Conspiracy behind the door l2. Plot for a house by the road

Help me, Lord, calm the storms and calm the winds, grant me grace and peace. Trouble, storms, sea waters, but don’t touch me. Fly, you misfortunes, to the rotten swamps, and leave me alone. The road lies bright and full of happiness, I must walk along it from now on and forever. Amen.

Sunrise spell

This plot is read at sunrise, at the window.

The sun will rise and bring happiness to the house. The month will come and it will take everything away from the house. Just as the sun has endless light, so my house is endless. Amen.

Window spell

Tie a red thread to the window and read the plot:

There is a high mountain, on the mountain there is a red hut, in that hut a girl sits, spinning yarn, just as yarn is quickly spun, so everything is going well in my house. With God's help, amen.

Conspiracy to the East

The plot is read while standing at the window, facing east.

The earth is the mother of every person, and the sun is the father. Clear sun, just as you are glorious and majestic for all people, so give me your glory and greatness, so that things can work out, go well, come true, be magnified, things begin gloriously, and end gloriously. Amen.

Plot on the door and threshold

The plot is read at the threshold of the house, with the door open.

My doors are open to every good, my doors are closed to every evil. Good currents flow into the house, they will always come to my aid, for the good of my home, for happiness, for God’s grace. Amen.

Plot on the door

Whisper the spell over the front door frame.

Lord God, Master Almighty, bless, we pray to you, this palace and all your servants living in it, for they may be protected by you in a world of love and harmony, bless them, for those who do the Holy will, live here until their old age and see their sons bless your own with joys, joy and abundance, as they console the poor, bless them with longevity, as may the Lord, Creator and Savior, who pleases You, by Your mercy, those living in this palace and into Your Kingdom of Heaven, prepared for all who do Your commandments, enter. Hear us, O All-Merciful One, and bless this Palace and those who live in it, for let them praise our God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Spell for good luck at home

The plot is read in the center of the house.

Help, Lord Jesus Christ and Nikola the Pleasant. There is a cliff, rooted in the ground, not going anywhere, not waiting for luck. And I get up and go, I wait for good luck, I find good luck, I bring it with me. From now on, the currents in my house flow smoothly, with luck, with happiness, with health and all good things. Amen.

Conspiracy for grains

Whisper the spell over wheat grains. Then sprinkle the grains around the house or on the balcony.

The birds flew, pecked grains, and washed them down with water. Peck my bad luck little birds, fly overseas, come back, bring good luck. Let everything be according to my desire, according to God's will. Amen.

So that angels guard the house

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, save and preserve me, helpers have come to my house, let Your angels shelter me, protect me from evil, give me generous gifts, and I will try, in the name of the Lord I will work so that my work comes together with God’s blessing. Amen.

Conspiracy at Dawn

This conspiracy is whispered at dawn, at the window.

I’ll get up in the morning, look at the dawn, ask for light and joy. I’ll go to church, pray, and bow to the Mother of God. Mother of God, Heavenly Light, give my home happiness from this day forward. Happiness will come to the house, let it never leave. Amen.

East wind spell

Whisper at the window when the east wind blows.

Lord, bless, Father. My word is strong and molding, fly, my word, over seas and countries, fall on golden fields and golden forests. Ask the wild winds to carry golden ears of grain from those fields and golden leaves from those forests to my bins, now and forever and ever. Amen.

So that there is happiness in the house

A conspiracy is whispered in the center of the house.

Lord our heavenly God, just as You have arranged Your world intelligently and sensibly, so help me arrange my life intelligently and sensibly, enlighten me and enlighten me, give clarity and insight to my eyes, dispel the darkness, show the way to the threshold where my happiness awaits. Heavenly powers are with me! Amen.

Salt and threshold spell

Sprinkle salt on the threshold and whisper the spell.

Salted with salt, soaked in water, salt does not rot, so evil does not stick to my house. Turn away, roll away, come back! Go away, I didn't call you. Amen.

Candle spell

Whisper the spell onto a burning candle. Extinguish the candle in water and spray all corners of the house with this water.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I speak, I speak, I whisper, I whisper. From black currents, from blue currents, from white currents, from yellow currents. Just as this salt cannot be overcome by bitterness, so the unclean spirit cannot cross my house. You, uncondemned currents, unbaptized currents. Don’t walk on the sides, don’t stab at the sides, don’t waste food, don’t restrict your breathing. You, the cause of the whirlwind, wind, lively, playful, ogling, do not walk on bones, do not break bones, do not waste food, do not choke your breath. You, the cause of the vortex, the wind, I, the cause of the vortex, will disperse you, I will knock you out. I don’t leave there, don’t walk on the bones, don’t break the bones, don’t waste food, don’t choke your breath. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Candle and threshold spell

Whisper the spell onto a burning candle placed on the threshold.

