Small eyelash extensions. Fashionable eyelash extensions - Reviews, varieties, before and after photos

In cosmetic makeup, there are various methods to lengthen and thicken eyelashes.. More recently, professionals have created another important procedure - eyelash extensions. This is especially convenient for women who are busy all day at work, as well as for those who often travel on business trips or attend important receptions and negotiations. .

The beautiful radiance of an open look attracts girls every day to this procedure. Artificial eyelashes are elastic and elastic, strong and flexible, so they are hardy and can withstand strong winds, burning sun, and rain. They are not easily damaged, but sudden movements can easily damage them.

Pros of eyelash extensions:

  • changing the thickness, length and curvature of the hairs can give naturalness and highlight the individual advantages of the face;
  • lightning-fast desired result;
  • rain, snow and tears will not affect the mascara;
  • eyelash extensions make it possible to sleep longer because there is no need to dye your eyelashes;
  • such eyelashes have a long period of use;
  • The adhesive used for extensions is harmless and does not cause allergies;
  • wide assortment when choosing eyelashes;
  • affordable cost of the procedure;
  • you can give your eyes the desired shape;
  • you can save on buying cosmetics;
  • no need to frequently adjust makeup;
  • no need to use an eyelash curler;
  • the number of cilia increases, protecting the eyes from sunlight and dirt.

Cons of eyelash extensions:

  • risk of harm to health;
  • material costs for correction or removal of eyelashes;
  • worsening eye diseases, photophobia, allergies;
  • feeling of discomfort due to incorrectly selected materials or violation of procedure technology;
  • violation of usual hygiene procedures;
  • sleep only on your side or back;
  • prohibition on the use of moisturizing and nourishing creams;
  • inability to visit a bathhouse or sauna because hot air and steam spoil artificial hairs;
  • When swimming in a pool or sea, you must be careful not to get water in your face.

Types of eyelash extensions

Lakshmeisters name the popular types of eyelash extensions that many clients use:

  • Natural look preferred most often because it is suitable for daily wear and the lengthening of eyelashes is completely invisible.
  • Fox species It is more often chosen by narrow-faced girls because it creates a slanted eye shape.
  • Squirrel species preferred by young girls, it lifts the drooping corners of the eyes.
  • Doll look common and great for a holiday.
  • Sparse view Suitable for any age, after this procedure the eyes look dignified and bright.
  • Millennium– this look is simply necessary for fashion models and eccentric girls because it creates an unusually attractive and vibrant image.

Manufacturers produce eyelash extensions of various lengths. The correctly chosen length will emphasize the beauty of the eyes and will not weigh down the look. If the purpose of the procedure is to attend a celebration, then choose longer hairs, and on weekdays they wear eyelash extensions of medium length.

It is necessary to take into account that long artificial hairs highlight large facial features, and such eyelashes will not suit a thin and oval face.

You need to know that the expressiveness of the look also depends on the curvature of the eyelashes:

  • The C curve creates natural and flowing shapes.
  • Bend D gives approximately the same shapes.
  • The U bend is suitable for creating a doll-like look.
  • The L and L++ curves create an open eye shape.

A voluminous look can be achieved using hairs made from different materials different thickness and density:

  • Mink hairs They are distinguished by their lightness and subtlety. Professionals recommend using such hairs for owners of brittle and damaged eyelashes.
  • Silk eyelashes The quality is thick and fluffy, which gives natural volume to the eyelashes. Recommended to everyone without exception.
  • Sable hairs They are distinguished by the longest and fluffiest hairs, so they are difficult to wear and it is not recommended for those with weak eyelashes to have eyelash extensions.

Professionals use hairs with a diameter of 0.1 - 0.25 mm. A 0.1 mm hair is glued to natural thin and brittle hairs. A 0.15 mm hair is glued to create light volume, but light tinting is required to highlight the eye.

2 mm hairs will make the eyes expressive and create a slight heaviness on the eyelids. 0.25 mm hairs are not used often, but in special cases, for maximum highlighting. This extension makes the eyelids particularly heavy and contributes to the breakage of natural eyelashes.

Classic eyelashes. Photo

Classic extensions are mainly intended for daily wear. And it consists of gluing one hair on each eyelash. The length and volume of your own eyelashes increases.

Outwardly, no one will suspect their artificial nature. The eyes look very beautiful and attractive. They are suitable for fashionistas of any age, with any eye and face shape.

2D effect. Photo

With this effect, the hairdresser creates a special attachment: on each eyelash he glues 2 artificial hairs with a bend not in one direction, but slightly at an angle.

The offered voluminous mascaras will not be able to create such volume as such an effect. The look becomes especially attractive.

3D effect. Photo

If a client wants to extend eyelashes with a 3D effect, then the master sticks 3 hairs on each of her eyelashes, and he alternates them by length, color, and curve. This effect gives voluminous, thick and curled eyelashes that last for about 3 months.

Some people think that this effect makes the look unnatural and over-expressive, but girls do not take this effect as a drawback.

4D effect

The number itself indicates how many hairs the artist is extending. Here, 4 hairs from the finest material are glued onto one real eyelash.

The appearance is transformed, artificial eyelashes are imitated with the properties of natural eyelashes.

5D, 6D, 7D effect

5, 6, 7 hairs are extended per natural eyelash.

4D, 5D, 6D, 7D are not considered the main types of extensions; they are used when installing competitive programs. They demonstrate the skill of a laxmeister.

It is not advisable for ordinary clients to do them:

  • The difficulty of making such eyelashes and not every woman will be able to withstand such work time (5-6 hours).
  • Very It’s hard to hold the required number of hairs with tweezers so that they do not stick together into one, experts believe that this is impossible.
  • Lying in one position for a long time a decent price for the work is not justified by the result. The eyelashes stick together and such heavy volumes are simply difficult to wear.

Fox effect

Professionals use three hairs for this type of eyelash extension. different lengths. Apply eyelashes from the outer corner of the eyelid - the two largest hairs in length, and then the short ones.

Professionals advise using the fox effect on girls with almond or round eyes to make them look more elongated. The look takes on an expression of cunning, mystery and sensitivity. For narrow eyes, this effect is not recommended.

Natural effect

This effect is universal and popular. Eyelash extensions have 2 lengths (6 and 8 mm or 8 and 10 mm) and are glued alternately. As a result, the eyes become very expressive.

It can be used by ladies at any age. This type of extension looks the most natural, so many fashionistas choose this option.

Sparse effect

A curious effect. Different lengths of eyelashes are the basis of the method. Glue 1 long hair (can be colored) and 5-6 short hairs.

The result is impressive, the eyelashes look very thick.

Puppet effect

The hairs are the longest, of the same length (12-15 mm) and are glued to both eyelids and both corners of the eye. These eyelashes look captivating and seductive. Experts recommend wearing them to girls without complexes, girls involved in sports, actresses, to social events and special celebrations.

The effect is not recommended when creating makeup for older women, it will look strange. This effect is contraindicated for girls with round, small, almond-shaped eyes and drooping outer corners.

Squirrel effect

Eyelashes are selected in two lengths - very long and very short. Eyelashes are lengthened by first gluing short hairs, then the longest ones up to 15 mm from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner. The eye visually enlarges.

The squirrel effect is contraindicated for girls with distant eyes. Lovers of oriental makeup will be pleased with this effect.

Hollywood effect

In the mid-30s of the last century, actresses starring in silent films used eyelash extensions in Hollywood. This effect involves gluing 6-12 tufts on one eyelid.

