New nursery rhymes. Corrective and developmental fairy tale “The Cowardly Bunny NOD for the development of speech and fiction in the middle group

The Hare had many children. Each bunny had its own name, and these names reflected the characters of the bunny. Some animals gave them names before the birth of their children, but the Hare did not do that. He believed that everyone already has a name, but no one knows it for the time being until it manifests itself in the child’s character.

Perhaps that’s why in the Hare’s family there was a son, the Little Bunny, and a daughter, the Good Little Bunny, there was a little bunny, the Poet, and one was called the Cowardly Bunny. They called him that not because he was more afraid than others, but because he covered his eyes with his paws so as not to see anything, and pressed his ears so as not to hear anything when it became scary. All the bunnies laughed at him, only dad took it very seriously. He spoke sternly:

Is it possible to close your eyes and ears? You can't see or hear anything either! Everyone is scared, but you need to carefully watch for danger, and not bury your head in the sand or run wherever your eyes look.

The little cowardly bunny agreed with daddy bunny, but still couldn’t help himself.

One day, the Hare found a large apple tree with ripe apples. There were so many fruits that there would have been enough for half the winter. Unfortunately, the apple tree was located very far from the hare’s house, on the other edge of the forest; there was no way to cope with the apples alone. Then the Hare decided to take the older children with him; both entertainment for them and help for the parent. Among them was the Cowardly Bunny. Since the journey was long, dad strictly ordered everyone to obey, not make noise and not run away to the sides.

They took the safest road; not along the wide paths along which foxes and wolves walk, and not in the dense thickets where snakes and snakes live, but they went along narrow paths along which only small, peaceful animals run. Dad walked ahead, often stopped and listened, looked around and sniffed the air. Bunnies followed him. The bunnies chuckled, seeing how cautious their father was. It seemed to them that he was so afraid of everything in vain, because all around was such a quiet and calm forest.

“Caution is not cowardice,” the Hare noted in a whisper, “and recklessness is not courage,” he added instructively.

The bunnies continued to giggle quietly. Only the eldest bunny, who walked last and, like dad, listened and sniffed, did not laugh.

Finally, we reached the edge of the forest, where an apple tree grew. It stood a little apart from the other trees. That is why it was large and branched, and the apples on it were large and ripe. The little bunnies rushed to pick apples, but dad stopped them:

Where are you going?!” He said angrily. “Sit in the bushes and don’t make any noise until I find out everything!”

Having walked around the apple tree several times, having taken a good look at everything, the Hare galloped up to the bush where the little hares were sitting and said loudly:

You can go out, everything is fine. But just don't make too much noise!

The bunnies poured out into the clearing and began to collect apples. They took the apples that had fallen to the ground and put each one in its own bag. It was the first time Dad had taken the kids with him, he was usually the one to get food, so everyone was really trying their best, filling the bags full. The Cowardly Bunny also tried. It was fun to work, and the hares were so noisy that they did not notice the distant barking of dogs. Even Papa Hare couldn’t hear him, the little bunnies were making so much noise. But then a shot was heard in the distance. Everyone froze for a second and scattered wherever their eyes were looking.

Stop! - Papa Hare shouted, - Well, everything is alive to me! - Hearing daddy’s stern voice, the bunnies returned. “Listen to me carefully,” the father hare spoke as soon as all the bunnies had gathered around him. “These are hunters.” If you want to avoid being caught by hunters, you need to be cunning and brave, and not rush in different directions. Where did you run?

It’s so scary!” one little bunny remarked, looking around.

Of course, it’s scary,” Dad agreed, “but you need to know where the danger is in order to run from it, and not towards it.” Do you know? - None of the bunnies knew. - And I don’t know! So listen to me. Now everyone look around carefully. Anyone who notices danger should tell me. And as I say, we’ll run in the other direction. But now there is nothing to be afraid of, the shot was far away. Is everyone clear?

