are common to both objects being compared. Outside the intersection zone, symbols characterize the differences between two objects. Children compare objects, first determining their similarities and then their differences.

A cow and a dog are domestic animals. The size of the cow is large, and the dog is small. A dog has a head, body, paws, tail, ears, nose, eyes; a cow has a head, body, paws, tail, ears, nose, eyes, hooves, horns and udders. The cow eats grass, and the dog eats meat and bones. A cow gives a person milk and meat, and a dog guards a person’s house. The cow lives in a barn, and the dog lives in a kennel.

Many speech therapists are familiar speech therapy tales , that is, stories that contain a large number of identical sounds (N.V. Nishcheva “We will speak correctly”, L.A. Borovskikh “I speak logically”). IN correction process a child can prepare a retelling based on a picture, or simply repeat the text after an adult. The main task of these fairy tales is to automate the delivered sounds in coherent speech or differentiate oppositional ones. To prevent the work from being too boring and formulaic for the child, in the process of preparing for the educational model it is useful to use diagrams or substitute objects.

The work plan for such a tale is as follows:

  1. a speech therapist reads a fairy tale to a child;
  2. together with the child, lays out a model of a fairy tale (a picture or consisting of substitute symbols, choosing them arbitrarily);
  3. the child answers the speech therapist’s questions about the content of the fairy tale;
  4. retells the fairy tale based on the model.

A story about differentiating the sounds “r-l”

Ant and dove

An ant came to the stream to drink. A wave came and nearly drowned him. The dove carried a branch; She saw the ant drowning and threw it a branch. The ant sat on a branch and escaped. Then the hunter laid out a net and wanted to catch the dove. The ant crawled up to the hunter and bit him on the leg. The hunter groaned and dropped his net. The dove fluttered and flew away. (According to L.N. Tolstoy)

Sample questions:

  • Where did the ant go at the beginning of the story?
  • What happened to the ant by the stream?
  • Who helped the ant escape from death?
  • What did the dove do to save the ant?
  • What happened to the dove?
  • How did the ant save her?
  • What other name can you come up with for a fairy tale?

A story with creative elements- these are stories invented by children with an independent choice of content (situations, actions, images), a logically constructed plot, expressed in an appropriate verbal form. These are invented stories that are the result of children's imagination, requiring the child to developed imagination, imaginative thinking, the ability to independently model a story outline. It must be remembered that a child is often afraid to come up with a story on his own, and here the method of creating a model comes to our aid.

I highlight the following scheme for teaching a child to compose a creative story:

  • the speech therapist suggests specific characters in the story, and the children come up with the events and actions taking place in the story on their own;
  • specific characters are replaced by silhouette images, which allows children to show creativity in the characterological design of the heroes of the story; the characters of the story are replaced by silhouette images (possibly made of black paper), which allows creativity in the description appearance heroes, their characters and the actions performed by these heroes;
  • children are asked to compose a fairy tale based on a model that includes geometric figures or schematic images of heroes; they need to choose the name of the fairy tale, for example: “The Adventures of an Elephant in the Wonderful City”;
  • Each child independently chooses the theme and characters of his story.

I propose the following original technique for teaching creative storytelling: using for this type of activity silhouette characters. Children are shown silhouettes of animals, birds, plants, which can be cut out of paper or cardboard. A speech therapist can give the beginning of a fairy tale: “Once upon a time, in a distant forest, and so on.” Children themselves compose the sequence of the plot, determine its beginning and end, and come up with characters and appearance for their heroes. At subsequent stages, the child independently chooses silhouettes for the model and composes a story on his own.

Practice shows good results in teaching coherent statements (retelling, composing a story based on plot pictures, composing a descriptive story, a story with creative elements) for children with speech impairments when using the visual modeling method.

How to develop a child's speech? How to make her expressive and competent?

These questions often worry parents of preschoolers, especially before their children enter school. The nature of a child’s speech is closely related to his general mental development. Usually, by the way a child speaks, one can judge how developed he is in general and whether he is ready for school. The importance should be emphasized joint activities parents with child. I conduct individual consultations for parents, show frontal exercises at parent meetings, I explain to parents how to properly work with their child at home, including showing how to use the modeling method when working on a retelling, composing a story based on a picture.

