Lesson based on the fairy tale The Three Little Pigs. Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group based on the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” Tasks


Target: Recall with your children the content of the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” and develop the skill of independent coherent retelling.

Program content.

Educational objectives:

Strengthen children's ability to retell fairy tales and reproduce sequences of actions.

Continue to enrich and activate children’s vocabulary, consolidate and clarify the meaning of words;

Sound culture of speech: achieve clear sound pronunciation.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards the heroes of the fairy tale.

Developmental tasks:

To develop children's memory, attention, visual and effective thinking and imagination;

Develop the ability to create images using gestures and facial expressions.

Preliminary work:reading the English fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs.” Looking at pictures and illustrations. Dramatization of a fairy tale using tabletop, flat and flannel theater. Learning physical education lessons, the song “The Three Little Pigs”, constructing models of houses.

Move educational activities:


Educator : Guys, we are guests, let’s invite them to our “Circle of Friends”. I invite everyone to meet and say hello in the “Greeting” game. We will greet you in a special way, with parts of the body - (arms, shoulders, back, elbows), and of course with the word - “Hello!” - “Isenmesez!”

So we said hello

Educator : - Guys, do you hear? There is someone here (behind the screen someone is sneezing and trembling)

Educator : - Who is this? What needs to be said so that they will come to us and not be afraid of us.

Three children dressed as pigs emerge from behind the screen very warily.

1 child in suit:Isn't there a wolf here?

Children: Nooo.

Educator : What happened to you? And why are you so upset?

All piglets: “We have nowhere to live, autumn has come, it has become cold, and the snow has already fallen. We dream of having a big and beautiful house that will be warm and dry. And the evil wolf will not get to us.

Educator :- Yes, guys, this is a problem, we need to help our guests. But as? How can we help the little piglets?

Children : We can hide them, leave them in the kindergarten, we can build a house for them.

Educator : Guys, you are so great! What can you build houses from? What material?

Children: Houses can be built from logs, bricks, slabs, and straw.

Educator: And in order for us to find out what material can be used to build the strongest and warmest house, I suggest you go to a fairy tale, remember and tell us a familiar fairy tale! “Let’s sit side by side and talk well.”

Educator “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows! Let's sit comfortably. What spell do you know - magic words?

All children and teacher: -

“Sim – salabim, close your eyes.

If you find yourself in a fairy tale, open your eyes.”

On the screen is a slide with a picture of the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”

Educator :- Guys, what fairy tale are we in?

Children: The Three Little Pigs

In "The Three Little Pigs" : - What kind of fairy tale is this?

Children: This is an English fairy tale.

Educator - What were the names of the pig brothers?

Children : Naf-Naf, Nif-NIF, Nuf-Nuf.

Educator : Remember how the piglets lived all summer? What were they doing?

Children: They had fun, tumbled, lay in a puddle, jumped, played...

Educator :Why did the piglets decide to build houses?

Children: Autumn came, it became cold, the puddles were covered with ice in the morning...

Educator Did the piglets all start building a house at once?

Children: No!

Educator : Who was the first to build a house? And what did he build the house from?

Children: Naf-Naf was the first to build a house from stones

Educator : What were his brothers doing at that time?

Children: They sang songs, laughed, teased and made stupid jokes about Naf-Naf.

Educator : Guys, tell me what kind of character were Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf? And do they like to work?

Children's answers

Educator : What are these people called?

Children's answers: Loafers, lazy people.

Educator : What did Nif-Nif build his house from?

Children: Nif-Nif built himself a house of straw.

Educator : Did he have a strong house?

Children: No, not strong. Straw allows wind and cold to pass through.

Educator : What did Nuf-Nuf build his house from?

Children: Nuf-Nuf built a house from twigs, branches, and sticks.

Educator : Do you think a house made of branches will be strong?

Children: No, not strong, the wolf blew on him with all his might and the house broke.

Educator : I suggest we remember how the piglets ran from the wolf: “their legs were paralyzed from fear, their tails trembled, their noses were dry, every bristle trembled, they squealed throughout the forest.(children imitate fear)

Educator : How did the wolf want to deceive the piglets whose skin he put on himself?

Children: The wolf put on sheep's clothing.

Educator : Remember what the fairy tale says about the wolf when he fell into a cauldron of boiling water. With what roar did he fly out of the pipe? And how many times did you turn over your head?