“Yes,” the bunnies answered and fell silent.

You could hear dogs barking somewhere in the distance. The bunnies listened and looked around, as their father taught them. Finally, at the other end of the field, several dogs became visible, jumping out of the forest, and shots were also heard from there.

“There’s danger there,” said daddy hare, “so let’s run deep into the forest to the stream, and then we’ll follow the stream so as not to leave a smell for the dogs.” We have plenty of time, so don't fuss.

A shot rang out again, and the hares began to run away. When they had run quite far, the hare noticed that one bunny was missing.

Where's the Little Bunny? - He asked the older bunny.

“I don’t know,” he answered, “I didn’t see him.”

Lead everyone to the stream,” Dad commanded, “I’ll join you later.” If I'm gone for a long time, don't wait, follow the stream to the house.

Having said this, the Hare turned around and rushed as fast as he could towards the apple tree. He clearly heard the dogs barking approaching and was in a hurry. Finally, he reached the apple tree, the dogs were very close, they carefully examined and sniffed everything.

The hare began to look for the Cowardly Bunny and soon found him under a bush. The little bunny was lying on the ground, closing his eyes and covering his ears with his hands. Of course, he did not hear what the Hare said to the hares and did not see the approaching dogs. Papa Hare came up to him and grabbed him by the ear. The little bunny got scared and started to run, but dad whispered in his ear:

Don't be afraid, it's me, although the dogs are already close too. You almost killed yourself! Now listen to me carefully, we will leave quietly...

But he didn’t have time to finish, because a huge dog jumped out from behind the nearby bushes and rushed towards them.

Let's run! - Papa Hare shouted, and they rushed deeper into the forest.

The cowardly bunny ran with all his might, not making out the road and not knowing where he was running. His heart was pounding wildly with fear, and his paws were constantly getting tangled.

And where are we running? - The little bunny heard his dad’s surprisingly calm voice.

From dogs,” answered the coward, gasping for breath.

Well, there is only one dog for now, and it will still catch up with us. - Dad answered.

The bunny looked at his dad and it seemed to him that he was in no hurry at all.

Why will it catch up?

Because, although we run faster, the dog is more resilient and has a sensitive sense of smell. She will find us.

Out of fear, the bunny stopped and covered his ears.

“Why are you talking about this so calmly,” he asked dad, “aren’t you scared?”

It’s scary, but I don’t want to hide from fear, otherwise we will definitely be caught, and we can still escape.

This is difficult, at least for you, but if you do everything as I say, we will be saved together.

“I’ll try.” The little bunny answered as confidently as possible, opened his eyes and raised his ears straight up.

“Let’s run,” the hare commanded, and the little coward rushed after him.

The hares ran out into the clearing and jumped onto a large stump.

So, as I say, run left into the forest. Don’t just run through the forest, but choose a twisting path to confuse your trail. I'll run to the right. We’ll run around the spruce thicket and go out to the stream, where we’ll meet. For now, stand and look into both eyes.

The very second the Hare finished speaking, the same dog jumped out of the forest. She followed the scent left by the hares. Seeing the hares sitting on a stump, the dog rushed towards them. She ran closer and closer. The little bunny became more and more scared. He wanted to run or close his eyes and cover his ears, but he remembered that his dad had strictly ordered him to carefully watch the dog and sit still. When there was one jump left to the hares, dad gave the command, and the cowardly bunny rushed, as he was told, to the left, and dad the hare to the right. The hares scattered so unexpectedly in different directions that the dog did not have time to decide which of them to run after, while she was thinking, the hares had already disappeared into the forest. Realizing that she had been tricked, the dog began to sniff the tracks, but the tracks went both to the right and to the left. Spinning in place, the dog became completely confused.

Meanwhile, the cowardly bunny ran to the stream. He diligently confused the tracks, choosing a road more difficult for dogs. At the stream he met the Hare.