There is a temple, not built by me, built by God, erected by all the saints. Saint Nicholas dug a hole, Saint Athanasius paved the floor, Saint Paraskeva the roof of the wing, Saint Michael the Archangel cut down the windows, Saint Kirik laid the threshold, Saint Simeon fixed the door. My house stands like a temple of God, protected by the saints, prayed to by God, the earth is its support, the sky is its roof, the Protection of the Mother of God is its protection. Lord Jesus Christ, come, help, defend this temple from all evil. Queen of Heaven, protect everyone in this house from all sorrow and quarrel and evil slander. Amen.

Conspiracy at the door

This conspiracy is whispered at the front door, from the outside.

In the city of Jerusalem, in the church in the cathedral, at Christ’s throne, behind the royal gates, behind God’s walls, stood the All-Merciful Mother of God, praying to God, asking for the entire baptized world. Ask us, Lady, from His goodness for bodily health and spiritual salvation, and a peaceful life, fruitfulness of the earth, goodness of the air, and a blessing from above for all our good deeds and undertakings.

Conspiracy behind the door

This conspiracy is whispered at the front door from the inside.

Holy hut, you stand in a holy place, I close the doors, windows and all your cracks from the thief-robber, from the envious, from the slanderer and the slanderer, from the dashing person and the unclean spirit. It is not I who slander, it is the Mother of God herself who slanders with the power of her slander and the Life-Giving Cross.

Location: Heroes Guild

Mystery:"Your path is dark. Only light can open it. And there is not enough light in you."

Performance: You can open the door only after completing your training at the Guild of Heroes, having received the Lamp. Light it and the door will let you through.

Hidden treasures:
Elixir of Life
Tattoo "Howl"
"How to make friends"
"Book of Spells."

Location: Greatwood Caves

Mystery:“I will only open up if I see that your combat multiplier has increased.”

Performance: You need to increase your combat multiplier to 14, or higher. The “Shield” spell will help you a lot with this: when it is active, enemy attacks do not reset the combat multiplier. In the initial stages, it will be a little difficult to fulfill the condition of the door; you can try to do this in the Hobbs' Cave, but remember: the combat multiplier is reset by half when moving from location to location.
As he wrote: " The easy way open the door that requires you to raise the combat multiplier for magicians: We enter the location, cast Slow Time, stand in the crowd of hobbs, spam Force Push (which raises the multiplier, even if cast on corpses). Voila, the combat multiplier has been raised to the required level."

Hidden treasures:
Legendary weapon "Bluetooth Saber" ( ).

Location: Greatwood Gorge

Mystery:“The conditions are: you do something very bad in front of me, and I open up.”

Performance: You have to be one hundred percent evil, or bring three or four people to the door and kill them in front of it, or eat 10 crispy chickens in front of the door.

Hidden treasures:
Legendary weapon Wellow's Hammer ( ).

Location: Darkwood Marshes

Mystery:"Beware, traveler - I only let through those who can stand up for themselves. If you want, my guards will test your strength in battle. Defeat them, and the reward is yours."

Performance: It is necessary to destroy five groups of hobbs summoned by the door.

Hidden treasures:
Will Dark Armor.

Location: Kholmogorye (Barrow Fields)

Mystery:"No, not this. Another skinny adventurer wants to lay hands on my goods. Your stunted little body makes me sad. Go eat yourself first! Here they love the portly! The plump ones! The plump ones! The fat ones! Don't give a damn about the opinion of society and treat yourself. Pies ", meat, beer - whatever you want, and more of it! When you've had enough to eat, you'll be welcome here!"

Performance: You need to write “Fat” in the “Weight” column. In general, eat more pies and lamb, and the door will let you through.

Hidden treasures:
Elixir of the Will Master.

Location: Witchwood Stones

Riddle: “Only the one who knows my name will be able to pass. And only one person in the Avo temple knows it.”
Fulfillment: To open the door, you need to knock out the word HITS from the stones located near the door (fortunately, when you click on a stone, a letter appears that sounds when you hit it).
Treasures: Resurrection potion, sapphire, chainmail pants, ruby, books, tattoo card.

Location: Knothole Glade

Riddle: "Before I open, wound my face with an arrow."
Execution: Shoot from a bow or crossbow between her eyes so that she knows that there is no point in asking for any nonsense, and the door will open. If it doesn’t work out, then upgrade your power characteristics a little.
Treasure: Elixir of Life.

Location: Gray House

Mystery:“Singles are not allowed here. Only with the faithful. Better with the titled.”

Performance: Marry Lady Gray - the mayor of Bowerstone.

Hidden treasures:
Legendary weapon - ax "Ronogg" ( ).

