Wrap around the neck once. Umbilical cord entanglement around the fetal neck: causes and consequences of this process

“Your baby is entangled in the umbilical cord,” the doctor reports during an ultrasound, and the expectant mother immediately imagines a terrible picture: the precious baby is floundering in the fetal fluid, and his tender neck is slowly being squeezed by a noose... Calm, only calm! The umbilical cord is not a rope, and the baby in your belly is not breathing with lungs, so even if the “loop” wraps around his neck, no catastrophe will occur - oxygen and nutrients will still flow into the small body. Now let's look at all this in more detail.

What is the umbilical cord

The umbilical cord, also known as the umbilical cord, connects the developing fetus with the mother’s body. This “cord” consists of connective tissue and three vessels: the umbilical vein carries arterial blood rich in oxygen and nutrients from the placenta to the baby, and venous blood with the baby’s metabolic products flows back through the two umbilical arteries. A unique jelly-like substance called Wharton's jelly protects the umbilical cord vessels from compression. The larger the Wharton jelly, the thicker the umbilical cord (normally 1.5-2 cm) - accordingly, the vein and arteries are less susceptible to unwanted effects, and the blood flow through them is better. Due to its structure, the umbilical cord can withstand significant loads (tension, compression and torsion) without any harm to the fetus.

The umbilical cord can be long (more than 70 cm), normal (56-70 cm) or short (40-55 cm). A pathological variant is considered to be only an absolutely short umbilical cord that prevents the fetus from moving through the birth canal - this diagnosis is made during childbirth, and the only method of delivery in this case will be a cesarean section.

There are single and multiple (two-, three-, four-fold), as well as isolated (around one part of the body) and combined (for example, around the neck and torso or torso and legs) entanglement with the umbilical cord.

Umbilical cord entanglement: causes

A developing child makes a huge number of movements - and the shorter the gestation period, the faster the little one (as the birth approaches, it becomes more and more crowded in the uterus, and, therefore, activity decreases).

Imagine frolicking dolphins - somersaults, somersaults, somersaults, spirals of varying complexity. The baby moves inside your belly in exactly the same way - and any of these “tricks” can cause the umbilical cord to wrap around one or another part of his body. In fairness, it is worth noting that the child is equally good at both twisting and unwinding the loops of the umbilical cord. That is why an ultrasound diagnosis of “an umbilical cord entwined around the neck (torso, arms, etc.)” is not a reason for parents to immediately start tearing out their hair. Rather, this is a signal for the obstetrician - from now on it is necessary to monitor the expectant mother and her child a little more carefully, and, in addition, it is necessary to conduct an additional examination.

Is entanglement in the umbilical cord dangerous?

It is still impossible to answer the question unambiguously - it depends on many factors. For example, if the cord is very long, the baby can wrap it around himself several times without experiencing any discomfort. But when a normal or short umbilical cord is entwined, alas, hypoxia (lack of oxygen) cannot be ruled out - fortunately, usually short-lived: the fetus feels discomfort associated with a decrease in blood flow and tries to eliminate it on its own, that is, in most cases successfully unwinds.

The real danger arises in cases where, due to entanglement, the blood flow between the mother and fetus suffers and the child is unable to cope with this problem on his own. This situation is fraught with acute hypoxia and, as a rule, requires medical intervention.

Nutrition at risk of umbilical cord entanglement

The “unusual” behavior of a child in the womb is not always associated with acute hypoxia. A similar picture can be observed if the mother drank or ate something that has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system (strong tea, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, fresh garlic, etc.). The woman herself may not feel any changes - an adult has a protective blood-brain barrier, which tens of times reduces the impact on the central nervous system of any active substances that come with the blood. In addition, regular consumption of “stimulating” foods causes addiction to biologically active substances. But a child is a completely different matter! But even if you are absolutely sure that the problem is caused only by a violation of the recommended one, it is better to be extra vigilant and make sure that everything is fine with the baby.

Can you feel the umbilical cord being entwined?

But how can a mother understand that everything is fine with her child or, on the contrary, she needs to sound the alarm? As in many other cases, the answer is very simple: you need to listen carefully to your condition. For the baby, the mother is literally the whole universe, and it is to her that he “informs” about the problem that has arisen. The trouble is that not all women recognize this “cry for help.” Will learn!