Let's walk on the water now, so we can completely throw them off the scent.

They walked along the stream and caught up with the rest of the hares already near the house. The sounds of hunting were left far behind, and soon everyone arrived safely at home. As soon as the bunnies felt safe, they began to scold the cowardly bunny for almost killing himself. The cowardly bunny was very ashamed, and he wanted to hide from everyone again, but Papa Hare, passing by, asked him:

And you haven’t yet told us how you and I wrapped a huge hunting dog around the nose?

Hearing this, the rabbits' mouths opened in surprise.

No,” the cowardly bunny answered timidly.

So tell me, it was only thanks to your courage that we were saved, otherwise we would have already been captured,” at these words the girls and the bunnies sat down on the floor in surprise, and the little bunnies hid behind their mother.

All the bunnies looked with admiration at the cowardly bunny and asked him to tell him about this story.

“How does it happen,” the Cowardly Bunny asked the hare’s dad in surprise, “I was more scared than anyone, but they consider me a hero?”

A hero is not one who is not afraid, but one who can overcome his fear. You managed to overcome fear and not only saved yourself, but also saved me. I hope that after this incident you will unlearn the habit of closing your ears and eyes? - Dad laughed.

“I’ll take a broom,” the mother hare entered into the conversation, “and I’ll give one place each to both the hero and his dad, so that next time they don’t go far from home.”

“We won’t do it again,” said dad, hugging his agitated wife.

Then he looked at the Cowardly Bunny and noticed that he had closed his eyes again, out of habit, hiding from his mother’s broom. The other bunnies also noticed this, and everyone laughed, and the Cowardly Bunny laughed the loudest.

Eleonora Kaneva
Abstract of GCD on speech development and fiction V middle group. Learning the nursery rhyme “Little Bunny”

GCD for speech development and fiction in the middle group.

Compiled and conducted by the teacher of the middle group, Eleonora Kimovna Kaneva.

Subject: Learning the nursery rhyme “Little Bunny is a Little Coward.”


1. Teach children to answer questions, write a story based on questions;

2. Learn to form diminutive nouns

Animal names; consolidate children's knowledge about preparing animals for winter.

pronouncing the words.

4. Introduce children to a new way of learning.

Material for the lesson: Toy Hare, diagrams - assistants, board, tape recorder, disc with the soundtrack of the dance “Zainka”, hats with bunny ears, dummies of vegetables (cabbage and carrots).

Progress of the lesson:

1. Declaring the topic is busy and I.

2. Conversation with children mi.

Educator:- Guys, have you been to the forest?

Who lives in the forest?

Children:- Birds and animals - hares, foxes, wolves, bears, squirrels, hedgehogs.

Educator:- All forest dwellers are preparing for winter in the last days of autumn. - How are they prepared?

Children:- Some are making supplies for the winter;

Others are preparing for hibernation;

Still others change their fur coat; ...each in his own way.

Educator:- One of the forest inhabitants came to visit us today.

Guess who it is?

A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps deftly and loves carrots. (Hare)

(Show me a bunny toy.)

Educator:- Hello, Bunny, don’t be afraid, we won’t hurt you!

Hare:- I’m not afraid, I’m just really hungry, in the summer I ate grass and bark from the branches, but now there’s no grass and little bark.

Educator:- Don’t cry, Bunny, we will feed you!

(Children place carrots and cabbage in front of the hare, accompanied by


They treated the hare

They served him carrots

Hundreds of hands extended:

“Eat, Zainka is our friend!” (children repeat the last line)

Children:- Bon appetit!

Educator:- While the Bunny is eating, let's come up with some kind words for him.

How can you call him affectionately?

Children:- Bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny.

Hare:- How full I am! I just forgot how to thank you?

Children:- Say thanks"!

Hare:- Thank you, kids! Tell me, what color is my fur coat now?

What will it be like in winter?