Children: The wolf flew out of the pipe with a wild howl, turned over its head 4 times and ran away.

Educator : Whose house withstood the onslaught of the evil wolf?

Children: Naf-Naf's house turned out to be the strongest.

Educator : So, what material will we use to build a house for the piglets?

Children: We need to build a house of bricks. A brick house is the most durable.

Educator : And before you start building a house, I suggest you relax a little. Do you agree?

Children's answers.

Physical education lesson “The Three Little Pigs”.

“Three plump piglets are swimming in a pond. (show how they swim)

Three clever little pigs play leapfrog.squat jumps)

Three strong little pigs play basketball(show how they throw the ball into the basket)

The three fastest ones score a goal!”(show how a goal is scored)

Educator : Guys, we wanted to help the piglets, I suggest we return to kindergarten and start building a house. And in order to return to kindergarten you need to say the magic words:

One, two, three turn around

You'll find yourself in the hall again.

(Brick modules are added)

Educator : Here come the bricks! How should bricks be laid when building a house?

Children: You have to lay brick on brick.

Educator: Well done boys! I propose to start building a house for our piglets!

(children, together with a teacher, build a house for piglets from brick modules to rhythmic music)

Educator : Guys, what profession do people build houses?

Children: Builders.

Educator: So our house is ready.

Little pigs: Thank you guys, what a beautiful and durable house you built for us. Now we are not afraid of the cold, and we are not even afraid of the wolf. We even wanted to sing a song for you:

“At least you’ll go around half the world, you’ll go around, you’ll go around

You won't find a better house, you won't find it, you won't find it,

No animal in the world,

A cunning beast, a terrible beast,

Won't burst through this door

Through this door, through this door!

(The piglets move into the house)

Educator: Guys, who did we help today? What did we do? Did we succeed? Do we need to help each other and provide assistance in life?

Children's answers

Summary of integrated direct educational activities in middle group reading the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs.”

Integrated educational areas:"Reading fiction", "Communication", "Socialization", "Music".

Target: introducing children to English fairy tale"Three piglets".

Tasks: introduce children to the English fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” (translated by S. Mikhalkov); help to understand its meaning and highlight words that convey the fear of piglets and the suffering of a wolf scalded by boiling water; cultivate sympathy for the heroes of the fairy tale.

Materials: illustrations for the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”, musical accompaniment.

Progress of direct educational activities:

1.Organizing time:

Fairytale music sounds. Children are sitting (with eyes closed) on the carpet.

Guys, listen to the magical music that sounds! Who do you think is rushing to us?

This fairy tale is coming to us in a hurry! The fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” by Sergei Mikhalkov came to us.

Sit back and listen. Gain some wisdom. The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.

2. Reading the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs.”

Physical education for a minute.

Now let's play a little.

Show how happy the piglets were in the summer.

(children stand in a circle and jump and frolic).

How did the piglets escape from the wolf?

(children run in a circle).

How did the wolf blow on the houses?

(children blow into the center of the circle)

How afraid were the 2 brothers in their houses of the wolf?

How did Naf - Naf sit on the chair in his house?

(children sit down in their seats).

3. Conversation.

So, good fellows and beautiful maidens, has this fairy tale taught you anything?

You can't boast.

Doing everything badly.

Yes, being lazy and hoping that something will not work out is bad.

Boasting and bragging is also bad.

Remember how scared the piglets were when they ran away from the wolf:

“Out of fear they have...”

My legs were seized.

- “Every bristle...”

She was shaking.

With what roar did the scalded wolf fly out of the chimney?

With the wild one.

From the roof he...

Rolled down.

How many times did the wolf flip over its head?


4. Reflection.

The music is not loud.

The fairy tale has left us. She liked it with us. Guys, you all listened carefully to the fairy tale and she thinks that you will not act like Naf’s brother Naf’s bwa.

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Kovaleva Marina Viktorovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU kindergarten No. 4
Locality: Kamensk-Shakhtinsky city, Rostov region
Name of material: GCD summary for reading fiction in the middle group
Subject:"Three piglets"
Publication date: 13.12.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Target: create conditions for children to become acquainted with S.V.’s fairy tale. Mikhalkov "The Three Little Pigs"



To teach children to understand the emotional figurative content of a fairy tale, its idea, to build

simple fairy tale models;

Strengthen the ability to establish the spatial arrangement of parts relative to each other

friend during design;


Develop children's figurative speech; lead children to understand the meaning of phraseological units;

To develop the ability of children to enter into the image of the heroes of a fairy tale;

The ability to select a definition and comparison for a given word;


Foster a love of fairy tales.