Gradually mastering all types of coherent utterances with the help of modeling, children learn to plan their speech. Mastering coherent speech requires the child to acquire the following skills:

  • highlighting the theme of the story or defining the object of description;
  • compliance with the sequence (structure) of the monologue.

The presented methods of work make it possible to increase the effectiveness of speech correction for preschoolers suffering from speech underdevelopment, but can also be used in working with children who do not have developmental disabilities, as a means of increasing interest in this type of activity.

  1. Vorobyova V.K. Methods for the development of coherent speech in children with systemic speech underdevelopment. – M.: AST, 2006.
  2. Glukhov V.P., Trukhanova Yu.A. Our children learn to compose and tell stories. – M.: ARKTI, 2002.
  3. Glukhov V.P., Trukhanova Yu.A. Our children are learning to write fairy tales. – M.: ARKTI, 2005.
  4. Glukhov V.P. Formation of coherent speech in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. – M.: ARKTI, 2002.
  5. Nishcheva N.V. Let's speak correctly. – St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2003.
  6. Tkachenko T.A. Schemes for preschoolers to compose descriptive and comparative stories. – M.: Gnom-Press, 2004.
  7. Tkachenko T.A. Pictures with a problematic plot for the development of thinking and speech in preschoolers. – Issues 1, 2. – M.: Gnom i D, 2001.
  8. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. Preparing children with general speech underdevelopment for school in a special kindergarten. – M.: MGZPI, 1993.
  9. Volodina V.S. Album on speech development. – M.: ROSMEN-Press, 2005.

Material provided, No. 2, 2008.

"Not only intellectual development of the child, but also the formation of his character, emotions of the individual as a whole is directly dependent on speech" “Not only the intellectual development of the child, but also the formation of his character, emotions of the individual as a whole is directly dependent on speech" L.S. Vygodsky . L.S.Vygodsky.

Explanatory note The annual “starting diagnostics” of children shows that even with an average level of knowledge, skills, abilities, children have certain difficulties in the development of attention, memory and especially speech. It is these components that are of particular importance in the transition to schooling. Preschool education is the first stage in the education system, therefore the main task of teachers working with preschoolers is to achieve high level development of the child’s integrative qualities, laying a “solid foundation” of knowledge and skills with which preschool educational institution graduates will cross the threshold of school and which will help them in successfully mastering school curriculum. This problem is solved by teachers throughout preschool childhood child. At the present stage of development preschool education There is an active search and implementation of new teaching methods and techniques in practical work with preschoolers that increase the efficiency of the educational process in preschool educational institutions. One of these tools is the visual modeling method. It is advisable to start teaching modeling in preschool age, since according to L.S. Vygodsky, V.A. Sokhin, O.S. Ushakova's preschool age is the period of the most intensive formation and development of personality.

The relevance of using visual modeling in the formation of higher mental functions in preschool children is that: firstly, higher mental functions are formed in the process of learning and interaction with adults, a preschool child is very plastic and easy to teach, but for most preschool children characterized by rapid fatigue and loss of interest in the activity, which can be easily overcome by increasing interest through the use of visual modeling; secondly, the use of symbolic analogy facilitates and speeds up the process of memorizing and assimilating material, and develops the skill of practical use of techniques for working with memory. After all, one of the rules for strengthening memory says: “When you teach, write down, draw diagrams, diagrams, draw graphs”; thirdly, using a graphic analogy, we activate children’s attention and thinking, teach children to see the main thing, systematize, analyze and synthesize the knowledge gained.


Novelty Preschoolers begin to master signs that are expressed in drawings. But the main thing for a child is not mastering external forms of substitution and modeling, which appear in the form of symbols, drawings or schematic drawings. The essence of the matter is that mastery of such external forms leads to the ability to use substitutes and models “in the mind”, to solve problems “inwardly”, that is, in the internal plane, which indicates a certain level of development of higher mental functions. In other words, by offering children visual diagrams, models, mnemonic diagrams, etc., the teacher gives the child a template, using which the child learns basic research.