For a more natural look, use fewer tufts; for a brighter look, use as many tufts as possible. This effect suits not only famous, but also ordinary girls.

Multicolor effect

With this effect, the imagination of the master and client works. Eyelashes are taken different colors and color schemes, different transitions are made. This is a festive effect, it is distinguished by originality and unusualness.

Suitable for fashionistas with original taste who love to experiment with color and create new image and those working in show business.

Colored eyelashes. Photo

The controversy surrounding colored eyelash extensions continues. Some people think that they look vulgar and tasteless, while others prefer to turn to professionals who can create a real masterpiece from colored hairs.

They are suitable for attending any event, but most of all - for special occasions, for example, a wedding. With such eyelash extensions, the image is quickly and easily refreshed and is not easily forgotten in the future. Girls with such eyelashes always manage to attract attention.

Eyelashes with rhinestones

Decorate eyelashes with acrylic and glass rhinestones. White, gold, blue and chameleon rhinestones are popular among fashionistas. Glass rhinestones shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.

Rhinestones are reliably glued to not very long, strong and elastic hairs. This effect can be used for celebrations and every day. Great for graduates and brides.

Features of extension

The eyelash extension procedure takes place in 3 main stages:

  1. Cleansing the skin of the eyelids and eyelashes from residual fat and cosmetics.
  2. Alternately gluing artificial hairs to natural eyelashes or to the eyelid using tweezers.
  3. Removing fixing material from eyelids and eyelashes.

How to do eyelash extensions in a salon

Step-by-step eyelash extensions in the salon by a hairdresser:

  1. the effect she wants to get is discussed with the client;
  2. the shape of the face is studied;
  3. eye landing;
  4. wash hands;
  5. a medical mask is put on;
  6. eyelashes and eyelids are degreased;
  7. sticking a hypoallergenic adhesive plaster on the lower eyelids so that they do not stick to the upper eyelashes;
  8. an eyelash or a tuft of eyelashes is taken with tweezers, the edge is dipped halfway into the adhesive;
  9. run an eyelash over a toothpick, removing excess glue;
  10. The eyelash on the eyelid is separated with a toothpick, an artificial one is applied, retreating 0.5 mm or 1 mm from the root of the eyelash, applied to the outer corner of the eye and pressed for a few seconds.

The time of the main procedures cannot be determined exactly, because it depends on the volume of natural eyelashes. Accordingly, it takes:

  • incomplete volume – 1 hour;
  • classic (full volume) – 2 hours;
  • double volume – 2.5 hours;
  • triple volume – 3 hours;
  • “Hollywood” – 3.5 hours.

The average time for an eyelash extension procedure varies from 2 to 3 hours.

The cost of execution in rubles is on average:

  • full expansion - from 1500 to 2500;
  • in one and a half volume - from 1800 to 3000;
  • in 2D volume – from 2000 to 3500;
  • in 3D volume – from 2200 to 3900;
  • lower eyelashes – from 900 to 1500;
  • at the corners of the eyes - from 1200 to 1700.

The price range for this procedure varies due to several reasons:

  • what is the image of the salon;
  • experience and professionalism of the master;
  • salon location;
  • what quality of materials are used for the work;
  • on the complexity and development of individual extensions.

How to properly extend eyelashes at home

For home extensions you should buy:

  • package with false eyelashes;
  • packaging of cotton pads or swabs;
  • high quality glue and tweezers;
  • cardboard or plastic plate;
  • any oil.

Preparation for the procedure:

  1. moisten the disc in oil in advance;
  2. carry out makeup removal;
  3. degrease the skin around the eyes and eyelashes with soap or a special product;
  4. put the hair in a bun, pin up the bangs;
  5. Mark the places for gluing artificial eyelashes with dots using a cosmetic pencil.

Step-by-step description of the procedure

The procedure goes like this:

  1. open the package and select the eyelashes that are needed;
  2. glue is applied to the plate in a small amount;
  3. use tweezers to pick up one or a bunch of hairs, lower them into the glue and stick to the outer edge of the eyelid, the amount of glue should be minimal;
  4. bring the clamped eyelash with tweezers to the intended gluing point;
  5. with the other hand, carefully press the artificial hair or bundle to the natural eyelashes;
  6. hold for a few seconds;
  7. then the rest are increased symmetrically;
  8. The same procedure is carried out with the second eye.

How to care for eyelash extensions

They advise:

  1. purchase and use a special brush for eyelashes; they must be constantly combed;
  2. they remove makeup very carefully so as not to rub or break eyelashes;
  3. remove water from the face using a dry towel using wetting movements;
  4. do not touch your eyes, avoid putting your face in the pillow while sleeping, reduce the time you take water procedures;
  5. you cannot use an oil base for makeup, it spoils the glue and the eyelash extensions fall off prematurely;
  6. you need to give up eye cream;
  7. Do not curl eyelashes using mechanical or thermal means.

How to wash your face properly. Is it possible to wet

Washing your face with eyelash extensions is quite inconvenient, because you need to wash your face very carefully so as not to damage them. You need to use products that do not contain oil. These are light gels and special foams.

After the procedure, the master himself will give advice on what specific products the client can use to care for eyelash extensions. You can choose yourself light cream liquid consistency. This cream will not soften the glue and will not spoil the quality of the eyelashes.

Washing algorithm:

  1. moisten the entire face with water at room temperature;
  2. apply foam, avoiding it coming into contact with the eyes;
  3. remove cosmetic makeup with micellar water using a cotton swab, wiping strictly from the inner corner to the end of the eyelid without touching the artificial hairs;
  4. Use the pad of your index finger to wash your eyelashes in the direction of their growth;
  5. Carefully remove water from the face and eyes with a soft towel using a blotting motion;
  6. After natural drying, the eyelashes are combed with a brush.

How to comb your eyelashes

The combing procedure is carried out at least 4 times a day, using a special brush with soft bristles. It is better to comb your hair after washing your face, because it is more manageable and will take on the same appearance as you comb it.

You need to comb your eyelashes as follows:

  1. place a finger under the eyelash extensions;
  2. Each eyelash is combed from root to tip;
  3. Incorrectly curled eyelashes are corrected.

Do not comb wet eyelashes or press too hard on them., because they will break and even come off.

How to apply and remove makeup. Is it possible to paint with mascara?

When applying eyelash extensions, both makeup is applied and removed using certain cosmetics. And for both procedures, the main thing is to find a product that does not contain oil. The choice is not small.

Applying makeup to the face:

  1. First, cosmetics are carefully removed so as not to touch the hairs;
  2. apply the liquid foundation to the eyelids without touching the eyelashes;
  3. carefully apply dry shadows;
  4. eyeliner is drawn without touching artificial eyelashes;
  5. eyelashes are powdered to increase volume, mascara is applied to the tips of the eyelashes;
  6. after the mascara has dried, comb the eyelashes;
  7. cream or serum is applied to the face without touching the eyelashes;
  8. careful facial correction is carried out using cosmetics.

To remove makeup, certain rules are also followed:

  • wet sponges are harmless, people prefer to use them;
  • makeup is removed without pressing or rubbing along the eyelashes;
  • make-up remover is done quickly and easily with micellar water;
  • at the end, wash with warm water and wet your face with a towel.

You can dye your eyelash extensions, but you need to buy oil-free and waterproof mascara so that you can easily remove it later. You can choose different colors of mascara: black, blue, brown, and purple. You need to dye your eyelash extensions without pulling them too hard or bending them.