Vocabulary work: enrich and activate the vocabulary - brick, straw,

hardworking, lazy, quitters, tirelessly, by the sweat of their brow, carelessly.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, artistic

aesthetic development, speech development.

Equipment: visual teaching aid “The Three Little Pigs”, book “The Three Little Pigs”,

Cheburashka doll, plane figures of piglets, visual illustrations of step-by-step

building a house from a construction set, construction set, portrait of S. Mikhalkov, color

illustrations of England, musical accompaniment, easel, magnetic board.

GCD move:

Organizing time:

Children go out into a group with a teacher and stand in a semicircle

Kind morning to the sun and the birds (raise their hands up)

Good morning - to smiling faces (spread arms to the sides)

Let everyone become kind, trusting,

Let Good morning lasts until the evening!

IN: Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's say hello to them and

Let's give them our smiles.

Pedagogical educational situation.

IN: Children, look, Cheburashka came to visit us and brought a fairy tale with him. Which one are you

find out by solving the riddle

Round noses,

Tails - small hook,

Three of them, and to what extent?

Friendly brothers look alike.

Guess without a hint

Which fairy tale characters are they from? (Three piglets)

IN: Well done! We guessed the riddle correctly, Cheburashka brought us the book “The Three Little Pigs”.

Guys, do you know that this fairy tale was written in England, a country located from

We are very far away, where the sky is almost always gray and it often rains. There are a lot of beautiful ones there

castles and the English people live there (shows illustrations of Great Britain). And so that

in Russia, children also learned this fairy tale; a children's poet and

writer Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov (portrait of the writer). He wrote a lot for children

poems such as “Uncle Styopa”, “What do you have?”, “Trezor”, “Song of Friends” and many

other. And of course the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”.

IN: Do you want to hear this tale? Then sit back and get ready to listen.

The teacher tells a fairy tale showing illustrations (visual didactic

manual "The Three Little Pigs"

After telling the story, the teacher talks with the children:

What is the name of the fairy tale?

What heroes are there in this fairy tale?

How were the brothers similar? What are they? How is Naf-Naf different from his brothers?

(the noses were like... The tails were like...)

How did Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf work? How can you say this? (“Through the sleeves”, i.e.

They didn’t try at all) The teacher suggests repeating the last phrase 2 times.

What kind of houses did Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf build for themselves? (from straw and from twigs and branches)

Were they strong?

How did Naf-Naf work? How else can you say this? (“Worked hard”, “Not

hands down"). The children repeat this expression again.

What kind of house did Naf-Naf build for himself? (made of stones) What did his house turn out to be like?

(strong, reliable)

Look at this illustration. What episode from the fairy tale is depicted here? (piglets

running away from the wolf)

How else can you say that they are running away? (rush, rush, run away)

Dynamic pause.

IN: Guys, let's imagine that you and I are those same piglets - Nif-Nif, Naf-

Naf and Nuf-Nuf. How did they frolic, play and sing a song? Let's sing with you too

this song. (Children sing a song and dance)

Problematic situation.

Well done guys, you know the piglet song well, Cheburashka also liked you

sang. But it turns out he brought you not only a fairy tale, but also these colorful

illustrations. What do they depict? (children's answers)

That's right, this is a house. What is the house made of? (children's answers)

IN: Guys, Cheburashka proposes to build the same ones for Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf

strong houses. Shall we help the piglets? (Yes)

Let's remember what the house consists of? (children's answers). Let's build houses now,

and then we will choose a pig and place it in this house.

Children approach the tables in pairs. There is a construction set in baskets on the tables.

Children begin to build a house, after the construction is completed, they come to the table, where

Figurines of piglets lie down, choose a piglet for themselves and move it into the built house.

What strong and durable houses you guys have made! Now there’s no more piglets

the wolf will not be afraid. The children stand in a circle with the teacher.

Bottom line.

- What fairy tale did Cheburashka bring us?

What heroes were in this fairy tale?