The main indicator of the condition of the fetus, which a woman can evaluate independently, is movements (they become noticeable already at 16-22 weeks). Each child has its own daily rhythm, and most expectant mothers easily name the time when their babies sleep or are awake. The strength and frequency of movements are also individual - and the woman knows very well exactly how her child usually “frolics”. However, when hypoxia occurs, the pattern of fetal movements changes. If we are talking about a slight decrease in blood flow (chronic hypoxia), movement will slow down slightly and be more sluggish.

In the case of acute hypoxia, everything is just the opposite: a sharp and significant lack of oxygen causes panic in the fetus, movements become violent, the child pushes hard and can even roll over. This behavior has two goals at once: firstly, the baby is trying to eliminate the cause of hypoxia, and secondly, to bring to the attention of the mother that he is having serious difficulties. If these efforts are unsuccessful, the second phase of acute hypoxia begins - the fetus’s strength dries up, and movement abruptly stops. Sudden silence should not only alert the pregnant woman, but force her to immediately seek obstetric help - and better immediately!

Wrapping a baby in the umbilical cord: how to behave

Umbilical cord entanglement is not a pathological condition; it occurs in 20-25% of women - and the vast majority of them give birth without complications. The main thing in your situation is not to be nervous! Excessive production of stress hormones is completely useless - think only about pleasant things, look around with optimism! Try not to listen to horror stories like “but a friend of mine had just such a case, so this happened there...”. The less you know, sleep better! Meet people you like, do only those things that bring you pleasure, spend more time outdoors. If the doctor does not mind, it is very advisable to do special exercises for pregnant women and. One “BUT” - no extreme, even if you were a daredevil in a “past” life: adrenaline in the mother’s blood increases the baby’s motor activity, makes him worry and, perhaps, get even more entangled in the umbilical cord.

Diagnostic methods

As we have already said, in some cases additional information may be required. What is it?

Using this study, the general condition of the fetus and the dynamics of its growth, as well as the condition of the placenta, umbilical cord and amniotic fluid are assessed. Don’t worry - such manipulation is absolutely harmless for a child, even if the doctor prescribes it quite often (in difficult situations - several times a week).

This study reveals the characteristics of blood flow in the placenta, umbilical cord and arteries of the baby’s brain. Disturbances in blood flow in the “mother-placenta-fetus” system are an alarming signal and a reason for prescribing treatment (what it will be depends on the severity of the problem).

Cardiotocography (). During the 40-60 minute procedure, the condition of the fetus is assessed by the nature of the heartbeat and frequency of movements. The study requires a special device with a sensor that is attached to the pregnant woman’s abdomen. The result of CTG is a curve showing the work of the child’s heart, his movements, and hiccups. When the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck while moving, a decrease in heart rate is observed - based on the severity of this symptom, the doctor judges the danger of the situation and the need to take additional measures. CTG is performed from the 33rd week of pregnancy. At earlier stages, this study does not make sense due to the immaturity of the fetal cardiovascular system (for this reason, the curve indicators may be misinterpreted, which will lead to the prescription of completely unjustified treatment).

Umbilical cord entanglement: how to treat

It is not necessary to treat umbilical cord entanglement itself, which in no way affects the condition of the fetus and its development. The question of prescribing therapy is raised in cases where intrauterine fetal suffering is diagnosed. In case of moderate disturbance of blood flow, supportive treatment is prescribed - vitamins and nutrients that will help the baby grow normally, despite the decrease in the volume of blood supplied to him, as well as drugs that improve the “fluidity” of the blood. If these measures are effective, no other interventions are required.

Childbirth with umbilical cord entanglement

It happens that, having read and heard all sorts of horrors about entanglement with the umbilical cord, a pregnant woman categorically declares to the doctor: only! But giving birth “as usual,” even despite multiple entanglements, is not at all as dangerous as it seems. Such births require more careful monitoring of the fetus's condition through long-term monitoring of its heartbeat. If acute hypoxia occurs, the obstetrician can quickly change the delivery tactics - this depends on the condition of the child, the stage of labor and the severity of the disorders.

