From February 23rd for older men. Congratulations on Police Day to a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Happy Defender's Day, congratulations to you,
May your world be filled with goodness,
I wish you all the best today,
Let your home be cozy!

Let the grandchildren and children be nearby,
May your health not fail you,
Be the happiest person in the world
Every day, every moment, every hour!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
We cordially congratulate you.
Healthy, long, interesting life,
We wish you the care of your loved ones.

May all adversity pass you by,
Let him greet every day with kindness.
And happiness remains for all years,
To live without grief, anxiety and without sadness.

Perhaps your age is not draft age,
But you still have a February holiday
Very close and dear in spirit
As long as our Earth rotates.

We wish you not to forget the past.
Strengthen yourself against the times.
Be healthy and active.
This is how you have survived until now.

I wish you never to lose heart
And love your homeland without measure.
And how to defend it with dignity,
Always be an example for young people.

Wonderful Defender of the Fatherland,
Hastens to congratulate humanity
And wish: always be strong,
Being young is equal!

Not to know: no illness, no sorrows,
So that you don't get bored in your free time...
Health was excellent
And there was definitely a sparkle in the eyes!

Even though you are retired, you still have the strength of spirit,
There is knowledge, and experience, and skill,
We can’t count all your advantages,
They really deserve admiration!

And on the holiday of February 23
We wish you health, happiness, strength!
The old guard still has plenty of fire,
She never let us down!

Congratulations on the Twenty-third of February!
May the holiday bring only joy,
Let all your relatives be nearby,
And happiness will certainly find you!

Let the pension be raised five times,
May you live luxuriously and beautifully,
I wish you good health, don’t get sick,
May there be more positive things in life!

Even though your age is retirement,
You are the best defender of all.
May the magically languid gaze of happiness
Gives you joy, peace and laughter.

Let your health, of course, not fail you,
And all your dreams come true.
Let success never take its eyes off you.
I wish you kindness from the heart.

I wish you health
Never be discouraged
Find joy in the family,
Don't let yourself go.

We sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you not to get sick,
Happiness to you every day
And health and goodness.

Your path in life is hard
Brought you a lot of pain.
Let the bad things be forgotten
And there will be no more tears.

Your children are your support,
Your grandchildren and friends.
So much joy in the world
Happy twenty-third of February!

May Defender's Day bring
Lots of joy, bright moments!
May good luck await you everywhere,
I wish you only the right decisions,
A lot of strength and steel health,
Nearby people close to you, dear ones,
And only good things in life,
Only bright and colorful days!

February 23- a holiday known as Defender of the Fatherland Day, formerly the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Defender of the Fatherland Day, as a holiday, officially originated back in 1922 and was called Red Army Day. The prerequisite for the emergence of the holiday was the victory over German troops near Pskov and Narva. It received its final name, Defender of the Fatherland Day, after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Due to the fact that every male citizen is perceived as a defender of his Fatherland, the holiday has moved to a slightly different plane and is perceived as the day of all men. The beautiful half of the country congratulates all men on this day, gives gifts and praises the strength and courage of their defenders. On Defender of the Fatherland Day, it is customary to congratulate both beloved life partners, fathers, grandfathers, and little defenders of the Fatherland.

This section contains only the most cool congratulations from February 23 for real men, regardless of age, profession and social status. Congratulate the defenders of the Fatherland using an original poetic syllable.

Who would give us tender names?
And he protected us, whenever they were not there?
Who would sing? Who would kindle the flame in us,
In which we burn with love?
Who would shield you with strong shoulders?
Who paid in battles with his blood,
So that our lullabies sound
To the sound of the rain, to the whispering of the branches?!
The hearths are warmer with them,
There are countless dishes at the pre-Starkhans!
They are a joy to us and our children!
It’s so good, men, that you exist!!!

On the twenty third of February
It’s not in vain that we gathered here:
We honor our boys,
We want more porridge,
To grow strong
Save our homeland
If the enemy comes to the border.
And also - study at "OTL"!

We warmly congratulate you,
Happy Army and Navy Day,
Let there be joy in
What someone honors and loves.
And let a smile flash
And let the wrinkles smooth out,
And let spring sing in the soul,
Today is your holiday, men!

Our dear men,
Let me congratulate you!
Your kindness and strength
We want to praise today!
Fate is not easy at times,
You are not gods - just people.
Our humble heroes
We appreciate you, we love you!

There is a beautiful day in February,
When we congratulate men.
There is no "Men's Day" on earth,
But we are correcting the mistake.
Today you have my love
We carry it by the handful.
Men, life without you is empty,
There are sad examples of this.
All our beauty is for you,
We do not lose faith in love.
Lipstick for you,
We are ruining our hair by curling it.
And in high heels
We hurry to those we love.

We have gathered here today,
To congratulate you, men.
And on a day so memorable for us
We want to wish you all the best.
Always good health,
After all, the years flow like water.
Let the current not carry them away
All your true aspirations.
We also wish you good luck
You are lucky to have Us, and that means a lot!
After all, we sincerely wish you
Success, happiness and love.

I congratulated my dad, because he was a soldier,
And he was the best in the army.
And he promised me a dog as a gift,
But only later - from payday.
My sister baked a very tasty cake,
Mom fried pork.
And my grandfather gave me a military boot,
In which I walked around Berlin.

There is no day of men yet in the world,
Oh, these poor men!
The male half is all
Lives without a holiday!
The floor is light, tender and beautiful,
It is not in vain that he rushes to congratulate men,
Giving them smiles, happiness, joy,
Even on the twenty-third of February!
After all, the first lady was born,
As we remember, from the rib of Adam,
That's why the fair half,
I want to exclaim:
Long live the men!

They say that men are like children
Only their toys are different
They cannot imagine the wind without freedom,
And they don’t know verse without rhyme.

I want a good one this holiday
Praise men from the heart!
So that everyone can be a reliable friend,
And always, without a doubt, ready!

Even though life is harsh at times, be strong
And quickly discover a reliable path for yourself.
Learn not to survive, but to live, go forward,
Always be friends with luck and on the way
Catch your success quickly, be healthy,
And you will comprehend the essence of love and life.

Especially for the site

One of the most courageous holidays is approaching - Defender of the Fatherland Day, and the presented congratulations on February 23 will come in handy. On this day, I would like to warmly and creatively congratulate all relatives and friends on this significant day.

This article describes how to make this unforgettable and memorable, what options and ideas for celebrating and congratulating men on their occasion to choose.

About the holiday

This holiday did not immediately acquire its current name, and the date itself varied several times. Since 19995, it began to be called the Day of Victory of the Red Army over the Kaiser’s troops of Germany, which not only did not correspond to the spirit of the holiday, but also to the fact itself.

Photo: history of the holiday

In 2002, the State Duma adopted a law renaming the name to “Defender of the Fatherland Day”. Since then, it has become customary on this holiday of courage and valor to congratulate all men, first of all, military men who have served or are currently serving in the ranks of the Russian Army, as well as all other men, regardless of age. In addition, female military personnel also receive congratulations on this day.

The holiday of February 23 has truly become a men's holiday, a day when all fathers, brothers, sons, husbands, loved ones and just friends accept congratulations. Ceremonial events, kind words, gifts and military-themed souvenirs are dedicated to them.

Options for festive decoration of the premises for February 23 (in the office, cafe or restaurant):

Photo: festive decoration premises

  1. In the middle of the room there is a “soldier’s tent” (if the size of the room allows). This is a “strong point” or “duty unit”. If it doesn’t allow it, a separate table with a telephone, documents, binoculars, a model or toy pistol, a rifle, a party stand, and so on is enough. The commander-in-chief (leader) sits there, who will then congratulate the men on Defender of the Fatherland Day. A flag or banner of the Russian Army hangs on the wall or stands in a special stand in the corner of the room. In the background there are songs of military-patriotic themes (to choose from: the group “Lube”, the song “Batyanya”, “Atas!”, the song “White Ships! (Army), the song “Mom, I’m going to the army!”, “Beating in a cramped stove fire!”, “Darkie” and others).
  2. "Soldier's porridge." Place pre-cooked buckwheat porridge with meat “army style” on a separate table. There are also soldiers' kettles, aluminum spoons, and sliced ​​bread. There are also cut glasses with tea here.
  3. "Soldier's bearing." All women in the office must be “armed” and wear military caps or helmets. Walking and movement should be close to those in the military. It is advisable to mark a step, salute, and respond with the commands: “That’s right!”, “Yes!”, “No way!” and so on.
  4. On the wall there is a huge poster, also known as a “Greeting Card” called “Serving the Fatherland!” – 1 option, dedicated to February 23, decorated in the style of a military theme (photos or drawings from everyday life in the army: military equipment, weapons, St. George’s ribbon, the flag of the Russian Federation, and so on). You can harmoniously paste photographs of your male employees into the formation of soldiers). In the center are congratulations from female colleagues.
  5. Poster “Serving the Fatherland!” - Option 2. Make a collage of photographs of colleagues from the time they served in the Russian Army, possibly Certificates of Honor or Gratitude and Letters from military leadership, and the like.

Beautiful congratulations to men on February 23

It’s nice to receive as a “gift” not only something material in the form of a souvenir, or a traditional small quatrain, but also a whole dedication to a certain category of men close to you!

Photo: Happy holidays from women

Solemn in prose

Dear defenders of the Fatherland! On this solemn day, on behalf of all women, allow me to congratulate you with all my heart on the great and most courageous holiday - the Day of Real Men! At all times, our Fatherland has been worthily defended and continues to stand on the borders of the Motherland by real warriors: strong, brave, ready to give their lives for our freedom and independence! How many such courageous and heroic examples have there already been in the history of our country! Until now, the whole world remembers and respects the Soviet army for the courage and patriotism shown in the cruel, bloody forties! Still modern Russian army proves clear superiority in stamina, inflexibility, professional combat skill, and unique heroism! All this is thanks to the fact that each of you is a real man, both in the ranks and in the rear! Every day, every hour, we, the weak half of humanity, feel your care and understanding, your strength and ability to support, make the right decision, and stand up for defense. Thank you for that! We would like to sincerely wish you happiness, our dear men, prosperity, love and mutual understanding. We will always be proud of you, our dear men, love, appreciate and respect you! Happy holiday to you, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Our dear men! Today we celebrate your professional holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. You, indeed, are real defenders for us, our support, our support. This has always been the case at all times: both when the country was going through terrible war years, and now, in Peaceful time. On this solemn day dedicated to your valor and glory, please accept our most my sincere congratulations Happy holiday! May all your dreams come true! Let them know no boundaries! Victory in everything, personal and family happiness, good luck and most importantly - strength and health to achieve your goals! Always remain as reliable, faithful, kind and courageous! Love and understanding! Confidence in the future and always peaceful skies above your head!

Short for SMS

The best of men
My husband, beloved, sir!

On this holiday solemn and joyful,
I really want to wish you
May the weather in life be good,
Good luck, happiness, as much as you can take!

In verse

These dedications can generally be formalized in the form of “ Greeting card" Dedicated to all men of the organization, office:

Our dear men,
Congratulations to all of you today
We all women decided this:
That you are the best in the world for us!

Well, tell me, this is what we should do
Without your confident hands,
Without the necessary and important advice,
Each of you is a brother and friend to us.

We are under your protection, care,
Everyone became as one
A little weak at work
A little younger than always.

It's good to be greeted
On the doorstep every day
Real men,
Who are not too lazy to be strong!

May today, on this holiday,
And all good things will come true for you!
Be healthy and happy,
Let your kindness pay off!

We are not afraid next to you
No problem at all!
You are men, you need this
Provide care and help to everyone!

Congratulations on the 23rd,
We wish you all the best in the office
Let the doors of heaven open
There will be on earth, well... there too!

May the sky always be clear,
Let there be peace and harmony.
Plenty of spectacle and bread,
May luck not forget you!

Let gratitude be there.
Here's to all your good deeds!
Well, we, congratulating again,
We will always be grateful to you!

Dedicated to your beloved man or husband
My beloved, when you are near,
The clouds are still passing by!
Congratulations on the 23rd
I want to always be dear to you!

You are a valiant and strong protector
On this holiday of all men
Know, my love, for me you are the most stylish,
The best and generally the only one!

The kindest, most precious,
And you are my support, my wall.
In that holiday congratulating,
Let them sound like my song,

All the words, all the wishes,
Alluring with sincerity, tenderness,
Happy Men's Day!
Signature: “your dear”!