How did Naf-Naf work? (he was the most hardworking person in this fairy tale, he worked tirelessly)

How did Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf work? (they worked carelessly, didn’t try at all, were

Who did you build houses for today?

What did we build the houses from?

Guys, you were very attentive, smart and artistic today. Cheburashka

I liked it so much here that he asks to stay with us. Shall we leave Cheburashka with us?

(children's answers)

Now let's say goodbye to our guests. Goodbye!

Summary of children's educational activities educational field"Reading

fiction" in the middle group on the topic: "Three

pig" (translation by S. Mikhalkov)

Inna Sokurova
Summary of the educational activity for speech development “The Three Little Pigs”

Summary of GCD for speech development"Three pig» .


Improve grammatical structure speeches(agree nouns with adjectives).

Learn to retell a fairy tale close to the text using a mnemonic table.

Develop coherent and monologue speech.

Exercise children in the ability to compose sentences with prepositions and conjunctions.

Cultivate curiosity and a desire to help.

Develop children have mental disorders processes: thinking, attention, imagination, memory.

Develop in children, mental activity, intelligence, observation, the ability to compare, and identify significant features.

Teach children correct sound pronunciation.

To foster in children a love of folk and original fairy tales.

Methods and techniques: conversation, questions, riddles, examination, telling.

Vocabulary work:

Vocabulary enrichment: straw, boiling water.

Activating the dictionary: lazy, brave.

Individual work: to activate inactive children Nastya, Aidamir, Alydar.

Previous work: Conversation "Good and evil",reading a fairy tale "Three pig» .

Material: magnetic board, story pictures, mnemonic table for a fairy tale "Three pig» , easel, ready-made hearts, paper, glue.

Course of the lesson

IN: Guys, look what a beautiful green meadow we have. The clearing is overgrown thick green grass. Let's blow on the grass and find out what's hidden there? A stream flows through the clearing. Trace the top of the stream and the bottom of the stream with your fingers. Now let’s try to run the fingers of both hands along the stream. A path goes from the stream deep into the plain. Let's walk our fingers along the path. There are daisies growing along the edges of the path, let's pick a daisy and smell it. And further away from the cedar tree a crow flies over it and caws. How?

A fast boat is sailing along the stream. In the distance you can see a roof with a chimney. This is probably a house behind the mountain. It turned out to be a beautiful picture.

– Do you want to know who lives in the house?

D: Yes.

IN: Then guess the riddle and you will find out who lives there.

Nose – round nose

Small crochet ponytails

Three of them and what?

Friendly brothers look alike

Guess without a hint

Which fairy tale characters are they from?

D: Three pig.

IN: So, in this house behind the mountain there live three pig. Who remembers the name of this fairy tale?

D: Three pig.

IN: What was your name piglets in this fairy tale?

D: Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf.

IN: And who besides piglets Have you been to this fairy tale yet?

D: Wolf.

IN: What kind of wolf was it?

D: Angry, angry, scary, hungry.

IN: Show the angry wolf from this fairy tale. Now show me how scary it was piglets. Show how they shook. Now pretend to be brave, joyful piglets.

The piglets were very happy that drove away the wolf. They started singing and dancing. Let us clap and show you how happy we are piglets. Well done boys!

IN: Children, tell me Please: Why piglets decided to build houses?

D: Because it has become cold, winter is coming.

IN: What time of year does the fairy tale take place?

D: In autumn.

IN: Why did you decide so?

D: Because the nights became cold, and the puddles were covered with ice in the morning.

IN: Piglets did everyone start building a house right away?

D: No.

IN: Who was the first to build a house?

D: Naf - Naf.

IN: What did Naf-Naf build the house from?

D: Naf - Naf was building a house out of brick.

IN: Naf - Naf built the house quickly?

D: No.

IN: What did Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf do when Naf-Naf was building a house?

D: We played around, played, sang songs.

IN: What did Nif - Nif build the house from?

D: Nif – Nif built a house of straw.

IN: Did he have a strong house?

D: No.

IN: How did you guess?

D: When the wolf blew on Nif-Nif's house right away fell apart.

IN: What did Nuf-Nuf build the house from?

D: From twigs.

IN: Is Nuf’s house a strong one?

D: No.

IN: How did you guess?

D: When the wolf blew on Nuf-Nuf's house fell apart.

IN: Tell me, what kind of character were Nif - Nif and Nuf - Nuf?