An emergency caesarean section is chosen in case of significant deviations from the norm in the first stage of labor, when the cervix is ​​just opening and the birth of the baby is still far away. If disturbances occur at the end of the second period (when the fetal head has already descended to the pelvic floor and is ready to appear), the optimal tactic would be dissection of the perineum. Once the head is born, the umbilical cord loops wrapped around the neck can be removed.

Irina Timoshina

Probably common to all expectant mothers in the last trimester of pregnancy is the fear that the umbilical cord will wrap around the baby’s neck and strangle him. And if the ultrasound showed entanglement of the umbilical cord, then the pregnant woman spends the remaining days before giving birth in fear and anticipation. But is a single entanglement of the umbilical cord around the fetal neck really dangerous, and what can cause it?

Risk level

After an ultrasound, which showed that the umbilical cord was once wrapped around the fetus’ neck, the woman begins to worry, and this negatively affects not only her condition, but also the condition of the fetus.

Before you panic, there are three things to remember:

  • Before it is born, the fetus does not breathe, as we are accustomed to understanding it. His body consumes oxygen and releases carbon dioxide through the umbilical cord. Therefore, if there is no strong entanglement around the neck, the child is not in danger. Only strong entanglement can cause malnutrition. But, as a rule, during an ultrasound, if such a position of the umbilical cord is revealed, Doppler measurements are additionally performed, checking the functioning of all vessels. If they do not offer to go on conservation, then there is no reason to worry.

  • A slight entanglement of the umbilical loop may be temporary due to the activity of the fetus inside the uterus. When a wide loop only slightly covers the neck, the child can easily slip out of it during the next change of position. In addition, there may be a false entanglement: the umbilical cord simply fits tightly to the neck, without wrapping around it. It is very difficult to determine such details on an ultrasound, so the pregnant woman is monitored more carefully.
  • Even if the diagnosis is accurate and confirmed before birth, then in this case there is no need to be nervous: a team of doctors will assess the condition of the mother and child, and if a single entanglement is not an obstacle to normal delivery, then the newborn will be born naturally. If there is a concern that the umbilical cord is short or wraps around the neck too tightly, then it is possible to give birth to a healthy baby using a caesarean section.

Therefore, there is no need to be nervous. It is important to remember that the child’s condition in the last days of intrauterine development largely depends on the mother’s mood.

Why does this happen?

There are many groundless signs according to which the fetus will definitely have an umbilical cord wrapped around its neck. But you shouldn’t pay attention to this: they were invented by women forced to give birth to not always experienced midwives. They tried to make the birth process as easy as possible for themselves by observing rituals.

The real reasons include the following.

Constant nervous tension

In utero, the fetus feels the mother’s anxiety, especially when the stress hormone adrenaline produced by the mother’s body reaches it through the placenta. It becomes overly active, and excessive chaotic movements can cause the umbilical cord to wrap around the neck.

Intrauterine hypoxia

The lack of oxygen causes the baby to move at first, which can cause the umbilical cord to become wrapped around the neck.

If a pregnant woman does not pay attention to the hyperactivity of the fetus in time, then gradually the movements will become less and then completely subside.

When presenting late, diagnosing the cause can be difficult: hypoxia caused the umbilical ring to become entangled around the neck or it caused hypoxia. In advanced cases, if the duration of pregnancy allows, a decision is made on emergency delivery.


When the space is poorly limited by the walls of the uterus and the embryo moves freely inside, especially at 32-36 weeks, this pathology is usually diagnosed. With polyhydramnios, the fetus very often “unravels” at this stage, and the pathology may not be detected before birth.

Long umbilical cord

This feature is most often inherited. Long loops (60 cm or more) float freely in the amniotic fluid and can wrap around the baby’s neck.

Sometimes the cause of the entanglement cannot be identified, but in most cases it turns out to be false.

In the later stages of bearing a child, a pregnant woman needs to listen to what is happening in her body and pay close attention to the increase or decrease in the activity of the embryo. But, as a rule, such an alarming symptom occurs only during hypoxia, and in other cases it passes without consequences.

Necessary research

A single twist of the umbilical cord around the neck is not a dangerous pathology, and in most cases such children are born without consequences. But to fully monitor the condition of the fetus, obstetricians regularly conduct examinations of the pregnant woman.