How to wash your hair

After growing eyelashes, you must follow the rules of washing your hair. In order not to damage the artificial hairs, you must first prepare detergents: shampoos, balms, and a towel.

They wash their hair as they washed it before, but be sure to tilt it back.

Do not let long hair fall over your face while washing your hair, as it is heavy and can break your eyelashes. They wipe their head with a towel so that they do not touch the eyes with eyelash extensions.

How to sleep

During sleep, they adopt postures that are difficult to control during sleep. But with such eyelashes, you need to develop the habit of not sleeping on your stomach, but sleeping only on your back and side.

At the same time, be careful not to break the eyelashes on the corners of the eyes in the side position, and on the stomach you can leave them on the pillow.

What not to do

You need to follow a number of rules and not do the following:

  • sleep on your stomach because you can break your eyelashes if you bury your head in a pillow;
  • touch your eyes, due to such actions, artificial eyelashes can be damaged;
  • wash your face fatty products , since they dissolve the glue;
  • use waterproof mascara, they are difficult to wash off and lead to the loss of natural eyelashes and worsen appearance extended;
  • use curling pliers, because you can burn and damage your eyelashes;
  • use acidic substances, which dissolve the glue.

Is it possible to go to the solarium?

Girls love to visit the solarium, so you need to know that a rare visit to the solarium will not harm your eyelash extensions. You can visit the solarium 2 times a week.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse?

It is not prohibited to visit the bathhouse; the temperature should not be higher than 85ᵒ-90ᵒ.

Is it possible to go to the sea

Sea water is proven to destroy eyelash extensions, but swimming in the sea is not prohibited. After sea water, clean the eyelashes with filtered water and dry in a natural way or cold air from a hairdryer.

Eyelash fixer and brush

After the extension procedure, the beauty of the resulting effect lasts for some time. To preserve beauty for a long time, fixatives have been created that are sold complete with a brush. They improve the beauty of eyelashes, natural hairs are restored, their strength, firmness and elasticity.

Fixers are applied 2 weeks after the extension procedure, and then every day - to make it attractive and create a well-groomed appearance, cover all hairs. Thus, each eyelash receives the amount of the required drug.

The gel is used after every wash because it is washed off with water. Many brands offer protective gels: “Lovely”, “Vivienne Longer Extension Coating”, “Thuya”, “I-Beauty” - unique products with a protective function that fix, envelop and protect eyelashes from the influence of the external environment.

How long do eyelashes last? How the correction is done

Eyelash extensions last 2-3 months. The time for correction depends on the growth of eyelashes and their partial loss. Correction is carried out in two ways: ciliary and beam. New hairs are glued to the real ones as soon as they grow.

The first correction is carried out after 30 days, if there was an eyelash extension method, and if there was a beam method, then after 2-3 weeks. After three or four corrections, the eyelashes are completely removed. Then they take a break of 1 to 2 months.

When correcting:

  1. comb eyelashes, identify weak eyelashes;
  2. treat each eyelash or tuft with a dissolving cream and degrease;
  3. eliminate all artificial hairs on heavily grown eyelashes;
  4. glue a new artificial material in place of the free natural eyelashes, a distance of 1 mm from the roots.

Eyelash extensions have no restrictions. Fashionistas can carry out this procedure as many times as they want.

What to do if they fall out

Natural eyelashes fall out due to the laws of nature, and not because eyelash extensions were applied. They fall out for every person. The natural eyelash fell out along with the artificial one because they were glued to each other. But eyelash extensions can also fall out due to self-sticking.

To preserve eyelashes you need:

  • comply with the conditions for caring for artificial eyelashes;
  • use special mascara;
  • carry out makeup removal with a special product;
  • Protect eyelashes from overheating by dry, hot or humid air flow.

How to remove eyelash extensions yourself

Remover is a gentle and delicate product. It can be used by girls with sensitive skin. Remover is a gel, lotion, liquid, paste, cream.

Removal of eyelash extensions occurs according to the following rules:

  1. cleanse eyelids and moisturize;
  2. The lower eyelid is sealed with special tape;
  3. Apply 3 layers of debonder using a cotton swab to the entire eyelid;
  4. wait a little and remove the hairs;
  5. the debonder is removed with a wet cotton pad;
  6. Clean the eye area with a non-alcohol degreasing agent.

The method of removing eyelash extensions with castor oil is effective and useful, but it takes more time, all night. But in the morning they are easily removed from the eyelids. Using castor oil, girls accelerate the growth of their own eyelashes, lengthen and make them thicker. Castor oil included in eyelash care products.

Is it harmful to have eyelash extensions?

Eyelash extensions do not cause any particular harm, but sometimes your own eyelashes deteriorate, they break off under the weight of artificial ones, the bulbs of natural eyelashes are damaged, and the eyelash gluing agent can ruin the structure of the hairs. Doctors and cosmetologists come to different conclusions, but everyone agrees on one opinion - each girl decides for herself what to do.

Contraindications and consequences

Medicine has no contraindications against the procedure, unless you are allergic to the glue and the material from which the artificial hairs are made. There may be individual aversion to such materials and products, but basically anyone can get eyelash extensions.


  • for thin and brittle natural eyelashes;
  • sensitive eye skin;
  • people prone to allergies;
  • medical contraindications.

In the first case, there is a risk that they will have a short wearing period due to the fact that they will not hold tightly. It will be difficult to see eyelashes, the look will be bald, expressionless, and since an eyelash grows on average in 210 days, it will be difficult to recover.

If you have sensitive skin, your eyes may become red, itchy, or appear painful sensations in the eye area. This phenomenon will always happen, so the procedure is contraindicated. The skin should be completely healthy.

There is a possibility of damaging your eyesight, losing your eyelash bulbs altogether, and they won’t grow back. Before doing extensions, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to the material or glue.

Medical workers, in turn, It is prohibited to do extensions for conjunctivitis, blepharitis. The glue will have a negative effect on the disease, it can progress. The time of contraindication depends on the fact of recovery. First you need to cure the disease, and then you can do this procedure, but only with the permission of the doctor.

Is it possible for pregnant women

During the first 3 months of pregnancy, extensions cannot be done because the baby undergoes important life processes in the womb. This procedure may cause pathology or loss of the baby, but after 12 weeks this procedure can be done.

Gynecologists do not recommend getting eyelash extensions during pregnancy.

Gynecologists prohibit eyelash extensions even at 9 months. Swelling may appear on the face, arms and legs, and blood pressure often increases. The eyelids may become irritated and inflamed. The procedure requires a horizontal position for 2 hours, which is difficult for a pregnant woman to withstand.

Any physical or emotional stress on last month pregnancy can cause premature labor.

The extension procedure for pregnant women allows you not to use cosmetics, but at the same time look well-groomed. There are materials that do not contain toxic substances, they do not enter the bloodstream and will not harm the fetus. All risks can be eliminated by knowing the composition of the materials and the consequences. Masters must warn you about pregnancy.

If the expectant mother is feeling well, the specialist offers the best option for extensions - piece by piece. It holds firmly and lasts longer.

Professionals lift the eyelids in the corners of the eyes, using innovative technologies 2D and 3D, increasing the volume of eyelashes and creating expressiveness of the client’s image. Bundle eyelash extensions can be used by healthy girls in the first 3 months and last 3 months of pregnancy.

A negative phenomenon with this method is a significantly shorter service life of bundle eyelashes, which leads to a defect.

Is it possible to build up during menstruation?

Professionals do not undertake extensions during menstruation, because in most cases the hormonal surge prevents a high-quality procedure from being carried out. The eyelashes may fall off immediately.