D: Lazy.

IN: What do you think the word lazy means?

D: These are the ones who don't want to do anything.

IN: Well done boys! Now, let's sing Naf's song - Nafa:

No animal in the world,

A cunning beast, a terrible beast,

Won't open this door

This door, this door!

Well done, children! Look, kids, what an interesting table I have. And the whole fairy tale lives in this table "Three pig» . And now, I will tell you this tale using this table.

Once upon a time there were three piglet. Three brothers.

They are all the same height, round, pink, with the same cheerful tails.

Even their names were similar. Called piglets Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf. All summer they tumbled in the green grass, basked in the sun, and basked in puddles.

But then autumn came.

It’s time for us to think about winter,” Naf-Naf once said to his brothers, waking up early in the morning. -Let's build a house and spend the winter together under one warm roof.

But his brothers did not want to take the job.

There will be time! Winter is still a long way off. “We’ll take another walk,” said Nif-Nif and somersaulted over his head.

Well, as you wish. Then I will build my own house alone,” said Naf-Naf. - I won't wait for you. And only when a large puddle near the road began to be covered with a thin crust of ice in the morning, the lazy brothers finally got to work.

Nif-Nif decided that it would be easier and more likely to make a house out of straw. Without consulting anyone, he did just that. By evening his hut was ready.

Not far away, Nuf-Nuf was also building himself a house from branches and thin twigs, and by evening the house was ready.

Naf-Naf has been busy with construction for several days now. He collected stones, mixed clay, and now slowly built himself a reliable, durable house in which he could shelter from wind, rain and frost.

And at that time the two brothers sang and danced, and when they entered the forest, they made so much noise that they woke up the wolf, who was sleeping under the tree.

The wolf prepared to jump, clicked his teeth, but the piglets suddenly came to their senses and, screaming throughout the forest, they rushed to run.

Nif-Nif was the first to reach his thatched hut and barely managed to slam the door in front of the wolf’s very nose.

Now unlock the door! - the wolf growled. - Otherwise I’ll blow it so hard that your whole house will fall apart -

No,” Nif-Nif grunted, “I won’t unlock it!”

Then the wolf began to blow: "F-f-f-f-u-u-u!"

The wolf took another deep breath and blew on the second once: "F-f-f-f-u-u-u!"

When the wolf blew for the third time, the house was scattered in all directions.

The wolf snapped his teeth just in front of the little one's snout pig. But Nif-Nif deftly dodged and ran to Nuf-Nuf's house.

The brothers barely had time to lock themselves in when they heard a voice wolf:

Well, now I'll eat you both! There will be nothing left of this house now!

And he began to blow. The house is a little askew. The wolf blew a second, then a third, then a fourth time. Leaves were flying from the roof, the walls were shaking, but the house was still standing.

And only when the wolf blew for the fifth time, the house began to shake and fell apart. They rushed in horror piglets run. The brothers rushed to Naf-Naf's house.

The brother let them into the house. Poor the piglets were so scared that they couldn't say anything. Naf-Naf immediately guessed that a wolf was chasing them. But he had nothing to fear in his stone house

Ah well! Well, hang in there! Now I'll eat all three!

And the wolf pulled into himself more air and blew as hard as he could! But no matter how much he blew, not even the smallest stone moved.

But then he raised his head and suddenly noticed a large wide pipe on the roof.

He carefully climbed onto the roof and climbed into the pipe.

And there was a large cauldron of boiling water on the fire.

Black as a chimney sweep, the wolf splashed straight into the boiling water.

He had never been in so much pain!

With a wild roar, the scalded wolf flew out of the chimney back onto the roof, rolled down it to the ground, somersaulted over his head four times, rode on his tail past the locked door and rushed into the forest.

From then on, the brothers began to live together, under one roof. Children, did you like the fairy tale?

D: Yes.

IN: And now children, do you want to play?

D: Yes.


Ding dong, ding dong.

The brothers are building a new house.

Paint the walls, roof, floor

They are cleaning up around.

We will come to visit them.

And we'll bring gifts.

IN: Well done boys! Let us tell you the tale again using this interesting table. Who wants to tell?

IN: Children, the wolf is angry, scary, angry and he doesn’t know kind words. So that the wolf is not like that, we will say kind words to him. S/i “What kind of wolf?”

What kind words do you know?