Main objectives: to promote the formation of coherent speech in preschool children, as a way of developing social skills and habits necessary for interacting with people around them; to develop skills in the use of the simplest forms of symbolization, symbolic designation of objects when performing tasks for composing descriptive stories, riddles about a particular object, phenomenon; develop children’s skills, with the help of substitutes, to highlight the most important events and sequence of presentation; develop children’s skills to accurately, consistently, coherently and grammatically correct retell stories and fairy tales, based on models.

Principles: principles of scientific validity and practical applicability (the content of the work on introducing the modeling method corresponds to the basic principles of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy); principles of scientific validity and practical applicability (the content of the work on introducing the modeling method corresponds to the basic principles of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy); compliance with the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency (solving set goals and objectives only using necessary and sufficient material, as close as possible to a reasonable “minimum”); compliance with the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency (solving set goals and objectives only using necessary and sufficient material, as close as possible to a reasonable “minimum”); solving educational problems in the joint activities of adults and children and in the independent activities of children, not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during regime moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education; solving educational problems in the joint activities of adults and children and in the independent activities of children, not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during routine moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education; principles of humanization, differentiation and individualization, continuity and systematic education; principles of humanization, differentiation and individualization, continuity and systematic education; principle of dynamism (from the simplest to the most complex) principle of dynamism (from the simplest to the most complex)

STAGES OF WORK STAGES OF WORK Study of scientific literature that characterizes speech and creative development preschoolers. Implementation of a model for constructing a system of pedagogical work on this topic. Differentiation in the use of types of games through which targeted work with children will be carried out. Analysis of previous work, forms and methods of working with preschool children. Preparing the development environment taking into account age characteristics children.

Model for constructing the pedagogical process Directions for working with parents and teachers -parent meetings; -workshops; - consultations; -literary living rooms; - open classes with the participation of parents; - publications - consultations; - workshops; - Master Class; - open views direct educational activities with children with children Joint activities Independent activity- direct educational activities on the cognitive and speech development of preschool children (educational areas “Communication”; “Cognition”, “Reading fiction” in integration with educational areas"Socialization", " Artistic creativity"); - verbal and didactic games; - speech games; - game exercises with diagrams and models; -reading (perception) of fiction; - drawing up diagrams, mnemonic tables, etc. together with children. Children's games with models and visual diagrams, pictograms, children's drawing up of diagrams, mnemonic tables, etc.

Types of children's activities Communicative Communicative Play Play Reading (perception) of fiction Reading (perception) of fiction Cognitive-research Cognitive-research Productive Productive

STAGES OF CONNECTED SPEECH DEVELOPMENT IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN AGES 3-4 YEARS Use of simple and complex sentences in speech; finishing poetry; retelling texts with the help of a teacher AVERAGE AGE 4-5 YEARS retelling literary works; writing stories based on toys, paintings; making up riddles. SENIOR AGE 5-6 YEARS showing interest in independent composition; creating different types of creative stories

Symbolic images of objects (silhouettes, contours, symbols). Subject modeling - symbolic images of objects (silhouettes, contours, symbols). Assignment: come up with a story based on the model. The story can be detailed: give a description of objects and the appearance of people and animals, name the characters.

Using visual modeling in working with preschoolers A story based on a plot picture A story based on a plot picture The elements of the model are the corresponding pictures - fragments, silhouette images of significant objects in the picture. The schematic images are also plans for the stories of a series of paintings. The elements of the model are the corresponding pictures - fragments, silhouette images of significant objects in the picture. The schematic images are also plans for the stories of a series of paintings.