Children:- In summer it is gray, and by winter the fur coat turns white, it becomes the same as snow,

to make it easier for the hare to hide from the fox and wolf.

Educator:- And now the bunny wants to play with you, for this he even brought you hats.

"One, two, three - turn around

Quickly turn into a hare!”

3. Physical exercise “Bunny” A".

Come on, hares, jump,

With your paw, with your paw, knock,

You will fall on the grass

Lie down and rest.

You've rested, well, get up,

Start jumping again!

Quickly jump to the bunny

And quickly run back!

oh, hares, jump,

With your paw, with your paw, knock,

You will fall on the grass

Lie down and rest.

You've rested, well, get up,

Start jumping again!

Quickly jump to the bunny

And quickly run back!

4. Reading nursery rhymes.

Educator:- Guys, the bunny really wants to read you a nursery rhyme about a little bunny - a coward who looks like him, but he is shy and asks me to help him.

Will you allow me? Listen carefully and remember.

Bunny - coward

Ran across the field

Ran into the garden

I found a carrot

I found cabbage

Sits, gnawing,

Go away -

The owner is coming!

Bunny - coward

Ran across the field

Ran into the garden

I found a carrot

I found cabbage

Sits, gnawing,

Go away -

The owner is coming!

5. Conversation on the content of the nursery rhyme.

Educator:- Did you like the nursery rhyme?

Who is it about?

How does it start? (children read two lines together with the teacher)

What was the bunny like? (coward)

Where did he run? (to the garden)

What did he find there? (carrots and cabbage)

What did he do with them? (found and gnaws)

Who is he afraid of? (owner)

6. Re-read ie.

Educator:- Now I’ll read the nursery rhyme again, you listen carefully and remember - you need to read the nursery rhyme clearly, slowly.

And to make it easier for you to remember it, I will introduce you to the diagrams -

assistants. (I turn the board with the diagrams)

7. Choral reading ie.

Educator:- Let's all read this nursery rhyme together first.

8. Individual reading ie.

Educator:- Who wants to be the first to read a nursery rhyme about a little bunny?

(children read the nursery rhyme one by one)

Children, what do you think, did the cowardly bunny finish his carrot?

Did he run away or sit and chew?

9. Game – dance “Zain” ka"

Educator:- And to say goodbye, invite the bunny to dance.

Let's say goodbye to the bunny.

What do we wish for him?

Children:- We wish him to be careful in the forest.

Goodbye, bunny!

10. Results of the lesson. Generalized ie.

Educator:- What did we do in class today? (answered questions, taught

What nursery rhyme did you teach? (“Little Coward Bunny”)

What helped us remember the nursery rhyme better? (diagrams are assistants)

(Tag the guys who remembered the nursery rhyme best)

Educator:- Well done boys!

Nastya Shilova
Corrective and developmental fairy tale “Cowardly Bunny”

Little Bunny

Once upon a time, in an old forest, there lived bunny. He was nicknamed "coward" because he was afraid of everything in the world. He was afraid of hedgehogs, swifts, and even squirrels, not to mention a wolf or a fox. The only friend with him was the hedgehog, who told to him about his brave friend the bear and his fearless antics. The hedgehog often came to visit bunny to play with him and have fun, because it’s so lonely for a coward alone in his house.

One day, late in the dark night, I was sleeping bunny in his soft bed and dreamed of a clearing strewn with carrots and cabbage, and he just wanted to touch the food when he heard from somewhere loud noise. The bunny woke up and realized that someone is knocking on the door. Immediately fear attacked him, he crawled under the covers and began to cry, wanting the sounds to stop. But everyone knocked and knocked on the door. A familiar voice was heard - it was a hedgehog. The bunny opened the door, and how surprised he was when he also saw behind her the fearless bear, about whom he had heard so much. He approached him and said“Come with me, don’t be afraid, I’m in charge in this forest and no one will hurt you.”. They walked along a long path, the path was illuminated by the calm moon, the bear told the bunny that once upon a time, like him, he was afraid of everything around him, other bears laughed and joked at him. But somehow one of them fell into a trap, the others were afraid that there might be people nearby and fled in all directions. The bear was nearby, hiding behind a bush from everyone around, but when he saw this picture, he took pity and, despite his fear, decided to go out and help.