Photo: congratulations to dad on February 23

Dedicated to my beloved dad
On this day, when the time comes,
Happy holiday to all men,
I congratulate dad and sit quietly by the fireplace
And I will list thousands of reasons.

My dad - you are my protection!
My wall, my mountain!
When you're close, the doors are all open!
Every dream comes true!

Everything I want, everything I wish,
You will do it, my dear wizard.
You will do everything, you will solve everything,
I'm a little girl with you.

And the best reward will be for me,
When I walk down the aisle,
With my future life partner,
Who will be like my father!

Today on this holiday, the 23rd,
All kind words to you, my best dad!
I'll set the table, make your favorite dumplings,
I'll try not to cry out of happiness!

I wish you health, happiness and good luck,
And may your dreams always come true!
You always do the right thing in life!
And at least once, do it the way only you want!

Get together with your friends for fishing,
Forget about work and affairs for three days!
And you will sing songs with a guitar,
And I will do all the work myself!

Dedicated to my beloved brother
My dear brother, in yours special holiday,
I, as a sister, will say not the same,
No matter how they quarrel, no matter how they get along,
But you are my best brother!

I remember from childhood all the little pranks,
We used to fight and quarrel with you,
But as soon as someone did something nasty to me,
You stand up for me right away!

The nicest and most understanding
We have grown up a long time ago!
And the fates are different, families, worries,
But I know my brother is with me anyway!

Thank you for being real
Man, protector in my life!
My brother, my knight, my friend and comrade,
May everything work out in your life!

You are worthy of happiness, love, understanding,
Admiring glances of beautiful girls!
There are few people like you, you are missing,
All grandmothers expect grandchildren like these!

Photo: congratulations to the guy (soldier) on February 23

Dedicated to my beloved guy (Soldier)
Everyone says don't cry
Everyone says wait a little
Your soldier will return and there will be joy,
The sad rains will end!

Don't think, I'm not sad
I will definitely wait for you!
But on this day, I dreamed of being there,
I dreamed of clinging to your chest!

Today you are a soldier, you are on defense
And the homeland, and our little family,
Serve, dear, be faithful to the Fatherland,
And please believe in my feelings too!

And on Defender of the Fatherland Day today
Please accept all congratulations from us,
All those who are under reliable protection,
We love you, soldiers, we can't wait to see you!

Dedicated good friend
What would you like to say in honor of this important date?
Be healthy, loved and rich!
Thank you that not only in February,
You protect peace all over the earth!
We are behind you, like behind a wall!
Happy great holiday to you, my dear!

Photo: congratulations to grandfather on February 23

Dedicated to my beloved grandfather
How lucky I am that grandpa
Me and my family have it!
He is a real man for us!
Everyone should look up to him!
Despite your age,
He never complains about them!
And in trouble he will always help,
He can protect the weak!
Congratulations on your 23rd!
Be the same always, always!
And we wish you good health!
And success in everything and love!
When we are sick you are at the head of the bed
Spending all your hours.
Born a real man
And not defeated by problems!
You are a model, dear, for everyone!
Congratulations to you and those
Who have already become grandfathers,
And they haven’t stopped being men!
May all your dreams come true!
And thank you for having you!

What and how to give men on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Advice: you should not give a man boring gifts in the form of shaving foam, a set of socks for a year, or perfume - this is trivial.

Photo: gifts for men on February 23

There are different ways to originally congratulate a man close to you:

  1. For example, if your husband/brother/father/father-in-law or friend is interested in some kind of Internet game, like “Tanks,” you can buy him (again via the Internet) a “sophisticated” tank, ammunition, or a hero. This will definitely be unexpected for a man to receive from a woman who, most often, does not approve of such “hanging out” on the Internet.
  2. All men love to eat. Based on this, you can bake a cake for the holiday, which will be especially appreciated by close men (father, husband, brother). As a last resort, a cake with any inscriptions, drawings or figures can be ordered, since modern technologies allow professionals to create such sweet masterpieces.
  3. You can arrange a “quest” for your loved one with different wishes in different places in the apartment, and give a gift with the last note.
  4. Gifts can be given depending on the man’s hobbies. For example, a man is an avid fisherman or hunter, then a great gift could be a sleeping bag, a tent, a folding chair, warm boots, or a camping set of dishes. Of course, you should not buy hooks, fishing rods, bait or gun ammunition.

Happy holiday from one organization to another

“Dear colleagues... (name of another organization)!
On behalf of our entire team, please accept our most sincere congratulations on the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! The most precious thing for each of us is a peaceful sky above our heads, confidence in the future and hope for a bright future for subsequent generations, our children!
You, real men, give us all this in everyday life, defending the Fatherland, showing courage in peaceful life! Thanks to the real courage and valor of you and our fathers and grandfathers, Russia, our entire people lives and develops, sets goals and achieves them, has unshakable authority at the global level.
Dear men! May the command never sound: “Gun to gun!”, may the sky above us always be blue and clear! Let your power be used only for peaceful purposes. Happiness and health, good luck and love, prosperity and mutual understanding!
Sincerely, ... (name of your organization)"

This text can be sent by email, or by courier, if you decide to give a gift to your companions. This gesture will further strengthen your working relationship!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day at home

It’s nice if the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day turns even at home not just into a festive feast with beautiful toasts, but into a real performance, some kind of action, when unusual surprises and gifts, congratulations and wishes await men!

Photo: army demobilization album

If your relatives served, then you probably have preserved photographs or an entire soldier’s demobilization album.

You can do it yourself, or you can turn to specialist editors and make a real slide show or even a whole film about the times when he served in the Russian army.

Table games on military-patriotic themes

During the holiday feast, you can offer to play a game. For example, the presenter (chosen collectively) takes out a card and reads the question, offering four possible answers.

Game one “The Most Serious!”

Whoever gives the correct answer faster receives a token. At the end of the game, the tokens are counted and the winner is determined. All questions should be on a topic that is understandable and known to the hero of the occasion. We offer you options for questions and answers. (The correct answer is highlighted in red)

Question No. 1: What is the most important document in the army?

Answer options: a) Constitution; b) Law; c) Code; d) Charter.

Question No. 2: Who are called grandfathers in the army?

Possible answers: a) Those who are higher in rank, that is, bosses, commanders; b) Those who were punished for bad behavior and left to continue serving in the army; c) Those who serve in the army Last year his due date ; d) Those who could not be caught for a long time in civilian life and were sent to serve only when they were pensioned off.

Question No. 3: What does the sergeants’ command “Ramrod!” mean?

a) It is checked whether the soldier has sharp objects; b) Checking how shaved a soldier is; c) A hint that it’s time to barbecue; d) It is checked whether the soldier has a sense of humor.

Question No. 4: What are socks called in the army?

a) foot wraps; b) leggings; c) wraps; d) golfs.

The winner is given a homemade medal or the order “Most Serviceman!”

Game two “Song drill!”

It is necessary to remember songs mentioning weapons or a type of transport used in the army or those who serve in them, or simply an allegorical expression, a hint.

For example, songs: “Three Tankers” (tank), “Katyusha” (weapon), “Only a saber is my friend” and so on. If you wish, you can all perform these and other songs together.

Competition – game three “Congratulatory darts!”

Photo: game “Congratulatory darts!”

Each family member writes one positive quality of the man, the hero of the occasion. The note is placed in a balloon. All balls are attached to the board. A man throws dart arrows, pops a ball and reads a compliment addressed to himself.

Task: guess who wrote it. And he, in turn, must explain why he wrote exactly these words, what he especially liked about the character and behavior of the man to whom the compliment was dedicated!

It is very important to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day, both in the office and at home, in an unusual and memorable way! It is recommended to record the celebration on video to replenish your film library and watch it later! You can edit a film from the event and give it to all men as a souvenir!

Video: Happy February 23rd! Video postcard

Video: February 23 Poems. Congratulations on February 23 in verse. Poems for February 23

Excellent Congratulations on February 23, 2018 in verse, SMS and prose for free, pictures, postcards and videos, audio and musical congratulations Happy Defender of the Fatherland

Voice congratulations on February 23 from Putin

Musical audio congratulations on February 23

Comic congratulations on February 23

Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Congratulations to you, men!
On this courageous holiday
I wish you only the best.

Be brave and strong
Always brave at heart.
Achieve your goals
Never give up!

Poems of congratulations on February 23 to men

In February there is a day of brave men,
These are the ones we congratulate today.
You are our support, you are our hope,
We place everything on your shoulders!

Dear brave men,
May your nights be peaceful.
And there will be no reason to worry,
Only love excites very, very much!

We wish you well and happiness
And calm morning dawns.
Let our Fatherland grow stronger
And your children grow up in goodness!

Funny congratulations on February 23

Both health and career,
And success to the gentleman.
Let there be wow income.
May you be lucky in everything!

Download congratulations on February 23

For men, today is a holiday,
Twenty third of February,
Your life is diverse,
You are at the helm.

Let there be so much money in life,
So that you can swim in them,
Every man is very valuable,
May there be many days off

Funny congratulations on February 23 with humor

You are the shield of your beloved country,
Wives, mothers, children.
You are ready with your life for us
Donate yours.

Every man is a warrior
Defender and soldier
Let there be love and peace
The best of rewards to you.

Cool congratulations on February 23 to men

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
Today I congratulate you.
Let it not be in your life
Sadness and sadness.

May you always be strong
And fate is wonderful.
You live under a peaceful sky
And under the clear sun.

Congratulations on February 23rd cards

Video congratulations for February 23

Congratulations on February 23rd

Let the planes fly in the clear blue sky,
Let the ships not sink, let grief not knock on the house.
I sincerely congratulate all the defenders of the country
And, of course, I wish you to live in peace.

So that a ray of sunshine brings a smile, joy, happiness,
And to replace all the bad weather, a successful day came,
Everything was fine in life, plus there was success,
May carefree children's laughter warm your hearts!

Congratulations on February 23 with short humor

Happy Twenty-third! Worthy and brave
I want to congratulate you today
We depend entirely on men -
Let everything be within your reach!

Let everything go well, everything succeeds,
Every goal is achieved
Into the sea of ​​happiness rushes on wings
Your ship won't run aground!

Congratulations on February 23 with humor

Happy Defender of the Fatherland
It's time to congratulate.
To you, strong and valiant men, -
Three times “Hurray!”

Thank you for your protection
We are the borders of our native country.
We are safe behind you,
Like behind a stone wall.

Good health, happiness to you
We wish and let
Optimism, enthusiasm, energy
They pour right over the edge.

Your wives are faithful, smart, devoted,
True friends to you,
Career advancement,
Larger bank accounts.

Funny congratulations on February 23

Happy Defender's Day, men!
Our formidable peaks,
You are not afraid of any enemy,
You have your own way of life.

We wish you to live in honor,
Always in free flight.
Love to you, happiness to heaven,
Health, strength, and a complete world of miracles.

We wish to use force
Not in war, but only in sports.
Only in the shooting range to hit the target,
Don't hear thunder on the horizon.

Let February 23
Shows our respect.
May the Earth be peaceful
Let there be no battles on it!

Congratulations on February 23 from children

Defender's Day today
All Russia celebrates
We congratulate all men,
Strong, brave and beautiful,
We wish them to live in abundance,
Smile, don't be sad,
Win and don't give up
Love your wives deeply!

Congratulations on February 23 to men with humor

We wish you to stay,
Just as fearless
Only the bold and brave
And like lions - brave.

Let life shine with joy
Wealth, only luck,
Success, happiness, sweetness,
And in a bright mood.

We wish you, defenders,
Defenders of the Fatherland,
Victory, only prosperity,
And an endless world!

Congratulations on February 23 to male colleagues with humor

Courage, strength, great achievements,
In life, success, victories, achievements.
Peaceful sky and life without evil,
I wish you comfort, warmth and kindness.

I congratulate you on Defender's Day,
I wish you great love.
Let your arms and shoulders be strong,
May you be provided with everything in life.

Congratulations on February 23 to male colleagues

I congratulate you today
Dear men,
And with all my heart I wish
Peace, joy, love.

May your cherished wishes come true,
And success in all matters will come.
May your life be filled with happiness
And the Lord will save you from troubles.