If there are lenses

Experienced hairdressers will not recommend resorting to eyelash extensions if the client wears lenses because they constantly need to be taken off and put on. In this case, the eyelashes may become damaged and inflammation of the eyes may begin. But this does not stop many girls. On the advice of the specialist, after eyelash extensions they strictly follow the rules of eyelash care.

Lenses are removed before extension and removal procedures to prevent glue and vapors from getting on the lenses. When removing the lens, very carefully hold the eyelash extensions. Maintain hygiene and neatness.

Allergy to glue

The appearance of allergies depends on the immune system of each girl, how her body perceives cosmetic procedure. And he can reject chemicals, and allergy symptoms appear.

Glue for extensions is used transparent and black. It is clear that It's better to use transparent. Because it's dye-free. The material from which the hairs themselves are made is not toxic at all, and allergies due to its use are extremely rare.

Whether or not to extend eyelashes is the choice of every girl. Before getting eyelash extensions done, they should think about whether it is worth doing it or not, and not be ashamed of their inexperience in this matter. You should definitely take into account the advice of professional cosmetologists!

Eyelash extensions: video

Master class on eyelash extensions in a video clip:

How to remove eyelash extensions? Find out in the video:

The eyes are what many people first pay attention to. They are the ones who influence the formation of the first impression of a person. Bright and expressive eyes, especially for girls, can become their calling card. That is why it is so important to devote time to them and focus on them in everyday and evening looks.

There are many ways to highlight this part. You can do bright and extravagant makeup. Many girls turn to cosmetologists for help to perform permanent makeup. Eyelash extensions are gaining momentum.

Eyelash extensions allow you to create the most natural, but at the same time expressive look, creating the effect of well-groomed eyelashes. The eyelashes are as separated, curled, long and voluminous as possible. The effect of the procedure can last more than several weeks. During this time, you can completely forget about eye makeup and use decorative cosmetics, since it simply becomes unnecessary and is significantly inferior in its properties. This procedure is an excellent alternative to the daily use of mascara. It is worth examining it in more detail.

Description of the procedure

There are many eyelash extension technologies. But they are quite similar to each other.

Artificial material is glued onto natural eyelashes. Usually special threads are used, which are made from high quality polyester. They completely replicate natural hairs and look very natural and natural.

These threads can be glued either independently or in several pieces. Many masters form volumetric bundles from several units of artificial material. This technique is called volumetric extensions. It allows you to create the most expressive look and very thick eyelashes.

The artificial material is attached to the natural base using special glue. It is made on the basis of hypoallergenic resin. This resin is absolutely colorless and odorless. It holds eyelashes for a long time. That is why their service life can exceed a whole month.

Extensions are a very painstaking process, as the master carefully works on every natural hair. It is very important to prevent the base from sticking with artificial threads.

With the help of extensions, you can not only give expressiveness to your look, but also correct some imperfections and the shape of your eyes. There are a large number of effects, threads of different parameters, which allows every girl to get the eyelashes of her dreams.

Colored eyelash extensions are quite popular. It looks fresh and very unusual. This procedure is worth considering.

Occasions for using colored eyelashes

Colored eyelash extensions have always caused a lot of controversy and doubt. Many people think that they look too provocative and tasteless. But with the professionalism of the master and making the right choice colors and techniques, you can turn colored eyelash extensions into a real work of art.

They are ideal for any style and event. Of course, it is better to use brightly colored eyelash extensions only for special occasions.

Among such cases we can highlight a wedding. With the help of such tools you can easily refresh your image, complement it and make it simply unforgettable. Girls with colored eyelashes that match their outfit and accessories are always the object of increased attention.

For the upcoming party, you can choose something brighter, combine colors, thickness, bend and length of threads. Such events are an excellent opportunity to conduct interesting experiments with your appearance.

Well, social events are an equally important occasion for colored eyelash extensions. Such threads will look most advantageous in photographs or videos.

Colors and rules for their selection

There are many colors of eyelash extensions. Each of them should be selected taking into account the type of appearance of the girl and her personal wishes. It is worth considering the main colors of threads, their features and selection rules.

Brown threads

The first and most common type is brown threads. They will be just a great alternative to regular black ones. Such threads look as natural and natural as possible. They are a great option for girls with blond or red hair.

Brown eyelashes will emphasize the beauty and depth of green and brown eyes, making the look more expressive and attractive.

Tips to help you choose the right eyelash extension color for your color type:

Blue or purple threads

The second, brighter option is blue or purple threads. They are very popular among girls who love experiments. You can vary the number and length of such eyelashes, combine them with black or brown. So, you can create both everyday and more formal images.

These materials, when used correctly, do not look provocative. They go perfectly with brown eyes. But for gray and gray-blue they are not recommended. Bright eyelashes can make such eyes less insightful and expressive.

Green threads

The next option is green threads. He is an absolute favorite of red-haired girls or those with brown eyes. The emerald color of such eyelashes can add greater sensuality and mystery to the image, highlighting the beauty and characteristics of the girl.

There are many shades of green threads. For everyday life it is better to use darker and muted ones. They often blend in with the eye color, making them appear brighter. Light green tones are best left for special events.

Yellow or hot pink threads

Yellow or bright pink threads are rarely used by girls in everyday life. They become an ideal solution only for special events, as they are very catchy and bright.

Red threads

Many craftsmen also have red threads in their arsenal. But they are rarely recommended for use. Red eyes can make them look more tired and puffy. That is why you need to be as careful as possible with it.

Techniques for extension of colored threads

There are many techniques for colored eyelash extensions. They are capable of creating effects that are radically different from each other. Among the main techniques are the following:

  • Bright threads are located only in the outer corners of the eyes. The main part is made up of brown or black materials. This technique allows you to create a natural, but at the same time bright image, highlight the shade of the eyes, give them greater depth and expressiveness.

  • Materials bright colors distributed evenly throughout the entire eyelash growth, combined with black or brown threads. This method is quite universal. By controlling the thickness and number of colored elements, you can create more or less extravagant images.

  • Using colored eyelashes throughout the eyelid and a gradient from the outer to the inner corner. It looks truly unusual and amazing. This technique is unlikely to be suitable for everyday life. But using it for parties and bright festivals will be very advantageous.

  • Alternating bundles of black and colored materials. This technique, like the previous one, is very bright and unusual.


But eyelash extensions also have some contraindications. This procedure can also lead to negative consequences. Eyelash extensions are not recommended for girls with:

  • Various eye diseases. The use of synthetic materials can only aggravate the situation and cause complications.
  • Inflammatory processes. As in the previous case, the procedure can only complicate the symptoms. You should not resort to it even if you have stye on your eye.

Those girls who wear contact lenses should be especially attentive to extensions. Wearing them is not a categorical contraindication to the procedure. But you should follow a few basic rules.

Be sure to remove your lenses before performing the procedure. The adhesive, which is synthetic and contains resin, may get into the eyes in small quantities during extensions. But even this is enough to damage the integrity of contact lenses and cause them to become slightly cloudy. Such an incident will not affect your vision in any way, but the lenses can easily deteriorate.

Try not to put the lenses back on until the glue has completely dried. As mentioned above, the glue contains resin. It takes quite a long time to dry, it will take about a day. In order not to spoil the result and keep your eyelashes in good condition, follow this rule.

In the future, try to have minimal impact on the eyelashes. Be more careful when putting on your lenses. Try to limit contact of lens solution with eyelashes. Choose the most mild and gentle products. Thus, you can extend the life of eyelash extensions, increasing it by at least several calendar weeks.