Afterwards the bear spent bunny to his house. He still couldn’t sleep, the story told by a bear, gave him no rest.

The next day, a situation happened to him that completely changed his life. As usual, he decided to take a walk along the river; the sun warmed the already hot air, which made the forest feel stuffy. Suddenly, from somewhere nearby, I heard "Help". Bunny I immediately understood what was happening - someone was drowning. Without thinking, he ran to the river and saw the bully hare who had teased him so often. He just repeated "help", bunny- The coward, without hesitation, grabbed a stick and handed it to the drowning man, pulled the end and pulled out the hare.

Only a few minutes later both came to their senses. Bully hare said“You are not a coward, you are a hero, thank you”. The bully's words surprised bunny, he felt strong and courageous, and all his fears evaporated.

Since then bunny he was not afraid to go outside, every day he explored more and more new clearings. One day, somehow by accident, he came across the one he had dreamed about, he was so happy then and only regretted that he had been hiding and being afraid for so long.

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The Hare had many children. Each bunny had its own name, and these names reflected the characters of the bunny. Some animals gave them names before the birth of their children, but the Hare did not do that.

He believed that everyone already has a name, but no one knows it for the time being until it manifests itself in the child’s character.
Perhaps that’s why in the Hare’s family there was a son, the Little Bunny, and a daughter, the Good Little Bunny, there was a little bunny, the Poet, and one was called the Cowardly Bunny. They called him that not because he was more afraid than others, but because he covered his eyes with his paws so as not to see anything, and pressed his ears so as not to hear anything when it became scary. All the bunnies laughed at him, only dad took it very seriously. He spoke sternly:
- Is it possible to close your eyes and ears? You can't see or hear anything either! Everyone is scared, but you need to carefully watch for danger, and not bury your head in the sand or run wherever your eyes look.
The little cowardly bunny agreed with daddy bunny, but still couldn’t help himself.
One day, the Hare found a large apple tree with ripe apples. There were so many fruits that there would have been enough for half the winter. Unfortunately, the apple tree was located very far from the hare’s house, on the other edge of the forest; there was no way to cope with the apples alone. Then the Hare decided to take the older children with him; both entertainment for them and help for the parent. Among them was the Cowardly Bunny. Since the journey was long, dad strictly ordered everyone to obey, not make noise and not run away to the sides.
They took the safest road; not along the wide paths along which foxes and wolves walk, and not in the dense thickets where snakes and snakes live, but they went along narrow paths along which only small, peaceful animals run. Dad walked ahead, often stopped and listened, looked around and sniffed the air. Bunnies followed him. The bunnies chuckled, seeing how cautious their father was. It seemed to them that he was so afraid of everything in vain, because all around was such a quiet and calm forest.
“Caution is not cowardice,” the Hare noted in a whisper, “and recklessness is not courage,” he added instructively.
The bunnies continued to giggle quietly. Only the eldest bunny, who walked last and, like dad, listened and sniffed, did not laugh.
Finally, we reached the edge of the forest, where an apple tree grew. It stood a little apart from the other trees. That is why it was large and branched, and the apples on it were large and ripe. The little bunnies rushed to pick apples, but dad stopped them:
“Where are you going?!” He said angrily. “Sit in the bushes and don’t make any noise until I find out everything!”