Congratulations on February 23 to men in prose

I sincerely congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you brave beginnings and victorious results, good health and confident strength, undoubted courage and great courage, masculine determination and nobility of soul, bright love and good happiness.
Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Be strong, brave and courageous, confident, persistent and unshakable, impulsive, strong and resourceful, cheerful, smart and purposeful, successful, respected and loved.
Dear men, we hasten to bring you our sincere congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day; the stronger sex, by definition, is the guarantor of support and protection for those who need it. So be healthy, cheerful, active, cheerful and in demand for many years to come!
Congratulating you on the Day of True Men, we wish that nothing disturbs the peace and tranquility of your families, may they always welcome and love you. Achieve goals, dream, travel, discover new things, get carried away, be interested, let your life be an example for others and a reason for pride for your children.
On Defender of the Fatherland Day, let me wish real men courageous actions, personal happiness, kindness and care from family and friends, peaceful and clear skies above their heads. Be healthy, successful and lucky.
On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I wish you health, success, love and always a peaceful sky above your head, so that nothing disturbs your measured, prosperous and happy life, which I also wish for you.
Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! From the bottom of my heart I wish you only the best. May your health improve, your love never leave you, and may good luck always accompany you on your life’s journey.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland! Be a brave and bold eagle, a brave and invincible lion. May every hero’s day be successful, may every master’s work be successful, may every act of a real man be worthy of respect.
Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you brave deeds and noble deeds, strong strength and excellent health, great goals and grandiose successes, bright hope and sincere love.
Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you to always stay afloat and never retreat from your goal. May any difficulties be easily overcome, may you achieve a brilliant victory every time. Be brave, confident and invulnerable.
Dear friends, colleagues and family! Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish everyone to live in peace with themselves, with their loved ones and with their land! Let happiness come to every home without an invitation or a knock, and let health be the most the best gift! I wish you kindness, warmth, sincerity and love!
Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you strength, courage and bravery. Let every day be successful, every action worthy, every idea excellent, every word firm, and every action confident. I wish you to be healthy, loved and invincible.
Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you imperial victories, deputy salaries, heroic strength, heroic courage, angelic patience, unearthly love and true happiness!
Today these congratulations are for you, dear defenders! Thank you for your courage, bravery and bravery. Because we sleep peacefully while you guard our home. Because you are our insurmountable stone wall. God bless you! And gives more strength, health and confidence. May your home love you, be proud of you, and wait for you safe and sound. Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
Congratulations on the most courageous holiday! I wish you strength, courage, health, family well-being, incredible luck. May there always be clear skies above you, and may there be peace in your soul and heart. Happy February 23rd to you.
Dear men! We wish that the state never needs protection. And you never told how this is done. Let your heroic life consist only of gallant deeds and the conquest of women's souls. And so that instead of weapons you would carry beautiful ladies in your arms.
Our dear men and defenders! Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! You are our protection and support, thank you, our dear ones, for calm and peace. We wish you, our dear ones, good health, courage, strength and good spirits. May your life be easy, positive and successful. I wish you happiness, love and prosperity.
Dear men, we congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you a peaceful life, without wars, losses and tragedies. Let your strength grow, your skills multiply, your achievements exceed all expectations. Let those around you please, your family give you strength and inspiration, your work bring the desired results. Courage to you, fortitude and a lot of luck!
Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you courage of the heart, courage of the soul, health of the body and strength of spirit. Let every day be famous for your feat or real deed, let everything be in your hands and always within your power. Be a reliable defender of your family, your dreams, your country, your hopes.

Congratulations on February 23 to men

Attention! Anxiety!
Men, take your places!
We will congratulate you
Today, step by step.

First we wish
Health and success,
Have a good start
And joyful laughter.

Combat charge,
Readiness in everything.
And the sky is blue,
And the sun right into the house.

Happy twenty-third of February,
My dear protector,
I hasten to congratulate you,
To say that you are only my hero!

I wish you to remain brave
To be the best of men
Success awaits you in any business,
Always be number one!

Congratulations on February 23 to boys at school

I congratulate you on February 23rd.
This is what I wish for all defenders:
A sky of peace, kindness, happiness and good luck.
May you be able to handle difficult tasks.
And let there be peace in the houses, the rear is very important.
Let them greet you with a smile even in the middle of the night.

Congratulations on February 23rd are short

The stars smile brightly at you,
And your strength, honor and courage,
In spite of adversity, they become stronger.

There will be no enemies and no envious people,
Let the best friends surround you.
Let capitals grow larger
And be always lucky.

Good luck - in every endeavor.
The native fatherland is strong,
Big, glorious, great,
Victorious, stable.

Funny congratulations on February 23 to colleagues

Sincerely since February 23
Congratulations, my friend!
May this winter day of the calendar
He warms you with his care.

Let joy and comfort surround you,
Happiness and inspiration never leave.
May all your endeavors bring success
And the mood will certainly be bright.

Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues in prose

Twenty third of February
The whole country celebrates -
Congratulations to all men,
Regardless of their rank.

Be loyal to your country
Be devoted to your family
Protect the world from evil,
Don't let the enemy in!

May the sky be clear
Sadness will not touch the heart,
Only joy in my soul
And peace in the country!

Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues

Happy holiday of courage, happy holiday of honor,
We would like to congratulate you on the holiday of strength.
Be strong, be brave,
The February holiday is for you, for men.

Always be a support and support
To my beloved mother, wife, sister.

They won't meet you anywhere in life!

Congratulations on February 23 in the garden

Congratulations to you men
We're hot today.
We always need
Your strong shoulder!

Defender of the Fatherland Day
On a piece of calendar,
So please accept congratulations
Happy February 23rd!

We wish you good health,
Faithful, devoted love,
So that from troubles and shocks
You could protect us!

Congratulations on February 23 in official prose

Valor, intelligence, charisma,
Believe in strength and dreams.
Let fate light up on you
Happiness to the bright star.

Let recognition overtake you
Significant, great merit.
Let prosperity reign in the family,
A faithful friend will be nearby.

Congratulations on February 23 for free

Those who served are very close and sacred
Both concepts are Valor and Honor.
We congratulate you guys today
Everyone who has these values!

Happiness, health, stability, peace!
New achievements and a sea of ​​victories!
To continue to be your honor in your uniform
We were all proud for many years to come!

Congratulations on February 23rd to dad

Happy twenty third of February
Congratulations, friends!
Please accept congratulations
And shake your head!

May you have a great life,
Let there be no obstacles!
May luck smile
And success is in full swing!

Official congratulations on February 23

You don’t care about any barriers,
And the machinations of competitors are not dangerous,
After all, you are sharp with your mind-sword
You cut problems into puzzles.

Your courage, courage and honor
They shine brighter than any armor.
Ah, knights, thank you for being there
Women are weak! Victory and success to all.

Health, optimism, new strength!
Let us remind you, congratulations on the 23rd,
That we love you! And our passions are ardent
Let him inspire you to great deeds!

Congratulations on February 23 at work

“Defender of the Fatherland” sounds proudly,
An invisible shield is created from them,
Which will close us if there is war,
And this profession is very necessary.

Your holiday always happens in February,
When the wind, snow and blizzard are in the yard,
Even if it's dark and snowy outside
We congratulate you brightly and warmly!

We trust you with our peace and quiet
And we know that the price will not stand
Defender of the Fatherland, if there is a plague
They will encroach on our homes again.

Congratulations on February 23 to boys

February 23 -
A holiday of true men!
Without concealing admiration,
We want to congratulate you!

May you always be healthy
Full of strength and energy,
Always ready for a feat,
Be the pride of the country!

Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues with humor

May you be lucky in life,
Companion luck
Will bring happiness and joy into the house
And some money to boot!

Congratulations on February 23 in verse

There are many holidays in the world,
The most masculine is only one.
Our dear defenders
Today we want to congratulate you.

Be healthy, rich,
May you have enough strength for everything!
Happiness and love will be nearby
Life will pass through in joy!

Congratulations on February 23 in prose

Let it light up in the sky for you
Guiding star,
To new goals and successes,
She will show you the way.

May you be strong in spirit,
Always easy to climb,
So that with the woman you love
You have found your happiness!

Congratulations on February 23 in kindergarten

In gratitude to the warriors of light
We will turn the words about love.
To those who, both in winter and in summer
We lovingly preserve the entire Universe,

On this holiday, imbued with power,
On this day that we love the country so much,
We will stand side by side with a man,
To be together a reliable wall.

Congratulations, our soldiers,
Our workers, brave souls!
May you live peacefully, warmly and richly
Despite all bad weather and evil!

Congratulations on February 23

On a special day for you,
Twenty third of February,
I want to win
Or to convince with a word.

Seduce and enjoy
Feel free to give in to your feelings
Protect, preserve, store,
To be loved and to love!

Congratulations to dads in the garden on February 23

Red calendar day,
Defender's Day is today.
We congratulate you:
Be strong and noble.

So that with you it’s like behind a wall
Storms and thunderstorms are not scary,
So that with a confident hand,
I would ward off all threats.

Congratulations to men on February 23 at work

Strong and brave
To our defenders.
Low bow and hello
We congratulate you on the 23rd,
We wish you victories in life.
Real friends
Only true friends
Smooth paths and roads,
So that, defending our native Fatherland,
Everyone could be happy.

Congratulations to boys on February 23 from girls

You are a protector, you are a support,
You are a man no matter what!
I want to congratulate you
Twenty-third of February.

So that your enemies are afraid of you,
Just seeing the silhouette.
To make ladies admire:
“There is no more beautiful man!”

Let your health not give up,
Neither in the heat nor in a snowstorm,
In the house so that there is comfort, prosperity,
And a hot bed.

Congratulations to girls on February 23

Our protection and support,
Men, how we appreciate you!
You are the strength of the Motherland, without dispute,
And a strategic reserve.

You are ready to serve your Motherland,
And we are ready to serve you,
Let us put in a word
About how dear you are to us.

Placing hopes on you,
The whole earth lives in peace,
And we congratulate you with love
Happy February 23rd to you!

Original congratulations on February 23

In honor of the fearless defenders,
Kind, brave and courageous
Glasses are raised
A lot of words are said.

Congratulations, dears!
Be the life you are loved,
Happiness, joy, health,
And the soul is full and full of love!

Beautiful congratulations on February 23

May it be on Defender of the Fatherland Day
The stars shine brighter in the sky for you,
After all, it is very important to humanity
For happiness, peace in this world.

Let your friends be faithful
Let the savings accumulate
It’s impossible to live without them now -
Take it into service!

Get down to business boldly
Be proud of your beloved Motherland,
So that life is happy,
And the army is invincible!

Short congratulations on February 23 to men

Happy holiday, defenders of the Fatherland.
Take a break from worries today.
You have saved humanity more than once
And you will save him more than once.

Happiness, gratitude of descendants,
So that you are always remembered and waited for,
So that your children laugh loudly,
And the spouses did not cry anymore.

So that you can be at home more often,
We saw only joyful dreams,
Don't lose friends and acquaintances.
So that there will be no more war.

Children's congratulations on February 23

Our wonderful men,
Our joy, pride and support
We hasten to congratulate you on the holiday -
Accept the mountain of wishes!

May you always be lucky in everything,
May luck accompany you in your business.
Let fate give only the best,
Problems are solved with ease.

You give us confidence, success,
We are care, affection and support.
You, men, are the best among us,
Charming tough nuts!
Happy Defender's Day, our men!
May you be happy and loved.
Strength, patience, good spirits,
And in business - no feather and no fluff!

There's no doubt you're flawless
So may you all be healthy forever,
And smart, and decently powerful,
And they are always inseparable from success.

And be a strong wall in the house,
You will never know grief
And live in peace, in peace.
Positive! Wider smiles!
Let this date be brutal,
Let there be no place for sentimentality,
You, reliable soldier,
I should congratulate you in return.

You, regardless of the weather,
It doesn't matter if it's cold or warm,
All services are burdens, adversities
You carry it lightly, to spite your enemies.

So always be so reliable,
Mighty, strong as you are,
And be kind whenever possible.
Good luck. All. I have the honor!
Defenders of the native fatherland,
On this day we wish you
Fewer enemies, easy service,
So that everyone returns home.

