There should be reciprocity in everything. Statuses about mutual love

Famous poets, prose writers, philosophers and “ordinary mortals” in the company of their closest friends have always discussed the existence of love, including mutual love. But only a few could and can speak on this topic. Those who met their mutual love and lived with it for many years. Fortunately, we still see elderly couples walking in the park holding hands. And they inspire hope that each of us will one day meet the same one or the same one.

How to find love and understand that it is mutual?

Finding love is only half the battle. It is more important to find mutual love. Which is a strong foundation for a long, happy relationship. Most often it comes unexpectedly, like the first snowdrop in early spring. You are not looking for it, but when walking through the forest, you cannot take your eyes off it if you have already stumbled upon it. This approach can rather be called correct, because it is quite stupid to look for something familiar in every person you meet along the way. Sometimes it happens differently and love can be found very close, in one of your close friends, to whom you have long been accustomed and did not notice that feelings exist.

To find true love, you don’t have to doubt its existence. It will overtake you in due time. In the meantime, you can devote time to self-improvement, travel and many interesting things.

Mutual love

But what if you have already fallen in love, but doubt whether this feeling is reciprocated? There are several definitions that will help you understand whether this is true. You can derive these definitions yourself. It is enough to think about what mutual love means to you.

For our part, we have compiled a simple list that may give you some ideas. In our opinion, mutual love is:

  • Mutual respect between partners and constant assistance to each other
  • Care and respect
  • Desire to spend more time together
  • Deep understanding of each other

This list can be continued indefinitely, but we leave it to you, since the process will help you better understand your feelings and analyze the feelings of your loved one.

Mutual love test

To take an even deeper look at your relationship, we offer you a test that is designed to determine whether your love is mutual or not. You will need a piece of paper, a pencil and a few minutes of free time.

Read each question and answer yes or no. If your answer is affirmative, put one on the piece of paper, negative - zero. At the end, count the points and see the result.


  1. Does your loved one often give you flowers?
  2. Are you often pampered with compliments and words of love?
  3. Do you often visit restaurants?
  4. Do you often thank your loved one and confess your love to him?
  5. Are you satisfied with your sex life?
  6. Do you feel proud of his success at work?
  7. Can you easily ask your loved one for something important?
  8. Are you preparing breakfast for your partner?
  9. Do you often get romantic dates/evenings?
  10. Do you accept gifts from your loved one with gratitude?


If you score between one and three, you should seriously think about this relationship. Most likely they are heading towards a break. You should decide whether you need to continue with them and talk to your partner about it.

If you score from four to six points, you have room for improvement. Perhaps you have just started your relationship, and your love has not yet flared up, or you have been together for so long that it has developed into a routine. Try to shake yourself up a little and renew your former passion. If you score seven to nine points, this is definitely mutual love. Support her and enjoy this wonderful feeling. Ten points indicates an ideal relationship.

I love you... Although in my own way, crookedly and at times... BUT VERY MUCH!!!

Let's go crazy with you

Without any "buts" without any "cons".

Look for you in my eyes...

In your eyes, mine is opposite...

The eyes are smiling. Either she's just happy, or she's crazy...

- How do you feel when he is near?


But he really loves... Different, well-groomed and disheveled, when all her cheeks are covered in eyeliner and mascara... tear-stained... unwanted by anyone.. Only his little girl...

Everything will be fine with you when I touch you with my hand, as long as we trust each other, I know... We will never lose each other!!!

When he was around, for some reason she always wanted to laugh, just laugh, out of happiness...

When I think about him, I smile... I've been smiling all the time lately...

And he... he's something special. Another. He has something that no other guy has. It's like there's some kind of zest to it. Specially for me...

I love looking into your eyes the color of milk chocolate... Kissing your sugar smile... Breathing in unison... Realizing that I am happy only with you!!!

The sun is entangled in your eyelashes, in your palms, palms and the world for two In your eyes the sky, in your smile the dawn... There is no more love like ours!

