Sensory games for children article. Sensory games for babies

A baby’s sensory perception is an integral part of his full development. At a very early age, it manifests itself in the desire to taste everything, paint whatever wallpaper comes to hand, knock on pots and rustle paper. Sensory games for children will help develop the best personal qualities of a baby, enrich his inner world, and also introduce him to the features of the space around him. Everyone's advantage sensory games for children is that they are completely safe and aimed only at achieving positive results after they have been carried out.

Sensory games for young children

Sensory games for children early age are aimed at teaching the child to use all his senses (smell, sight, hearing, touch, taste) to obtain the greatest amount of information about the objects that surround us. With their help, the baby can learn about the color, shape, weight, size, texture of a particular thing.

Let's look at some sensory games for young children:

  • "Let's melt the ice." The essence of this game is to give the child an understanding of what state water can take depending on the change in temperature. So, first of all, put a piece of ice in a spoon and let your baby try it by touch. Then turn on the heat on the burner and melt the ice. Do this together so your child can see what happens to the ice. With great care, let your baby taste the water by touch, but make sure it is not hot. Otherwise, it may result in a burn.
  • “Get the pebbles.” This sensory play for young children begins with mom or dad taking dry pebbles with the child and placing them in a bowl. After sprinkling sand on top of the stones, fill them with water and ask your child to take them out. Emphasize that now all the stones are wet and dirty. In order to remove them onto a dry plate, they should first be washed in clean water.
  • Complete the task called “Colored Water”. With it, you will give your baby an understanding of the differences between colors, and also do this in the form of an interesting sensory game for children. The task begins with pouring clean water into a 0.5 liter bottle. Place some colored paint in the lid. For such an experiment you will need 5 bottles and 5 different colors gouaches. Screw on the lids and let your child shake the containers. Discuss with your child that at first the water was clear, but after completing the actions it turned green, blue or red.
  • "Mixing paints." Pour into a jar clean water and add red paint to it using a brush. Let the child take another brush and mix yellow. After this, you will see that the water has acquired a green tint. Continue in this manner until the water is completely dirty. You can then place a small object in the bottom of the jar and paint over the water. Give your child the opportunity to understand what is in the container.
  • Children really like the game “Water in a sieve”, which is best played in the bathroom while bathing the child. To do this, give your baby a sieve or a glass with holes and ask him to fill it with water. Observe what happens in the end.
  • Sensory game for children “Drowning - won’t drown” should the best way Explain to your child why some objects sink in water and others do not. To do this, take a ball, a pebble, a metal car, a feather and observe what happens to them during the experiment.

Happy child 26.04.2016

Dear readers, many will probably agree with me that the sensory sphere is very important in our lives. Both for adults and for our children. And one must take care of its development from childhood. Today on the blog I propose to talk about sensory (feeling) parenting and suggest sensory games for the development of our children. There will be very, very many ideas. And perhaps you can offer your children and grandchildren such wonderful games, have fun and interesting time with them, and find new ideas for activities with them.

Today I have a guest on the blog. Mother of many children Anna Ignatenia is a wonderful, warm person, journalist, and storyteller. She will tell us how in her family they have fun playing such games. Anya and I met on the Internet. Anya also took part as an author in our electronic magazine Scents of Happiness. Her article “My Happiness with Many Children” really touched me. I give the floor to Anya.

Sensory development of children

Good afternoon to all readers of Irina’s blog. Probably many will agree with me that what could be more beautiful than touch? When you feel touch, you feel lightness or heaviness, roughness and softness, plasticity, hardness, flow…. These are incredible sensations - the information that the body provides us.

Of course, and beautiful pictures, and pleasant sounds and delicate aromas are of great importance, but it is tactile sensations that are the strongest and most significant, because it is not for nothing that human skin is the largest organ. It is with tactile cognition that a little person’s acquaintance with the world begins. And he can be called a leader throughout the entire period of preschool childhood.