Thank you for taking care
Our sleep, peace, peace on earth,
With your broad, strong back,
Shield yourself from all troubles.
Men honor this date -
Holiday of the warrior, soldier!
On Defender of the Fatherland Day
We wish you throughout life,
For women to appreciate
To give your warmth,
So that the car doesn't break down,
All the work was done.
May the fish always bite,
Let the game run towards the catcher.
So that I wish it could,
So you can live in chocolate!
It is a duty and honor for a man to defend his native country,
How wonderful it is that in Russia you are countless defenders!
Congratulations to you men, happy February 23rd,
This holiday is entirely yours, and it was not invented in vain!
We wish you health and always, in everything, victories,
More tenderness with love, live happy for a hundred years!
All congratulations to you, heroes,
Defenders of the Fatherland are dashing!
Nice for the ladies, no matter what you say,
That there are such knights nearby!

You are like eagles, and under your wings
We feel so safe
We are very sincerely proud now
And we wish to be invincible!
Happy Defender's Day, guys!
New victories on your way!
So that there is joy in life,
Many years of happiness to you!

Your courage, bravery
May they never fade!
We wish without obstacles
You get to live out your years!
For courage, for valor and bravery
We say thank you today.
Congratulations to the defenders of loved ones
And this is what we want to wish now:

Love, success, happiness and prosperity,
Good luck and luck in business,
Roads are straight, beaten and smooth,
Only loyal friends and all sorts of blessings.
There is a special day in February,
Unforgettable for men
Holiday of courage and valor,
He is adored by the people.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
Let all your affairs work out,
The sky will only be peaceful
And my career is building quickly.

I wish you more holidays,
Happy days, mood,
Respect, attention,
And of course patience.
February 23
It’s not in vain that our people love us.
After all, men all over the country
Full of honor and courage.

You bravely bring our homeland
You defend skillfully.
You are not afraid of any enemy,
You are a mountain for your homeland!

Peace and prosperity to you,
Let your wishes come true
It will be a strong power
Your honor and glory will grow stronger.
To heroes, defenders, simply loved ones,
Dear, beloved, unique
We wish you health, love, inspiration,
Get down to business with diligence and zeal.

In work, strive for the desired heights,
Fulfill your dreams, make your plans come true.
Sublime feelings - the best in the world!
Set a great example for your children.

To be the head, shoulder and support in the family,
Forget about adversity, sadness and quarrels.
Love this life and fight for happiness!
Wishing you light and warm sunshine!
Men's holiday! It's February for a reason -
They have courage, endurance, and valor!
We congratulate all those who once
I understood the value of the concept of “honor”!

Continue to be persistent, courageous,
Be a reliable shoulder for women!
So that you have everything that is so important:
Strength, health and happiness flow!
Health, peace, light, happiness,
Days of bright, light, without bad weather,
Cloudless love, big,
Always happy to be fate!

So that everything comes true, succeeds,
Only joy happened in life.
Fun, endless laughter
On the day of February 23!
Defender of the Fatherland - sounds proudly,
And the brave soldier stands on guard,
He is ready to defend our homeland,
Stand: for your home, for your father and mother!
We really, really need defenders,
But, just: it’s better not to have a war...
Happy twenty third of February
I congratulate you
And I want to be strong
To love your homeland,
Protect beautiful ladies
Punch all your enemies in the face
Forget about problems
And always be a hero!
All defenders of the country,
We congratulate you today.
You are so brave and strong,
And we want to remain that way.

Protect those who are dear to you,
All loved ones and relatives.
And don’t leave your friends,
In any situation.

Always be brave
And any height will conquer you.
We sincerely wish you love and goodness,
We are very proud of you!
I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart
Happy real man's day!
Send all wishes
You... I wish it to happen
Everything that is meaningful and important
What will make you happy.
Victory in everything, love, good luck
And so that there is enough strength for everything!
So that everything is possible and everything is given
You always without delay,
May only the best happen.
Accept all these congratulations!
All defenders of the country
Congratulations together.
Are you ready to take the gun?
If necessary.

Defend your country
From a dashing enemy,
But we wish that forever
There was no such thing.

To sound throughout the whole earth
Children's laughter is cheerful,
The cities did not burn,
Schools were not blown up.

For a cozy warm home
Warmed with love
And there would be enough for everyone
Happiness and health!
Today is a holiday for all men,
Brave, smart, courageous,
What among the mountains, seas, plains
They will be able to protect us.

And you deserve it
The most worthy among them:
Fathers, brothers and betrotheds,
And all the male relatives.

I wish you to always be
Invincible in everything.
Let the bright star shine
To you and your loved ones.
Defenders of the Fatherland
Congratulations today,
Love, kindness and peace,
Men, I wish you.

So that your hands are strong
And hearts are warm,
For family and homeland
They stood until the end.

So that you love women,
To take care of children
And the land, so that it’s native
You were able to protect.
I want to congratulate all our men,
Happy Day of Strength, Courage and Courage!
Let there be no reasons for wars in the world,
There will be no unnecessary discord,
Let there be support behind you:
Family and loved ones
Trouble and separation wander by,
Let there be peace in your homes!
I wish you presence of mind always,
Endurance, iron will,
Let your star shine bright
And joy lives everywhere!
February 23 -
This is a holiday for you!
For defenders, men,
Despite the rank and rank.
Always be so brave
Brave, strong - that's what's important.
It will be difficult - don't give up
Don't get out of line,
Just strive for the best
Have fun today!
I wish you to be such a man
So that the women nearby would gasp.
So that they know: “We will protect the country!”
Just meeting your eyes.

Let the cities find a peaceful life,
Let children grow up smiling.
You will always be a faithful defender.
And I have no doubt about this.
Happy holiday of courage, glory and strength!
We honor you, dear men!
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you with love,
May you have good health.

Clear skies, only peaceful battles,
Career growth and achievements.
May life be generous with all the blessings.
Joy, happiness, love, goodness to you.
From February 23,
Happy men's holiday!
The earth takes shelter
Mischievous snow.

Let this snow be fluffy
It will sweep away troubles.
And in return he will give you laughter
And souls fly!
Celebrating Defender's Day
We praise valiant men.
On February day I wish
May you all reach the top.

Be an ace at work,
To reveal all the talents,
Get paid often
Repel all blows.

May you succeed in having a family
Create your own strong one,
So that in a cozy, nice home
I could rest my soul.
You men are our pride,
Our strength, power and become.
On Defender's Day we want
I sincerely wish you
Strategic decisions
And the most reliable rear,
Only victories without defeats,
At home so that love awaits,
The spirit was strong, the body was strong,
The friend was faithful for centuries.
Peace over your beloved country,
There is a spark of happiness in the heart.
On February 23, I congratulate you with a pure heart,
I wish you to live, attracting success to your destiny,
He smiled, knew no troubles, was healthy and cheerful all the time,
Troubles and problems were avoided by you
So that on this important day everyone’s wishes come true,
And let your family often pay attention to you,
I wish you strength, wisdom, love - and fun,
To become the happiest has always been your goal!
The February wind is like a brother to you,
In fact, he is also a soldier.
He remains devoted to winter -
Severe and strong, like granite.

It protects from the cold
And you are your hometowns.
And peaceful sleep and children's laughter,
And the Motherland is one for everyone.

We wish you good luck in everything,
Through a life of righteous tasks.
May the sky always be peaceful
And the wind is only fair.
Let no shadows fall on your face,
Even though the years pass by,
The soul knows no sorrows,
Health always makes you happy.

Let the horizon ignite,
A new dawn will light up.
We congratulate you today
Again from February 23rd.

Health, a lot of vigor and strength,
Always live in abundance, guaranteed,
So that every moment brings only joy!

May your cherished wishes come true:
Car, house, own company!
I wish you only success and prosperity
Today, on the Twenty-third of February!
Defenders of the Fatherland,
Today you have honor and glory,
With all my heart, heartily,
Congratulations ladies!

Protection and care,
You surrounded us
May it be wonderful
Everything in life is yours!
On a snowy frosty calendar day
I congratulate you with all my heart,
Today is a holiday - February 23!
I sincerely wish you all the best.

Don't take away from your wonderful qualities,
So stay like this always.
I wish you positivity, joy, eccentricities.
Let everything in life be a success!
On this day we wish all men
A sea of ​​smiles, joy, warmth.
We wish our defenders strength
And an endless cup of goodness.

Let all adversity become trifles,
And on this day everyone is proud of you.
Let your family be close to you,
Saving you from melancholy and all sorts of troubles.

We wish bright blessings to our heroes.
You are the best shining example of courage!
I wish you health, success and fearlessness,
Victories in any of all possible areas.
On this holiday of all men,
Our strong fellows -
Those who are very dear to us -
Congratulations from all the ladies!

Have bright days in your life.
Become even stronger
May all the difficulties be on your way
It will be easy for you to pass!

Let care and love
You will be warmed again and again.
Happiness, joy, luck,
Have a festive mood!
I wish to always remain a man,
So that even an avalanche doesn’t break you!
I wish you success in everything and always,
So that if there are problems, then they are just nonsense!

May your health be like flint,
Climb to the level you want,
It’s easy to achieve everything, without barriers,
So that everyone would be happy to meet you!
February 23 -
Best day for a man.
And a beer for you in the morning,
And a football game.

Foam, gel, notebook with pen,
There will be no thrashing from your wife.
In general, celebration and fun.
Be a reliable defender
Admire the strength of spirit.
Even what is impossible
It was imagined, make it happen.

Be strong and noble
Choose your right path.
And out of many, many hundreds
Be the best, be the first.
Defenders of the Fatherland
We hasten to wish -
Be persistent and strong!
Never lose heart!

May all your efforts
Don't go to waste!
Let us congratulate you
Happy February 23rd!
A real man
It's very easy to distinguish:
The kindest, smartest, strongest,
Can please, love.

So that you remain like this,
I wish on your holiday -
I managed everywhere, laughed,
If necessary, over yourself.

And patience, health
Let them not let you down.
So forward to new victories!
Happy February 23rd!
Today is a holiday for men,
And we will congratulate them.
For or without reason,
But what do we want to wish for?

So that you are always near,
With that protective shoulder
To take care of us through the years,
So that everything doesn’t matter to you!

So that fame, money and luck
You have been accompanied through life.
So that you have that hearth,
Near which they were waiting for you!
On February 23
I wish you to be smart and strong,
Achieve all goals in life,
Be brave, cunning, perspicacious!

Find love, your home, your family -
Take care of them as best you can.
Be a strong guy, fighting,
Lucky, bright and happy!
I wish the strong half of humanity
I have a lot of happiness on Defender of the Fatherland Day,
Health, strength, love and strong friendship,
May your life have everything you need!

Let all goals become reality,
Success awaits you guys in every endeavor,
Let there be reasons for joy
You are always there, our beloved men!
All humanity is under reliable protection,
A large country is under reliable protection,
After all, they have a defender of the Fatherland -
A reliable man at all times.

I wish you that the country glorifies you,
So that the house is full of love and kindness,
So that wisdom never leaves you
And so that your eyes glow with health!
From February 23,
Real men!
Without wasting time,
We wish you joy and strength,

Happiness, peace and goodness,
So that the sky is clear.
So that unnecessary blues
It didn’t interfere with living with meaning!
Today is a holiday for men.
There's only one of these a year.
Congratulations to you, men,
I wish you patience from the bottom of my heart.

May the angel protect you
And guards against enemies.
Let there be peace and tranquility in the house.
And rest your soul.

As long as you exist, we are all calm,
You deserve a great reward.
And may it be February day today.
It will bring you love and health.
Defender of the Motherland is a man,
There is a reason to congratulate you.
Be short, honest and strong
So that the home is protected.

I wish you to be loved
Always make you happy with a smile
Indispensable for the homeland,
After all, you can’t go anywhere without protection!
Happy important holiday today
We congratulate you.
You go through life easily,
Bypassing all problems.

Our man, our protector,
You are our beloved hero.
Bogatyrsky health
We wish you on your holiday.
On the Day of Defender of the Country
We have been given powers.
Leave wishes to everyone,
And congratulations to the defenders.

May all your dreams come true
In a world full of kindness!
Let the bad weather be forgotten,
There will only be a lot of happiness!
So that all humanity honors the fragile peace,
Defender of the Fatherland Day was created
So that all men or all military
Raise military spirit and heroism.

We especially congratulate them on the holiday,
We wish you to live in a happy world for a long time,
Let our peaceful sleep be protected,
Let evil and terrorism be defeated.
We sincerely congratulate you
Happy Twenty-third of February!
And on Defender's Day we wish
Always be the pride of the country.