During a series of these procedures, which are harmless to the pregnant woman, the diagnosis is confirmed or excluded. As mentioned above, there is also a false entanglement, when the loop does not wrap around the neck, but simply fits tightly to it.

There have been cases where an entanglement was diagnosed before the last day of pregnancy, and the newborn was born without it.

Therefore, women, if everything is fine with the embryo inside, should not panic in advance: most likely, nothing terrible will happen, and the birth will proceed normally.


A type of ultrasound that examines all placental vessels, determining their filling and blood flow speed. If there are no deviations from the norm, then there is a very high probability that everything will go well. Therefore, there is no need to be nervous.


Determines the state of the cardiovascular system of the embryo and its reaction to various stimuli (its own movements, uterine contractions during training contractions or during childbirth). If all indicators are normal, then you don’t have to think much about the entanglement of the umbilical cord.

This condition is not dangerous, but still causes concern. Is it possible to somehow prevent it?


No one is immune from the occurrence of this pathology. Therefore, for the purpose of prevention, obstetricians recommend the following to women:

  • If possible, avoid overexertion and stressful situations.
  • Avoid harmful factors (work in hazardous industries, etc.), eat right and rest.
  • Maintain the necessary physical shape with the help of specially selected gymnastics, regular walks, and swimming. As statistics show, this disorder is almost never diagnosed in women who do water aerobics in special groups (the exception is the long umbilical cord, which floats in free loops in the amniotic fluid). Swimming is one of the most effective preventative methods.

  • Fully provide the body with oxygen. Walking alone may not be enough. It is advisable to master a special breathing technique “for two” and perform the exercises regularly. This breathing technique can be learned in courses for expectant mothers. In addition, such breathing exercises will help avoid intrauterine hypoxia in the early stages and prepare the fetus for childbirth.
  • At the appointed time, undergo all scheduled medical examinations and follow medical recommendations.

Of course, there is always a risk of developing embryo entanglement, but if the above recommendations are followed, it is much lower.

Despite the diagnosis, the baby can be born without complications if the pregnant woman follows the following recommendations:

  • Take special medications that support placental metabolism in a timely manner.
  • If cervical entanglement is diagnosed early (32 weeks), then it is not recommended to neglect additional examinations. Sometimes you even have to go to bed to carry the baby to term (hypoxia may develop), but in most cases this is not necessary.

  • Arrive at the maternity hospital shortly before labor begins. In this case, when regular contractions begin, the medical team can conduct all the necessary examinations and decide on the optimal tactics for labor management.
  • The “unraveling” exercises that most expectant mothers believe in are ineffective. But they are useful because such physical activity perfectly strengthens the muscles of the pelvis and back, helps saturate the blood with oxygen and improves mood, and also gives hope, which is also important. When performing this gymnastics, you should not hope for a miracle and neglect medical recommendations.

What does it take to carry and give birth to a healthy baby? Calmness and full compliance with all recommendations are the main rules, because the stress hormone adrenaline penetrates the placenta. If the birth is still far away, and the identified disorder does not affect the condition of the fetus, then there is no need to worry in vain. After all, you can give birth via cesarean section if there are medical indications.

Any woman, having heard from a doctor during a routine ultrasound that her child has been entangled in the umbilical cord, begins to worry and worry, because there are many rumors about such a phenomenon. There is even a sign according to which the expectant mother should not knit or sew, otherwise she will face such a problem.

Many people advise against exercising during pregnancy to prevent the umbilical cord from becoming entangled around the fetus' neck. However, all signs and superstitions should not be trusted, since there is not a grain of truth in them.

Medical practice shows that don't be afraid of the umbilical cord being entangled. Many women face this phenomenon. Modern doctors make every effort during the birth process to protect the child from negative consequences, such as asphyxia.

Causes of the umbilical cord entwining around the fetal neck

The umbilical cord is the main link that connects a woman and her unborn child, allowing him to receive the necessary nutrients. The umbilical cord is formed at the moment of conception and only at 13-14 weeks does it take on its final form.