D: Good, kind, affectionate, beautiful...

IN: Well done, children! What polite words can you use? transfer to the wolf?

D: Hello, sorry, goodbye, please, welcome, sorry, thank you, all the best...

IN: Well done, children! And now, to make the wolf even kinder, we will give him a gift.

Application "Hearts for the Wolf"

Elena Boeva

Fairy tale lesson"Three pig» .

Goals and objectives.

1. Continue teaching how to use natural materials.

2. Teach design a whole form from separate parts.

3. Learn to work in groups

4. Develop attention, memory, speech, motor skills, breathing.

5. Foster mutual assistance and responsibility for the assigned work.

6. Cultivate hard work and kindness using the example of a hero fairy tales.


Audio tale"Three pig» , song of three piglets, slides with illustrations from fairy tales, scenario fairy tales, 3 trays, parts for modeling the Naf-Naf house, wire frame, twigs, roof made of corrugated paper for modeling the Nuf-Nuf house, straw, rope for assembling the Nif-Nif house, dolls (three pig and wolf) .

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment. Introductory part.


Today we have something unusual for you class. Unusual, not because guests came to us, but because today we will enter the world fairy tales.

View the intro clip "Visiting fairy tales» .

Guys, do you love fairy tales?

Fairy tales Everyone loves it - both adults and children.

And what fairy tales you know?

Fairy tales teach us what to do and what not to do, what is good and what is bad. Fairy tales ridicule cowardice, greed, boasting, rudeness. IN fairy tales good always triumphs over evil.

So, which one? fairy tale Shall we go visit you today? Please close your eyes.

There's a song playing "Three pig» .

Did you guess it? That's right, that's fairy tale"Three pig» Sergei Mikhalkov.

How many of you remember this fairy tale?

Children raise their hands.

Who are the main characters fairy tales? What are their names?

Main characters - three pig: Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf.

Who else was in fairy tale?

What did Nif-Nif build the house from?

Nif-Nif built a house of straw.

What happened to Nif-Nif's house?

The wolf blew him away.

What did Nuf-Nuf build his house from?

Nuf-Nuf was building a house from branches.

What happened to Nuf-Nuf's house?

He was also blown away by the wolf.

What did Naf-Naf build the house from?

Naf-Naf built a house of stones.

Whose house was stronger?

Naf-Naf's house turned out to be stronger.

Work on the topic. Practical part.

I suggest you build houses for our piglets.

Dolls are exhibited piglets.

How many houses need to be built?

To do this, you and I need to divide into three groups.

Using a counting table, children are divided into subgroups. Toys piglets choose children.

The first group will make a house for Nif-Nif. What was his house made of?

Made from straw.

So what do we need for this?

To do this, you will need to collect a neat bundle of straw and tie it on top with a string. Then attach the door and window. To do this, you will need to remove the protective layer from the tape on these parts.

The first group gets to work.

The second group will make a house for Nuf-Nuf. What was his house made of?

From branches.

You need to secure the branches to the wire frame, threading them from top to bottom. Then remove the protective layer from the tape on the window and door parts and attach them to the house. Place a corrugated paper roof on top.

The second group gets to work.

The third group will make a house for Naf-Naf. What was his house made of?

From stones.

You will make a house from blanks. You will need to determine the location of the walls and roof of the house, connect them together using the grooves in the parts. Then remove the protective layer from the tape on the window and door parts and attach them to the house.

The third group gets to work.

While the children are working, an audio recording of the three's song is played. piglets.

The children return to their seats.

Well done, you did a good job. Now let's play a little.

How many times did the wolf blow on the straw house?

3 times. Let's read it. Slide

How many times did the wolf blow on the twig house?

5 times. Let's read it. Slide

Was the wolf able to blow away Naf-Naf's house?

Guys, why couldn't the wolf blow away the last house?

Because it was built from stones.

How did he turn out?

It turned out to be the most durable.

Let's try to beat fairy tale.

Heroes are chosen fairy tales, the plot plays out.

Final part. Bottom line.


Guys, did you like it? fairy tale? Why do you think Naf-Naf let his brothers into his house, because they didn’t help him? (Children answer). That's right, he was kind and didn't want the wolf to eat the lazy piglets. What does this teach? fairy tale?

Hard work and kindness.

Right. You did a good job today. Well done. Is our the lesson has come to an end.