We want to be an example for everyone,
We wish you good luck in your business,
Be the first at work
And be picky about your friends.

Let worries not touch you,
Everything is smooth in the family, laughter in the house.
We wish you good health,
May success accompany you.
Congratulations to the men of all Russia,
All defenders of our country.
Be brave, healthy, beautiful,
Noble, brave, strong.

Let the wing of the black bird fight
Will not touch your native shoulder,
May you not have any sorrows
And the candle of love will not go out!
We are nowhere without men,
Life is not the same without them.
Because we need protection,
Support in life is so important.

No wonder the holiday has come to us,
Defenders of the country.
It's so good with men
And we know this.

Today we congratulate everyone!
Some are old and some are young.
May success accompany you
And life goes well!
Who has the strength and dexterity,
Knows clearly how to assemble a Kalash,
He sure knows how to do it cleverly
Defend the Fatherland from enemies.

Let the enemy not even dream,
As if he can defeat ours.
Those who protect their native land
They will not be able to overcome difficulties.

Today is the holiday of those who do not give up
That they go to victory until the end.
Let them beat calmly in your chest
Brave, brave hearts!
I hasten to congratulate you on Men’s Day,
I wish you courage.
So that for all relatives and loved ones
You could stand like a wall.

Let them pass by
Troubles, grief and sadness.
With faith and optimism
You always looked into the distance.

Be a real man
I always wish you.
A faithful and reliable friend,
A gentleman - in a circle of ladies.
All defenders today,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
And for the blue sky,
We say “Thank you” to you.

Let the Fatherland be calm,
It will be every day of the year
Heroes will defend the country,
They will take away the trouble!
Thank you, our defenders,
For your strength and courage,
For something we can be proud of
That you will give us protection.

For the calm days
We are grateful to you for years,
Why do you protect our peace?
You live for our world.

May the sun shine on you and be
Friendly, loving people
May life shower you with gifts
Because you and I are calm.
You are our main protector!
The best on earth:
You won't deceive, you won't betray,
And it’s more fun with you!

I wish on this day
Always be as you are;
Be cheerful, and - believe me -
It's good where you are!
You are our support, protection,
And pride at all times.
You and I live peacefully,
And let it always be.

You will defend the Fatherland,
The country where you and I live.
Let me quickly congratulate you
Happy holiday to you!
To real men - our protectors,
We want to be stronger and more beautiful,
To protect the Fatherland from various enemies,
Definitely become a general someday!

Hit the targets exactly in your service,
And strive only for the highest levels in rank,
May preparations always go well,
And your career, like a tank, boldly moves forward!
Happy twenty third of February
I hasten to congratulate you.
Let everything be “excellent”:
Get lucky in person and with cash!

More happiness and love,
May your dreams come true!
Always walk with a smile
Go ahead and don't make a mistake!
I bow to you deeply,
Defenders, heroes.
We congratulate you on your holiday
And we wish you a peaceful sky.
More fragrant herbs in the meadows,
Ears of gold in the fields,
Love, health and good luck.
So that only peaceful tasks
You had to decide in life:
Raise children, plant gardens,
Sow grain, build cities
And always be our protection.
For men on February 23
I wish you peace and goodness,
Health, strength to the end,
May you never give up!

Let courage reign in our hearts,
Overcame all obstacles
You were all happy with life,
Happy holiday, guys!
Wonderful, funny,
Our respect and respect,
On Defender's Day we please
Express my admiration for you.

Always be with us,
Protect from adversity
A large detachment
Protect our people.
Your day has come, dear men,
Defenders of reliable countries.
You are brave and reliable,
Women really, really need you!

May life be calm and happy,
No volleys, machine guns or attacks.
So that in February they give you gifts
For strength, for courage, just like that!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Happy twenty-third of February,
All those who are marked by courage,
Today I congratulate you!

May your valor and courage
It will only become brighter over the years.
I wish you happiness and good things,
Health will be stronger than steel.

Comfort and joy are like a reward,
Let them live in your house.
After all, a little is needed for happiness -
So let there always be enough of everything!
I congratulate you on the holiday of courage,
I wish you to be the strongest
So that you can defend the Fatherland
And march bravely on guard.

May the sky above us be peaceful
And the house always smells like pies.
Prosperity, victory, good luck, warmth.
Happy February 23rd!
The Fatherland can sleep peacefully,
When there are such guys.
You are the true protection
Courage, courage and honor.

Congratulations on your 23rd,
The clink of glasses sounds for you.
I wish you good health.
May the sky be peaceful.

Love, honor, respect!
Let your friends be true!
I congratulate you with all my heart
I'm from February 23rd!
Our dear defenders,
Our brothers, friends and fathers,
Congratulations on your holiday,
You are truly great.

Be strong, brave, smart
And strive forward all the time.
Let your deeds be reasonable,
And may you be lucky in your affairs.

Be persistent, faithful, honest,
To always rely on you,
And live an interesting destiny,
May your dream come true.
February 23 is the holiday of all men,
We are already in a hurry to congratulate you.
Courage, devotion, valor and honor, -
Your merits cannot be counted.
Our defenders, our wall,
Any misfortune with you is nonsense.
We wish you strength, reliable friends,
Nerves of steel and good nights.
Peaceful skies above your head
And a faithful companion next to you.
You are my hero, you are my man,
And on a special day in February
There is an undeniable reason
Happy holiday to you.

With such a defender you're not afraid
Fate blow or whim.
Always be strong and brave -
This is your motto in life!
Who will fix the door in the hallway?
Who will turn on the faucet in the kitchen?
Someone will caress you and lay you down
Careful on the sofa?

Who will cover you with a warm blanket,
Who will bring some water?
Who's going to joke at dinner?
Will a slipper kill a spider?

It's you, our men.
Pride, strength and support.
Money, happiness to you, good luck!
Stay close and healthy!
Real men,
I hasten to congratulate you,
I have reasons for this -
February 23!

You are our dear Fatherland,
Protect from the enemy
Never be discouraged
Be happy always!
Happy Defender's Day
Allow me from the heart!
We certainly wish everyone
Peace, happiness and love.

Bogatyrsky health,
Respect and honor,
Glory and courage friends.
Happy February 23rd!
The strongest, the bravest,
Smart, sensitive, kind, loyal...
We simply cannot count all your qualities!
We are very glad to have you.

Today we congratulate you together,
We wish you success, good luck and prosperity.
Your February day has now arrived,
May it give you health and strength!
The ladies slow down
You can't escape the delight
February 23
Got in the way.

There is joy and fireworks everywhere,
And a man's beautiful laughter,
It's not difficult for us at all
Congratulations to everyone today.

May your dreams be like the wind,
They fly to your door
Happiness, courage, good luck,
A bright life without losses.
Defend our Fatherland
Real and strong-willed,
Those men who are not afraid
And whoever can overcome any obstacles.

May all qualities: courage and boldness,
And courage, and intelligence, and charisma
Always remained in your heart,
To be faithful to our fatherland.

I wish you to always strive
Only forward to endless happiness,
Let there be faces surrounded
Who will share this holiday with their souls?
For a peaceful clear sky
We should be grateful to you
Our beloved men,
This is a priceless gift!

For courage, valor, bravery
We want to congratulate you today
Happy February twenty-third day,
Happy real men's day!
Today we want to congratulate everyone
Happy Defender's Day,
We wish you all love and peace,
Happy life without war,
Let's always be together
Protect family and homeland,
From troubles, insults, betrayals and grief,
We want to warn everyone!
Happy Defender's Day, Happy Brave Day!
May all your wishes come true:
Like candles in candelabras,
Let your success shine.

All the awards, all the victories
Let them become available
Only fear will be unknown
And luck is relentless!
Congratulations guys
From February 23rd.
You are like young eaglets -
Let Mother Earth be proud.

So that the sky is peaceful
So that you don't know about war.
So that the look is not sad,
And the warmth of spring is in my soul.

Congratulations, boys,
Happy Defender of the Country Day.
More courage is not superfluous.
You are worthy sons.

Develop, don't get sick.
And you step forward.
You give everyone smiles,
And let good luck come.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day sincerely
I congratulate you at this hour.
Let your dreams come true instantly,
May fate swirl you with joy.

May kindness surround you
Also, be joyful and strong.
Let love warm with care
Your soul, heart... and of course, home.
Today is a holiday for men,
Not waiting for good reasons.
Today is a holiday for the guys,
For those who have served and for soldiers.

I wish you many years of health,
There are always victories in any business.
Let only happiness surround you,
Let the bad weather forget you!
I wish you the twenty-third
Peace and goodness to you,
So that you can live without knowing troubles,
Even better than yesterday!

Let your career strive upward
Everyone's dreams come true.
May your health improve
May you be full of strength!
This holiday honors courage,
Always praises courage
There is a reason to congratulate all men,
Happy Twenty-third of February.

May luck inspire you
And peace in fate,
May your health be good,
To take the high line.
Congratulations on February 23
We hurry all men!
All your smiles today are not in vain,
There are 100 reasons for this!

You give care and warmth.
You are courage, reliability and success!
It's simple and easy for us to be with you!
The path in life will be joy, happiness, laughter!
From February 23,
Congratulations and wish
Be at the helm of life
And the possibilities are endless:

In love, in friendship and career.
And success to come
And prosperity is sure
He entered your life away.
On Defender's Day I want to wish,
May you always be strong and healthy,
So that if the Motherland has to be defended,
You were ready for this every moment!

May your career only go up,
I only wish you to live in abundance,
So that you become a rich millionaire
And I was able to fulfill my dreams!
All brothers, fathers, husbands and grandfathers
We congratulate you on Men's Day.
We wish you victory in everything
And a lot of happiness day after day!

May there be peace, kindness and joy,
Let love surround you
And happy Defender's Day today
We sincerely congratulate you!

You are our strong support,
Our hope and dream.
May it help you and bring you joy
Our love and beauty!
Happy Twenty-third of February, cordially
I congratulate you at this hour!
Let life become flawless,
For chic, for shine, for class!

May your wishes come true soon
And let your health become stronger.
I also wish you peace, understanding,
Don't worry about sadness.
Defender of the Fatherland Day
Meets humanity again
And, of course, at this hour
I hasten to congratulate you!

I want to wish you forever
Peace... Infinite peace!
And good health to you.
And real happiness!
There is a reason to congratulate you -
You are a wonderful man.
Reliable, strong, businesslike,
Confident, hero!

And on Defender of the Fatherland Day
I wish you a happy life
Luck to give you wings
And it gave me an incentive to perform great deeds!
We are the defenders of the country
We hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
We are united and strong
We want to glorify you today.

Those who keep our peace,
Who is responsible for the Motherland?
He gave his debt to the Fatherland,
I am pure in my thoughts and bright in my soul.

Everything in this life is not in vain.
You have chosen a worthy path.
Happy Twenty-third of February!
Happy holiday, heroes!
Twenty third of February -
An important day on the calendar
After all, the defenders of the country
Very important for all of us!
You will protect our people
And you will not give offense.
For the country - through thick and thin,
Defend honor and freedom.
Congratulations on your holiday
And with all our hearts we wish,
So that your health is strong,
So that your wives love you,
So that all good things come true,
To live well!
From the fair half -
Congratulations to you, men.
Happy twenty third of February
Congratulations, voila!

Let the press write about you,
The cubes are strengthened on the abs,
A pack of Gazprom shares for you,
Two Rolls-Royces near the house.

Your work is not dusty,
Let your income grow steadily.
Never fight -
Just play tanks!
On the Winter calendar day
Twenty third of February
We congratulate those closest to us
From your men, friends!

Brothers, grandfathers and fathers,
As one you are great.
'Cause you're on guard
Because they are brave!

We're fine with you next to us,
You are a reliable wall.
And for now, you are all on guard
Our country is on lockdown!
Happy Defender's Day
We congratulate you!
Be happy and healthy
Live peacefully, without enemies.

Warmth for loved ones and relatives
Let them warm your heart,
And luck and fortune
They give you the mood!
On this serious holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day,
I want to say important words.
May courage and bravery be with you,
And their hearts will be filled with warmth and courage.

A man is destined not only
Protect the borders of the native country,
And to be a standard, a defender of the home,
And help out the family in difficult times.