Having walked around the apple tree several times, having taken a good look at everything, the Hare galloped up to the bush where the little hares were sitting and said loudly:
- You can go out, everything is fine. But just don't make too much noise!
The bunnies poured out into the clearing and began to collect apples. They took the apples that had fallen to the ground and put each one in its own bag. It was the first time Dad had taken the kids with him, he was usually the one to get food, so everyone was really trying their best, filling the bags full. The Cowardly Bunny also tried. It was fun to work, and the hares were so noisy that they did not notice the distant barking of dogs. Even Papa Hare couldn’t hear him, the little bunnies were making so much noise. But then a shot was heard in the distance. Everyone froze for a second and scattered wherever their eyes were looking.
- Stop! - Papa Hare shouted, - Well, everything is alive to me! - Hearing daddy’s stern voice, the bunnies returned. “Listen to me carefully,” the father hare spoke as soon as all the bunnies had gathered around him. “These are hunters.” If you want to avoid being caught by hunters, you need to be cunning and brave, and not rush in different directions. Where did you run?
“It’s so scary!” remarked one little bunny, looking around.
“Of course, it’s scary,” dad agreed, “but you need to know where the danger is in order to run from it, and not towards it.” Do you know? - None of the bunnies knew. - And I don’t know! So listen to me. Now everyone look around carefully. Anyone who notices danger should tell me. And as I say, we’ll run in the other direction. But now there is nothing to be afraid of, the shot was far away. Is everyone clear?
“Yes,” the bunnies answered and fell silent.
You could hear dogs barking somewhere in the distance. The bunnies listened and looked around, as their father taught them. Finally, at the other end of the field, several dogs became visible, jumping out of the forest, and shots were also heard from there.
“There’s danger there,” said daddy hare, “so let’s run deep into the forest to the stream, and then we’ll follow the stream so as not to leave a smell for the dogs.” We have plenty of time, so don't fuss.
A shot rang out again, and the hares began to run away. When they had run quite far, the hare noticed that one bunny was missing.
-Where is the Little Bunny? - He asked the older bunny.
“I don’t know,” he answered, “I didn’t see him.”
“Lead everyone to the stream,” dad commanded, “I’ll join you later.” If I'm gone for a long time, don't wait, follow the stream to the house.
Having said this, the Hare turned around and rushed as fast as he could towards the apple tree. He clearly heard the dogs barking approaching and was in a hurry. Finally, he reached the apple tree, the dogs were very close, they carefully examined and sniffed everything.
The hare began to look for the Cowardly Bunny and soon found him under a bush. The little bunny was lying on the ground, closing his eyes and covering his ears with his hands. Of course, he did not hear what the Hare said to the hares and did not see the approaching dogs. Papa Hare came up to him and grabbed him by the ear. The little bunny got scared and started to run, but dad whispered in his ear:
- Don’t be afraid, it’s me, although the dogs are already close too. You almost killed yourself! Now listen to me carefully, we will leave quietly...
But he didn’t have time to finish, because a huge dog jumped out from behind the nearby bushes and rushed towards them.
- Let's run! - Papa Hare shouted, and they rushed deeper into the forest.
The cowardly bunny ran with all his might, not making out the road and not knowing where he was running. His heart was pounding wildly with fear, and his paws were constantly getting tangled.
- And where are we running? - The little bunny heard his dad’s surprisingly calm voice.
“From dogs,” answered the coward, gasping for breath.
- Well, there is only one dog so far, and it will still catch up with us. - Dad answered.