The umbilical cord entwined around the fetal neck can occur for the following reasons:

  • long umbilical cord (more than 70 cm). Because of this, loops can form in the uterus around the baby's cervix. The length of the umbilical cord depends on hereditary factors;
  • polyhydramnios. It creates more space for the fetus to move. The umbilical cord floats absolutely freely. This fact increases the likelihood that entanglement will occur;
  • hypoxia. Due to the lack of oxygen supplied from the mother through the umbilical cord and placenta, the baby may begin to move excessively and get caught in the loop.

The above reasons do not always lead to entanglement. Sometimes this can happen purely by chance.

Umbilical cord entanglement is detected on ultrasound. The identified loops do not mean anything yet. Firstly, a child before birth can not only “get entangled” in the umbilical cord, but also “unravel” himself. A loop detected on an ultrasound may not last long and may not affect the condition of the fetus. Secondly, not every umbilical cord entanglement around the neck is dangerous. Only 10% of such cases end in various complications.

The entanglement detected on ultrasound should be further examined. Thanks to color Doppler mapping, which shows the direction of blood flow, it is possible to count the number of loops on the baby’s neck, that is, in this way the multiplicity of entanglement is determined. The most common occurrence is a single umbilical cord entanglement around the neck.

Using cardiotocography, you can find out whether the existing loop leads to hypoxia. Next, if there are signs of oxygen deficiency, an ultrasound examination called “Dopplerometry” is performed, which allows you to check the intensity of blood flow in the vessels of the umbilical cord, to find out whether the child in the womb receives a sufficient amount of oxygen.

If hypoxia is suspected, all studies are carried out several times, since the fetus moves and its condition is constantly changing.

Consequences of the umbilical cord entwining around the fetal neck

Almost until the 37th week, doctors do not focus on the entanglement of the umbilical cord, unless it threatens the baby. It may appear and disappear several times before giving birth.

Poses danger for the baby tight multiple or double entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck. This can cause hypoxia. Oxygen deficiency causes disruption of intrauterine development and the functioning of the entire body.

Metabolic processes change, adaptive capabilities decrease, and the nervous system is damaged. The degree of damaging effects of hypoxia depends on the duration of oxygen deficiency.

Problems with the blood supply to the baby's tissues can be caused by strong compression of the limbs or neck. Severe tension on the umbilical cord can lead to premature placental abruption and sudden labor.

What should an expectant mother do if she detects an entangled umbilical cord in her fetus?

The question of what to do when the umbilical cord is entwined around the fetal neck interests many pregnant women.

Firstly, a representative of the fair sex in a position, having learned about the existence of entanglement in her baby, shouldn't worry. Stress and anxiety will negatively affect the child.

Secondly, to avoid dire consequences, it is necessary follow all recommendations doctor There is no need to miss scheduled examinations. Thanks to them, you can find out in time about violations in the baby’s condition and prevent the occurrence of undesirable consequences.

Doctors sometimes to prevent hypoxia Prescribe special medications aimed at maintaining uteroplacental circulation. In certain cases, health care providers may suggest early hospitalization for a woman.

If the umbilical cord is repeatedly entangled in the fetal neck, a planned cesarean section is performed at 38-39 weeks. Natural childbirth in such situations is unacceptable, as it can pose a danger to the child. If the fetus has hypoxia that threatens its life, the doctor may prescribe an emergency caesarean section.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that getting entangled in the umbilical cord is not as scary an event as it seems. Serious consequences of the umbilical cord being entangled around the fetal neck can be avoided if you visit your doctor as planned and follow his recommendations.

It is also worth walking in the fresh air as often as possible, reconsidering your lifestyle, and giving up bad habits. This will reduce the risk of entanglement.

If you do find it, then there is no need to be afraid of anything. In most cases, such situations are not dangerous. Wrapping the umbilical cord around the neck once or twice will not threaten the child until the blood flow is disrupted.

Such cases are very rare and can only appear during childbirth. However, professional doctors will not let trouble happen. Modern research and control methods will allow you to give birth to an absolutely healthy baby.

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During pregnancy, pathologies may develop that involve the umbilical cord. One of them is the umbilical cord entwining the fetal body. This article will tell you in detail whether a single entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord during pregnancy is dangerous.

What is this?

The fetus in the mother's womb receives all the nutrients for its growth and development through the umbilical cord (umbilical cord). Inside this unique organ there are blood vessels through which oxygen enters the child’s body, as well as nutrients necessary for intrauterine development. Normally, the umbilical cord is an elongated cord or “cord” that is about 50–70 cm long.