Just to see your eyes, smile, hear your beloved and already dear voice. And just feeling yours is the greatest happiness!

I love you not for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you.

Flowers... Candy... Cinema... Restaurants... Expensive gifts... - this is not happiness, believe me... Happiness is just cuddling with someone you love...

Happy. Definitely. It's nice to know that I have no reason to be unhappy. Insanely happy with you.

If you don’t know what to tell him, just hug him, and your heart will feel warmer for both you and him..

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, turn to him, and don’t believe that I can just hug him. I kiss him quietly... And suddenly I feel a strong hand gently pressing me to itself... at that moment I understand what happiness is.

Sometimes we will fall asleep together. So that the sun, waking up in the morning and peeping at us with its little rays, would envy us. After all, the Sun has no one with whom he can sleep.

Our meetings are the best thing in my life now. I appreciate every moment of these meetings, I remember your every word and flutter of your eyelashes. I can sit like that for a long time, buried in your neck and just be silent, inhaling your scent and listening to your breathing. You are my little paradise.

The most amazing thing is when you wake up in the arms of your loved one. He sees you without make-up, with a rag on your head, and still kisses you, saying at the same time: “ Good morning, darling!"

There are things more important than style and clubs...

There are feelings, smiles, favorite lips...

He gave me that feeling when it seems that in a minute you will go crazy with desire. And at the same time you know that your wish will come true.

I was waiting for a person with whom I could live, but I met someone I couldn’t live without.

If you love... love. Love so that the sky explodes, love so that pupils dilate, so that people open their mouths. Love unrequitedly, unselfishly, in a way that is not loved in books, and in a way that no one else loves. Love. Just to be close, to be silent and to be.....

It is a great success in life to find a person who is pleasant to watch, interesting to listen to, enthusiastically talk about, not painfully silent, laughs sincerely, remembers enthusiastically and looks forward to the next meeting...


Ice blue or sky blue?

Blue like his eyes...

I want to hug, kiss, and not let go. To love, to create. Don't stop, run and run. Only sometimes fall asleep, only in your arms. To know that you are here, nearby. Forever. My…

Now I'm infuriated by other people's touches and turned off by the looks of left-wing guys. It seems that I have begun to fully justify the epithet “YOURS”.

And let us fall asleep in different beds - the main thing is that we fall asleep thinking about each other!

- Do you have a dream?

And now?

And now I have you.

If you love without causing reciprocity, that is, if your love as love does not generate reciprocal love, if you, through your life manifestation as a loving person, do not make yourself a loved person, then your love is powerless and it is misfortune.

Friends can be divided into two categories. Some suddenly appear from your environment and become part of your life for a while. Like old-fashioned ribbon dancing. They rush through your life, just as you through theirs. Some you remember, others you forget. But there are others, not so numerous, whom I would call “chosen”; You are connected with them by genuine mutual affection, they remain forever and, if circumstances permit, accompany you throughout your life.

The deepest, most sincere desire is the desire to be close to someone. Then there are reactions: a man and a woman enter into a game, but what precedes this - mutual attraction - cannot be explained. This is desire in its purest form.

A mother's love is omnipotent, primitive, selfish and at the same time selfless. It doesn't depend on anything. The love of a husband for his wife or a lover for his mistress is a sweet bond of unanimity and reciprocity, competition in care and tenderness. The love of a father for his son or daughter - when this love exists - is to give generously without expecting anything in return; it is a blessing and a farewell to the wanderer whose safety you value most, a carefully weighed balance of weakness and strength that makes you mourn the failures of your loved one and feel proud at his successes.

Where, if not in marriage, can one observe examples of pure affection, genuine love, deep trust, constant support, mutual satisfaction, shared sadness, understood sighs, tears shed together?

Mutual love is a second wind, unrequited love is the last breath.

It is impossible for a relationship not to be mutual. If you suffer unrequitedly, maybe this is an illusion of love?

A person in love is not weak, he has a special strength - wings on his back.