The bunny looked at his dad and it seemed to him that he was in no hurry at all.
- Why will it catch up?
- Because, although we run faster, the dog is more resilient and has a sensitive sense of smell. She will find us.
Out of fear, the bunny stopped and covered his ears.
“Why are you talking about this so calmly,” he asked dad, “aren’t you scared?”
- It’s scary, but I don’t want to hide from fear, otherwise we will definitely be caught, and we can still escape.
- How?
- It’s difficult, at least for you, but if you do everything as I say, we’ll be saved together.
“I’ll try.” The little bunny answered as confidently as possible, opened his eyes and raised his ears straight up.
“Let’s run,” the hare commanded, and the little coward rushed after him.
The hares ran out into the clearing and jumped onto a large stump.
- So, as I say, run left into the forest. Don’t just run through the forest, but choose a twisting path to confuse your trail. I'll run to the right. We’ll run around the spruce thicket and go out to the stream, where we’ll meet. For now, stand and look into both eyes.
The very second the Hare finished speaking, the same dog jumped out of the forest. She followed the scent left by the hares. Seeing the hares sitting on a stump, the dog rushed towards them. She ran closer and closer. The little bunny became more and more scared. He wanted to run or close his eyes and cover his ears, but he remembered that his dad had strictly ordered him to carefully watch the dog and sit still. When there was one jump left to the hares, dad gave the command, and the cowardly bunny rushed, as he was told, to the left, and dad the hare to the right. The hares scattered so unexpectedly in different directions that the dog did not have time to decide which of them to run after, while she was thinking, the hares had already disappeared into the forest. Realizing that she had been tricked, the dog began to sniff the tracks, but the tracks went both to the right and to the left. Spinning in place, the dog became completely confused.
Meanwhile, the cowardly bunny ran to the stream. He diligently confused the tracks, choosing a road more difficult for dogs. At the stream he met the Hare.
“Let’s walk on the water now, so we can completely throw them off the scent.”
They walked along the stream and caught up with the rest of the hares already near the house. The sounds of hunting were left far behind, and soon everyone arrived safely at home. As soon as the bunnies felt safe, they began to scold the cowardly bunny for almost killing himself. The cowardly bunny was very ashamed, and he wanted to hide from everyone again, but Papa Hare, passing by, asked him:
“Haven’t you told me how you and I wrapped a huge hunting dog around the nose?”
Hearing this, the rabbits' mouths opened in surprise.
“No,” the cowardly bunny answered timidly.
“So tell me, it was only thanks to your courage that we were saved, otherwise we would have already been captured,” at these words the girls and the bunnies sat down on the floor in surprise, and the little bunnies hid behind their mother.
All the bunnies looked with admiration at the cowardly bunny and asked him to tell him about this story.
“How does it happen,” the Cowardly Bunny asked the hare’s dad in surprise, “I was more scared than anyone, but they consider me a hero?”
- A hero is not one who is not afraid, but one who can overcome his fear. You managed to overcome fear and not only saved yourself, but also saved me. I hope that after this incident you will unlearn the habit of closing your ears and eyes? - Dad laughed.
“I’ll take a broom,” the mother hare entered into the conversation, “and I’ll give one place each to both the hero and his dad, so that next time they don’t go far from home.”
“We won’t do it again,” said dad, hugging his agitated wife.
Then he looked at the Cowardly Bunny and noticed that he had closed his eyes again, out of habit, hiding from his mother’s broom. The other bunnies also noticed this, and everyone laughed, and the Cowardly Bunny laughed the loudest.