Care instructions

Artificial material must be properly and carefully cared for. This will help extend its service life and keep the eyelashes in their original condition for as long as possible. Experts recommend:

  • Do not wet your eyes until the glue has completely dried. As mentioned above, this cycle can last about 24 hours. Limit exposure of artificial material to water and other products.
  • For several days after the procedure, try not to visit saunas and public baths. Firstly, the highest possible temperatures greatly reduce the wear life of threads. Secondly, such places can lead to the formation of many eye diseases due to the large accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Limit mechanical impact on artificial material. Do not rub it with your hands, do not tear out your eyelashes yourself. This negatively affects the condition of the natural base. Your own eyelashes may become thinner and sparse. This way we can answer the question of whether extensions harm natural eyelashes. The procedure itself does not have a negative impact. Only improper care and failure to follow basic rules can have a bad effect on eyelashes.
  • Rinse your eyelashes thoroughly. When washing, treat your eyes as well. This is simply necessary to remove particles of dust and dirt. Otherwise, they will accumulate at the roots. It looks unsightly and is unhygienic.
  • Avoid using those decorative means or care products that contain synthetic or natural oils. They literally destroy the connection between the natural base and the artificial material and remove the glue from them.
  • Don't sleep with your face on the pillow. Choose another position that is comfortable for you. It can maintain the beautiful bend of the threads and their shape.

Eyelash extensions are a popular procedure that allows you to flaunt long and thick eyelashes around the clock for 3 weeks without making any effort. I once wore eyelash extensions for 2 years in a row, but that was before the blog appeared, so I’m writing about extensions only now, when I decided to repeat this experience. I had 3D extensions done, but I used to wear other types, which I will tell you about in detail.

Who is suitable for eyelash extensions?

This is a great option for busy people with busy schedules and a fast pace of life. If you don’t have time to put on your beauty in the morning and wash it off in the evenings, then spend only 1-2 hours on extensions and for 3 weeks you can forget about mascara, coloring and curling.

Also, extensions are a good option for girls who have already started a family and do not want to scare their beloved husbands with the “panda” that we all turn into when trying to wash off mascara in the evening, especially waterproof ones.

Types of eyelash extensions

There are many of them: by materials used, by volume, by bending, by shape.

  • Partial – not all eyelashes are extended, but only some of them. For example, the outer corners, or just selective eyelashes to create the effect of “radiant eyes” while maintaining naturalness.
  • Classic – one false eyelash for each natural eyelash. All eyelashes are extended.
  • 2D volume – 2 false eyelashes for each natural eyelash.
  • 3D volume – bundles of 3 thin false eyelashes are formed and glued to each natural one.
  • “royal volume” 4-12D – respectively, bundles are formed from 4 or more ultra-thin eyelashes and glued to each natural one.

By bend:

The curl is selected individually depending on the shape of natural eyelashes, appearance characteristics and the desired effect. With the help of a properly selected curl of eyelash extensions, you can visually correct drooping outer corners of the eyes, drooping eyelids, straight eyelashes and much more.

Also, the correct selection of bending is important for the durability of the extension. Artificial eyelashes must fit tightly to natural ones in the gluing zone, and for this they must have the same bend in this zone.

By form:

  • The natural effect is a smooth transition from short eyelashes at the inner corner of the eye to longer ones at the outer corner. The length is not too long so that the extension looks natural. Suitable for everyone.
  • Doll effect - all eyelashes are made the same length, like a doll's. Suitable for young girls with a “doll” appearance.
  • Fox effect - the lashes at the outer corners are much longer than the rest. This extension makes the eye elongated, like a straight arrow. Suitable for those with close-set eyes and raised outer corners.
  • Squirrel effect - long eyelashes are built up not at the very edge of the outer corner, but a little closer to the middle of the eye (about a quarter of the row of eyelashes). This is suitable for those who have far-set eyes and drooping outer corners of the eyes. Visually, this type of extension creates the effect of a raised arrow.
  • “Rays” or sparse effect - short and longer eyelashes alternate. Ideal if you have a sagging upper eyelid or a tired look. This extension refreshes the face and makes the eyes “radiant”.

These forms can be combined, and a good specialist selects the type of extension individually for each client - according to the shape of the eyes, hair color, and of course, taking into account the taste of the client himself.

Based on extension materials- there are a great many of them. From rather thick plastic eyelashes to ultra-thin ones used in “royal volume”. The color can be almost any, the most popular, of course, are black and dark brown, but there are also bright colors. Extensions with bright colors are rarely done completely; most often, several colored eyelashes “dilute” a number of regular, black or brown ones. Often the extensions are complemented with thin feathers and rhinestones, for example, in a wedding look.

I had extensions done with a squirrel effect, since my eyes are set quite far away and the outer corners are slightly drooping. 3D volume, dark brown color to match red hair.

How to do eyelash extensions

I had 3D extensions done, it happened at the eyelash extension championship (I can brag right away, we took first place!).

  1. A special patch is applied to the lower eyelid, which should cover the lower eyelashes and prevent them from sticking to the upper ones during the extension process. Such patches come in different types - hydrogel, fabric, paper.
  2. We close our eyes. The master degreases the upper eyelashes with a special product so that the glue sticks better.
  3. Using tweezers, the specialist selects one natural eyelash so that it does not come into contact with others.
  4. Now the master takes 3 artificial eyelashes, forms a bunch of them, dips its base in glue and places the bunch on a natural eyelash as close to its root as possible, but without touching the skin. The curve of the beam and the natural eyelash must match.
  5. The next eyelash is chosen not next to the previous one, but in a different place, so that the previous one has time to dry and there are no gluings.
  6. When extending the lower row of eyelashes (after all, they grow in more than one row), strips of adhesives are applied to the upper eyelids so as to slightly pull the skin and lift the eyelid, but not open it. The master moves these patches to different parts of the eyelids (center, inner and outer corners) in order to thoroughly work on all areas without causing discomfort to the client.
  7. The last stage is checking your work. The specialist looks through the eyelash extensions, separates the glues, checks the area where the eyelids close so that the lower eyelashes are not glued to the upper ones and the eyes can be opened. For a few more minutes, the eyelashes dry out (the glue vapors should go away), and you can open your eyes.

And here is an example of classic extensions (1 artificial eyelash for 1 natural), the shape is a fox effect:

A post shared by Olga Lisa(@okosmeo) on May 31, 2017 at 9:33am PDT

What not to do to avoid ruining your extensions:

  • There is no need to apply makeup before applying extensions - do not complicate the work of the specialist. Even if it removes your mascara, it is not a fact that it will then completely remove the makeup remover used; this will directly affect the durability of the result.
  • Do not open your eyes during extensions. Even if you are very curious. Even if you received a text message and can’t wait to read it. When you open your eyes ahead of time, vapors of the glue used for eyelash extensions get into them. This is very harmful, causing pain and redness of the whites. Wait until the master finishes his work and allows you to look.
  • Do not rub or wet your eyes for 24 hours after applying extensions. Let the glue dry.
  • Don't panic if you see a few artificial eyelashes falling off in the first 24 hours. It's quite normal. Firstly, your natural ones may fall out (a natural renewal process), that is, you didn’t notice it before because they were very small. Secondly, sometimes the bonding area is short, and several artificial eyelashes may fall off. Within a day, everything unnecessary will be gone, and what will remain is what has been glued on conscientiously. Of course, there shouldn’t be too many of these that have fallen off; this indicates the “hackwork” of the master.
  • Don't use mascara on your eyelash extensions! This is the worst thing you can do to them. Firstly, it will look obscene, and secondly, in the evening, when you try to wash off your mascara, you will rip out half of your eyelashes, both artificial and natural.
  • Don't sleep with your face on the pillow. Even if you're used to it. The eyelashes in the outer corners of the eyes will deteriorate. In addition, sleeping like this is harmful for your facial skin.
  • Do not remove eyelashes yourself if you do not have a special means for removing them, and in general you have little idea how this is done. In one of the following articles I will tell you in detail how to remove eyelash extensions at home.
  • And the last thing - DO NOT GO TO THE BATH! One day I made this fatal mistake, and upon leaving the steam room, I discovered that my beautiful eyelash extensions had straightened and became just some kind of sticks in my eyes! The fact is that this is not natural hair, but polymer materials that melt and change shape at high temperatures. It was terrible.
Longevity of eyelash extensions