Sensory games for children. Unexpected discoveries

On the topic sensory development A lot has been written about children, and in particular about tactile and fine motor skills. Today we surround children with a huge number of toys and materials, the main purpose of which is precisely the development of this area, but, as often happens, we limit children in the most accessible and incredibly interesting and useful - dirty games. No, of course, children dig in sandboxes, sometimes even pick porridge with their hands, splash in the bathtub and occasionally sort through cereals, draw on flour, but all these games are short-term, limited in nature.

Myths about dirty games

We may be afraid of dirty children's games because we are surrounded by myths. I myself used to think exactly this way, so I calmly share my experiences and unexpected discoveries.

The kids will soak the whole house

It is necessary if they are left completely uncontrolled for a couple of hours. But we never allow ourselves this, even if we go away for a short time, we soon return again. In order for the game not to go beyond the boundaries, they simply need to be expanded - a large table, a space on the floor covered with a huge oilcloth.

You'll have to clean up a lot and for a long time

Yes, if the children are left alone for a long time and the materials are left freely available. I was amazed at how quickly the children and I could do the cleaning – 3-5 minutes. Moreover, the boys participate in this process with pleasure. Oilcloth makes cleaning much easier - roll it up, pour everything out and rinse. And what gets on the floor can be easily swept away and washed off. Important condition– there are no carpets or objects nearby that are difficult to wash and clean.

Clothes will become unusable

Not always. Most of the dirt can be washed off very easily, but to avoid problems, you just need to have special clothes for such games. I sincerely believe that happiness does not lie in beautiful branded clothes, but for a child in particular. If the child is dressed in such a way that the mother does not worry about things, then he develops more freely and more actively.

Children will never learn to behave carefully

Thinking this way, I took the risk anyway and got an unexpected result. In fact, children who are not limited in dirty games always know that there is a time for cleanliness and neatness, and there is a time for dirt and disorder. At the same time, they are actively involved in cleaning up after such games.

Games like this take a lot of time

I was surprised myself, but this turned out not to be the case. Preparation, as a rule, does not take long; moreover, it can be part of the game process. Cleaning takes a few minutes. And the game itself, of course, can drag on because it is interesting and useful for children, but isn’t that what we want? Well, it’s not at all impossible that the children will play nearby while the mother is busy with her own business.

Sensory games for preschool children. What is the benefit for our children?

But myths are tenacious, until you get involved yourself, you need a serious incentive. For me, this was the benefit of playing dirty. It all started when I picked up clay myself. The material amazed me so much and brought real pleasure. I crumpled, sculpted, smoothed, smeared and enjoyed.

It was then that I realized how important it is to give these sensations to children. After all, if this affects an adult, then what can we say about children, for whom tactile sensations come first. But there is something to think about:

  1. Dirty games have an incredible impact on emotional sphere, to develop internal sensations, obtain pleasure, calmness, enjoyment. Such games and activities relieve psychological stress and help you relax.
  2. While playing with “dirty” materials, sensory sensations develop when the child learns to feel the world through tactile contact, distinguish features. He receives a unique development experience.
  3. One cannot help but remember the development of fine motor skills, which goes hand in hand with tactile development, when the baby learns to use his fingers and hands.
  4. During such classes, active knowledge of the world, the properties of materials, and their features occurs. The child learns to think and draw conclusions, compare and differentiate.
  5. Of course, imagination and creative thinking are actively developing, because during the game very interesting and unexpected objects are often born. The child comes up with stories and fantasizes.
  6. There is an active development of speech, which smoothly follows from sensory-motor development. In addition, the baby becomes more and more familiar with new concepts that accompany such games.
  7. The child becomes more careful, he learns to clean up after himself, make sure not to go beyond acceptable limits, and feel when and how he can play.
  8. And finally, the child feels free, he creates, fantasizes, plays around, without the risk of being punished for pranks, he tries, studies, discovers, and he is not limited by patterns and prohibitions.

There can be a great variety of materials for “dirty games”; in fact, everything that we would not want to scatter, spill, smear, and then sweep and wipe away is suitable for this most magical entertainment.

Magical fun for our children. What sensory games do we play?