“The cowardly bunny galloped across the field”

for children of primary preschool age

Kovalenko Natalya Vladimirovna,

teacher of MKDOU No. 483,

Novosibirsk city

Educational objectives:

- consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes (triangle, circle, square);

- develop the ability to recognize and name colors;

- consolidate the ability to determine the size of objects using superimposition techniques and applications;

- practice comparing two objects in width;

- consolidate the ability to determine the position of geometric figures on a plane;

— activate children’s vocabulary: introduce into speech words that determine the size of objects.

Developmental tasks:

— activate memory, attention, thinking;

- develop fine motor skills;

— develop communication skills.

Educational tasks:

- develop the ability to listen to the teacher;

- promote children’s ability to interact with each other;

- evoke positive emotions during physical activity.

Visual teaching aids:

— demonstration: hare, fox, bucket with capsules from Kinder surprises “dry pool”, geometric figures, sample application.

— distributing: two houses with openings of different widths, two doors of different widths made of colors. cardboard; bunnies for eye exercises, square sheets paper for laying out geom. figures for each child, geometric shapes made of colored paper.

Vocabulary work: geometric shapes (triangle, circle, square), narrow, wide.

Preliminary work: asking riddles, educational game " Wonderful pouch», didactic games to determine and name the color of objects, to perform appliqué.

Progress of the game-lesson:

1 part. Organizing time.

Educator: Today a guest came to us, to find out who it is, guess the riddle:

A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps deftly and loves carrots.

Children: This is a hare.

The teacher shows a toy - a hare.

Educator: That's right, it's a hare, say hello to him. But for some reason our bunny is not happy, maybe something happened to him?

Part 2. “Name the geometric shapes”

Educator: The bunnies got naughty and dropped geometric shapes into the “dry pool”. (Shows). There's no way the bunny can get them. Let's help the bunny collect geometric shapes.

Children take turns taking geometric shapes out of the “dry pool” bucket and naming them.

Educator: Well done guys, we helped the bunny, he immediately became cheerful, jumped up and down, let’s play with him.

Part 3. "Games with a bunny"

The teacher reads the nursery rhyme “Cowardly Bunny”

(imitates actions)

The little cowardly hare galloped across the field,

Ran into the garden

He found a carrot, sits and gnaws it.

Hey, someone's coming!

Educator: And you, children, show off your finger bunnies.

Finger gymnastics “Bunny”

Gray bunny

Jumps deftly

He has a carrot in his paws!


The bunny blinked his eyes,

I was looking for other bunnies.

There are so many of them, look

Get the bunnies quickly!

Gymnastics for the eyes “Bunny”

(Each child takes a bunny on a stick).

The bunny jumped to the right,

Everyone saw the bunny.

The bunny jumped to the left,

Everyone saw it with their eyes.

Bunny - to the right, bunny - to the left.

Oh, what a brave little bunny!

The bunny jumps up and down.

Look at the bunny.

The bunny hid from us.

There is no need to open your eyes.

Part 4 “Match the doors to the houses”

Educator: Our bunny has little bunnies - fidgety ones, they love to play and jump, forgetting that there are many dangers for them in the forest. And now the trickster, the fox, has gone hunting. The bunnies ran away to the houses, but the doors were not closed. Let's hide the bunnies from the fox. You just need to choose the right door: if the door is narrow, the fox will notice them, and if it is very wide, the door will not close tightly.

(Children go to the tables where houses for bunnies are laid out, complete the task, the teacher comes up with a fox toy, checks the completion of the task).

Educator: What color are Denis's houses? At Masha's? Do the houses have the same doors? What are they? (One door is wide, the other is narrow) The guys hid the rabbits well and the fox went away. Now you can have fun and play.

Physical education lesson “Bunnies”

Educator:“Little bunnies” jumped out. Paws pulled up to chest. They are having fun, they are jumping.

Gray bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears. (Children show.)

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws, (Children show.)

One or two, we need to warm up our little paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump. (Children are jumping.)

Someone scared the bunny -

The bunny jumped and ran away. (Children sit down.)

Part 5 Laying out geometric shapes “Handkerchiefs for bunnies”

Educator: Our bunnies jumped around and even got their paws dirty. The bunnies need handkerchiefs. Let's make them a lot of beautiful scarves.

I only have one handkerchief. (Shows a sample).

- Tell me, what shape is it, what geometric shapes are on it? What is located in the center? What's in the corners?

Educator: What are the figures on your scarf, Dasha, what color are they? What about Dima?

With such beautiful handkerchiefs, the rabbits' paws will always be clean. The bunny smiles, he is very pleased, he says thank you, let’s say goodbye to him, because it’s time for him to go to his kids.


Educator: Who did we help today? What was your favorite thing to do?

For your help, the bunny left you photographs of little bunnies.

The teacher hands out “photos” of the rabbits to the children.