Using visual modeling in working with preschoolers LEARNING POEMS, SAYINGS, PROVERBS Sunshine So that the buds of birches and poplars open quickly, So that sticky leaves appear quickly, So that the grass is juicier, The blue is brighter than the sky, The sun is shining all around - Our hot good friend

Subject-schematic Exercises on recognizing characters from already familiar works in abstract figures Game “Hide fairy-tale characters in geometric shapes” Task: what fairy tales can these figures represent? (“The Three Little Pigs”, “The Three Bears”, “The Turnip”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”)

Using visual modeling in working with preschoolers Retelling Retelling Retelling is the simplest type of connected statement, it involves the ability to isolate the main parts of a heard text, connect them with each other, and then compose a story in accordance with the scheme. A visual model serves as a plan. Fairy tale "Turnip"

MNEMOSCHES FOR COMPLETING DESCRIPTIONS OF OBJECTS (vegetables, fruits, berries) The elements of the model are symbols - substitutes for the qualitative characteristics of the object: belonging; size; form; color; constituent parts; surface quality; the material from which the object is made (for inanimate objects); how it is used (benefits); Why do you like it? (I do not like)

Educational activities with preschoolers for the development of coherent speech using the modeling method (when working with a fairy tale) In working with children 2 junior group You should use picture-schematic plans that contain the sequence of statements. The diagram displays the detailed content of the text, with the help of which the child learns to compose descriptive stories and retell well-known fairy tales. Children younger age with the help of diagrams the following tales can be told: “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Ryaba the Hen”. Each child participates in the lesson, if he does not talk, then he reads the diagram, pronounces the lines, correlating them with the pictures. IN middle group for further work it is necessary: ​​to use simplified diagrams in the classroom to describe objects, descriptive stories, retelling fairy tales: “The Bunny’s Hut”, “The Teremok”, “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”. The presence of a visual plan makes children's stories clear, coherent and consistent. The following activities can be carried out with older children using diagrams: - telling the fairy tale “How the Duckling Got Lost”; - retelling of the fairy tales “Masha and the Bear”, “The Three Bears”, “The Fox and the Jug”; - inventing a fairy tale “Birthday hare”; - compiling a story from personal experience“How Santa Claus brought me a gift”

Expected results (by the end of training in Preparatory preschool educational institution to school group) Children have developed coherent speech, social skills and habits necessary for interacting with people around them; There are skills in using the simplest forms of symbolization, symbolic designation of objects when performing tasks for composing descriptive stories, riddles about a particular object, phenomenon; Children’s skills have been developed, with the help of substitutes, to highlight the most important events and the sequence of presentation; Children’s skills have been developed to accurately, consistently, coherently and grammatically correct retell stories and fairy tales, based on models.

Maria Ishnyazova
Visual modeling methods in kindergarten

Preschool age is an important period in a person’s life, when the foundations of a future personality are laid, the prerequisites for the physical, mental, and moral development of the child are formed. Children have to solve increasingly complex and varied problems that require the identification and use of connections and relationships between objects, phenomena, and actions.

It is known that a child who uses a variety of means of cognition easily adapts to changes in the environment, acts actively and adequately, and has ways of obtaining vital information.

For the development of a child as a subject of activity, it is important to provide him with the opportunity to independently find information that corresponds to the set goal, to learn and use mastered methods of action.

One of the effective means of ensuring the success of cognition is modeling(visual and practical teaching method) .

Modeling– this is the reproduction of the essential properties of the object being studied, the creation of its substitute and work with it.

Modeling helps the child visually imagine abstract concepts (sound, word, sentence, text, learn to work with them, since preschoolers solve mental problems with the predominant role of external means, visual The material is absorbed better than verbal.

visual models are the form of highlighting and designating relationships that is accessible to preschool children. And the use of substituents and visual models

The child encounters symbols quite early, models, schemes: signs in stores, transport, road signs, color design of services ( ambulance, fire service, traffic lights, car icons, etc. All this attracts the child, he quickly and easily remembers these symbols and understands their meaning. Therefore, the use of supporting diagrams will only help children highlight the main thing and find connections.

To activate the mental work of children, you can use various types models, adhering to a number of requirements for him:

Similarity models the subject of knowledge in signs familiar to the child;

Accessibility for cognition;

Dismemberment of object elements;


Actions with models carried out in the next sequences:

Substitution (first models are offered ready-made, and then children come up with conditional substitutes on their own);

Using ready-made models(starting from 3-4 years);

Construction models: according to conditions, according to one’s own plan, according to the real situation (from 5-6 years old).