So may good luck be with you,
And perseverance, courage, determination are with you.
May life be filled with happiness
I wish you to accomplish great things.
Brave, honest, even courageous,
Smart, kind, fearless at heart.
With a woman - gentle, in business - serious,
All the tasks are difficult for you.

We congratulate you on the holiday of courage,
Roy kind words let it swirl above you:
Happiness, health, love and patience,
Faith, good luck, hope, luck!
Congratulations on this holiday
All defenders of the country!
I sincerely wish you
Happiness, joy, love.

Never be discouraged
Be strong in everything.
Don't give up, don't be timid.
Let the enemy not come into the house.
Today all men are happy -
On the day of February 23
They expect rewards from women.
And not tits, but cranes.

After all, in just three weeks
The terrible “women's court” will come...
Not everyone will overcome it,
The weak may have a stroke.

Today have a blast -
Let her run.
Be a little unhappy
Look like you're looking down on me.

So that you don't feel offended,
That I missed such a moment.
When the Eighth of March comes,
Your opponent will attack!
February 23 -
Red calendar day.
It's red and cool.
About beautiful men.

It's about warriors, fighters.
About husbands and fathers.
About star generals
And about small boys.

Male Colleagues Day,
Grandfathers' Day and Matchmaker's Day.
Brothers, godfathers, neighbors...
Everyone who is ready for protection.

Everyone who can become a breast
And defend the Fatherland.
All men today we will
Hug and congratulate!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
Let your dreams come true
Let love to infinity
Gives the joy of warmth.

May goodness and inspiration
Makes the heart sing
Let a true heart help
Protect from all troubles!
Happy holiday, dear men!
Let there be enough strength for everything:
On loved ones, on friends,
Be more cheerful to all your peers!

So that you go to work like a formidable infantry,
So that the family is a reliable rear,
And so that every new day
It was better than yesterday!
Everyone who stands in defense of the Motherland,
Everyone who guarded her lands
From the introduction of enemy alien forces
You deserve the best of praise!

May your life be peaceful
Full of happiness, laughter, beauty.
May peace come to the whole earth,
Let there be no reason for alarm!
Congratulations on the men's holiday
And I wish to always be like this.
So that everyone in the world respects
To make ladies lose their heads.

The woman you love is with you
As if there was always a stone wall.
Make decisions, dare
Achieve your goal, win.

Always be a protector for everyone.
May success accompany you!
We have a reason to be proud -
These are our glorious men!
Congratulations on the Twenty-third of February.
I wish you courage, patience and strength!
Let luck only follow you,
May you be successful in everything in life!

Let at work and with family
Everything will be perfect for sure!
May your wishes come true,
May you be the happiest in the Universe!
We hasten to congratulate you, men,
We have reasons for this.
You are our strength and support,
And you charge with enthusiasm.

May life bring you a lot of happiness,
They pass by bad weather.
And may the day give a lot of light,
And there is peace and summer in my soul.
This holiday is for men.
You need to wish
So that there is no reason
Take up arms.

Peace reigned and kindness
On a big planet
The birds sang in the morning,
And the children laughed!
Dear men, today is for you,
All words of congratulations are heard.
We want to wish you peace, goodness,
A sea of ​​happiness and inspiration.

You are our and our country's defenders,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
May everything you wish come true.
And may the reward be worthy.
Congratulations, men,
Happy Twenty-third of February.
You are the defenders of the Fatherland,
The Earth is grateful to you.

Be brave on guard
The borders of the native country,
To the malice of the enemy's power
I avoided it.

Congratulations to you men
Happy Defender's Day
And with all our hearts we wish,
So that there is no war.

Remain in success
And good luck.
We need you, know that.
Let everyone argue!
On the day of courage and maturity,
On the day of pride and courage,
I want to wish men
Confessions and fidelity!

For your friends to wait
Friends didn't betray me
Parents didn't cry
And the money... quietly dripped.
Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day,
We wish peace to all humanity,
And for defenders - special wishes:
Achieve fame and recognition in life,

Overhead there is a clear sky,
There is a beautiful mood in the heart,
Get up on that foot in the morning,
May your health be excellent!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day to you,
You are our brave defender.
You are full of strength, success, goodness,
You like the spirit of danger.

May everything be good everywhere,
May your health grow stronger every hour.
There will be light in your soul,
Let happiness bloom with love.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland
All earthly humanity.
We wish the best to all fighters:
From men to gentle ladies!

We sincerely congratulate everyone,
We wish you clear skies,
Hearts full of happiness
To the “address” - a kind word!

May peace always reign,
There will be peace above your head,
And if the enemy visits us -
The DEFENDER will protect us!
You are a man - that's the point.
Be happy in a harsh life.
There's a bright star in the sky
Let it illuminate the shores.

Your choice will be right
Friends accompany you.
Pure love and devotion,
The roads are bright and radiant,

Courage, courage and strength,
All goals will be achievable.
Health, happiness, peace and goodness.
Happy Defender's Day! Happy February 23rd!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland
Congratulations to all the men.
Will, courage, success,
I wish you a lot of strength.

I wish you clear skies
Strong friendship and love.
I congratulate you on your day,
Dedicating poems to you!
Firm gaze, steep shoulders.
Not always ideal.
We are calm next to you,
Happy February 23rd!

Win, convince,
Your clear steps
Let them be heard everywhere,
All paths are submissive to them!
I wish all men this holiday
Good luck, all sorts of victories,
Have a hundred reasons for happiness,
May you live happily for many years!

Let there be family, friends,
And a very fat wallet,
Let your boss praise you
After all, you know a lot about your business!

Good health and strength
I want to wish you
May you always live beautifully,
Go on holiday to Cyprus!
May life be full of love and joy,
Everyone's cherished dreams come true.
And there will be a lot of strength and courage in the heart,
And everything will turn out the way you want!

Let it happen in your family and at work
There will be no sorrows, no worries,
And the wallet will only contain large banknotes!
And may you always be lucky in life!
Defender of the Fatherland Day -
Not just a calendar day.
Day of valiant people and honor,
And lives given not in vain!

Congratulations to the men today,
We wish you happiness and victories,
And peace in life, and good luck,
Know neither sorrows nor misfortunes!

Let luck accompany you,
And let your friends be nearby.
And may the holiday be calm -
Day February 23rd!
Twenty third of February
It became a day off for good reason -
Celebrated for a reason
Real men.

I wish you strength
Enough courage to last forever
So that along the roads of life
Success kept pace with you.

So that army skills
We couldn't wait to see it come to fruition.
Let there be such a big one in the country
There will be only peace and quiet.
May a wave of happiness overwhelm you,
My protector, brave hero!
So that he shines, so that he always smiles,
He was gifted royally by fate.

May your dreams come true soon,
Let the problems, pain and sadness go away.
So that paths and spaces open up,
Where could you rest your soul?

Let the love in your heart not fade away,
Faith in miracles never fades.
I congratulate you on a good holiday,
A dear person close to me!
You are brave, strong, noble,
You have no shortcomings.
I congratulate you with all my heart
I'm from February 23rd!

May your will be strong
And the heart is kind and big,
Now there are so few real ones,
Unbroken men.

I wish you happiness and peace,
Have a nice warm evening,
So that no one bothers
Your Fatherland of peaceful dreams.
I am the strong half of humanity
I wish you on Defender of the Fatherland Day
Health, a lot of strength and longevity,
May you be happy on the twenty-third!

May your wishes always come true,
Incomes multiply very quickly,
I wish you to be great husbands,
Fathers and, of course, sons!
Defenders of the Fatherland,
Worthy men
We heartily congratulate you,
And we want to wish
Endurance, tenacity,
Fearlessness in everything.
And strength without cruelty,
Go your own way.
Let them always wait for you at home,
They'll hug you in the evening.
Stay strong!
Greetings to the defenders of the Fatherland!
You are a stronghold of peace. And today humanity
Thank you all for my peace
Yes, respect for you is carefully preserved.
Let us resolutely repel the enemy,
And when necessary, stand up for the country.
You, only you alone, are our protection.
Today we will openly say about you:
Cool guys and handsome men everywhere.
Be equal, everyone calm down! Regardless of the years,
May you be successful today and always.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland
The male half of humanity!
We wish you to always be healthy
And we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

Clear skies to you, clear sun,
You don’t know the dangerous path in this life,
To defend the country, loved ones, relatives,
And even the simplest citizens of the country!

Let there be coziness and comfort in the family,
Do not see troubles and adversities in your life,
Always smile, serve the Fatherland,
And we wish you to live only in happiness!
Men, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
Today is the Twenty-third of February!
May luck not leave you,
Stay in the lead and at the helm.

So that it is not for nothing that you are called defenders,
Protected women and children
To always remain men
For dear ladies and for the entire Fatherland!
The twenty-third of February is a holiday for men,
There are many reasons to congratulate you, dear ones,
We want to wish you love, joy, success,
So that everyone is healthy, everyone is strong!

Defend your country, preserving your life,
And not grief and war, bringing peace with you,
Be happy always, dear fighters,
You are beautiful and slim, just great!
Happy holiday, dear men,
Our defenders, support and wall.
May your good dreams come true,
May your life be full of happiness!

Let it be in your family and at work
Good always reigns and peace,
All problems and worries will disappear.
May there be a joyful feast today!
Congratulations, men,
Congratulations, praising you,
And there are reasons for this -
February 23!

The set of main qualities -
Honor, valor, intelligence,
We honor the glorious heroes,
After all, we are crazy about you!

You are protection and support
And hope for the country,
Give the enemy a rebuff,
So that there is no war!
On Defender of the Fatherland Day
I wish you strength and wisdom,
Will, endurance, patience,
Overcome all difficulties.

The sky is peaceful and clear,
If there are tears, then only joyful ones,
If the path is not thorny,
And the memories are sweet.

Strong, long, devoted friendship,
All wishes come true,
So that you are proud of your victories
And they did not know defeat.
Defenders of the Fatherland
Our ardent greetings,
There is no better person in the world.

Luck and Courage
They won't leave you behind
May there be a lot of happiness
There is comfort and coziness in the family.

Let your arms embrace
Laughing child
We wish you a peaceful life,
And great joy.
We sincerely congratulate you, real men.
There are reasons for congratulations and good reasons!
Defender's Day is on the calendar today,
Holiday of honor and courage - February 23!
We want to wish you happiness, joy and long years,
So that they properly protect and keep us from troubles!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland
Congratulations to you, men,
You stand for your Motherland
We build you as one.

Hand to hand, shoulder to shoulder -
Fathers, husbands and sons,
I want to wish you happiness
On February 23rd.

May God give you health and strength,
Huge, pure love,
I wish peace to the whole Earth
And silence to the Fatherland.
Happy holiday to the right, strong,
Loyal, necessary, reliable!
The most abundant salaries for you,
And women who are faithful, not false,
I wish you strong and all-powerful friends,
Colleagues are always trustworthy,
Steep roads,
And, of course, all kinds of benefits!
We are happy to congratulate you today,
We are the men of our entire planet,
We wish them good health,
And always, the most wonderful ideas!

Long life, courage, luck,
Your devoted and best friends.
Enjoy life
Honor unity, be stronger!

So that there is peace, there is always freedom,
To live in harmony, without fear of enemies.
Enjoying the blue sky,
May they give you many tender words!
Let's raise our glasses
For our men and boys.
You have done a lot in life
For the benefit of our beloved Fatherland.

You deserve love and happiness,
Although they are not whimsical in life.
Don't let wars bother you,
Love and be loved!
Boys, young men, men,
Happy February 23rd to you!
Let today and from now on
Hearts don't hurt from sadness.

Let the spirit grow stronger and joy flow,
Let the sun shine on your way.
Love to you - everyone as a reward.
And happiness is easy to find.

Adversity in life, be it empty,
Not worth the nerves, quarrels, worries.
With hope, boldly, with a light feeling
Let's unravel the tangle of problems.

We will always support you, help you,
We will believe in you in difficult times.
I wish you success! God bless you!
We love you very much.
Congratulations to the most faithful,
Strong in spirit and brave.
Many beautiful and bold words
We wish you, it is very important
So that the strength does not decrease,
Didn't care about anything
May luck embrace you
The whole country congratulates you!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy February 23rd!
I wish you happiness
Let it happen more often
Lots and lots of positivity
Let the sun shine brighter.
Let charisma impress
The spirit of a man does not suffer,
And you are always lucky.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland
I congratulate you.
After all, for the benefit of humanity
You served nights without sleeping.