If you are afraid of suffering on the way to mutual love, then you always have you. This novel is the most true.

Best status:
I'm so passionate about you that I even hate you. I hate it because I become a slave to my feelings.

Love for you is like my executioner. I'm sad and hurt without you. Only you, with your presence, can save me from torment.

Among the many promiscuous relationships, where money, lust, passion, a hymn of love sounds. This hymn is sung by hearts united by real feeling. This hymn is about loyalty, purity, generosity.

Let it rain and bad weather, at any time of the year, you are the sun for me. Even though there are wars and adversities, love is stronger than fire.

Missing you, missing warmth. So that the night quickly lights up all the stars. So that you can warm up in my arms. In my kisses I found life again. So that our love can continue.

I go crazy and die when I leave you... I feel very bad and sad... I love you, my dear boy...

When people look at the stars and they are far from each other, then at that moment they are in the same place. Let's meet today at midnight near the Big Dipper...

When the sun is shining outside, it’s my soul that sings; when the wind blows, it’s me who shivers inside every time we meet; when it’s cold, it’s me who freezes without your love.

you're still on my lonely mind.

There is one world in which my soul feels at home... This is the world of your thoughtful eyes...

Love the one for whom you would give your life without even thinking... love the one whose smile is the sun for you, love the one with whom you have heaven on earth, love the one who makes your life a fairy tale... After all, there is nothing more beautiful in the world than mutual love!

Everything will be great! Everything will be great! You are the best, and that's wonderful!

There are seven wonders of the world on earth. But there is one more thing, the most amazing and beautiful thing - YOU!

Men are not much different from animals, and if they are different, then perhaps for the worse...

how do you feel when he is near? -happiness.

Spring has come, the flowers are blooming... but that’s all crap, the main thing is you, you and me... the rest is crap! and you are crap too... the main thing is me =D

Love gives everything, but not everyone is able to take it.

Let's divide the World: the sea for you, the waves for me; heaven for you, stars for me; sun for you, light for me... or even better - all for you... and YOU for me!..

Every moment with you is dear to me, And this right is not easy, I hate this city when you are somewhere far away, Its dull landscapes, houses and streets are a trap, And I’m still waiting for you to say that you can’t live without me!!!

I want to be a daisy in your hands, so that you, wondering whether I love you or not, would tear off my clothes as if they were their delicate petals! and in the end I would understand that I LOVE!

All girls are fools (that’s how our favorite guys put it), if only we were smart, we wouldn’t be able to love you!

And he... he’s something special. Different. He has something that no other guy has. As if he has some kind of zest. Especially for me...

I want to caress you with my hands and kiss your lips and indulge in stormy caresses, I want to give myself to you!

Every moment spent with you is dear to me, you warm me with the light of your eyes. I’m drowning in them like in a bottomless pool and I don’t want anyone to save me.

The subscriber really needs affection and love

You are pain and light, peace and fear! You are the taste of heaven on my lips, the melody that I sing! You are life, and I love it!

Light your magic fire... and quietly touch... my lips... tell me... just yes)... and don’t go anywhere...))).

People who are destined to be together always find each other!

My love for you becomes more intense every minute. My heart breaks into pieces from separation from you. Come back to me. I love you!!

If there is beauty in the world, it is in your eyes. If there is pain in the world, then this is life without you. If anyone in the world is truly loved, then this person is you, believe me.

I want to hug, kiss, and never let go, believe the cry of my soul, I won’t give up YOU now!!!

People often remain lonely...because instead of bridges we build walls...

I know that I will miss you more tomorrow...than today, because today I miss you even more than yesterday!

It’s great to live in the world, but it’s bad without You. There are many joys in the world, but I can’t live without You!!!

But he really loves... different, well-groomed and disheveled, when all her cheeks are covered in eyeliner and mascara... tear-stained... unnecessary to anyone... just his little girl.

If the sky is in gloomy clouds, If you are sad again. Remember day and night you burn in my soul

I always share all the sweetest moments with you. You are my best half, I love you so much.