On average, 2-3 weeks (I usually have 3), but a lot depends on whether you don’t break the above rules. In addition, the speed of eyelash renewal plays a role. For example, if you recently used it, and then suddenly decided to give it up and start building extensions, then the first extension will leave you very quickly - the long eyelashes that grew from the activator will fall out along with the artificial ones.

The same applies to any stressful situations, metabolic disorders or hormonal imbalances when eyelashes fall out.

After eyelash extensions, eyelashes grow unevenly, and this is not the fault of the artist. It’s just that at the time of expansion they are at different stages of growth: some are just beginning to grow, others have already fully grown, and others will soon disappear altogether during the renewal process. Therefore, you should not be surprised that after a couple of weeks the row of eyelashes will no longer be so even. This is what it looks like:

A separate problem after eyelash extensions is that sometimes the eyelashes come off and get into the eyes. This is much more unpleasant than the natural, soft and thin one that got there. Extensions, quite hard, made of artificial materials and with glue residues at the base, are very annoying, especially if this happened while you were driving:

Are eyelash extensions harmful?

It depends on how to build it up, how to wear it and how to remove it.

Yes, extensions are harmful if:

  • The glue or its vapor gets into your eyes. This can happen due to the fault of the master or due to your own incontinence if you blink during the extension procedure.
  • You are trying to remove eyelashes yourself, without special tools. Then you just pull them out along with the natural ones. Don’t be surprised if after this you are left with “3 hairs”, and don’t write angry reviews. The extension and the master are not to blame here.
  • If the master turned out to be crooked and made a bunch of glues on your eyelashes. Eyelashes may have different growth phases, then it turns out, for example, that he glued a growing eyelash and an already grown eyelash. The growing one will continue to grow and pull the growing one with it, which can lead to the latter falling out or the growing one curling up and regularly getting into your eye until you cut it off.
  • If low-quality materials are used. The eyelashes are too hard, the glue is too caustic, etc. Hard artificial eyelashes get into the eyes in the most unpleasant way and can damage the eye. Of course, not much, but not good enough. It is better to use thinner and softer eyelashes, although they are more expensive.

If both the materials and the eyelash extension artist were chosen well, and you behaved well during the procedure, then no harm will happen. Many people panic after removing eyelash extensions because it seems to them that their natural ones have become worse. This happens because of the contrast, when you are already accustomed to looking beautiful with long, expressive eyelashes, and suddenly you take them off and see that there are short light hairs left. Before you panic, find a photo before extensions (without mascara or coloring) and compare whether anything has really changed there. If you don’t have such a photo, I highly recommend taking it before going for eyelash extensions.

Perhaps every woman dreams of long and lush eyelashes. This can be achieved through an extension procedure. This cosmetology service has gained enormous popularity over the years. But before you turn to it, you should understand the pros and cons of the procedure itself, and also become familiar with the features of further care for artificial eyelashes.

Photos before and after


The positive aspects of eyelash extensions include:

  • creating beautiful, thick and long eyelashes in a few hours.
  • correct and skillful extension can create visual correction eye shape;
  • long lasting effect of the procedure. Eyelash extensions look very impressive for 2-4 weeks, but this directly depends on the skill of the specialist and the quality of the selected material;
  • further saving of time and money on daily makeup;
  • you can forget about eyelash curlers;
  • no need to constantly check and correct makeup.


However, the procedure also has disadvantages that should be taken into account before resorting to it:

  • the need for regular correction every 3-4 weeks;
  • weakening of your own eyelashes, because the extensions are held on to them;
  • refusal to visit the sauna and bathhouse;
  • Do not rub your eyes with your hands or actively wipe them with a towel;
  • when washing, you will have to avoid using soap and gels;
  • Sleeping on the stomach and face in the pillow is contraindicated;
  • the risk of allergies to the materials or glue used;
  • inconvenience, especially after the first extension;
  • difficulties with daily installation of contact lenses;
  • artificial eyelashes require constant care and control;
  • Eyelash extensions are contraindicated for people who often suffer from conjunctivitis.

How to care

The procedure is not cheap, so the desire to preserve the effect for as long as possible is quite justified. Proper care of eyelash extensions will help prolong the life of a beautiful and expressive look. To do this, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • Do not wet eyelashes for 2-3 hours after extensions.
  • Touch your eyes with your hands as little as possible.
  • It is advisable not to cry.
  • Every morning after washing your face, comb your eyelashes with a clean mascara brush. At the same time, it is important not to touch the place where the hairs are attached with the brush, this can lead to eyelash loss.
  • There is no need to dye or curl your eyelash extensions.
  • It is better to sleep on your back or side, without touching your pillow with your eyelashes.
  • Avoid the use of cosmetics based on fatty oil bases; they can weaken the effect of the adhesive composition.
  • You should wash off decorative makeup carefully, without touching your eyelashes.
  • Timely go for correction to a trusted specialist who works only with high-quality materials.
  • Do not pull out eyelashes or remove them yourself.


Materials for creating eyelash extensions are divided into:

  • Natural: mink, sable, kolinsky, silk. The main disadvantage natural materials there is a high risk of allergies.
  • Artificial: rubber, silicone. They are popular due to their practicality and average price.

No less important for high-quality extensions is glue. Experts recommend glue based on special carbon black. This composition is dark blue in color, is highly adhesive, dries quickly, does not clump, does not irritate mucous membranes, there is practically no evaporation from it, and it has a long shelf life even when opened.


The extension procedure itself involves gluing artificial hairs to the base of natural eyelashes. It is performed in two ways: piecewise and bundled.


This technique involves gluing each artificial eyelash separately. It creates a more natural look and lasts for at least three weeks.


It's faster and easy way extensions, as it is performed by gluing eyelashes with ready-made bundles. This option is ideal for evening makeup and requires more frequent correction, since the bunches are quite heavy and can fall off under their own weight.


Eyelash extensions can be classified into types depending on length, thickness, color, curl and purpose of use.


In this category, eyelashes are divided into sizes from 4 to 22 mm. The most popular sizes are 8, 10, 12 and 14 mm, the length of which is almost the same as natural. Longer ones are usually used for avant-garde looks and competitive extensions.


There are 8 types of thickness of artificial eyelashes from 0.07 to 0.3 mm.

  • 0.07 mm - ultra-thin;
  • 0.10-0.12 mm - natural, elastic and soft;
  • 0.15 mm - thickened, look like your own painted eyelashes;
  • 0.18-0.20 mm - thick and quite rigid and are used to create a bright image;
  • 0.25-0.30 mm - ultra-thick, look defiant and suitable for special occasions, short-lived.