Scientific research and practice confirm that exactly visual models are the form of highlighting and designating relationships that is accessible to preschool children. Scientists also note that the use of substituents and visual models develops mental capacity preschoolers.

Benefits of use visual modeling in working with preschoolers are: What:

A preschooler is very flexible and easy to teach, but children with speech impairments are characterized by rapid fatigue and loss of interest in activities, this method arouses interest and helps solve this problem;

The use of symbolic analogy facilitates and speeds up the process of memorizing and assimilating material, and forms techniques for working with memory. After all, one of the rules for strengthening memory reads: “When you teach, write down, draw diagrams, diagrams, graphs”;

Using a graphic analogy, we teach children to see the main thing and systematize the knowledge they have acquired.

Simulation method, developed by D. B. Elkonin, L. A. Wenger, N. A. Vetlugina, N. N. Poddyakov, is that the child’s thinking is developed using special schemes, models, which in visual and in a form accessible to him, they reproduce the hidden properties and connections of a particular object.

In didactics there are three types models:

The first type is subject model in the form of a physical structure, object or items, naturally related to each other. In this case the model is similar to the object, reproduces its main connections and design features.

The second type is subject-schematic model. Here, the essential components identified in the object of cognition and the connections between them are indicated using items-substitutes and graphic signs. Subject-schematic model shows connections in isolated and generalized form.

The third type is graphic models, which generally convey different types of relationships, are graphs, formulas, diagrams, etc.

Techniques visual modeling are:



mnemonic tables.

Substitution is a type modeling, in which some objects are replaced by other, real-conditional ones. It is convenient to use paper squares, circles, and ovals that differ in color and size as substitutes, since the substitution is based on some difference between the characters.

Conditional substituents can be symbols of various character:

geometric shapes or stripes;

symbolic images items(symbols, silhouettes, outlines, pictograms);

plans and symbols used in them;

contrasting frame - fragmentary storytelling technique and many others.

In front of you on the slide is the use of the substitution technique for the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Under the mushroom".

A pictogram is a symbolic image that replaces words.

Pictograms are non-verbal means of communication and can be used in the following qualities:

as a means of temporary communication, when the child does not yet speak, but in the future can master auditory speech;

as a means of constant communication for a child who is unable to speak in the future;

as a means of facilitating the development of communication, speech, cognitive functions;

as a preparatory stage for the development of writing and reading by children with developmental problems.

as a means of helping to express thoughts orally.

In front of you on the slide is the use of a pictogram for a fairy tale by V. Suteev "Under the mushroom".

Mnemonic tables are diagrams that contain certain information.

In front of you on the slide is a mnemonic table for Russian folk tale "Three Bears".

Scheme - models can be successfully used in the process of children mastering speech, in the formation of natural history knowledge, design, in visual arts, as well as in labor and play activity preschool children.

Figurative speech, rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions, in preschool children is a very rare phenomenon. There are many problems in children's speech.

Therefore, pedagogical influence on the development of speech in preschoolers is a very difficult matter. It is necessary to teach children to express their thoughts coherently, consistently, and grammatically correctly, and to talk about various events from the surrounding life.

Preschoolers with different speech disorders experience significant difficulties in mastering both the preschool education program and later the general education school curriculum. When working with children, the teacher has to look for aids, facilitating, systematizing and guiding the process of children’s assimilation of new material. In progress visual modeling, allows you to prevent rapid fatigue, create interest in classes, teach children to see the main thing, and systematize the knowledge gained.

Children very easily and quickly understand various kinds of schematic images and use them successfully. Thus, older preschoolers, even with a single explanation, can understand what the floor plan is, and, using the mark on the plan, find a hidden object in the room. They recognize schematic images items, using a diagram such as a geographic map to select the desired path in an extensive system of paths, etc.