Mutual love is cemented by children.

Let's go crazy with you, without any “buts” without any “against” Look for you in my eyes... In your eyes, mine are opposite...

You are still a child, you are still a child, just know little devil - I love you!

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What yesterday.. is forgotten, What today.. is not important, What tomorrow.. is unknown, But one thing is clear, everything will become the past.. good or bad.. it’s up to me...

My love, my destiny. You are the other half without whom I cannot exist. My world, my thoughts, dreams, dreams, everything that is dear to me in the world is YOU!

I want you to be near, I want you to be with me. I want you not to know grief, because I’m always with you!

When I think about him, I smile... I’ve been smiling all the time lately...)

I’ll write it banally... I love you

There is too little time left for us to be together (at) dawn

I need you like air and water, without You there is no life, but emptiness.

The eyes are smiling. Either she's just happy or she's crazy...

Just as the sun's rays warm the earth, so your love warms my heart!

I’m sorry for what I love, but I’ll repeat again that I can’t live without you...

When he was around, for some reason she always wanted to laugh, just laugh, out of happiness...

There are two infinite things in the world: this is the universe and my love for you... although... I’m not sure about the universe...

Love is a disease that requires bed rest

I love you so much that I’m ready to take the moon out of the sky for you, shower you with hundreds of red roses, and steal whatever you want.

When I’m next to you, I don’t notice anything around me: I admire, admire and am proud! There is no one better, I assure you!

I need you like air and water, without you there is no life, but emptiness...

I love looking into your eyes the color of milk chocolate... kissing your sugar smile... breathing in unison... realizing that I am happy only with you!!!

Your eyes, like two fires, burn me with flame and I cannot live without you even a day apart.

I love you like the sea loves the sunrise...

You ask me what I love more: LIFE or YOU... And I will answer: “Life.” And you will leave without knowing that YOU are LIFE!!!

Do you know the difference between blood and you? Blood enters and leaves the heart, but you enter the heart and remain inside...

The message history read to the holes in the monitor: * Zaya, I love you) You are mine and I am happy * Again the tears end. I can’t and don’t want to remember about you... I just want to be next to you, but this is no longer in

I’m terrible, disgusting... modest from your thoughts I won’t return... but I’ll think... I’ll go through myself like a prophet, I’ll find you, I’ll tell you... ruin me, but I didn’t deserve love... this darkness) love her and don’t leave her... tell me

I love you...albeit in my own way, crookedly and at times...BUT VERY MUCH!!!

I think about you 61 seconds a minute, 25 hours a day, I'm already lost in time!

Have you ever danced on the moon? The stars are so close around you that you can touch them with your hand and it’s like you’re drunk on golden champagne... no? But this happens to me every time when HE is nearby...

I was born under a lucky star to have met you, and if I follow her, we will be together forever!

When they sincerely say to you, in a whisper, *I love you* it’s more pleasant than when *I love you* they pathetically shout all over the street

Snow falls quietly on the palm of your hand and melts. You are far away now. I miss you. How I would like to turn into this snow and slowly descend into your palms

Love is like scissors - the halves can move in opposite directions, but they will teach a lesson to anyone who tries to come between them...

You are the only one I miss, you are the only one I am sad for, you are the only one whose eyes I remember and whom I love very much!

The sun is entangled in your eyelashes, in your palms, palms and the world for two))) in your eyes there is the sky, in your smile there is a dawn... there is no more love like ours!!!

And in joy I love you, and in misfortune I love you, even if I sleep soundly, I still love you!

I’ll buy myself a Tefal frying pan. Let her at least think about me...

an easy way to pour out your soul is to drink; an easy way to quarrel with your parents is to be late home; an easy way to lose friends is to find a boyfriend; An easy way to find a problem is to fall in love; An easy way to go crazy is to fall in love

A serious relationship is when you see a handsome and stylish guy in the subway or on the street, you look at him, you look... and you think: “I need to buy my dear one the same hat.”