Nowadays there is a huge variety of kinetic, lunar and other sands on sale, they are also excellent material for games, but today I want to remember the most common one, because it is available to everyone. Finding sand on the street is not a problem at all and it is very convenient to play with it there; however, children and parents enjoy using it. Although games are often limited to Easter cakes. But you can bury yourself in the sand, at least partially, you can act out a fairy tale in it, make ditches, watching how water flows away, cook soups and bake pies from wet sand, build castles and tunnels, create worlds, sculpt figures.

You can organize a treasure hunt and archaeological excavations. Summer, warm spring and autumn are wonderful for all these games. But in the cold season it is worth bringing the sandbox home. Ideally, if the sand is fine - river or sea, it is much more interesting for home games, but regular sand with small pebbles will do, because the main thing is that you can take advantage of the properties of the material.

At home, you can build worlds on oilcloth or in a container, look for treasure in the sand, and sculpt from it. You can also draw with sand, for this it is not at all necessary to have a light table, you can simply draw on the same oilcloth, or you can draw on cardboard with PVA glue and sprinkle with sand.


Children can be encouraged to draw on flour, look for pictures under a layer of flour, brushing it off with a brush, or they can go further and simply make a real fireworks display, raising clouds of flour dust into the air, and paint their face, arms, and legs with flour. From these games you can smoothly move on to preparing dough.


It could be like salty dough for modeling, and dough for baking. Children get involved in making cookies with great pleasure. You can roll out the dough, tear it, roll koloboks, cut with molds, make sausages and rolls, make dumplings and dumplings, cut noodles and create pizza.

If we sculpt from salt dough, then this material is perfect not only for creating figures. For example, you can make prints with various objects, use dough as a material for fastening various parts. For example, the boys and I played construction games when the dough acted as cement.

It is interesting to wrap various figures in dough, and then release them, to determine by touch what is hidden in this or that lump of dough. Creating dishes in a children's kitchen is a different story, because the dough will perfectly serve as cutlets, pasta, ice cream, and cake.


It is initially similar in its properties to flour, but even in dry form it has a different tactile sensation. However, you can also draw on it, delve into it, look for pictures and objects. But dry starch is much better than leaving marks on flour; it’s very interesting to roll cars in it. And then you can clean them with a brush or an old toothbrush. And if you add just a little water to the starch, it will acquire some density, which will bring its properties closer to lunar sand. You can try to sculpt with it, make Easter cakes with sand molds, even build something.

Non-Newtonian fluid

By adding more and more water to the starch, we obtain a non-Newtonian liquid that hardens under sudden and strong impact and flows off when relaxed. It is very interesting to splash in such a liquid with your hands, and if possible, with your feet.

For example, we diluted several kilograms of starch in a children's pool at the dacha and enjoyed the sensations. If you pour a small amount of liquid onto the surface, you can try to draw on it, observing how the drawn lines blur.

Scale drawing

Nowadays, drawing with palms and fingers is very popular, this is indeed a very useful activity in terms of dirty games, but often we limit children to the framework of one album sheet. Children love scale, and it’s not for nothing that they tend to draw on wallpaper.

You can minimize the consequences of children's activity by providing them with a large area for drawing, for example, a piece of old wallpaper, a sheet of whatman paper, a large piece of wrapping paper, or simply ordinary sheets glued together.

We love to turn around on the floor and create - with our palms, hands, objects. You can leave traces of typewriters with paint or stamp with sponges, spray with a toothbrush, or even take paint brushes and rollers.

Another passion children have for painting own body. It’s good to use special face painting, but if you don’t have it, then watercolor, finger or gouache paints will also work. Let the children draw for fun on themselves and each other, and then immediately go to the bathroom.

I remember how my kids played tiger cubs and painted their faces with permanent marker. It turned out to be quite difficult to wash it all off, since then only our mothers have access to such drawing tools, but for children I am happy to offer markers for white boards or felt-tip pens for water based, - and let them paint themselves as much as they want.