Many types of knowledge that a child cannot learn on the basis of a verbal explanation from an adult or in the process of actions organized by adults with objects, he easily learns if this knowledge is given to him in the form of actions with models, reflecting the essential features of the phenomena being studied. Thus, in the process of forming mathematical concepts in preschoolers, it was found that it is extremely difficult to familiarize children with the relationship between the part and the whole. Children do not always understand verbal explanations, but with the help of a schematic image, children easily began to understand that any whole object can be divided and restored from parts.

In use many methods are based on visual models preschool education, for example, method teaching preschoolers literacy, developed by D. B. Elkonin and L. E. Zhurova, involves the construction and use visual model(scheme) sound composition of the word. The method used in various modifications both in teaching normally developing preschoolers and preschool children with speech impairments.

In the plot- role playing games, children model relationships between adults, perform game actions in accordance with the planned plot.

In order to develop in children from the very beginning early age various skills and abilities, in children's in gardens, algorithms for the processes of washing, dressing, setting tables, and caring for indoor plants, which makes it much easier for children to remember the sequence of actions performed.

Modeling in environmental education of preschool children ensures the successful acquisition by children of knowledge about the characteristics of natural objects, their structure, connections and relationships that exist between them

The structure of the labor process is a complex object and therefore complex model. In such models the general forward movement of the labor process should be presented (from idea to result, which is represented by five components:

1. Setting goals and motivating the work process.

2. Selection objects of labor.

3. Labor equipment.

4. Procedure for labor actions.

5. The result of labor.

If any component is missing, the result cannot be achieved.

The moment emerges even more clearly visual modeling in the nursery constructive activity. The structures created by children from building materials and various construction sets are three-dimensional item models and situations and are then used as such in the process of role-playing games.

However, it should be noted that in a variety of activities, children do not simply “symbolize” or designate objects and situations, but create them visual models, establishing relations between individual substituents that are adequate to the relations of the replaced objects.

Please note that the use models it is possible provided that preschoolers have developed the skills to analyze, compare, generalize, and abstract from unimportant features when learning a subject. Development models associated with active cognitive research activities.

Usage modeling how the means of developing a variety of knowledge and skills have a positive impact on the intellectual development of children, with the help of spatial and graphic models Orientation activities are improved relatively easily and quickly. Children learn to express their thoughts coherently, consistently, grammatically correctly, talk about the events of their surrounding lives, overcome timidity and shyness, and learn to behave freely in front of an audience.

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State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 55 of the Krasnogvardeisky district Technology of visual modeling (Symbolic activity) Educator Lebedeva I.A. 2012

Modeling is a visual and practical teaching method. The model is a generalized image of the essential properties of the modeled object (room plan, geographical map, globe, etc.)

In preschool education, different types of models are used: Subject models, in which the design features, proportions, and relationships of parts of any objects are reproduced. These could be building models. An object model is an earth globe or an aquarium that models an ecosystem in miniature.

Subject-schematic models. In them, essential features, connections and relationships are presented in the form of mock-up objects. An example would be various algorithms for the sequence of actions (sequence of washing, setting the table, etc.).

Graphic models (graphs, diagrams, etc.) convey in general (conditionally) the characteristics, connections and relationships of phenomena. An example of such a model would be a weather calendar kept by children using special symbols to indicate phenomena in inanimate and animate nature. Or a plan of a room, a doll's corner, a route diagram (the path from home to kindergarten)..

While using visual modeling techniques, children become familiar with graphically providing information - model. Symbols of various types can act as conditional substitutes (elements of the model): · geometric shapes; · symbolic images of objects (symbols, silhouettes, contours,); · plans and symbols used in them and many others.

Using visual modeling in our work, we teach children: · to obtain information, conduct research, make comparisons, draw up a clear internal plan for mental actions and speech statements; · formulate and express judgments, draw conclusions; · the use of visual modeling has a positive impact on the development of not only speech processes, but also non-speech ones: attention, memory, thinking.

Examples of using the visual modeling method

One two three four five. We go into the yard for a walk. They blinded the snow woman. The birds were fed crumbs. Then we rode down the hill. And then they rolled around in the snow. And then they came home, ate soup, and went to bed. Poem "Winter Walk"

Thank you for your attention

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