Suicide is a thing designed to kill all your thoughts and destroy the people who love you...

At least I know that he and his ex will never have anything else, I know that he only loves me, but I’m still jealous of his ex ((and I can’t do anything about it...

A kind Angel told me that you are my secret ideal! I thank heavens for loving you!!

I'm sorry, but I can't find any kind words. I just want to say that I love you.

There was no love, there is no love, and there never will be! And what you mere mortals call love is just a disease. Which takes a long time and painfully to heal!

I want you to be my teddy bear that I can take to bed with me every night.

How I want to be with you in this dark wilderness of the night, my only and dearest!

My beautiful girl! I want to say, like a boy, you are very dear to me! And let it always be so!

Everything will be fine with you and me when I touch you with my hand, as long as we trust to each other, I I know..we will never lose each other!!!

love that is never reciprocated. love to motherland.

Love cannot be mutual or not mutual... Love is reciprocity!

I want to live... No, not well, just happily. This does not mean mountains of money, but mutual love.

Love can be different, it does not always bring joy, but it is still beautiful!

Mutual love, but not together.

I love you not for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you.

Love can only be mutual, and if one loves and the other doesn’t... that’s not love, that’s some kind of bullshit...

Love gives everything, but not everyone is able to take it.

My love, my destiny. You are the other half without whom I cannot exist. My world, my thoughts, dreams, dreams, everything that is dear to me in the world is YOU!

When I think about him, I smile... I've been smiling all the time lately...

And in joy I love you, and in misfortune I love you, even if I sleep soundly, I still love you!

He who has loved once will not love again.

Mutual love is always wonderful, unfortunately it doesn’t always happen, I hope it’s not like that for you.

“living without you makes no sense, our love is stronger every day, these feelings are not just sparks, they are the flame of our nights..”

This mutually unreciprocated love...

As it turns out, it’s much harder to break up with someone you “just talk to” than someone you “just sleep with.”

On your heels, quietly, slowly, accompanies, protects, protects - my soul.

The minutes spent next to you are sweet, like marshmallows covered in dark chocolate...

Love to be loved.

The search for mutual love is like a car race... We rush after some, others rush after us... And we find reciprocity only by flying into oncoming traffic.

Even though kilometers and cities separate us, my love is with you forever and ever.

- Evil dies without reciprocity! And goodness lives forever!

There are people you just feel drawn to. And it doesn’t matter how much you communicated or saw each other in life!

Some people are surprised and infuriated that I do not reciprocate their feelings. Still would! I can't hate like that...

It's just that when we're together, I feel like I'm living again. not the heartbeat itself, but the lightness that lifts me to heaven.

“mutual love is impossible - either you love or allow yourself to be loved”

Take care of love - if it is mutual. Take care of friendship - if it is true. Take care of your parents... just take care, that’s all. Without "if".

Stop! Stop talking about mutual love...

There is love, but it is not always mutual.

Finding mutual love is like racing a car. We are rushing after one. Others are rushing after us. And we find reciprocity only by flying into oncoming traffic.

If the girl doesn't want anything! Suggest it to someone else. You'll be the first to change your mind)

In love, strange as it may seem, you have to work... give it your all. And over time you will understand whether this is your person or not.

Loving woman This beautiful woman, and the loving and beloved is doubly beautiful)))

Stop thinking about how to get love and start giving. By giving, you receive. There is no other way...

GOD!!! Send MUTUAL love to everyone who loves!!!... and don’t forget about me, please...

LOVE is unspeakable HAPPINESS when you know that you love and are loved MUTUALLY...

Mutual love builds nests, unrequited love digs holes...

If you love, then this is purely your problem. There is no need to demand reciprocity.

Mutual love is a thirst that can be quenched by giving everything and not expecting anything in return...

You will believe that a man is in love with you and you will fall in love yourself...

To fall in love with a person who loves you back,
- this is a miracle in itself!

Love? - the main thing is that it is mutual...

Statuses about mutual love and about mutual love