Location: Rose Cottage

Mystery:"I never open up on the first date. I've had my heart broken too many times. I could only open up to someone who really loves me."

Performance: So, stop! You don't need to kiss her, just give her a gift, like a box of chocolates.

Hidden treasures:
Will Bright Armor.

Location: Abandoned Road

Mystery: The door wants to meet his old acquaintances - the Noble Knight, the Dark Magician and the Bandit.

Performance: There is no need to go looking for them in Albion, just first approach her in a light plate set, then in the armor of a dark magician and, finally, in the armor of a bandit.

Hidden treasures:
Legendary weapon Dellmaster's Mace.

Location: Deadman's Field (Lychfield Graveyard)

Riddle: You need to find the armor, helmet, sword and shield of the Knight Nostro.
Completion: Find Nostro's armor, helmet, sword and shield, all of them are in the same location.
Treasure: No, since the door is plot.

Location: Headsman's Hill

Riddle: The door requires you to defeat Thunderbolt.
Fulfillment: You will be able to open it only when you fulfill the conditions for marrying Lady Gray, or rather when you fall down the cliff together with Thunderbolt. Defeat Thunderbolt and the door will open.
Treasure: No, because the door will take you to the Gibbet Woods location.

Location: The Darkwood Bordello

Mystery:"It's not easy to be a stone door. Do you know when was the last time I had a relationship with someone? Well? Never. And so the thought came to me that I would only open up to real men. And I'm afraid you still have milk left your lips are not dry. Come back when you become a real stallion.

Performance: Sleep with someone ten times.
The easiest way: get Khvat, the owner of the brothel, to drink some beer until he tells you where he buried the deed to the brothel. We go to the tree at the entrance to the location next to one of the statues and dig. Then we stomp to Madame Minge and say that you have the papers.
That's it, now we can sleep with the priestesses of love for free.

Hidden treasures:
Insolent hat.

Pagan Temple - Pagan Temple- there is no teleport from anywhere; to access the temple you need to complete .
Do both quests at once - then there will be no problems with access to the second part of the location, and the spoil there is much tastier than in the first.

Well, I’m warning you right away - look more often at the drop/spoil list of the mob, since in different rooms there are mobs with same names, but with a different drop/spoil sheet. There are already nine or ten different Triol's Priests, so check who you spoil. And one more note - many mobs in Pagan drop keys for weapons, armor and jewelry, but the whole items themselves are not in the drop list are listed. Don't be surprised, that's how it was intended.

Now about the location itself:

The first part of the location is a gloomy hall, in the center of which stands this statue:

Around the statue, the entire room is filled with mobs - all undead mobs. Now do you understand why all sorts of big things come here?
The drops from mobs mainly include the ends of the top A grade (MF and NM slippers and peppers + hats), 76 HP (regular and mid-grade), as well as keys called anteroom keys (the same keys were handed to us when we completed the quests) for access to Bagan). In this room, everything is also complicated, since on different servers there are different numbers of mobs, as well as different respawn times. Imagine the picture that I saw on one of the Java servers: there are only four mobs in a huge room and their respawn time is 6-7 minutes. Well, how can you farm the undead here?

Anterum kei keys open the side doors in the first part of the temple.
Here's a lyrical digression - once upon a time I read a guide to Pagan (in my opinion in 2007), so the author scared me so much with the description of these side rooms (and it was written there that after the door opens, there is no right to mistake - a huge crowd of mobs will pounce on you and tear you apart), in general, this storyteller discouraged me from going to Bagan, and only after some time, when I went there for the first time, I really wanted to find this author and take him away everything that sticks out from the fat body)).

In general, you open the doors with the key dropped from the mobs (stand closer to the door, sometimes it doesn’t work from afar), behind the doors there are small rooms separated by corridors. Here, not all mobs are undead, although you can find a room with undead, but basically 1-2 non-undead mobs have been added to each room. I usually hit them with a gnome, and the rest with a buffalo or an EE. It turns out pretty quickly, you just need to keep track of the time until the end of the buff and re-buff in time before the mobs break away.
In this part of the temple, mainly MF bija and keimata are added to the drop. The guard mobs between the rooms drop keys onto - don't be happy, the peak itself won't drop, only the keys.

Undead mobs in this part of the dungeon drop chapell keys, this key opens a door painted with concentric rings leading to the second part of the dungeon (if you completed the second quest).

We give the key to the gatekeeper to the right of the door, go inside:

This is the view from the back of the door - there are also many side rooms, but without doors, there is a guard between the rooms. There are a lot of mobs that spit magic and are vulnerable to dark attacks, the undead have been reduced to a minimum, you can’t trot around with bullets here anymore.