However, in obstetric practice there are cases when the umbilical cord is lengthened. In such a situation, it can curl up, forming loops. Single umbilical cord entanglement is a pathology in which the umbilical cord wraps around the child’s body once.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Umbilical cord entanglement can occur in different areas. So, the fetus can be entwined with the umbilical cord at the level of the neck, abdomen or limbs. Single entanglement often occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, when the baby is small and very active.

If the entanglement of the umbilical cord occurs much earlier than 30 weeks of pregnancy, then in such a situation it is possible that the child will “unravel” on its own. If there is a sufficient amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus, and the child is not large, then it will be quite easy for him to do this.

If doctors discover that the baby is entangled in the umbilical cord at 36–38 weeks of pregnancy, then in this case the possibility of independent “untangling” is already significantly reduced. The large size of the baby at the final stage of pregnancy before childbirth does not allow him to make active movements as before. This ensures that the umbilical cord entanglement will remain in this case immediately until birth.

Consequences for the child

The prognosis for the further course of pregnancy with this pathology may be different. Doctors note that the intrauterine development of the fetus during such a complicated pregnancy largely depends on the clinical variant of entanglement.

Experts distinguish between tight and loose umbilical cord entanglement. When tightly entwined, the loops of the umbilical cord squeeze the child’s torso quite tightly. If the fetus is not tightly wrapped in umbilical cord loops, then in this case they speak of loose entanglement. Each of these clinical variants of pathology has its own developmental characteristics.

Not tight

This clinical option is perhaps more favorable. Reviews from women who experienced this pathology during pregnancy also confirm this. When the entanglement is loose, the umbilical cord loops are located at some distance from the child’s body. There is a small space between them and the baby's skin. With this clinical variant of the pathology, it is much easier for the baby to “unravel.” When the entanglement is not tight, as a rule, there is no compression of the baby’s internal organs, which means that he does not develop dangerous pathologies.

The prognosis for pregnancy with this clinical variant of the pathology is usually favorable. If the pregnancy is not complicated by any other conditions, doctors may even allow a natural birth. In this case, the tactics of childbirth are important: after the birth of the head, the obstetrician with his own hand can carefully remove the umbilical cord loop from the child’s body. This way the biomechanism of childbirth will not be disrupted.

If, even during an initially normal birth, complications develop, then in such a situation a caesarean section can be performed. Usually this operation is performed to save the baby's life.


This option is already less favorable. If the umbilical cord is tightly entwined around the baby's body during pregnancy, certain complications may develop. This condition is quite dangerous, since there is a fairly high risk of developing hypoxia. Many expectant mothers think that intrauterine hypoxia develops if the umbilical cord loop is around the baby's neck. They believe that the umbilical cord compresses the neck, where the trachea is located, which leads to breathing problems in the child. It is a myth.

During intrauterine life, the fetus receives oxygen dissolved in the blood, since its lungs cannot yet function independently. Oxygen enters through the umbilical blood vessels, which are located in the umbilical cord. Tight entanglement can lead to the umbilical cord being pinched in some areas. This can contribute to a decrease in blood flow, and therefore the development of oxygen deficiency in the fetus.

In such a situation, the baby’s internal organs (including vital ones) cease to fully develop. The risk of developing congenital pathologies in a baby is quite high. With tight entanglement, doctors must evaluate the degree of change in blood flow through the umbilical vessels. To do this, they prescribe Doppler ultrasound for the expectant mother. Using this painless diagnostic method, doctors obtain information about how blood flows in the umbilical arteries and veins.

With a single tight entanglement of the fetal umbilical cord, the blood flow in the umbilical vessels may not be impaired. In this case, the pregnancy develops normally, and the risk of developing dangerous complications is quite low.

If the blood flow through the umbilical vessels is disrupted, then the threat of developing dangerous pathologies is already higher. In such a situation, the expectant mother and her baby are monitored more closely by doctors.

In this case, the pregnant woman will need to visit her doctor more often, as well as the ultrasound room. If necessary, the expectant mother will additionally be prescribed cardiotocography - a method that allows assessing the cardiac activity and motor activity of the fetus. If intrauterine fetal hypoxia is detected due to a single entanglement of the umbilical cord, doctors may even resort to prescribing medications. For therapy, agents are selected that have a positive effect on blood flow.