The seven standard types of eyelash extension curls are designated by letters:


The color options for eyelash extensions have a very wide range. The standard and most common color is black; it is most suitable for dark-haired girls.

Redheads and blondes should give preference to brown shades; they look softer and soften facial features.

You can create an original look by using eyelashes of different bright colors for extensions.

Goal of expansion

According to the purposes of use, eyelash extensions can be divided into the following types:

  • For everyday wear (classic). For this option, choose eyelashes that are closest to natural ones, that is, hairs of medium size and natural color. The upper eyelid is formed only in the outer corners of the eyes, thus the look becomes more expressive and the eyes visually enlarge. Eyelashes on the lower eyelid are not extended.
  • For special occasions. Choose long eyelashes of brighter colors, which decorate the entire upper eyelid. On the lower eyelid, eyelashes are extended depending on the image and desire of the client.
  • For stage images. Usually the longest hairs with bright colors are used. In this case, the eyelashes can be complemented with rhinestones, feathers or gold plating.
  • On the sea. For such cases, the most resistant glue and materials are used that do not lose quality when exposed to ultraviolet rays and upon contact with salt water.


Taking into account personal preferences, extension technology, thickness, curl and length of the selected eyelashes, as a result of the procedure you can achieve different effects:


Our own eyelashes are completely replaced in 60-90 days. Extended eyelashes and glue make natural eyelashes heavier and they begin to fall out more often, so it is aesthetically correct to make corrections once a month.

The correction procedure is that the master adds eyelashes in places where there are gaps or, at the request of the client, can change the effect. If the eyelash extensions were tinted with mascara while being worn, they all need to be completely changed.

Before proceeding with the correction, the specialist must inquire about the inconvenience and sensations during the period of wearing artificial eyelashes. Then you should discuss the upcoming correction and, if desired, make adjustments to the design.

First, the master combs the eyelashes and removes those that may fall out in the near future. Then it degreases and cleans the eyelashes well, and after that it begins to form a new design.

The correction procedure lasts about an hour.

While wearing artificial eyelashes, your own eyelashes weaken a little and require special care. Therefore, according to at will or if it is not possible to get to the correction, you can take a short break.

Within 2 months, natural eyelashes will be renewed, and artificial eyelashes will completely fall out. During this time, rubbing castor oil will help strengthen your natural eyelashes.

Every woman dreams of beautiful big eyes framed by thick and long eyelashes. And if nature did not give her such eyelashes, then she has to look for ways to make her thin eyelashes “Hollywood”.

Therefore, when the eyelash extension technique was created, which is done step by step in any cosmetology salon, fashionistas perked up and decided to quickly make themselves such “Hollywood” eyelashes.

Step-by-step instructions for eyelash extensions

The extension technology itself consists of gluing several single or bunches of artificial eyelashes to the base of a woman's own eyelashes. Previously, it was believed that in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it was better to carry out such a procedure with the help of a professional master exclusively in a beauty salon.

One of the types of eyelash extensions is beam

But due to the high cost of such a procedure, many women have learned to do extensions themselves at home.

The technique includes a preparatory stage and a main one. The step-by-step process of extension is not complicated, and if you approach it with maximum attention and responsibility, you can grow eyelashes even at home.

Let's first consider the classification of types and methods of extension.

There are two main types of extensions:

  • eyelash - with this method, eyelashes look natural and last longer;
  • bunch (a bunch of artificial ones is attached to one of your eyelashes) - the look becomes more expressive, but the bunches won’t last long.

Eyelash extensions vary:

  • by length: short, medium and long;
  • by color: the most commonly used are black and brown, there are also other colors;
  • by material: natural or artificial.

There are also various extension methods:

  • partial extension - when synthetic eyelashes are glued only in the corners or at a certain interval (usually they are longer than their own);
  • complete - when the eyelashes are glued along the entire line, with each artificial one attached to its own;
  • 3D extension - 2 synthetic ones are glued to each of them, creating a three-dimensional effect;
  • creative extensions (eyelashes of different colors with sparkles or rhinestones).

The duration of wearing artificial eyelash extensions is usually 2 weeks., after which they will gradually begin to fall out. This process is usually invisible to others.

When choosing eyelashes for extensions, you need to take into account their length, thickness, hair stiffness and curl.

When choosing eyelash extensions, you need to take into account the length, thickness, stiffness of the hairs and their bend when purchasing. Most often this is indicated on the packaging. You can master the technique of the process yourself step by step, following the recommendations in this article.

When applying individual eyelash extensions, you must first select the right type of eyelashes.

There are 4 types of eyelashes based on material type:

  • silk eyelashes - quite voluminous, slightly shiny, they will sufficiently lengthen and add volume to your eyelashes (evening option, but not everyday);
  • mink eyelashes are light and thin, suitable for everyday wear, but have a drawback (they can cause an allergic reaction);
  • sable eyelashes are heavier, so they do not stick to your very thin eyelashes, although they look very impressive;
  • artificial eyelashes - they are glued very simply (15 minutes), but last 1-2 evenings.

The thickness of the hairs that will stick to the eyelashes should be no more than 0.15 mm, because thicker ones (from 0.2 mm) give a “doll-like” effect and are used for very catchy evening makeup.

It is better to select the length of the hairs in the range of 10-18 mm. When purchasing, it is optimal to choose a set with hairs of different lengths, then longer ones are suitable for the outer corners of the eyes, shorter hairs for the inner corners.

Effects for creating an image

There are also various effects used to create a specific eye look:

  1. Natural- the look gains expressiveness without the use of cosmetics.
  2. Fox effect- eyelashes of different lengths are used (usually 3), while the outer corner of the eye is visually lengthened.
  3. Squirrel- synthetic eyelashes are glued to different lengths, short - closer to the inside, long - to the outside of the eye, creating a mysterious effect.
  4. Puppet- eyelashes 12-15 mm long are selected, giving the look a doll-like and coquetry look.

The main rule

The classic method of eyelash extensions is the basis of the lash industry. This extension technique is popular because... eyelashes are lengthened gradually in a natural way by gluing artificial eyelashes or thickening your own eyelashes.

This type of extension is widespread in Europe and supports the idea of ​​“naturalness” in makeup, when the eyes look impressive without signs of excessive makeup.

The main rule for classic eyelash extensions is gluing one artificial eyelash to one of your own.

The main rule for classic extensions is gluing one artificial eyelash to one of your own.

There are several basic recommendations for this procedure:

  1. The distance from the base of your eyelash to the beginning of the artificial one is 0.5-1 mm.
  2. The artificial eyelash should stick to its own in the direction from the base to the middle, and it is at the base that the eyelash is glued more tightly.
  3. The autonomy of each individual eyelash must be respected. If they stick together, then later, if there is a difference in the growth of different eyelashes, the woman will feel discomfort.
  4. When gluing the entire row of eyelashes, it is necessary to set them in one direction so that there is no “disheveled effect.”

Required tools and materials

For step-by-step home eyelash extensions, you need to prepare a set of special tools, without which it is impossible to do it correctly and painlessly. The entire technique and the process itself occur directly in contact with the eyes, so getting an infection into the eyes is completely unacceptable.

List of required tools:

  • high-quality hypoallergenic glue (usually black);
  • several toothpicks;
  • packaging of cotton pads;
  • small tweezers, preferably two;
  • container for glue (preferably made of plastic) or glass;
  • spray degreaser for eyelashes;


To prepare for the extension procedure you need:

  • Prepare your hands(wash thoroughly with soap) and face (remove makeup).
  • Glue your lower eyelashes to the skin. For this purpose, special silicone pads or simply paper tape are usually used. You need to stick it on, starting from the corner, so that all the lower eyelashes are covered and do not interfere with work.