However, I do not forbid testing these drawing tools on the floor, we have linoleum, and on mirrors, on windows. Everything is washed off in a few movements, but it’s a lot of fun for children. You can paint on the window with washable paints; it is especially interesting to create themed windows, for example, a winter or spring window. And in the mirror you can trace your reflection with the same markers. It is good to draw on linoleum with chalk. Just as a creative process in its own right, or a way to draw boundaries in other games.


If we look into the kitchen again, we will find salt there; you can not only add it to the dough, but also conduct a series of experiments: dissolve it, make crystals, change the density of water. You can also draw with salt, like sand on some dark background - oilcloth or a large sheet of cardboard. The results are very contrasting pictures that change under the influence of small fingers. However, you can again draw a picture of PVA and cover it with salt. To make such a design bright, we drip liquid paint onto the salt, and it becomes colored.

You can even build with salt if you gently stir in a little water to make it moist. This is where sand molds come in handy. All built turrets can be left to dry, and then paint can also be dripped onto them.


Does your child like to spread porridge? It’s not surprising, because he gets new tactile sensations. I somehow allowed the children to fully enjoy this activity, I even specially painted boiled semolina porridge, and then spread old wallpaper on the floor. The kids tinkered with this colored mass and were happy, but they no longer got into the mess with their hands.


Unusual new sensations arise when playing with jelly; you can make it simply from gelatin and water, adding food coloring. By the way, it’s better not to overdo it; even the rich dye is difficult to wash off from your hands. So, unless the idea requires otherwise, it is better to slightly tint the jelly or leave it completely colorless. In general, if we talk about dyes, then the most difficult paint to wash off is Blue colour, so it is especially not recommended to abuse it. You can cut the jelly, tear it, bury objects in it and then extract them.


Just great dirty stuff. Playing with it evokes simply unique sensations - soft, pliable, smooth. Of course, among the first games with clay, modeling comes to mind. The activity is fun and psychotherapeutic. But you can not only sculpt, but also draw on clay; if you smear it with a thin layer, you can scratch out pictures and patterns.

Interesting games can be played with cosmetic clay; it is liquid enough to be used for drawing. This can be done either on paper or oilcloth, or on tiles right in the bathroom. It's also a lot of fun to cover yourself with clay.

With the onset of spring and summer, it is very convenient to move dirty games outside. The biggest plus is the absence of almost any cleaning, you only need to wash and dry the children after that. And within the framework of the street, you can easily increase the dirty scale. We've already dealt with sand, but what else can we find on the street?


Puddles are magnetic poles that attract children so strongly that parents have only two options - prohibit and scold, or relax and allow. If it’s still cold outside, then you should limit yourself to measuring the depth of puddles and launching boats. But if it’s summer, then you can splash around to the fullest, build rapids, dig streams, cook soups, pour and paint with water from a puddle.


And with the help of these very water sources, excellent mud is created, which can be used for real pig entertainment. Draw with mud, make cakes and get dirty up to your ears. An important condition is warmth and clothing that you don’t mind.

Outdoor paints

You can paint the tiles on the path, write words or create pictures. You can prepare the paint from flour, water and food coloring, mixing the ingredients until the consistency of thick sour cream. Of course, the scale of painting also requires large tools - paint brushes and rollers. However, if you arm yourself with them, you can draw with just water, a kind of water mat to scale.


The concepts of “dirt” and “soap” do not go together, but it is in the category of dirty games that I include large-scale foam entertainment. Washing children from a saturated soap solution is no easier than from dirt, but it is worth it. Of course, you can hardly organize such entertainment in the yard, but if you have the territory of a private house at your disposal during the summer, then feel free to dilute tear-free baby shampoo in a bucket of water and lay a large sheet of polyethylene on the ground. By pouring soapy water over it, you will have a nice roller to slide on. It’s better for kids to crawl and use inflatable rings to make it safer.

If you dilute a lot of liquid for soap bubbles, then you can blow snakes through a sock placed on a cut-off bottle.

However, smaller games with foam can be organized at home, for example, making cakes from shaving foam, or drawing with it on the walls of the bathroom.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and have fun with your children, because this is a real opportunity to plunge into childhood, again feel freedom, sincere joy from exploring this world.