So may you be healthy
Will never leave
Well, next to the headboard
Your angel will always be there.
Happy men's holiday
I congratulate you,
Be brave and fighting
I wish it from the bottom of my heart.

May your health be good,
Increasing - income,
Be businesslike and tenacious
Always move forward!
The strongest, the bravest,
Wonderful man,
Accept gifts quickly
Because today there is a reason.

There is a special holiday in February -
Day of Defenders of the Fatherland.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Strength, victories and optimism!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland
We congratulate the men.
Endless happiness to all of you,
Let troubles go away like smoke.

Be cheerful, healthy,
May luck find you.
And keep it above your head
Only joy awaits ahead.
A great power is not afraid of enemies,
She can always rely on you.
You are a brave hero and defender of the country,
People need you every day.

I wish you with trepidation and respect
Feats of glorious and easy achievements,
Prosperity, health, success in everything,
And let the enemy fear you night and day.
Defender of the Fatherland Day - congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
We wish you to solve all problems instantly,
And we want to avoid difficulties in the future,
I wish you health, love, kindness, living in wealth, dreaming!

Let all your goals be fulfilled, success awaits you in life,
Fate will bring you inspiration and joy,
Smiles to you, comfort, prosperity in business,
May life turn out great, just like in your dreams!
Although we don't need a reason,
Say: “You are nice men!”
We are all defenders of the country
We must congratulate you on the holiday!
We wish you on this day,
So that every step in life
brought you only success,
Career so that it strives upward,
May all your dreams and goals come true,
Health to you in soul and body,
And so that your loved ones love you,
And you were the happiest of all!
I congratulate you
From February 23rd.
Always be healthy
Never be sad!

Be strong, irresistible,
The bravest and most beloved.
Be young at heart.
Let your dreams come true!
Happy February 23rd, I congratulate you!
I wish you faith, courage and strength.
You are a reliable, faithful friend,
If something happens suddenly,
You will rush to help - I know for sure.
Let the country sleep peacefully,
The insidious enemy does not play pranks,
As long as there are guys like you.
Never lose heart, guard our peaceful sleep
May any dreams come true.
Don't ever change
Regardless of the years
I wish you a peaceful, clean sky,
Be cheerful, be kind,
Love your homeland deeply
And of course the mood is radiant.
February 23 in all ages and times -
Responsible memorable date.
To the Defender of the Fatherland she
Dedicated, appropriated once.

On this day throughout the country
There are words and congratulations.
Courageous, the best on earth -
Defenders of the Fatherland forever!

God grant you the best blessings
And strong love and health to you.
And a peaceful life on earth,
Shrouded in attention and love!
The city is sending shells into the sky,
Tanks rush along the country roads,
Helicopters are circling in the sky,
The sniper glares with a caustic look.

Explosion and shot, cannonade,
Guns thunder and rocket launch.
Distance is not a barrier -
Let's conquer at least half the world.

And then after finishing the game,
Looking up from the display,
Let's say: dear, with the Twenty-third,
You are cooler and stronger than everyone else!
Men, today is your true holiday.
We wish you to be our support and protection.
Let everyone be ready for a brave feat
To do it for the good of the country and family.

We wish you courage, strength, good luck,
Always find a compromise in everything.
Defender of the Fatherland is a proud title,
We wish you to keep it for life!
We are comfortable and calm,
Because you are nearby
On a winter day and sultry summer,
Like the shadows of sentries.

We wish you today
So that everyone is happy.
So that you always know that you are home
A reliable rear awaits him.
We would like to congratulate the men,
We would like to wish them
So that there are no reasons in life
To be sad or suffer.

We appreciate you and love you very much,
You and our life are our support.
For you - all our days and nights.
We value your strength.
With the twenty-third of all men:
Smart, fat, without wrinkles,
Without hair, and hairy,
Bearded and married

Everyone who drives a car
In a tank, in an elevator, in a limousine,
Who works like a horse
Who is like fire in bed.

We wish everyone only success,
To burst with laughter,
And the work is easy,
So that milk is harmful.

And also caviar, shrimp
And young coquettes,
And wishes come true
And it was a happy life!
The most courageous, the most beautiful
We congratulate you on their men's day!
Let your every day be happy!
Let your home be filled with joy!

Let there be no defeats in fate,
May every day not be lived in vain!
We wish you victories and achievements
On your special day in February!
We want to congratulate you today
Happy day of brave and strong men,
Reliable in everything, noble.
We want to wish you success.

Good luck and growth, achievements,
Green light on the way,
Always only the right decisions,
Find what you are looking for.
Today we honor men!
It's February, your day has come.
Let there be a full house of guests,
Everything will be fine in the family.

Have fun from the heart
Let the toast sound after the toast.
Good luck, joy, love,
Health, money bag!

Love and be loved.
Good luck in every endeavor.
Try to smile more often
May everyone's wishes come true!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, friends!
May every family be happy
So that even in the most terrible dream,
None of you have heard of the war.

We wish you to live under a peaceful sky,
To love each other and raise children.
And let the weapon give its voice,
Only when fireworks sound for the New Year!
From February 23, men,
Smile more often for no reason
Be our support and protection,
And always gallant and shaved,
Pamper women with flowers more often,
Warm up with kind words,
Lend a strong shoulder
And love with your heart!
Happy holiday of courage, strength, bravery,
We would like to congratulate fortitude.
To the homeland of the faithful, faithful to the oath,
Our defenders, brave men.

Be a support in trouble and bad weather,
Always be a protection for women.
Let no adversity, misfortune
You will not be broken anywhere, ever!
Congratulations on this holiday
I am the defender of the country.
May there always be good luck
Let your dreams come true.

I wish I didn’t have to
There is no one for you to protect.
May the Fatherland be at peace
Goes to bed every day!
Today is a holiday for men,
They are honored, praised for their “rank”, for their “rank”,
For courage, devotion, care,
For kindness, love, freedom!

For our sun and sky,
For eating a piece of bread...
Thank you for this joy,
For the life of this wondrous sweetness!

We sincerely wish you all the best
And congratulations to you again!
For the fact that we are living now,
We give our deepest bow to you!
Your courage is impeccable
Your strength is great
Your friendship is so heartfelt
And such a reliable hand.

You live admiring
Your courage is great.
You live protecting
Body, word and soul.

On Defender's Day we wish
You have to go through a worthy path
And today we allow
You need to rest a little.
Happy Defender's Day,
From February 23rd.
And I want you today
Wish you a sea of ​​goodness.

Let them always wait for you at home,
They make you feel comfortable there,
May you be respected everywhere
They love, honor and understand.

I wish you a blue sky
And your dear world.
I wish you to always be strong,
You will never know the barriers.

Someone who served in the army

And he lived to see demobilization,

Without a doubt, congratulations

On this day he deserved it.

So let's drink while standing

Everyone who deserves a holiday!

The bear is still sleeping in the den,

And in the trenches you can hear FUCK

If you are a man and a warrior

Not a jerk and not a boor

Pour and drink while standing

Russian vodka 200 grams!

There is no longer that country called the Union,

There is no Soviet Army either.

They sing the blues separately in the republics,

They dance hopak... whoever can do what

Which no one shared.

A military band plays on that holiday,

For those who wore uniforms.

There is no worthy replacement for him.

Who served for a year, who served until they turned gray,

But everyone served without betrayal.

To please someone, out of revenge.

We consider FEBRUARY a MEN'S holiday,

We meet with dignity, with honor.

May God grant that the sky be peaceful

So that only silence can be heard,

To smell like clover and bread,

God grant that there is no war

Everyone celebrates this holiday!

Fathers and grandfathers, sons.

May it bring you much happiness

Beloved, courageous, strong!

Today – warm words!

Successes and beautiful victories,

Health, joy, goodness.

If you woke up in a parachute,

In a raincoat, a helmet, with a belt,

Makarov pistol under the pillow,

The familiar machine gun on the wall,

If your whole family is on the sidelines,

He looks at you with admiration,

This means you met with dignity

Whether you are a doctor or a lawyer,

Whether you're a cop or an artist,

You are a soldier, which means

Your holiday is going to hell in the morning!

Everything has been standing like a bayonet since the morning, since the 23rd, damn it.

May the army and navy holiday

Someone will definitely love you

And let the wrinkles straighten out. every man

There is one quality in people,

Is it given to us or not given,

When a machine gun fires in a fever,

One is lying down, the other is running forward,

And so in everything and everywhere and always,

When trouble falls on your shoulders,

When life takes you by the throat,

One is lying down, the other is running in front,

Well, what can you do, apparently it’s the way it is,

Let's pour wine into glasses,

My first toast and my last toast

For those who rose to their full height.

We do not curse fate

and raise a fiery glass to those

who now rules the military service,

and who once “plowed” it

So let it gurgle and splash in the glasses,

When the rear is securely secured,

For the valiant defenders of the Fatherland,

On your glorious day of the Armed Forces

Cannons and machine guns are firing,

rockets and bombs are flying,

and there are brave pilots in the sky

skillfully knock each other down

mountains of corpses lie everywhere

and tanks with a deadly wedge

sweep away peaceful fences

leaned over the military map.

This, I understand, is a holiday!

Oh, the frost is pinching your butt,

Congratulations so be it

Come to me protector

Let's love our homeland.

Even though he’s not a pioneer for a long time,

Let the military man be retired,

But if he's still ready

Remind me what honor is...

Raise a glass with one hand

Another hug your beloved

Then this grandfather did not serve,

After all, conscience and honor never grow old...

For those who are in us! For those who exist

Let the sun shine in a peaceful sky

And the trumpet does not call for a hike.

So that only during training soldiers

I went forward to attack

Nature awakens from sleep,

And our children sleep peacefully

Today, tomorrow and always!

To all those who defended our world.

And who is guarding him today?

And who repaid the debt to the Motherland in full!

For the health of the wounded,

For the freedom of prisoners,

For beautiful girls

And for you, the military. Happy holiday!

My wishes are brief:

Health, happiness, less troubles,

So that everything is in order in the family

And life for many, many years.

When the enemy climbed into a foreign land,

Rusich took out a club.

Swedes, Germans and Mongols

He drove with obscenities, a sword and a stake.

He fought back the greyhound Poles,

All sorts of other bullies.

The Turks were not happy

Russians to observe in Constantinople,

Everyone was afraid of our army.

So let's continue

The work of our glorious ancestors,

We will remember the fallen with a glass.

In between drinking

We can repel the Yankees too.

For the peace of our native country

We will stand like a mountain,

We'll turn everyone into a ram's horn,

Congratulations on our Day.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day

I wish you strength and wisdom, Will, endurance, patience,


Congratulations on February 23rd for all military personnel will make the holiday unforgettable

Probably there are no former military men. This is not just a profession, but a state of mind. To risk your life for the sake of your Fatherland, you need a special character, so Defender of the Fatherland Day is special for everyone associated with the army. Ready-made congratulations will help you more fully express your feelings on February 23.

Military personnel (former or current) perceive February 23 with special trepidation. For them, this is not just a men's day, but almost a professional holiday. I really want to say special and unforgettable words, but inspiration doesn’t always come.

Poetic congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to former military personnel

The long-awaited day has come when all beloved and respected men are honored. The date itself has historical roots, gradually transforming into a men's holiday.

But the older generation remembers well the connection of this day with the Red Army that existed in the Soviet Union. So the military can consider this day their holiday with good reason.

All women have long taken care of gifts with which they will delight their dear men, however, we should not forget about congratulatory words.

A man may no longer be an active military man, but work in the army leaves its mark on the rest of his life, because the army is not a job, but a calling.

Always smart, collected, attractive,

It is a must in any matter!

All because he is a military man,

And he will definitely do everything!

Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart,

We wish you without any doubt

Good luck in life, good health,

Let all the troubles go away soon!

Great joy, attention, warmth,

And let your cherished dream come true!

Only peaceful skies

And defend the Motherland, if necessary!

Happiness, health, good spirits,

Good luck in love and great success!

Congratulations on February 23 in prose

To people who are far from the army and its way of life, it seems that the military is a special caste that lives by its own laws and rules. To some extent this is true.

And yet, nothing human, no matter how banal it may be, is alien to those who have connected their lives with serving the Motherland. And these courageous people love the same things as everyone else.