According to indications, antispasmodics and antiplatelet agents are prescribed. The doctor may prescribe vitamin therapy, which is usually used for quite a long time.

If the condition of the fetus worsens significantly against the background of developing pathology, then the expectant mother may be hospitalized in a hospital (for intensive treatment). In late pregnancy, scheduling an early delivery date may be considered. Typically, these measures are used in the development of a number of complications that are possible with a single entanglement of the umbilical cord in the fetus.

To learn whether entanglement with the umbilical cord is dangerous, watch the following video.

During any period of pregnancy, the expectant mother experiences concern for her baby. Even the most minimal change in well-being can lead her to think about a possible pathology of fetal development, although these changes are not always a reason for panic. A more accurate criterion that allows us to confidently assert the presence of abnormalities on the part of the child is the pathology variants identified during diagnostic measures. One of the most common and frightening examples for expectant mothers is wrapping the baby's neck with the umbilical cord, connecting it with the mother’s body.

Umbilical cord (umbilical cord) is a spirally twisted formation that looks like a cord. It has a gray-blue color, its surface is not matte. The length is on average about 55-60 cm during normal pregnancy, the thickness is 2.5 cm.

The structure of the umbilical cord is not homogeneous: its core is a connective tissue formation of a gelatinous structure, and in addition there are important vessels designed to connect the child with the mother’s body through the placental barrier. Education data have a strong vascular wall due to the massive muscular membrane.

Functionally the umbilical cord is vital for the normal and timely formation and development of all organs and systems of the embryonic body. With the help of the umbilical arteries, all the baby’s blood, passing through the placenta, absorbs a portion of nutrients and oxygen, and releases processed substances and carbon dioxide. After this, the blood returns back through the vein. In addition to the function of oxygen enrichment and nutrition of the fetus, the umbilical cord takes part in the exchange of substances with amniotic fluid.

Consequences and risks of the umbilical cord entangling around the fetal neck

Umbilical cord entwinement in the area of ​​the baby’s neck is called the formation of its whorls with a possible threat to the life of the fetus. According to the generally accepted classification of umbilical cord pathology, this type of entanglement is isolated (involves one part of the body – the neck), but can be single, double or multiple (in accordance with the number of turns of the umbilical cord around the baby’s neck).

Single wrapping of the umbilical cord around the neck is not considered dangerous, it is not even elevated to the rank of a pathological condition of the fetus. A double and triple entanglement The umbilical cord around the neck of the fetus is a variant that can pose serious consequences for the embryo.

TO main consequences of umbilical cord entanglement baby's neck includes:

  • Clamping of blood vessels, which are part of the umbilical cord, with the development of oxygen deficiency in the child and lack of nutrients in his developing body.
  • With strong tension of the umbilical cord, it is possible from the inner walls of the uterus.
  • Suppression of normal growth and the development of the baby with the risk of failure of various organs and systems after birth.
  • Death of a child in the womb mother from absolute oxygen deficiency.

Causes of umbilical cord entanglement around the fetal neck

There are a lot various mythical reasons, allegedly explaining the formation of the umbilical cord entwining the fetal neck. This includes knitting during pregnancy, and reluctance to bear a baby, and sewing clothes by the expectant mother, and raising her hands. However, being in the conditions of modern society, it is impossible to take such myths seriously as the real cause of this umbilical cord pathology.

Any pregnant woman should clearly understand this and be aware of main clinically substantiated reasons entwining the umbilical cord around the neck of the embryo. The list of main etiological factors includes:

  • Frequent and strong psycho-emotional anxiety mother while carrying a baby.
  • Excessive umbilical cord length, which directly leads to an increase in the free movements of the child in the womb.
  • Polyhydramnios pregnancy, which also creates increased space for moving and turning the baby in the stomach.
  • to the embryo, which is why it reflexively performs motor actions in an attempt to show its dysfunctional state.
  • Uncomfortable position for the baby in the womb of a woman.

The umbilical cord entwined around the neck very often occurs completely by accident, so it is especially important to carry out all diagnostic measures to identify it before all adverse consequences develop.