And even cleaning, washing and washing your children will no longer frighten you, because they will seem like a trifle against the background of this real happiness.

Anna Ignatenia,
mother of many children,
author of the blog Happy everyday life

I thank Anya for the wonderful article. How fun and interesting they spend their time with the children, how much effort they put in, and with what joy everything is. Amazing!

And for the soul we will listen today Edvin Marton - Love Story

see also







We conventionally call sensory games the purpose of which is to give the child new sensory sensations. Feelings can be very diverse:

visual(for example, the child sees bright colors, their flow into each other, mixing);

auditory(the child hears a variety of sounds, from the rustling of fallen leaves to the sound of musical instruments, learns to distinguish them);

tactile(what the child feels through touching, feeling: these are materials of various textures, from a soft terry towel to the cool smooth surface of glass; and objects of various sizes and shapes - a large ball and tiny beads, various balls and cubes; and contacts, hugging with another person);

motor(feelings from body movements in space and the rhythm of movements - walking, running, dancing);

olfactory(the child inhales and learns to distinguish the various smells of the surrounding world - from the aroma of a cutlet and mother’s perfume to the smell of a wooden fence and a steel crossbar);

taste(the child tries and learns to distinguish the taste of different foods and dishes).

A small child, beginning to discover the world, absorbs streams of sensory information: he looks at bright colored objects and toys, feels them and pulls them into his mouth, rattles iron lids and rustles plastic bags... He is interested in everything, every little thing matters. Adults call this period “climbing everywhere.” But, realizing the significance of what is happening for development, they support the child in his exploration of the world, putting up with disorder in the house, damaged objects and the occurrence of various “emergency” situations.

However, during the normal course of a child’s development, a moment comes when the objective world with its properties gradually loses its intrinsic value and recedes into the background. And although the development of the surrounding objective world continues, the world of social relations comes to the fore: the child learns the laws of social life and relationships between people. This interest is reflected and developed primarily in the role-playing game.

The process of exploring the world by a child with childhood autism syndrome is different. And here the following patterns can be identified. Firstly, For an autistic child, the sensory component of the world carries special significance, which remains relevant beyond early childhood. At the same time, an autistic child’s interest in an object is separated from the function for which the object was created. Developing this idea, let us assume that for such a child many objects in the surrounding world are abstract objects that have a set of sensory properties. At the same time, the child often identifies certain specific properties for himself that are insignificant to us. So, he throws magazines high up and watches their flight, which is accompanied by the rustling of the pages. He tears the dough into pieces, but refuses to make pies out of it. The child explores objects and materials in search of pleasant sensory sensations, and strives to get the sensation he likes again and again.

Secondly, an autistic child does not differentiate objects and materials according to the possibilities of their use, acts with them without taking into account their properties - tastes everything (from washing powder and toothpaste to plasticine and candles), throws various objects without taking into account the consequences (from a piece of foam plastic and cubes to dishes and an alarm clock), etc. Such an attitude and inability to foresee the unpleasant consequences of actions entails the emergence of various dangerous situations.

Thirdly, interest in the social world does not manifest itself independently and does not become an important motive for the life and activities of an autistic child. Autistic child almost not interested in toys for role-playing games: doll dishes, furniture, clothes do not have bright sensory properties and characteristics. I had to watch how a child with autism syndrome enthusiastically tried to bend doll utensils, but did not use them for their intended purpose.

In addition to their vision and hearing, young children also use tactile sensations when exploring the world around them. That’s why they like to sculpt from plasticine, rustle with candy wrappers, splash in water, and run a pencil along paper or the walls of the room. The task of parents is to direct the sensory absorption of the flow of information in the necessary direction through games, thereby opening up wider learning opportunities for their child. Tactile games develop children's perception of all kinds of objects through touch. The child learns to recognize them, compare them, and identify the differences between them.

Examples of tactile games.