Some mobs drop keys of darkness, which can be used to open small doors at the very end of the second part of the dungeon:

Having opened this door, you find yourself in the most delicious (but also quite difficult for beginners) part of the dungeon, in the spoil there are keymats on and, including one of the two mobs in the game with a keymate spoil on.

Here's a spoiler. On many servers, mobs in Darkness are made in groups, that is, one boss called Triol's High Priest (there are five different mobs in total), and a guard of three (different) mobs. That is, you get five different groups, from one of them and the kei will spoil the dragon's bow. These piles are located all over Darkness, starting from the first room, and further through the descent to the labyrinth, in the labyrinth itself, and in the large room in front of the entrance to the altar. In this room there are all five types of piles. On assembly from the advexts I found one such pile in the second zone (Chapel), this pile will also spoil keys for fight onions.

Now about the raid boss. In the farthest room of the darkness department there are two small corridors ending with identical doors, which are called the “door to the altar”:

The conditions under which this door opens (and how it opens), as well as the conditions for the appearance of the raid boss, are a complete mess. I climbed a bunch of servers, but I still couldn’t find any patterns. I even went to other chronicles (so don’t be surprised by the screenshots here from other chronicles), but it didn’t become clearer there either.

Firstly, about opening the door to the altar: I tried everything to open it on different servers - with the darkness key, the anterum key, and the chestmaster’s “unlock” skill, as far as I remember, I couldn’t open this chapel door with the key anywhere. That is, the conclusion is who knows what, so ask immediately on your server’s forum what opens this door.

Yes, there are also options with sticks, which are stuck in every darkness room. They are called "Triol's Revelation" and according to one version, they all need to be either turned on or off for the door to open. But I haven’t found a single server where these sticks work.

When you deal with the doors, the question will arise with calling the raid boss High Priest van Halter. There are plenty of versions here too.

Using one of them, you need to kill all the mobs in the main corridor of the Chapel Room:

Only on many servers this corridor is completely empty.
The next version is to kill all the guards below in the altar:

There is another version that you need to kill some mob right there in the altar, but already at the top:

And considering that RB can be killed at this time and his respawn time is 36+ hours, all that remains is to wait)).

Yes, similar to

It is carried out with the aim of protecting the house from evil, vile and envious people who, when visiting someone else’s monastery, can cause damage and cast an evil eye on its owners.

To carry out such a ritual, you need to buy three nails without change (more is possible, the main thing is not to take change from someone else’s hands) and drive them into the door, visually designing an equilateral triangle according to this principle: one is at the top, the remaining two are at the bottom. Next, you should enter the house, closing the door behind you and say the following spell:

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“Three nails in my door. The first will kill all enemies, the second will destroy all non-humans, the third will take away all evil. All words are turned into action, all nails are turned into favor.”

As long as the nails are in the door, they will staunchly and reliably protect the room from evil witchcraft, damage and the evil eye.

At midnight you need to open a window or window, turn off all the lights and light a church candle from a match.

Taking a hair from yourself, burn it in the flame of a candle with the words:

“As my hair burns, so you, servant of God, (name), for me, servant of God, (name) will decay.

So that he only grieves for me, does not know a single woman,

He would only want me, alone, think only about me, and only suffer for me.

Just as this hair won’t grow back, so be it

no one will interrupt mine. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

— Love spell with hair

How to neutralize the mirror opposite the front door according to Feng Shui and Russian folk signs

According to the recommendations of the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, a mirror should not be hung opposite the front door, but to the side of it. Next to the mirror you need to place things that symbolize wealth, success and prosperity, in order to multiply them when they are reflected in it.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that suits you best and find out what your hidden magical abilities are.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the lack of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm, and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and the support of higher powers, you can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, ruptures in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications, he is a medium. It's about being able to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is upset, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and power that could serve for good, I will move to another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts, it’s witchcraft. You can study and cast damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an overwhelming task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer, in their innocence, from your superpowers bestowed from above.

Developing inner strength requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

What is most characteristic of you is telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small and, over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future that may be overshadowed by moving to dark side, if there is not enough strength to restrain yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and everything connected with it are not just words, but yours life choice and the power that is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream that you can never forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

The ancient teaching of Feng Shui categorically advises against placing objects that reflect the surface directly opposite the front door. This is explained by the fact that with this arrangement, the owners lose vitality, and the flow of energy is directed in a negative direction. For this reason, problems appear in the house, and positive energy is deprived of the opportunity to penetrate the house, immediately being reflected in the mirror at the entrance.

The recommendations given by folk wisdom regarding whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door are absolutely identical to the recommendations of the ancient teachings of Feng Shui. Popular wisdom says that if you hang a mirror opposite the entrance, uninvited and unwanted guests will constantly come to the owners’ house without an invitation. Also, household members will become reluctant to return home, since the mirror with its mystical properties will alienate people from their own home.