Many people dream of receiving an e-book as a gift. For older people, the most important thing is the well-being and happiness of the family. However, everyone without exception dreams of homemade goodies, female attention or a day off with their family.

Former military personnel say that at least on February 23, you want to make sure that you are not forgotten, so sincere congratulations will be very useful.

I would like to congratulate the courageous people of my own on this holiday important man! Defender of the Fatherland Day can safely be considered your professional holiday, although you are no longer officially connected with the army. And yet you are a military man in your lifestyle, in your state of thoughts and soul. Be happy in the life you have now. We love and appreciate you very much.

Congratulations on February 23! We wish to hear the volleys of guns only during festive parades. Let your life be filled to the brim with happy and peaceful experiences, and let your professional skills be useful only for training the younger generation. Happy holiday again!

Congratulations on February 23rd for all military personnel will make the holiday unforgettable
Congratulations on February 23rd for all military personnel will make the holiday unforgettable, Society News Today Feb 23, 2018. – latest news Russia and the world today


Congratulations on February 23 to pensioners

On February 23, we traditionally celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day, one of the most important holidays in the Russian calendar. This is not just a day of honoring soldiers and fighters who served and defended the country during war and adversity - significant date has already turned into a kind of unofficial “day of all men”.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day -

Let's celebrate men.

Everyone is as brave as one

Will never leave.

Your glorious community

May it always prosper!

"Happy Defender of the Fatherland!"

Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

I will wish you happiness

Life is sometimes changeable -

The main thing is not to be discouraged!

Move towards your goals!

And obstacles and doubts

To turn into smoke!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland

And I wish you a fun meeting

This holiday is with all my heart.

And do not know despondency!

In general, only the best,

Get everything from life!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, son,

I congratulate you today,

So that I can achieve everything in life,

What, making your dreams come true,

May you be incredibly lucky,

So that you find peace in your soul,

So that my heart feels so good!

“Kiss your wife more often!”

I want to wish my husband

It is worthy to perform service,

Always serve the Fatherland,

Treasure your family,

And let him find happiness everywhere.

I want to wish you good health,

Kiss your wife more often!

“It’s not easy sometimes with me”

I know, my beloved,

It's not easy sometimes with me,

I want to tell you

That you shouldn't be discouraged.

To strengthen my protector,

And success is always with you!

Be in spirit, brother, always strong -

After all, you are a champion in life,

And on Defender of the Fatherland Day

In the face of the country and eternity

You deserve to be happy.

After all, you are already a hero at heart,

And that means the feat is yours!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day to you,

My beloved dad, congratulations,

Live with hope and love in your soul,

Believing only in the best, I wish you.

It will burst into your life irrevocably,

May good luck await you in all your endeavors

And you are incredibly lucky!

To my uncle on Defender of the Fatherland Day

I wish you happiness with all my heart,

Become an idol of humanity!

The future, I believe, is yours.

Joy, health, longevity,

And let your dreams come true,

Move forward, forgetting doubts

For the sake of peace, life, beauty!

On Defender of the Fatherland Day

I want to congratulate you

May humanity today

Your valor will be praised,

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,

Be kind and a little mysterious

I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

“Beloved, dear, dear!”

Beloved, dear, dear,

I want to say thank you

Because you are always with me,

May the force be with you!

You protect from all problems,

Let happiness sing for you,

And you never know about worries!

"Congratulations for a friend"

I want my friend

Congratulations on a wonderful holiday,

I wish you the best!

Glorify his profession.

And this holiday was created to

We never forgot

Those who protected us from evil!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day to you

My boyfriend, congratulations today,

And loving you with all my heart,

I wish only the best in life.

Sometimes there's no need to rush

You need to meet life with a smile,

May every dream come true soon!

Dear and irreplaceable men, congratulations on February 23! We greatly appreciate your mighty strength, strong defense and incredible endurance. We wish that fortune always accompanies you on your journey, love and prosperity reign in your families, warmth and comfort warm your soul. May all roads lead to happiness and new victories; may any undertaking bring excellent results and a good mood. May any peak be conquered by your courage and perseverance. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and from the bottom of my heart I would like to wish you to remain calm and confident in any life situation, do beautiful and kind deeds, take care of and deeply love your loved ones, take care of the future and achieve great heights of success.

Dear men, we congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you a peaceful life, without wars, losses and tragedies. Let your strength grow, your skills multiply, your achievements exceed all expectations. Let those around you please, your family give you strength and inspiration, your work bring the desired results. Courage to you, fortitude and a lot of luck!

I sincerely congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day, on the holiday of strong strength and gallant courage. I wish you strong nerves and steely health, true endurance and the constant fairness of life. Let your character show courage in any battle and gentleness towards loved ones, let your soul be filled with the light of courage, and your heart with wisdom and love.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day congratulations

congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day in prose

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day poems

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to colleagues

Defender of the Fatherland Day funny congratulations

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to your beloved

official congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day in prose

congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day in prose to colleagues

Congratulations on February 23 to pensioners
On February 23, we traditionally celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day, one of the most important holidays in the Russian calendar. This is not just a day of honoring soldiers and fighters who served and defended the country during


40 congratulations on February 23 that every man will appreciate

Select, copy, add. There will definitely be no shame in receiving such congratulations.

The phrases listed below can be used as they are, or you can add something different to each one. Let your wishes to male defenders - about courage, about strength, about the talent to choose the right direction and become a wall at the moment when it is most needed - be as sincere as possible.

Brevity is the soul of wit. This also applies to congratulations. Support our defenders with short and succinct phrases.

  1. “Defense of the Motherland is defense of one’s dignity” (Nicholas Roerich).
  2. “If you don’t protect our children today, tomorrow there will be no one to protect you” (author unknown).
  3. “Even a rake, unlike some people, immediately stands up when stepped on” (author unknown).
  4. “You fight to protect those who need you. So you are not alone. That's all" (author unknown).
  5. “No blow, except a blow from the sun, should remain unanswered” (Mohammed Ali).

The main quality of a defender is his courage. The greats have spoken about this more than once. Check out our selection of iconic quotes. Perhaps in one of them you will find exactly the lines with which you would like to congratulate this particular person.

  1. “The rarest and most valuable courage is the courage of thought” (Anatole France).
  2. “There are three things that must be affirmed in boys and young men - the duty of a man, the responsibility of a man, the dignity of a man” (Vasily Sukhomlinsky).
  3. “If a woman shows character, they say about her: “Harmful woman.” If a man shows character, they say about him: “He’s the right guy” (Margaret Thatcher).
  4. “It also happens (and it often happens!) that a person who a moment ago did something out of the ordinary - some reckless, bold act, suddenly becomes timid if he needs to do something completely trivial. Each task requires its own courage and its own courage. And just because you’re brave enough to kill a bull in the arena doesn’t mean you’ll be brave enough when it comes to asking for what you want more than anything else in the world.” (Luis Rivera)
  5. “I respect only those who fight with me, but I do not intend to tolerate them” (Charles de Gaulle).
  6. “How easy it is to be courageous when there is no way to escape! If you want to achieve something worthwhile, burn all your bridges behind you. That's the whole secret. Then you will be able to achieve the impossible..." (Luis Rivera).
  7. "Hands kind woman, wrapped around the man’s neck, is a life preserver thrown to him by fate from the sky” (Jerome Klapka Jerome).
  8. “A man becomes selfish only because of the whims of women. If there were no women, there would be no money, and men would be a tribe of heroes” (Erich Maria Remarque).
  9. “Every father of a family should be the master of his own home, and not of his neighbor” (Voltaire).
  10. “Every soldier carries a marshal’s baton in his knapsack” (Napoleon Bonaparte).
  11. “When we are hit for no reason, we must return blow for blow - I am sure of this - and, moreover, with such force as to forever wean people from hitting us” (Charlotte Brontë).
  12. “Courage does not exist. There is only pride" (George Bernard Shaw).
  13. “Courage is not only the one who defeats his enemies, but also the one who dominates his passions” (Democritus).
  14. “Success is not final, defeats are not fatal. All that matters is whether you have the strength to continue” (Winston Churchill).

To ensure your congratulations on February 23rd are exactly to your liking, write it on a homemade postcard.

Short messages

Even in a few words you can encode wisdom, which will become the basis of an original congratulation.

  1. A man does not know his strength until he needs it.
  2. Idleness weakens the hero more than other vices.
  3. Now you have someone to protect. It's me!
  4. No wall will protect our cozy world better than male courage.
  5. To protect means never to betray!

Drinking is unhealthy, but sometimes raising a glass is not forbidden. Especially in honor of such a holiday! And there is something to say over a glass.

  1. Money lost - nothing lost. Health is lost - much is lost. Courage is lost - everything is lost. So let's wish our men never to lose the most important thing: the courage to accomplish a feat!
  2. Let every defender have those behind him whom he sincerely wants to protect. For a reliable rear for our winners!
  3. Rudyard Kipling said: “A woman’s guess is more accurate than a man’s certainty.” So let the confidence of every man defending his home be supported by women's love and intuition!
  4. The iron said to the magnet: “What I hate most of all is that you attract without having enough strength to drag with you.” May every man present here have the strength not only to captivate, but also to lead and protect.
  5. You don't have the power to remake the world the way you want. But you have your truth and your word. And you also have the courage to, despite all the failures, still bring joy to people and tell people endlessly that life will get better.
  6. Excessive courage shown in the wrong place and at the wrong time can lead to much worse consequences than cowardice. So may you have the talent not only to accomplish the feat, but also to choose the best time for it!

Poetry can become a kind of song to the courage of defenders. Here are some poems dedicated to the brave.

I will hide you in the heart of my heart,

Your valor is beyond words.

Boris Pasternak - "Courage"

There are many types of heroism,

But I would also add to them

And courage is of a slightly different nature:

Nobility ready for action,

Like a fuse waiting for an explosion.

Eduard Asadov - “Inconspicuous Heroes”

He who is brave goes into battle with hope.

With courage, freedom is like granite,

He who does not know courage is a slave.

You cannot be saved by prayer if the enemy

We will be captured in iron chains.

But don't have shackles on your hands,

Saber striking enemies.

Musa Jalil - “On Heroism”

with the power of the enemy

beat, sound the alarm,

until the very last bullet,

left for yourself.

And if you suddenly become weak -

one's powerlessness to admit

and be able to rise again,

start everything again again.

Yuri Vyazovchenko - “Courage”

To become a man, it’s not enough for them to be born,

To become iron, it is not enough to be ore.

You must melt, break

And, like ore, sacrifice yourself.

How difficult it is to walk in boots in July,

but you are a soldier, and you can accept everything:

from a woman's kiss to a bullet,

and learn not to retreat in battle.

Willingness to die is also a weapon,

and you will use it once.

Men die if necessary

and therefore they live for centuries.

Mikhail Lvov - “To become a man, it’s not enough to be born”

Not a thirst for fame, races and prizes

Throws us onto ridges and rocks.

To experience what I have never known before -

Drink space with your eyes, mouth and skin.

Vladimir Vysotsky - “Storm”

They can be used as a soundtrack to a festive feast with colleagues or during a friendly meeting in honor of February 23rd. Each of them inspires and gives strength.

If there is a flock, there is a shepherd,

If there is a body, there must be a spirit,

If there is a step, there must be a trace,

If there is darkness, there must be light.

Do you want to change this world,

Can you accept it as it is?

Get up and stand out from the crowd

Sit on the electric chair or throne?

Viktor Tsoi - “Song without words”

On the border the clouds move gloomily,

The harsh land is enveloped in silence.

On the high banks of the Amur

The homeland watches stand.

There a strong barrier has been put up for the enemy,

Standing there, brave and strong,

At the borders of the Far Eastern land

Armored Shock Battalion.

Nikolay Kryuchkov - “Three Tankers”

Still warm sword

And putting on the armor,

What's the price, what's the price!

Figure out who you are - a coward

Or the chosen one of fate,

And taste it

Vladimir Vysotsky - “Ballad of Struggle”

We do not measure the Earth with our steps,

I'm tugging at flowers in vain,

We push her with our boots -

Push! Push.

Vladimir Vysotsky - “We rotate the earth”

40 congratulations on February 23 that every man will appreciate
Life hacker collected aphorisms and quotes famous people, poems, lines from songs. Select, copy, add. You definitely won’t be ashamed of such congratulations on February 23rd.