Can be folded into " magic bag» buttons of different textures and sizes, figures, rings, etc. Invite your child to hold the button. Then, draw his attention to the fact that the little button jumped into the bag and hid. Let the baby find it by touch among the other things there. Create a tactile book-album in which samples of all kinds of fabric scraps will be stored: silk, wool, burlap, sandpaper, bag, velvet and others. Flip through, look at the album with your child, invite him to tactilely determine the properties of this or that material: soft, hard, rough or smooth, prickly or fluffy. Closing his eyes, the child will try to guess what you put in his palm. It could be a chestnut, a pine cone, a ball, vegetables, fruits, etc. Hide a toy in cereals, such as buckwheat. The baby will make every effort to find your surprise.

Poems for tactile games with your baby.

Spout met spout

His nose butted his nose.

And then he said “hello”

I kissed my entire nose!

Legs, legs, stomps!

Jumping, running errands.

Legs grow strong

They'll be running fast soon!

Handles, handles, all grips

Hugs mom tightly,

We'll pull our hands up

We'll soon reach everyone!

Heels, pink heels,

Let's play hide and seek with mom!

Mom hid: peek-a-boo!

I can find her!

This soft belly

He gave us a hippopotamus!

If you kiss the belly,

The baby will laugh.

The hedgehog has bristles

Our smooth back!

Here is a centipede running -

This is mom's hand.

Nose, nose, nose -

Hole on the right, hole on the left

And at the end there is a bell,

He rings when he wants.

Cheeks, sweet cheeks

Tender as petals.

Cheek - one and cheek - two!

It's time to kiss!

Everyone's ears hear perfectly,

Our ears are naughty!

When the eyes are fast asleep,

Mom's ears are watching over her.

An angel came to us

Sat on our right toe

Swung and took off -

He sat down on his head.

A titmouse flew to us

Sat on (name)'s eyelashes

She covered her eyes with her wings,

So that (name) dreams of fairy tales.

Poems for games in the bathroom.

Rain, rain, have fun! (spray the baby with a spray bottle)

Drip, drip, don't be sorry!

Just don't kill us!

Don't knock on the window in vain -

Splash more into the field:

The grass will become thicker!

That's how it rains!

Rain, rain, let it rain, (water the crumbs from a watering can)

We'll run behind the bushes

Let's stand under the aspen tree,

Let's cover ourselves with a basket!

Look how the rain is falling.

Rain, rain, harder - (water the crumbs from the ladle)

The grass will be greener

Flowers will grow

On our lawn.

Rain, rain, more,

Grow, grass, thicker.

That's how heavy the rain came.

It's raining, it's raining, it's pouring down,

Get the little kids wet!

"Rails-rails." Place the baby on his tummy. Stroke him on the back with various movements, saying the rhyme:

Rails-rails, (we stroke the child along the back with our index finger)

Sleepers, sleepers, (we stroke the child across the back)

The train was late. (with a hand bent into a fist, we run along the child’s back with light pressure)

From the last carriage

Suddenly peas fell out. (lightly and quickly tap the baby on the back with your fingertips)

The chickens came and pecked (with the index finger we “place dots” on the back with jerky movements)

The ducks came and plucked them (lightly pinch the child’s skin)

An elephant came and trampled (we put “footprints” on the back with our palm)

The janitor came and cleaned everything up. (we stroke the back with our fingertips - “sweep away”).

With the help of such a simple massage game, the child learns to distinguish different strength impact on skin, associate the strength and nature of touch with the actions of the characters in the poem. Massage movements develop skin sensitivity, stimulate skin receptors, which contributes to the development of tactile sensations.

As Sukhomlinsky said, “The mind of a child is at his fingertips.” Tactile sensations are one of the most important ways for a child to understand the world around him.

How to help this cognition through the development and stimulation of tactile sensations is described in the useful publications in this section. On its pages you will find notes on special classes, projects, work programs on this topic. Tips for creating tactile teaching aids for all ages; master classes on making original games, books, albums, rugs for the development of tactile sensations.

Different ways to develop tactile perception.

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 329.
All sections | Tactile development children. Games and benefits

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