The saddest fact remains that the expectant mother will not be able to identify this condition based on her symptoms, because no external symptoms at all. The only sign can be considered an increase in the number of movements of the baby, however, this is not a specific symptom of entanglement and may accompany other pathological conditions.

Determination of the presence of entanglement is made only using special diagnostic measures which any mother experiences several times during pregnancy. Diagnostic methods include:

  1. Complete medical history life and the entire past embryonic period with a detailed clarification of all the woman’s sensations, careful management of the woman and her baby during pregnancy and childbirth.
  2. Examination of the placenta and fetus using ultrasonic waves(ultrasound). During the procedure, the specialist must analyze a visualized picture of the location of the umbilical cord, its length, structural features, and the amount of water around the baby.
  3. (CTG) of the umbilical cord, which consists of sequential recording of the child’s heart rate and its changes in accordance with the contractile movements of the uterus, the influence of environmental factors and the activity of the baby himself. A specialist may identify a suspicious decrease in heart rate combined with inconsistency with uterine contractions.
  4. in order to assess the state of blood flow through the main vessels that make up the umbilical cord.

Therapeutic measures are not indicated for a single wrap; however, if there are more turns around the baby’s neck, constant close attention is performed supervision of a leading obstetrician-gynecologist with possible hospitalization in a medical facility.

For obvious reasons, there are no drug methods of modern therapy. Applicable only antihypoxic drugs, but not every doctor resorts to prescribing them. The basic principles of treatment are embedded in the methods of childbirth for patients with this problem and are often aimed at emergency rescue of the baby from a hypoxic state.

What should an expectant mother do if her baby is entangled?

All the mother’s actions should not be reduced to panic, because panic never leads to anything good or useful in relation to any situation. A woman must eliminate psycho-emotional overload and ensure her calm state. This will help not only her, but also the baby, reducing his active movements in the stomach. Especially important prudently approach the implementation of all recommendations and prescriptions of the leading gynecologist, including all diagnostic measures.

In pregnant women with identified umbilical cord pathology, childbirth can take place in two options:

  • naturally (through the physiological birth canal);
  • Caesarean section operation.

Natural birth may be indicated for lighter and less risky types of entanglement, that is, with weak and single entanglement of the fetal neck. Also in favor of physiological birth is the absence of oxygen deficiency in the child after a cardiotocographic study.

A woman gives birth on her own, however, a midwife, who is always present at the birth, carefully monitors its progress and analyzes what she sees. When the baby's head has fully emerged, the midwife removes the umbilical cord from the neck and straightens it. Also, right during the birth process, periodic (every half an hour) cartio-tocographic monitoring of the child’s condition occurs.

Surgical treatment according to the method Caesarean section It is indicated for those women in labor who have a tight entanglement of the umbilical cord, the presence of repeated envelopment of the baby’s neck by the umbilical cord and a hypoxic state of the fetus.

Preventive actions are not so difficult for a pregnant woman that she is unable to complete them. You just need to consciously and conscientiously adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Before pregnancy, you should undergo a pregnancy planning program, thanks to which doctors seek to sanitize foci of chronic infections and treat acute and chronic somatic diseases.
  • It is necessary to register with the antenatal clinic in a timely manner.
  • You should regularly attend appointments with a leading obstetrician-gynecologist.
  • This is important, this is obvious not only for the normal development and growth of the fetus, but also for maintaining the health of the mother in general.
  • Complete cessation of bad habits.
  • It is necessary to sleep well and avoid psycho-emotional and physical stress.
  • Enrichment of the diet (only after consulting a specialist).
  • Carrying out, adapted for pregnant women.

Video about the entanglement of the umbilical cord in the fetus

To fully understand all the information about this condition of pregnant women, such as entanglement of the umbilical cord around the fetal neck, you can watch a video that popularly describes the reasons for the development of this pathology, methods of diagnosis and therapy for such women in labor, and most importantly, measures to prevent its unwanted occurrence.

It is especially important to share your own experience and impressions if you have had an episode of such pregnancy. By giving a few tips, you can help other women prevent the umbilical cord from entangling their baby’s neck or understand the tactics of action in case of entanglement that has already occurred. Also don't be shy ask questions that interest you on this topic.