Carefully! When gluing, you need to make sure that the eye is closed. It is important that the glue and its fumes do not get on the mucous membrane of the eye, otherwise it will chemical burn, “tears will flow.”

  • Degreasing the eyelashes to be applied using a degreaser spray. Spray a little liquid from the spray onto a cotton swab and carefully run it along all the upper eyelashes, first in one direction, then in the opposite direction.

The preparatory process is completed. Now, in order to master the technique of eyelash extensions, we will consider step by step how this is done.

Extension of individual eyelashes step by step

After all the tools have been prepared and a set of eyelashes has been purchased, we will begin the extension process.

Note! If you are doing extensions for the first time in your life, then it is best to invite a friend or a more experienced person to help you so that they can objectively evaluate the result when gluing each individual eyelash.

The most popular classic method of extension involves gluing one artificial hair onto one eyelash.

During eyelash extensions, each eyelash is taken with tweezers.

For eyelash extensions, you need 80-120 artificial eyelashes for each eye:

  1. The glue is squeezed onto the glass.
  2. Each eyelash is taken with tweezers and the blunt tip is lowered into the glue to the middle.
  3. Then the eyelash is glued, retreating 0.5-1 mm from the eyelid, to each individual eyelash separately. In this case, short eyelashes are glued to the inner corners of the eye, and the longest ones are glued to the outer corners. This creates a “cat's eye” effect.
  4. Professional experts advise doing several gluing procedures on each eye - 25-30 pieces for the first approach, then move on to the other eye. And so on one by one.
  5. During the last approach, the empty spaces are closed, and then both eyes are visually aligned by the number of cilia.

Bundle extensions step by step

The bun look is also called the “Hollywood” look because it is considered a formal style. The bundles last for a maximum of 2-3 weeks.

Bundles with eyelashes come in knotless and knotted types. A nodule is a ball at the point where several artificial eyelashes meet. If there is a knot, the bundle is easier to apply, but it will be visible on the eyelashes after the procedure is completed.

Usually 15-20 bundles are glued to each eye

Knotless bundles (without balls) have a flat attachment and are glued to the skin of the eyelids.

Bunches also vary in length and density. Often in beauty salons they also add rhinestones for originality.

Usually 15-20 bunches are glued to each eye.

Step-by-step gluing of beams:

  • drop glue onto the prepared glass;
  • a bunch of eyelashes is taken with long tweezers, the tip should be lightly dipped in glue;
  • your own eyelashes are moved apart in the right place using another tweezers, then the bundle is glued into this gap between the eyelashes either to the base of your own eyelash or to the eyelid itself;
  • the direction of gluing is from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, the beams must be distributed evenly along the eyelid to avoid gaps.

Eyelash extension using Japanese technology

The most popular and efficient technique today is the Japanese technology of eyelash extensions for each eyelash separately. With the help of step-by-step instructions for this technique, any woman can do this at home.

Japanese technique (step-by-step implementation):

  1. Pour the hairs onto white paper or a towel and select the ones you need, sorting them according to length or other parameters.
  2. Prepare the glue - pour it into a small container.
  3. Degrease the tweezers using a special solution.
  4. Using a degreaser, treat the area around the eyes and your eyelashes; place damp cotton pads (halves) under the lower eyelids to protect the skin from glue.
  5. Your own eyelashes need to be combed and separated with a brush.
  6. Each artificial eyelash is taken by the tip with tweezers, the base is briefly dipped into the glue, and then applied to its own eyelash near the base. To avoid disturbing the rest of your eyelashes, you need to push them away with a toothpick. For high-quality attachment of the artificial hair, it needs to be lightly pressed onto the eyelash.
  7. The direction of gluing is from the outer to the inner edge of the eye.
  8. All eyelashes should be laid in the same direction.
  9. After completing the procedure, you need to lie down and wait eyes closed a few minutes for high-quality gluing of hairs.

Correction of individual eyelash extensions

Typically eyelash extensions last about 3-4 weeks. As a rule, corrections need to be made once a month. For oily skin, correction is done more often.

If a woman used additional tinting of mascara on her eyelash extensions, then she will have to completely redo the whole job: remove the eyelashes, because the mascara gets stuck in the roots of the eyelashes and it is impossible to remove it from there. In this case, gluing the eyelashes is done again.

Caring for eyelash extensions after correction

There are several rules for caring for eyelash extensions:

  • You can wet your eyelashes only 2-3 hours after the extension procedure so that the glue has time to set well;
  • You can’t sleep with your face in the pillow;
  • do not rub your eyes;
  • The washing process is carried out very carefully, because getting wet reduces the lifespan of eyelashes;
  • It is better to refrain from visiting the sauna due to the likelihood of artificial eyelashes straightening when high temperature(approx. 100º);
  • you should not cry, it is also better to refrain from sea swimming (salt water does not have a very positive effect on glued eyelashes);
  • to remove makeup, it is optimal to use a tonic rather than a greasy cream (fat helps dissolve eyelash glue); also, you should not use cosmetics with alcohol, this can greatly dry out the skin on the eyelids;
  • To remove makeup, it is best to use a cotton swab and do this without touching your eyelashes.

It is better to refrain from visiting the sauna for the time being.

Removing eyelash extensions

To remove artificial eyelashes, a special product is used - cream-paste for removing eyelash extensions. The paste should be rubbed into the base of the roots of the eyelashes and left for 15 minutes. Then the artificial eyelashes are carefully removed, the remaining excess cream is removed, everything is washed with warm soapy water.

It is important to know! When you take off the artificial eyelashes, yours will seem terrible - sparse and short. Don't be scared! This is not because your own ones fell out, but because you are visually accustomed to synthetic, thick and beautiful ones.

Contraindications to the extension procedure:

  • cold or ARVI;
  • tendency to conjunctivitis or blepharitis;
  • allergy to glue or synthetic eyelashes;
  • Very oily skin faces or eyelids;
  • very weak and thin natural eyelashes cannot support the weight of artificial ones;
  • high eye sensitivity and tearfulness.
  1. Sterilization of instruments is the main rule that cannot be avoided.
  2. When using eyelash extensions, which is a more complex procedure, you need to make sure that the glued eyelashes “look in one direction.”
  3. The lifespan of natural eyelashes is about a month, so when applying extensions, it is better to choose shorter eyelashes that will grow longer.
  4. It is very important to prevent eyelashes from sticking together during the extension process.

Common mistakes made by newbies:

  • incorrect gluing of artificial eyelashes along the entire length - it is best to fix the eyelash from the base to the middle of your own eyelash;
  • incorrect interval between the eyelid and the glued eyelash (should be 0.5-1 mm) - when the eyelash is glued to the skin of the eyelid, the woman experiences a feeling of tight skin and discomfort when wearing;
  • if the eyelash is glued far from the base, then an extra free edge is formed, the eyelash “dangles”, which reduces the wearing time of such eyelashes;
  • Sticking several eyelashes together prevents them from growing normally, which accelerates the loss of your eyelashes.

After reading this article, a woman who wants to have “Hollywood” eyelashes will understand that the main thing is enthusiasm and experience. The correct technique for eyelash extensions described in this article will help you follow all the steps step by step, gain experience and get an impressive result - beautiful thick eyelashes.

A master class on eyelash extensions is taught by E. Lange:

See how eyelash extensions are performed here:

The beam extension technique is shown in detail here: